"Welcome back to the land of the conscious." Deaton watched as Sam shot forwards and helped Scott stand. His eyes were still hazy but he seemed much better than last night. "You doing okay? Maybe you should sit down, huh?" Scott shook his head, trying to get his vision to clear up but let Sam push him back onto the bed. Deaton's head snapped up, hearing the door open. "Hello?" Sam and Scott fell silent, listening to the conversation.
"I'm sorry, but we're - We're closed."
"Hi there. I'm here to pick up." The siblings froze, recognizing the voice as Peter's.
"I'm not sure I remember you dropping off."
"These two wandered in on their own."
"Even if they did, I'm afraid I can't help you - We're closed."
"Well, I think you can make an exception this one time - Don't you?"
"I'm sorry. That's not going to be possible. Maybe you could come back during regular hours."
"You have something of mine. I'm here to collect them."
"Like I said - We're closed."
"Mountain ash. That's an old one."
"Let me be as clear as possible. We - are -
closed."Deaton spoke, all the fear gone from his voice.
"There are others who can help me get what I want, Scott, Sam. More innocent - and far more vulnerable."Peter growled and walked out. Scott and Sam shared a look, both of them knowing Peter was going after Allison.
"Call it again." Scott grunted, laying on his belly, searching underneath his bed. Stiles and Sam watched with great amusement from the other side of the room.
"It's not here." Sam opted, a small smirk on her face.
"Okay, so you lost your phone. Why don't you just get a new one?"
"I can't afford a new one. And I can't do this alone. We have to find Derek." Stiles huffed, seeing Sam shake her head from beside him.
"Well, "A", you're not alone. You have us. And "B", didn't you say Derek walked into gunfire? He sounds pretty dead."
"Argent's plan was to use him to get to the Alpha - they're not gonna kill him." Sam informed him. Stiles slowly nodded, seemed logical.
"All right, so then just let them do what they're planning, you know? They use Derek to get Peter - problem solved."
"Not if Peter's going after Allison to find Derek! I can't protect her on my own. Which means we either find Derek first - just - just help me!"
"You know, you probably lost it when you two were fighting. You remember that, when he was trying to kill you, after you interrupted him trying to kill Jackson? Really stupid from both of you by the way. Are you starting to see a pattern of violent behavior here?" Sam gave him a playful shove, making him yelp.
"He wasn't going to kill anyone. And I'm not letting him die."
"Could you at least think about letting him die? For me?" He stopped, seeing the siblings eyes glaze over.
"My Mom just got home from work." Stiles nodded, waiting for more information.
"Hi. It's me. Melissa Mccall. I'm - giving you a call. That always sounds really weird because of my last name, Mccall. So - yeah. Um - You know, I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to reschedule dinner or lunch. It doesn't have to be dinner. Lunch is good. Or maybe you would like to do coffee, or maybe you're a tea drinker. I don't know. You know, we could also just go out for drinks. Yeah, 'cause I think I need a few after this profoundly embarrassing phone call. I would like to introduce you to my kids, if that's not too soon. I think it's appropriate seeing, well you know. So if this really doesn't freak you out too much after this disastrous call, feel free to, um, give me a call." Melissa stopped the call and let out a shaky breath.
"Is she okay? What's she doing?" Scott swallowed, his eyes meeting Stiles.
"Scott, you can't protect everyone."
"I have to."
"Scott, you aren't alone in this" Sam tried. Scott stared at his friends for a moment before he nodded and walked out.
The next day, Scott decided he wanted to 'force' Jackson to go to the ball with Allison so he could protect her. Stiles decided to join them, leaving Sam alone for the day.
Speaking of prom, she didn't have a date and she was damned if she went with Scott. Even though her social states couldn't sink any lower.
"Hey" Sam's head shot up from her locker to see Allison smiling at her.
"Hey" Sam smiled tensely, not sure if Allison knew she was a werewolf.
"This may be a really strange question, seeing we haven't really talked that much but, Lydia's dragging me to the mall later and I was wondering if you would like to come with us?" Sam blinked, closing her locker.
"Is this because of Scott?" She asked unsure. Allison bit her lip.
"No, I'm going with Jackson" Seems the boy's plan was a success.
"Sure, alright. It's not like I have anything better to do" Allison's face broke into a grin.
"Great, I'll see you after school then"
"Nothing's wrong, I just - I have a lot on my mind." Allison explained with a sign. Lydia huffed and didn't look convinced. Sam just shoved her hands in her pockets and tried to tune them out as much as possible.
"You could smile, at least. Ever heard of the saying, 'Never frown. Someone could be falling in love with your smile?' Smile, Allison." Damn her supernatural hearing. "I'm buying you a dress. Both of you" Lydia smirked.
"I don't do dresses" Sam immediately shot back, speaking for the first time since they got out of the car.
"Have to admit as far as apologies go, that's more than I expected." Allison tried, smiling at her friends.
"Excellent. Who are you going with" Lydia teased, looking at Sam. Sam shrugged.
