



"Yo man! How's single life treating you?" Kamal teased, taking off his shades as he playfully punched Zayn's shoulder.

Zayn shook his head, grumbling under his breath. Kamal, or the idiot as Zayn preferred to call him now, got hitched the year back to the girl he had loved since childhoodand since then, no one hears the end of his teasing; especially not Zayn. What more, the man has started teasing him the minute he returns home for the first time in two years.

Why is he always the one to pick him up from the airport?

"Lucky idiot". Zayn mumbled under his breath; throwing his friend an annoyed look. He then pushed his suitcase over to Kamal, leaving him to be the one to drag it out while he ignored him and walked ahead.

But that didn't shut the idiot up.

"If not that we have something to attend right now I'll say you should drop by my house so you can eat my wife's food. I know at this point I have to be helping my single friends like you, especially now that Ramadan is near" Kamal said, finally catching up to Zayn. The two are just about the same height, but whenever Zayn walks fast, Kamal wonders what is going on in those long legs of his.

Is it because he's in the military? No it can't be. Even Kamal went through extensive training.

"Are you ever going to stop this?" Zayn asked, as the two made their way over to Kamal's car.

The man nodded, "Of course I will"

"Can it be now?"

Kamal offered Zayn a wide grin, "Of course..." He dropped the grin, "...not"

That had Zayn hissing lightly under his breath as he opened the back seat, then slipped into it. Kamal who had dropped the man's suitcase in the trunk stood watching him.

"I'm not your driver!" He exclaimed, but Zayn ignored him.

Eventually, he shook his head and made his way over to the front seat; at the end ending up to be Zayn's driver. He couldn't do anything about that. But, he can annoy Zayn further. "You know, if you want me to stop just get married" He threw a glance at his friend through the rearview mirror.

Zayn who had thrown his head back with his eyes flickered close responded without moving from his position. "Shut up Kamal"

Kamal shrugged, moving his gaze back on the road. "Okay, if you say so. Honestly, it's with this attitude that you'll shut your destiny up" He stated nonchalantly, even though he meant to get under Zayn's skin. "Just saying" He added.

"Kamal..." Zayn's warning came, indicating that Kamal is winning.

"I'm just saying..." Because of that, the man didn't shut up. "...the one woman we are hoping can stand your annoying self is getting married too"

That had Zayn snapping his gaze open. "What?" His voice came out low as he rose his head up, to face Kamal who is now facing away from him; his gaze fixated on the road. "Who is getting married?"

"Batoulah of course" Kamal stated as if it's the most obvious thing. He then slipped his hand on the passenger seat and picked up a card, handing it over to Zayn. "Didn't you get your invite to the nikah?" He asked, his tone lacking any sort of lark.

Zayn was quick to snatch it out of Kamal's hands. And a second later, he had the card out of the envelope and in his hands as he read the content. And sure enough there was her name, Dr. Fatima Batoulah Hamoudi getting married to some doctor, in the name of Dr. MahrazSunusi. And it is set to take place in a week.

"What the..." Zayn muttered, unable to take his eyes off it.

"I'm happy for her honestly" Kamal after briefly throwing Zayn a glance through the rearview mirror said, "I mean, we all thought you two would end up together but since you were doing big time, late comer has arrived and taken her from you. I've met the guy once actually, he's such a nice guy and he..." He went on rambling.

Zayn throwing the card at him had him shutting up. And that was all the warning he needed to know it's time he shut up.

"I'm sure you'll love him too" But the guy just had to add that, before a final death glare had him shutting up.

Zayn leaned back on the seat, grouching all the way through despite trying to hide it from Kamal. But the man still saw it, and he discreetly took a picture without Zayn knowing just to keep it for teasing sakes.


They arrived at the Danbatta residence soon enough and if possible, Zayn became even more grouchier when he saw the cars parked outside. He really wasn't in the mood to meet people anymore, but he couldn't refuse to meet them because that was his whole point of coming home.

He got out of the car taking as much time as he could, as if that would change the fact that he still cannot avoid meeting them all. Kamal on the other hand, was out in no time and as such, didn't bother to wait for Zayn as he headed into the house. The rate at which he is close to the Danbattas one would think he is a close relative or maybe, a child of theirs.

