
"By the way, McCall - Apology accepted." Scott frowned, his eyes unconsciously, shooting past Danny to a sitting 'Stiles'. While all the boys were showered already, 'Stiles' was still in his full uniform. That could of course be because that wasn't Stiles but Sam in disguise.

"I didn't apologize."

"Every time you got the ball tonight, you passed it to me."

"Every time I passed the ball to you, you scored."

"Apology accepted." Danny smiled and patted Scott on the back, he then turned around to 'Stiles'. "Of course we wouldn't have won without your goals. Great work Stiles" 'Stiles' stuck up both his thumbs. Danny shook his head. "He's stuck again,  isn't he?" Scott shrugged. Danny decided to just ignore the two and walked out.

"It's safe now" Scott whispered, pulling his shirt over his head. 'Stiles' reached up and removed his mask to reveal indeed Sam underneath it. She tossed the mask aside and took a big breath.

"That... was awesome" Scott led out a chuckle, very happy to see his sister so happy. Call it their sibling connection. "Do you mind if I shower here?" Scott shook his head and watched as his sister shrugged off her huge gloves. She was about to take off her under armor when the lights flashed off.

Both of them froze. They looked around, assuming this was some kind of prank. Scott jumped, noticing the third person in the room. "Thank God! Where the hell have you been? Do you have any idea what's been going on?" Sam stood up as well and frowned.


"I really don't get Lacrosse." The siblings turned around, to see a man standing there, his scent way to familiar. Sam took a step back, closer to Scott.

"It was you" Scott realized. The man smiled, holding up a lacrosse stick.

"When I was in high school, we played basketball. There's a real sport. Still, I read somewhere that Lacrosse comes from native Americans tribes and that they played it to resolve conflict. I have that right? Hm. I have l little conflict of my own to resolve." His smile turned into a smirk. "But I need both of your help to do it." Scott shook his head, grabbing his sister's wrist, taking a step back.

"I'm not helping you kill people."

"Well, I don't want to kill all of them. Just the responsible ones. And that doesn't have to include" His eyes shot to Derek.

"Allison." Sam's head snapped to him, her eyes flaring yellow.

"You're on his side? Are you forgetting the part where he killed your sister?" Derek shook his head.

"It was a mistake." Sam scoffed.

"I didn't realize killing family counts as a mistake." Derek fell silent, feeling she was right, but knowing he had to help his uncle.

"Sam, I think you're getting the wrong impression of us. We really just want to help you reach your full potential." Sam let out a growl, making Scott tighten his hold on her.

"By killing my friends."

"Sometimes the people closest to you - can be the ones holding you back the most."

"If they're holding me back from becoming a psychotic nut job like you, I'm okay with that." Sam would have smiled at her brothers cheekiness, if they hadn't been surrounded by nut jobs.

"Maybe - you could try and see things - from my perspective." He took a step closer to the siblings, holding up his now clawed hand. Sam gave a warning growl, stepping closer to him. He merely smirked. Before any of them could understand what was happening, Peter dug his nails in Sam's neck. She clawed at his hand before she went limp. Scott's eyes flared, giving a long roar. Peter ignored him and pulled away from Sam. She fell down and they fled.

"Sam" Scott, not caring about them anymore, fell down to his knees, holding Sam against him as she stirred and tossed. Her blood stained his pants but he didn't care. He held her, hoping she would wake up. Needing her to wake up.

Minutes past, and Sam showed no sign of waking up, so Scott gently scooped her up and turned to the door, wanting to get her out of this place before the Alpha and Derek came back.

Before he even reached the door, Stiles came running in. Oh so now he showed up!

"Dude, we have a huge problem!"

"Trust me" he looked down at the girl in his arms. "I know"


Luckily for them, Sam's injuries weren't severe. Scott had taken her home, and before he could place her on her bed, she had gasped awake. To say Scott was relieved was an understatement. She had explained what she had seen, the fire, Peter and his sister. It still send shivers down her spine.

Next morning the siblings found themselves back in Stiles' jeep, on their way to the library for some research.

