Chapter 7: Orange submariner.

Chapter 7: Orange submariner.


Professor Lukić: Those who commit fraud through magic will have their tongues branded with a hot iron.

The teacher laughed, evilly.

Professor Lukić: Those who kill another through magic...

Y/N: ._. ...

You began to sweat profusely as you swallowed, heavily.

Professor Lukić:...they will be eaten alive by mice, because of their razor-sharp teeth.

Y/N's mind: (Phew... I thought it would be something worse)

Professor Lukić: And finally, those who try to bring back the dead through magic...

The teacher brought her face closer to the student.

Professor Lukić: Imagine something you are so afraid of that you would rather die than face it. They will suffer a punishment a hundred times more agonizing than that!

Her next laugh made the students tremble on the spot.

Akko: Professor! Will this be one test?

But the brunette's question made the room fill with silence.

Professor Lukić: That it will.

Akko started writing down everything the teacher said. You and Lotte exchanged surprised glances.



In the hallway...

Akko: Huh? Acting strange? Me?

Lotte: I mean, you usually fall asleep during magical law class.

Sucy arrived with them.

Sucy: Hey, Constanze secretly built a movie projector. She will have a double feature with Merman Apkallu and Revenge of Apkallu.

Akko: I will pass! We have exams coming soon!

You cleaned your right ear.

Y/N: Impossible.

Sucy: Don't tell me you're going to study!

Akko: I want to work hard and try to reach Chariot's level!

You and Sucy couldn't believe that Akko is going to study. They thought they would not live to see that happen.



Professor Finnelan: Controlling objects freely requires uninterrupted concentration. Y/N L/N, you're the first.

The wizard wasn't listening to anything. Nothing at all because of the great fatigue accumulated in recent years. The only thing he wanted right now is his bed. Without knowing it, Y/N got what he wanted: sleep; but he fell asleep with his eyes open and during the lesson. Professor Ursula approached the child and put her hand on his shoulder.

Ursula: Y/N?

But the wizard didn't even flinch.

Ursula: Y/N. Y/N!

The wizard came to his senses and shouted:

Y/N: Fine! I admit it! I threw an electric eel into the pool! I beg you! Don't arrest me!

They all looked at him with a questionable look.

Ursula: Umm... What?

Y/N: Nothing! I mean... I'm ready!

Y/N walked over to the table where there was a teapot and a cup. Waving his wand, a thought came to his mind.

Y/N's mind: (It would be more convenient to do it with bare hands...)

The teapot rose into the air and poured hot tea.

Professor Finnelan: Excellent. You passed. Next up, Diana Cavendish.

Diana did better than the boy showed. Not only did she do what he did, but she also put two sugar cubes in it.

Professor Finnelan: Splendidly done, Diana.

Akko: Even I can do that and more!

Kagari waved her wand too hard and everything on the table flew into the teacher's face.

Akko: Whoops!

Professor Finnelan: Ursula! Have you not been acting as a mentor to Atsuko Kagari?! Care to explain exactly how you are in instructing her?! Depending on her results on the upcoming exams we may have to review our policies for her case!



In the cafeteria...

Akko: I couldn't understand anything...

Said the brunette, looking at her grade.

Lotte: You did your best for the first time.

Lotte turned to you.

Lotte: Y/N...

Y/N: Zzzzzz...

But you were sleeping on the table.

Lotte: Y/N?

Lotte carefully placed her hand on his back.

Lotte: Y/N, wake up.

Y/N slowly opened his eyes and saw...

Y/N: Sunflower?

Lotte: What? No, it's me, Lotte.

He lifted his head from the table and yawned.

Akko: Are you alright?

Y/N: I want to sleep...

The young wizard stood up from his seat and said:

Y/N: See you later.

Lotte: Wait, but the exams are coming soon.

Y/N: Don't worry. I'll pass. Besides, I think you should prepare properly for them.

Y/N pointed at Akko.

Y/N: Especially you.

Akko: Hmph! I'll get the highest grade in the next lesson!



The next time...

Akko failed again. White magic: C-; broomstick flying lessons: D-. No matter how hard she tried, nothing worked for her, but Y/N understood that she was doing everything she could to become like her idol.

Amanda: I'm more surprised that you got any grades just for straddling your broom.

Akko: And what about you? If you flew more normally, you would get an A for sure.

