Chapter 9: Blytonbory's Undead Travelogue.
Chapter 9: Blytonbory's Undead Travelogue.
Professor Finnelan: Listen up! There are several rules that must be followed while traveling outside of Luna Nova. Don't even think for a second that you can ignore your duties as students once you are off-campus.
Another day at Luna Nova, and this time not in classes, but on a nice weekend where the students can go to town for the day, as long as they respect the rules or else they will be severely punished.
Akko: I can't wait! Let's go eat pie and cake, and parfaits too!
Lotte: Your head is full of food.
Y/N: And you'll gain a couple million calories.
Akko: Shut up! And did you bring those buns that you cooked yesterday?
Y/N: Yes. But I won't share them with you.
Akko: Eeeh?! Why?!
Y/N: Because you will eat them all without leaving a crumb.
Akko: It's not my fault they're so delicious!
Professor Finnalan: Miss Kagari! First, refrain from any activity that suits the pride of a Luna Nova student. Second, don't use any magic. You are not in a position to take responsibility for causing a issue.
The headmistress approached Professor Finnelan.
Headmistress: Professor Finnelan, take a look at this.
The headmistress took out an unusual hat.
Headmistress: It's a long boot that I bought through mail order. You can even wear it as a hat!
Professor Finnelan: Please keep silent. Now then, everyone. Have you each brought an item to use as your amulet?
Lotte took out her book, Sucy took out one of her mushrooms, and you took out your chained broom.
Sucy:.....Why is it chained?
Y/N: It refuses to let me go out without it. I think we made some kind of connection that started taking care of me. What about you, Akko? What did you bring?
Akko: Oh, I forgot. Is this good enough?
Kagari held out her hand with a pile of dust from her pocket.
Headmistress: Oh, no, no. I'm afraid it isn't. An amulet must have emotional value. It's a charm to bring you home safe and sound. You leave it in the place you call home. For the second one, this is mine.
Y/N: What is it? It looks like a staff.
Headmistress: Yes. Just the thought of It should be compelling enough for you to return. Now then, girls. Show me what you have prepared.
Akko thought about it and threw her Shiny Chariot card into the pot.
Akko: Where are we?
Y/N felt a shiver run down his spine.
Y/N: Cemetery.
Akko: But I thought we were going to the city! I only followed you because you said this was a shortcut, Sucy!
Sucy: There is my mushroom. These grave blushers can only be found growing in cemeteries.
Y/N: -_-
Akko: What's up with that? Sounds gross.
Lotte: So creepy... It feels like a ghost might appear.
Y/N/Akko: A ghost?!
The crows that flew scared the brunette and she ran into Lotte. She couldn't stand it and fell on someone's tombstone.
Y/N: Akko!
Y/N walked up to them and brought his face close to the troublemaker.
Y/N: Look what you've done, Akko. You have destroyed the peace of a dead man.
Akko: What? Oh no.
Lotte: We might get cursed!
Akko: Cursed?!
Lotte: Doesn't it look like we will?
The wizard began to cry fakely.
Y/N: You two were so young.
Akko: Ah, I have got it!
Akko reached through her clothes and pulled out a magical item.
Akko: Ta-da! Magic restoration dust! Professor Ursula taught me how to use it, so I should be able to do something.
Y/N: Akko! Please! Don't do this! Every time you try magic, something bad always happens!
Lotte: He's right! Please! Professor Finnelan told us not to use magic outside of school!
Akko: Nobody gonna find outd if we use it here. You two are such worrywarts.
Y/N/Lotte: Q_Q
The boy and the girl feared and prayed that nothing bad would happen. Akko approached the tombstone and said:
Akko: Sosomme Tidiare!
The wave of her hand knocked out Sucy's mushroom and there was a small explosion. The tombstone did not stand up as before. Y/N sighed as he approached the graves.
Y/N: At least nothing bad happened.
Suddenly, a bony hand reached out from the ground and grabbed his leg.
Y/N: 0_0
Akko: 0_0
Lote: 0_0
Y/N: Aaaaaaah!
He tried to run away, but fell to the ground. The two girls grabbed his hand and started pulling him along with the one who grabbed his hand. Behind him, a skeleton dressed as a pirate emerged from the ground.
