Foster kids are always forgotten, but we never forget about the pain inflicted on us. We never forget how we were taken from our parents. As they cried or fake cried telling us "I will come back for you" but they never did.
Or maybe they couldn't.
We will never find out because we're stuck in a system where, we're treated poorly, sexually assaulted, maybe even assaulted.
Do we have a say in anything?
Watching BTS's live performance of their new song off the album, they're all so talented and free so happy and lightweight, even you joonie, recalling that you have to translate and lead them, you're an amazing leader and spokesmen. You were always like that. Even when we were kids.
Past pov
"Joonie!" I yell as I run to him, feeling the warm citrus air passing through me, but the only thing that stopped me was another foot, sending me forward and scrapping my knee so badly that I felt warm liquid pouring down my skin.
"Wendy are you alright?" He says holding my hand tightly to pick be up "what is wrong with you tripping her, now she's seriously hurt" he says to the girl making her face change from desire to sadness with a hint of worrisome.
"Let's take you to the nurse" he wraps my arm around his shoulder lifting me up bridal style and walking to the nurse's office, all the girls from my class just look at me disgustedly, what have I done?
"Good afternoon nurse" I was so in my head I didn't even know we made it here already that's wild.
"Is she hurt?" She asks
"Yea, a girl purposely tripped her and she scarped her knee" he places me down on the chair then pulls a chair next to me. "Can you bend it?" He asks
"No, not much, it hurts really bad if I bend too much" I answer honestly
"Don't worry that can be healed, I would've fought this bitter girl, seems like she has it out for ya?" the nurse says while disinfecting my wound. It seems like a lot of people are out for me, I can't even say why because I don't know myself either. I just know the only friend I have inside and outside this wicked system is joonie.
He keeps me grounded and keeps me above water in this chaos, he's so good and calming people down in situations that are so severe, his words making my heart rate decrease. He's such a gentleman he's always there for anybody no matter what. He's so respectful and kind. Makes me laugh. I see why a lot of girls like him.
But he's oblivious to the fact the girls even like him.
"You okay?" He asks
"Yeah, just thinking is all" I answer
"What you thinking about?"
"You and your friends I hope y'all don't forget about me when you make it big!" I say punching his arm
"What makes you think we will, with the way you bully us we won't" he jokes, I glare at him then he holds his hands up on defense " I'm just being honest!"
I shake my head as the nurse comes back in the room with a cloth and a bandaid "there this should do, make sure you clean it at home as well and change the bandaid okay?" She says with a smile
"Okay I will thank you," I say to her, joonie helps me off the bed and walks me out to the hallway so we can go to our next class.
"Has she always disliked you?"
"Hm?" I answer confused
"Oh, not really just until her crush started liking me and I had no reconciliation that he did, until he told me, I still didn't like him back, now he's my best friend" I say softly " it just grew even more I guess when I started hanging around you and the boys"
"Eighth grade drama stressful" he comments sarcastically
"You can say that again" I laugh
Putting in my lock combination smiling because we have a long weekend and honestly I can't say how excited I am for this weekend,the boys and I are supposed to go to this amazing water park that they've just opened I've seen it on tv, but I've never been, and luckily I just learned how to swim so it's a win-win for me.
"Hey!" Someone yells scaring me, I scream at turn to see Taehyung giving me his boxy smile "are you crazy?!" I say hitting him
"No, I just never scared you before so this was my time" he says massaging my shoulders
"We told him not to do it, because when you do pay back you don't hold back" yoongi steps in
"I sure don't. Game on Taehyung" I say while looking up at him, he wraps his arms around my shoulder as we walk out the building
"Listen, you've scared me how many times? Exactly you can't even remember so you should let me have this one, you can match me in Mario Kart" he suggests
"Deal!" I say clutching onto his arm
Present pov
Smiling I wrap myself in my covers then lean my head against the pillow, I miss them so much if only I could just update them on my life. Tell them how I've been, what new foods a discovered what I just found out I'm allergic too. How I'm living what I'm studying in college. Just so much to talk about. Pinch my cheeks even though I know and you know I hate it so much.
But you're there...
And I'm here...
Just missing you..
"Guess it's time to head to class" I put on my shoes grabbing my bag and heading out the door, I don't have a car yet so I have to literally sit in the sun and wait for the best to arrive. I'm trying my best to save for a car, my relatives really don't help out much, just with my emotional support dog and my financial aid purposes. They think I'm just like my mother. A selfish bitter woman, who refers to drugs like candy.
But in honest I hate drugs. I hate the smell of them. Hate what they do to your body. I just hate them. And I've told them that. But all they fired back was "your mother felt the same exact way until you were taken from her", if you know I was taking why didn't you stop them? Or collect me?.