Amanda: I just flew free, just the way I like it. I did some great acrobatic tricks on a regular broom.

Amanda narrowed her eyes at the boy.

Amanda: And now imagine what I would do in The Legendary Broom.

Y/N dropped his hand with the spoon on the table.

Y/N: Oh, c'mon! You've been reminding me of this for a week now!

Amanda: I don't care about the broom anymore. I wonder why you don't use it for extreme sports.

Y/N: Unlike you, I don't want to risk my life.

Amanda smiled, mockingly.

Amanda: It's immediately obvious that you've never seen any danger in your life, wimp.

The young wizard looked indignant at Amanda's words. He didn't go through years of danger just to have a girl tell him otherwise.

Y/N: Argh! You know what?! I’m done with eating! I’m out of here!

You stood up abruptly from your chair.

Amanda: Hey! Where are you going?

Y/N: Into the forest!

Amanda: Wait! Wait! I was joking! I was only joking! Come back!

But you ignored her and left the cafeteria, making a drama.



Y/N was washing his clothes in the forest. He had his reasons for washing them himself, rather than entrusting this job to the goblins. The last time he let his clothes be washed, the wizard was told to take off what he was currently wearing to wash everything at once. Of course, Y/N would have given it to him, but they could have seen his… scars. This news would spread throughout the academy and there would be many suspicions about him.

That's why he decided to wash them himself, even if he had to go to the forest to do it. At that moment, Y/N didn't know that someone was watching him, and that was Diana.

When she saw the male student heading into the forest alone, she was suspicious of it and followed him.

Diana's Mind: (He washing his clothes? Why in the forest and why...?)

The blonde’s face instantly turned red and steam came out of her ears. The wizard took off his outer clothes, exposing his abs and muscles on his body. Diana could have sworn that she felt blood almost gushing from her nose. She had never taken love in romantically way seriously in her life. Dang, she didn't even look at the other guys. But when she saw your muscular body, it was the first time she reacted like that.

But the shame disappeared as quickly as it appeared. The blonde noticed the boy's scars. They were his reason why he used to be reserved with everyone. It was possible to obtain such a thing only in a tough fight to the death or in a fierce war... Whatever it was, both were the male student's reason. The largest was on his back, which was covered from the external oblique muscle to the right shoulder.

Diana had dozens of questions, but decided to leave them for later and left in silence.



In the astrology lesson...

Diana: According to the horoscope, Luna Nova will overcome several difficulties.

In the astrology lesson, Diana used a method of seeing the most probable and almost unbreakable future.

Ursula: Very good. That was a pretty complex astrology reading.

Diana was going to leave it, since she had already done her job, but she looked at you and your group. She narrowed her eyes.

Diana: Y/N L/N, I see your future.

Y/N: Huh?

Diana: You're playing with your children... And you're teaching them magic.

You were speechless. That took you by surprise. You didn't know whether to be happy that you will become a father or hate that you will still be alive in the future, probably going through more problems and maybe passing it on to your children... But it was more happiness and surprise than anything.

Y/N: W-what? Are you sure?

Akko: Oh, don't be surprised. She just said things that will happen no matter what.

Diana: Would you like me to look at your future too, Kagari?

Akko: All you're going to see is that I'm going to be an amazing witch like Chariot!

Diana began to work the magic on her.

Diana: I see... Akko... If you keep doing what you think is right...

Akko smiled confidently and hoped to hear something positive...

Diana:... you will leave Luna Nova.

Y/N: That's not good.

Akko: That's nonsense!

Hannah: Do you believe? Diana's predictions are always correct.

Barbara: I can't imagine you graduating either. It looks like you're going to quit.

Akko: What did you just-!?

Hannah tripped Akko, causing her to fall face down. Y/N approached Ursula as the girls laughed at his friend.

Y/N: She's going to fight.

Ursula: What?

Kagari stood up and attacked the two girls. They started pulling each other's hair, pinching and scratching each other. But luckily, Professor Finnelan entered the classroom, stopped this "fight" and took them to her office.



After what happened, Y/N decided to take a walk around the academy to get to know the place better. That Kagari girl can bring a lot of problems not only to her team but to the entire academy. Although he somehow managed to endure everything she did, the wizard understood that one day his patience would burst and he would not be able to contain himself.

Diana: Y/N.

