Lets End This

~Wag's POV~

"So you've returned....and you brought your wizard. Excellent." Mianite says. Carter and I whirl around. I step in front of her and hold up the sword Carter granted me.

"Stay behind me Carter...." I tell her. Mianite laughs.

"Gonna let your pet wizard fight your battle? I'd've thought that the goddess of betrayal would do her own dirty work.

"I am not the goddess of betrayal! I am Carternite....Goddess of dimensions." She growls.

"You can't control the overworld. That's my domain." Mianite replies.

"Maybe not, but I can travel between dimensions at will, and remember each of them." Carter glares at him.

"I'll bring back your father Carter. You can be happy and have your family. All you need to do....is kill the wizard." Mianite laughs. I don't take my eyes off of him.

"I wouldn't kill Waglington even if my life depended on it. He is a part of my family now." Carter answers and I can feel myself relax in relief. Mianite advances on us.

"Then I'll kill him, and watch as you suffer when I kill the rest of them." Mianite sneers.

"Carter...now would be a good time to open the cells...." I mutter. The cells scrape open and Tom and Jordan pull out their weapons next to me.

Rewards of Loyalty
Pivot of Balance
Carternite's Choice

The others rush down the stairs as Mianite advances. Tucker uses his blood magic to appear right next to Mianite, and drives his sword through Mianite's heart. Ianite and Dianite had their arms raised, palms towards Mianite. I sense Carter doing the same. Jordan, Tom, and Sonja all attack Mianite as well, but he gets up chuckling.

"You think puny mortals can defeat the true God?" Mianite looks at us. That's when I advance, and aim to remove his head. There's suddenly a pain in my side. I look down and see Mianite's sword protruding from me.

"Wag no!" I hear her scream. My eyelids become heavy. Maniacal laughter echoes through the room.

"Carternite don't lose your hold!" I hear someone yell. I fall to my knees.

"Not so strong now that your wizard is down." A voice gloats. The sword is removed, and I fall to the ground.



~Carter's POV~

I watch as he falls to the ground.

"MARTHA GET HIM OUT OF HERE!" I screech. She nods and grabs him. Steve helps her and they're gone. I pull out my father's rapier while still using my power to weaken Mianite. Slowly advancing, I raise my sword and bring it down, removing Mianite's head.

"Carter.....you.....killed him...." Ianite breathes. I collapse in exhaustion. Wag....I'll be with you soon....

~Jordan's POV~

I lift up Carternite as Mianite's body turns to dust.

"Take her home Sparklez." Dianite pats my shoulder. I nod to him and exit the castle, then fly home. Her face is beautiful when she sleeps....I kiss her lips softly. Then stop about halfway back to the town. I set up a witchery ritual and place her in the center, then activate it. When it ends, I fly the rest of the way home. Now when she wakes up....she will love me and no one else.

~Carter's POV~




I stare at the world around me. It's unfamiliar. A giant tree, a large house, and a castle in the distance. Was that a small building with a teapot above it? Where am I....suddenly there are five figures in front of me. I recognize each of them instantly.

"Lynx!" I call out. Her head perks up, and her eyes widen.

"Turner!" My voice rang out and the mercenary notices me.

"Spark!" The man with green glasses nods to me.

"Wag..." The evil wizard glares at me disdainfully.

"Father...." My voice falters as my dad smiles at me. I take a step forward but I can't get closer.

"Carter...you can't reach us yet, but I know you will soon. Don't worry. Oh and tell your friend Sparklez that someone called Capsize is looking for him!" Spark calls to me. I nod, and suddenly things start fading.

"Wait....Father! Don't go!" I shout.

"I'm so proud of you Carter...." His voice breathes around me.

My eyes burst open.


End Dream


Jordan is sitting next to me. My heart beats fast. I'm glad he's here.

"Jordan! I had a dream....I connected to the other world! I saw them!" I cry out, and sit up.

"You saw Spark and the rest?" He asks. I nod vigorously.

"Spark told me something too....that someone named....capsize I believe...is looking for you." I reply.

"Captain Capsize....she's alive..." He breathes. He grabs my hand.

"We have to tell everyone! You can send us home!" Jordan shouts happily. I smile and we head out of his tower and fly to the others gathered at the dojo.

"Guys! I had a dream last night!" I call as we land. Ianite and Dianite look over to me.

"You visited another world didn't you." Ianite says. I nod.

"I saw Spark, and my father, and everyone." I murmur. Jordan takes my hand and smiles. I lean my head on his shoulder, and see Wag staring at me.

"Carternite....you're saying you saw our other versions...what are they like?" Sonja asks.

"Go ahead love. I need to talk to Ianite." Jordan kisses my forehead. He releases my hand and he leaves with Ianite. I have to admit it kind of makes me jealous but I shrug it off. I know Jordan loves me.

"Well Foxx, your alternate version is named Lynx. She's very...dark and cruel. She absolutely despises Tucker's alternate version. She wears black. A lot. Black torn shirts, black shorts over black fishnets, and black combat boots." I tell her. She frowns. I turn to Tucker.

"Your alternate version is named Turner. Turner is a mercenary and all he cares about is money. He also hates Lynx." I look at him sadly.

"Tom...Mot is my father. His hair isn't blue, but green. He's nice to everyone and always lends a helping hand. He is also a huge prankster, which is why Dianite made him his right hand man. They always pranked everyone." I laugh and Tom smiles.

"And spark....well he's very quiet and collected. I know he loves Ianite with all of his heart...and protects her with his life." I add. Then I look over at Wag. His eyes were cold.

"The name didn't change....but the personality did. The Waglington from my world I never met before, but I know of the stories. He is cold and ruthless, and evil. It's said that Mianite tried to recruit him but Waglington refused and wounded Mianite. He hated everyone and despised magic with all of his being." I sigh. Waglington nods slowly, then gets up and leaves. Martha and Steve look at me.
"What?" I inquire.

"Go talk to him." Martha commands. I follow Wag while the others begin speaking about their alternate versions. Catching up to him, he stops.
"Go away Carternite." He growls.

"What's wrong...." I ask him anyway. He whirls on me, the sword I gave him in his hands. He throws it to the ground.

"Do you think it's funny to play with my heart like that?!" He yells. I remain silent.

"You said you loved me and then when you recover from the battle you're suddenly holding Jordan's hand and acting like he's the greatest thing in the world! I'm done Carternite!" He shouts and flies off. I stare after him. With no emotion. Why? Why can't I feel anything about Wag....

"Hey Carter....we need to find out if you can send us home." Tucker says as he walks over. I nod and go with him back to the others.

~Wag's POV~

I walk into her room in the tower. My heart completely shattered. I understood with Martha....but Carter....I punch the wall and scream in frustration.

Kill her....she betrayed you....

I hear the voice in my head. Sitting on the floor, I listen to what it has to say. Finally, I make my decision.

Carternite would die.

A/N~ The dress at the top/side is Carternite's dress

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