Chapter 63: Farewells
Aragorn turned from Pippin to Legolas. Gandalf saw doubt return to the Ranger, but likely for new reasons. "I would have you by my side on my journey. But only by your choice can you go."
The wizard watched Legolas and found another surprise as the elf turned in silence to face the view of Rohan once more. Before Legolas had turned from the man, Gandalf caught a glimpse of fear in his eyes.
In all his long life, Gandalf never thought to see an elf shrink from such a plea. Least of all, Legolas, a proud and seasoned warrior of Greenwood the Great. Gandalf had to admit, while Legolas had healed much, he had yet to regain his former proud and self-assured posture. He thought of Pippin in his chair as he had stood up to Gandalf at the morning meal. It was one of the most courageous acts he had seen from the hobbit.
No, that was unfair. In the past weeks, Pippin, like the others, no doubt had found courage and strength he had not known he had had. Gone was much of the trepidation Gandalf was accustomed to seeing in the young hobbit. And with it likely much of the innocence. If it had not been entirely impossible, Gandalf would have said that the hobbit had grown. His stature was taller, larger, somehow. Mayhap he had been surrounded by the Big Folk for so long... yes, he held himself as one of the Big Folk. The wizard wondered what sort of welcome the hobbits of the Shire would offer him upon his return.
He shook his head. What the elf seemed to have lost, this hobbit seemed to have gained. What sort of days were these when hobbits grew and elves shrunk?
This would not do. Legolas and Gimli would not speak to one another. Such a cleft was devastating enough. Now, as Aragorn declared he would take a course from which no man had emerged in all the history of the Rohirrim, the others argued over the decision. Gimli disagreed with the wisdom of such a path. The hobbits found it an unnecessary risk. Yet these three appeared ready to follow Aragorn in the end.
Difficult as it was to believe, it seemed Legolas feared to follow such a path. Not for meeting the dead, Gandalf was certain, for elves had no such fear. Legolas had had enough of orcs. And he could not yet wield a bow. Mayhap he feared to meet the Enemy while unable to defend himself.
Far worse than the fear and reluctance among the Fellowship, however, was the doubt he had seen in Aragorn. If the Ranger doubted his own decision, all that followed could go awry.
Gandalf climbed from the steps onto the terrace. Looking over the Company, he found other signs of danger. Fatigue—bone-deep fatigue—in every face, better hidden in some than others. It was an exhaustion of more than the body, from which the doubt and fear grew, replacing their determination and bravery. Could they have forgotten their first steps from Rivendell and their oaths to see the quest through to the end, no matter the cost? No, their courage was not lost. It remained within, Gandalf was sure, buried beneath weariness and pain.
Scowling, Gandalf put one hand on his hip, his ever-present staff in the other. Something must be done. The Company was collapsing before him. It was time for some wizard meddling.
As he looked at each of them in the growing silence, they turned to him one by one. That was better. He stepped forward. "In recent days, our feet have traveled different paths in the grass. Each path has had its own rocks and rabbit holes with which to contend—"
Merry scowled. "Rabbit hole? We fell into an orc-sized hole!"
Gandalf looked at him sternly, but he received only defiance in return. Ah, neither hobbit had been unchanged. "Indeed," he murmured. "...And with these came a measure of suffering for body, mind, and spirit. Yet the paths have led all of us here to Edoras. Because of this, I believe we are meant to continue the task assigned to us in Rivendell."
Elven eyes darted away. Dwarven hands fumbled with a beard. Hobbit feet shuffled, while the man before him seemed weighed downed by his words. The wizard continued undaunted. "We left Rivendell with the will to see this quest through, despite any obstacles we might face. There were indeed tremendous obstacles: capture, imprisonment, and torture by orcs, and by Saruman as well.
"Boromir did not survive. But you have survived. Even the smallest among us have shown their strength and valor.
"I see in your faces your weariness and your doubt. You must now find that will within you once more. You must remember not merely your trials but that you have survived them, and you will know you have the strength to go on." Gandalf looked upon their faces and saw more doubt rather than less. They doubted even him. He sighed, flexing the fingers that gripped his staff.
"If those words do not restore you, then think upon this: these trials we have suffered, even Boromir's death, are for Frodo and Samwise. And all that Aragorn has told me leads me to believe that they yet live. Aragorn and Pippin tell me that Saruman negotiated with Sauron. Hence, Sauron's attention has been on Isengard.
"Frodo and Sam make their way to Mordor, passing east of the Anduin, perhaps through the marsh lands that lie between the river and the Black Gate. Sauron has not been looking to the North but rather to the West. While you were imprisoned, you ensured Frodo and Sam's safety a while longer. Not the manner in which you had intended to safeguard the hobbits, but you have done so nonetheless.
"Sauron sends an army into Rohan, and soon sends more into Gondor. We prepare now to face these. You must go on, by one path or many, but you must go on, for Frodo and Sam's task likewise is not accomplished. I ask you to find your courage beneath the doubt that has overcome you, and let it feed your will. For we have much to do." He was silent then, letting the wind replace his voice.
