If I Lose You
Cisco requested the presence of Parker, Barry, Eddie and Joe at S.T.A.R. Labs as soon as they could.
In the same place when they received the text message, Parker relied on Barry for a ride. Eddie and Joe arrived together as well, twenty minutes after them. With Caitlin on the phone with Wells, the rest gathered in the bunker.
Cisco had figured out how to trigger the hologram. The Reverse-Flash stood tall, his red eyes staring at the group, specifically Barry, who stood directly at the front.
"So, Wells set up a fake showdown, with a fake opponent, who wasn't really there," Eddie said, breaking the silence.
"He figured if we saw them together, it would prove he wasn't the Reverse-Flash," Barry confirmed.
"This all just keeps getting crazier and crazier."
Parker cleared her throat, ready to break the news of the Reverse-Flash's real name to Eddie.
At the same time, Caitlin came down through the elevator and Cisco shut off the hologram, holding Parker from the revelation for a bit longer.
"I talked to Wells. He's attending a meeting, won't be back until five," she explained.
The group made a circle. Barry took the lead, ready to review the plan.
"All right. Cisco, you know when he gets here, you need to be setting off the trap so he sees you working on the hologram. Parker, you sit by the door and just.." Barry trailed off, failing to give her direction, simply because he didn't know what she could do.
"Look pretty," Parker finished.
Barry nodded.
"Hold up," Joe cut in, raising his eyebrows. "Isn't that when everything went.."
"Kali Ma, Temple of Doom, yes," Cisco confirmed, eyes wide with remembrance. "That definitely happened." He ran a hand over his heart, snapping out of his memories, looking far more determined to get their trap over with. "This time, I'm ready for him. I originally designed a forcefield to keep a speedster from getting out, but I've reversed it. Now, it won't let one in."
Cisco looked at the ceiling of the contraption. His finger pressed down on a button that sent a trickling red light over the containment center. He locked eyes with Barry, his finger curling, taunting him to try it.
"Back up," Barry muttered.
The team followed his direction. Curiosity piqued their interest, everyone watched intently as Barry crouched, set to run at Cisco. Without a warning, Barry left behind a whoosh of wind. He didn't go far, having run into the force field and proceed to be thrown back, the shield rejecting him from entry.
Caitlin ran to Barry, being his Doctor and all. "Oh, Barry, are you okay?"
Barry gave a slight nod, standing and shaking out the pain. The three rejoined the huddle.
"As long as I'm inside, Wells won't be able to get near me," Cisco promised.
Parker nudged Barry with her elbow, gaining his attention. "Meaning that if anything happens, you need to run me outside the shield and I'll hop in. I'm your priority."
"You're always a priority," Barry countered.
Parker closed her eyes, shaking her head shamefully. "Not the time to be flirting, honey. Not the time," she muttered.
"I'll be in the Cortex, watching and recording everything that happens," Caitlin announced.
"As soon as we get the confession we need to free my dad, I'll move in," Barry continued.
"Is there time to change into your suit?" Parker inquired, tilting her head to look up at Barry. "Are you going to have the earpiece on? Because I won't let you fight him alone. You aren't ready."
"I'm going to have to be."
"Barry Allen--"
"Sorry, what do I do?" Eddie interrupted. His voice was registered by Parker and Barry, but they were too busy having a stare-down to turn their heads.
"Wells threatened Iris. If something goes wrong here, keep an eye on her until he's neutralized," Joe filled him in.
"I'll always keep Iris safe, Joe."
Barry was the one to break eye contact with Parker, distracted by Eddie walking away from the group. Victorious, Parker clapped her hands together.
"It's settled, you're wearing the damn earpiece. I'll give you mine so you don't have to put on the suit, and I'll just use Cisco's," Parker informed.
Barry rolled his eyes. "I let you win because I love you."
"Really?" Parker gasped sarcastically. "I had no clue!"
There was quite a bit of waiting to occur before Dr.Wells arrived back at the Lab. Caitlin was upstairs in the Cortex doing who knows what; Joe and Barry were having a heated conversation in the corner of the bunker; Cisco played on his laptop; Parker sat against the wall, tying and retying her shoelaces.
Every time she looked at the clock, hoping it was an hour closer to the confrontation, the reality would be that only a minute passed. The longest she went without checking the clock was seven minutes.
"Is anyone else dying of boredom?" Cisco groaned.
"Yes," Parker answered immediately.
"What do you wanna do?" Cisco wondered, spinning his chair to face her.
"Honestly, stress eat."
Cisco nodded knowingly. He rose from his chair and helped her up from the floor.
"C'mon, we'll go feed the metas," Cisco said.
"Metas?" Barry called. "Can I come?"
"If you must."
The three ventured to the kitchen. Parker held the bottles of water in her arms, Cisco and Barry each carried pairs of potato chips and sandwiches.
