
"Stay away from Allison. Stay away from Allison. Stay away from Allison. Stay away from Allison. Must stay away from Allison. Just stay away from Allison. Stay away from Jackson. Just stay away from Jackson."

"Hey, Scott."

"Oh, come on!"

Sam looked up as Scott entered the room. She watched as his eyes scanned the class before settling on her and Stiles. He walked over and placed his bag behind Stiles.

"Still not talking to me? Okay, can you at least tell me if your dad's okay?" Sam rolled her eyes, focusing back on her work. Because of his day out with Alison he had missed everything. Of course Stiles also blamed Sam for his dad's injury but she had kind of made up for it by staying with him in the hospital. "It's just a bruise, right? Some soft tissue damage? Nothin' that big." Stiles ignored him. "You know I feel really bad about it, right? Okay. What if I told you that I'm trying to figure this whole thing out, and - That I went to Derek for help?" Stiles finally snapped.

"If I was talking to you, I'd say that you're an idiot for trusting him. But obviously I'm not talking to you." The bell rang, and the boys shut up, for three seconds "What did he say?" Class went by slow but the boys shut up. Finally it ended and the three of them walked out.

"Wh - he wants you to tap into your animal side and get angry?"


"All right, well, correct me if I'm wrong, but every time you do that, you try to kill someone, and that someone's usually me."

"Good thing I'm here this time" Sam butted in. The two turned around, staring at her. "Oh come on, you have to let me help this time." Scott and Stiles shared a look before Scott sighed.

"Fine, but no dangerous stuff." Sam rolled her eyes.

"Sure" They started walking again.

"I have to be able to control it."

"Well, how's he gonna teach you to do that?"

"I don't know. I don't think he does either."

"Don't worry he does" Sam huffed, rolling her shoulder, remembering the training she went through, and she wasn't even done. Stiles smirked, a plan forming in his head.

"When are you seeing him again?" Sam shrugged.

"He's picking me up at the animal clinic after work."

"After work. All right, well, that gives me to the end of the school day then."

"To do what?"

"To teach you myself."


So with Scott trying to avoid... everyone and Stiles trying to come up with a plan Sam decided to finish up some homework. She sat against the lockers, about halfway through her book when she noticed two feet stopping next to her.

"What are you reading?" Sam looked up, actually surprised to see Jackson.

"Oh, hey. Just stuff for a history project." He nodded, sliding down next to her. "You have a free period, or -" He smiled.

"No, I - I just don't like sitting through Chem." Sam let out a airy chuckle.

"Me neither" A silence fell and Sam felt really awkward. Yeah she and Jackson had talked, recently but for him to talk with her, in school? "Did you want something?" Jackson chuckled.

"Actually, um, yeah. I wanted to talk. I realize that I've been a jerk to you. And I wanted to say that I'm sorry." Sam let it sink for a moment, taking a deep breath. "I'm serious."

"Alright, yeah, but why now?" She closed her book, turning so she was facing him.

"Do you know what it's like to be the best player on the team? To be the star? To have every single person at the game chanting your name? And then - some kid - Some kid just comes along, and then everyone starts looking at him instead of you. Do you know what that feels like?" Jackson tried, actually sounding really open for once. Sam shook her head.

"No, I don't."

"Well, it feels like something's been - It feels like something's been stolen from you. And then you start to feel like you'd do - anything. Anything in the world to get it back."

"You do know you are a team, right?"

"Yeah, but I'm the star player" Jackson shot back, completely serious. Sam looked down, feeling played. He chuckled. "That was a joke." He stopped, taking a deep breath "You must really, really hate me."

"Well, you did bully me throughout sixth grade" They laughed. "But I don't think your that bad, I've had worse" Jackson seemed, relieved to hear that.

"You sure? Because - I'm not a bad guy. I mean, yeah, I make stupid mistakes. A lot, but - I'm not bad. I really like you. I want to get to know you better." Another silence feel but this one was less thick, more breathable.

"The Hobbit" Sam spoke after a while, handing him her book. He laughed.


"What are we doing?" Scott nearly whined, watching Stiles take out his keys. The sound of feet reached his ears making him blink. Sam stopped next to Stiles, a smile on her face. "And what are you doing here?" Stiles shrugged.

"She's my back up. Now. Stand right there and hold this" Stiles handed Scott a key and held it up. "Perfect. Hold 'em up like so." He stepped back. "Now, whatever happens, just think about Allison. Try to find her voice like you did at the game. Got it?" Scott shrugged, no idea what was going on.


"Just - keep holding it right there." He smirked and turned away. Sam did the same and together they walked a safe distance away. As they passed the black truck, Sam moved her hand across the side of the car, creating a huge gash with her claws. They stepped away and Stiles turned back around. "Hey, hey, hey, dude! What do you think you're doing to that truck, bro?" The huge guy that had been standing at the wall turned around, his eyes wide.

"What the hell?" He charged at Scott, punching him in the face. Scott fell down and tried fighting back but the jocks were with too many.

"Ah, come on, stay calm. Stay calm." Stiles repeated over and over, looking down at his phone. Sam clenched her fists, wanting to interrupt but knowing Scott needed this. The numbers on Stile's phone went higher and higher but Scott didn't shift. Finally Sam decided she had enough.

"Alright, enough" She growled and stepped to Scott. Stiles reached out to stop her but decided against it. Sam pulled one of the jocks away from Scott. He turned to her, about to punch her instead when Sam punched him in the face. He staggered back, holding his nose.

"Stop! Hey, stop it right now." Mr. Harris stalked over to them, shooing the jocks away. "What do you idiots think you're doing?" He pulled Scott up and took a hold of Sam as well.


"Excuse me, sir?" Harris looked up. "Uh, I know it's detention and all, but, uh, I'm supposed to be at work, and I don't want to get fired." Harris just smiled and ignored him. Scott huffed, lowering the tissue from his nose. Sam exhaled deeply, placing her pencil down. "You knew I would heal." Stiles nodded.


"So you did that to help me learn?"


"But partially to punish me." Sam nodded this time.

"Yeah. You should have let me help. I knew you needed an anchor to control you wolf."

"Your my sister, and I can't have you being in danger because of me." Sam huffed.

"I know that, but you need to let me help you too."

"Not to break up your sibling moment, but you both have something. Okay? And Scott, whether you want it or not, you can do things that nobody else can do. So that means you don't have a choice anymore. It means you have to do something." Scott nodded.

"I know."

"And you have to let your sister help you"


"No buts, she's like you and probably knows more about the whole werewolf stuff than us" Scott sighed.

"Fine." Sam fist pumped the air before she smirked.

"Alright, and now for the last part of payback." Both Scott and Stiles stared at her in confusion. Sam just raised her hand. Harris looked up.

"Sir, I need to go to work as well" Harris nodded.

"Alright, go" Sam smiled and stood up. Scott and Stiles did to but Harris shook his head. "Not you two" They huffed and sat back down. Sam shot them both a smirk and walked out.

"We really should have let her help"

"Shut up"


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