Chapter 19: Cavendish.
Chapter 19: Cavendish.
In the evening...
A new day is in Luna Nova... but the custom is over.
After Y/N left, the atmosphere in the academy changed. There was no longer that boy who told "funny" jokes and was the soul of the company. And even though it was annoying, but in some sense, his silly jokes brought a good mood and made the students around him smile.
It wasn't like that now. After finding out the wizard's secret, everyone remembered him as a liar and a threat to Luna Nova, and that's why he was kicked out of there.
But those who really were his friends didn't think so.
After the incident, Akko secretly cried in her bed for several days, remembering him before going to bed. After all, this boy (even though he loved to tease her) was part of her team and a friend. Maybe even more than a friend... Who knows? But the fact that these thoughts about him still don't leave her head is surprising.
Even her feeling of insatiable hunger was blocked, but she went to the cafeteria anyway. As soon as she entered there, the first thing that hit her in the eye was crying Hannah and Barbara. The brunette immediately ran up to them and asked what happened. The answer shocked her.
Akko: What?! Diana is going to leave Luna Nova?!
Hannah: She got a letter from home yesterday.
Barbara: And then, when she read it, she suddenly said she'd return home to become the Family head.
Akko: What's up with that?
Hannah: The Cavendish family has a lot going on.
Barbara: There have been some awful rumors going around, especially as of late.
Akko: But that doesn't mean Diana has to quit school!
Hannah: Now is the only time she can!
Hannah sighed.
Hannah: Do you think Y/N is also the reason for that?
Unexpectedly, Kagari roughly put both hands on her shoulders and looked Hannah straight into her eyes.
Akko: Don't say that name...
The auburn-haired girl got scared of this. Not from surprise, but from how serious Akko was. A second ago, the brunette looked sad, but when she heard the name of the one whose name she can't say out loud, she changed to a girl ready to beat her.
Hannah: Okay! Okay!... Geez!
Akko let go of Hannah. Barbara gulped.
Barbara: Anyway, she says the ritual to pass the title down can only be held now, and if she misses it, there won't be another chance for several years. Everyone expected her to inherit that position eventually.
Hannah: But think she wouldn't even get to graduate first...
Barbara: And we just heard...
Hannah: That late tonight...
Barbara: She is going to leave Luna Nova!
Akko: Today?
Shiny Chariot. She was the star of the world of magic, who would put a smile on people's faces... Here she is known as an ordinary Professor of Luna Nova. She is a teacher, mentor, and lover. The lover of the strongest magician, to whom she feels romantic attraction. It started from the day she found out about him. At first, Y/N seemed like a cute teenager to her. That thought was the beginning of the flight of butterflies in Ursula's stomach. She began to feel sympathy for him, which turned into a crush.
Chariot tried to deny these feelings, but her heart could not be commanded. She pulled herself together and confessed to him in love after sparring. After which, the Professor took him to her room and arranged a make-out session with neck-kissing. To be honest, the teacher wanted to protect him from danger and help him hide his power better from students the next day. But everyone was destined to know who Y/N really was, and after his departure, Ursula didn't know what to do. Right now, she was just wandering around the corridor of the Academy to think about everything.
Akko: Professor!
A familiar voice caught her attention.
Ursula: Akko?
Akko: Diana... Diana said... That's she is going to quit school! Did you know?
Ursula nodded.
Ursula: Yes. The Cavendish family has been facing issues for quite some time now.
Akko: And the teachers tried to stop her, right?
Ursula: We did, but...
Akko: Diana is not really going to leave, right?
Professor shook her head and dropped her gaze.
Akko: That can't happen... Professor?
She didn't respond.
Akko: Don't tell me... you think about Y/N.
The brunette clenched her teeth as Ursula nodded.
Akko: Grrr... I'm after Diana!
Pride. This is what was the cherry on the cake of Diana's character. She was proud as a wolf and did not allow anyone to trample her on the dirt. She did not allow anyone to insult her even behind her back and get in her way. The blonde could barely even smile. The only reason for this could be the successful passing of tests or the contentment of the headmistress with the professors.
But once a "some" wizard managed to make her smile for a long time. That happened a long time before the revelation.
Diana: Y/N, are you okay? Did my spell hurt you?