Hearing a familiar voice, the student turned around and saw Cavendish calmly walking towards him.

Y/N: Diana?

Diana: I came to ask you a couple of questions.

Y/N: About what?

Diana: I saw you enter the forest today.

Y/N: 0_0

Diana: It seemed suspicious to me, so I followed you. When I saw that you were just doing your laundry, I had a couple of questions. But after you took off your shirt...

Y/N: Wait... Did you see me without my shirt?

Diane: Of course.

He quickly covered his body and stomach.

Y/N: -_- Perverted.

Diana blushed, with annoyance.

Diana: No, idiot! Argh! It doesn't matter! I saw your scars.

The wizard's mind went blank.


Diana: Your scars...


Diana: I'm going to ask you a question that you should answer honestly and concisely. Otherwise, I'll tell the teachers.

The young man began to sweat profusely, waiting for the question that the blonde had planned to ask him.

Diana: Were you... abused as a child?

Y/N: .....

The wizard scratched his head. It wasn't the question he was expecting (which he thanks to whoever God is in this dimension), but it did make him a little uncomfortable.

Y/N: Well... Not exactly... I just fell from a tree... from a very tall tree.



Y/N ten years old.

Big Scary Tree: Child, please wait. I just want to talk with you.

Y/N: No! I won't fall for this bait again!



Diana: Are you sure? It is impossible to get such scars due to a falling tree.

Y/N: I fell many times, but I always got up. Please don't tell anyone about this.

Diana nodded.

Diana: I always keep my word, but next time I'll ask you to give your clothes to the elves.

Y/N: Yes...

Diana walked away from the wizard, leaving him with great relief. He felt his soul return to him.

Y/N's mind: (Man, that was close... I have to be more careful with what I do. Otherwise... goodbye to this world...)



Y/N walked into his team room and saw Akko screaming about something, covering herself with a blanket.

Y/N: What's wrong with her?

Sucy: She has lost hope in her future and she doesn't know what to do now.

Y/N: Damn...

The wizard walked to stand in front of Akko's bed.

Y/N: Akko, get up. It's not all over yet.

Akko jumped out of her blanket and stood in front of you.

Akko: But I don't even know what to learn! I...

She noticed a paper in your hand.

Akko: What is that?

Y/N: •_•

You hid the paper behind your back.

Y/N: What are you talking about?

Akko: Show me that paper.

Y/N: No.

Akko rushed over and began to struggle with the boy, trying to take his role.

Akko: Give me that!

Y/N: No! Lotte! Sucy! Help me! Get her off me! Wah! That tickles! Ha ha ha!

The boy began to laugh, being helpless.

In the end, she was on top and ripped the paper out of his hands. Looking at that, Akko shouted:

Akko: What the hell?! Did you get an "A" in every subject? How?! You were asleep while I was trying not to! It's not fair! Did you cheat on your exams?!

Y/N: -_- No, I was just lucky. And now please kindly get up from me.

After she did what Y/N asked, he looked at her.

Y/N: Diana's prediction will come true.

Akko: Diana's prediction? Hell, I'm going to let her be right! My expulsion papers haven't been signed yet! I'll do this and then throw it in her face!

Y/N: -_- Akko, please don't do anything stupid, okay?

Akko: Don't worry, Y/N! I have a plan that will work, so I won't even resort to any help.

Y/N: I'm already scared.



The next day...

Kagari entered the room as quickly as she could.

Akko: Y/N!

The wizard recognized that type of scream and sighed.

Y/N: What now?

She grabbed his shoulders and started to shake.

Akko: Help me! I gave mineral water to Professor Pisces and accidentally poured it down the drain!

Y/N: Woah, woah, woah. Say it again, but slower.

Y/N: You! Did! What?!

Akko: I promise you, I didn't mean to.

Akko said, trying to hold back her tears.

Akko: I came to you right after that. Please help me discreetly...


The brunette noticed that the boy broke his pencil in his hand and gritted his teeth. He slowly stood up from his seat and walked towards the girl who was now trembling at the wizard's unrecognizable behavior.

Akko: Y-Y/N? You're not going to do anything bad to me... Right?

The attempted witch took a step back and felt the wall behind her. The student put his hand on her left so she wouldn't escape.

Y/N: How is it even possible for someone to be so... stupid?

Akko: I didn't mean to!

Y/N: Shut up! I'm about to do something I've never done in my life!

