Chapter 60: Legends and Fables
"Now that much business has been seen to," King Théoden said, "perhaps we may move on to our morning meal and eventually to the minor business of preparing for war?" He sat once more at his throne, which shone dully in the morning's light streaming in from the high windows. Gimli wished to get to the business of war as well. The prospect of cutting down a few orcs might provide distraction from his misery.
"My lord," a guard announced as he entered the hall. "We have visitors."
"Visitors?" Lord Théoden said testily.
"Aye, my lord," the guard said hesitantly. "A small group awaits speech with the king."
Gimli was irked by the additional delay. The king might decide to send the rest of them to the meal, while he and Gandalf discussed the approach of Mordor. Gimli would then hear nothing of battle plans.
Lord Théoden cast an accusatory look at the wizard beside him. "Are you quite sure, Gandalf, that you have woken me from Saruman's spell, or have you put me under a spell of your own? Hobbits, dwarves, and Elves reside under my roof, as well as the fabled heir of Isildur. What legend shall walk forth next?"
Gandalf raised an eyebrow. "Be wary with your words, lord. All legends need not be pleasant ones."
The guard returned to the hall, prepared to announce the visitors. Lord Théoden glanced again at Gandalf, who held up a hand. "I harbor no other legends, my lord."
Théoden turned to the guard. "Do our most recent visitors have names?"
"They call themselves the sons of Elrond, my lord, and they ride with Rangers from the North under one named Halbarad."
Gimli was startled when beside him Aragorn let out a roaring laugh. "Halbarad!" Clearly the Rangers were well known to each other. But Gimli could only wonder what would bring the sons of Elrond to Rohan. Could fortune be returning to them? Or did they come bearing ill news?
The king gave Gandalf a pointed look. "Send them in."
Aragorn was already at the door and grasped Halbarad fiercely in his arms as he entered. "I cannot express the joy the sight of you brings me!" He pulled the man into a hug, while the man appeared somewhat bewildered by the eagerness of Aragorn's welcome.
Aragorn did the same with the two who followed. Gimli had met Elrohir and Elladan once while in Rivendell. They looked so like elves, as their father did, that Gimli did not quite believe Aragorn's explanation that they were only half elven.
The warmth among them twisted Gimli's gut, reminding him of the cold departure of Legolas. Despite what he had done, he had come to know Legolas as a merciful creature, and he had not truly expected rejection. He had been foolish in that. He had seen the betrayal in the elf's eyes. He should have expected no more.
Aragorn's voice broke into Gimli's thoughts. "I would know what brings you here, though you are not unwanted."
"Brother, did we not teach you better manners?" one of the elves said. "Should we not first greet the Lord of Rohan before having speech with you?"
Aragorn had the good grace to look sheepish and led the way to Lord Théoden. The three bowed before him and introduced themselves.
"We have traveled in haste on the summons of our chief," said Halbarad, glancing at Aragorn, who in turn looked confused. "Signs pointed to Rohan when we sought him out, and I am gratified to find him here. The sons of Elrond carry a message for him as well."
Lord Théoden looked to Aragorn, but Aragorn clearly had no explanation. "I never summoned you," he said hesitantly, "though your aid would have been a boon in recent days. I—I could not have summoned you," Aragorn added quietly, and stole a look at Pippin, who stood with his cousin and Gimli.
The Dúnadan Halbarad frowned, but whatever thoughts he had passed. "We are here now, thirty that I could muster, ready to give our aid."
"Thirty?" Aragorn looked to the king. "As I said, you are not unwanted." He looked then to the sons of Elrond. "We will speak of our need for you soon, but first I would hear this message you carry for me."
The two looked exactly the same, so Gimli knew not who spoke. "My father has sent us to give this message: Bid Aragorn remember the words of the seer, and the Paths of the Dead."
"The Paths of the Dead!" cried King Théoden. "None speaks of them save in utter need. And none passes through them and sees the light of day again. In truth, no living man may pass through the Gate of Dunharrow. Your recent days have been trying, I am certain, Aragorn. But the Paths of the Dead are for no man."
Aragorn looked from his messengers to the king and back, clearly contemplating the tidings. "Perhaps it is for me to cross the Gate, for thus were the words of the seer."
"I know not any who sees past the Gate of Dunharrow. What were the words of this one with such sight?"
