For my love of soldiers.
"I Ahmad Abdullah Danbatta, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God"
"Congratulations, Captain"
Jalan Bani Buhassan, Oman.
Four men stood in the US army tents based in Oman preparing for the war they're about to head for. One of them is on the phone with his back turned to them while the other three were fixing their combat uniform. One of the ones fixing their uniforms pulled the straps of his helmet tightly in place. He then leaned down to tie the knot of his combat boots which covered the olive drab cotton socks he had on underneath.
"Yes. I'll be back safe. I promise" Said the one on the phone with the back facing the others.
The three men looked up and exchanged looks amongst themselves, a sign of sadness masking their features which they only show when they are together. Outside of that tent, they are stiff and emotionless-ruthless some might say even.
The one fixing his helmet from earlier set his lips into a tight line after exhaling slightly. He shook his head at them before they all looked back to the one on the phone. He ended the call before he placed the phone down and removed the sim card from the phone, breaking it at the instant. He used the edge of his M249 squad automatic weapon gun to hit the phone multiple times until it broke down into pieces.
He already risked enough by using a phone in the camp. He had to destroy it before they are traced. He owes them that much since they let him slip off the rules this one time.
He then discarded the pieces in a trashcan before he turned to look at his fellow team mates. He glanced down at his hand that held his military dog tag, the one everyone in the military has. He dropped it beside that of the others. They knew what it meant for members of their team to be out there, aiding another country in a war. It meant that even if they die out there, no one should know their identity even though that's the main essence of the dog tag.
He slung the gun over his shoulder as two amongst them walked out of the tent leaving him and the one that fixed his helmet first. He walked towards the man, "Sir" he said, his voice coming out strong and firm, leaving no trace of the nonexistent fear though it was there deep down.
No, he wasn't scared of potentially dying because he had done something like this countless times before.
What is he is scared of though is not getting the chance to return to his family. To his wife, and daughter.
The man nodded and patted his shoulder before he gestured for them to head out after picking up his own gun.
Together, they walked out of the tent and were soon engulfed by the chilly night air. They were in no place to complain though, they are used to it by now. To be in the army for ten years, you have to.
In front of them stood about twenty soldiers all dressed up in the same outfit as them. Immediately they spotted the Captain, they all stood in attention and saluted him, "Sir!" the sound of their voices collectively came out as strong as ever, making some of the animals around the place scramble away. One could tell from their poise and voice that they had no ounce of fear in them.
He saluted them back before they all dropped their hands to their side, shoulders squared and chin up. Guns held tightly in their hands and helmets strapped in place.
His gaze moved around, as the three men that were with him earlier stood by his side facing the other soldiers. "You all know what we're about to face right now" He spoke for the first time, his voice held authority that none of them had. "We are heading to yet another battlefield where as you all know, we might not all come back alive. To some of you, you might've just had the last chance to ever speak to your loved ones, ever"
The one that was on the phone earlier gulped slightly as he exhaled lowly.
"This is for safety of all. We chose to stand and protect the lives of others even if it meant putting our lives on the line" The Captain spoke up again as his gaze moved from one soldier to another. "As you all know, any of us that dies, dies in the name of saving our country. If we die out there, we die with honor"
Though he didn't need to tell them all these, he knew that was what they needed to hear. They are also humans just like every person out there. Even if they chose this career out of their own free will, just like everyone, they'd appreciate knowing that they will not die in vain.
If their death brings peace to others, then so be it.
He offered them one last nod while they saluted him one last time before they all got ready for what they are about to face.
He was right, some of them might not returned.
But, as he stood there for a couple of seconds more and watched them disperse into their posts, he knew that this is the life they all chose-and they'll stick to it to the very end.
Because they are soldiers and they were born to die for their country.
Deafening silence.
That is what surrounds the soldiers.
Aside from the constant beams from the snipers of the soldiers, nothing was detected from such distance.
At least, the terrorist knew to not pick up the desert to reside. They picked up the only place that had the highest number of trees and grasses there. By the time the US army arrived at the scene, whilst staying as low-key as possible, the Oman soldiers were there already camouflaging with the grasses-they did the same.
The Captain set his sniper firmly on the ground aiming at the terrorist camp who weren't aware that they are being surrounded by the army.
"Intazar...Intazar al'an"
"Wait...Hold on for now" The guy that was one the phone earlier translated what the Captain of the Oman soldiers said through radio communications they have. Though a couple of the US army understand Arabic, most don't. So, he acts as the official translator for them all.
"Wait..." Said the Oman Captain, this time around in English. He glanced at the terrorists' camp again for a while to make sure that they have no idea of their presence before he raised his fisted hand up slowly, just long enough for his fellow soldiers to see, "Now"
And that was all it took for them to start opening fire at the terrorists' camp as they advanced forward.
Flying bullets and sounds of gunshots filled up the once quiet place. None of the soldiers hesitated to move forward, except for times the terrorists opened fire at them-then, they had to take cover before they continued shooting again.
"The hostages are in their main quarters" Said one of the members of the US army, he is among the ones that were with the captain at first-his teammate.
The Captain nodded, "Mike, Charlie and Oscar, you three will come with me. The others, you should stay back and help the Oman soldiers" He said referring to the three members of his team.
Those weren't their real names; it was just a code name that all secret agents in militaries have. They were no different from the others.
The three followed his as they cautiously made their way to the terrorist's main tent. They shot whoever stood in their way. There was no remorse in a battlefield, it's either you kill or be killed. The only difference is that as a soldier, you kill for the sake of protecting the life of people.
The Captain hid behind a tree when he saw two men run out of the main tent with loaded guns in their hands cautiously looking for the soldiers. He made eye contact with Charlie who's hiding a tree too but already has his gun aimed at one of the men. Not even a second afterwards, he shot one of the men making the other jump in fright. The Captain took that as his chance to shoot him as Mike and Oscar advanced to the tent.
Not wasting a second more, they opened the tent slightly only for a bullet to come flying out. Mike wasn't able to move away quickly because the bullet hit his shoulder making him fall back. The Captain hastily shot the man that shot Mike. And while Oscar stayed with Mike, Charlie and the Captain ran to the camp and immediately they stepped foot there, they shot down the two terrorist there just as one was about to shot the children they took as hostages.
The children screamed and covered their ears, but once they saw that it was the soldiers, they released sighs of relief and started wiping the tears that stained their faces.
"This is Captain Shawn; all terrorists are down. What's the situation there?" Came the voice of the Oman Captain.
"This is Captain Ahmad Zayn," Zayn said as he placed his hand over the wireless earpiece they all had on, he glanced at the hostages that are being freed by Charlie while an army medic tended to Mike, who they all know will survive. The wound is nothing serious by the looks of it. Besides, they've lived through much worse situation. "Hostages are safe. Mission accomplished."
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