Getting better.
Not a reqeust!
And this is not canon at the moement and probally never goona be canon, and i did get this idea from a song! and besides last night, i actuly haven't heard in awhile- i heard it last night in the car and was like- DAmn i miss
hearing that song so when i got home i found it and started lisning to it on repet while trying to sleep bc i felt like passing out- and then i started thinking... And this is what i came up with and i like it! :D
The Song if u want it:
*Scott's pov*
di was staring at myself in the mirror without my shirt on.. just looking at All the decay and the ribs that were sticking out- (...What am i doing to myself....) I thought as i just stood there stareing at how different i was...
( this even worth it...? if i- no when i bring milo back, Will he even rectnize me...? And what if he does and he's worried cus.. this doesn't look to good(he is meaning it in a heath way not a looks way- yknow-?).... Milo's going to worry about me if he sees me like this- I don't want him to worry...) I thought and then looked around my room..
it was a huge mess, (..I-... i can't keep living like this. i-. i'm going to start trying to be more better, maybe a bit like my past self) i thought, And then starting to clean my room, it took awhile but it got clean. Next i actully went and cooked something other then what i haven't been eating-.
After that i went to my room and slept because even tho the dark night sky is nice... I needed sleep... Then when i woke i got dressed in some different clothes then my normal, like I still wore my witch hat but i also decide to wear a purple shirt and some grayish Shorts,
And then i went on a walk and started picking flowers while i walked acting quite like my past self... -time skip to a 1-2 months later- I was feeling much more happier and energetic and i actually missed this- and my hair actually started turning blonde again while one of my eyes turned the same yellow color i had before
I got into necromancy, And I was still doing necromancy but not as much as i was, And the other witches started to noitce the change in me- But none asked, untill today! i was tidying up my living room and heard a knock at my door,
So i went and opend the door to see them all and even bertha- "Hi!-" I said opening the door and letting them all in to see a bit of a messy living room- "uh-... So whatcha all here for?" I asked while not being able to stand still from all the random
engery in me- "Scott, we came to know- Why are you so different all of a suden-???" Shubble Stated "Oh-..." I said- and then walked into my living room, And then looked back to see they weren't following "..You All just gonna stand their-? Or You all gonna Come and sit down while lisning?" i asked
And then they all exchanged glances but walked into my living room and sat down. After we all were somewhat sitting comfertable, "So, You all want to know why i am a bit different?" I stated "Yup." Eloise said "So... It started a few years ago- I was living with my boyfriend-" I started "BOYFRIEND!?" Almost everyone yelled-
"...Yes I am GAy!-" I said while starting to laugh at their reactions! and then they just looked at me, "AnyGays! One day i walked out side to um- to see him get killed... Yeah i was very very upset at his death-.. So then i started doing Life magic to try to get him back- but it didn't work
And So i started doing Necromancey... and it started to change me... It turned my hair black and my eyes Green. And i started to get deacy around were i lived... And then i started to get deacy on me." I stated and then pointed to an area that still had some deacy- "And then um-... This" I said and pulled u my shirt to show them that
my ribs were poking out- "HOLY FUCK SCOTT!" or "OH MY GOD SCOTT?!!!" or something along thoses lines- almost everyone Yelled again- "Yeah This wasn't good-" I said.. "anyways at first i didn't care- but after awhile i started thinking
Would he even recognize me and if he did he would be worried- So i started to be kinda like my past self and my hair started to turn back into bloned and one of my eyes went back to yellow- and i've been feeling much much better and happy- And i have so Much Engery- like i don't know what to do with it all-" I said
"..So Your saying- You weren't always like the Scott we know-" Pris said "Yup- I was actully probably the complete difference!" I said "damn- I didn't exspect that from you-" joey said- "I don't think anyone did- Maybe Exspect lauern- heh...." I said "Why laruen-??" Shubble asked
"I walked into him having a breakdown about it a few months ago and he told me Everything. ANd Even Showed me pictures" Lauren said(yeah that last page- just chage everything to the lore- and then we have that XD)
"Wait- do you all want to see the pictures?!" I asked starting to get up "Uh- Sure-" basicly everyone said- And Then i Went up pretty fast and then came back down with them- And then handed them to lauren and Lauren started handing them to the others- "Wow you really weren't Lying when you said you were different-?" eloise said
I probably would have written more but i have school and wanted to post this now so yeah-... Maybe i'll make a pt 2 but thats a maybe!
and i deff didn't go over this very well so there will be mistakes XD
Post date: 4/10/2023
Word Check: 1025
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