"So I was thinking, an hour or so research and then we can grab something to drink." Stiles suggested, his eyes in his rear-view mirror. Scott shook his head, a smirk on his face. Was Stiles really asking her out.

"Your neck. You hurt yourself?"


"No. I mean, it's just - just a scratch."

"Well, it looks like more than a scratch. Kinda looks like claw marks. You all right?"

"Stop the car"


"Stop!" With screeching wheels, the car came to a stop, right in front of a troubled looked Jackson and Mr Argent. Stiles seemed to notice the same and smiled.

"What's up?"

"Is everything okay?" Mr. Argent smiled.

"Hey, Scott. Your friend, here, was having car trouble. We're just taking a look." Sam's head popped out of the window.

"There's a shop right down the street. I'm sure they have a tow truck."

"Yeah. You want a ride? Hey, come on, Jackson."

"You're way too pretty to be out here all by yourself." Sam added with a smirk. Jackson finally seemed to get their hint and nodded.

"Hey, boys." They stopped and looked at him. Sam half expected him to shoot Jackson but he just smiled and turned on the engine. It roared alive. "Told you I knew a few things about cars." He nodded to them and left. Sam watched him with an watchful eye.

When he finally left she exited the car, the boys doing the same.

"What, are you following me, now?"

"Yes, you stupid freaking idiot. You almost gave away everything, right there." Scott barked, not controlling his anger.

"What are you talking about?"

"He thinks you're the second beta."


"He thinks you're me!" Scott shouted and slammed his fist against the innocent car behind him.

"Dude, my jeep." Stiles yelped. Scott ignored him.

"I can hear your heart beating from a mile away - literally! Now he thinks that there's something wrong, and now I have to keep an eye on you so he doesn't kill you too!" Scott let out a growl and was about to punch the car again when Stiles stepped between it, stopping him.

"Okay, how about we step away from Stiles' Jeep."

"This is your problem, not mine, okay? I didn't say anything, which means you're the one that's gonna get me killed. Okay, this is your fault" Jackson shot right back. Sam watched them like a tennis match, getting more angry every second. Finally having enough, she stepped between them.

"All right, guys, stop. All right?" Scott let out a huff, clenching his fists. She ignored this and focused on Jackson. "When they come after you, we won't be able to protect you." Jackson seemed confused for a second before he let out an airy chuckle.

"You are involved in this, aren't you? I should have known, if you get one McCall sibling you get both." Sam narrowed her eyes at him.

"Why are you acting like this?  I thought we were friends."

"Friends with you?" He laughed. "I was just using you." He smirked. "Get me what I want, and I will be fine protecting myself." Sam clenched her jaw.

"No, you won't! Just trust me."

"All it does is make things worse." Scott added, stepping beside his sister.

"Oh, yeah, really? You can hear anything you want and run faster than humanly possible. Sounds like a real hardship, McCall."

"Yeah, I can run really fast now - Except half the time, I'm running away from people trying to kill me! And I can hear things like - like my girlfriend telling people that she doesn't trust me anymore right before breaking up with me. I'm not lying to you! It - ruins your life."

"It ruined your life. You had all the power in the world, and you didn't know what to do with it. You know what it's actually like? It's like you turned 16 and someone bought you a Porsche when they should have started you out with a nice little Honda. Me? I drive a Porsche." Jackson spat, a smirk on his face. He laughed at them and walked back to his car. With spinning wheels he rode off, not giving him a second glance.

"Sam, are you alright?" Stiles asked cautiously, seeing her staring at the road.

"I'm gonna kill him"


The rest of the day past by smoothly. After two pop quizzes Sam suggested an movie night at her place, wanting to get their minds of everything for a second. Scott refused, saying he wanted to make it up to Allison so Stiles and Sam decided to hold the movie night at Stiles's place. Already in her fuzzy pj's, Sam sat on Stiles bed, her laptop in front of them, the movie Alvin and the Chipmunks chirping away. Stiles laughed at a joke and took a sideway glance at the girl next to him.

