Chapter 13: The discovery of Diana.
Chapter 13: The discovery of Diana.
In the dorms...
Akko: Vajarois wakes at the close of the Festival when the midnight bell tolls. Unable to forget the agony of losing her friends, she demands sacrifices to... Chomp.
Another day on Luna Nova, and the red team was researching what they should do as sacrifices. They were informed thanks to a crystal ball that belongs to Lotte. In it, they could see a demonstration of sacrifice, where Vajarios swallowed the unfortunate ones.
Lotte: Will that happen to us too? Just the thought...
Y/N: I feel sorry for you all... But we still need to do something. You can't let this monster just take you, eat you, and... Well, you get it.
Akko: That's why we will make it burst into laughter during the ritual sacrifice! Chariot was chosen as the Moonlit Witch of the Samhain Festival because of her metamorphosis magic, but that was not why she performed it. As far I could tell, she just wanted to give everyone a thrilling time! That's why I want us to put on a fun metamorphosis magic show and make Vajarois the Wailing double over with laughter!
Y/N: -_- Tell me, why are you like this?
Akko: Huh? What are you talking about?
Y/N: -_- Why are you trying to cheer everyone up?
Akko: I just want to make everyone happy! Like Chariot...
Sucy: Listen, what's the point of going that far? It's not like anyone asked us to.
Lotte: I think following tradition is good enough.
Y/N: -_- Are you two- I mean, Lotte...
The boy pointed to the magic ball.
Y/N: You want to get eaten by this monster?
Lotte: No matter how disgusting it may look. Tradition is tradition.
Akko: But then Vajarois will Jeep crying forever! Let's blow away her tears with the metamorphosis magic and...
Lotte: The ritual has always been done the same way.
Y/N: -_- Why don't we just destroy it?
Akko: We won't do it!
Y/N: -_- That's why.
Sucy: Besides, you can't even do regular metamorphosis magic right yet.
Akko: But that's... True. I guess...
Lotte: Akko... I understand your feelings... But we can't always keep up with you.
Akko: Then... Y/N, do you want to help me?
Y/N: To destroy it?
Akko: No!
Y/N: -_- Then I'll pass.
Akko: Fine... But I still want everyone to see how fun magic is! I will work as hard as I can so you three can understand too. Just watch me!
Y/N: Okay, Akko, okay. Now let's go to sleep. We have a lot to do tomorrow.
Everyone lay down on their beds and the boy asked out loud:
Y/N: Why do I have the feeling that something will go wrong at the festival?
Lotte: It's just anxiety. Do not pay attention.
The wizard sighed, showing a little tiredness.
Y/N: Fine...
The next day...
In the hall...
Y/N: I'm still worried about something.
Lotte: Maybe you're just tired?
Y/N: No... Although yes. The study is just...
Suddenly, he was interrupted by Hannah's voice outside the door.
Hannah: Oh, I can hardly wait to see you become a laughingstock! I can't imagine better sacrifices!
Y/N: -_- What the-
Hannah: Akko the Buffon and Creepy Sucy!
Barbara: Plus the girl with a presence as thin as air, Invisible Lotte! It could have been even better if Y/N had participated in the sacrifice! Vajarois would simply crush his childish nature!
Y/N: -_-
Lotte: •-•
The three of you heard how those two girls were making fun of Akko and you. Lotte looked in a little low spirit, you showed zero interest and Sucy turned her head, cracking her neck.
Y/N: -_- I don't know what you're doing, but stop it.
Preparations for the festival were already over. The decoration of brooms, statues and the opening of the scene has come to an end. At this time, Akko was working on her magic every day, but she couldn't get any better. Y/N was struck by her motivation and the fact that she never gives up. He, Sucy and Lotte discussed this and went outside to her when they finally decided to help her.
Akko: Y/N? Lotte? Sucy?
The mushroom girl pulled out the brunette's newly found notebook with the title "Trick or Treat Plan."
Sucy: You really are someone who can't do anything by herself, Akko.
Lotte: But the three of us just might be able to make something happen.
Sucy: We did some thinking, and it would be best if you handled the metamorphosis magic by yourself. It would be much more interesting with us as your assistants.
Lotte: Even if you mess up, we can cover for your mistakes.
The wizard saw Akko's tears and said, in panic:
Y/N: Girls, back up! She...-!
But before he could warn, Kagari hugged the three of them with a death grip.
Lotte: Too tight...
Y/N: Q_Q Stop! You're going to strangle me... Why did you hug me at all? I'm not even going to help you.
