Chapter 5: Not so cold anymore
The train ride was peaceful and quiet. The only sounds that filled the atmosphere were the clanking of the train tracks and the soft murmurs of the passengers.
The negative guardian sighed, shifting in his seat beside Horror.
The large skeleton looked towards his boss, "I want to cook something," Horror whispered.
Nightmare patted the hooded man, "We'll find a kitchen for you, don't you worry".
"FuCK O-oFF" gaining the attention of the two skeletons.
By the exit of the train, Error could be seen backing away from Ink who was grinning like a mad man.
Getting up from his seat, Nightmare walked up to the glitching male, "May I ask what happened."
"He li-" Ink began.
"Nothing! Don't worry about it!" Error screeched.
Horror walked up behind the king, curious about what happened.
Ink gave Nightmare an eyebrow wiggle, in turn Nightmare gave him a confused look.
He didn't understand the small god, but decided not to bother.
Suddenly, the intercom turned on.
"Passengers, Passengers!" The announcer began, "We are stopping at Mount Ghothra".
Everyone stood up and got off the train.
Once they left the train, they were hit by the freezing temperatures of the mountains.
"Oh golly!" Blue yelped, rubbing his arms to warm himself up. "It's so cold!"
The clattering of Dust's bones as he shivered, he looked back at the train, now missing its warmth.
"Quickly everyone, put these on!" Dreaminstructed, handing everyone some warmer clothing.
The clothing helped with the cold, which Nightmare was grateful for.
"Alright, now what do we do?" Cross asked, checking out their surroundings.
The dark guardian hummed in thought as he looked at the many small drawings of things scattered on the map, "Well, based on what that merchant drew, we must find a cave and a blue ring".
Nightmare turned towards the south and pointed, "We're going in this direction". And began walking.
"Hey," Error grabbed the scruff of the dark guardian's shirt, "We need a plan, when did you ever go somewhere without a plan?"
The negative king gawked at the rough treatment and scoffed at the destroyer. "I just want to leave this sickening place already".
"You won't be leaving if you get yourself killed!" Error barked.
Away from the pair, Horror rummaged through their resources with Dust to check if they have all the things they need.
"I think that's it," Dust mumbled.
Horror gave the shorter male a nod of affirmation.
"Hey guys, how's our things?" Blue asked, making his way closer towards the two.
"We... have enough," Horror responded, before adding "not.. enough.. to cook".
Blue hummed, "It's ok, we could always find some things you could cook with on our journey!"
Horror gave Blue a smile and turned to see a fuming Dust. The large male cocked his head to the side, unsure why Dust was so mad.
"Alright everyone!" Nightmare's voice echoed through the train station, "We'll find something to travel with and we'll go on from them".
The murmurs of confirmation filled the room as everyone began to pack their things and get ready for their journey.
The closer the group got towards the marked location, Horror noticed how there were weapons littered around the place.
As they made it, in the front of them were tall mountains of rock and snow, where a small village was situated in the distance.
"The map says we're here," Nightmare noted.
"I don't see anything," Killer groaned and hit a pile of snow, "IT'S ALL SNOW!"
Killer's voice echoes through the icy plains.
"Will you quiet down," Error barked.
Suddenly, the ground started to shake.
To the left was a bright blue light. A large figure lifted itself from the ground, staring down at them.
"Holy fuck!" Killer screamed.
Its large hand is lifted and slammed into the ground where the group stood.
The group quickly jumped out of the way, avoiding the attack from the snow giant.
The storm thickens as the giant lets out a loud yell. Having the skeleton covering their "ears"
The giant crawled onto its hands as its legs were dragged across the ground.
"What do we do?" Blue yelled, covering his skull from the cold.
"We'll kill it!" Killer suggested.
"How? That thing is huge, it could kill us in a second!" Cross snapped.
"It would be a great time for us to test out our skills!" Dream shouted.
The gang nodded, and got in a fighting stance.
Ink was the first to act, he pulled out his guitar and played a melody. Giving the team a burst of energy for the battle.
With this energy, Error started to summon small projectiles, aiming for the eyes of the giant.
The giant roared in pain and smashed down at the group.
Quickly dodging, Horror got close to the slammed down hand and slashed at it with one of his many knives.
Dust followed with a fury of punches, and a few kicks.
The massive beast turned towards Dust and lifted its large hand and once more slammed down where Dust fought.
Unaware of the incoming attack, Nightmare quickly pushed Dust away and summoned a small barrier for himself.
But it was ultimately shattered from the impact.
"Boss!" Dust cried, his pin-pricked shrunken as his leader laid on the ground, with soft cyan shards from the shattered shield.
Seeing this, the group went to continue attacking the beast, while Killer and Blue ran towards the fallen guardian.
"Holy shit, boss," Killer gasped as he looked at the crushed skull.
"We have to do something quick!" Blue urged, pulling the leader away from the battle to get to safety.
