13. lifes hanging

School lunch:

I had gotten late to lunch so I sat got a tray and some chips because I want all that hungry. I saw jack and his friends, I went and sat next to Jack.

At the table:
Max: she was gorgeous. Long brown hair, green eyes and the perfect body.
Elliott: brown fluffy hair, brown eyes and tons of freckles. Also Max's boyfriend.
Piper: blonde hair, blue eyes and also gorgeous.
Chad: brown swoopy hair brown eyes, and pipers boyfriend.
Then jack: dirty blonde fluffy-ish hair sea green eyes.

  Everyone just glared at me. I was a stranger in the land of, 'popular kids'. I smiled at everyone. Then jack spoke up. "Um guys this is Talia, my girlfriend" I smiled a little as I watched Piper whisper something to max.

Pipers POV

"Um guys this is talia, my girlfriend" I watched smile a little, I looked at max  and whisperd. "Such a cute couple, we'll have to fix that" She chuckled a bit. "So talia this is Piper" I waved smiling with a hint of jealousy. "This is max" Max rolled her eyes.
He introduced everyone else. I felt Chad grab my hand to hold. I glared at him snatching my hand back.

  Everyone assumes chad and I are still a thing, but it ended a year ago. It was when, I was out of school a few days and him and a girl named Lexi really liked him. While I was gone, they had made out in the supply closet. I found out when I came back, I saw them.  The only reason I'm still with Chad is because if we had broken up, I would lose all reputation. I couldn't afford to loose the one 'good' thing in my life.

  "So talia tell me about yourself.'

Talia POV

  "Um well" I paused. I felt my sleeve roll up but I pulled it down quickly. "I am living with my dad, and he's letting me have a role in his tv show"
Max rolled her eyes "is your dad a extra" Chad asked thinking he was right.
  "No he's actually the star of it" They looked shocked. "What show is it" Elliott asked like he was truly interested. "Supernatural, tonight the new episode airs, it's the episode where I come in, I play a demon and it's going to be a big part" Elliott cracked a smile "I love supernatural, are you Jensens new daughter" I nodded smiling. Max looked confused "wait new daughter?" I looked down.

   She bursted out laughing "YOUR ADOPTED" I shook my head and looked at her "yeah so is there something wrong with that" She calmed down a bit. "That sucks" I stood up "yeah it does asshole" I walked away as jack followed me.

  "Talia wait" I turned around looked at him "why? Why should I wait" He sighed "she didn't mean it, she's really nice if you get to know her" I couldn't believe he just defended her. "Yeah jack because it's super nice when you are having a great time until you get reminded that your life is shit." He looked at me sympathetically.  "Please just come back"

  Pipers POV:

  I watched as they walked away, I felt bad for Talia. "Max, that was kinda mean" She looked a little mad. "No that was funny" Elliott looked pissed. "That was not funny max, you don't know what she's been through" She rolled her eyes. "It's just a joke"

  Elliott's POV:

"Am I laughing"
"Babe take a joke"
"Max that wasn't funny that was a bitch move you don't know what she has been through, she could be seriously hurt"
  Max scoffed "are you serious" I raised my eye brows "last straw... We're done" She said I looked at her in shock.

Talia and jack returned. Piper looked at Talia "I like you, wanna hang after school?" Talias bright eyes lit up "sure!"

Talias POV:

Piper and I walked out of class "so I'm gonna text my dad, he's gonna pick us up" She smiled waiting patiently.

T: hey dad! Is it ok if a friend hangs out with me after school?

D: sure, I'm omw to school right now to pick you up, I have JJ with me.

T: k, thanks! Love ya ❤😘

D: love ya too 💜

"He's on his way" She smiled, I saw his black Cadillac pull up. I got in front as JJ and Piper sat in back.
"Hey Talia how was school?" He asked on his way back to the house.
"Eh it was school, nothing special" Piper cracked a smile. "Oh yeah,  dad this is Piper, Piper this is my dad, and that is JJ" I looked at JJ. "Thank you for having me over Mr. Ackles" Dad smiled as JJ talked with Piper. As we pulled up.
  "Jeez this house is huge" Piper said as her and I got out of the car. "I get that a lot" As dad chuckled helping JJ out of her booster. I laughed a little.
  "Popper fair warning I have two more siblings, Zep and Arrow" She smiled "it's ok I love kids" I smiled "dad were gonna hang in my room for a bit" He nodded as we went to my room and set our book bags at the door.

  "Talia your house is so nice" I plopped on the bed "thank my mom and dad, I didn't do anything" She sat in the desk chair.
  "So" Piper started. "How's life"

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