Chapter 17: Amanda O'Neill and the Holy Grail.
Chapter 17: Amanda O'Neill and the Holy Grail.
On the outside....
In Luna Nova's yard, there was Amanda, lying on the grass; Akko, reading some books; the wizard, almost relaxed.
Amanda: Can't something interesting happen for once?
Y/N: What do you mean?
Amanda: Every day everything gets more and more boring. And it's the same every day: rules, work, and punishment. I'm getting outta this stuffy school for good.
Y/N: -_- Nothing new.
Amanda: Eh?! What do you want say by that?!
Y/N: You have been repeating these words since the day I spoke about my idea of leaving this academy.
Amanda: I mean this time! Anyway, Akko, what's got you so focused?
Amanda crawled on all fours towards the brunette sitting on the bench, who didn't take her eyes off the book.
Akko: Researching the Words.
Y/N: At this rate, you won't be able to find them if you don't stop searching.
Akko: That's right! If I keep looking for the Words, I'm sure I will find Chariot. And it's the Shiny Rod that will lead me to the words!
Suddenly, one of the balls of the staff began to glow.
Y/N: The...
Akko: The next one! Let's go!
In the library...
Akko: Professor Ursula! Look, the Shiny Rod!
She held out the staff and the professor began to examine it. From the day she discovered Y/N's secret, she started spending more time with him and talking about her lives and destinies. The student and the teacher confided in each other even their most secret secrets, which increased their trust in each other.
Ursula: The fifth word, I see. This one is related to ancient history and tradition. It's-
Another professor interrupted her.
Finnelan: Professor Ursula! When can I expect the material I requested you to collect?
Ursula: M-My apologies! I will be right there!
Finnelan: Honestly, and right when the Cavendish family is having a crisis.
Ursula: Sorry, Akko! Just give a minute.
She left, leaving the three students alone.
Akko: The Cavendish family? I wonder if something happened to Diana.
Y/N: Honestly, I thought a girl like her couldn't have a problem.
Amanda: Forget Diana, you two.
The rebel threw her arms around the neck of the other students.
Amanda: I was at the club the other night, and I heard that the legendary Holy Grail is in Brightonbury.
Y/N: -_- Take away your arms.
Amanda: Rumors say the Grail is been carefully tucked away over in Appleton Academy. Seems that it was used in one of Appleton's traditional ceremonies of some sort.
Y/N: Appleton Academy?
???: It's a famous school with over one thousand years of history to its have.
Another teacher arrived with the students. A teacher you wished you would never see again.
Y/N: ._. Croix...
Akko/Amanda: Professor!
Croix: Sorry, I didn't intend to eavesdrop.
Y/N: -_- Yeah, sure... You didn't...
The two classmates looked at him with raised eyebrows, while the teacher only grinned.
Croix: That said, I was surprised to learn that you are looking for the Words.
Akko: Do you know about the Words? Maybe you have some idea of the one that's related to history and tradition?
Croix: I'm sorry to disappoint, but researchers of modern magic and nig not to be well-read in ancient magic. But discovering the seven Words may shed some light on why Chariot du North disappeared...
The professor looked at the wizard, shamelessly. The wizard, in response, made his eye twitch. Akko, in response to what the professor said, her eyes sparkled with emotion.
Croix:... perhaps.
Amanda: Looks like we gotta go.
Y/N: Yeah, right!
Amanda took Akko by the wrist and led her away. The boy looked at the professor and tried to leave, but she did not let him do it by grabbing him by the shoulder. He didn't look at her at all. He just looked at the floor.
Y/N: -_-
Croix: Why are you avoiding me?
Y/N: Why shouldn't I? We are enemies after all.
Croix: That doesn't mean we can't just sit down and chat... like you and Ursula.
The wizard growled.
Y/N:...If you have any questions, ask now.
The wizard was cold before the woman. She sighed.
Croix: C'mon, grumpy cat. I just want to talk to you. Like soul to soul. Maybe you don't know, but I respect strong people.
The wizard was silent while the teacher still held him by his shoulder.
Y/N:... One day.