Akko: I just wanted to... hug you. I-I'll definitely make this work!
Y/N: -_- Oh God...
In the waiting room...
The day of the festival has come. Several of the students' tasks have already been completed (albeit some of them done unsuccessfully). After the green team finishes with the cleaning, it will be the turn of the blue team to perform, followed by the red team. Until Akko came, Y/N decided to be near Lotte and Sucy.
Lotte: Akko sure is late.
Sucy: She probably practice until the very last minute. Y/N, shouldn't you go and guard?
Y/N: I'm just waiting for Akko...
???: Has she arrived yet? There is precious little time left.
Y/N: -_- Not you three again.
Hannah: Maybe she finally realized how worthless she is...
Barbara:... and made herself scarce.
Y/N: -_- You know, that's a pity that you didn't turn into an 80-year-old woman.
Diana: Y/N...
The wizard looked at Diana.
Y/N: -_-
Diana: Akko ran away from her responsibilities, leaving all the burden on their shoulders.
Y/N: She's coming soon.
The boy approached her and then a tense situation began. The wizard and the witch stared into each other's eyes. None of their team members wanted to get involved in this. It seemed like World War III would start now if one of the students did not come in time.
Girl: Diana, you are up next.
Diana gave a "Hmph" and then turned to leave.
Diana: How pathetic.
Y/N: -_- I think you've never heard of the word "karma."
After the blue team left, Y/N decided to leave the room too.
Lotte: Are you leaving?
Y/N: Yes. Tell Akko I wished her good luck.
Lotte hummed her response as she nodded.
Y/N: -_- Was I born to be kidded?
Cavendish and her team staged a magnificent water performance with a unicorn, from which all the spectators and witches were delighted. Ovations came from all sides. The applause could be heard even kilometers away from there.
Y/N: She is really an Ice Queen.
Suddenly, he sensed countless evil auras not far from the academy. They were very bright... They had a desire for revenge.
Y/N: 0_0 What the-?
Looking around, the boy carefully crept to the exit door and ran as fast as he could. But his escape did not go unnoticed. That "Ice Queen" watched him leave.
Diana's mind: (Where is he going?)
The wizard left the school grounds. The complete darkness everywhere did not bother him at all. He could still feel those evil auras.
Y/N: 0_0 Am I slowly going wacko?
He ran into the forest to quickly find the threat, unknowingly drawing even more of the Luna Nova student's attention. Over the past few weeks, Diana has taken it upon herself to search for information about him.
Every evening of the day, she used a magic ball to find at least one piece of information about the boy, but the result was the same... "There is no information or your request is incorrect". It was extremely impossible and suspicious.
Y/N entered the depths of the forest. It was dark and quiet here. The only source of light was a large number of fireflies behind the trees... Wait, they weren't fireflies. They were eyes full of hatred and rage, shining brightly in the darkness. The owners of these eyes were wolves of different sizes and shapes, whose fur was gray like the beards of old men. Their teeth looked sharper than a blade. The wizard could feel that they were not ordinary but enchanted. He looked back the way he had come and then looked back at the animals.
Y/N: 0_0... Well... I think you came here for two reasons: to attack the academy and to avenge your brother.
The wolves were still looking at him as prey.
Y/N: -_- I think so.
The wizard looked around one last time.
Y/N: There is nobody! Perfect!
He cracked his knuckles and started to slowly walk toward the incoming swarm of wolves.
Y/N: Oh. Childhood memories.
The wizard grinned and lit his hand with blue fire, while the other created a magic shield.
Y/N: Before I retire... this job needs to be done.
The last thing the wolves saw was a huge flame blinded them.
Diana got down her broom to the ground. She had a wand, so she didn't worry about her safety.
Diana: Y/N? Where is-?
Suddenly, she heard loud sounds resembling explosion. Heading to the side, she grabbed her wand tightly as soon as she realized that the sounds were increasing.
Diana: What's going-?
The witch was suddenly caught off guard when a burned corpse of a big wolf slammed in front of her. She exclaimed in surprise and jumped back.
Diana: What...-
Y/N: Eat this!!!
Diana diverted her attention from the dead animal to the aside. What she saw made the girl's eyes pop out (not literally) and she wondered if she was crazy. There was the countless corpse of wolves. Some of them were stuck in the branches of trees. Others had their skulls crushed, and a few were burned.
Diana: What... happened here?
An unexpected explosion from the other side attracted Cavendish's attention.
Y/N: Get over here!
Diana heard the wizard's voice and ran over. Afterwards, she stopped when she saw him...
Diana: What the...
Y/N: Yeehaw!
