Chapter 1: Lord Arukoru, Universe 13's Destroyer God

Hello and welcome back to the highly anticipated chapter of With Creation, Comes Destruction and I'm glad all of you enjoyed the Prologue as that signaled to me that this certainly is a story worth continuing and that you guys appreciate my vast array of DB stories, and I hope that sentiment continues because Goku Black, DBS Broly, and Android 17 are all getting their own individual stories in the future that place in the worlds of DC's Injustice, Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra, and To Love Ru respectively. Additionally stay tuned for tomorrow because Yang's lemon chapter for Warped Reality will be published and I know all of you absolutely love that story, yet now with Chapter 1 of With Creation, Comes Destruction! Anyway I'm your host/author of the night or day OverlordAKX and I don't own anything except my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the chapter. 


LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Beerus POV, Location: Beerus' Planet 

Beerus: *his eyes bug out* He's what?!?!?!?!?!?! 

Whis: *his eyes dart over the place before settling on Beerus* Yes my lord, Lord Arukoru and his attendant Eru are coming over for a visit. 

Beerus: *yells* But why now! I haven't even had any time to prepare!? *points at Vegeta and Goku* And they aren't even prepared to meet Lord Arukoru!? A singular mistake and he could destroy the entire galaxy with a flick of his wrist! *gulps* And we know Goku's idiocy and lust for battle will enrage Lord Arukoru!!

Goku: *frowns* Hey! 

Vegeta: *laughs* Well he's not wrong Kakarot. Your lust for battling a stronger opponent always gets you into trouble. 

Beerus: *yells at Vegeta* You're not any better Vegeta! Your inflated pride and ego will cause you to challenge Lord Arukoru and that will certainly lead to you and this entire planet being destroyed at bare minimum. With the entire galaxy being destroyed if you're fight goes on for any longer than a minute! 

Whis: *chuckles* Well it seems that Lord Arukoru has woken up from his miniature nap and wants to visit an old friend. There's hardly any other reason he would arrive here at this specific moment in time. However, I would prepare as best as we can because Lord Arukoru and Eru will arrive here within the next five-seven minutes. 

Beerus: *yells* What!? I haven't even gotten rid of the Saiyan's or cleaned the place up! And I haven't even finished my delicious steak!  

Whis: *shrugs* I guess we'll have to do everything quickly then my lord, because if you do remember Angel's are notoriously fast. So I wouldn't be surprised if Lord Arukoru and Eru arrived within the next 2 minutes ho-ho. 

Beerus: That doesn't help lower my stress Whis?! 

Whis: *smiles* It was simply an observation my lord, it wasn't intended to help lower anything, especially not your stress. 

Beerus: *growls* Honestly Whis, I would destroy you if I wasn't so worried right now. *turns to the Saiyan's* Now either make yourselves useful or leave! 

Goku: *scratches the back of his head* Well what do you want us to do Lord Beerus?

Beerus: *runs around the room, cleaning up all of the food scraps with Whis in tow, with the angel snickering at his lord's plight* I don't know nor do I care! Go change into something fancy and respectful, brush your teeth, go hide in a closest and stay there until Lord Arukoru leaves, help tidy the grounds, I don't care! Just do something except challenge Lord Arukoru to a spar! 

Goku: *puts his hands up* Alright, alright Lord Beerus! I promise not to challenge Lord Arukoru!  

Whis: I recommend making a promise you can actually keep Goku. Right now you're saying one thing but once Lord Arukoru appears you'll immediately change your tune and challenge him to a spar which you'll lose completely much like Lord Beerus all those years ago, and your failure will lead to the destruction of this planet and possibly the entire galaxy. 

Goku: *gulps* Yikes, this Lord Arukoru guy sounds like someone nobody should trifle with. Yet, he also sounds extremely powerful......

Vegeta: Don't think about it Kakarot! Lord Beerus and Whis have already repeatedly told NOT to challenge Lord Arukoru less the entire galaxy, including your wife and sons perishes in an instant! 

Goku: *scratches the back of his head* So? What's the issue? We can just go to Namek and wish everyone and everything back with the Dragon Balls. 

Vegeta: *grits his teeth* You........Eh....Ah.......You idiot! If Lord Arukoru gets into a battle with either of us, he could level the entire galaxy with a simple flick of his wrist! That flick would destroy the entire galaxy and everyone who lives within it, including Namek! Which means no Kakarot, we can't simply wish all of our problems away if we go to Namek because there will be no Namek!  