God, she was beautiful. He never really took the time to really just take her in. The way her lashes fanned out just the right way or the small dimple that appeared on her cheek when she smiled, like now. "I'll get us some coke" He opted, getting up. Sam paused the movie and groaned.

"Just as I was getting comfy." Instead of letting him go down alone, Sam followed him, knowing she would fall asleep otherwise. Stiles skidded to the fridge, taking out two cans of coke. Sam chuckled, sliding after him. They both stopped however as they noticed they were being watched.

Sheriff Stilinski quickly looked back down at his files, pretending he didn't just see their cute interaction.

"Whatcha doing?" Stiles coughed, feeling his ears heat up. Sam silently closed the fridge door and leaned against it.


"Anything I can help with?" Stiles' dad pulled the folder from his hands.

"Shouldn't you two be getting back to your movie?" Getting no reply he sighed. "You know, if you poured me an ounce of whiskey, that would be awfully nice." Stiles nodded and sat down.

"Any leads?"

"You know I can't discuss that with you." He held up his hand, stopping Stiles from pouring the whiskey. "Not too much." Stiles nodded, but an idea formed inside his head. He poured to the rim.

"Okay. There you go, dad."


"Bottoms up." Not looking, the Sheriff took the glass and drowned it. Sam's eyes actually widened from it. The sheriff didn't even flinch. He placed the glass down and took the folder, his eyes staring to fall closed.

"You know, Derek Hale would be a whole hale of a lot - Hale of a lot?"

"Hell of a lot?" Sam tried. He nodded.

"Hell. Yes. He would be a hell of a lot easier to catch if we could get an actual picture of him." Stiles frowned, taking the folder. The Sheriff didn't seem to mind, this time.

"How do you not have a picture of him?"

"It's the weirdest thing. It's like every time we tried to get a mug shot, it's like two - Laser beams were pointing at the camera." Stiles and Sam exchanged a look. They had to remember this. No pictures.


"Oh, my God. Ohh! God, that ounce hit me like a brick. And I have said way too much, and if you repeat any of that" he warned, pointing his finger at them. Not actually pointing at Sam, more like pointing at the stove.

"Dad, it's us. Were not gonna say anything. Come on." The Sheriff nodded and continued.

"See, the thing is they're all connected. I mean, the bus driver that got killed, he was an insurance investigator assigned to the Hale house fire." Sam finally stepped away from the fridge, eying the folder.

"'Terminated under suspicion of fraud.'?"


"Who else?"

"The video store clerk who got his throat slashed - He's a convicted felon, history of arson."

"What about the other two guys, the guys who got killed in the woods?"

"Priors all over their records including -"

"Arson." Sam sighed, closing the folder. "So maybe they all had something to do with the fire." Stiles, seeing this was working, held up the bottle.

"Another shot?"

"No, no, no, no more."

"Dad, come on. You work really hard, all right? You deserve it." The sheriff chuckled.

"Oh, my God, I'm gonna have such a hangover." The two man laughed and Stiles poured his father another glass. Drowning it in one gulp the sheriff groaned.

"There's just so many questions."

"Like what?"

"Like if Derek - wanted to kill everyone involved with the fire. Then why start with his sister? I mean, she had nothing to do with it. Why make it look like some kind of animal did it? When that cougar ended up in the parking lot - I checked with animal control. You know the instances of wild animal reports were up 70% over the past few months? It's like they're just going crazy, running out of the woods. I don't know."

The teens shared another look, realizing the same thing.

"Or something's scaring them out."

"You know, I miss talking to you. It's like we never have time -" Sam smiled at them but Stiles stood up, stopping the cute moment.

"Dad, you know, I have to make a phone call - I'm sorry. I'll be right back."

"I do. I miss it. And I miss your mom." The sheriff slurred. Stiles froze.

"What'd you say?"


The Sheriff was about to pour another glass when Sam stopped him.

"I don't think this is such an good idea." The two man stared at her. The sheriff groaned.