Y/N: I'm fine. It wasn't a strong spell anyway.
Diana: It wasn't? If so, where did you run away from us?
Y/N: Uhm... Straight to the healer.
The blonde thought it was implausible, but she did not go into details.
Y/N: Moreover, it was in vain, since I am durable.
Diana: Durable?
Y/N: Yes. Once I was shot with a magic ray.
Diana: Oh my...
Y/N: You should have seen their faces when they realized I was still breathing. I shouted to them: "Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! I'm still alive!"
And at that moment, Cavendish did something she didn't expect to do. She giggled. Giggled like a little child. If Y/N had known her better, he would have been shocked by this. Diana herself could never forget that feeling.
Now, knowing that the story of Y/N is more serious than she thought, she stood on the tower where they taught flying in brooms. The blonde was just looking at the pitch darkness, with a medieval lantern in her hands, while she was thinking about her problems.
Akko: Diana!
Kagari's voice knocked her out of her thoughts, but she didn't even turn to her.
Akko: Are you serious about leaving? But why? It isn't like you to leave something unfinished! I heard your family is having some trouble but does that really mean you need to go back yourself? Let your parents handle it. There is no reason for you to quit! It shouldn't be too late even if you wait until your school years are over. Won't you change your mind?
She didn't respond.
Akko: Hey! Say something! Don't just ignore me!
Diana:... Those who depart Luna Nova are to do so secretly in the dead of light. That's our custom. Even speaking to you like this is against the rules. Now that you understand, withdraw at once!
Akko: Who cares about customs?! Anyway, I won't accept you just up and leaving!
Diana sighed.
Diana: Predictable...
Akko: Huh? What do you mean?
Diana: You and Y/N are opposites. Y/N is the magician of the highest level, but he can listen to what others say. While you, on the other side, can't even ride a broom and don't want to leave me alone.
Akko: Are you all conspiring?! Why did everyone start talking about him as soon as he left?!
Diana: Akko...
Akko: ...
Diana finally turned around, making eye contact with the brunette. Akko was silent.
Diana: Don't you think he was a part of your memories?
The brunette looked away from eye contact.
Akko: I thought so... He was one of my best friends, but now he's no more than an exile...
Diana:... Do you think Y/N is stronger than Chariot?
Akko: Eh?! No! She...-
Diana: She what?
Diana interrupted.
Diana: Open your eyes, Akko. He cast spells that would make anyone's hair stand on end... And you still care about him, don't you?
Kagari didn't know what to say.
Diana: Let's imagine... You have his powers. What would you do?
Akko: I would put a smile on people's faces, like Chariot! He uses his powers to destroy his enemies-
Diana: To protect others.
Akko felt attacked at the interruption.
Akko: Hey! If you like him that much, then why did reveal his secret to everyone?!
Diana: I... don't know
Diana looked down and turned around.
Diana: Anyway, I asked these questions to skip time. I'm leaving.
Akko: Right now?!
Diana: Yes. Goodbye!
Akko: W-wait! I-!
Diana flew away without listening to her.
When Akko come to the door to her room, she could already hear the conversations going on here. Opening it, her friends with the Green Team caught her attention.
Akko: Amanda? Constance? Jasminka? What are you guys doing here?
The rebel looked at her with a serious expression on her face.
Amanda: We have to return Y/N.
Akko: -_- Oh my God...
Amanda: He may have hidden who he really is, but he's still our friend. He didn't hurt any of us.
Akko: Why are you all so obsessed with him now?! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! This is the only name I've been hearing lately! Doesn't it hurt that Y/N has been lying to you all this time?!
Sucy: Not a bit. He told us his reasons, so why should we be mad at him?
Lotte: Mhm. He fought monsters from different worlds for more than 10 years. If I were in his place, I wouldn't be able to stand it.
Constanze nodded.
Jasminka: He is like some superhero.
The brunette puffed out her cheeks as Amanda approached her.
Amanda: I have a question... Do you have a crush on Y/N?
Akko blinked.
Akko's mind: (Eh? Eh?! Eh?!!)
Akko blushed suddenly.
Akko: Why did you ask that question so suddenly?! And my answer is "No"!
Amanda: C'mon, Akko. We all know that you love to hang out with him. You two are opposites! Y/N is childishly serious and you are seriously childish.