Zayn was still slouching all the way as he dragged his suitcase into the house. And the minute he closed the front door, he heard voices from the living where without a doubt the others were. By the time he reached the living room, he saw Kamal getting himself a side plate full of cupcakes and stuffing his face with some.

"Zayn" Came Sabrina's voice. She was the first to notice him. Her lips curling into a wide smile.

The others turned around, eyes widening slightly in surprise of seeing him there since he didn't tell any of them, aside from the idiot stuffing himself with cake, that he is returning home.

Zayn forced a smile on his face, hoping they will think it's genuine. It wasn't like he's not happy to see them. He is honestly but Kamal had ruined his mood. His gaze the moved to his father, who is surrounded by his grandchildren.

The old man grinned, waving Zayn over.

Zayn approached him first, then offered him a hug. "Happiest birthday Dad" He said when he pulled back, slipping his hand into his pocket to pull out an envelope. He then handed it over to him.

Alhaji Danbatta chuckled. "Thank you, son. But the only gift you should give me right now is you getting me a daughter in law" He teased making the others laugh, including Kamal who knew that the old man just hit a sore topic.

Zayn forced himself to chuckle, discreetly throwing Kamal a glare.

The old man then opened the envelope, pulling out a ticket.

"It's a ticket back to the US with me" Zayn explained. "You said you wanted to see how I live there, right? Now we leave together when I go back" He offered the old man a small smile. He knew his father could afford it, but he wanted to be the one to do the honor.

Alhaji Danbatta grinned. "Jazakallahkhair"

Before Zayn could reply, a voice came from the top of the stairs screaming his name. Zayn didn't have to turn to know who the owner of the voice is.


Zayn grinned genuinely since he arrived at the house, as he turned around only to be embraced by the thirteen-year-old tightly. He leaned down, hugging him back. "Hey Champ. It's been a while"

"I have so much to tell you" The boy pulled back, his lips curled into a grin.

Zayn chuckled. "Well, we have time now since I'm not going back any time soon" At first, he was happy that he got a three months break so he could spend time with his family. However, now all he wants is to run away that same day.

And the sole reason for such thoughts decided to grace them all with her presence at that moment. She was heaving slightly from having to run after Adnan just to get him to come down and celebrate with the rest of the family. But the boy had hidden upstairs in his Uncle's room playing PS.

She stopped in her tracks when she saw him, offeringhim a small smile. "Zayn" Her smile stretched slightly.

He felt his grin morph into a smile. "Hey doc. It's been a while"

She nodded, parting her lips to speak when someone from behind spoke up. Zayn didn't recognize the voice, so when he turned around he saw a guy he didn't notice earlier sitting beside Aasim.

"You've been gone for a while" He man commented, his gaze solely on her.

She moved her gaze from Zayn, then walked further into the living room. "Yeah sorry about that. Adnan is proving to be a stubborn little kid now" She threw Adnan a small glare that had him hiding behind his Uncle.

Zayn watched their exchange quietly with a raised brow, though none of them noticed it. Kamal did however, and that had him chuckling mischievously which gained Zayn's attention. He licked the icing off his fingers, then spoke up. "Zayn, meet MahrazSunusi"

Zayn unconsciously scowled at the words. So that man is the MahrazSunusi and in other words, the man who will marry Batoulah. Just great.

Mahraz stood up, offering Zayn a smile. "Nice to meet you Ahmed--" He extended his hand for a handshake.

"Zayn" He was quick to correct him. He hated it when people called him with Ahmed. It reminded him of the woman he hadn't seen in two years.

Mahraz nodded slowly, taking note of his mistake. "—Zayn. I've been meaning to meet you for quite a while now" He offered Zayn a warm smile, then pulled his hand back awkwardly when Zayn refused to shake it.

And Zayn hated how much it looked genuine. He knows a bad guy when he sees one but that man, everything about him just screams 'good guy'. Why couldn't he give off red flags so he could have a reason to hate him more?

"I've heard a lot about you. Wonderful things of course" Mahraz added, his smile never faltering. Except for when Zayn blatantly ignored his handshake, and despite the glare that Zayn is throwing him.