Whis: *while levitating plates of food off the table and into a disposing unit with his staff, with Lord Beerus quickly rushing back and forth doing the same exact same* Vegeta's correct Goku. It would only take a single mistake or misconduct in order to enrage Lord Arukoru, much like Lord Beerus and most other Gods of Destruction. Meaning it would only take the smallest of issues to set him off, and once he gets going the only people that could possibly stop him would be myself and Eru. 

Vegeta: *scoffs* Tch. Makes sense all Destroyers have an equal short temper. 

Beerus: *yells* Enough talking about Destroyers short temper and more cleaning action! We only have mere minutes before Lord Arukoru arrives! 

Goku: Oh right! We better get started on cleaning duty, right Vegeta? 

Vegeta: I guess I'll go clean off the grounds from our training. If Lord Arukoru and his attendant arrive I'll let you know. *smirks* Or maybe I'll let his arrival be a surprise. *thinks* How could I! The mighty Vegeta be sinking so low to preform common and trivial house chores to appease a fellow Saiyan! It's completely bafflingly! If I knew we would be forced to clean in order to appease another God of Destruction I would of brought Bulma's mother with me! 

Beerus: *narrows his eyes, while talking in a cold and serious tone* Don't you dare test my patience like that Saiyan. I may be stressed out via Lord Arukoru's imminent arrival but that doesn't mean I can't destroy you before he arrives. Hakaing someone from existence only takes a few seconds after all and he doesn't know of you nor Goku's existence. Meaning if I did erase you, he wouldn't suspect anything abnormal. 

Whis: *chuckles* In fact he would find it more weird and bizarre for Lord Beerus to have students under his tutelage than not. After all, Lord Beerus is by no means the most hospitable and friendly of the Destroyer God's. 

Vegeta: *his skin pales, as a few beads of sweat drop down his face* Ok......I'm off now! Don't worry Lord Beerus, the training grounds will look sparkly clean once I've finished cleaning!   

Goku: I'm right behind you Vegeta! 

Beerus: *shakes his head* Sometimes I really wonder why I allow both of these Saiyan's onto my planet, much less receive training from you and occasionally myself.

Whis: *chuckles* Ho-oh-oh if I had to wager a guess my lord it's less about their potential and personality, and more about the food they bring whenever they do come to train. 

Beerus: *licks his lips* I don't know what I would without Earth's delicious and delectable food! They have so many wonderful offers and meals on display that I simply can't refuse but to eat it all! *coughs* So I guess you're right in that regard Whis, even though both Goku and Vegeta show vast amounts of potential in their own rights. 

*While the God of Destruction of the 7th universe and his angel attendant continued frantically cleaning within the palace, or simply pushing it underneath rugs or throwing it into rooms Lord Arukoru was not going to enter, Goku and Vegeta worked at a frantic pace to clean up the training grounds they ruined from their earlier bout. Never in the Saiyan's lives would they peg Lord Beerus for the scared type.....Well except for Zeno but this was different, this wasn't an almighty and unstoppable lord of lords who could blink an entire universe or several if he was made enough out of existence with a single poke. This Lord Arukoru was on the same level as Beerus, as both were destroyer gods, but what Beerus was frightened about wasn't his power or status within Universe 13, but his presence alone. This intrigued both Saiyan's immensely, because if a Saiyan, regardless of what universe they belong to, could make a God of Destruction shake in his boots, then he power beyond any Saiyan, even ones like Goku and Vegeta. Well, of course he had destroyer energy mixed alongside his Saiyan DNA, but to make Lord Beerus stress out was an achievement all its own and was something only a select few could possibly hope of doing. Soon enough, Goku and Vegeta had scrubbed the entire training ground clean, with literal sparkles coming from the area they had nearly destroyed during their battle of wills and now both had to wait for Lord Arukoru arrival, with Lord Beerus and Whis joining them, with the former fidgeting lightly and his eyes rapidly darting all over the place as he was making sure the Saiyan's stuck to their word and cleaned the battleground.* 

Lord Beerus: He's almost here. *the wind blows around him and the temperature feels like it takes a nosedive, causing both Saiyan's to shiver* He always had a flair for the theatric. *looks around at the Saiyan's, with his glare burrowing deep into the Saiyan's souls* Now don't either of you dare challenge Lord Arukoru when he gets here! He's simply here for a relaxing catch-up, and not to be challenged by one of his own race! And if either you even dare laying a finger on him, I'll take you down faster than you could say "ice cream"! 