Akko: Your words don't make any sense!
Amanda: Really? Lately, I don't know what to believe anymore.
Akko, still blushing, exclaimed:
Akko: Let's change the subject... I'm coming after Diana.
Lotte: What?
Akko: I will help her solve her family problems and she will go back to school.
Lotte: Akko...
Akoo: Don't talk me out of it. I won't stop until I get her back.
Lotte: We just want to give you your Shiny Rod.
Lotte smiled warmly. Sucy handed a bag to Akko.
Suzy: And you're going to need this.
Lotto: Good luck.
Akko: Mhm!
Constanze got out of bed and showed the sign in her hands.
Constanze: "When you want to return Y/N, tell him we miss him. He's not a threat."
Akko: -_-
Akko nodded reluctantly.
The next day, the witch went in search of Diana's estate on foot, and because of the considerable time, she tired and fell to the ground.
Akko: I'm so hungry...
Suddenly, she heard a car approaching and quickly stood up with the sign: "Weddingburgh, please!"
Akko: Hicchike!
The car passed by and then returned in reverse. The window opened and a very familiar face appeared behind it.
Andrew: I was wondering why you looked familiar.
The people who were in that limo were Andrew and Mr. Hanbridge. They took her with them and she sat in the middle of the two.
Hanbridge Sr: Then it turns out you were that witch who ruined our party.
Andrew: Ruined? It... did take a strange turn, but our guests sang nothing but praises of it.
He was silent for a while and stared at her.
Andrew: Where is Y/N? Did he stay at school? I wanted to spend some time with him.
Akko pouted again and shouted.
Akko: He-!
Driver: OH MY GOD!
The limousine stopped abruptly after the big knock. Kagari, without answering, flew into the front and fell.
Hanbridge Sr: What was that?! What happened?!
Driver: I... hit someone.
Andrew: What?! Who?!
The driver did not respond and got out of the car after the victim. It was an 18-year-old teenager, lying face down on the ground.
Driver: Young man... Are you okay?
???: @_@ It's been worse.
He grabbed his head and shook it.
Andrew: Who was that?...Y/N?!
Y/N: ·_· Andrew... 0_0 Andrew!
The son of an aristocrat quickly ran up to him and helped him to his feet.
Andrew: Are you okay?! Doesn't it hurt anywhere?!
Y/N: I won't lie... Q_Q It hurts.
Akko: Andrew, who was that?... ·_·
Y/N: ·_· ... Hello, Akko.
Akko: -_- Run him over.
Y/N: Eh?!
After explaining everything to the wizard, Andrew asked his father to take him with them and sat him down between him and Akko. The atmosphere in the car was calm, as Akko started at Y/N with displeasure, while the boy avoided eye contact.
Akko: -_- ...
Akko was staring at him.
Y/N: ;-; ...
On the other hand, the wizard was sweating.
Andrew: So... Y/N...
Y/N: I'm not your boyfriend!
Andrew: No... I just wanted to ask a question.
Y/N: All right... Go on.
Andrew: How long you have been that strong?
Y/N: You know my secret too?! Oh, Akko... You didn't waste any time!
Akko: Shut up! I didn't tell him anything about you!
Y/N: Then how did he know?!
Andrew: Well...
Andrew: I can't believe you could make me go see ghosts.
Frank: Come on, Andrew. You need a break from this paperwork.
Andrew: You don't understand! Not only did I have to change my schedule, but I also had to take my father's limo without permission. What's there that's worth my time?
Frank: I'll take all the blame. There you can relax, eat cotton candy...
Frank grinned.
Frank: And maybe there will be Y/N.
Andrew blushed hard.
Andrew: W-what do you mean?!
Frank: Andy, Andy, Andy... I know you have a thing for him.
Andrew: Nonsense! I-I... I...
Andrew: What the hell?!
Frank: And you started to swear like him.
Andrew: Shut up!
The two young men got out of the limo and saw one teenager jumping on a tall and huge monster.
Frank: Y/N?
Andrew: Frank, not now!
Frank: No! Y/N is really there! Look!
Hanbridge looked at the creature and there really was the wizard.
Andrew: Y/N... What is he-?!
After another powerful explosion, pieces of the monster flew apart and several pieces fell on the two aristocrats.
