Syd and I arrived at the local coffee shop. David was already there sitting in a booth and starting pensively out the window. As soon as he saw us he got up to greet us. He shook Syd's hand. "Hey, would you like to have a seat?"
Syd and I scooched next to each other and David sat across from us. We all ordered some coffee and sat in silence as we waited. David finally spoke up and broke the awkwardness that lingered in the air. "So, I'd really like to talk about something I've regretted over the past few years."
"Go on," Syd said, not sounding very intrigued.
"I want your sister Rose to know that I'm very sorry. I'd tell her myself, but she refuses to talk to me. I've grown up a lot since then. I've changed and I just want her to know, even if she doesn't want to get back together. Could you tell her for me?"
"I'll be sure to do that." He didn't sound very sincere about that.
The waitress brought our coffees out and as she was setting the mugs on the table, David slid his hand under the table and gently stroked his finger down my leg which caused me to jump and his sudden and unexpected touch. I bumped the table and inadvertantly spilled some coffee on Syd.
"Oh, just great," Syd groaned,"I'll be right back. I just need to go to the restroom and get cleaned up."
David watched him as he exited into the bathroom. When he was gone, he turned to me and held me in his gaze with his bright blue eyes. I didn't know what to do. Then he placed his hand on my thigh and rubbed it with his thumb. I could feel my face turn red.
"David, please..." I whispered. "I'm with Syd. Please, just stop trying to get with me."
He just remained silent as he turned away to stare out the window and watch the rain droplets trickle down to the sill. Syd came back and David didn't even bother to acknowledge him.
"So," Syd began,"while I was in the bathroom I was just thinking... David, I apologize for the way I treated you, even before you dating Rose. I was very jealous of you. You got all the girls, you could really play guitar, you could sing- you just had everything. I'm just very sorry. I really do miss our friendship. You should jam with the Pink Floyd sometime. Maybe even play a few gigs, if you'd like."
David gave a half smile and nodded. "Sure, that sounds great."
He then took a pause and bit his lip. He looked around nervously and took a deep breath. "Syd?"
"Yeah, Dave?"
"I just- can I make a confession to you before we go any further?"
"Yeah, she. Go ahead."
David looked over at me and gave me an odd look. Then he looked away. He looked very nervous.
"David, what's wrong?" Syd questioned.
"Syd, I have to be honest with you. I- I-"
"Out with it, mate!"
"I'm in love."
He looked at me again.
Oh no.
"Great! Who's the lucky lady? Do I know her?"
"Oh, yes. You know her very well."
"Who is it? Nancy? Veronica? Patricia?"
"I can't think of anyone else. Come on, just tell me."
"If I tell you, do you promise not to get angry?"
"Why would I get angry? What are you taking about?"
Syd continued to laugh at David's antics. But David continued to stare at me very stoically.
"Syd," David calmed down enough to finally say what he wanted to,"I'm in love with Kathryn."
"Excuse me, could you- could you state that again? I don't believe I heard right."
"You heard me loud and clear. I love her."
Syd stared at the mug sitting in front of him. I placed my hand on top of his. He flicked my hand away and brought his own up to his face.
"Get out of my sight," Syd demanded under his breath.
"You're really just going to-," David tried to explain himself, but Syd cut him off.
"I don't want you anywhere near Kathryn, do you hear me? You stay away from her out else you'll be meeting with me."
"Sure, you're real intimidating, " David muttered under his breath.
"What did you say? For goodness sake, speak up!"
"Nothing. I'll just be on my way now. Good evening to you two and have a wonderful life."
Syd looked at me and made a face of disgust. "Can you believe him? I apologized to him for everything I had done and wanted to welcome him back into my life and he just began spouting off about how he loved you? Who does that sort of thing?"
"Maybe you're being too hard on him," I exclaimed as I grabbed a hold of his arm.
"But I love you, Kat."
"But we're dating. David knew that. He just wanted to tell you as a forewarning just in case he came on too strong with talking to me and eventually would start to make you feel jealous."
"I don't care, Kat. You stay away from him. I don't want him anywhere near you. And if he is, I'll be sure to take care of him."
I just rolled my eyes as we walked out of the restaurant. I couldn't tell if Syd was overreacting or not. He was my boyfriend, after all, but David hadn't done anything wrong. He was just being honest.
We got back to our flat and Syd immediately disappeared into the bedroom and slammed the door. I just sighed to myself as I put on a record flopped onto the sofa. I lay there and stared at the ceiling and slowly drifted off into a deep sleep.
I was abruptly awoken by a banging on the door. I rubbed my hazy eyes as I got up and looked at the clock. It was three in the morning.
I scuttled over to the door and peered through the peephole. To my surprise, on the opposite side stood David Gilmour waiting quite impatiently.
I bit my lip as I pondered to myself. Should I let him in? What if Syd wakes up? What does David even want?
I just shrugged it off, unlocked the door, and opened it up. David looked startled, as he probably didn't expect an answer. He just stood there, wide eyed, and took deep breaths as he stared.
"David," I yawned and then continued,"it's three in the morning, I look like shit, and Syd hates you. Why are you here?"
He just shook his head and glared. I had no idea what to do. He wouldn't speak.
"David, just what exactly is that supposed to me-"
He reached for me and cupped my face in his hands. He gazed at me, the intensity burning in his eyes, but also a look of sorrow and despair. Looking at him made my heart ache.
I opened my mouth slightly, about to say something, but he knew that he couldn't let me speak. He came for something, obviously, and didn't want to waste time.
He pressed his lips gently to mine and I immediately felt chills up and down, all throughout my whole body. How could I do this to Syd, though?
I softly pushed him back and stated at the floor in shame. "David, I can't-"
"I know," his voice cracked a bit as he finally let his words out,"but I had to do it."
"You had to do it? Why would you-"
And before I could complete my question, he briskly made his trek down the hallway. Then he just disappeared.
I made my way back over to the sofa and sat down. I put my head in my hands and felt the tears starting to accumulate. I had know idea what to do. I had a wonderful boyfriend but David had just kissed me.
One thing I did know for sure, though.
Don't tell Syd.
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