Prologue: Part 2

The harsh sound of a thump made me sigh. I leaned more into the door and looked up at the dark ceiling. "I told you to keep your stance wide." I called back.

Matt groaned from his cell across from mine. "How am I supposed to keep it wide and do that kick?" He complained. I rolled my eyes at that.

He has no balance. I swear, it's like trying to teach a toddler how to run a ship. What a useless guy.

"If your stance is correct when you kick off and you kick correctly, you should land perfectly." I state.

Matt groaned loudly and I heard a small thunk. "I am in the correct stance." He defended himself.

I scoffed at his words. "If you were you wouldn't keep falling. Again." He groaned again but I heard him get back up.

Today we'll be fighting. At least I will. Against this ships champion. I've been trying to teach Matt some basic moves, but the kid kind of sucks. "Wha!" Another crash. I sighed loudly. I didn't expect him to get it right on the first try, but this is the second move I've taught him.

I at least expect him not to fall.

Giver take it's kind of hard to teach him when I can't really see him and the same goes for me.

Which is making this a little difficult. I heard whoosh of air and Matt's cry of joy. "I did it! Kira, I did it!" He shouted excitedly. The corner of my lip twitches but I pushed it down. "Congrats. You managed to kick." Sarcasm laced thickly into my words.

Matt huffed loudly at that, grumbling something under his breath. I was about to make a snarky comment when I heard footsteps.

Sentries, but also non organized ones. Guards. "Matt, stop." I said, Standing and stepping away from the door. "Huh? Why?"

"Just stop and go to the back of your cell!" I hissed. I could see his questioning eyes through the bars but he did as I said, just as they rounded the corner and stopped in front of my cell. "Today's the day girl. Let's see which of you will be champion." The familiar guard smirked as they unlocked my cell.

Three sentries and two guards. Well I feel special.

I didn't respond, which just seemed to irritate him. He hates it when I don't talk. When I don't respond to his taunting. He grabbed my arm roughly and yanked me out of my cell.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Matt moving closer to the door through the small opening of his cell and shook my head lightly. They don't take every prisoner for a fight.

It's too large of a ship. Not to mention Matt's still 'injured'. But he told me he's faking it now.

They continued to take me down the familiar halls towards the arena. My body buzzed in anticipation. My fingers twitched with the need of a weapon and my senses are on full alert, already preparing myself for the arena. For battle. I'm ready.

Just like I always am.

They led me to a small line of others, waiting to fight. With one last smug look my way, the damn guard left. I waited patiently. Thinking of plans.

My biggest chance is to hide my strengths until I strike. And when I strike, I'll strike fast. End it as soon as it starts. That'll be my chance of victory.

I glanced around, just to make sure they didn't end up bringing Matt. Luckily he's not here. Good. He may be able to survive and win with some of these prisoners, but after a while they turn into bloodthirsty monsters these people want them to be. I'm no different.

To win means survival. And of course favoritism. Afterall, we're more so entertainment. Entertainment or lab rats for druids. I grit my teeth tightly and grasped my left shoulder.

No. Focus on the match up ahead. It'll only be one. Hopefully. But it's against their champion. If it's another prisoner or a Galran. I have a few plans and backup plans based on which way the situation could go. It's not any different than before. Two years of doing this. It's just another day in the arena.

At least I won't get shocked today. Then again not getting shocked just sounds weird. Either way, this shouldn't be too difficult.

Might get some broken bones, lacerations, but if I plan and react quickly, I should make it out intact.

One by one, prisoners went in to fight other prisoners and beasts. But from what I can hear, no Galran bullies are in the ring today.

Things are starting to seem a little better.

Soon I was next and I stepped into the empty ring as soon as they gave me a weapon. Blood is smeared all around on the ground and there's some destroyed rubble from the other days fight. They really ought to clean up a bit.

As I walked, someone else entered the ring and my breath caught in my throat.

That's Shiro!

His eyes widened slightly as well, the sight of another human catching him off guard just like me and Matt were the other day. He also held a sword, but he looked less ready to use it.

Wait. Don't tell me . . . "Champion vs. Champion. This ought to be good." Someone spoke loud and clear. I recognize that voice as the guard who hates me. However his comment went over my head as I stared at the Shirogane with wide eyes.