Sucy: A corpse.
Y/N: A corpse of a pirate!
Akko: A curse!
Skeleton: A curse? You insulted me! No cur's is faster than me, no matter how hard they try! That scum won't even see me coming! That dreadful, foolish coward!
Akko: What?
The skeleton noticed Akko and her outfit.
Skeleton: A magic-users, I understand? Aye, such a pleasant surprise. You brought me back to life!
Y/N: Q_Q Who are you?
Skeleton: Who? Me? I'm... Who I am? Who was I while alive?! I can't remember a single thing! And there is no point in trying to remember now! Being back to life is plenty fine for me! So how is my body? I have got two legs, two arms and a head.
Y/N: And no organs...
Skeleton: I don't care! I am alive! I... I have no hat! Where is my hat?! Ah, there it is!
Wearing a hat, he pulled out his sword and cut down someone's tombstone.
Skeleton: I will slice him in two as I did with this tomb! The time for revenge has come! Revenge!
The deadman ran away, leaving the four of them with glaring eyes.
Y/N's mind: (What the fuck just happened?!)
Sucy: Is it okay?
Y/N: Huh?
The wizard and the other two looked at Sucy.
Sucy: You letting him go?
Y/N/Akko/Lotte: ...
The three of them processed what just happened.
Y/N/Akko/Lotte: Eh?! Stop!
The three of you chased after the living dead. If the headmistress finds out about it, then there is a hundred percent that you will be kicked out of the academy.
Akko: How did this even happen?!
Y/EN: Your magic mixes with Sucy's mushroom! This is bad! This is very, very bad! We have to stop him!
Lotte took out her wand and recited a spell.
Lotte: Foraen Mugrowna!
The lianas nearby came to life and tried to grab the skeleton, but the wand's "battery" died.
Y/N: Aaaaand he is gone.
Sucy: Maybe we just should leave him? The grave blusher effect should wear off by sundown.
Ako: Really?
Lotte: But he could still attack someone before that happens.
Y/N: And do you remember what Professor Lukić said?
Sucy: Yes. One hundred times more terrible as that.
Y/N: 0_0
Akko: No, no, no, no! Wh-What should we do?! We have gotta catch him quick!
In the town...
Akko: Why does a dead man have to be so fast?
Y/N's mind: (You will get used to this...)
Suddenly, the red team heard a woman's scream from afar and headed there. In the market part of the city, you saw a dead man fighting with several people.
Skeleton: Is it you?! Or you?!
Akko: We have to stop him!
But before you could even approach him, the skeleton ran to the child in a tricycle and lifted him. Y/N then pulled the child out of his arms.
Y/N: What's wrong with you?!
Skeleton: Well, if it's not the young wizard boy and the young witches ladies. Don't interfere! This could be the man I'm looking for!
Y/N: It's just a kid! And what do you mean by "could be"? Don't tell me you don't even know what he looks like!
Skeleton: I will remember once I get a good look. Aye, could it be him?!
Akko: Stop!
She grabbed his skull and turned it with a crunch.
Skeleton: That could have killed me!
Y/N: I'm pretty doubtful at that.
Akko: I'm begging you, go back to your grave! If anyone finds out about you, we will be sent to hell next!
Skeleton: Revenge is more important!
Akko: We are the ones who brought you back! The least you could do is-
Y/N: Akko...
Akko: Not now! Don't you see I'm trying to...
Y/N pointed to the people who, out of curiosity, gathered to see what was going on. Akko was surprised at that.
Sucy: Do something about it.
Akko: Um... And that was our street performance!
Y/N: 0_0
Y/N facepalmed harshly as Lotte opened her eyes.
Akko: Yes, it was all an act! What you see, he is a miracle witnessed only once in a millennium! A medieval knight who returns from the afterlife to destroy his archenemy! On your right, a witch girl! And on your left, a wizard boy!
Y/N slowly waved his hand.
Akko: In pursuit this man, she too climbed out of the depths of hell to break his curse! Do you want to know where the story is going? Then leave us your wish, neatly folded up, in our hat! Thank you, everyone! You are too kind!
