Chapter 15: Chariot of Fire.

Chapter 15: Chariot of Fire.


Croix: Outdated magic burdened by their dark history are quickly falling out of reverence in today's world. I firmly believe that magic must be reinvented to retain its place in our times. For instance, take this leyline router.

Today's new routine. The new teacher Croix taught the students a lesson in modern magic and everyone were liking her devices. Well, except for Diana.

Croix: Equipping a broom with this leyline router will automatically couple it with a leyline, allowing the use of magic even outside the range of a Sorcerer's Stone.

The wizard leaned on his hand, putting his elbow on the table.

Y/N: Something tells me...

Akko: Shhh!

But Akko silenced him, scaring him a little. Akko then turned to the teacher.

Akko: Did you come up with all of this by yourself, Professor Croix?

Croix: Of course. I am the sole developer.

Akko: You are a genius!

Croix: Now then, activate your leyline routers and begin the simulation.

Lotte: Isn't it incredible?

Akko: Damn, it's awesome! Magic and science can actually go together!

While Y/N was looking at Akko, he noticed out of the corner of his eye how Croix was staring at him intently. But when the Male student turned his head, he only saw her working on her phone.




In the cafeteria...

Akko: Professor Croix is ​​the best! Strong, smart, beautiful! I have never seen a teacher like her before!

Amanda: Oh, yeah? "Modern Magic," was it? Ain't this a pain in the ass?

Y/N: -_- Right. I saw a movie where a guy installed a smart program on his house that was supposed to do all the housework, but it got out of control and at the end of the film the program captured all the neighboring houses. It ended with the words of the advertisement: "Soon in all houses. Don't be afraid you are completely safe."

Akko: It's just a movie! Modern magic is the best! Witches have gotta get with the times! The future is now!

Amanda: But then there would be no difference between magic and science.

Amanda began to pokes aggressively on the tablet screen, not understanding this magical new technology.

Y/N: -_- Stop. You're going to break it. And you're right. We should not forget what knowledge our ancestors-magians left us.

Akko: But look! Thanks to the Sorcery-thingamajig she made, we will be able to use magic even off school grounds!

Y/N: As if I can't...

The wizard stopped his words quickly.

Y/N: Never mind.

Lotte: There is an article about Professor Croix's past here.

Akko: "New Professor Croix Meridies graduated from Luna Nova ten years ago."

Lotte: "Praised as a 'prodigy' during her student years due to her extremely high marks, she received various awards, including the Golden Ash Prize and the title of Moonlit Witch."

Akko: Moonlit Witch?! That's just like Chariot! Wait! I wonder if they were rivals.

Y/N: So she lost the title.

At this moment, Professor Nelson and Professor Finnelan approached them.

Professor Nelson: Hey, you shouldn't be playing with those toys here.

Akko: Professor, were the two of them rivals?

Professor Finnelan: Not in the slightest. Croix and Chariot were nowhere near the same level back then.

Professor Nelson: Croix worked hard and put in the effort to improve her magic. On the other hand, Chariot's grades were always in the gutter.

The wizard smiled.

Y/N: Does that mean we don't have to study well to become as great as she?

Finnelan frowned and pinched his ear.

Y/N: Ow, ow, ow! Let me go! That hurts! Damn it!

Professor Finnelan: Hm! I will admit that Chariot had a natural sense for magic. However, in addition to neglecting her studies, she even committed the sin of using our sacred magic for her frivolous entertainment shows.

Professor Nelson: Noe the public got the wrong impression of magic, and her reputation among witches couldn't be worse.

Y/N: So that's why no one respects her here. I thought because she is much more interesting than all the professors-

Now the flight instructor on brooms pinched his other ear.

Y/N: Ouch! Ouch! Okay! I will stop!

Professor Finnelan: And you are forbidden to use computers outside of the classroom.

Y/N: I would joke about your words, but I don't want to lose my ears...

The wizard looked at the table and realized that something was missing. Or, rather, "someone."

Y/N: O_O Where is Akko?



In the dorms...

Y/N: She left without telling us. It's the same thing every day. Either she's gone, or she's having problems again. Every single day.

Lotte: Well, sometimes we have fun with her.

The magician clasped his hands together as his eyes shone and a smile grew on him.

Y/N: Yeah, right!... -_- After which there is a punishment for weeks.

Lotte laughed at what the boy said.

Y/N: -_-

Knock Knock knock

The attention of the two of them went to the door which was knocked on by someone. Their questions were answered when Professor Ursula appeared.

Lotte: Oh, professor.

Ursula: Is Akko here?

Lotte: She went to the New Moon Tower earlier. Professor Croix asked her to bring the Shiny Rod or something.