It was the only thing he said. He broke out of her grip and ran out of the library while Croix was waving her hand.
Croix: Bye, bye. Take care of yourself... What a young man...
Amanda and Akko dragged Y/N with them to the previously mentioned academy, before putting an expensive-looking suit on him.
Y/N: Q_Q What am I even doing here?! I wanted to rest today!
Amanda: It's much more fun to get into trouble with you.
Y/N: I hate you all! And besides... Didn't you think the students here would notice that you two are girls?
Amanda: I've thought about this problem. Metamorphosis Vestesse!
After casting the spell, Amanda was dressed in a beautiful suit, and her hair was styled back.
Y/N: You look like a boy now.
Amanda: Thanks? Anyway, I will take the hit for us and get myself expelled. You two don't need to worry.
Y/N: -_- I wouldn't worry if I was lying by my warm bed right now.
Amanda/Akko: Shut up!
Y/N: -_-
Someone was able to attract the attention of the brunette.
Akko: Andrew!
Y/N: 0_0 Andrew!? Where?!
Akko looked at the wand in the rebel's hand.
Akko: Lend me that!
Akko took the wand, turned herself into a mouse, and climbed on the rebel's head.
Amanda: He is the son of some Earl or something, right?
Y/N: -_- Yes...
Amanda noticed the strange attitude of the wizard.
Amanda: Huh? What's wrong?
Akko giggled.
Akko: You won't believe me if I tell you.
Y/N: Shut up!
The search for the grail continued and continued, but there were no results. They even had to go through the entire school, but the grail was still not found.
Y/N: Q_Q Where is it? I want to go home!
Amanda: Shut up! You came with us and you have to finish the search.
Y/N: You two forced me!
Amanda: Oh, you!
She grabbed his collar and started pushing him in different directions. Suddenly, he accidentally hit some blonde guy.
Y/N: Whoops! I'm sorry... for my dumb friend.
Amanda: -_-
???: I don't recognize you two. What class are you in?
Y/N: We are-
Amanda: Who knows?
Amanda interrupted.
Amanda: I can't recall.
???: What's with that attitude?!
Amanda: Huh?!
???: Are you speaking to me like that knowing I'm Louis Blackwell?!
Amanda: Like hell, I would even know you!
Y/N: You, stop! Not right now!
That young man who is now known as "Louis" saw that you "defended" him.
Louis: Do you know me? If so, then explain to him who am I!
Y/N: Ummm...
The wizard thought of so many answers to give. In many cases, so as not to aggravate the problems. Enough so that the blonde guy doesn't get angry.
Y/N: I don't know you either.
Well, that was after that he responded to him.
Louis: What?! My father is the Chairman and this country's Minister of Defense!
Amanda smirked.
Amanda: Oh, is that so? You will have to excuse my rudeness!
Y/N: Finally...
She took hold of his tie and squeezed it.
Y/N: Damn you!
Suddenly, a voice from the girl's pocket screamed:
Akko: You two, settle down!
The blonde guy was surprised.
Louis: What have you got there? Show me.
The rebel pulled the mouse called Akko out of her suit pocket.
Akko: S-Squeak.
Louis screamed in terror and jumped back.
Louis: A rat! There was still a rat! The family exterminator was supposed to eradicate them all!
The wizard thought of something. He took the mouse Akko.
Y/N: That's right! I'll get rid of this parasite! And what do you mean by an "exterminator"?
Louis: Rats are the witches familiar! Their underlings!
Y/N: What about wizards?
Louis: This place doesn't tolerate them either!
Y/N: -_- Of course-...
???: What's going on here, Louis?
The two witches and the wizard saw a familiar person behind the blonde.
Y/N: Andrew...
Louis: They have a familiar!
Andrew analyzed the rat. He looked somewhat similar to a certain brunette.
Andrew: This is an ordinary rat, no more than fodder for foxes if you threw it in a field. I will let it outside.
Louis groaned and walked off in a pompous fashion.
Andrew: So? What gives us the honor of a visit from witches... and Y/N himself?
Andrew smirked warmly.
