
The ambulance opened and the girls were whisked away again. Hands kept pulling and pushing until Sam found herself on an examination bed. Her mind finally registered what was going on and she pushed the hands away, sitting up.

"You need to lay down"

"Calm down"

Sam ignored their please and blinked rapidly, her heartbeat increasing. She had to get out. She pushed more hands away and swung her legs of the table.
"Sam!" A familiar voice shouted, two hands appeared on her shoulders. "Sam, you need to listen to me" The blurriness in front of her eyes subsided, revealing the worried eyes of Melissa McCall.


"Are you hurt?" She tried, trying to remain strong. The sight wasn't very reassuring, her daughter covered in blood. Sam shook her head, taking deep breaths.

"It isn't mine" Relieved breaths, feet shuffling away.

"Thank god" Melissa breathed, pulling her daughter in her arms. Sam immediately clung to her, realising how much she had missed her mother the last couple of days. "What happened?"


"I don't know"

"Where's Scott?" Melissa removed herself out of her daughter's embrace and lifted Sam's dress, revealing nothing but healed skin and dried blood.

"He was dancing with Allison" Sam dug her hands in the fabric of her dress, feeling her mother prod her recently healed wound.

"And Stiles?"


"I don't know" Melissa sighed and stepped back.

"You're fine, I'll get you some clean clothes." She pointed at Sam, a warning look in her eyes. "Don't move" Sam nodded and watched as Melissa left the room.

"Where is she?" Sam winched, hearing Jackson not far away.

"Hey. Hey! What the hell happened to those girls?" Sheriff Stilinski barked back. Sam lifted her throbbing head to see them fighting just outside her room. A nurse entered Sam's room, a smile on her face.

"Your mom asked me to give you these. She was called away to another room" Sam nodded in thanks and took the bundle of clothes. The woman watched her for a second before she left.

"I - I don't know. I went out looking for them"

"What, you just happened to wander into the middle of that field and you just found her there like that? Don't lie to me, son."

"No, I –"

"Hey! What happened to her?" With a grunt, the shirt was pulled over her head. At least the blood was gone. Her stomach was still aching and her head was throbbing. She could only guess the dagger was laced with something.

"This isn't my fault!"

"She's your girlfriend! That's your responsibility!"

"No, she's not, okay? She didn't go to the formal with me."

"Then who'd she go with?"

"Some bloke."

"And Sam?"

"She went with Stiles."


"Stiles took her."

"Somebody better find my son."

The Sheriff released Jackson and stalked off. A couple of minutes passed, giving Sam the opportunity to get her head straight, trying to suppress the toxin in her body. Suddenly she shot forwards, grasping the tin can from the bedside. Her dinner slouched around the bowl, filling it. Immediately a nurse entered the room and handed her a bucket.

"You know what? It's good that we're in a hospital, because I'm gonna kill you." Sam lifted her head again to see Stiles enter the hospital. His eyes immediately found her but he was stopped by his father.

"I'm - I'm sorry. I lost the keys to my jeep. I had to run all the way here." He tried to pass him again but his dad kept a hold of him.

"Stiles, I don't care!"

"Is she gonna be okay?"

The sheriff nodded, casting a look at Sam as the nurse rubbed her back.

"Not a scratch on her. Lydia on the other hand. They don't know, partially because they don't know what happened. She lost a lot of blood, but there's something else going on with her." Stiles shook his head, shaking himself away from Sam's eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"The doctors say it's like she's having an allergic reaction. Her body keeps going into shock. Did you see anything? I mean, do you have any idea who or what attacked her?"

"No. No, I have no idea." He finally pushed past his father and to the window, separating him from Sam. She had finally lowered the bucket and the nurse handed her a glass of water.

"Did Scott see anything?"

"What do you - is he not here?" Sam's eyes found Stiles, showing him she was listening to their every word.

"What are you talking about? I've been calling him on his cell phone. I've gotten no response." The nurse from Sam's room stepped up to them.

"She want to speak to you" Stiles didn't need to be told twice. He dashed past his dad and stumbled into the room. Sam's head moved up from the bucked and she send Stiles a tired smile.

"Hey" He quickly sped over, sitting down next to her, a hand on her back. "You oke?" Sam exhaled and nodded, placing the bucket down.

"I need you to bust me out"

"Stiles" Sheriff Stilinski barked, entering the room. Stiles closed his eyes and sighed.

"Yes dad?"

"We need to talk" He turned his head back to Sam.

"I'll be right back" Sam nodded and moved back to her bucket, feeling another wave of nausea rise up.


"She's probably in her late 20s. Oh, I gotta grab this call."

"You don't know her name?"

"No, I don't - What is this? 20 questions? All we know is that she had a very distinctive - What do you call it - a pendant."

"What the hell's a pendant?"

"Stiles, do you go to school? A pendant! A pendant! It's a necklace."


"Look, I have a car. You don't. Do you want my help or not?"

"All right. Did you bring the Porsche?"


"Good. I'll drive."

"Boys. I was wondering if you can tell me where Scott McCall is."

"Scott McCall? Uhm, haven't seen him since the dance. Jackson, you? Oh, for the love of God."

"Let's try this again." Chris Argent shot forwards and slammed Stiles against the wall. "Where is Scott McCall?" Stiles swallowed but kept silent. Chris sighed.

