"Get in. You have to see this. I've been reading. Websites, books, all this information." Stiles bounced, letting Scott into his room. Scott nodded and stepped inside. His eyes widen though when he saw his sister sitting on Stiles bed, her feet underneath her. He hadn't seen her all day. His mom had told him that she was too sick to go to school and here she was, looking a lot better with a book in her lap. She looked up upon hearing him enter and smiled.
"How much Adderral have you had today?" Stiles rolled his eyes and turned his pc screen around.
"A lot." Sam smirked. Stiles shot her a look but focused on Scott instead.
"Doesn't matter. Just listen." Scott sighed and sat down on Stiles's bed.
"Is this about the body? Did they find who did it?" Stiles shook his head.
"No, they're still questioning people. Even Derek Hale-"
"The guy you met in the woods" Sam added, placing her book down to focus on the conversation. Stiles had told her about Derek. Honestly, Sam found it kinda sad he lost his family all at once.
"Yeah, but that's not it"
"What then?"
"Remember the joke the other day? Not a joke anymore." Sam shuddered, unnoticed. She had been up all night to find another explanation but had found nothing, absolutely nothing. It frightened her a lot. "The wolf. The bite in the woods. I started doing all this reading and -Do you even know why a wolf howls?"
"Should I?" Stiles huffed.
"It's a signal. When a wolf is alone it howls to signal its location to the rest of the pack. So if you heard it howling that mean there's others. Maybe a whole pack of them."
"A pack of wolves?
"No. Werewolves." Scott stared at his sister in disbelief. Stiles often had strange ideas but for his sister to join him in them, it had to be very serious. Scott shook his head, dismissing the idea.
"You're seriously wasting my time with this? You know, I'm picking Allison up in an hour."
"I saw you on the field, Scott. What you did wasn't just amazing. It was impossible." Scott stood up, getting angry.
"So I made a good shot."
"No, you made an incredible shot. The way you moved--the speed, your reflexes--people can't suddenly do that overnight. And then there's the hearing, the senses-"
"And you don't need your inhaler anymore. You haven't used it since that night." Sam pushed Scott back down onto the bed but kept her hand on his shoulder.
"I can't think about this now. We'll talk tomorrow, okay?" Scott argued.
"Tomorrow? Don't you get it? The full moon is tonight." Sam bit her lip. She herself was actually pretty sure she was bitten as well so if Scott was to turn tonight, she would as well.
"What are you trying to do? I just made starting line-up. I have a date with a girl I can't believe actually wants to go out with me."
"Everything in my life is somehow perfect. Why are you trying to ruin it?"
"I'm trying to help. With the full moon it's going to be too hard to resist and there's no going back. You're cursed, Scott." Sam looked away from them for a moment, collecting everything. If she was a werewolf, her life she knew it would be over. Never would she be able to graduate school, Never being able to have her own house, never being able to date Stiles. What? He would never date a werewolf like her. "And it's not only that the moon causes you to change, it's also when your bloodlust will be at its peak."
"Your urge to kill.
Scott stood up "I'm already starting to have an urge to kill, Stiles."
"You need to hear this. The change can be caused by anger or anything that raises your pulse." Stiles stood up as well and faced Scott. "And I've never seen anyone raise your pulse like Allison does." It made sense. His heart always skipped a beat when he saw Sam. "You have to cancel your date. You have to call her." Stiles stepped past Scott and started to open his bag.
"What are you doing? Give me that." Stiles took out Scott's phone and walked back to his desk. Sam stood up as well, nearly sensing Scott's anger.
"I'm just finding her number-" Within second Scott had Stiles against the wall. Sam's eyes widen and sped off to them. Scott simply held out his arm and grabbed her by her elbow, holding her off. She tried prying his hand off with hr free hand but it was no use.
"Give it to me." He literally growled. Sam gasped, seeing blood trail down her arm. Scott's nails where pressing into her arm but instead of normal nails, thick brown nails sprouted from his hands. He took his phone back before he lifted his hand, like he was about to hit Stiles when he lashed out to the desk chair behind him, sending it flying across the room. Scott then shook his head, shaking off his anger. Sam felt the pressure off her arm loosen and quickly wrapped her free hand around it, sinking to the floor.
"I didn't mean to do that." Scott whispered. Stiles and Sam stared at him, shaken. "I'm sorry. Really, I didn't mean it." Scott turned to Sam but she stared at him with the same look Stiles gad given him. "I have to go. I have to get ready for the party. I'm sorry." Scott grabbed his bag and jacked and hurried out. Stiles, still shaken watched his friend leave before he released the breath he had been holding. He stared at the chair Scott had thrown over, seeing the large claw marks at the back.
"Stiles?" A shaky voice shook him out of his stare. His eyes shot to Sam and he quickly slid down next to her. His eyes strained on her arm he pried her hands away from it. His eyes widen. The same claw marks were slashed into her forearm. Stiles backed away from them and hurried into his bathroom. Sam frowned at him but he came running back into the bedroom with a small red first aid kit. He sat down next to Sam and opened the case. Grabbing the bandages, he wrapped Sam's arm.
"He was not himself" Sam whispered. Stiles looked up and met her eyes. Tears brimmed inside them. Stiles stopped his task and pulled Sam towards him. She clung to him and cried her eyes out. It was really not like her to cry but everything was just too weird right now. After a moment they pulled apart. Sam whipped her eyes and tied the bandage a little bit tighter to put pleasure on the wound. Stiles hadn't released her yet though. His hands were still on her shoulders.
