Chapter 2: Rising Tensions! Who Will Challenge Lord Arukoru?

Hello and welcome back to the next exciting chapter for With Creation, Comes Destruction! Tensions rise and the lust for battling builds as both Goku and Vegeta both wish to challenging the devastating and limitless force that is Lord Arukoru, their Saiyan instincts boiling over and craving a spar against the immeasurable powerhouse that is the 13th Universe's God of Destruction! All the while Beerus and Whis try to play peacemaker between the two parties as neither of them wish to see Goku or Vegeta get launched into another universe or erased from existence entirely, especially with the dreaded Tournament of Power looming over them. Additionally stayed tuned as Yang's lemon chapter for Warped Reality and some other Dragon Ball story updates as they will be published sometime soon! Anyway I'm your host/author of the night or day OverlordAKX and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the chapter. 


LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Arukoru POV, Location: Beerus' Planet

*Walking down the barren yet eye-catching walls of Beerus' palace was a treat for both Lord Arukoru and his faithful angel attendant, especially since a lot of time had passed since they visited their counterparts of the 7th. After all, neither was able nor wanted to leave their universe that much due to their rocky relationship with most of the other Destroyer gods, especially that little rat bastard Quitela in fact because of said rat, Arukoru was all but kicked out of any further God of Destruction meetings. Yet, regardless of any rocky relationship with his fellow Destroyers, it was quite the treat walking down the halls of a respected friend once more, even if this was only a temporary visit to catch up and chat about what had happened since the last time they saw once another. Even though the god of destruction from the 13th Universe didn't know how to feel about these other two Saiyan's, they acted exactly how he thought they would in the ancient tomes he read regarding his race, but in other parts they certainly didn't. Not to mention both sometimes shot quick glances at him or had eyes filled with the fiery spirit of battle within them, and it took barely time at all for Arukoru to place two and two together, yet he was here for the pleasure of meeting up with an old friend and fellow Destroyer god with a splash of personal business tossed in.* 

Arukoru: So Beerus, this food you've been telling me about every since I first arrived, is it really that good? You make it seem like completely heavenly gospel and when it touches your tastebuds they explore and rejoice with happiness!

Beerus: I can assure you Arukoru that the food Whis prepared------

Vegeta: *scoffs* Tch. You mean the food my wife made! 

Beerus: *sighs* Yes, the food the earthling woman known as Bulma made and Whis simply unpackaged.    

Arukoru: Bulma? I hope her food is as delicious as your stating it to be. *smirks* Otherwise I might have to pay this Earth a visit. 

Whis: *laughs* Oh-ho-ho-ho, no worries Lord Arukoru! Bulma is a fantastic cooker and if her abilities are impressive enough to stop Beerus from destroying the planet on several different occasions, then you'll certainly be astonished as well! 

Eru: *chuckles* Well Lord Arukoru we do have an Earth back in our universe, one with its own special and tasty foods. Meaning if this food is at least as half-decent as the one there, then it'll be quite the treat! 

Arukoru: That is correct Eru, however we don't know how many differences there are between this Earth and our own. 

Goku: Hee-hee, I wouldn't worry about that Arukoru! Especially if its Bulma's cooking! *licks his lips* Honestly, her cooking is second only to my wife Chi-Chi! 

Beerus: *in a rushed whisper* Goku! That's LORD Arukoru to you! 

Goku: *flushes red with embarrassment* Oh right! *speaks aloud* I mean, with the highest respect your honorableness, my wife's elegant and fantastic cooking is the only one who can possibly match and best Bulma's exquisite delicacies and pastries!

Arukoru: *raises his eyebrow* Um, Beerus. I think your student is broken. 

Eru: Quite indeed. *looks at Goku* Lord Arukoru and myself appreciate your gesture, however I would recommend you never do that again. 

Goku: Why?

Arukoru: Because I hate it whenever someone talks in a snobbish and "better than you" tone. *scowls* It reminds of that little rat bastard and his supporters that outed me from joining any more God of Destruction meetings! 

Eru: Please calm down my lord, Quitela and the other Destroyer gods aren't here right now! We don't want you entering your rage state again!

Arukoru: *breathes in and out before speaking in a calm tone* Honestly, I only partake in such elegant conversation when apart of important meetings! Other than those few scenarios I prefer talking in a normal demeanor as it pays to talk in a calm and friendly tone.   