Aragorn turned to the king now. "Thus spoke Malbeth the Seer, in the days of Arvedui, last king at Fornost:
Over the land there lies a long shadow,
westward reaching wings of darkness.
The Tower trembles; to the tombs of kings
doom approaches. The Dead awaken;
for the hour is come for the oathbreakers:
At the Stone of Erech they shall stand again
and hear there a horn in the hills ringing.
Whose shall the horn be? Who shall call them
from the grey twilight, the forgotten people?
The heir of him to whom the oath they swore.
From the North shall he come, need shall drive him:
he shall pass the Door to the Paths of the Dead."
After a long silence, Lord Théoden said slowly, "Kings, heirs, and broken oaths. These oaths were made to the Kings of old, your ancestors, yes?"
"You speak of waking the Men of Dunharrow, the Sleepless Dead, do you not?"
"I do."
Théoden sat back, silent as he considered all this implied. "Dark is the doom of the heir of Isildur," declared Lord Théoden. Aragorn bowed and was silent.
Gimli ached for Aragorn, for his ordeal was not over. But he grew impatient with how Aragorn seemed to follow the smoke whichever way it blew. Did he not realize where there was smoke, there was fire? What Gimli could make out of the recited staves declared that the oathbreakers—were they these Sleepless Dead?—would be awoken to fulfill an oath. But what purpose did this serve?
Halbarad spoke, his voice full of warning. "Aragorn, the Shadow spreads. Time grows short."
"Aye, it does. Sauron has sent soldiers into Rohan, and soon he turns to Gondor, if he has not already. Saruman aimed not only to deceive Théoden, but Sauron as well. His fury will be great. Mayhap it is the hour of which the seer spoke, and I must awaken this army and demand it fulfill its oath. Long enough have they waited to find their peace."
These Dead Aragorn would awaken were an army. Perhaps there was a purpose in this.
Aragorn turned to Théoden. "Though I would regret not fighting beside the Rohirrim, I must consider the words of Elrond and the seer."
Théoden looked intently at him. "If it is your path, Lord Aragorn, I will regret your absence as well." Then he looked once more at the newcomers. "It seems the discussion that awaits us grows ever longer and heavier. Yet I would not have our visitors question our hospitality. I would be remiss if I did not invite you to join us at our morning meal."
"I thank you, lord. Your hospitality is much appreciated and shall not be forgotten," one of the elves answered, and the three bowed their heads in thanks.
"Yes, we should not delay the meal much longer," Aragorn said. "The hobbits no doubt grow hungry."
A guard led Aragorn, the sons of Elrond, and Halbarad from the Hall, Gimli and the hobbits trailing, while Gandalf remained with the king.
Gimli forced himself to wait until they had left the hall before speaking his mind with Aragorn, but Halbarad spoke first. "There are grave matters to attend to, Aragorn. Should we not see to them before indulging in a meal?" Aragorn glanced at the hobbits behind them. "Ah, yes, the hobbits—there will be no forgoing meals with hobbits in tow."
Aragorn smiled wanly. "Food has been scarce of late for all. Such dearth would have proved a great hardship for a people so accustomed to frequent repasts. I doubt they have yet had their fill."
Halbarad frowned and Gimli saw new questions forming on the man's mouth. The dwarf had just the distraction. "Aragorn, I must say, I cannot claim to know the meaning behind all the words of the seer, but it was said that need would drive you on this task—I speak of you, for the seer spoke of an heir from the North. If there is another, I have not heard the tale. The question that is plain to me is, what need have you for the Dead? Unless they can hold a sword and wield it, what help can they be to you?"
"I know not the aid they will provide, but Elrond has sent this message. His foresight reaches far. Perhaps in the doing, I shall see the reason and the aid. I trust him, and so mayhap I shall follow his counsel."
Gimli was frustrated by the man's impracticality. He was reluctant to raise the question of his health, but it was the only weapon left in his arsenal. "Are—are you certain you are well enough to strike this path? After the last fortnight—"
Aragorn's smile grew rueful. "I best be well enough, Gimli, for time waits not for us."
"Well enough?" one of the twins said, from the other side of Aragorn, as they entered a small hall set for dining. "What has befallen you? Does it explain your haggard appearance?"