"You're right" Sam nodded and helped him stand. She shot Stiles a look. He quickly scrambled up and helped her guide his dad to the stairs. Very slowly, they made their way up. After placing him in his bed, Sam jogged back down to turn off the lights and close everything off. Stiles made sure his dad was comfy and in the time he was done, Sam was done.

"I shouldn't have done that" He admitted, stepping back into his room. Sam shrugged.

"He did deserve a drink, just not too much" Stiles nodded and watched as she sat back onto his bed, placing the two cans of coke on the bedside table. His body suddenly filled with sleep, Stiles slid over and dropped onto the bed. Sam let out a snort of laughed and laid down as well. They wiggled underneath the covers, their arms barely touching. This was nothing new to them. They would fall asleep on their side of the bed and wake up in the same position. No one ever spoke a word about it.

Unluckily for them, Sam's phone rang not half an hour later, shaking them both from their sleep. Both flushed, realising their legs were tangled into each other, their bodies flushed against each other. In silence they untangled themselves and got out. After an failed attempt to make herself look less red, Sam grabbed her phone.

Scott. Apparently their mom was on a date with Peter. Alpha Peter. With a plan in mind, the two quickly tiptoed out of the house and into Stiles' jeep. Sam guided Stiles trough the cars, spotting her mom without much problem. Without a second thought, and still half asleep, Stiles rode his car against theirs. They scrambled out of the car. Sam met Scott eyes but kept silent.

"Oh, are you kidding me? Stiles! Sam?!" Melissa barked, noticing the two teens. Surprisingly still in their pj's.


"Yes!" Stiles let out an airy chuckle, acting like he was surprised to see the couple.

"Wow, this is - this is just crazy. What a coincidence, huh? We were just on our way to get some donuts. Do you two want to join us?" Melissa send him an angry glare and huffed.

"No thank you"

"Nicely done. Nicely done." Peter whispered, only noticeable by the McCall siblings.

"I mean - I do not know what happened. You guys just came out of nowhere."

"Came out of nowhere! We were parked on the side of the road, Stiles."

"How crazy is that? I mean, we should probably call the cops, you know, do like an accident report thing." Stiles opted. Peter walked back to them, sending them a smile.

"I don't think that's necessary."

"Are you sure? I think I'm feeling a little whiplash."

"Whiplash? You hit us!" Melissa growled. She took a deep breath and eyed her daughter, seeing she hadn't spoken.

"Sam. Samantha?" She snapped her fingers, snapping Sam out of her stare. "Are you alright?" Sam swallowed and nodded.

"Yeah. My neck's sore, that's all" Melissa shoved her purse into Stiles' hands and stepped to her daughter, examining her neck.

"I know you're there, Scott, and I'm impressed. It's too bad most teenagers aren't that smart. It's like that one on the lacrosse team - Jackson. Thinks he knows all about us. You know how they say knowledge is power. Not in his case."

"I can't see any immediate damage. I'm taking you to the hospital"

"I can do that!" Stiles piped up. "I've got a car"

Melissa eyed the two before she sighed.

"Alright, go. But I want to hear what they said." The teens nodded.  A beat passed, cars started honking.

"We better go" Sam and Stiles stepped back to the jeep and got in. With no major damage the jeep started without a problem and they drove off. Once out of sight, Sam spoke up.

"Stop the car" Stiles did so immediately. Sam opened the door and got out. "Derek is going after Jackson. Me and Scott are going to stop him. Can you keep an eye on my mom?  Make sure she gets home." Stiles stared at her for a second. "Please" He sighed.

"Alright, but you better get home as well." Sam nodded.

"Of course,  I can't leave my best friend, can I?" She gave the hood of the car a pat before she turned around and ran off. Stiles watched her go before he shook his head and drove off.


Trying to control her breathing, Sam made it to the Hale house. Scott gave his sister a nod turning his attention back to the house. Sam crouched down next to him and listened.

"Please, you can't do this! Please! I - I don't deserve it." Jackson. Derek was going to kill him. He did deserve it but not like this, not by an sorrow driven werewolf.

"I think you do. Look around you! Wouldn't there be someone here trying to save you? There's no one here. There is a reason. No one cares that you drive an expensive car. No one cares that you have perfect hair, and no one cares that you're captain of the lacrosse team."