Goku: *nods nervously* Got it Lord Beerus, I promise not to challenge this Lord Arukoru when he gets here. 

Vegeta: *scoffs* Tch. Prince Vegeta doesn't make promises.

Beerus: *glares at Vegeta* With that attitude you'll find yourself 6ft below. 

Vegeta: *gulps at Beerus' intense glare* I'll make sure to note that.    

Whis: *smiles* Oh dear, I hope you're ready my lord. Because from my point of view it seems like you're about to faint from pure anxiety ho-oh-oh.  

Goku: *whispers to Vegeta, with his teeth lightly chattering* Aren't you excited Vegeta?! We get to meet possibly the strongest Saiyan in all of the multiverse! 

Vegeta: *scoffs, with his teeth lightly chattering as well* We get it Kakarot, he's the "most powerful Saiyain in the multiverse" but guess what? *thinks* How is this even possible?! He's not even here yet and it feels like everyone has scared into near silence! *looks up to the lightly darkening sky while still thinking* This Lord Arukoru must be on a completely different level of power, as his mere looming presence is causing all of these events to happen. These is well above anything Frieza, the Ginyu Force, Cell, Majin Buu, Dabura, Frost, the boy, that damned tincan, or Hit could possibly do. 

Goku: What Vegeta?

Vegeta: *smirks* Regardless of the universe I'm still the Prince of all Saiyan's! Meaning while he's a God of Destruction, he's STILL a Saiyan and therefore underneath my rule.  

Beerus: *yells, while quickly darting his eyes around the place to make sure everything was cleaned up* Did you even listen to a single world I said!? Don't you dare let that unbridled and raging ego of yours Vegeta cause you to pick a fight with Lord Arukoru! He could lightly poke you with a single finger and you would be sent hurtling into the next universe! And that's if he's merciful! 

Vegeta: What! He wouldn't be able to lay a single finger on the mighty prince Vegeta. No matter how powerful he claims to be. *However on the inside Vegeta was screaming out with a mild case of fright because even he couldn't ignore how powerful Lord Arukoru's arriving presence felt, and he gulped imagining what his actual power felt like......Yet, his mouth and pride once more talked for himself.*

Whis: *sighs* I'd advise you not to antagonize Lord Arukoru when he gets here, because while he may seem calm on the surface much like any Saiyan he'll be quick to anger if you actively push his buttons. I'm now seriously considering sending both of you to that pocket training dimension I did back when you were first under my tutelage, but knowing how powerful you are now compared to then.....You would probably destroy the entire pocket dimension within the hour. 

Goku: *grins nervously* Heh-heh, yeah we probably would. 

Beerus: *yells, cutting through everyone else's voices* Shut up!? *his eyes narrow and his tone becomes serious* He's here. 

Lord Arukoru POV, Location: Near Beerus' Planet 

Arukoru: *yawns* About time Eru, for a second I thought we wouldn't make it.    

Eru: *smirks* I apologize for the inconvenience my lord, but we do live quite a distance away from the 7th universe, meaning it takes a few minutes longer for us to get here than say Champa and his assistant. 

Arukoru: *rolls his eyes* Don't remind me of that fat cat. He's nothing but an annoyance in my backside, constantly talking negative things about me and how I run my universe behind my own back. 

Eru: *giggles* Yes, yes my lord we all know if their were no rules you would happy travel to the 6th universe and kill Lord Champa.

Arukoru: I wouldn't say "kill" because that's such a strong word, but I would teach that fat cat a lesson in manners and respect. 

Eru: I know you would my lord, but it's best not to talk about this in front of Lord Beerus. After all he and Lord Champa are brothers and therefore are bound to look after one another in some form or fashion. 

Arukoru: *shakes his head* And Champa's not even the worst offender when it comes to idiotic and annoying barbs behind my back, Quitela is the mastermind behind all of those jabs and mental assaults. I would imagine he's the one who also kicked me out of the G.O.D. conferences, I would love to strangle the life out of that annoying mouse, yet sadly rules are rules and even I must abide by them.