Y/N: •_•
They gathered at the bench to discuss the situation. Before that, Akko and Y/N were scolding Amanda for her antic.
Y/N: Why did you suddenly start to fight? We already have a big risk, and here you are trying to increase the chances that we will be caught searching for an artifact.
Akko: And how would I have been able to look for the Word then?
Amanda: Oh, shut it! I don't give a rat's ass about the Word.
Akko: Then why would you ever come?
Amanda looked at Y/N, annoyed.
Y/N: ._.
Amanda: I... I wanted to go out with a bang before I quit Luna Nova.
Y/N: Wait, you really wanted to leave the school?
Amanda looked at him with a serious facial expression and answered:
Amanda: Yes.
Akko: That's so selfish!
Amanda: Yeah, what if it? I will do what I what. You two are on your own too.
Y/N: Q_Q You are so mean!
After Amanda left, Andrew finally spoke.
Andrew: I suppose I should at least ask...
Y/N: 0_0
For a short time, as if in some kind of drama, the three of them remained silent, trying not to look into each other's eyes. Andrew sighed before speaking.
Andrew: I-
Y/N: 0_0 I'm not your boyfriend!
Akko: Shut up!
Andrew:...I wanted to ask why are you two here.
Akko: There are seven Ancient Words that make up a spell and I'm going to find Chariot among them.
Andrew: You still admire that witch?
Y/N: -_- I wouldn't call it "admiration", rather "obsession".
Akko: Obviously! Becoming a witch who can give people a drink of happiness like she did mean everything to me.
Y/N: Q_Q Are you ignoring me now?!
Andrew: Even though nobody wishes that of you?
Akko: S-Sure, maybe nobody wants me to do it...
Andrew: Then why would you go to such length when nobody even asked you to?
Akko: It's because I want to do it! Aren't you the same?
Andrew: Yes, I am.
Y/N/Akko: Huh?
Andrew: Since I talked to Y/N, I've started practicing more piano time. Of course, my father was against it, but as soon as he heard me playing again, he gave permission. And since that time, there hasn't been a single day where I haven't started playing it.
Y/N: Wow... Did my words inspire you so much?
Andrew: Yes, but everyone around expects me to become a great leader of this country. I have a responsibility to answer them. The dream is certainly good, but the responsibility is more important. Everything is decided.
Akko: Nothing is decided. No matter how much I fail to lose heart, this is something I decided for myself. I will become someone who can make everyone laugh and fill their hearts with excitement, like Chariot.
Y/N: Don't pay attention to it, it's quite normal... Do you know where the legendary Holy Grail is?
Andrew: I'm sorry, but I don't have a clue.
Akko: -_-
Andrew: What good would I do to sow the seeds of disaster in a troublemaker... like... you?
Andrew and Y/N realized that Akko was gone.
Andrew: So... Y/N, we left alone now.
Y/N: 0_0
The wizard began to sweat.
Andrew: Let's talk like the last time... Do you have someone that you love?
Y/N: 0_0... No.
Andrew: Oh, that's so good. I want to ask you...
The wizard did not listen to the rest and ran away, leaving behind only dust.
Y/N: Q_Q
Akko: What happened?
Y/N: I don't want to talk about that.
Akko: Okaaay... Look, Y/N. I don't want to force you, so I will simply ask... Will you help me to find the Holy Grail?
Y/N: No.
The wizard responded, instantly.
Y/N: Bye.
And now he began to leave.
Akko: Eh?! So quickly answered?!
Y/N: You offered the choice yourself!... Grrr... Okay, I'll help you!
The next moment, the mouse and the boy started searching. Using her size as an advantage, Akko began to crawl into the smallest corners of the school while Y/N were checking every room. It seemed like it would take forever if some strange cubic devices would not lead them to the shrine. There they found a chest in which there was the grail.
Akko: Found it!
Y/N: We have to find Amanda and go back to our academy.
Walking along the corridor of the academy, Y/N heard rude male voices. He hid the mouse in his pocket and entered the storeroom himself, waiting for them to leave. A few minutes later, the boy came out and saw a wanted poster on the wall with an image of a creepy-looking witch, wizard, and rat.