Y/N threw a lasso chain around another wolf's neck and threw it into the nearest tree, thereby breaking its back.
Y/N: 20 points in favor of Y/N!
Diana: What?!
The witch watched as the wizard froze the wolf a few centimeters from his face and crushed it with a one blow.
Y/N: So it's time to clean up here.
He said this when he saw wolves approaching him from all sides. Slamming his hands down on the ground, he caused an earthquake. Diana gripped the ground tightly as Y/N's power caused the wolves to fall into the cracks created by the tremor. The powerful wizard grinned.
Y/N: That it!
As soon as the wizard was about to return to the academy, he heard a roar that caught his attention. A wolf, the height of a tree, stood in front of him. It glared at the boy viciously.
Y/N: 0_o White fang?
It immediately opened its mouth and a moment later, Y/N was already inside. Diana gasped in horror as she pulled out her wand.
Diana: Y/N-!
But before ten seconds had passed, the creature fell to the ground. Its body started to twitch. Attempts to stand on his paws failed. It began to whine in pain and...
From the back of the already dead wolf came Y/N covered in blood and guts. Pulling himself up from the hole, he raised his fists to the sky and shouted at the top of his voice.
Y/N: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! I'm Y/N L/N!!! Destroyer of evil!!!
Diana's eyes widened when she saw this sight.
Diana: That's impossible...
Y/N, realizing that he smells terrible, exclaimed:
Y/N: Ew... Ew! EW! EW!
The wizard sniffed himself.
Y/N: Yuck! Oh my God! I smell like I didn't take shower for a few months! I need to take a bathroom after... Oh wait! Festival!
After twisting on the spot 3 times, he disappeared from the body of the slain monster, leaving the place in complete silence and a horrified witch.
Diana: Merciful God...
The witch fell to the ground after he disappeared. She was speechless and couldn't think straight. For the first time in a long time, she felt fear in herself. He's been hiding his power since he came here. No wonder the boy seemed too suspicious to her. The power scared her half to death.
Diana: So that's what he meant...
She had a thought from which she almost fainted.
Diana: What if he decides to attack the academy?
The wizard was panting after completely cleaning himself.
Y/N: My clothes are clean, I don't stink anymore, no one saw anything. Perfect!
The wizard went to the stage and saw Akko hugging Sucy and Lotte. Akko noticed the boy.
Akko: Y/N! Did you see that?! We did it!
Y/N: Yeah! I saw... everything.
The brunette, with tears of happiness, pulled him into a group hug.
Y/N: 0_0 I want air! Let me go...
Sucy: Y/N remained the same.
Sucy sniffed at the boy as she smelled a strange smell.
Sucy: You smell weird.
Y/N: Ummm... Trust me. You don't want to know why.
Cavendish's body was shaking, and her thoughts could not forget what she saw.
«The destroyer of evil!!!»
These words were spinning in her head over and over again. Panic, horror, fear. That's all she felt right now. Hugging her legs, she closed her eyes to wake up from the "dream". But it simply couldn't be called a "dream." It was the reality.
Hannah/Barbara: Diana!
Two of her friends entered her room without knocking with big smiles on their faces.
Hannah: Diana! Where have you been?
Barbara: We wanted to invite you to celebrate our performance. Everyone liked that!
But the blonde girl didn't say anything. Her attention was focused on one point.
Hannah: Diana... Are you okay?
The auburn-haired girl put her hand on her friend's shoulder.
Barbara: Diana? What's wrong?
She finally spoke.
Diana: Y/N...
Hannah: What? Y/N?
Barbara: If he did something to you, we can tell the headmistress. He will be expelled from school and...
Diane: No!
Her unexpected scream caused her friends to fall to the floor.
Diana: Y/N... He...
Hannah: What?
Diana couldn't have the courage to speak. Remembering the boy scared her... Too much.
Diana:...I can't tell you.
Barbara looked at her friend and approached the blonde girl.
Barbara: Diana, everything is okay. You can tell us.
Diana looked first at her and then at Hannah.
Diana: Y/N L/N is... Damn it! I can't tell you!
She dropped her head in her hands without making any sound. The two friends looked at each other and after a mental dialogue, nodded.
Hannah: Diana...
Diana looked at her to hear what she had prepared to say.
Hannah: Do you have a crush on Y/N?
Diana: 0_0...-_- Girls, I'm sorry for this, but I'll ask you to leave me alone. We'll talk about it tomorrow... perhaps.
They nodded and left the room, leaving Cavendish to think again about what had happened today.
End of chapter 13.
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