He's the champion? A human . . . and it being Shiro, my role model. No freaking way.

The two of us stared at each other for a bit. Then I notice Shiro was about to drop his weapon.

Remembering what Matt said about him saving him flashed through my mind. That along with the fact that he is my role model and an innocent, I reacted fast and turned, throwing my weapon as hard and with as much precision as possible.

It cut through the air and went straight past the doors where I once was, stabbing a guard in his shoulder.

The siren went off, red lights flashing. I turned to Shiro. I'm not fighting him. And he's already suffered to help someone else. I know better than anyone what that feels like.

My collar beeps louder then it normally does and enveloped me in electricity. Except instead of doing it in intervals, it continued. It didn't stop. I couldn't help but fall to my knees as it continued to do so.

In the farthest parts of my mind I think about how dangerous it is to do these shock treatments without stopping for a break. But my pain overrides it and I collapse to the ground, gripping my collar tightly and struggling to break it from my neck.

I screamed in pain, unable to hide it any longer.

Mari . . . Ray . . . Mari . . . Ray.

I chanted their names in my head over and over again. My method of coping with pain, both physical and mental. The only real way I can stay grounded. Sane.

I could vaguely see guards rush in towards me. Then Shiro swinging his sword at them, striking a couple before his own collar began to electrocute him. The two of us screamed as the collars continued to punish us.

The crowd going in an uproar. In a split second, just a split second, the two of us harmed the guards, disobeyed commands, and broke the rules.

In that split second of seeing each other, we ended up on the ground writhing in agony of our punishment.

I tried to spare Shiro. But just as I imagined, he's far too kind to let me suffer alone.

Him and Matt.

These two are going to make my life a lot harder than it already is.


I was in and out of consciousness. Two sentries had hold of my arms and dragged me down the halls. My legs dragged across the ground as they moved quickly.

My vision's blurred and everything is moving so differently. I can hear the hammering of my heart and my heavy breathing. The smell of burnt flesh and hair overcame my sense of smell. But that's it. I can't feel my body. Not my arms, not my legs, nothing.

I'm so dizzy. My mind is so screwed up at the moment because of that shock. No, it's not even a shock. It was ongoing. It was still shocking me when I lost consciousness.

"Kira? Kira!" The shout made me wince even though it sounded like they were so far away.

My vision kept going in and out of focus, the next thing I knew I was thrown across my cell and smacked harshly into the concrete wall.

I crumpled to the ground, struggling to find my bearings. There's a loud noise. A voice. Matt?

I tried to move, to roll over, but my body wouldn't move. Groaning softly I shut my eyes tightly. Nausea setting in.

Make it stop. Make it stop.

Matt's panicked voice kept me from passing out completely. But I needed to pass out. I need to heal. "F-Fine." My voice sounded raspy and hoarse. Of course the collar did some damage.

Mari . . . Ray . . .

Matt didn't stop calling out. But I was finally able to black out.


I awoke in a different room. Chained to the wall of the familiar room. Ah. Punishments, huh? Well, at least it isn't with the druids.

The door opened and in came, not my new keeper, not the guard who hates me, but a different Galra. A bigger guy. He looks like a giant purple cat, but most Galran's do.

He smirked, unhooking a rod from his side. The rod itself sparked with purple electricity this time.

How on Earth did it change from it's normal whitish blue to purple I don't know. But that can't be a good sign.

My eyes glanced over to the table and I winced at the other devices that I'll have the honor of experiencing. I eyed the devices before closing my eyes and preparing for what's to come.

Mari. Ray.


I was taken back to my cell after god knows how long. I don't remember it, but here I am. Moving a bit, I groaned as my body protested.

Damn those Galra sure know how to give a beating.

"Kira?! Are you awake?!" Matt's frantic voice almost startled me. I sat up and against the wall with some struggle. "Yeah. I'm awake." I answered, voice still hoarse from the previous collar incident.

Matt sighed in relief and I heard a small thunk on metal. Must be his cell door. "Are you okay? You were gone for two days. And you've been passed out since you returned." He informed me softly.

Two days huh? Well, could be worse. He only really beat the ever living crap out of me.

Ah. I gently lifted up my dark uniform shirt and winced. Not because of the bruises from the beatings, but the dark, perfect purple circle with dark red outlines stretching from it on my side.