After a time of silence, Aragorn spoke. "I thank you for your words, Gandalf. Ever has your wisdom served us. I fear its loss led us to our dire straits of the last fortnight." He paused. "There must come a time when we rely on our own wisdom. Therefore, I must overcome the doubt that plagues me. Such indecision goes against my nature, and so I have faith I shall conquer it. As I draw comfort from this knowledge, my will draws strength." He offered Gandalf a hint of a smile. "I shall continue."
Encouraged, Gandalf then peered at Legolas. The elf was unmoving as he looked out on the plains. He turned to Aragorn, and Gandalf longed to know his thoughts. He felt sure Legolas ought to accompany Aragorn, but for the impossible sight of the fear in his eyes. If he refused, Gandalf doubted he could convince them to continue as a Company.
Legolas looked again at Gandalf, still mulling over the wizard's words as he strove to come to a decision Gandalf could not discern. The elf attempted a smile, but failed. He turned from the terrace.
"While in Orthanc, orcs did all they could to break me, much that I need not speak of and much that I will not." Gandalf blinked, for those few words revealed more than all the elf had said to the hobbits.
The elf stepped toward him. "Your wisdom might have served me in that pit, Gandalf, but it does not serve me now." He sighed deeply, turning away as if drawn to the sight of hills and far-off trees. "As you say, I have survived. All of it. And in that, you say, we must find the will to continue. That is where I say you have it wrong."
Gandalf's heart sunk. There was an unconscious gasp of breath as the others hung on Legolas's words. The elf turned to Aragorn. "Gandalf spoke his words because he sensed little will within us to continue this journey. He was not wrong. I have found it difficult to find within myself the strength and the surety of will that I may go on. Never before have I doubted myself so," Legolas murmured.
He smiled broadly then, as he turned to the hobbits. "Until this morning. Seeing you all hale and whole has been the boon to my heart no healer could offer. Gathering together here has made clear what I have lacked and sorely missed in recent days. Even the contentious words shared among us this hour have soothed me and shown me my errors.
"You see, Gandalf," he said, turning to face the wizard now, "I have found the will to continue with the Company not in my survival, where I survived alone, and perhaps despite myself, but because of the Company, in their friendship and love and faithfulness. These continue to heal me more than all the bandages in which Lady Éowyn has wrapped me. Nearly as well as food," he said with a glance to the hobbits.
He turned then to Gimli, who leaned against the opposite balustrade of the stairs. Gimli stared back with a stiff mouth that could not hide the emotion in his eyes. "Gimli, please forgive me." Legolas closed his eyes for a moment. "So much to forgive," he said quietly. "I apologize for my words, or lack of them, when you told the tale of your escape. It was a tale of wonder, but all I could think on was the escape I did not have."
Gimli closed his eyes in regret, and Legolas rushed on. "I could not have come with you, Gimli, even had I been free, do you not see that? I was far too—too weak by then to climb out of such a passage as you did—surely a feat worthy of song. And there was also the matter of my hand and foot." He held up his splinted hand. "I could not have used this hand to climb, even if both feet had been whole. I would have slowed your progress—"
"We would have found a way!" Gimli cried roughly.
"And perhaps lost your chance altogether. Do not begrudge yourself your choices. As events unfolded, I was afforded a meeting with an Ent for the first time. A new sight for an elf is a rare thing." He sobered. "And in that escape by Treebeard, there was a moment for which I must beg your forgiveness. All of you, in truth. Indeed, it was my shame that held my tongue today, even as I saw the folly of my actions.
"When Treebeard plucked me from the tower, I told him that I did not know where my friends were. They might have yet been within the tower, though it seemed that Saruman had taken them when he left. But I could not be certain. Treebeard asked if I wished to return to Orthanc, to learn if any of my friends remained.
"I thought of the orcs I had only just escaped at Saruman's balcony, stepping onto Treebeard's branches." Legolas swallowed hard, the regret heavy in his voice and his eyes cast to the floor. "I could not bear to return. Even had you remained in the tower, Gimli, I chose not to return for you. That is a greater betrayal than your escape, for you had no choice. I had the choice, and chose not to."
Gandalf's eyebrows rose. It was indeed a greater betrayal and spoke deeply of what Legolas had run from. As he spoke of it now, Gandalf could only pray his fear would follow his words upon the wind.
Gimli's expression had softened considerably, despite Legolas's revelation. Slowly, he shook his head. "All the words I can say to you, Legolas, are as useless as flash on the anvil, for I can see you feel as I did." He sighed heavily, his own thoughts turning. "Shall we consider all debts paid, then?" He smiled, hope in his face once more.
Slowly, as if reluctantly releasing the guilt he had held onto, Legolas smiled as well. "Paid."