Whis: *chuckles* Perhaps that was one of the many reasons why Grand Zeno spared you and your universe during his tamper tantrum! *turns to a bewildered Goku and Vegeta* You two could learn a thing from Lord Arukoru. He doesn't let his own ego, cockiness, or thrill for battle override his judgement!

Eru: *a bead of sweat washes down her face* Well to correct you brother, Lord Arukoru doesn't let such primitive Saiyan emotions control his judgement unless in the heat of battle! 

Arukoru: *smirks* I wouldn't go that far my dearest Eru. Sometimes the urges for a fierce battle bubble within me, even outside of actual combat! *scoffs* It's just disappointing I haven't had a good battle in ages.

Beerus: *facepalms and thinks* Already this is going horribly! That food Vegeta's wife cooked for us better be tasty! Otherwise we'll all be doomed! 

Arukoru:*coughs, before looking at Goku* Anyway, I apologize for my brutish way of delivering my complaint to you Saiyan. Just refrain yourself from speaking in that moronic tone whenever you're around me. Got it?  

Goku: *grins* You got it Lord Arukoru! *stomach growls* Now can we got eat hee-hee? 

Vegeta: *frowns* Is food the only thing on your mind Kakarot besides fighting?

Goku: *scratches the back of his head* Yep! I mean sure some other things float around in my mind like my family and farming, but besides that food and battling are the reigning champions! 

Arukoru: *thinks* Huh. I didn't know Saiyan's could be this.....simple-minded. 

Vegeta: *scoffs* Honestly Kakarot, my desire to slap you in the face constantly grows higher and higher when you're acting like a complete fool! 

Goku: *nervously laughs* Hee-hee! I can't help it Vegeta! 

Whis: *frowns before talking in a calm yet disappointed tone* Now, now. I don't want you two bickering and arguing at one another like pestilent children! *smiles* We're in the presence of a guest and I don't wish for you to embarrass myself, Lord Beerus, or yourselves. And with your current childish antics, it seems like you two are striving to make us look like complete laughing stocks. 

Goku: Awww! But Whis! Vegeta's the one who started this argument! 

Vegeta: *a red tick mark appears on his face* Of course you try to throw me under the bus Kakarot! All in order to make yourself look like the star pupil in front of Lord Arukoru, just so you can eventually challenge him to a spar! 

Goku: Vegeta! That's not what I had in mind at all! 

Vegeta: *scoffs* Tch. Yeah, yeah Kakarot. We'll see about that during lunch! 

Whis: Enough! Vegeta, Goku, you're both coming with me to set the table right now! *smirks* Perhaps a little manual labor will quell your rage at one another for the time being!

Goku: *sighs* Oh man....

Vegeta: Now look what you did, Kakarot! *mumbles underneath his breath as he walks off with Goku* A proud Saiyan warrior and prince like myself being reduced to setting a table like a waiter, when will this disrespect end? 

*With the two Saiyan's and Whis disappearing around the corner, the tension in the hallway was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Beerus was sweating bullets and darting his eyes around the hallway as he imagined the bubbling rage building within Lord Arukoru's body, and if he wasn't careful and didn't keep those two bickering Saiyan's in line for the duration of the 13th universe's destroyer god's stay than Lord Arukoru could do a number of terrible things to him, his planet, or his students as penance. And that factor of mystery frightened Beerus tremendously as he didn't want to lose his life, his planet, or his students. Sure Beerus hated both of those damned Saiyan's sometimes, especially when they interrupted his nap to come train, but they were the closest rivals he had in the entire universe and fighters of such magnitude and ferocity didn't come along that often! With a terrified gulp, Beerus bit the metaphorical bullet and looked into the eyes of Arukoru and Eru, both of whom had bemused looks plastered upon their faces as they had never seen such foolishness transpire before, with Lord Arukoru even supressing a chuckle.* 

Beerus: *with beads of sweat dripping down his face* I-I must apologize for those two numbskulls idiocy, Lord Arukoru! Sometimes those two don't know when to shut up! 

Arukoru: *chuckles* No need to apologize for their foolishness Beerus. I never knew Saiyan's could be so hilarious! 

Beerus: *eyes widen* What!? You enjoy Goku and Vegeta's childish antics!  

Arukoru: *shakes his head* Not necessarily, after all it does sound like it would grate on the ears after awhile. However, since I hardly leave my planet outside of the rare visit or planetary destruction, humor isn't something I've always had time for. Meaning that those two Saiyan's are giving me a wonderful time right now! 