The teacher said nothing and just left.

Y/N: ._. What's with her

Lotte shrugged as the boy looked at the door and got up from his bed.

Lotte: Where are you going?

Y/N: After her and Akko, I want to know what's going on here.



Inside the New Moon Tower...

Y/N went where he wanted. The doors were open, so it already said that all three girls were here.

Y/N: It's too creepy here. It is not surprising why the new professor decided to install her laboratory here.


Y/N: 0_0 The fuck?

From above on the spiral staircase, the sounds of explosions and a woman's voice could be heard.

Y/N: Professor Ursula?

Climbing a few steps, the wizard saw her fighting with enormous living statues.

Y/N: 0_0... I'm not going through this shit again. There must be another way to get up here.

Climbing down again, he noticed around the corner a door belonged to an elevator.

Y/N: Hmmm... That's perfect enough.

Y/N quickly walked there. By pressing the button to the top floor, the elevator began to move.

Y/N: Alright! Just calmly take the elevator. I wonder why the professor didn't use it?

His question was answered when the elevator music track began to play.

Y/N: 0_0.... -_-






Y/N: What the FUCK did I use to think?

Slamming his head against the wall, Y/N could swear that he gonna go crazy now.

Y/N: Urgh... Fuck sake! Somebody turn off this stupid track!

For a moment, there was complete silence. A smile began to appear on the corners of the young magician's lip, but that hint of a smile disappeared when the music began to play again.


The wizard began to slam his head against the wall as he questioned himself.

Y/N: Why-


Y/N: -does-


Y/N: -life-


Y/N: -give-


Y/N: -me-


Y/N: -punishment-


Y/N: -every day!


The elevator began to groan.

Y/N: 0_0... Oh no. Don't!... -_- Although you know what? I'm not surprised!

The next elevator track starts.

Y/N: -_- ...I'm going to kill myself.



After Ursula... Or how else to say the Shiny Chariot coped with the guards and traps of the tower, she was seized by ropes and dragged to the Croix laboratory.

Croix: Quite a few years have passed since last we met, Chariot du Nord.

Chariot: You were testing my powers, Croix!

Croix: Ten years ago, you shed the name of Shiny Chariot. I had presumed your powers would have weakened considerably, but it seems that you've retained a bit more than I had expected.

Chariot: You-!




The two witches glanced at the elevator door nearby. One had a grin on her face, while the other one had a surprised look.

Chariot: What is it there?

Croix, with a smile and complete ecstasy, raised her hands in front of her and at the level of her shoulders and exclaimed, at the same time as the elevator doors opened:

Croix: Meet him! The most powerful magician in the world!

Chariot quickly turned with a dumbfounded gaze towards the door and... from there, Y/N landed on four limbs on the ground, breathing deeply.

Y/N: @_@ Crap!... It's a good that I used telekinesis, otherwise I would have heard those terrible tracks for a few more floors.

Chariot was surprised when she looked at the boy.

Chariot: Y/N?...Y/N! What are you doing here?!

After panting a bit, Y/N stood to his feet and cleared himself from dirt.

Y/N: Whoever thought of adding tracks to the elevator should be... 0_0

Looking up, he saw Shiny Chariot, Croix, and Akko sleeping.

Y/N: 0_0... What's going on?

Chariot: Y/N! You have to leave! It's not safe here!

Y/N: I won't leave without Akko, Professor Ursula.

Her eyes widened when she heard her "name".

Chariot: How-

Y/N: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know what you are going to say: "How did you find out about my secret?" I just get used to the memory-erasing spells.

Croix: Is that so?

Y/N: Hm?

Croix: Is that all you want to say?

Y/N: Yes. Can I take Akko?

She chuckled.

Croix: You really want to hide your own secret so badly.

Chariot: Croix! Let him go! He has nothing to do with this!

Croix ignored her and approached the boy.


Y/N: O_O

Croix: You are the most powerful wizard on the planet, aren't you?

The red witch's eyes widened after hearing that. Y/N just laughed hysterically at her.

Y/N: Hahaha.... -_- What the hell are you talking about?

Meridies turned to a few dozen monitors and clicked on her phone.

«You won't get your Scooby Snacks tonight, doggy! Eat this!!!»

Chariot's body refused to move as she watched the video where the wizard destroys those wolves.

Chariot: Woah...

Y/N: It's fake!

Croix clicked again.

«I'm Y/N L/N!!! Destroyer of evil!!!»

Y/N: Okay. Maybe I destroyed one of them, but-


«Go straight to hell!!!»

The monitors showed how he sent Furui flying.

Y/N:... ;_; Ow...