Y/N: Something happened to Amanda.
Akko: We need to find her urgently!
With one kick, the wizard opened the basement door.
Y/N: Surprise!
He entered a room with many people in black masks. Only one of them had a golden one. Amanda was tied up in a chair, so there was nothing she could do.
Amanda: Y/N! You are an Idiot! What are you doing here?!
Y/N: -_- I came here to save you.
Amanda: Where is Akko?!
The mouse's voice came from the ventilation.
Akko: I'm coming to save you!
She jumped, but the man in a golden mask grabbed her.
Amanda: Y/N, run away!
But he was also captured.
Amanda: -_- Damn you two... Especially you, weak and useless wizard.
Y/N: -_- ...
Having tied them all up, the man decided to punish them with the help of torment.
???: Isn't this how it is always been? Magicians are meant to receive judgment. By the way...
That person took the Grail.
???: What is this?
Akko: Stop, not that!
Amanda: You seriously found the Holy Grail?!
???: It's something you need? We will have to break it!
He has already lifted the vessel to get rid of it forever. But Amanda prevented this by pushing off the ground and landing on him. The mask fell off his face like the ropes of the rebel.
The wizard gasped when he saw the person behind that mask.
Y/N: Louis Blackwell?
Louis: At least you remembered my name.
They started fighting for the Grail until the door swung open.
???: What's going on?!
Y/N: Andrew!
Andrew: Y/N...
Andrew couldn't stand seeing his lover- I mean, his friend tied up.
Andrew: So that's it!
Louis: Are you planning to interfere, Andrew?
Andrew: Louis, I have no intention of criticizing your ideology. But at the same time, I cannot see you as a gentleman!
Louis: We are simply passing judgment on the intruding magicians!
Y/N: This is not a judgment, but a quick transition to the "death penalty"!
Andrew: True. They trespassed on our campus, but I won't condone a violent punishment. As respectable members of our renowned school, we have an established way to resolve conflicts.
Louis: Fine then. I will take you up on it!
Later that afternoon, Amanda and Louis stood on the bridge between two towers on the main building of the Academy, with the latter explaining the rules of the Appleton traditional sword fight. In the case of their duel, should Amanda win, Akko, Y/N and the Grail will be spared but, if she loses, she, Y/N, and Akko will be punished accordingly, and the Grail will be destroyed.
Y/N: Amanda, please. Win this duel!
Amanda smirked.
Amanda: Don't worry. I will make him cry.
The rivals stood in front of each other. The blonde pulled a coin out of his pocket and said that the duel would begin after it fell. But no sooner had the coin landed than Louis had already begun to attack.
Amanda: What the...?! The hell are you doing?! It didn't fall yet!
Louis: There is no need to fight a witch fair and square!
The sword fight was merciless. So merciless that it seemed like the girl was about to lose. But thanks to her fighting style, she seized the initiative.
Y/N: Come on! Kick him with your left and then with your right leg!
After another kick, Louis fell to the ground defeated.
Amanda: We have a winner, wouldn't you say?
Akko: Yay! Amanda, that was so cool!
Y/N: Was that Brazilian fighting style?
Louis: Shit!
He stood up and grabbed the Grail.
Louis: As if I'd give this...
Y/N: Hey! You promised us!
He threw the vessel to the ground, and it shattered into pieces. Suddenly, the armor above the wizard came to life, and its parts rushed to Louis. In the next instant, the blonde turned into a knight in heavy and large armor. But it was clear from his expression that he couldn't control it. The knight turned to the magicians.
Amanda: What is the thing?!
Y/N: Is that the Word that Professor talked about?!
Akko: No, that's not a Word at all!
With the help of his sword, he flipped the ground, and an unstoppable force hit them.
Y/N: Ouch... Akko, are you okay?
The boy threw the ropes aside and approached his friend. Akko scratched her head.
Akko: I think so.
Meanwhile, Amanda tried to attack the knight, but he pushed her away. With each next step, he tried to cut her, but fortunately, the rebel dodged every attack.