"No one I guess. I'm sure they'll let me in anyway." Allison shook her head, stepping off the escalator.
"Nope, I'm going to find you a date. It's the least I could do." Sam stopped next to her and watched her and Lydia as they scanned the mall for cute boys.
"Who?" Sam sighed. She really wasn't in the mood for a date. Allison smirked, seeing a boy she recognized.
"Him." Sam blinked, seeing Stiles standing next to an perfume store. He sneezed as the perfume filled his nose.
"Stiles? No, he's my friend."
"Just a friend?" Lydia teased. Sam's eyes shot to her, resisting the urge to flash her eyes.
"Yes" Lydia smiled innocently.
"Good, than you can go and be just friends" She placed her hands on Sam's back and started pushing her into Stiles' direction. He frowned, upon seeing them.
"Hi, now. Sam would love to go to prom with you" Sam gulped, feeling her cheeks heat up. To her surprise, Stiles's face turned the same color. Look at her, the big bad wolf, frozen on her spot.
"What do you say?"
"Oh – okay" Lydia grinned, linking her arm with Sam.
"Good now, let's try on some dresses." Stiles blinked, watching Lydia drag Sam off, grabbing dresses from everywhere and dumping them into Sam's arms. She was still too stunned to react.
"So are you just gonna - try these on right now? All of them? Is this a 24 - hour Macy's?"
After the six hours they spend at the mall, Lydia took Sam with her to her house to dress her up. Allison left, seeing Jackson was going to pick her up at her place. So after a quick text to Scott and an 'sorry' text to Stiles, Sam wiggled herself into her way to tight dress and let Lydia do her hair.
"Why are you being so nice to me?" Lydia froze halfway through a curl and pursed her lips.
"I don't know. I guess I took pity on you"
"Pity, great..." Sam groaned, but decided to sit tight as Lydia took hold of another piece of hair. This process was repeated until her whole head was full with curls.
"Done" Lydia smirked, moving away to touch up her own hair. Sam cautiously stood up, moving towards the mirror.
"Wow" she breathed, seeing herself. As she caught sight of her reflection she saw herself. It was still her, the same eyes and face. The purple dress fitted her well and her hair looked great. She looked much better than normal.
"I performed a miracle" Sam rolled her eyes but smiled.
"Thank you Lydia."
"You're welcome."
"Sam" Stiles breathed, seeing Sam step out of Lydia's house. She blushed furiously and managed to put on a smile.
"What do you think?" She asked carefully, turning a half circle.
"You look..." he blinked and shook his head. "Wow" Sam let out a chuckle.
"You don't look so bad yourself." Stiles stumbled over to her side the car and opened the door. Sam nodded her head at him and sat down. Stiles quickly got in as well and took a deep breath. They drove off.
Soon they stopped in front of the school. Stiles immediately got out and ran to her side. Sam took a big breath and glanced into the mirror that hang from the side from the car.
"Normal teenage girl. You can do this. One night" She exhaled and got out of the car. Stiles grinned and helped her out, closing the door behind her.
After smoothing down her dress, Sam noticed Jackson and Allison walk up to them. She smiled at them.
"Jackson. You look great." He actually smiled at her, casting a small glare at Stiles. He wasn't mad at her. She had protected him while Scott had fled. Well, shot, but same point.
"You too. You should wear a dress more often" he winked at her and left. Sam chuckled though, hearing him grunt after Allison elbowed him. Sam finally met Stiles gaze.
"Y-you do look really beautiful."
"Really?" he nodded and held out his arm. Sam let out a laugh and hooked her arm with his. Together they stumbled towards the school.
An uneventful hour passed in which Sam, mingled with Allison and Lydia, avoided the punch and even exchanged some words with Scott. She had just retreated back to her seat in front of Stiles when she noticed his gaze. One that was pointed right at a very bored Lydia.
"Go ask her to dance" Sam smiled. Stile blinked, facing her.
"You heard me"
"I- I can't. You're my date"
"And we're friends. I won't mind." Stiles' jaw fell open. "Come on, I know you've had a crush on her since like, forever. Just go and ask her to dance with you" Stiles' mouth opened and closed like a goldfish for a couple of seconds, before he stumbled out of his seat and to Lydia. Sam watched as he approached her.
"You wanna dance?"
"You know what? Let me try that again. Lydia - get off your cute little ass and dance with me now."
"Interesting tactic. I'm gonna stick with no."
"Lydia, get up - okay? You're gonna dance with me. I don't care that you made out with my best friend for some weird power thing, I don't - Lydia, I've had a crush on you since the third grade. And I know that somewhere inside that cold, lifeless exterior there's an actual human soul. And I'm also pretty sure that I'm the only one who knows how smart you really are. Uh - huh. And that once you're done pretending to be a nitwit - you'll eventually go off and write some insane mathematical theorem that wins you the Nobel Prize." Sam felt her heart drop at this. She had known, he loved her.
"A Fields Medal."