Frank:... Wow!
Andrew: Do you know what that means?
Frank wiped his face.
Frank: I won't get cotton candy?
Andrew: -_-
Andrew: That's how I found out.
Andrew finished telling the story. His father and Y/N were looking at him, with an expression that said "Are you serious...?", but not because of how he found out, but because...
Y/N: Thank you for... explaining with details....
Akko: Where were you?!
Y/N: Huh?
Akko: Diana tried to find you, but you just disappeared. Even the magic ball couldn't find you.
Y/N: Ow... You all still care about me.
Akko: Don't change the subject! Answer the question!
In Y/N's new apartment...
After he was kicked out, the teenager headed to the city, rented an apartment and began to settle down for a "normal life." He flipped the newspaper to see what job he could get.
Y/N: Lawyer? I don't like to argue. An astronaut? -_- Falling from the moon was enough. Teacher? I don't want to punish children like Professor Finnelan.
He rolled over in his chair and closed his eyes to think about a suitable job. When he opened them, he saw a beautiful woman in a green dress and green hair in front of him.
Y/N:... -_- What do you need?
Woodward: I don't want anything from you.
The wizard pointed to the door.
Y/N: -_- Then the exit is there.
Woodward: Y/N... I think you should go back to the academy.
Y/N: I thought about it too, but knowing them, I can say that they will slam the doors in my face.
Woodward took on a human form and sat down next to him in the nearest chair.
Woodward: Is something bothering you?
Y/N: Well... It just... Wherever I go, I always have problems. Do you understand?
Woodward: I can, but you need to understand too that those powers weren't given to you. You have become stronger thanks to pain and suffering.
The wizard got up from his seat and covered his face with his hands.
Y/N: I'm just afraid it's never going to end. I'm not afraid of any monsters or other creatures. I am afraid that I will have to suffer all my life and save others without wasting time on myself.
Woodward: And who do you think will do it?
Y/N: Other magicians. They're strong, too. Let them do all this work.
Woodward: And if a creature appears that only you can handle?
Y/N: Listen, are you deliberately pushing me with your questions?
Woodward: Maybe.
Y/N:... You know I could destroy you if I wanted to, right?
Woodward: Yes.
Y/N:... I'm not going back into it anyway.
They both remained silent.
Woodward: What will you do with Furui? You will let her take over the world?
Y/N: -_- I'm not an idiot like others think. I'll kill her and get out of this dimension.
Woodward: What about Chariot? Will you leave her?
Y/N: I'll take her with me.
Woodward: What if she refuses?
Woodward: You know yourself that you can't give up and have to do it.
Woodward: Sometimes people have to give up their dreams for others and forget their past because they have a brighter future.
Y/N:... -_- If you were a pain, you would be a migraine.
Woodward laughed.
Woodward: Yeah, yeah. I know.
The wizard nodded and went to another room to pack his stuff. After some time, the spirit and the human stood in front of each other.
Y/N: Wait... Why don't you just take my powers and destroy her?
Woodward: Oh, Y/N... My dear son...
She transformed back into her early form while laughing at the boy's words. Suddenly, she looked at him with a rude expression on her face.
Woodward: This will never happen.
Y/N: What?!
Woodward opened a portal under him and he fell there, landing with his back on the ground. Raising his head, he realized that he was in the center of the road. When he saw a sheep in front of him, he petted it.
Y/N: Hello, fluffy. Can you tell me where I am?
The animal ran away, sensing danger. But not from a wizard, but an approaching car... An approaching car?!
Y/N: Oh shit-!
Y/N: ;_; That's how it is.
No one said a word in the car, trying to understand what he had just said.
Hanbridge Sr: You are the strongest wizard?
Akko: You meet Woodward the spirit?
Andrew: Are you trying to find a job?
Y/N: -_- Yes, yes, and yes.
Andrew: Hmph. You never give up, even if you try.
The aristocrat's son smiled warmly.
Andrew: You're a very good guy.
Y/N: Thank you, Andrew.
Andrew: You're welcome. And you know... maybe we can go for a walk and-?
Hanbridge Sr: Oh, you are right.
The car drove up to a castle over 100 years old. After getting out of the car, they were met by a woman named Daryl with two young girls. There were butlers and maids in a row next to them, one of whom looked askance at the two young guests.
