Chapter 11 | When Sparks Fly, We Ignore Them
Our entire squad ditched school today. I would've gone but Brianna insisted that we sleep well and then go to the salon to touch up our hair and face.
We went to a salon and got manicures, pedicures and Brianna had her hair dyed blonde again since the color started to fade. I on the other hand got a hair cut. My hair was now a few inches under my shoulders and a fringe was cut to frame my face better.
I settled for a normal blow dry curls whereas Brianna went for a beautiful bun that was made after curling her hair. Brianna went all out.

My dress gently touched the floor as I wore my heels. It was completely black and was tight around my torso but loosened as it reached the bottom. It had a delicate lace design. I carefully zipped it up from the back and straighten out my dress. My hair was still in placed and I slightly touched it up. Mom helped me with the wings because the straps went around my torso and one around each shoulder. I had to wear with before I slipped on the dress. I put on bright red lipstick and winged my eyeliner to perfection and did smokey eyes. Mom gave me my lenses back and I put them on.
"Here wear this, I had matching bracelets made for you and Brianna" mom took my wrist and put on a beautiful diamond bracelet. She then looked at me for head to toe and twirled me around. "You look so beautiful," she said with tears forming in her eyes.
"Mom!" I drawled and gave her a hug.
The doorbell rang and mom left to see who it was. Brianna was already downstairs so I went to see how she looked. She stood in the living room facing me. I fasten my pace and grinned at her as she returned it. We stood a feet away from each other.
Brianna wore a cream colored lace dress and ended at her knees. It had lacy quarter sleeves and was backless. Her dress open up like a skirt at waist. Her cream colored wings nearly touched the ground. A perfect angel look according to the theme.
We assessed each other carefully "you look...DROP DEAD GORGEOUS!" we said in sync and laughed.
"Don't ever do that again! You girls look really beautiful but that was just creepy as hell!" Chris spoke out nervously. With him stood Bellamy, I was completely shocked. The both wore a suit. Chris wore a bow tie and Bellamy wore simple black tie over a white shirt. I couldn't help but stare at Bellamy who stared back at me. He gelled his hair to the back but one strand fell on his forehead; truly a blessing as it made him look even hotter than he already was. He bit his lip slowly still looking into my eyes.
Mom suddenly cleared throat snapping me and him out of our daze. I looked around to see Brianna and Chris holding hands as they tried to hold back their laugh.
"Come on you two, I need to take pictures." Mom said as she pointed to a place we had to stand. "Brianna and Chris can go first," I said dismissively as Bellamy walked towards me.
"We already had our pictures taken but you too were too busy looking at each other to notice anything around you." Brianna chuckled making Chris and mom burst out laughing. I could tell I went red as a tomato. I couldn't hold back the blush. Bellamy then took my hand and we stood posing for a billion pictures until it was 8:30 pm and Brianna insisted that we leave.
My hand was in Bellamy's and he softly whispered in my ear, "You look beautiful," I felt his breath on my ear sending shivers down my back but the good kind. Brianna and Chris exited but Bellamy motion me to stop.
As the front door closed and mom went to the living room Bellamy stood in front of me. He pulled out a box from his pocket and told me to open it. As I did, I saw a beautiful necklace resting inside. A pendent hung from the delicate chain. "It's beautiful, thank you so much," I bit my lip as I looked into his eyes. They had a sparkle in them making me lost in his eyes. "Can you help me put it on?" I whispered.
He picked up the necklace and I slightly lifted my hair from my neck. He moved closer to me our body slightly touching one another. He put his hands around my neck, moving his head closer to the side of mine as he clipped it on. His minty breath hit my neck giving me butterflies in my sister. His hands brushed the back of my neck and into the slides as they slid away. "It looks beautiful on you," he adjusted it from the front before dropping his hands. I blushed again and thank him. "There's more," one of his hands was cupping my hand in which I held the box. I as it had rings inside, the ones I was lost looking at yesterday.
"I can't, this is too much." I didn't believe his was actually doing his.
"It's okay Blake, take it as a gift, I insist," he said and dropped them onto his free hand. I put both of my hands in front of him opening my fingers so he could put them on.
One by one he put him on me. They were those edgy type ones that fit in with my demon inspired look. There were rings and mid rings and I was in love with all of them. The last one was a mid ring that he slide onto my ring finger. He looked so cute putting them on that I giggled and gave him a slight kiss on his cheek, trying not to stain my lipstick on his cheek. He grinned and took my hand leading me to a different black car. A driver stood outside who held the door open. I sat instead carefully trying not to ruin my wings or dress, Bellamy sat after me, our hands intertwined.