A second later, he tried to avoid eye contact with Chariot. On her face was written not only surprise, shock, and horror, but also an impression.

Y/N: I... I... How did you even know about this?!

Croix: How? Look around, Y/N. What do you see?

Y/N: Your crappy technologies.



The monitor switched to the two robots that the wizard had destroyed.

Y/N: ;_; Ow. Wait! You-!

Croix: I work with Furui? That's right. I will help her to kill you.

Y/N: Oh yeah? And what's keeping me from stopping your life here?

Croix: If you do this, what will the professors, students, and your friends think?

Y/N paused, realizing that she was right.

Croix: But don't worry. I won't tell anyone your little secret. Take this as my token of respect for you.

Y/N: Thanks, I guess...

The wizard sighed, disappointed about one thing.

Y/N: And I guess the bi- I mean, the witch is still alive.

Then, he looked at Akko.

Y/N: What have you done to her?

Croix: I simply collected some data. But I couldn't glean anything worthwhile. As I see, you are not indifferent to her.

Y/N: -_- She is the Monday of my life, but as her friend, I have to protect her. You said you are helping Furui, but what good is that to you?

Croix: Let's just say we're partners. We will divide the world 50% by 50%.

Chariot: You haven't changed one bit!

She finally spoke.

Croix: And you... You, however, have changed. You are hardly a shadow of your former self. To think I was once blinded by your brilliance.

Croix turned to Y/N.

Croix: You can take Akko.

She walked away as the second witch shouted at her.

Chariot: No matter what, I will protect Akko!



After leaving the tower, Y/N laid his friend on his back. Chariot followed him in her professor's form. They both returned to the Academy.

There was dead silence on the road, which made both of them uncomfortable. It seemed that the Professor was analyzing what she saw and heard.

Y/N: So, what do you say?

Ursula: Hm? Oh. I can say... you shocked me.

Y/N: Yeah... An average student who got into the school of witches turned out to be the strongest wizard. Sounds like the headline of a local newspaper.

Ursula did not respond and looked at the ground.

Ursula: Why are you keeping this a secret from everyone?

The wizard did not think twice to respond. So many things that he went through that he already automatically has that answer. He sighed before speaking.

Y/N: Look. If you had such power, then you would hardly be left without attention and everyone would ask you for help. Of course, this is good to do, but then you won't have time for yourself. I mean, look at me. I'm only 18 years old, and I've seen so many different things that will make anyone's hair stand on end.

Ursula nodded.

Ursula: Is it because of experience that you have become so strong? Then... where?

Y/N: I have been traveling through different dimensions since I was a child. It just sucked me in and from the first day, I had to fight for my life. Even ladybugs tried to kill me.

Ursula felt chills.

Ursula: I feel bad for you. I guess you are tired of your life?

Y/N: Kinda... I just want to have a normal life.

Ursula:...What about your scars?

Y/N:......I got them from fighting. Demons, monsters, and other immortal creatures... -_- Damn tree.

The boy shook his head to forget that tree.

Y/N: What about you? Why are you hiding your true identity, Shiny Chariot?

She didn't answer for a while.

Ursula: I don't want to talk about it.

Y/N: It's okay.

There was another awkward silence. The wizard took advantage of this moment to ask for a favor.

Y/N: Professor Ursula, can you promise me to keep my secret in private?

Ursula: Of course. It's your power and it's your choice what to do with it.

Y/N: Oh. I wanted to say the same to you.

Both of them chuckled. Akko heard the laughter and hugged the boy harder.

Ursula: By the way, who is Furui?

Y/N: Huh? She is a bi- I mean witch, who tries to take over the world. But I will stop her.

Ursula smiled. Their conversation went on so long that they didn't realize how they got to the academy doors.

Y/N: Then she screamed, "Aaaaah! You little bastard! You tore off my leg!"

Ursula covered her mouth when she heard that.

Ursula: Oh my God...

Y/N: We came. Here is the "sleeping beauty."

He held Akko out to her hands.

Ursula: I wanted to ask you more questions.

Y/N: Let's continue the conversation over a cup of tea later.

Ursula: Fine.

The teacher and the student were in different ways.

Y/N: And by the way...

Ursula: Huh?

Ursula stopped to see the boy.

Y/N: You are beautiful both as a Chariot and as Ursula.

The professor's face heated and her glasses steamed. She started walking back.

Ursula: Th-Thanks!... Thank you for the compliment! You are c-cute too! No! That's not what I-


Ursula: Oh no! I broke a vase! The professors will scold me! Go, Y/N. I-I'll take Akko to the room and c-clean everything up.

Y/N: ._. Okay...

End of chapter 15.

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