"Nobel doesn't have a prize for mathematics. The Fields Medal's the one I'll be winning." Lydia grabbed his hand and dragged a cheering Stiles onto the dance floor. Sam sighed and rested her elbows onto the table, her gaze sweeping across the room.
"McCall!" Her head snapped up. The coach was storming towards something, that something being Scott. Sam silently cursed and tugged off her heels.
She placed them underneath the table and bolted into the crowd. Swiftly moving trough them, she eventually found Scott. She quickly grabbed his arm and quickly bolted towards Danny.
She took a hold of his drink. He yelped in protest. "Hey Danny, remember me. Sam, hi. Remember that one time in kindergarten when I helped you with your glue problem. I'm here for that favor you own me." She quickly pushed Scott into Danny and he quickly wrapped his arms around his neck. Sam took a step back, watching the scene unfold.
"Mccall! You're not supposed to - What the hell are you do –" the coach stopped and stared at the two men. "What the hell are you doing?"
"Yes, coach?"
"Okay, ho - ho - ho - ha ha. Hold on, you - I was just saying he's not supposed to - I mean, I wasn't saying that he shouldn't - You guys don't think - You don't - I - I was - Just dance, everybody. Just dance! Dance! It's a party!" The coach cheered and everyone went back to dancing. He quickly disappeared back into the thick crowd and Scott released Danny.
"Thanks Danny" Sam nodded, stepping beside her brother.
"I owe you" Danny blinked, staring at the siblings.
"Sure." Sam smirked and stepped back. She watched as Scott walked over to Allison and asked her to dance. She of course said yes.
"Jackson?" She swiftly turned around, hearing Lydia's shout.
"Lydia?" Being careful not to bump into anyone, Sam made her way over the dance floor. "Lydia!" She shouted, jogging after Lydia into the cold air. Finally she caught up to her, standing halfway on the lacrosse field. She took a hold of her arm, snapping Lydia out of her stare. She turned her head. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, i-" She froze, her eyes wide. Sam turned around as well, pulling Lydia behind her as she noticed Peter standing there, a wicked smile on his face.
"Hello ladies."
"Lydia, run"
"Just run!" With a growl, Sam jumped at Peter. Lydia let out a scream and turned on her heel. Peter, having expected this, pulling his hand out of his pocked, slamming it against Sam. She let out howl as he tossed her to the side, the dagger buried deep inside her gut. He then charged at Lydia, knocking her to the ground.
Stiles was close to tears as he fell down to the ground next to Lydia. Peter merely glanced up at him.
"Don't kill her. Please."
"Of course not. Especially not my precious Samantha" Stiles' whole body shook, spotting her motionless body laying a couple of meters away. "Just tell me how to find Derek."
"W - what?"
"Tell me how to find Derek Hale."
"I don't know that. How would I know that?"
"Because you're the clever one, aren't you? And because deception has a particularly acrid scent, Stiles. Tell me the truth - Or I will rip them apart."
"Look - Look, I don't know, okay? I sw - I swear to god, I have no idea."
"Tell me!" Peter shouted, causing Stiles to cower.
"Okay, okay, okay, look, I - I think he knew –"
"Knew what?"
"Derek, I think he - I think he knew he was gonna be caught."
"By the Argents?"
"When they were shot, he and Scott - I think he took Scott's Phone."
"They all have GPS now. So if he still has it and if it's still on - you can find him." Peter nodded and stood up, pulling Stiles up with him.
"No - I'm not just letting you leave her here."
"You don't have a choice, Stiles. You're coming with me."
"Just kill me. Look, I don't care anymore."
"Stiles" A faint groan came from beside them. Stiles immediately shot towards it. Sam had opened her eyes and was grasping the dagger in her stomach.
"Shh" Stiles tried, placing his hand on hers, knowing that if she pulled it out, she could bleed to death. "You'll be alright" He tried, tears rolling down his cheeks. Sam nodded, letting her head fall against the grass.
"Call your friend. Tell Jackson where she is. That's all you get." Peter tossed him the phone and stalked off. Stiles, although he didn't want to, released Sam's hand and quickly called Jackson. Peter quickly returned and whisked him away.
Minutes later Jackson arrived. He fell down next to Lydia, shocked.
"Come on, Lydia. Stay with me. Oh god" he muttered, not knowing what to do. "Oh my god, Sam" His eyes fell on Sam, noticing her movement. She had managed to get up and was in the process of pulling out the blade.
"Take her-" Sam grunted, tossing the blade away. "To the hospital."
"I'm not leaving you here"
"I'll be fine" Sam groaned, standing up. One hand pressed tightly against her wound and the other on the bleachers to pull herself up.
"Like hell you are." Jackson barked. Finally getting his head together, he gently took Lydia in his arms and nodding his head at Sam. "Lean on me." Sam limped over and did as told. Together they made their way back to school.
"Come on. Help me! Somebody help! Help me! Get help, please!" Jackson shouted, needing someone to help them. People screamed and backed away but someone did managed to call an ambulance.
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