Eru: *nods* That they are my lord but look on the bright side! 

Arukoru: *raises his eyebrow* And that would be? 

Eru: *she steps aside, revealing Beerus' Planet* We've arrived at our destination. 

Arukoru: *smiles* Great. I was beginning to think we would never make it. For a second I thought you were purposefully going slow in order to prolong our conversation, seriously that trek through Universe 9 shouldn't of been as long as it was, I mean it's a literal wasteland and neither Sidra nor Roh show any intention of changing that. Plus, I'll never understand why you strictly wanted us to travel via the cube and not your own potent abilities. 

Eru: *smiles* Never underestimate an angel's abilities, especially mine my lord. *winks* And who's to say I didn't purposefully slow us down at one point or another, I guess we'll never truly know.    

Arukoru: *sighs* Always one for playing tricks Eru. 

Eru: *giggles, while shooting a knowing wink* Only for you my lord.  

Arukoru: It'll be great to visit my old friend and see how he's been doing these past few decades, after all he's notorious for falling asleep for decades at time......Such as what happened during our inter-multiversal hide and seek game with Zeno. Oh how all of the destroyer gods were enraged at Beerus' ill-timed nap, hell I was a little miffed myself at the time due to my universe almost getting erased but I soon forgave him because that's basically his nature. Literally, he only wakes up for around 5 years and then goes back to sleep for another 40, only to rinse and repeat the cycle over and over again. 

Eru: Yes I remember that dreaded day my lord, if it wasn't for your power I believe Zeno would have erased us as well alongside Universe's 14-18. *shivers* I could never imagine the unending cold of the void, I bet it's a horrible vast endless void of blackness and despair. 

Arukoru: *tilts his head* But aren't angels normally spared from a universe's destruction? Didn't you tell me that yourself a few billion years ago, back when you were teaching me the ropes and showing me the basics.  

Eru: *chuckles nostalgically* I guess you're right my lord, but still the fact remains that I wouldn't want to end up in a blank and never-ending void, regardless if its alongside my entire universe or being "decommissioned" by my father and King Zeno.  

Arukoru: *chuckles* Well, I guess it's a good thing I was showing more potential and promise than my fellow Gods around that time, otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation. 

Eru: And I'm glad of that fact, I couldn't bear floating in a void of black for the rest of entirety. Or whatever happens to angels who are decommissioned.  

Arukoru: *wraps one of his arms around Eru and brings her closer, with their lips almost touching one another* I'll be damn sure that you'll never spend the rest of your life in any endless void. Even if it means sacrificing in order to protect you.  

Eru: *giggles, before giving him a kiss on the check and begins landing procedures before saying in a mocking tone* Don't make promises you can't keep my lord. I appreciate the sentiment but that's a tall order. Even for a powerful destroyer god such as yourself. 

Arukoru: *smirks* Perhaps, perhaps not. But you seem to be forgetting I'm not simply a destroyer god like my peers, I'm also a Saiyan.

Eru: *scoffs* As long as you don't let that power and ego go to your head my lord. 

Arukoru: *waves his hand dismissively just as the cube landed onto the surface of the planet and near a massive lake* Don't worry about that my dear Eru, I would never let such a petty thing like ego get in the way of my abilities or my performance, I may be a Saiyan and therefore some ounces of ego and pride will always course through my veins. However, I'm also a destroyer god and I must take those responsibilities seriously, otherwise I'll end like some of the more despicable, egotistical, lazy and/or vile members of the destroyer gods. *smirks* I like to think I bring honor and respect to my universe. 

Eru: *chuckles* Yes my lord, you do indeed wear that honor on your sleeve. *in a playful tone* Are you sure there's not a trace of pride or ego somewhere within your body? Of course, besides that Saiyan physiology.

Arukoru: *shrugs* I believe there's a difference between the two my dear Eru, and if I were forced to fall into either category I would rather take pride than ego. Because I'm am proud being both a Saiyan and a destroyer god, but don't fret because I wouldn't let a simple thing such as pride cloud my thoughts and judgement. 

Eru: You bring up great observations my lord, but I believe our hosts are coming this way. *she tilts her staff in the direction of Beerus, Whis, and two unknown warriors.....Well they would have been if they didn't have nearly the same physical characteristics of Lord Arukoru minus the tail* And they seem to have brought their own Saiyan's, how bizarre for someone such as Lord Beerus to take on students......Unless, both show potential leaps and bounds ahead of anyone else in this universe. 