Since we were in a rich people school, we when to a banquet hall. It was full of people from our school. The lights were dim and the decoration was beautiful. Some people were already dancing while some stood around talking. As we entered, all eyes were on us. Some smiled while others whispered.
We reached the middle of the dance floor and Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran started to play. Bellamy held my hand up, "Can I have this dance?" he asked, I smiled and nodded my head. He kissed my hand and we started to dance slowly. Brianna and Chris joined and people started to make way on the dance floor.
Brianna looked over at me, "Lets waltz," She said and we made our positions. Bellamy's hand held into my waist and my hand was on his shoulder. The other hands were gripped together tightly and we started to float around the room.
"Did I tell you how beautiful you look?" Bellamy asked for the millionth time.
"Yes you did, Handsome" I chuckled and he grinned. He couldn't twirl me around because of my wings so pulled me closer to him and lifted me off my feet and he spun around then gently put me down. I looked around to find a lot of people dancing in couples and those who weren't were cheering. We stayed silent as we danced. Looking into each others eyes and enjoying the moment.
When the song finished our foreheads were touching as we looked into each others eyes. We both grinned at each other as we came closer. Our moment was destroyed when Harry and Eliza popped out of nowhere.
"You two look amazing!" Eliza said as she pulled us both in for a hug. Harry winked at Bellamy and said "I told you to ask her out before," I giggled looking at Bellamy as his cheeks flushed red. So had been stalling for a while...
Luke came with his date, a girl named Sarah. He made out on our lunch tables a few times before so I was familiar her. She was a beautiful African American girl with her black hair and glittery dark brown eyes.
I noticed how there were barely ten girls wearing wings, obviously mine and Brianna's stood out the most. Mandy was with Ryan. She wore a dark pink dress that touched the ground. Her wings were glittery bright pink. Something I would imagine a five year old to wear. Even though she did a lot of make up on her face, the mean girl look was still plastered to her face. She glared at other girls and even spilled punch on one of the cheerleaders.
"I want punch" I said out loud. Bellamy smirked and took me over to the table.
"It's probably spiked you know." He said as he poured it in a cup.
"Well, that's all the fun isn't it?" I smirked back at him.
"Fine but you can't have more." He declared as he gave it to me. I rolled my eyes at him.

Principle Holland was on stage and yelled at the juniors who spiked the punch. Everyone cheered and clapped. Then the slut from junior year took the mic from his hand. After she blabbered for five minutes she was going to announced the Homecoming king and queen. Bellamy and I voted for Chris and Brianna. Although I doubt he voted for Brianna. He kept hiding it from me.
"The homecoming king and queen are..." drumroll for an entire minute. I rolled my eyes and Bellamy threw his hand over my shoulder tugging me into his chest. "Chris Wilmer and Brianna Bennett!" we cheered and clapped loudly in excitement they went to the stage to wear their crowns.
From the corner of my eyes I could see Mandy screaming at Ryan then at the kids who were counting the votes. People turned her way but when Brianna started her speech everyone turned to her instead.
"Lets get out of here," Bellamy whispered into my ear and tugged on my hand. I looked around there was nothing left. Chris and Brianna danced while others waited to start. We finished dancing so there wasn't anything else left to do. I nodded my head and he led the way.
Walked to the car and the driver started to drive. "Thank you, Bellamy. I had a wonderful night," I smiled at him.
"It's not over yet," He moved closer to me but I didn't move away like I usually did.
"Where to now?" I asked as I looked out the window.
"It's a surprise. Just wait," he had a mischievous smile on his face that made me melt. I didn't ask anything. I just waited impatiently.
"Can I at least look at the ground? I don't to fall, its so hard to walk in this outfit with my eyes open and you've blindfolded them" I complain as Bellamy leads me somewhere. His arm tightly grips my waist and as I put my hand on his. We walk for a while before Bellamy tells me to stand. He takes of my blindfold and I see a beautiful lake in front of me and the moonlight perfectly shining down on it. The water was so clear that you could see the night sky lit up with stars reflecting clearly. I look around the see a few trees and perfectly cut grass around us. I gasp at the scenery. "This place is magical," I whisper, biting my lip as I look around again. "Where are were?" I look at Bellamy who was staring at me the entire time.
"My family owns this land. That's our lake house over there." He pointed to the other side of the lake where a small house stood surround by trees.
He says down against a tree behind us and pats the empty space next to him motioning me to sit there. I take off my heels ready to sit but realized I stay had my wings on. "Let me just take this off." I removed the straps off my shoulders but remembered that there was one around my torso. I curse under my breath and let out a deep sigh.
"What's wrong?" Bellamy stood up and walked towards me.