People poured a lot of money into the hat that Sucy grabbed. Without realizing it, the skeleton had already escaped again.
Akko: Wait, what? Where is the old guy?!
Noticing that he had disappeared, the red team heard another female scream. The girls left, leaving Y/N alone.
Y/N: -_-..... O_O Umm...
Some guy: Can you show us some magic?
Y/N: Hmmmm... I think... Sure! I call this magic spell "Goodbye, Firefly"!
After a second, Y/N spun several times on the spot and disappeared, leaving a few sparks behind. The people were amazed and applauded.
Before Y/N had time to understand something, someone knocked him down. As he raised his head, he realized two things. First, he found himself at a local bar. Second: The Skeleton was the one who knocked him down and his team followed him.
Y/N: Hey! Akko, Lotte, Sucy! Where are you going?!
Akko: We don't have to explain!
Lotte: Just follow us!
Y/N whimpered as he stood up and ran after them. He looked at Akko having something about herself.
Y/N: Is it his hand?!
Akko: Yes! And it indicates where to go! Old man, wait up!
Y/N: Akko! Look out!
The car that appeared from the corner almost hit the brunette, if the dead man had not returned, and pushed her into the sidewalk. But the rescue cost him his fragile limbs. Green blood gushed onto Kagari as the skeleton was broke apart.
Akko: No way.
Y/N: -_- May he rest in peace this time.
Sucy: It will be easier to bring him to the graveyard now.
Y/N: 0_0
The skeleton's limb jumped from Akko's hands and gathered itself back together.
Skeleton: Miss, are you injured? No? Good then! Now excuse me!
The skeleton was going to leave again, but Akko's question made him stop.
Akko: Why did you save me?
Skeleton: Because you are a witch. Witches are a symbol of wisdom, the pride of humanity! That's common sense! I'm in a rush, so farewell.
Y/N: Stop, old man!
Skeleton: Huh?
Y/N: What are you talking about?!
Skeleton: I don't have time to explain! I must find that man's house on Caliban Road! There it is!
He ran to a nearby building to break in, but the red team stood in his way.
Akko: It's definitely not! Stop it already!
Skeleton: Let me see it myself!
The red team would have continued arguing if some old man hadn't intervened in their "conversation."
Old man: You there! Are you acquainted with the master of the house that once stood there? That shop over there salvaged all that remained of it.
Akko/Lotte/Skeleton: What?
Akko: The magic item cafe? Why here?
In the cafe...
Seller: It was a mansion from the golden age of magic. That's why we acquired everything they owned.
Akko: The golden age of magic? What's that?
Seller: Do you pay attention in class? It was about two hundred years ago. The era after the witch hunts until the industrial revolution. There were no machines, so people relied on magic for everything.
Akko: That sounds great.
Lotte: -_- We already learned about it in magic history.
The dead man, after a little search, found the painted picture he needed in an old chest.
Skeleton: Oh, it's this man! His wife and child! His name was...Three, Caliban Road!
Sucy: That's the address we were just at.
Lotte noticed a letter taped to the back of the painting. It turned out to be for Luna Nova.
Akko: "Dear Miss Miranda"
Lotte: Who is Miranda?
The "pirate" pointed to the woman in the image.
Skeleton: It's this woman! Right, this girl is Miranda! This man brought misfortune onto her! He was a normal human, but he fell in love with a witch and eloped!
Lotte: How romantic!
Skeleton: Not in the slightest! His wife passed away shortly after giving birth to Miranda, and he made a vow to her family! That he would... Raise her into a proper witch!
When he heard the sound of the bell, he left the cafe and entered the bell tower.
Skeleton: He broke his vow! After he sent Miranda off to school, he never saw her again! He left her all alone!
Entering the building, everyone ran up the stairs without leaving the "pirate". After you climbed to the top of the bell tower, the dead man shouted at the top of his voice.
Skeleton: Show your face, you coward!
Y/N: Can you calm down? And besides... Woah! What a view! The city looks big from here!
Lotte: I wonder if this bell is out of use.
Akko: Huh? It's missing that thing inside. The rod that rings the bell. Look-
She accidentally hit her head on the bell.