Aragorn looked at him with an expression Gimli could not fathom. "Our recent days have been... trying," he said evenly. With a deep breath, he went on, "We have ...battled orcs and ...contended with Saruman—"
"Great struggles, to be sure, but nothing you have not before accomplished. You have dealt death to many an orc, brother. You have faced any number of powerful foes and dispensed your judgment."
"What he means to say," the other elf finished for his brother, "is that you do not yet explain why you appear as meat that has been pounded by a troll." The elf, or half-elf, had the nerve to smirk, and Gimli looked at Aragorn to see if he would allow such insolence.
But Aragorn was silent as his eyes widened and his mouth tightened. Slowly, as if the words were drawn from him, he said quietly, "We were captured by orcs—"
"You were captured by orcs?" the first twin asked, incredulous. Gimli seated himself between the hobbits across the table and kept a close eye on the Big Folk.
The twins looked at one another. One of them sought to hide his unease behind false levity, but his grin faded as he asked, "Was not the burden of the Ringbearer's safety enough for you? Did you seek more excitement on the road?"
The other twin's countenance grew dark, his brows deeply furrowed. He stood taut and still before his chair. Quietly, he asked, "Have all the lessons we took such pains to impart while on patrol fled your mind? Such as not teasing the orcs before you kill them?"
Aragorn narrowed his eyes at the sons of Elrond. In a scorn-laden voice, he gave each word its emphasis, "They shot an arrow into my leg. We were marched across Rohan to Isengard. From there, Saruman brought Pippin and me to Edoras."
"You simply went with Saruman—" Halbarad joined in the questioning, eyebrows raised in disbelief.
"This is the shortened version of a long tale!" Aragorn said through clenched teeth.
"We were forced here under threat of death!" Pippin said with a scowl, rising to his knees on his chair next to Gimli. He had clearly taken offense to the implications made of Aragorn's weakness. "Strider did his best in the hands of Saruman. Any other man would not have survived!"
Halbarad looked at Pippin with an expression Gimli could not decipher, then returned his gaze to Aragorn. "I see there are long tales to be told by all."
Aragorn nodded slowly, averting his eyes from the other Ranger.
"There are indeed," said Gandalf as he entered the room with King Théoden. The wizard took a seat next to the king at the head of the table. "I yet await the full telling of Merry and Gimli's climb out of Orthanc."
"Climb out of Orthanc?" Halbarad said, eyebrows rising as he looked again at the three already seated, unsure to whom Gandalf referred. But his eyes showed the high esteem he held for the claimers of this deed. Gimli carefully held his expression neutral. He would give no answers yet.
"What of Legolas? And Boromir? And the other two hobbits?" one of the twins asked.
Aragorn's indecision was clear as he looked at Gimli, then the hobbits, and then Gandalf. "As hobbits say, this tale is best told over a meal. Too much has come to pass to give a brief accounting."
"Will you not tell us if they live?" he asked, losing his humorous demeanor.
Aragorn sighed. "For now let me say that Legolas is here in Edoras. He returned to the Infirmary shortly before you met with the king. Boromir," he continued before they could ask more questions, "was slain on the banks of the Anduin, where the orcs first attacked us."
After a moment of silence for the man, the other twin asked quietly, fear tightening his voice, "and the other hobbits, Frodo, and his servant Sam?"
"It appears they went on to Mordor. They slipped away in the melee of the attack."
The three sighed in relief. "You clearly have much more to tell us, young brother. And the table is set, so we now have the meal and drink hobbits demand while telling tales." He turned to Pippin and smiled, but the hobbit's expression remained wary.
"I understand Gimli's concern better now," the other son of Elrond said. "I hope you are well enough for the dangers ahead."
"Do not fear, Elladan."
Merry looked at Gimli with new concern, as Aragorn continued to assert his well-being. "Perhaps you should visit the infirmary, Gimli. You were captive right beside Legolas, after all. Even Strider has had his wounds tended."
"I am not in need of the infirmary, Merry," Gimli said. He was aware that the sharp ears round the table had not missed Merry's quiet prodding. "The orcs were given orders not to kill us. They knew little regarding dwarves and treated me as they would a man, that is, easily killed. Therefore, I was not as terribly injured as I expected to be. Even so, I was not fed, and received water only that once before you found me. So, in the main, I need to eat!" He grasped a cup and drank deeply.
"Well then, if you need to eat, let's feed you then. Talking won't fill your stomach!"
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