"I can't sit with these wings andthey're strapped around me," I pouted in defeat. There was no point in bothering with it anymore.
He smirked and said, "I'll help you take them off." I rolled my eyes at him.
"No that would require taking off this dress," I said while folding my arms.
"I knew I should've brought the keys to the lake house." He kicked the ground slightly and I laughed.
I got an idea in my head, it was risky but worth a try. The bad boy was being a good boy for the night and it made sense to take advantage of that. "I'll unzip it and you have to unhook it but if your finger linger on anything else I will kill you with my bare hands. And I mean it," I warned him.
"Whatever you say Blake, but I'm pretty sure you're the one whose going to be-" I smack my hand in his stomach and turn around. What was I thinking, that cocky guy was back.
He slowly unzipped my dress. I held my dress in place from the front a little tighter as he fiddled with it. He unhooked the wings and pulled them off. I quickly zipped up my dress again and turned around. Letting go of a breath I didn't know I was holding.
We sat down and stared at the sky - at least I was. "When will you stop staring at me?" I asked him still avoiding his eyes.
"Whenever I want to. It's not everyday you dress like this," He put his arm around me and we sort of cuddled. It was that perfect moment every teenage girl had wanted, even me. His coat was around me since I felt cold and I couldn't help but indulge into that amazing smell of his cologne.
"So what's your hobby?" I randomly asked to make conversation.
"Football," he said. "I know yours is dancing."
I turned to him, "Am I that predictable?"
"Yes and no, I really didn't think you'd go to homecoming with anyone," he says gently moving his thumb in circles on my arm.
"You didn't give me a choice when you asked," I say.
"And you didn't give me an answer." we laughed thinking about yesterday.
"So why did you bring me here?" I asked trying to break the silence between us.
"I thought was a good place to talk. You know without anyone interrupting," he said.
"Or you're just trying to be romantic," I looked at him and he smirked, not answering back.
"Wanna play twenty questions?" I randomly ask.
"Sure," He said. We turned to face each other. His coat was hung around my shoulders keeping me warm.
"Why did you take me to homecoming?" I blurted out starting the game. His eyes looked around
Suddenly my phone beeped and I took it out of my clutch, there was a message. I opened it to see:
Brianna: You better use protection!
I rolled my eyes in disgust and Bellamy started to laugh. "Shut up you!" I shoved him to the side. After ten minutes, he finally stopped laughing.
"So do you wanna use protection or should I-" I hit him in the stomach as he laughed again. I gave in and let out a chuckle.

Why did my pillow have a heartbeat? I opened my eyes and to see Bellamy. "You're a heavy sleeper you know," his eyes were wide open, looking at me. I blinked a few times, looking at my surroundings. We were in my room and I realized that half of my body was on Bellamy and our legs tangled in each others. His arms were around my waist holding me in place.
I quickly tried to get up but he pulled me down so I rolled to the side.
"We didn't do it, right?" I asked him as he put my hair behind my ear.
"Either you don't trust yourself or me. My money's on the latter" He said. Puzzles ugh. I looked down to see him shirtless but I could feel his pants and I had my dress on so maybe we didn't do it.
"Why didn't you go to your house to sleep?" I asked.
"Well I would've but you looked adorable while sleeping," he pouted and I rolled my eyes.
"Stop calling me adorable!" I scowled, trying to wiggle out of his arms but he pulled me closer to him.
"What if my mom sees you?" I asked.
"Well when I brought you here I could hear your sister and Chris having sex so I don't think-"
I gave him a look, "Don't talk about my sister like that." I scolded him, wincing at my slow response.
He smirked, "then let's talk about yours!" oh my god did he actually just say that! I stared at his smirk that wasn't going to flatter anytime soon.
"Why talk when I can demonstrate?" I smirked, as I took the sheets off of us.
I placed my fingers gently on his temples, caressing them. Then I slowly traced his jaw line and slide them up when I reached his chin. I brushed my thumb across his lower lip. He parted his lip letting out a breath and our eyes locked in each others. I slowly brought my hand down to his neck and just before I reached his chest, I moved my hand to his shoulder. Moving my index finger in circles. Then I brought my hand down to his chest, right above his heart, feeling his heartbeat. It was increasing it's pace and my smile grew wider as it did. I slid my hand down, pressing against the outlines of his abs. Then my hand went back to his lip, but not losing contact with his body as it did so. I bit my lip as his pupils dilated and his heartbeat quickened more than before. I slid my finger down one more time, for the real tease.I stopped at his belly button and traced circles around it loosely for a few times and then I moved my finger over to his deep V-line. I traced it halfway before feeling something push on my thigh. I stopped there and moved myself on top of him, so I could straddle him. His arms held me tightly as I moved closer to him and just as our noses touched, I rolled out of bed and started to laugh.