That thing was like a cattle prod. And it hurt like a bitch.

That's definitely going to take a long time before it's healed. Sighing in defeat, I lowered my shirt back down. "Kira?" I blinked, realising Matt was waiting or my response.

"Yeah. Tends to happen when you don't follow the arena's orders." I shrugged, and winced as I jolted my injured shoulder.

Damn that hurts. Not as much as my side though, so that's a plus I guess. "What? But you didn't follow the arena's orders against me and they didn't nearly shock you as much or take you somewhere else." He stated.

Well of course not. I actually 'attacked' a guard.

I don't know why I did the parenthesis. I really did attack him but only because I knew Shiro would do something to get the punishment.

Better me than him, I've grown accustomed to it. Then again I haven't disobeyed this much since . . . since Mari and Ray. "I did a little more this time then with you." I simply told him.

It was quiet for a bit. Me because I was in pain and just wanted to sleep it away and Matt because he wasn't sure what to say.

I lay on the cold ground, pain coating me like a thick quilt. But could I get a moment's rest? No. Because I soon heard footsteps headed our way. Of course they won't let me wallow in peace.

The footsteps stopped in front of my cell door, naturally. It's probably that guard who hates me.

The door opened and I blinked in surprise. "Ulaz?" I asked.

Ulaz was a model guard for Zarkon. Always following orders and showing results. But unlike the others who showed enjoyment with the fights and picking on prisoners, he's always away from it or telling them to stop. Because it's technically not allowed. He's nice. As nice as a guard on this damn ship can be at least.

"I'm placing you in the cell with the other injured boy. There's not enough cells for everyone. You'll have to share since you're both injured." His voice was cold, but I knew he was just doing it to make us feel better.

Mari had always fought with me about how he's a good guy until she was blue in the face.

And that's saying a lot for a girl whose skin color was charcoal black.

The way her orange eyes began to tear up when she argued, or the way her light, curly, purple hair would begin to fiz almost brought a smile to my face.


Ulaz helped me to my feet. Most guards would have yanked me, but he helped me up. After spending some time, as little as it was, with Ulaz I realized Mari was right.

Of course I'd never say it to her face. She'd hold that against me forever. If she could at least.

He led me across the hall and opened up Matt's cell, releasing my arm. "Stay out of trouble and you'll keep this luxury." He warned harshly before closing the door.

I sighed out and slumped down to my knees. Matt was quickly by my side, staring at me with his wide, light brown eyes. "Holy crow." He murmured.

Man I haven't heard 'crow' in a long time. It was often said by the cadets of the Garrison.

One familiar boy came to mind but it was hard to remember what he looked like.

But he was definitely memorable. Just not in the best ways. I'm pretty sure he was a flirt. He was in my class, and it hasn't been that long.

Then again I'm on an alien warship dedicated to gladiator fights of its prisoner while the rest continue to conquer the universe.

Not exactly the most important thing going on.

Groaning, I struggled to sit up. Matt snapped out of it and helped me up and leaned me against the wall. "This is what I get for looking out for people." I grumbled. And it's this kids fault.

I shot Matt an annoyed look. He jumped a bit at that. "Wh-What?"

A slew of swears slipped from my mouth but I sighed. "Well I saw Shiro."

To this he perked up considerably. "Really?! How is he?!" I thought back to it. I was so surprised I didn't take him in immediately. But now that I think about it, he was pretty roughed up. Not to mention he also got beat up and shocked by the guards.

"I imagine he may be a little better than me. Maybe worse." I admitted.

Matt looked devastated by the news. I nudged him lightly. "Chill out. Shiro looks like he can take a beating. And so can I. You don't have to look like someone kicked your puppy." He sighed, sitting next to me.

A little too close, but I'm pretty sure it's just because he's worried.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I rolled my eyes. This kid needs to chill. "I'm fine. I'm more concerned for you. If you think this is bad, you're not going to last." I told him honestly.

Fear crossed his face. He looks like he's about to give up. "Relax. You've already cost me enough trouble, I'm not going to let you die now."

His mood seemed to lighten up. I eyed his scrawny arms a bit. "You're gonna have to learn how to fight if you're gonna last. Lucky for you, I was known as a Champion on the last warship I was on."

Mari and Ray wouldn't just leave him. And I won't either.

"Let's get to work."

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