Inside the castle, everything looked luxurious. Literally, everything looked expensive and shiny... Even the floor.
Daryl: I am so truly grateful that you came. Minister of State Paul Hanbridge, as well as the ever-handsome Andrew!
She glared at the teenagers.
Daryl: Who might this two be?
Akko: U-um, my name is Kagari Atsuko.
Y/N: Y/N L/N.
???: Akko! Y/N!
They turned around and saw a disgruntled Diana in a suit at the door. The wizard whistled.
Y/N: Nice suit.
Diana: -_- ...Why are you two here?
Akko: I still haven't accepted it!
Y/N: They just took me with them.
The blonde pointed a finger at him.
Diana: You! Be quiet!
Y/N: ·_· Okay, ma'am.
Diana turned to Akko.
Diana: And what does it matter whether you have or not?! Honestly, you must be touched in the head! And Andrew... Would you care to explain why you arrived with them?
Andrew: Why hello, Diana. We just happened to pick her off the side of the road...
Andrew began to sweat.
Andrew: ·_· And our driver accidentally hit Y/N in the center of the way.
Diana/Akko/Y/N: -_-
Daryl: Carter, lead them inside.
Carter: As you wish. This way.
Before leaving with his father, Andrew waved his hand at Y/N.
Andrew: Bye.
Y/N: 0_0
Daryl: You two... Are you of Diana's friends? I'm not well acquainted with the lineages of Oriental witches.
Akko: I'm not from a witch lineage.
Daryl: What?!
???: She does indeed feels like a poor imitation of a witch, doesn't she?
???: Oh, how the mighty Luna Nova has fallen.
Y/N: Who are you two?
Daryl: There are Maril and Merrill. My daughters.
Merrill: Are you a wizard?
Y/N: The answer is "yes."
Maril: My, my... I remember how some wizard flirted with me once. I had to reject him, which is a pity. After all, he was so handsome.
Daryl: However, you two are no more than uninvited guests. I trust you can find the door on your own.
Y/N: Okay. I thought I will have so much fun here and help Diana, but if you insist...
Diana grabbed the girl and boy by the hands.
Diane: No! Akko is as much of a witch as I am and Y/N is not my friend, but you still can't kick him out! I will not tolerate such disrespect to my guests! Come with me!
Y/N: Q_Q But... the door!
In the hall...
Akko: What's with their egotistical attitude?
Y/N: They behave like you, Hannah and Barbara... Wait! That's for sure!
Cavendish glare made both of them fall silence.
Diana: Akko, I am sending you home first thing tomorrow morning. The door is open.
Y/N: What about me?
Diana: I said the door is open.
Y/N: Q_Q I hate you!
Maid: Miss! Mister!
Y/N/Akko: Yes?!
Maid: Please, listen to the Young Lady's request.
Akko: -_- Okay.
Diana sighed.
Y/N abruptly entered Diana's room, running away from the butler. He locked the door with one hand and held a black sweater on the other.
Butler: Young man, I was told to put that sweater on you! Don't complicate my work!
Y/N: There's no way I'm going to wear this!
Akko: What happened again?
Y/N: Oh, Akko. They-... 0_0 Nice dress.
Akko: -_- ... Shut up.
Maid: Mister L/N. I'll ask you to wear what's in your hand if you want to stay here longer.
Y/N: Okay...
He put on the sweater.
Y/N: Ouch! Prickly!
Maid: This is not the reason... You two have to be grateful for the Young Lady's kindheartedness.
Y/N: Diana and kindheartedness... These two words are unsuitable for each other.
Akko: -_- You must be joking.
Maid: I can assure you that the Young Lady is kind. She takes after her mother.
Y/N: 0_o Diana's mom?
Akko: She is becoming the head of the Family. That means...
The wizard gulped and looked at the ground.
Maid: She lost her parents at a tender age.
Akko: I didn't know. And I said all sorts of things to her.
Y/N: -_- What exactly?
Akko: Huh? Not your business!
Y/N: -_- Anyway, what's wrong with that woman?
Maid: Oh, you mean Madam Daryl? She is the reason why you two can't get the Young Lady back. If Daryl, the proxy head, continues to do as she wishes, the scant remainder of our assets will vanish!