He lied there, in complete shock for as long as I could remember. I was on my knees with tears in my eyes as I watched him roll over and bury his face in the pillow.
"How dare you do that?" he scolded as I stood by the side of the bed holding my stomach as I kept laughing.
"Revenge is sweet."
He stood up and stretched. I knew he was going to do something so I ran for the door but he caught me before I could reach it. His hands tugged on my stomach making me laugh as I tried to wiggle out if his hold. "Somebody's ticklish," he grinned and tickled me more. I shut my eyes closed, trying to resist but I couldn't and I fell to the floor but I never hit it. Bellamy didn't let me, instead he tackled me roughly and pinned my hands above my head. He straddled me as I struggled to free myself beneath him.
"You messed with the wrong person," he threatened me as he moved closer to my face. His lips just an inch away from mine. I suddenly rolled over using all the force I had, a smirk made its way on my face as he realized I was on top of him now. At this point I didn't care about my dress, it was ruined the moment I wore it. I knew it had many wrinkles on it by the time we reached the venue for homecoming. I made the wrong move though, because Bellamy hugged me and my head was buried in his chest. My lips touched his bare chest - this couldn't be more awkward. He pinned me on the floor again and cupped my cheeks. Had I watched wrestling, I would've had some sort of advantage over him. I put my hands on his hands, trying to remove them when Chris walked inside the room all of a sudden. We both froze as we stared up at him.
"Well, that's a compromising position." Chris said, raising his eyebrows.
Bellamy quickly let go of me and helped me up. "It's not like that," I said defense.
"Sure, whatever. I heard weird sounds and came to check what was going on. I didn't know you two were..." he trailed off looking at both of us. "Nevermind, I'll leave you two alone."
I waited until he left the room. "You're liking this aren't you?" I said, rolling my eyes at him.
"Why ask when you already know the answer?" he chuckled and walked out of the room.
"At least where a shirt Bel," I said as I walked after him. He didn't reply and picked up his pace until we reached the kitchen. I followed behind but slowly since my dress nearly tripped me on the stairs.
I entered the kitchen to find a shirtless Chris making pancakes while Brianna walked around in shorts and what seems to be Chris' shirt with a box of juice in hand . "Good morning you two," she mused and sat on one of the stools around the kitchen island. I sat next to Bellamy since that seat was closer to me. I mumbled a greeting along with Bellamy. Bellamy busied himself by running his hands through his hair in an attempt to fix them. "Should've gone easy on his hair, Blake." Brianna bit her cheek and I knew she was just as amused as Bellamy was by her comment.
I rolled my eyes at her. "We didn't do anything" I exclaimed.
"Thats why I found Bellamy straddling you." Chris glanced at us, sending me a quick wink before returning to his pancakes. I looked at Bellamy from the corner of my eyes to see him busy gulping down juice. Completely carefree and unbothered.
"We were wearing clothes Chris!" My hands exasperated.
"Oh, round two." Brianna grinned, resting her chin on her hand.
"Seriously?" I said, giving her a not-so-impressed look.
"Well how do you plan on explaining the lipstick marks on his chest and your smeared lipstick?" Brianna asked pointing to a red stain near Bellamy's collar bone. Bellamy looked down at his chest and smirked but remained radio silent. I on the other hand rolled my eyes again. I honestly feel like I'll lose control over my eyes if this keeps up. I bit my lip thinking of a good excuse since the truth had too many loopholes but I wasn't a smart Alec, I couldn't come up with anything.
"Bellamy and I both know nothing happened between us so I don't need to explain anything to you guys further." I state.
Chris gave a tower of pancakes to Brianna. I pulled the plate from her and started to eat it. Everyone looked at me but I didn't care.
"Alright kiddo," Brianna chuckled.
"So Brianna, did you know what a tease Blake is?" Bellamy smirked at me as I shoved my face with forkfuls of pancakes. Moaning at the taste and trying to tell Chris what a masterpiece he created as the same time.
Brianna raised her eyebrow at me. "What did this bad girl do to you?" She had a weird smile on her face, clearly enjoying everything going on between Bellamy and I.
"Jokes on you Bellamy," I raise an eyebrow and he uncomfortably shifts on the stool. "I don't mind explaining..." I paused with a smirk on face. For once I have the upper hand.
"You wouldn't!" He threatens as he stands up.
I drop my fork in my plate that's almost empty and I make a run for my room, locking it behind me. I sigh in relief as I'm able to escape him this time. He was hot on my tail because nearly a second later he began to bang on my door and told me to open it. I laughed loudly as I shook my head. That wasn't going to happen.
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