"Excuse me. Co - captain." Sam rolled her eyes and listened as her bother jumped off the stair, in front of Jackson. Seeing no reason she had to make an dramatic entrance, not that she wouldn't like to, Sam made her way into the room as well and placed a hand on Jackson's shoulder. He jumped, his tear filled eyes shot to her. Sam gave him a nod and helped him up.



"Fine. I'll kill you too." Sam's stance shifted, ready to cover Jackson if it got rough. "Cover your eyes!" No need to tell them twice. Sam and Jackson dropped to the floor, Sam on top of him. The window broke and an bright light filled the room. Gunshots ran through the air and Sam decided her first priority was to get Jackson out. She scrambled to her feet and pulled him with her to the basement. A shiver ran down her spine at the thought of everything that had happened in that room.

She suppressed it and pushed an heavy looking dresser in front of the door. She took a step back and pulled a quivering Jackson with her to one of the corners. Half an hour past before the gun shots stopped and silence returned to the house. The two teens didn't move. Not until Sam heard cars drive away in the distance.

Slowly she got up but winched as she fell her leg burning. Her eyes shot down to see a bullet hole smoking in her tight.

"Y-your shot" Sam's head shot to him, as if remembering he was there. She shook her head and took off her vest. With a quick rip, the sleeve was in her hands. Sam bound it around the wound and stood up, as if nothing had happened.

"They're gone. Let's go" Jackson nodded and stood up, his knees shaking. Repeating her previous steps, Sam pushed the dresser out of the way and opened the door. Jackson took a step closer to her and followed her as she walked up the stairs.

She froze as she reached the top. Bullet holes everywhere. Not one piece of wood seemed to be spared. What made her freeze however weren't the holes. It was the blood that was splattered across the floorboards. Black blood, much like her own. Her head snapped to Jackson.

"You have to go home, you'll be safe there"

"W-what about you" Jackson swallowed looking at the girl in front of him. She was in no way the same girl he had grown up with. This girl was fierce and hard.
"I'll have to find Scott and Derek. If they are-" She stopped herself and swallowed.

"Thank you" Sam turned to him. "For saving me, twice. He would have killed me." Sam nodded.

"Jackson, do me a favor." He nodded. "Don't tell anyone about this. We don't know who to trust." Jackson took a step to the door, his head heavy with everything that had happened. Sam watched him go before she turned to the blood on the floor. She took a deep whiff.

The black blood was Scott's. Now she had a trail to follow.


With a growl Sam sped into the animal clinic. Deaton didn't even look up as she entered the room and merely dropped the sizzling bullet into the tray.

"Could you hand me the thread?" Sam stared at him, her eyes wide.

"Deaton?" Deaton didn't reapply and seeing that her brother was still unconscious Sam blindly grabbed the thread and handed it to Deaton.

"Hold him down" Sam stepped over to Scott and placed her hands on his shoulders. Scott awoke with a gasp, jolting up. Sam pushed him back down, keeping him from hurting himself.

"It's all right, Scott. You're gonna be all right." Scott blinked, his vision hazy. He could vaguely make out his sister and... Deaton? "I wouldn't get up just, yet."

"Where am I"

"Animal clinic" Sam answered.

"You're fine. And I've given you something that should - Speed up the healing process." Deaton took off his gloves and took a wet towel from the tray, dabbing the blood off Scott's side.

"But you're a vet."

"That's very true - and 90% of the time, I'm mostly treating cats and dogs"

"Mostly?" Sam asked this time. Deaton nodded.

"Mostly." Scott let out a breath and closed his eyes, falling asleep once more. Sam took her hands off his shoulders and stared at Deaton. "Your turn" he nodded to himself and took out a clean pair of gloves. Sam stared at him puzzled, but sat down anyway. Deaton moved to her and took the cloth off her leg. Sam hissed and dug her nails into the bed but remained still as Deaton took out the bullet. Just like with Scott, the bullet was still sizzling. He was definitely not a normal vet.

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