Amanda: Shit, if only I could use magic...
The knight quickly approached her and raised his sword.
Y/N: Amanda!
The wizard ran there with lightning speed and hit him with such force that the knight's landing broke one of the towers.
Amanda: Woah!!! How?!
Y/N: No questions right now! Andrew, give the wand to Amanda!
Andrew: Got it!
Hanbridge threw the wand at the girl and she caught it and connected it with a sword. A second later, the knight emerged from the ruins of the tower and rushed at her.
Amanda: Eat this!
She pierced his head and the armor slowly fell off him. Those cubes came out of them.
Y/N: What were those?
The wizard approached Amanda and helped her lift Louis.
Amanda: Sorry about the Grail.
Akko: There is no way that thing was related to a Word. It must have been a demon sealed inside it a long ago or something.
Y/N: Yeah... Demon... However... ·_· This place looks ruined.
???: What's the meaning of this?!
Everyone turned their heads and saw an early man with a group of people in suits.
Louis: Father...
Blackwell Sr: A witches and wizard?! So it was your doing? Oh, Louis! Look what they have done to you! Capture them at once!
No one did anything or even uttered a word, turning their heads.
Blackwell Sr: Respond! Don't just stand there!
Andrew: You are mistaken!
Blackwell Sr: Hm? Andrew! Are you protecting the magicians? You may be a Hanbridge, but how will you explain what's happened to my son?!
Andrew: It's happened the case that this girl and boy trespassed on our school's grounds. In response, Louis proposed to enact a cruel and unusual punishment. As you are aware, parties in disagreement may face each other in this piece. They simply followed Appleton's tradition. She ended up winning their duel.
Blackwell Sr: We're you brainwashed by them?!
Louis: I wasn't, father. Before I knew what came over me, the situation developed into the verge of death. This girl saved my life. It was my fault!
Blackwell Sr: Wh-What are you talking about?!
Andrew turned his head towards the magic users.
Andrew: I will take care of the rest. You have finished your business here, haven't you?
Y/N: -_- Yeah... We have to go home... right now...
Akko turned back into a human and all three students sat on the rebel's broom.
Y/N: Andrew... Thank you.
Andrew: You are very welcome, Y/N L/N.
Andrew winked at the wizard who didn't know how to respond to that.
Y/N: •_• ... Amanda!
She pushed off the ground and they flew, but the boy still felt the gaze of the aristocrat's son.
Amanda: Guys, about today... I'm sorry for all the crazy stuff I caused.
Y/N: Woah, Amanda is asking for forgiveness?! Impossible!
The two witches turned their heads at him.
Y/N: What?
Amanda: How?
Y/N: How what?
Akko: How could you hit so hard?
Y/N: Hit what?
Amanda: The knight!
Y/N: When?
Amanda: Stop playing a fool! I saw with my own eyes how you hit him so hard that he broke the next tower. How did you do that?!
Y/N: Well... I... I have a heavy hand.
Amanda/Akko: 0_o
The wizard began to sweat.
Y/N: And I worked out.
Y/N's mind: (Please accept my words as the truth...)
Amanda: Do you really think we will accept your words as the truth?
Y/N: •_•
Amanda: You've saved a little energy of Sorcerer's Stone, haven't you?
The wizard mentally thanked God.
Y/N:... Okay. Okay. You caught me red-handed. I give up.
Akko chuckled.
Akko: Let's go home now!
Y/N: Finally...
The wizard sighed in such a way that Akko could feel his overwhelm.
Akko: What's wrong? Something tells you again?
Y/N: Yeah... Something tells me that something bad will happen to me...
Amanda: Don't be silly! I'm with you! I will protect you!
The wizard's eyes sparkled.
Y/N: You will?
Amanda: Of course... Someone has to protect a wimp like you.
Y/N: Why you-?!
In the Croix's laboratory...
That modern witch was eating ramen at the same time she saw one of her monitors.
Croix: So... He showed his power again, but was able to hide it... Y/N... It's time to show who you really are. The whole school should know and give respect to the veteran.
End of chapter 17.
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