With that hint of a smile and the words exchanged between the two, Gandalf felt the skies brighten a small measure against the encroaching Shadow. The happiness on the dwarf's face heartened him. The elf's relief lifted a weight Gandalf had not realized he had carried.
Gimli turned then to Aragorn. Scowling as he looked at him, the expression softened as he began to speak. "I swore to fight by your side, no matter the danger or fear. I know not what the end may bring, but as you trust in Elrond, I trust in you, Aragorn. I am able and willing, and I stand by your side. Whatever the cost, I go with you. For my oath. For the hobbits."
Aragorn smiled and bowed his head in acceptance of Gimli's offer. But as he turned to Legolas, his smile faded, and his eye wandered to the bandages and splinted fingers.
Legolas raised his hand. "You see my wounds and fear I am not fit for the journey. You forget with whom you speak, Aragorn. I am no man. This splint will be removed in a matter of days. Because of Lady Éowyn's courage, I shall wield a bow again, and I am eager to do so."
"I dearly hope you speak truly, for the ride ahead is perilous, full of dangers unforeseen. But you are improved since we first arrived, and I have no doubt you are eager to do battle with the Enemy."
The ferocity that settled in Legolas's eyes might have been disturbing had it not been directed to some outside party. "Yes. Yes, I am."
Aragorn nodded and turned to Merry. "What say you, Merry?"
Merry was silent for a moment. He looked about at the others, lingering on Pippin, and Gandalf felt for him for a moment. No matter his next journey, it would not be beside his cousin. All before him knew the direction of their next journey, and they now waited for Merry to announce his.
While Pippin would ride beside Gandalf to Minas Tirith, and Gimli and Legolas had thrown their lot with Aragorn and the Paths of the Dead, Gandalf knew Merry would not want a part any less than the rest. He would wish for an honorable role, at least more so than luggage. Staying behind with the Rohirrim women and children would not satisfy the hobbit.
Merry looked up at Aragorn, and for a brief moment looked younger than his years. "I will follow the path meant for me, Aragorn. I believe you are right in this, only... how do I know what is right for me?"
"It will come to you, Merry, if you let it. There is no need to decide this moment." Merry nodded, and he was once again the hobbit who had faced orcs, uruk-hai, and a Ringwraith on the plains.
"Be not too troubled, Master Merry," Legolas said, a sly smile creeping onto his lips. "I wager your answer will arrive before long. There are others here who look for their next journey, as they are none too satisfied with the path given to them." Merry looked at him for an explanation, but the elf would say no more.
"Well, that is better," Gandalf said, with a small stomp of his staff, gratified that his words had had such immediate effect. "Legolas and Gimli shall join Aragorn and his kin through the Gate of Dunharrow. Pippin shall join me as I set out for Minas Tirith. Merry shall strike his own path, and he will apprise us of such path as soon as he learns it." He raised a brow at Merry to be sure his message was received. He would know what plans Merry made.
"Then it looks as though we shall all part ways tomorrow," Pippin said to his cousin, surprising Gandalf with his composure.
"Yes, Pippin. But as we met each other in Edoras, we may meet again unexpected along our paths. And I shall find my way to Minas Tirith."
"Well, then I suppose this is as good a time as any." Pippin's eyes twinkled as all brows creased in question. He dug into his pockets, rooting around as if they were bottomless. His face brightened when he apparently found his prize. He pulled out a small sack.
"What is that, Pippin?" Gandalf asked, hardly daring to hope it was what it resembled.
"It's pipeweed, of course!"
"Pipeweed!" said Merry and Gimli at once.
"You mean to tell us you have carried that sack all the way from the Shire, through all your trials?"
"No, Strider. The truth is, well, I stole it." He looked sheepish for only a moment. "It comes from Saruman's pantry! He often sent me there on errands, and well, what's a hobbit to do when he comes upon pipeweed?"
"Pip! If he had caught you plundering his pantry, who knows what he would have done to you!"
"I know it, Merry. Which is why I never took food except to feed you. But once I saw the pipeweed, well, I couldn't help myself."
"Indeed," Gandalf said. "I am rather impressed you did resist taking food, for it must have been sorely tempting. Knowing that it is from Saruman's store of pipeweed, I can hardly begrudge you the pilfering."
Aragorn frowned. "How did Saruman come by the pipeweed? The weed must have been brought from the Shire."
"Yes, well, something to ponder later, Strider, or perhaps over some pipeweed!" Merry said.
"Eh, do we have any pipes in which to smoke it?" Gimli looked at Pippin hopefully.
Pippin smiled tentatively. "I—eh, also took two pipes," he said quietly.
Aragorn laughed. Legolas looked at Gandalf. "I will suffer through it today, to sit with you."
They sat themselves down on the steps of Meduseld. Legolas seated himself lower than the others, and gifted them with a song, one of a mixture of sorrow and joy such as Gandalf had not heard in many years. The rest of the Fellowship gathered close and shared their last smoke together.
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