Akko: Ouch!
Skeleton: That's it! That's it! That's it! That's it!
Y/N: What's wrong?
Skeleton: I'm a fool!
Y/N: We already know! But what's wrong?!
Skeleton: That man was me!
Akko/Lotte: What?!
The wizard gasped.
Y/N: What a twist!
Skeleton: The man I detested was myself! Miranda was my daughter! She used to play here all the time! That's why when her enrollment was decided, I made her a staff out of the bell's tongue! I turned it into a magic staff that was could double as an amulet, all so she would never feel homesick!
Akko: Wait...
Y/N: A staff?
Akko: The headmistress! Miranda is the headmistress! I saw it on her staff! Her staff has the same symbol. I am sure of it! Probably, for sure! Let's go to Luna Nova!
Skeleton: But...
Akko: I'm the one who brought you back to life! I won't let you die in vain!
Lotte noticed the sun setting, which meant there was little time left..
Lotte: We will never make it in time!
Akko: No, we can! I will get us back!
Lotte: Akko, what are you-?
Akko took out the restoration magic item again.
Akko: Please! Sosomme Tidiare!
She waved the magic pollen and the bell fell off. Everyone grabbed onto it and rolled fowards straight into the academy.
Y/N's mind: (You will never understand at which a quiet day will turn into an adventure...)
After some time, the bell finally arrived at the school. The headmistress stopped him with her cane and after that, it flew to the side.
Lotte: I thought I was going to die...
Y/N: My leg...
Akko: Headmistress, look-
A dead man... No, Mr. Holbrooke stood in front of his daughter. It was difficult to describe their feelings at this moment. Imagine that. Meeting your daughter after so many years.
Mr. Holbrooke: Miranda...
The headmistress radiated an aura of happiness and warmth. Both Holbrooke climbed the tree with Mrs. Holbrook's grave.
Headmistress: Look, mama. It's papa. Or at least his skeleton.
Mr. Holbrook: I'm still younger than you.
Headmistress: Nobody can tell without your flesh.
Mr. Holbrook: Oh, you are right!
Headmistress: See? You kept your promise.
She went to the bell and cast a spell, after which it lit up and rose into the air.
Ding dong, Ding dong, Ding dong
Mr. Holbrooke: Regrettably, it seems I'm out of time.
Headmistress: So it seems.
The skeleton turned to the young magicians.
Mr. Holbrook: You guys let me to have a wonderful day today! Thank you, young witches and young wizard! Farewell, let us meet again someday! Blessing on the future of witches!
He dissolved into leaves, which formed a couple kissing in the air.
Akko: He is gone.
Y/N slowly waved his hand.
Y/N: Goodbye.
Sucy coughed twice.
Sucy: I think I just inhaled some old man dust.
Lotte: Sucy...
Y/N: -_- You just had to ruin this moment.
Headmistress: Miss Kagari, Miss Janson, Miss Manvabaran and Mister L/N. Not only did you use magic outside the school grounds, but you also brought the dead back to life. It's inexcusable.
The boy quickly pointed at Akko.
Y/N: She did it! I told her not to do it, but she didn't listen to me!
Akko: Eh?!?! Betrayer!
Headmistress: Silence! You all will be...
Y/N: 0_0°
Lote: 0_0°
Akko: 0_0°
Sucy: 0_0
Headmistress:... punished. You will restore all the brooms in the equipment repair room.
Akko and the others were surprised.
Akko: That's all?
Headmistress: You are still in the middle of your training. I expect each of you reflect and regret for what you have done. I am clear?
Akko: Yes.
Y/N: Phew... Just a few brooms to fix. Nothing complicated.
Y/N would like to take back his words. The room was literally filled with broken brooms.
Akko: There's just no end to them!
Sucy: Move your hands, not your mouth. Y/N, where are you?
The boy pulled out of the pile of brooms and began to gulp air greedily.
Y/N: So that's where the entire academy budget went. Oh! Help me! I'm drowning! I am-!
A/N: Some of you may be asking where Furui is. So my answer is this... She will appear in chapter 11. From there the plot, action and romance begins.
End of chapter 9.
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