Zayn's smile widened, though it was every much fake to the core. "I'm sorry I can't say the same"

"Oh don't be so modest Zayn!" Kamal was quick to chip in, earning himself a glare from the said man. But he still continued. "I told you all about him in the car and you were impressed"

Now if not that Zayn is a Muslim, and murdering someone is haram. And the fact that he had sworn to never take someone's life unless the person harms another in the way the law declares for him to be killed, Zayn would've murdered Kamal.

However, judging from the things the man had been doing to him, he was starting to think he has every right to finish him off. It wouldn't be a quick death, and he sure won't make it good for the man either.

Knowing that some sort of murderous thoughts is going on in Zayn's head, Kamal offered him a cheeky smile, wiggling his brows.

Zayn swallowed hard, before turning around to face the others quietly watching their exchange. "I'll just take my bag upstairs; I'll be back soon"

"I'll help you Uncle" Adnan was quick to chip in, and before anyone could stop them, the two left together up to the room Adnan had been hiding in since. After dropping his bags, Zayn took a sit on the bed and hid his face between his palms. He knew he should go back downstairs, but he honestly didn't want to.

He didn't want to face the perfect man Batoulah will marry.

"Uncle Zayn" Came Adnan's voice, and that had Zayn forgetting his worries momentarily.

"Yes, Champ?"

"Do you give up on someone that you love?"

Zayn's eyes widened slightly, "Where did that come from?" He asked, his mind racing with thoughts of why a thirteen-year-old could possibly be asking him something like that.

Adnan shrugged. "Mommy once told me that you if you love something, you go for it"

Zayn offered him a small smile. "Your Mommy said that?"

The boy nodded.

That had Zayn releasing a deep sigh. "Well, she is right. If you love something, or someone, you don't give up. You keep trying to get it"

"So you'll get whatever you love?"

Zayn shook his head. "Unfortunately, no. There are things you can't get Champ. And it takes a real man to know when things are off his limit, he should let it go" He didn't know if he was giving the boy an advice or he was advising himself.

Whatever way, it is working.

"Uncle Kamal told me that you can be a latecomer to a latecomer" Adnan said, before his brows drew in and his lips tugged into a frown. "Whatever that meant" He muttered. That is a concept he did not understand one bit.

Zayn offered Adnan a small smile, holding back his chuckle. Of course the idiot would tell the child that. "Well Champ, you see Uncle Kamal is not mentally stable and I will soon return him to the mental asylum where he belongs"

This made Adnan giggle, and in return, had Zayn chuckling as he ruffled the boy's hair.

"Now come on, our family is waiting downstairs"

The two mad their way back downstairs and joined the others with Zayn pretending that everything is alright. Throughout the day, he watched Batoulah and Mahraz interact and laugh. They looked happy together.

And Zayn knew it was about time he let go of her. She is clearly now out of boundaries. His thought moved to how his once small family is a big family now. The Danbattas, the Abdou Husseins and the Hamoudis have now become what is supposed to be a big family.

They weren't related by blood, and Zayn could never stop wondering whom his real family is, though he never looked for them, but he would always be thankful for this new family he has. Of course, there will always be a void where Mama and Kulsum used to be, but he couldn't do anything about it.

Kulsum is gone forever and Mama, well, she still hasn't gotten better in the hospital. The doctors told Sabrina that she is making slow progress, but from what Sabrina has been telling Zayn, she didn't believe that one bit.

And because of that, the case couldn't move forward. But surely, they all knew that eventually, justice will be served no matter how hard it would be for them all.

The family stayed together for the whole day, and by the time after Isha, they all started to depart back to their various homes. While they were bidding each other farewell, Zayn who was coming down the stairs heard low voices. At first, he didn't mean to eavesdrop but when he heard Kamal's voice, he knew there must be something going on.

So he stopped in his tracks, and quietly listened on what is going on.

"I told you, he would be irked!" That was Kamal's voice that came low, but then his chuckle was a bit loud.

