A girl not older than 17 sat on a comfy chair in the end of her room. Her hair still damp from the shower she had taken. Her feet up on her desk with a book in her hands and ear buds in her ears. Her mom had to work late again so she was left alone with her dorky brother. Don't get her wrong, he was her best friend. Well one of her friends.
"Sam!" She nearly fell out of her chair when her brother shouted her name. She quickly turned off her music and lowered her book.
"What Scott?" She replied. The last time she had seen him today, he had told her that he wanted to fix his lacrosse 'stick'.
"Did you hear that?" He said as he took a step into her room. Sam raised an eyebrow at two things. One, he had an baseball bat in his hands, ready to hit someone. Two, what was she supposed to hear?
"What do you-" She was cut off by a noise coming from outside. "Let's go check it out" She said as she stood up and walked with Scott to the door.
Scott pulled Sam behind him as they stepped outside. He had always been the protective brother. Even when he knew she could defend herself. They walked a bit further into the veranda, checking it. This really wasn't what he had in mind when he entered her room. He had just wanted to see if she was safe and maybe that she was making the noise but when she said she wanted to go 'check it out' he freaked out. He had gotten hurt multiple times doing something stupid but his sister getting hurt because of him, no way. He slowly raised the bat as they neared the end of the veranda. He stopped, about to turn around and head back inside when Stiles appeared upside down. They screamed.
"Stiles, what the hell are you doing?!" Scott shouted at Stiles once they stop screaming.
"You weren't answering your phone!!" Stiles shouted right back as Sam stepped away from Scott. She walked to the edge of the veranda and looked up. How did he even get up there? "Nether were you missy!?" He pointed at Sam who held up her hands in a mocking surrender. "Why do you have a bat?" He said as he 'turned' back to Scott.
"It's a new dress code" Sam smirked.
"I thought you were a predator!" Scott said ignoring his sister. She always made sarcastic comments when she was angry or frightened. It was like she turned into Stiles 2.0.
"A pre..." Stiles laughed recalling what Sam had said. It was funny hearing someone else be sarcastic. "Look, I know it's late, but you've got to hear this. My dad left twenty minutes ago, dispatch call. They're bringing every officer of the beacon department, and even the state police"
"For what" Sam said, raising an eyebrow. She knew Stiles cared about his father but always got him into some kind of trouble.
"two joggers found a body in the woods." Stiles jumped down and surprisingly didn't hurt himself.
"A dead body?" Scott gasped. Sam rolled her eyes.
"No, a body of water. Yes, dumb - ass, a dead body." Stiles replied as he jumped over the fence and stood in front of Scott and Sam
"You mean like murdered?"
"I don't think they know" Sam muttered. Why would they sent the entire corps into the woods when they knew who did it?
"Nobody knows yet." Stiles smiled. Sammy always listened to him. "Just that it was a girl, probably in her 20s."
"Hold on, if they found the body" Scott stared between Stiles and his sister, noticing the look Stiles had in his eyes. He knew that Stiles had always taken a liking of her. Yeah he adored Lydia but his heart was set on Sam.
"then what are they looking for?" Sam finished cutting of his thoughts. Stiles smiled and placed his hands in his pockets.
"That's the best part. They only found half. We're going." Sam nodded, she was always in for an adventure
"Ohh hold on" Scott piped up seeing what Stiles was doing. "She" He pointed at Sam "Is not going, it's dangerous"
"No way, I'm going" Sam smiled at Stiles, making his heart melt. But Scott just stepped in front of her making her look at him.
"I promised mum I'll keep you safe. You stay here" Scott threatened.
Sam glared at him, stepping past him. "And I promised mum to keep you out of trouble so" She turned to Stiles, smiling. "Were to?" Stiles smiled at her as Scott glared at her promising himself to keep her safe.
"We're seriously doing this?" Scott asked as the jeep stopped in front of the 'Beacon Hills Preserve, no entry after dark' sign. The whole ride had been very silent. Scott was still angry about Sam going. She just looked out of the window. Stiles jeep was awesome but he was very careful with it. She had asked him once if she could drive and he listed at least 20 reasons to say no. Is was really unfair, she had her license so why not?
"You're the one always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town." Stiles replied as they stood in front of the jeep. Stiles with a flashlight, Scott with his hood up and Sam hugging herself. She was getting a bad feeling about this.
"I was trying to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow." Scott complained as Stiles patted his back and walked off with Sam following him. Always follow the boy with the flash light.
"Right, 'cause sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort." Stiles smirked as they walked into the woods in a quick pace. He was starting to regret taking Sam with him. It could get dangerous. She could fall or bump into a tree or get attacked or...
"Like you can speak" Sam smiles as she stepped over a fallen log. As long as she knew Stiles and Scott had played lacrosse but never got any further then the bench.
"No, because I'm playing this year. In fact, I'm making first line." Scott said as he tried to keep up with Stiles long strides.
"Hey, that's the spirit. Everyone should have a dream, even a pathetically unrealistic one-" Stiles was cut off by a painful hit in his ribs from Sam. Her brother may be protective about her but she was just as protective about him.
"Just out of curiosity" Scott smirked, seeing his sister hit Stiles. "which half of the body are we looking for?"
"Huh!" Stiles stopped for a moment nearly making Sam bump into him. Luckily it was dark so she couldn't see him blush. He cleared his throat before continuing. "I didn't even think about that"
Sam stared at him before looking at Stiles. "And, uh, what if whoever killed the body is still out here?" Scott walked closer to her as though protecting her.
"Also something I didn't think about." Stiles said smiling sheepishly as Scott glared at him. He had just taken his sister to the most dangerous place in beacon hill and he had allowed it.