The next second, Akko watched with horror on her face as he raised his palm to the top and...




Ursula: What?! Did you throw Professor Pisces down the drain?!

Akko: I said it wasn't on purpose!

Akko and Y/N went to Professor Ursula. Well, it was really Akko seeing that her wizard friend didn't want to help her. Anyway, he accompanied her to see what would happen after this.

Ursula: Y/N, what happened to your face?

Y/N: -_-

Sucy: He slapped his face so hard that it left a big mark on his face.

Sucy explained, giggling.

Akko: What do I do now?

Sucy: How about we search the sewers?

Lotte: She shouldn't have been dragged too far from here.

With that, they left Y/N and Ursula alone.

Y/N: -_-

Ursula: Y/N, I need to turn you into a fish so that no one notices Professor Pisces' absence.

Y/N: -_-

Ursula: Is that a "yes"?

Y/N: Do whatever you want. I do not care anymore. My brain died after what I heard.

Professor Ursula didn't know whether to take that as a good thing or not, so she prepared to cast the spell on Y/N at once and bluntly.

Ursula: Metamorphie Faciesse!

Ursula transformed him into a fish and he fell right into the fish tank.

Ursula: Have a little patience. Akko should have found the teacher by now. So behave like a fish.

Y/N: -3- ...

Ursula: Please.

The wizard let out a fishy sigh

Y/N: Bubble (Okay)

After a while, the students and Professor Nelson entered the classroom.

Professor Nelson: Professor Pisces, I brought your test sheets. Wow, did you change your look?

Y/N: Bubble Bubble Bubble (This is a side effect of using magic for a long time)

Professor Nelson: A side effect? That's not good. Alright, I will help you proctor the exam then.

Y/N: Bubble? Bubble! Bubble. Glup (What? No! I can do this myself.)

Professor Nelson: We look out for each other in times of need. Now we will begin the magical philosophy exam!

The exam began thanks to Professor Nelson. While the teacher was at it, Y/N began to think about his new appearance and the peace of mind that being an uncompromising fish gave him.

Y/N's mind: (Being a fish isn't that bad. Maybe I should give up everything and spend the rest of my life as an underwater creature? Although, no, I have so many plans for a normal life that it will take me a long time to rewrite the to-do list...)

Minutes later, Professor Ursula was found, but others also managed to discover that Y/N is not Professor Pisces. Team Red and Ursula were sent to the headmistress's office... again.

Headmistress: Professor Ursula, you were supposed to be with her.

Ursula: I'm sorry.

Headmistress: You even put Professor Pisces in grave danger.

Professor Pisces: Bubble, Bubble, Bubble.

Akko: Professor Pisces says it was fun to be able to swim in a big lake after all this time.

The boy opened his eyes when he heard Akko.

Y/N: That's... correct.

Headmistress: Yes. It also says that you received an A in magical philosophy. You impressed her by putting into practice what you learned in class.

Professor Finnelan: This is not an excuse!

Finnelan exclaimed, showing a newspaper where a certain creature was discovered. It was Akko with a transformation neither good nor bad.

Professor Finnelan: We cannot overlook what you have done.

The headmistress read the headline.

Headmistress: "Merman sighted at the lake"? This is Miss Kagari?

Professor Finnelan: Our school has never been so embarrassed since its founding! I request the expulsion of Atsuko Kagari for dishonoring the dignity of our academy!

Ursula, upon hearing these words, objected to the professor and the headmistress that Akko should not compare herself to other students and that she grows through her failure. Y/N also heard her words and wondered: Are these the words of Ursula or Shiny Chariot?

And suddenly, Professor Badcock said that on the phone they said that Akko had saved an endangered species of fish and now they won't kick her out of school.

Y/N's mind: (I swear to God... This girl will bring a lot of trouble in the future...)

Headmistress: However, we can't ignore how you attempted to cheat on your exam. You must be punished for that. How does this sound?



Professor Finnelan: For the next week, we will share meals and nightmares while I instill in you the expectations of a witch first, according to the rules, we will retire at nine o'clock! Then we woke up at four! Keep in mind that a filhty room houses a filhty soul!

Y/N: You just love to punish us, don't you?

Professor Finnelan: Perhaps, Mister L/N. Now get to work.

Y/N: -_- Yes, ma'am.

End of chapter 7.

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