Beerus: You're saying you like Vegeta and Goku's antics? 

Arukoru: For the time being yes. However, please do tell them to reign in their petty arguments sooner rather than later. As the humor factor will soon vanish given enough time! *a small purple and black orb appears in the palm of his hand* And when that happens if they decide to keep going onward with their bickering, I'll have to destroy them in order to permanently seal their mouths shut!  

Beerus: *smiles nervously* Absolutely Lord Arukoru! Thank you for making light of an annoying situation! 

Eru: *waves her hand dismissively* Oh no worries Lord Beerus, I to enjoy the childish back and forth bickering of those two Saiyan's. It's rather refreshing after centuries of seriousness and training! *chuckles whimsically* Yet, how you and my brother have managed to put up with it for as long as you did is a complete mystery! 

Beerus: *frowns* Trust me, if it wasn't for their delicious food then I would have destroyed their planet when I first arrived there!

Arukoru: Earth must be really special for someone of your destructive and aggressive nature to spare it. *turns to Eru* Eru, my dear, perhaps we should plan a personal visit to our Earth in the future? After all, Beerus shouldn't be the only one enjoying the fantastic culinary delights that Earth has to offer!

Eru: *giggles* I'll add it to our schedule my lord. From what I've managed to see on those several different occasions, Earth does have its fair share of fun pastimes and events!

Beerus: *sniffs the air and licks his lips* I hate to end the conversation, but I smell the delicious treats of Earth food in the air! 

Arukoru: *eyes widen* Jeez Beerus, your attendant and those two Saiyan's really know how to prep a meal! They've only been gone for a few minutes!  

Eru: *chuckles* You underestimate how fast we angels can move Lord Arukoru.

*With that begin said, Beerus led his highly esteemed guests from another universe to his dining hall with a smirk on his face as the god of destruction from universe 7 knew if there was one thing that would truly lower the tension and bring back a calm atmosphere, it would be delicious food! As there's nothing some good Earth grub couldn't fix, especially from Beerus' perspective! As the cat destroyer god led Lord Arukoru and Eru through the remaining, even the guests couldn't help but smile delightfully at the heavenly waft emanating from the dining hall, with Arukoru especially have a big grin on his face as he could already taste the good food hitting his tastebuds and then descending into his stomach! Hell Arukoru had tasted Earth food before in his universe, but this smelled completely different from the food he had tried in the past and the 13th universe's destroyer god couldn't help but get excited for what was awaiting him! As the trio passed through the nearly identical hallways with only the bare minimum difference put into them to help signify they were in a different hallway and not going in some kind of circle both Lord Arukoru and his angel attendant were excited for what tasty Earth treats Beerus' students brought with them, hopefully it was something completely different than anything Arukoru had tried. Finally Beerus and his guests has made it to the dining hall with a heavenly display of foods awaiting their arrival alongside Whis, Vegeta, and Goku, the latter of which was already stuffing his black hole of a stomach with a mouthful of rice.*

Vegeta: *frowns with his arms crossed* You disgust me sometimes, Kakarot. 

Goku: *chuckles before speaking with his mouth full of food* Sworry Vegeta! 

Arukoru: *thinks with an astonished look as he watches Goku guzzle down several bowls in a matter of seconds* Is that Saiyan a living being or a sentient black hole in disguise!?

Beerus: *yells* You couldn't even wait for us!? We were only a few minutes behind you and here you are already devouring through our feast! 

Vegeta: *shrugs* That's Kakarot for you. He thinks with his stomach more often than not! 

Goku: *scratches the back of his head sheepishly* Sorry, Lord Beerus! It's just that the sparring with Vegeta and the cleaning up you had both of us embarking on really got me famished! 

Whis: *chuckles* Well that is one thing you and Lord Beerus share in common Goku! *continues while completely disregarding the enraged glance Beerus is giving him* Both of you love eating, regardless of what you did before or are planning to do afterwards! 

Eru: I'm sorry you have to live with such gluttons Whis! Honestly, they must be an absolute handful to deal with!

Whis: You get used to dealing with Lord Beerus' antics after awhile, especially when you've been with him for over billions of years!*smiles as he picks up a piece of sushi with a chopstick and gulps it down in one bite* Plus even I have to admit Earth food is absolutely delicious! 