Akko: Is that woman really so horrible?
Daryl: Cheers to a splendid right!
After the toast, Daryl, her daughters, and the guests drank juices. They were served soup for dinner, the appearance of which Kagari did not like. But seeing how Diana and Y/N eat it made her try it. Then there was a steak that Akko couldn't cut. Akko whispered to the wizard.
Akko: Hey! Psst... How are you cutting this?
Y/N: Oh, did you start talking to me? How sweet.
Akko nudged him.
Akko: Just show me how to do it!
Y/N: -_- You have to push the knife harder.
She tried and she succeeded. Akko whispered to him again.
Akko: How do you know this? Let me guess, you were a butler?
Y/N: Ummm...
The wizard put down his fork and knife.
Y/N: Not exactly...
Princess: No, not like this. The fork should be on the left hand, and the knife on the right. After this, try to cut the steak.
14-year-old Y/N tried what she said, but failed.
Y/N: To hell with those rules.
He tore off a piece of steak with his fingers and tried to put it in his mouth until suddenly his hand was hit with a whip.
Y/N: Q_Q Ouch! Why?!
Princess: As my future husband, you should know the rules of etiquette.
Y/N: Q_Q I am not your future husband!
Princess: Not yet.
Y/N: -_- Then I ran away from her... From that day on, I remembered all the rules of etiquette and learned something important: Princesses are not as kind as they are depicted in films and children's fairy tales...
The wizard turned to the brunette, but realized that she didn't even pay attention to him. She was eating.
Y/N: Stop acting like that at the table.
Y/N and Diana threw a condemning look at the brunette for the way she ate several buns.
Hanbridge Sr: Now then, Daryl. I presume there was a reason you invited me to the manor.
Daryl: You are correct, Paul. That will expedite the process.
The woman clapped and the servants brought something on trays covered with a blanket.
Daryl: I'm certain there will be at least one thing to catches your fancy.
Paul: These are?
Daryl: Various items that I would appreciate your purchase, rather than anyone else
Marill: This is a candle holder made by the dealer of the seventh Cavendish Head's favorite mermaid.
After snapping her fingers, the candle lit up underwater.
Y/N: This thing breaks the laws of physics... Although... Who am I to talk about this? ·_· It takes one to know one.
Merrill: This is a mythril chess set.
Y/N: It glitters.
Akko: Woah.
Unlike these two who were amazed, Diana was getting angrier and angrier.
Diana: Grrr...
Daryl: And finally...
It was a tapestry depicting a certain woman patting a unicorn.
Daryl: The tapestry of Beatrix!
Diana: Wh-
The blonde next to the wizard became angry and clenched her teeth tightly. It was the first time when the boy had seen her like this.
Akko: Beatrix?
Y/N: Unicorn?
Daryl: The inheritance of the first Cavendish which, none other than one of the Nine Olde Witches, Beatrix the Affectionate!
Akko: What?! Diana is descended from one of the Nine Old Witches?!
Andrew: Are you really surprised? There is a guy next to you who would defeat them if they were all here.
Akko: This is different!
Hanbridge Sr: You must forgive me, as I cannot grasp that value this holds. If this is all you wanted, I see no reason to overstay my welcome.
The man got up from the table.
Andrew: Bye, Y/N.
Y/N: -_- Good... Bye.
Diana's aunt tried to persuade him, but it was useless. After some time, Diana herself could not stand it anymore and began to quearrel with them.
Akko: What should we do? I feel uncomfortable here.
Y/N: If you forgive me, I'll solve all the problems.
Akko: No way I will forgive you!
Y/N: Q_Q What?! Is there something I can do that you will forget everything?
Akko:... I have to think about it.
After the quearrel was over, everyone dispersed. Diana told Y/N to come to her room to talk to him.
Y/N: At this time?
Diana: It won't take me long and it's serious.
Y/N: Diana. There is nothing more serious than healthy sleep.
The brunette next to him hit him on the shoulder.
Akko: Just do what she says, dumbass.
The wizard grunted and then whispered something.
Y/N: -_- I miss the times when you two loved to arrange catfights.
Akko/Diana: What did you say?!
Y/N: -_- Nothing.
End of chapter 19.
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