"Don't forget the Stunna Shades," Cisco reminded Parker, pushing the sunglasses onto her face.
His Stunna Shades were for protection against Roy Bivolo, made with reflective glass to avoid getting angry.
Cisco was more inventive than Parker thought. During the months Barry was in the coma, there was honestly nothing to do. With the metas, his inventive brain was off the charts.
One of the bees from Brie Larvan was left at the Lab and Cisco got control of it, using it to bring vitamins to the prisoned metas.
Kyle Nimbus broke it, is what Parker found out later. She was glad about it, not that Cisco knew. She didn't want a repeat of the S.T.A.R. Labs teddy bears.
"Kinda wish I still had those teddy bears. They could deliver food for us," Cisco muttered.
"Mention the damn teddy bears again and I'll skin all of them."
Barry raised his eyebrows, chuckling. "Whoa, what am I missing?"
Cisco grinned and dove deep into the origin story of the S.T.A.R. Labs. Meanwhile, Parker relived her greatest nightmare.
As previously mentioned, Cisco was a very inventive man. He had a whole room designated to his gadgets and somewhere, hidden deep within the drawers of a cabinet, were four teddy bears.
They weren't normal, cuddly bears, no.. Those teddy bears had been torn apart from their back, a mechanical skeleton was shoved in, and the bears were lazily sewed back together.
"No, the best part was that I had controllers, so I scared her right when she walked into the Cortex. Nobody was there, just walking teddy bears," Cisco reminisced.
Of course, Barry was highly amused, laughing loudly.
"It wasn't funny!" Parker insisted. "It was Ted mixed with Chucky from Child's Play. It wasn't cool, dude."
"Really? Because I thought it was amazing," Cisco teased.
Parker rolled her eyes. She waved her foot under the Accelerator door, walked through when it opened and stretched her fingers to control the system.
Each meta-human arrived in their cage, the three slid the meal through the door and sent them off.
No talking commenced that time, which was highly unusual, considering somebody usually taunted them about "destroying the city once I get out" or something vengeful like that.
On the walk back to the bunker, Barry was the one to bring it up. "They're awfully quiet."
"We can investigate them later. We have a bigger problem to think about," Parker said.
You didn't have to know Parker to figure out that with every step towards the bunker, her nerves grew. Her hands were starting to shake, minutely, but noticeably, since she had intertwined them and held them against her chest; a habit only present when she was freaking herself out.
"Everything will be fine, Parker," Cisco said. "You'll be safe with me in the containment system if anything happens."
"I'll get you there. You're my priority, remember?" Barry asked. His reassuring smile was not assuring Parker of anything.
They arrived at the bunker. Cisco walked out of the elevator, Parker stopped outside the doorway, which meant Barry had to stop as well, unable to slide past her.
Parker didn't look at him. She had planned for the confession, planned to reveal it to Barry, the one person she trusted to let in on it.
"It's not any of us I'm worried about," Parker admitted.
"Then who..?"
"My family lost my father already. I don't want to leave them to relive that pain."
It didn't take Barry long to figure out that 'leave' meant dying.
"Parker, I'm not going to let you--"
She groaned, dropping her head into her hands. "Stop saying that, you can't promise it. I just.."
Parker spun around and faced him. "I just--" she tried once more.
"Here he comes."
Parker and Barry's eyes went from the overhead speakers to each other. Without asking, Barry pressed his lips to her forehead. Parker closed her eyes, the familiar feeling taking some of her panic away. He pulled away all too soon and sped behind the machine, hiding with Joe.
Parker stepped to the right and pressed her back against the wall, sliding down.
"Cisco?" Parker called. "You're my bro for life, okay?"
Cisco held his hand over his heart. "And you're mine, loser."
Parker heard the chime of the elevator, warning them that there was seconds left until Wells arrived.
Her heart began to thump sporatically in her chest. She gripped at the end of her shirt with white knuckles. Physically, she looked close to normal, which was the goal.
"Parker," Wells said, sparing her a glance while continuing to walk towards Cisco. "I'll get to you in a moment."
Parker gave a thumbs-up, sounding terrified. That she didn't have to fake. "Take your time."
"You really are incredibly clever, Cisco, I've always said it."
"You're him. The Reverse-Flash. Joe was right this whole time, wasn't he?"
"Good old Joe. He had his doubts all along, even from that first night in the hospital with Parker, Joe knew something wasn't right. Cops: as inconvenient now as they will be in a hundred years."
"You killed Barry's mother. Why?"
"It was never my intention to kill Nora, but from my perspective, she was already dead. It just happened sooner than it was supposed to."
Parker stood. From her higher position, she looked behind the machine and caught Barry's eye. He didn't move, meaning that wasn't enough for a confession. They needed more.