Arukoru: *smirks* Well they are Saiyan's. Meaning they have the same base power as myself, just without the destroyer energy coursing through their veins. 

Eru: Exactly my lord. But that doesn't mean we should take them lightly either. 

Arukoru: *rolls his eyes playful* Yes, I know my dear Eru. They've been training under Beerus and Whis after all, arguably the 2nd strongest destroyer god/angel pairing only behind you and me. Meaning these two Saiyan's must have gotten some excellent experience while training with them, and that only speaks volumes about their potential.  

Eru: *giggles* Well that's if Lord Beerus didn't fall asleep at any point during their training. 

Arukoru: *snickers* Alright, you got me there. Perhaps it was just Whis that trained both of them. 

Eru: *shakes her head* I wouldn't doubt that for a second. 

Beerus: Greetings Arukoru. 

Arukoru: *shakes Beerus' hand* Greeting Beerus. How's my old friend been doing since we last saw once another? When was it again we last had the pleasure of meeting face-to-face? 

Beerus: *grits his teeth* Don't remind me of the hide-and-seek game. The other destroyer gods constantly taunt me about to this day. 

Arukoru: I wouldn't dare, even though it was the last time we were able to meet one another, due to the game ending horribly and my subsequent removal from any and all destroyer god meetings. Except of course ones called forth by Grand Zeno himself.   

Whis: *smiles* It's great seeing you again Lord Arukoru. It has been an awfully long time. *looks at Eru* And it's great seeing you once more sister. 

Eru: *grins* It's great seeing you as well Whis, it's been quite some time since the last destroyer god meeting. Almost around 5-7 million years if I had to wager a guess. 

Whis: *nods* That it has sister. 

Eru: *looks around* Yet, it seems like you and Lord Beerus have managed to stay the exact same since I last laid eyes upon you, almost like nothing at all has changed. In fact that extends to the planet as well, nothing in the slightest has changed.  

Whis: *smirks* Well you know Lord Beerus. He hates any modicum of change, even if it's merely swapping around some of the furniture. 

Beerus: *yells* Hey! Are you talking about me hating change Whis? 

Whis: *flusters* No, no! Of course not Lord Beerus! Plus, if I did I imagine both Lord Arukoru and my sister would be laughing hysterically right now. I haven't told them about the table incident my lord. 

Beerus: *glares* Don't you dare bring that incident up every again! We made a mutual promise to never let that moment slip into any conversational topic! 

Whis: *shrugs* Whoops. I guess it was so funny it simply slipped off the tongue before I could think. 

Arukoru: *looks at both Saiyan's, with his tail swishing back and forth* Now who are these two Beerus? That's bizarre for someone of your nature and personality to allow foreigners onto your planet. *notices Whis' training symbol* Let alone having two complete strangers become Whis' students, I know they're Saiyan's but they must have potential even beyond what I was even thinking. 

Beerus: *nods* O-Oh yes those are Goku and Vegeta, they're the 2 last known full-blood Saiyan's in the entire universe. And yes, they have boundless potential due to their Saiyan nature, perhaps beyond even some of the lesser destroyer gods. 

Eru: *smirks* Hmm, that's a high claim to make Lord Beerus. 

Arukoru: I wouldn't doubt him for a second Eru, remember these are Saiyan's after all and with our species lucky Zenkai boosts we don't have any ceiling or barrier we won't be able to smash through with enough training and determination. Perhaps, with enough training Beerus one of these two will eventually become the new God of Destruction for Universe 7. 

Goku: *grins* Exactly! By the way Lord Arukoru, I'm Goku and I'm a Saiyan, from Earth. 

Vegeta: *cockily smirks* And I'm Vegeta. *sighs* A Saiyan, also from Earth. 

Arukoru: *raises his eyebrow* Huh, this planet Earth seems to be a hotspot for Saiyan's. Now why is that? 

Whis: To put it simply Lord Arukoru, Planet Vegeta and around 95% of their entire race was extinguished in the blink of an eye by an intergalactic tyrant named Frieza around 40 years ago. *motions to the Saiyan's* Goku and Vegeta here are two of the very few survivors who managed to either be jettisoned from the doomed planet just in time and were off planet to begin with. *his staff lights up, as a giant portal appears in front of the duo* Here's a visual example if you both wish to see it firsthand.....Or well a variation of firsthand.