I've changed over six different schools, people were adopting me but changed their mind, I was never perfect for anyone. Not even my own parents.
When joonie left the system and found a real home he wasn't allowed to come back and visit unless someone was coming to adopt me. From what I heard his foster mother tried to adopt me as well, but they kept telling her, someone in rehab was coming to get me but just needed time to recover.
She tried and tried so much that eventually she just stopped coming.
She basically gave up on me.
I sigh then sit on the bus bench, theirs always this old lady who sits here and always gives me advice before I go to class, somehow she knew I suffer from anxiety and she just knew how to make me feel less anxious and more lively. But it seems she's not here today. It's a younger woman with a baby. Who waves at me. I wave back and smile their mother looks at me and smiles as well.
"Beautiful baby you have ma'am" I say politely
"Thank you, I'm doing the best I can as a single mother, please don't make the same mistake I did okay?, not saying my baby is a mistake, but trusting my ex-partner was a mistake"
I nod my head smiling "thank you, I will take your advice into consideration"
My bus finally came I waved goodbye to both the baby and the mother, getting on the bus I swipe my card then find a seat, sitting down next to a guy around my age he looks familiar but I can't point it out. I pull out my iPad to get some commissions done. I'm not the best at drawing but I'm improving everyday. I plug in my Apple Pencil, then connect it. As I'm opening the app the guy next to me gasps
"You're really good at drawing, I can barely draw a circle without making it look like an oval" He comments
"Well I'm not that good I still have room for improvement but thank you"
"You look familiar, are you from University at Buffalo?" He says softly
"Yeah, I go there"
"Okay wait! I think you were in my class last semester, with professor alverz"
Now it clicked to me, he was the one who helped me study and stay on task for math classes "oh yeah! I remember you, your name is Malik right?"
"Yes And Yours is Wendy right?"
"Yea it is" I comment
"Well nice to meet you again Wendy, so did you end up changing your major?" He asks
"No, I actually love 3D animation, it's pretty chill" I comment
"Good good, I changed mine from business to biology, It's pretty cool to learn about"
"I agree, biology was great in highschool"
I started talking to him until it was time for me to get off which surprisingly he had to go to school as well. We exchanged numbers and we went out separate ways.
Walking into my English class joy smiles signaling me to sit next to her I nod then walk over to her "Hey joy how are you?"
"I'm okay, and you Wendy? Have you heard someone in our class was bragging and saying they slept with namjoon from BTS, that's so disgusting"
"Dude fucking sasaengs are hella scary, I think they're a threat to society and to idols"
"Same omg, I don't even know how we should take action" Joy comments
"Honestly what can you do? I guess report them to the entertainment" I comment
"Oh, yea! We should try it out, anyways so remember how I told you I would get us an audition to SM entertainment?"
"Yes, ma'am?" I say while finding my essay
"So our audition is tomorrow at 5 pm sharp," she says while hugging my arms
"I'm so nervous I'm already pre-throwing up," I say looking at her.
"Agh Wendy shhhh, you'll do amazing!"
The professor starts talking and he starts talking about verbs and everything.
Boring stuff...
Namjoon pov
Laying down on the couch we just knocked out another interview, the more interviews and concerts I do I feel so much love, more love than I've felt before.
"How are you namjoon?" Yoongi asks me
"Just tired, how are you yoongi-hyung?" I say with my eyes closed
"Honestly I feel like sometimes the things that are happening for us is so surreal, it almost feels like a dream but a great dream" he rambles
"I agree"
"You know what else I wish was a reality we met Wendy again, she was really funny, you think she ever got adopted?" He asks
"I sure hope so those homes were awful, to the point that some kids were catching diseases and dying, I hope nothing bad happened to her," I say softly
There's so many things I wanna say to you.
So many places I wanna visit with you.
So many songs I want you to hear.
So many stories to tell you
To tell you what foods I like what I don't like.
How I want to pinch your cheeks knowing full aware you hate it.
But you're wherever you are...
And I'm here..
Just missing you..
"Don't worry namjoon, what is meant to be will always come back and what isn't will stay, just gotta have patience"
"I will I just..
"Miss her a lot" namjoon sighs
"Miss him a lot" Wendy sighs
Well well, here's a longer chapter for without me! Hope you enjoy it and hope it's good. I've been working on researching everything as I type so I won't offend anyone because at the end of the day I wanna use the platform to uplift and bring awareness not to hurt or offend anyone, that's the last thing I want to do. Anyways I love you all! Thank you all for the support and the love as well. Without (you) see what I did there? Lol anyways without you guys I wouldn't be able to share my stories with any of you guys. So thank you very very much.
~if there is a mistake don't be afraid to let me know, for your heart is as pure as the blue sky ☁︎.
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