"It's - comforting to know you've planned this out with your usual attention to detail." Sam said making them look at her. Their eyes widen, seeing her already hallway up the hill. They looked back at each other before climbing up after her.
"I know." Stiles said but his voice was muffled by the flashlight in between his teeth.
"Maybe the severe asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight, huh?" Scott said as he stopped and leaned against a tree. Sam stopped climbing and glanced back at him. Scott gave her a strained smiled before taking out his inhaler, shaking it and taking a breather.
As they reached the top Sam crouched down before crawling to a root that was sticking up. Stiles joined her followed by Scott. In the distance they could see flash lights signaling the police was close.
"Wait, come on!" Stiles said excitedly as he jumped up, running to it. Sam rolled her eyes before following him, leaving her brother behind.
"Stiles! Sam! Wait up! Stiles! Sam!" Scott shouted as he took another breath from his inhaler, jumped up and followed them. Stiles in front followed by Sam and Scott. Even with his asthma Scott was faster than Sam and quickly grabbed her arm stopping her. Scott quickly pulled Sam to him, hiding them both behind the tree. Sam tried to look at Stiles but Scott pulled her even closer and shook his head.
"Stay right here!" They hear a voice shout. Scott froze but carefully looked behind the tree to see Stiles squirming on the ground. He hugged Sam tight, feeling her starting to shake.
"Hold on, hold on, this little delinquent belongs to me." Both Sam and Scott recognize the voice as the voice of deputy Stilinski, Stiles dad. "Do you listen in on all of my phone calls?"
"No..." They heard Stiles hesitate. "Not the boring ones."
"And where are your usual partners in crime?"
"Who? Scott? Scott's home." They could actually hear Stiles smile. "Said he wanted to get a good night's sleep for the first day back at school."
"And Samantha?" Sam stiffened at that name, her full name. She didn't like it. She preferred Sam. Samantha was to girly, normally people only used it when she was in big trouble.
"Fever!" Stiles said way too quickly. Scott closed his eyes, praying that Stiles dad believed it.
"Scott? Samantha? You out there?" Stiles dad called out as the beam of a flash light passed them, hidden by the shadows. "All right, young man, I'm taking you back to your car and we're going to discuss a little something called Invasion of Privacy". They could hear their footsteps getting distant. Scott silently cursed, letting go of Sam. If he would have stepped away from the tree Stiles dad would have gotten them home, now they had to walk with maybe the murderer still in the woods. His thought were cut off by Sam taking his hand.
"Let's get home" She whispered, not knowing if more police was on the way. He nodded, squeezing her hand before cautiously walking off. As they walked they both pulled their hoodies tighter. Scott pulled his hoodie up once more as Sam pulled hers closer. A sudden noise made Sam look up. .seeing nothing she walked further, her hand still connected to Scotts. The last time they did that was when they were 6 and got lost in the bowling alley, don't ask me how...
Scott stopped walking and took out his inhaler, about to take a breath when a deer ran out from behind the trees and ran/jumped over him. He fell backwards losing his inhaler on the way trying to avoid the deer. Sam on the other hand had reacted a bit faster and had ducked down. As the deer stopped coming Scott blinked and looked around before his eyes widen.
"Sam!" He jumped up and ran to his sister who had curled up in a ball. "Sam" He crouched down next to her. Sam slowly opened her eyes and uncurled herself.
"Scott?" She asked, like she had just woken up. Scott closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. His sister was still fine. Nothing had happened to her, now he just had to get her out of the woods. He helped her sit up before helping her stand up. Nothing broken or bruised, good.
Sam dusted off her pants as Scott patted his pockets.
"My inhaler" He said, looking at her. She shrugged, not knowing where it was either before taking out her phone and turning it on. Scott smiled at his sister creativity before helping her find his inhaler.
Guiding the phone's light over the ground, Sam walked a bit further away from Scott only to see the face of a woman torn in half.
Giving a loud scream Sam stepped back, tripping over her own feet, nearly falling backwards when Scott grabbed her hand. But Scott being Scott, he wasn't strong enough to pull her back up so they both fell down the hill.
As they came to a stop Scott quickly jumped up again only to see no Sam.
"Sam!!!" He shouted, spinning in a circle trying to find her.
"Up here!!" he heard. He quickly looked up to see her standing on one of the logs near the top of the hill. "Wait there I'm coming down" She was about to let go of the log when Scott stopped her.
"No" She stopped and looked at him. "Just go, I'll find a way to get up" Sam looked up seeing she could easily jump on the hill again. She hesitated before she looked down again. Scott saw her hesitation. "I'll be fine just go" She bit her lip and nodded before climbing her way up. As she reached the top she could see that Scott had already walked further away.
Sam glanced at the way Scott went once more before turning around and walking back into the direction she came from, avoiding the dead body.
A loud scream came from behind her. She quickly turned around and ran back to the edge of the hill. "Scott!!" Sam screamed, not caring if the cops heard her. When she got no reply she looked around franticly trying to find a way down before just sliding down the hill. "Scott!!!" She tried again. Nothing.
Rustling came from behind her making her turn around. "Scott??"
Only two. glowing. eyes.
A scream erupted from her throat as she turned on her heels, trying to get away only to be tackled to the ground. Sam screamed as she tried to get the beast of her. With one hard kick it loosened its grip. Sam quickly scrambled to her feet and fled. Dodging trees, jumping over logs she made her way to the road. Heavily panting she stopped and looked back. What was that thing?
She hissed as she felt a sharp pain in her arm. She carefully lifted her sleeve to reveal a large bite on her arm. She cringed her nose before covering it again. Casting one last look at the trees Sam turned back to the road, starting her long walk home. A car rode past her not even noticing her soaked form. This was gonna be a long night.....
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