Eru: *her hand is covering her mouth in shock* That's terrible. That Frieza is certainly a vile and despicable creature. Only a mortal creature with such malice would destroy a planet without a second thought, even if said species were barbarians and conquerors. 

Vegeta: *his hand forms into a fist from seeing his planet's destruction firsthand* That's Frieza in a nutshell, a vile bastard filled with rage and malice. If he ever manages to get out of Hell again, I'll be sure to send him on a ride to the afterlife he'll never recover from! 

Goku: Yeah that Frieza was a real bad guy, he was so ruthless and vile that he wouldn't even take my chance of mercy and he still tried to kill me as half a body. If it wasn't for me transforming into a Super Saiyan for the first time I would have died.  

Beerus: *a bead of sweat falls down his face and he thinks* Note to self: Don't tell Arukoru, Goku, or Vegeta that I personally allowed Frieza to destroy Planet Vegeta!

Arukoru: *shakes his head in disdain* Truly a vile creature that doesn't deserve any ounce of redemption or mercy. I have no idea why you didn't deal with this guy before he destroyed the planet Beerus. If he was within the confines of my universe I would have personally seen to it that this Frieza was thoroughly erased from the cosmos. 

Whis: *chuckles* Well we all know how Lord Beerus gets when it comes to his important naps, he would only wake up during those periods if personally suited him and not the other way around. Yet, when he does get out of his slumber he completes most of his tasks before repeating the cycle over again. 

Beerus: *yells* Hey! You can't blame me for my feline nature Whis! I require the occasional nap in order to make sure I'm not cranky, otherwise a lot more planets would be destroyed right now!  

Arukoru: *laughs* Still the same old Beerus. 

Beerus: *frowns* Did you really expect me to change much? Whis already told you I despise change. Plus, I think my planet looks good the way it currently is. 

Arukoru: *looks around and sees the tranquilness of Beerus' personal planet, something that completely went against the destroyer god's personality* Well I can't deny this place does hold some amount of beauty and calm to it, for a second I almost thought this was some other destroyer god's personal planet. I never thought your personality would lead to such a calming place. 

Goku: *grins* Well it's calm and relaxing right now, but earlier me and Vegeta were battling against one another earlier and we nearly blew up a chunk of the planet before we stopped! 

Vegeta: *grins cockily* I believe you're leaving out the part where I, Prince Vegeta, bested you Kakarot! 

Goku: *scratches the back of his head nervously* Oh yeah, I guess I was so caught up in battle I hardly noticed your victory heh-heh. But, either way that was a great spar Vegeta. 

Vegeta: *growls, while thinking* Or you just don't want to admit I'm your clear superior Kakarot! *speaks aloud, while folding his arms and looking away from Kakarot* Tch. It was nothing Kakarot, I was only letting lose some of my power. You didn't even get to see my full power before our spar was called off.  

Eru: Interesting. You really do have some peculiar students under your tutelage brother. They're complete polar opposites of one another, yet somehow seem to have an equal understanding with one another to become stronger. 

Whis: *hears a distant ding in the distant and smiles* Oh! Well I hate to break the conversation, but I believe lunch is ready. And thankfully I made enough for both ourselves and our guests. I believe Goku and Vegeta have brought what humans on Earth call "Salmon". Apparently it's some kind of delectable fish, one of many I assume. 

Arukoru: *his eyes widen and his mouth begins to water* I've never heard of this fish before yet it already sounds delicious. 

Eru: My lord, while you haven't had this salmon before, you have eaten Earth food several times in the past, including earlier today when I got you pancakes. 

Arukoru: Ah! Right, then certainly this food will be just as delicious. As Earth has some of the best foods I've ever had the privilege of feasting upon. 

Goku: *smiles* You can say that again! 

Vegeta: *scoffs* Are we just going to stand around here like morons or are we actually going to eat?      

Arukoru: *his eyes narrows and the air around him seems to grow thick, and in a cold tone he responses* I'd advise you not to address me in such a manner again, yet since I'm hunger I'll let this single infraction slide. But don't expect me to be so grateful or merciful next time, even if you're a fellow Saiyan. 