Arukoru: *chuckles as he sits down at the table* I'll be the judge of that Whis. Both you and Beerus haven't stopped gushing about the excellence of Earth cuisine since me and Eru have arrived! I believe it's finally time for me to indulge in Earth's supposed culinary splendor!

Goku: *smiles as he finished another bowl of rice* Don't worry about a thing Lord Arukoru! Earth food is delicious and it hits the spot! Especially when it's made by Bulma or my wife, Chi-Chi!

Arukoru: *smirks cockily as he outstretches his palm and a purplish-black orb appears in the center of it, making both Vegeta take a step back and Goku look on in intrigue* I hope for your sake, it is Saiyan. Because if this food isn't up to the godly standard you claim it to be, I'll have no other choice but to destroy Earth for such atrocious lies! 

Whis: *laughs* Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho, there will be no need for destroying Earth once you've tried their food Lord Arukoru! 

Vegeta: *grimaces* That and if you wish to destroy Earth, you'll have to go through me! I don't give a damn if you're a god of destruction or not, no one will be destroying my planet! 

Eru: I'm sorry to say, but once Lord Arukoru has made up his mind it's extremely hard to convince him otherwise. *giggles* That must be a strong quality all of you Saiyan's possess! 

Beerus: Don't you dare destroy Earth! That's the only place where the food is delicious and I refuse to let that slip through my fingers! *yells* I still haven't tried their pudding yet! 

*The tension in the air grows thick as Arukoru stares at Beerus and Vegeta with Goku and the two angels watching from their sidelines, the former of which was quietly slurping up some noodles. For a few seconds no one dares to utter a singular word as an intense battle of wills was happening between the god of destruction from Universe 13 and both the prince of Saiyan's and god of destruction from Universe 7. Hell, there starring contest was filled with so much tension that even Goku refrained from eating any further, just in case he needed to step and battle alongside Beerus and Vegeta, that's if the worst transpired and either party decided to attack the other. Vegeta especially stared daggers into the Saiyan god of destruction as no one dared to threaten his planet or his wife, and the prince of Saiyan's nearly felt his composure slip entirely as he wanted nothing more than to go Super Saiyan Blue and beat this bastard till he left hobbling back to his universe! The collective silence between the three combatants was tense and the entire room was deafening from their silence, you could even hear a pin drop due to how quiet everything had become. Yet, just as everything looked to be heading towards disaster and chaos, Arukoru began laughing heavily! His tense and cold demeanor he had only a few seconds ago had completely shifted to that of laughter and happiness, with tears even threatening to spill out!*

Arukoru: *chuckles with a grin on his face* Jeez Beerus! Can't you or your students learn to take a joke! *laughs much to the frustration of Beerus and Vegeta* Honestly, did you really think I was going to destroy your universe's Earth over something as petty as food!? Who do you take me for!? Champa! 

Goku: *says in a confused tone* I mean kinda. You were really menacing and serious about destroying our planet if the food wasn't to your liking! 

Arukoru: *waves his hand dismissively* That was simply apart of the act, Saiyan! *looks at Eru* And thanks to you my darling attendant for playing along with this charade! Your calm performance was the icing on the cake!

Eru: *blushes lightly, with no one but Whis noticing this* No problem, my lord! *laughs* We rarely get to pull these kind of humorous stunts anymore!  

Beerus: *eyes widen* You call threatening to destroy my sole source of food a joke?! 

Whis: *chuckles* Oh-ho-ho-ho I'm surprised you didn't see that twist coming my lord! We both know how mischievous Arukoru and my sister get! 

Beerus: *grumbles* Damn Saiyan's......Regardless if they're from my universe or another, they all somehow grate on my nerves!  

Arukoru: *smirks* Yes, yes ever since we got ejected from Destroyer God meetings we've never gotten such an ample chance of pulling these kind of mental jokes!  

Beerus: *lets out a sigh of relief and thinks as he and the others take a seat at the table* At least he won't destroy my go-to planet for takeout! I couldn't bear to live in a universe without the scrumptious delight of Earth's food! 

Vegeta: *scowls at Arukoru and thinks* Bastard! How dare he threaten my wife and my planet just to merely play a joke on us!