"Let me ask you a question, Stiles. Have you ever seen a rabid dog?"

"No. I could put it on my to - do - list, if you just let me go."

"Well, I have. And the only thing I've ever been able to compare it to is seeing a friend of mine turn on a full moon. Do you wanna know what happened?"

"Not really. No offense to your storytelling skills."

"He tried to kill me, and I was forced to put a bullet in his head. The whole while that he lay there dying, he was still trying to claw his way toward me, still trying to kill me, like it was the most important thing he could do with his last breath. Can you imagine that?"

"No. And it sounds like you need to be a little bit more select –" Chris cut him off by pushing him harder.

"Did Scott try to kill you on the full moon? What about his sister. Did you have to lock them up?"

"Oh yeah, we had to handcuff him to a radiator." Both men turned their head to see Sam standing at the end of the hallway, her arms crossed and a smirk on her face. The hunters jolted in action and cocked their guns. Sam raised her hands. "You won't shoot me. I know about your code" Chris clenched his jaw and released Stiles. Stiles scrambled up but kept his ground.

"Would you prefer I locked them in the basement and burned the whole house down around them" He spat. Chris blinked.

"I hate to dispel a popular rumor, Stiles, but we never did that."

"Oh, right. Derek said you guys had a code. I guess no one ever breaks it."


"What if someone does?" Sam asked, stepping next to Jackson.

"Someone like who?"

"Your sister." Chris's eyes shot to Sam, venom behind them, but not directed at her.

"Where is she?"

"Derek's" He nodded to his men.

"We are not done here" Sam nodded.

"Wouldn't dream of it" The hunters stalked out of the room, leaving three stunned teens. Before any of them had a chance to react to it, Sam's knees buckled and she fell into Jackson. Luckily he anticipated quickly and kept her standing. Stiles was next to her in a second.


"I know" She groaned, pushing herself back up, one hand clutching her stomach. "The dagger was laced with wolfs bane." Stiles' eyes widen. "It won't kill me, just slow me down"

"That's why you were-" Stiles pointed his finger at the door and nodded.

"Yeah. Had to get some of it out."

"We have to get to Scott" Jackson intervened. Sam and Stiles nodded.

"Let's go."

"You better not throw up in my car"

"No promises"


The car came to a stop with a screech. Stiles got out in a hurry, Jackson and Sam following quickly behind. Apparently Stiles had created some sort of concoction, very flammable and easily combustible. Sam leaned heavily against the car as she came face to face with the true form of the alpha. No sign of Peter remained.

Wasting no time, Stiles hurled the bottle at the wolf, but of course, with his enhanced senses he easily caught it. Stiles's shoulders slumped in defeat. "Oh damn"

With one last surge of energy, Sam reached out and took a rock from the ground. Her eyes flared dangerously and with one growl, she hurled it at the alpha. The rock, with an immense speed, soared past the alpha's head, straight into the bottle, shattering it.

The yellow-ish contents caught fire and spread across the beast. He roared in pain and backed away, shaking his ablaze paw.

Everyone watched as the beast stumbled back, eventually falling down as his whole body was roasted by the fire. In a way it was sad. Peter had been killed twice now, both times by fire. The fires slowly died down, revealing a burned and barely alive Peter. He gasped for breath, his eyes still flaring red. Derek stalked over to him and raised his clawed hand.

"Wait! You said the cure comes from the one who bit you." Derek exhaled deeply. "Derek. If you do this, I'm dead. Her father, her family - what am I supposed to do?" Peter's eyes snapped to Derek.

"You've - already - decided. I can smell it on you!" He growled. "Don't let my legacy die with me" Derek's eyes softened for a second before he growled and ended his uncle's life. Scott fell to his knees.

"Wait! No, no! Don't!" Derek ignored his pleas and stood up, turning around.

"I'm the Alpha now." He spoke, his eyes flaring red. Scott would have backed away if he didn't feel so defeated.

"Scott!" Scott's head snapped up to see his friend jolting away. He frowned.

"Stiles?" Slowly he scrambled up, following his friend. "Sam" he breathed, getting why his friend was so jittery. Sam had fallen down, her eyes closed and her breathing labored. "What happened?"

"I don't know. One minute she was standing and the next she was-" He stopped himself, swallowing.

"Wolfsbane" Both boys looked up to see Derek standing over them, a strange look in his eyes. "You need to take her to the hospital." Scott blinked.

"I thought the hospital was bad for werewolves"

"They are, but at the moment her body needs rest, and at the moment the safest place is the hospital" Scott stared at him for a long second before he turned to his friend.

"Help me lay her in the car"


For the first time in a while, the woods were empty in Beacon Hills. The new alpha had retreated for the night, wanting to pay his uncle respect. Scott McCall was positioned in an uncomfortable hospital chair, his very blank, looking down at the sleeping girl in his arms. Stiles Stilinski lay in the chair next to him, a 'get well soon' balloon wrapped around his wrist. Lydia Martin lay asleep in a hospital bed, in a room across from the sleeping Stiles. Sam McCall lay asleep, in the same position as Lydia, in the room next to her. And last but not least, Jackson Whittemore lay wide awake in his bed, his mind not letting him sleep.
None of them knew how much trouble was still waiting for them in the near future. Not even the sleeping Isaac Lahey at the other side of the town.

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