"Let's get ready for the party" Sam looked at them, her eyes furrowed.
"I thought we weren't going" Stiles grinned. Typical Sam. Stiles stood up.
"Well, we need to keep an eye on Scott so we have to" Sam rolled her eyes but stuck out her good hand. Stiles pulled her up with a grin before he walked over to his chair and set it upright again. Sam watched him before she sighed and grabbed her backpack from the side of the bed.
"You mean you're going" Stiles turned to her.
"No not I, we." Sam shook her head with a small smile.
"I wasn't invited remember." Stiles looked down and scratched the back of his neck.
"That's why I- was thinking we would go together" Sam's eyes widen and her cheeks turned red. He was asking her, to be his date. Did he like her too?
"You a-"
"Like friends of course" Sam slowly nodded. Of course, could have guessed it. Stiles likes Lydia...
"Of course, one sec" She stepped past Stiles into the bedroom. There she locked the door and sighed. After a couple of seconds of redeeming herself Sam opened her backpack and started searching through the content. She took out a clean looking piece of clothing and eyed it. Let's go.
Stiles jaw fell when Sam finally came out of the bathroom. The peach dress she was wearing hugged her sides perfectly and even with the least amount of makeup he had ever seen, she looked stunning.
Stiles himself wore a pinkish blouse with a dark tie. Sam smiled and tugged some hair behind her ear.
"Wow, you look-" Stiles cut himself off by shaking his head, reminding himself this was his friend, Sam.
"I know, the dress is too tight. I tried telling my mom but she wouldn't let me return it" Stiles watched her tug at her dress before he held out his hand.
"Let's go to a party" Sam stopped tugging and took his hand but instead of releasing it after a while, like she had expected he held it the whole time. Stile's dad was watching television downstairs but silently smiled when he saw them leave. Stiles opened the door to his jeep and Sam hopped in. They drove in silent and before they knew it they were at the party.
Once there, they stepped out of the jeep and walked into the house. The party itself was not very large, Sam easily spotted Scott and Allison. She nudged Stiles and pointed at them.
"Now we just need to keep an eye on him" Sam nodded in agreement "D-do you want something to drink?" Sam turned her head to look at him and nodded.
"Yeah thnx." Stiles grinned and jogged off. Sam watched her brother from afar, not even noticing the pair of eyes watching her.
Minutes past and nothing happened. Stiles was nowhere to be found either. Suddenly an invisible blow hit Sam, making her clutch her head. She groaned and held the table beside her. The pain slowly disappeared but before it could another one hit her, followed closely by another one. She nearly toppled over but she remained standing. The crowd seemed to be closing in on her, her losing Scott in it. Sam closed her eyes tightly, deciding she had to leave, now! She pushed off the wall and stumbled away.
"Stiles?" She tried calling out but instead of him finding her like some kind of knight in shining armour, he remained gone. "Stiles, I want to leave" She said in nearly a whisper. A whimper left her lips as another wave of pain hit her. Sam finally reached the cold outside air and the pain subsided a little. She stumbled away from the house and towards her home, taking the forest route.
Sam hadn't even passed the third three when she sunk to her knees, black spots appearing in front of her vision. She dragged herself to the tree and sat against it. She clutched her head with her hands, trying to ease the pain but that didn't happen. What did happen was small pointy things poking her lip, drawing blood. Sam closed her eyes tightly willing it all way when the bright beam of car lights hit her. She remained frozen, whimpering slightly.
The small part of her mind that was still working hoped that it was Stiles, that he had found her. That small part was utterly disappointed when the car lights turned off and heavy footsteps walked towards her, too large to be Stiles.
"Breath, you need to calm down" a gruff voice told her gently. Sam didn't listen and kept fighting the pain with ragged breaths. "Calm down!" The voice barked. This time Sam did hear it and slowly lowered her breathing, trying to hear who was talking to her. "That's it, now I need you to remain very calm. I'm going to pick you up and take you somewhere safe, do you understand" Sam exhaled once more before she nodded. Slowly two hands reached out and gently lifted her off the ground. Her head met a hard chest and a very fast heartbeat. She heard footsteps before she was placed on something soft.
The car tipped to the other side before a door slammed close and the car started to drive. About halfway through the ride Sam calmed down enough to open her eyes. She slowly removed her hands from her head and sat up. Her head snapped to the side, to look at her rescuer. The man was buff, to say at least. He had black spiked up hair and a angry looking face but what caught Sam attention the most was his smell. It was different and well strange.
"I see you finally calmed down"
"Where are you taking me?"
"To your house" Sam nodded slowly and sat turned to look out of the window, not even questioning how he know where she lived.
"What happened"
"You nearly shifted in front of the whole school." He explained with no emotion. He was actually quite impressed how she had held it off long enough for him to find her. "I'm Derek"
Sam nodded. "I know, I'm Sam"
"I know"
The car slowed down and Sam looked outside to see her house. She turned to look at Derek. "Thank you, for helping me"
Derek nodded. "I could train you, teach you how to control it" His eyes turned to Sam who nodded. "Find me at my house" Sam watched him for a moment before she stepped out of the car. Before the door had even closed Derek drove off again, leaving Sam alone. The throbbing feeling was still there but it remained small for the moment. Sam watched the car leave before she walked into her house and into her room. There she changed in some sweats and removed the bandage from her arm, the wound long gone. Finally she locked her door and turned on her laptop, getting ready for a night searching the web.
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