*After Beerus, Whis, and Eru all took their seats at the table and began to dig into the food specially made by Bulma, Vegeta himself hung back for a few seconds. He scowled and glared daggers into the back of Lord Arukoru's skull, and if looks could kill......Vegeta would have murdered Lord Arukoru within seconds. The prince of all Saiyan's didn't like how he was using the destruction of his wife and planet to further a joke, in fact it made Vegeta's blood boil that a fellow Saiyan wasn't a battle-hardened and serious warrior like he or even Kakarot, but a joking and manipulative mastermind! Yet, letting out a silent sigh Vegeta soon sat at the table with a scowl still etched upon his face and as he began eating his own food he glanced over at the destroyer god from Universe 13 and looked at him with nothing but rage, even though he couldn't do anything about it lest he be sent to Other World for his actions. While Vegeta was chowing down on his food and mentally thinking of ways to kill Lord Arukoru, everyone was thoroughly enjoying the cooking and even Lord Arukoru was humming in delight as the heavenly taste of the grumpy Saiyan wife's cooking was divine!*

Vegeta: *huffs in rage before continuing to eat his food and thinking* Even if Lord Arukoru is nothing more than a joker with a twisted sense of humor, I need to be careful and respectful around him lest I get sent flying into the next universe!

Goku: *says with a mouthful of food* Vegeta! This is incredible cooking! *gulps his food down and smiles widely* I completely forgot how good of a cook Bulma can be! You know, with how much time she devotes to tinkering hee-hee!

Vegeta: *smirks lightly* She is a great cook when she wishes to be Kakarot! *thinks* Even if those moments are few and far between!

Goku: *grabs a rice cake and shoves it into his mouth in one bite* She should cook more! It's almost as good as Chi-Chi's cooking! 

Vegeta: *absentmindedly waves Goku off* Yeah, yeah Kakarot. Whatever. *glances over at Arukoru talking with Beerus and grits his teeth* I wish for nothing more than to punch him right in his godly face! 

Goku: *notices Vegeta's enraged glare at Arukoru and decides to whisper to Vegeta* Whatcha thinking about Geets?   

Vegeta: *in an enraged abet low snarl* Firstly don't call me "Geets"! And secondly that Lord Arukoru keeps rubbing me the wrong way! 

Goku: *snickers* It's probably because he's more powerful than you! 

Vegeta: *scoffs and turns back towards his food* Tch. Pretentious bastard! 

Goku: Kinda sounds like you're talking about yourself Vegeta hee-hee! 

Vegeta: *grits his teeth in rage before sighing* Shut the hell up Kakarot!

Eru: *glances over and shakes her head at the two Saiyan's* I've only been here for a short time and already those two's constant back and forth bickering is going to drive me insane! 

Beerus: *chuckles* It's annoying and makes me wish to destroy both of them, but it's easier to just let them get it out of their system! 

Eru: If you say so Lord Beerus..... *thinks with a frown adorning her angelic face* How in the 13 Universe's do Lord Beerus and Whis put up with those two for any extended amount of time! 


*While Vegeta was occasionally darting his eyes over to stare daggers into Lord Arukoru before turning back to his food as quickly as possible, everyone else was enjoying the food Bulma had prepared. Lord Arukoru and Eru couldn't help but hum in satisfaction as the food presented before them was the finest divine feast they ever had the privilege of devouring! Apparently this Earth food was dubbed steak and it came in hundreds of possible combinations depending on what type of steak you got, your cooking style, what seasoning's you used, and other important variations! Seeing the content looks on the face of Lord Arukoru made Beerus silently sigh in relief, as while the 13th Universe's god of destruction did say it was all a prank, a being of such power and rage could double-back on his word and destroy Earth if their food wasn't up to his godly caliber. Yet, thankfully that frightful moment never came and Beerus could sleep easy tonight knowing his favorite place to get food would still be open for business! Oh.....and of course he would still have his greatest rivals around!*   

Goku: This food is delicious! *looks over at Vegeta* Say Vegeta, why doesn't Bulma cook more often? She's a natural! 

Vegeta: *smirks* Because Kakarot, my wife unlike yours actually has a job that demands attention! 

Whis: *frowns* Now, now you two. This is a feast and we're honoring a very special guest! *gestures over to Arukoru* Meaning if you two don't behave yourselves, then I'll have no choice but to send you both back to Earth! 

Goku: *gulps while nervously scratching the back of his head* Sorry Whis hee-hee! 

Vegeta: *returns to eating his food without another word* Tch. 

Arukoru: *thinks with a smirk evident on his face* Who knew Whis could be so threatening when he wishes to be! I've never seen someone so frightened of an angel in my billions of years being alive! 