"Keep your voice down!" Sabrina scolded. "Do you want him to hear you? He can come down any second"

Kamal shrugged, "He would find out the truth eventually, that's for all of you to deal with"

Aasim and Hayra scoffed at his words. Hayra who was standing next to her husband folded her hands over her torso. "I can't believe you can say that. If there's anyone that will get in trouble with him here, then it's you"

Her husband nodded in agreement. "She's right. You planned all this"

"And somehow got us to place bets on it" Hanif said, shaking his head slightly. "I can't believe I betted fifty thousand on this"

"Yeah but we won either ways so we get to keep our money, plus his" Sabrina grinned, making her husband nod in agreement. "Kamal said Zayn would break and confess to her before the day ends but he did none of that. I can't believe my baby brother is that matured enough to act cool and calm that way" She was impressed, and actually quite surprised that she didn't lose the bet.

She and her husband betted on the fact that Zayn wouldn't break while Aasim, Hayra and Kamal betted on him breaking down and confessing.

"I can't believe I got dragged into this" Mahraz commented from the side. He didn't bet on anything, but somehow ended up being convinced by Kamal to join their charade. "That man is a soldier, what if he beats me up? I can't stand a chance against him" That is what had been worrying him about the whole thing. "Have you seen the way he has been glaring at me since? I'm supposed to be six feet under right now"

"Oh please, don't worry. If anyone here is getting a beating, then it's Kamal" Hayra waved him off.

The others nodded in agreement while Kamal scoffed, claiming that he will be long gone by the time Zayn finds out.

Zayn tilted his head to the side. Though they were yet to admit it, he had an inkling what they meant. A smirk made its way on his face, as he thought of ways to get back at them, or more precisely, Kamal in particular. He couldn't hide the fact that he was relieved too.

"What did you guys do?" Came Alhaji Danbatta's voice as he approached them, Batoulah standing by his side as she threw the group a suspicious look.

"Yeah, I don't trust you all like this. What did you do?" She asked, her glare fixated on Kamal. Somehow, she felt like he is the mastermind. Why? Because it has always been him.

It's always Kamal.

Kamal chuckled, shrugging slightly. "Nothing much. We just made Zayn believe you are getting married to Mahraz next week"


Alhaji Danbatta chuckled, shaking his head. "Now I understand why he has been grouching the entire day"

Sabrina nodded in agreement. "He tried to hide it but he's really a terrible actor"

The others nodded in agreement, all throwing their thoughts at how Zayn failed woefully at pretending like something wasn't wrong with him.

Batoulah threw an unimpressed look at Kamal. "How could you do that?"

"What?" Kamal feigned innocence,"I just wanted to help you. Say push him a little so you two can get together. I mean, come on, we all want to see you two get married"

Hayra scoffed, "You won't live to see it" Her eyes weren't on Kamal.

"Why?" He asked.

"Look up" She said, her gaze still fixated on the man whom she had caught, or more like, had caught them red handed.

Kamal looked up, and once his gaze landed on Zayn, it took him not more than five seconds to sprint away from the place as if he was chased by fire. He wasn't stupid to stay in the place and be caught by Zayn. He knew he has reached the limit to which Zayn would leave him.

If Zayn catches him, his village people won't be able to help him. And that's a fact.

The others silently slipped away too before Zayn could come down the stairs leaving him and Batoulah alone. When he came down the stairs, his gaze was fixated on her while she offers him a small chuckle.

"So that was why you looked like you wanted to murder my colleague" She stated, making him roll his eyes slightly.

"I never did that" He muttered. He didn't know why he bothers to deny it. "But I do want to murder Kamal now"

She chuckled, her face lighting up. "Well, you won't find him now, he had already escaped"

Zayn shrugged. "I know where he lives" And he sure would pay him a nice visit. But, he has something to do at first.

"I'm sure you do" She muttered.

"So..." He parted his lips to say something to her about their situation when his phone pinged. He wanted to ignore it but somehow, he didn't and instead pulled the phone out. "Excuse me" He said while she offered him a smile, telling him it's nothing.

The smile that was on his face disappeared when he saw the private number. For as far as he knows, only one person has ever sent him a message with a private number, and when he opened the message, the last one was the first he saw.

It was the same person that sent him a woman's name, Aisha Liman. And ever since he opened it that day two years back, he had never looked back on it again. He was curious of course, but he never looked back despite knowing she may have a relation with him.

But despite how much he wanted to keep it behind him, the second message made it impossible to do so.

~Let me know whenever you want to find your real family. And I know you do.

Yours truly, Anonymous~

~ THE END! ~

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