Vegeta: *gulps, as his skin turns pale from fright* Y-Yes sir. 

Goku: *snickers* Wow, you certainly got in trouble Vegeta. I've never seen you get so pale and worried before. 

Vegeta: *his cheeks light up red in embarrassment and he growls* Shut up Kakarot! You would have been in the same boat if it was you enraging him! 

Beerus: Now, now Saiyan's no need to grow frustrated over a singular infraction.....Even if I told both of you beforehand not to make any aggressive motions, tones, or movements towards Lord Arukoru. But, there's nothing a steaming hot plate of salmon can't handle! *licks his lips* I'm drooling about how delicious it'll be already! 

Arukoru: *grins, with his stomach lightly growling* Please led the way. I'm starving from the trip here. 

Eru: I asked if you wanted to bring some snacks for the trip my lord and you declined that offer. *thinks* I even asked if you wanted a little taste straight from the source once we reached the halfway point and he stilled declined. *speaks aloud* I'm right behind you my lord. 

Arukoru: I hope this spread your angel and your students have made is truly worth how reverently they seem to be speaking about it. I mean Earth food is delicious but you, Whis, and your students seem to have a near level of obsession with it. Especially the student in the orange gi.  

Beerus: *smirks* Oh don't worry Lord Arukoru, Earth food is simply on another level of cuisine and once you take your first bite down into it, your taste buds will explode in delight. Especially when the Earth woman named Bulma personally helped cook some of the food. 

Arukoru: I'll take your word for it and you do realize I've eaten Earth food before correct? I don't see how one woman's cooking can change a dish that much. 

Eru: Well it depends my lord, some people have their own secret recipes or different varying ways of making a dish with their signature flair or style. 

Arukoru: Huh, color me intrigued. I hope this "Bulma" lady you speak so highly of is really that excellent of a cook. 

Beerus: Oh don't worry, she is. She's managed to satisfy with her cooking for around 30 years. So yes, I speak of her name highly compared to other humans and mortals, based solely upon her cooking abilities. 

Eru: Then her cooking must be really good to catch a destroyer god's attention. I can't wait to taste some of this salmon she's personally cooked.  

Arukoru: *grins* That makes two of us! I just hope Beerus, that you keep that Vegeta guy on a tight leash. Another slip up like that and I'll be forced not to go gently on him while teaching that Saiyan proper respect. 

Beerus: *several beads of sweat goes down his face* Oh no don't worry about him again Lord Arukoru! I'll personally make sure he doesn't throw any more challenges, taunts, or jeers your way! I also must apologize for his actions, he simply lets his ego and pride talk for him most of the time! 

Arukoru: Hmph. Sounds like a true Saiyan from the ancient tomes and books Eru gave me. Just make sure to keep him on a tight leash and everything will go fine. *his expression softens* But, enough of threats, it's time for lunch! 

Whis: I couldn't agree more, now if you please follow me to the dining room we can begin the feast.  

*The screen fades to black as the group heads towards the lavish lunch spread Whis has created, with some help from Goku, Vegeta, and Bulma. Hopefully, things will remain peaceful and calm between the group....Or will Goku or Vegeta's list for battle bring them over the edge and demand/request a spar from the almighty and terrifying Lord Arukoru? Or will everything manage to go off without a hitch? Well.....knowing Goku and Vegeta, one of them will eventually snap during lunch and challenge Lord Arukoru to an impromptu and unexpected sparring match. But the question is, how long will either Saiyan last against a being leagues more above than the both of them combined? Especially a Saiyan who also has destroyer energy at his fingertips and could blink both of them out of existence with a single poke. Well, stay tuned for Chapter 2 of With Creation, Comes Destruction!*

And that's a wrap and I hope all of you massively enjoyed the chapter and are hyped for the next update coming soon, which includes either Goku or Vegeta snapping under the pressure and demanding Lord Arukoru to a sparring match......Which you can guess won't be easy or painless for either one. Additionally stay tuned for tonight or tomorrow because Yang's lemon chapter for Warped Reality will be coming soon, hopefully within the next 2-3 days if my schedule allows it. Don't Forget to Hit the Follow Button in the face and join the Broski Army as we're on the road to 2.5K Followers and I know soon enough we'll have scaled that summit and reached the next milestone of 5K. You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter. 

PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

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