Whis: *coughs* Oh-ho-ho sorry about that. Those two can really be a handful sometimes! 

Eru: *swishes a piece of her hair behind her ear* Seems like it brother. I must commend both you and Lord Beerus for putting up with those two for this long!

Beerus: *swallow's an entire chunk of steak down in one bite before speaking* Like I said, if it wasn't for their incredible potential and their heavenly food neither of them would be here right now!  

Arukoru: *hums in satisfaction and delight as he stuffs an entire chunk of steak into his mouth and swallowing it in one bite* This is absolutely delicious Beerus! Who knew Earth had such exquisite offers when it came to food!

Beerus: *smirks before throwing another piece of steak into his mouth and gulping it down* I told you! Earth has the best food I've ever had the privilege of tasting! 

Arukoru: *stuffs another piece of steak down his mouth and then proceeds to wash down the divine flavoring with some tea* Who knew such a faraway planet in an unimportant sector of space would not only produce fantastic meals *looks over at Goku whose chowing down on his tenth bowl and Vegeta who wasn't far behind* but also powerful warriors! 

Eru: *smirks as she sips some tea* I've gone to our Earth on different occasions my lord and you've even tasted their food several times! 

Arukoru: *chuckles at Eru's response* Yes, yes Eru. But, this food is simply on another level of deliciousness! 

Eru: I'll agree with you on that one my lord! *bites into a piece of steak and places one of her hands upon one of her now blushing cheeks as a giant smile appears on her face* Yet, even I have to agree this food tastes better than any of the meals I've brought back! 

Whis: *smiles* That was my first reaction to Earth food as well sister! 

Eru: *hums in delight with her cheeks still having a rosy blush to them* I never imagined Earth food could be so divine! 

Beerus: Yet, you've tried Earth food back in your own universe....

Eru: *giggles* Well the Earth food in our universe all but pales in comparison to your Earth's food!   

Arukoru: Either that or Vegeta's wife is a cut above all of the cooks and chefs on our Earth! 

Eru: *shrugs playfully* Perhaps she is. *says in an overdramatic tone* If only we had one of her back in our universe! 

*At that statement Vegeta growled lowly as while he held no abundant amount of love for Bulma or his family, that familial love still bloomed within his body and whenever his family was threatened it was his honor to protect them when they failed to protect themselves, less it bring shame to his entire lineage! Once more the Prince of all Saiayn's eyes quickly darted back and forth between Lord Arukoru and his own food, and whenever he stared at the vastly more powerful and dangerous Saiyan, Vegeta could only grimaced and growl lowly to himself at how outclassed he was compared to this Saiyan from another universe. Yet, the Saiyan blood boiling within Vegeta's body was bubbling to the surface and he wanted to deck that pretentious joking Saiyan bastard from another Universe right in his face! The lust for battle and the desire to fight a strong opponent was slowly overriding Vegeta's only rationality, and it wouldn't be long before the mini-volcano with a widow's peak exploded! To hell with any consequences or potential destruction it may unleash! Little did Vegeta know that he was once more going to be beaten to the punch, as his enteral rival Kakarot had to open his mouth.*

Goku: Um, Lord Arukoru.

Arukoru: *looks over at Goku and his eyes momentarily go wide as he sees the mountain of empty bowls laying in front of him* Yes Saiyan?

Goku: It's Goku, Lord Arukoru. 

Arukoru: *a bead of sweat rolls down his forehead in slight embarrassment* Sorry, Goku. What is it? As I'm trying to enjoy my steak meal over here! *while saying this he finishes his entire bowl of steak and rice in the blink of an eye, much to Goku's amusement* Well.....Now you have my full intention. *smirks* I would make it count Goku! 

Goku: Well Lord Arukoru I was wondering something. *smiles* How powerful would you say you are! 

Beerus: *chokes and sputters on a piece of steak he was chewing on* Ack! Gah! *swallows the piece of pesky steak before yelling at Goku* Goku! What do you think you're doing?! I told you no matter what, don't challenge Lord Arukoru! 

Arukoru: *raises his hand, signaling Beerus to stop* No worries Beerus! Goku here simply wishes to know how powerful I am, no sparring or dueling attached. *thinks* At least I hope, I wouldn't want to punch Beerus' student into another universe!

Goku: *smiles brightly* Thanks Lord Arukoru!

Arukoru: *smirks* Of course, I have no qualms about telling people how limitless my power is!