Nightmare winced and groaned as he was lifted from the ground by Blue and taken to cover.
"What do we do!" The hate that ran down his face started to drip faster, falling onto the white snow.
Blue snapped his head towards the empty-eyed skeleton, "Aren't you a healer?"
Killer groaned, "Don't remind".
"You need to heal him!" the bandage covered skeleton demanded.
Swiftly, Killer placed his hand on where Nightmare's skull should've been and started to cast a healing spell.
A glowing blue light emitted from the injury and slowly, the once crumbled skull was in one piece.
A small groan was let out from the fallen leader. Seeing him starting to move has the two skeletons beam with joy.
"Ugh, why are you both so joyous?" Nightmare grumbled, grabbing his skull.
The two only continued to grin which confused the dark skeleton.
The sounds of blasts and growls filled the air as the group continued to battle.
"It should be dead already!" Error hissed whilst holding his injured arm.
Horror dodged another incoming attack as there were icy blue creatures coming to attack him.
"There should be a weak point!" Dream yelled over the blasts and roars.
Horror looked around the snowy giant whilst dodging the savage strikes from the summoned creatures.
"There!" Horror yells, "At the chest!"
At the giant's chest was a bright blue crystal which contrasted the giant's snow white skin.
Dream pulled out his bow and aimed for the chest, only to be pounced on by an ice bear, causing Dream to miss the chest and hit the side of the gem. "Damn it".
He kicked and used his bow to create distance between him and the creatures.
Error pants and starts to prepare an attack directed at the chest of the giant. He shot but clasped as he grew tired, and unable to continue attacking.
"Fuck!" the glitchy skeleton yelled, "can someone else get that stupid gem?"
Everyone didn't have any projectiles or anything that could reach the beast, as Dream was too busy fending for himself and Error had run out of mana. Horror decided that it was best if he could throw one of his knives hard enough, it may destroy the gem.
Getting ready to throw the knife, he aimed and threw the knife as hard as he could into the gem.
As it hit, the giant roared in pain and backed away.
However, the giant did not die and was still attacking the group.
Horror stood in his spot, distraught, that was his best shot, but it didn't work.
Suddenly, the giant let out another roar and exploded.
The temperature around them started to grow warmer and in the air were sprinkles of white particles.
The creatures surrounding them started to disintegrate into the snow below them.
And then silence.
No-one moved from their places.
"We did it!" Ink cheered as he fell back into the snow in relief.
The pants from everyone as they dropped down onto the snow from exhaustion and relief.
Everyone laid there, regaining the energy from the long battle.
A quiet 'ping' captured the attention of the group.
The ping came from one of them but all of them continuously.
Above their heads was a small text saying 'level up: 5'.
"We... leveled up?" Horror mumbled, stepping back from the glowing silhouette of the achievement.
Killer perked up and threw his fist into his palm, "That's right! We're in a video game!"
"That almost got us killed," Nightmare growled.
"But I saved you," Killer smugly said as he gave his boss a finger gun.
All the dark guardian could do was growl at his subordinate because if he killed the obnoxious killer, he probably wouldn't be able to get out of this world.
Horror watched as the gang chatted with one another, which he decided to take in the scenery around them.
Surrounding them were tall mountains painted with white powdered snow, the moon shone through the night sky and onto the snow below. Littered around were pine trees with snow on the leaves.
Noticing a soft blue glow, Horror made his way closer to the mysterious light.
Curious, the large skeleton kneeled onto the soft powdery snow and gently picked up a small ring. On closer inspection, the ring held a bright blue crystal that faded into a midnight shine.
"What's that, Horror?"
Startled, Horror snapped his head towards the owner of the voice, his head so quickly that his neck cracked.
Cross jolted as the larger skeleton's head made a subtle crack when his head turned.
"Oh sorry big guy," The monochrome guard nervously chuckled, "what are you holding?"
The giant grumbled but passed the ring to Cross, who gently cupped the ring in his gloved hands and slowly inspected the ring.
A sound of astonishment escaped Cross' mouth, "Do you think it's one of the artifacts?"
In response, Horror nodded. Although, he has a feeling something was off.
As Cross continued to examine the ring, Horror looked around the scenery and towards the larger group. They were quieter, and now talking amongst themselves.
"Enough chatter, we must resume our search for these artifacts," Nightmare declared.
Horror shyly raised his hand, gaining the attention of the dark king.
"Cross is holding something" Horror stated.
"Oh?" Nightmare turned towards the guard, and reached his hand out. In which the said guard passed the artifact into the king's hand.
As the king inspected the artifact with Error peering over his shoulder, Dream decided to continue instructing the group whilst his sibling was busy.
"Let's see..." The golden skeleton mumbled to himself as he looked at the map which he plucked out of Nightmare's pouch. "Oh! The next location isn't that far from here".
"Where are we going?" Blue asked from his seat beside Ink.
"The forest of alancia"
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