The year was 1967. Syd and his band the Pink Floyd were starting to become more and more noticed in the music industry. I'd be surprised if they weren't, though. They were extraordinarily gifted in this particular genre of music called space rock. They were very experimental, which I loved. New sounds and instruments were very interesting to me.
Syd and I had been dating for three years. I eventually moved in with him to get away from my father at home. I felt like such an adult, even though I was only twenty years old. Syd was three years older than I was, bit that didn't bother me. I liked older men.
Everything just seemed so right in my life. I enjoyed every morning waking up to Syd by my side, and I definitely enjoyed the minimum work I had to do because Stuff was bringing in most of the money with Pink Floyd's newest album Piper at the Gates of Dawn.
"Good morning, sleepy head," I smiled as I brushed the straggly hair away from his face.
He only groaned as he grabbed the sheets and turned the other way. "Why are you waking me up so early? You know I hate mornings," he replied in a raspy, tired voice.
"I want to make this morning special. How about I make you some breakfast. What do you want?"
"French toast would be nice."
"I knew you would say that."
I slipped off into the kitchen and got everything started. I went to grab milk out of the fridge, but when I grabbed the carton, it was almost empty.
"Oh, no," I mumbled to myself.
"Everything okay, love?" Syd called from the other room.
"Um, yeah. I just need to run to the corner market and pick up some milk. I'll be right back."
"You don't have to do that. I'll just have oatmeal."
I ran to my drawers and quickly picked out some clothes to throw on. "But you hate oatmeal," I replied as I got changed.
"I know, but I don't want you to go to all that trouble for me. It's only breakfast."
I rolled my eyes and breathed out in exasperation. "I want to. Now sit tight and don't eat anything. I'll be right back."
He just shrugged and went back to sleep. I made my way down to the corner store and picked up the things I needed (I actually needed more than just milk. Grocery shopping was long overdue). It was a quick and painless trip, that is, until I walked outside and the bag ripped, spilling out all the items I had just purchased.
I groaned silently to myself, but loud enough for at least one person to hear. "Bad morning, huh? Let me help you with that."
I looked up to see a man smiling softly and heading my direction. He had shoulder-length hair that looked unwashed. He also had very pouty lips and a defined jaw line. He looked very familiar to me, but I couldn't put my finger on who he was.
"Oh, um, thank you, but I think I'm fine," I said, sheepishly.
"No, I insist," he said as he knelt down, picked up my belongings, and handed them to me.
"So, what are you doing at the market this early in the morning? The sun's just come up!" He continued on.
"Well, you know. I just needed a few things."
"Oh, I see. I don't understand why you'd get up so early for a couple of groceries. You a morning bird?"
"I guess you could say that."
He chuckled a bit and then there was a long pause of awkward silence. "Well, I've got to be going now," I stated as I slowly started to back up.
"Wait," he stopped me,"what's your name?"
I hesitated at first. "My name's... Kathryn. And you are?"
"I'm David," he said proudly as he stuck out his hand.
David. Why was that name so familiar? Especially with his familiar face? Maybe I'd just seen him around. David was a pretty common name, too.
"Well, this time I really have to be going," I stated once more.
"Wait. I'm really sorry. But would you like to go get a coffee sometime?" He asked, sounding not nearly as proud as before.
"Oh, um, I'm really sorry, but I'm already seeing someone so-"
"Oh! Okay, that's perfectly fine. You just go, and, um- yeah, I should be going, too."
I watched him stumble away in confusion. Maybe his ego was just bruised. He was probably used to girls being all over him, considering how attractive he was, even to me. But I had to get back to Syd before he started to worry. I was already taking longer than I should have.
I opened the door to my flat and saw Syd sitting at the kitchen table with a bowl in front of him. Immediately I trudged over, took the bowl of oatmeal, shook my head at him, and threw it into the sink. "No, Syd," I said joking, militant voice,"I'm going to make you French toast and you are going to enjoy it. You got it?"
He smirked at me which caused me to break out into uncontrollable laughter. Then he, too, started to laugh along with me.
"Here, let me help you. We can make it together," he said through the giggles.
"If you really want to," I replied happily.
So we both made the breakfast, but it proved to be a total disaster. Neither of us could cook, so we both ended up having oatmeal. I didn't know why I even thought of making a meal in the first place. I knew I was the farthest thing from being a chef.
We ate on the sofa while listening to the newest Yardbirds album. When the album ended, I got up to pick out a new one to put on. "Which one, Syd?" I asked as I stretched.
"You should put on that one Kinks album. I forget what it's called, but believe it's the only one I own. It's in there somewhere. David got that for me a few months ago."
I stopped flipping through the stack of vinyls and turned toward him. "David? Who's David?"
"He's a friend of mine that I met in college. I haven't talked to him in a while. We used to be real close. I guess I never talked about him, huh?"
"I feel like you have, just maybe not very often."
There was silence, so I spoke again. "What does he look like?"
"Why would you need to know? You want to run away with him?" He asked, chuckling.
"It's just that, at the market, I had a little mishap with my groceries and a man came over to help me pick them up. He said his name was David. He looked very familiar to me."
"Well, for one, he's got these huge lips. You could see them from a mile away. Then don't even get me started on that hair. He's just trying to look like Roger with those bangs and that long hair. I doubt he ever washes it..."
"That's exactly what he looked like. But I don't believe you ever showed me a picture of him."
"I don't own any pictures of David. I think that'd be a bit odd if I did. Maybe you've seen him in magazines. He's done some modeling work. The girls go crazy over him. I don't know why. His personality isn't that great and I don't think he's that good-looking."
I smiled and let out a little chuckle. I did find him attractive. But I knew not to say that. Syd's self-esteem was terribly low and it took me what seemed like an eternity to get it where it was now.
"What a small world," Syd yawned as he reclined back. "Say, he didn't try to flirt with you, did he?" He winked.
I knew very well not to tell Syd the truth. That would also break his self-esteem. I had a feeling it would anger him, too. I just decided to keep it to myself.
"Of course not," I smiled as I pulled him close and kissed him on the cheek,"and even if he did, he wouldn't be able to pull me away from you."
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