*At this point the tension that had successfully been lowered, was slowly rising up again! Beerus couldn't help but have beads of sweat rolling down his forehead, and even stuffing several chunks of sweet and savory steak down his throat wasn't fixing the worry rushing through his veins. Sure, he could fight Lord Arukoru if things were pushed too far such as the Saiyan god of destruction joking about destroying his favorite source of food. Yet, him and Goku fighting all-out was another beast entirely, and Beerus couldn't nor wouldn't get involved in their spar as two god's of destruction fighting one another was heavily forbidden and the culprits involved in the scuffle could very well be removed from their position post-haste.....and then erased from existence for their transgressions! But, while Beerus and the two angels were watching from the sidelines both Lord Arukoru and Goku stared at one another with smirks evident on their faces, both could feel their Saiyan blood bubbling as their lust for a strong battle was growing within their minds, all the while Vegeta was watching with his hand curled into a fist just in case Goku did anything stupid and he needed to back him up! Thankfully, however the powder keg of excitement wasn't lit and instead Lord Arukoru once more began laughing, much to the confusion of Goku and Vegeta.*

Arukoru: *laughs with a few tears rolling down his cheeks* Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! You Universe 7 Saiyan's are hilarious! I dare say you're even a riot! 

Goku: *tilts his head in confusion* Uh, thanks? I guess? Does that mean you're going to tell me your power now?

Arukoru: *smiles with his cheeks rosy and his watery from the laughter* Certainly! *Goku's eyes widen with excitement and Vegeta perks his head up as Arukoru says* My power is beyond any of my fellow God's of Destruction! *looks at Beerus* Including Beerus himself! 

Beerus: *says in a neutral tone, clearly trying to mask his fear and rage* That's because your Saiyan biology added alongside the power of destruction has transformed you into the ultimate warrior! 

Arukoru: *chuckles* You're simply jealous of my Saiyan swagger, Beerus! 

Whis: Oh-ho-ho-ho! He's got you there my lord! 

Beerus: *yells at Whis* You're not helping Whis! 

Whis: *smirks* I wasn't trying to. Me and Eru are simply neutral bystanders in all of this! We'll only intervene if things become too.....destructive and hands-on between you and Lord Arukoru.

Eru: *sips some tea to wash down her steak* Exactly! If Lord Arukoru and your Saiyan students wish to do battle, then we won't get involved. However, the moment you step in to battle alongside your students Lord Beerus, that's when me and my brother have no other choice than to intervene!  

Arukoru: Woah! I never said anything about battling either of your students! Let alone both of them! 

Vegeta: *scoffs* Are you saying we're not worth your time? 

Goku: Or are you saying we're too weak to battle against you? 

Arukoru: I hate to break your spirits as you both look to be strong warriors in your own rights, however it's a mixture of both! Both of you would only last a few seconds against me! 

Beerus: *facepalms* Oh no! Now he's done it!

Eru: *sips some more of the tea* What do you mean? It's an undeniable fact Lord Arukoru is stronger than both of your students combined! 

Whis: It's not that dear sister of mine. It's that Saiyan's don't take kindly to having their pride or power insulted! *frowns* Especially Vegeta. 

Eru: Oh. *frowns* Then that's certainly not good as once someone insulted Lord Arukoru's pride......And let's just say it didn't end well for them or their entire race!

Vegeta: *jumps up from his chair and slams his hands onto the table, causing some of the food to fly up in the air for a few seconds before landing back onto their respective plates* How dare you! How dare you?! I don't give a damn who you are, what universe you're from, or what rank you may hold! You never insult the pride of the mighty prince Vegeta! 

Goku: *stands up* Woah Vegeta, calm down! I was only looking to get a tiny spar from Lord Arukoru! It looks like you want nothing more than to mount his head on your wall!

Vegeta: *sneers* Nothing that drastic, Kakarot! But I would love to kick this bastard's ass back to the universe he came from! 

Arukoru: *chuckles, causing everyone's attention to land solely upon him* Well, well, well. I shouldn't be overly surprised or outright shocked at all! From the books and tomes Eru gave me, it did say Saiyan's had a lust for battle and desired to face the strongest opponents so they in turn could become stronger! 

Eru: *eyes widen* My Lord! Are you saying.....You're actually going to spar with one of Beerus' students?