Dr.Wells raised his hand. Cisco stepped back, accidentally tripping over the steps.
"Oops," Wells muttered.
Cisco scrambled to his feet, his finger tapping the button to trigger the shield. Wells stopped outside of it.
Parker narrowed her eyes.
Wells had told her he'd get to her, and that followed the plan, since she died after Cisco in the alternate timeline. But Cisco was protected in the center, and Wells was still focusing on him, when Parker was a clear target. His hand wasn't vibrating; he wasn't showing any sign of a rush.
Her observations connected to a giant question mark. Parker had a hunch, that led to somewhere she didn't have time to find. Nevertheless, she followed it, desperately wishing she wasn't reading the signs wrong.
Disobeying the plan, she started taking slow steps towards the containment system.
"You're not going to get away with this," Parker predicted, buying her and Cisco time.
She needed time to unveil the question mark. Cisco needed time to find another inquiry that would trigger the confession.
"Didn't I tell you I'd get to you?" Wells snarled, his brow creasing with anger.
"You were taking a while. Whole dramatic speech and such.." Parker continued slowly, watching curiously. "Anything else you want to admit before you kill us?"
"You will be the first to die, like you were meant to be," Wells promised, turning sideways to keep an eye on both of them.
"Then do it."
Parker's words slipped from her mouth before she thought about what had come out.
Cisco was wide-eyed. Internally, he was screaming at her for diverting from the plan.
Parker continued to speak, continued to take cautious steps forward. It didn't make sense to her. She was taunting him, trying to annoy him, and Wells wasn't doing anything. She should have been dead by then.
Wells lowered his hand. His jaw was moving, a clear sign of his teeth grinding against each other. He flexed his fingers, going oddly still.
And in the blink of an eye, his hand was at her throat. In the same moment, Parker gagged, Cisco inhaled a panicked gasp and three shots fired.
Barry was fast enough to grab two of the bullets from the air. His hand outstretched, he lunged for the third bullet, though it had traveled too far. Rejected by the shield, Barry flew back, unable to catch the third bullet, which found it's target: Wells' heart.
Wells lost the strength of his arm and soon after, his balance. Unaffected by the shield, he dropped into the middle, dead by the time he hit the floor.
"That wasn't a confession!" Barry shouted.
Parker heaved in air to her lungs, bent over, hand clutching at Cisco's shirt. "Not dead! Not dead!" she managed to cough out.
Caitlin rested a hand on her back, panting from her sprint down to the bunker. "Are you okay?"
"I'm never gonna sleep ever again, but yeah I'm okay," Cisco breathed.
"Wasn't talking to you," Caitlin muttered. "Park? Are you okay?"
"He's dead and he didn't confess," Barry whimpered, gripping his hair in frustration. "This was it. My dad is gonna be in prison forever."
Another panicked inhale was taken by Parker and Cisco at the sight of the dead Dr.Wells change his form. The baby faced meta-human was back; Hannibal Bates was dead on the floor.
That was the question mark.
Parker hadn't died, because that wasn't the Dr.Wells who harnessed the power of speed. He fell through the shield because he wasn't a speedster. Barry's hope of getting his father out of prison wasn't gone just yet, because the real Wells was still capable of confessing.
"I told you this before.." Dr.Wells' voice rang out. "I am always one step ahead, Flash. Allow me to reintroduce Hannibal Bates, who maintains the incredible ability to transform into anyone he touches. I knew that ability would come in handy. I did not expect it to come in handy this soon."
"You used him, like you used all of us!" Barry shouted.
"It didn't take much convincing. Except the simple promise of his freedom."
"You ruined my life. All of our lives!"
"We stood by you after everything that happened," Caitlin snapped.
"I can see how this must be difficult for you to understand, but trust me, your lives are now so much better because of what I have done for you."
"You don't have to hide anymore," Joe said casually. "We know you're not Harrison Wells."
"A confession will get you nowhere. You've seen who I am. You know what I can do."
"You wanna kill me, go ahead," Barry said.
Parker raised her eyebrow, a little worried of what he was going to say next.
"I'm not going to fight you. Just tell the Police what you did, get my dad out of prison."
Yeah, shit he won't do.. Parker thought, leaning her weight against Cisco.
"I don't want to kill you, Barry, I need you. And.. I also did not anticipate, as difficult as the past fifteen years have been for me, that I would come to enjoy working with you. With all of you," Dr.Wells admitted. "And yet, that does not change what has to happen.."
"Then face me now!" Barry shouted.
Dr.Wells chuckled, genuinely sounding pleased. "Oh, we will face each other again, soon, I promise you. Very soon."
An alarm rang from Cisco's cell phone. He looked down, yelled, "He's in the time vault!" and Barry was running that way before anyone could stop him.
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