Arukoru: *smirks and nods* Yes my dear attendant, I shall. If widow's peak over there wishes to be properly humiliated then who am I to deny such a request? 

Vegeta: *yells* I won't lose to the likes of you! 

Arukoru: Quite the contrary Vegeta, I'll give you a minute max! 

Vegeta: *grits his teeth* You're underestimating the power of the prince of all Saiyan's! 

*In that moment Vegeta let's out a gigantic roar of anger and right before everyone's eyes he charges up and transforms into his strongest form. Vegeta couldn't waste any time and he understood very well that if he didn't go all out in the beginning of the battle, then he wouldn't stand a chance! The entire room was basked in the glow of eheteral blue as Vegeta skyrocketed through the ranks of Super Saiyan 1, 2, and even God! The prince of all Saiyan's wasn't going to toy around nor was he going to feel out Lord Arukoru's powers or technique, he didn't have time to do any of that, because if he did he would be laid out in seconds. Meaning for this battle, Vegeta had to rely solely upon his own power in order to show this bastard who stronger is the strongest Saiyan! The eheteral blue light died down as the blue cocoon type structure Vegeta had been within crumbled and broke away, revealing Vegeta with soul piercing blue eyes and blue hair! This was the godly power of Super Saiyan Blue!*

Vegeta: *smirks cockily as the blue aura of Super Saiyan Blue shimmered on his body* And underestimating will cost you severely!  

Arukoru: *stands up from his chair and cracks his knuckles* Lead the way to the battleground, Vegeta. Let's see if you're claims of "underestimating your power" are indeed true! 

Vegeta: *smirks and flares up his blue Ki to frighten or unnerve Lord Arukoru, neither of which happen* Don't come crying to me destroyer when your face is planted into the dirt! 

Arukoru: *smirks back* And don't come crying to me when you're flat on your ass and start pulling at your hair in embarrassment and frustration! 

Goku: *leans over and whispers in Vegeta's ear* And don't worry best buddy! *smirks* If you're on the losing side of things I'll jump in and we'll show Lord Arukoru how powerful us Universe 7 Saiyan's can be! 

Vegeta: *scoffs* No need Kakarot! I'll handle Arukoru all by myself and prove I'm the strongest Saiyan in all of the multiverse!

Goku: Well I'll be in the sidelines, waiting to jump in if you're on the losing side hee-hee! 

Vegeta: *smirks* Then you'll be waiting for nothing Kakarot!  *looks at Arukoru* Destroyer god! Let's go! 

Arukoru: *smiles* About time! I almost thought you were backing out and asking for Goku to fight in your place!

Vegeta: *laughs* Ha! I wouldn't ask for someone weaker than me to fight in my place! I, the mighty prince Vegeta, fight my own battles! 

Arukoru: *nods* Then at least you fight with honor and pride. Something many of my other challengers throughout the years have lacked! *gestures towards the door* Now, lead the way. 

Vegeta: *smirks cockily* Gladly. 

*The screen fades to black as all signs of hospitality and old friends meeting one another have been completely thrown out the window by Vegeta and to a lesser extent Goku. Both Saiyan's from Universe 7 wish to prove their mettle and power by fighting against the mighty destroyer from Universe 13! And while Beerus and both angel attendants are heavily adamant about this spar happening, none of them can stop the lust for battle that the Saiyan race has coursing through their veins, all they can do is hope no planet gets destroyed during the battle! Yet, how will both of them fair against an opponent who's leagues beyond both of them and has the power to blink both out of existence with merely a blast from his fingertips? How badly will Lord Arukoru pound both Vegeta and Goku into the dirt? Or will our Universe 7 duo gain an upset victory over the most powerful God of Destruction? Find out next time in the next exciting chapter of With Creation, Comes Destruction!*

And that's a wrap and I hope all of you massively enjoyed this chapter as it took me a week and a half to cobble all of this together! I apologize for the mini-writer's block I forced myself into, but don't fret as now I'm back as the fire of passion as been relit within me and now that I've gotten some personal things taken care of I'm back for the time being and I hope all of you are glad to see me once more! Stay tuned for this week as while I won't reveal any specific names for chapter updates besides Warped Reality, I hope you thoroughly enjoy the stories that do indeed get updated this week! Don't Forget to Hit the Follow Button in the Face and join the Broski Army as we're on the road to 2.5K Followers and I know soon enough we'll have conquered that milestone and have scaled the summit to 5K Followers. You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter. 

PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

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