Ch. 8 - You can't stop the beat

I am so damn sorry for not updating. I have no excuse, I don't even know why I stopped cuz I always felt good writing so apologies for not updating but I'm back and I hope y'all have seen Hairspray lol.

I also changed the POV of the writing cuz I realized it felt easier to write.

"This seems boring." Tori whined, shoving a handful of popcorn into her mouth.

I laughed. "I know you've never seen a movie before, but trust me, sitting and watching people on the screen with family is more fun than it seems."

"Yeah!" Lloyd exclaimed. "I love the movies with lots of action and fighting! Oh, and the ones with action and fighting in space!"

The three of us were sitting in Lou's living room, with big bowls of popcorn in each of our hands. While the ninja looked for a place to stay, I thought it'd be nice to take the kids over to Lou's place to watch one of my favourite movies.

Lou came in with a bowl of popcorn for himself. "Sorry to disappoint, but this isn't an action movie, it's actually a musical." I had to stop yourself from laughing at Lloyd's sudden change in facial expression.

"A musical? Those are girly!"

"No they're not!"

"You don't even know what a musical is Tori!"

"I know, I just like bothering you."

"Why you little-"

Lou quickly grabbed the angry bean and sat him down on the couch, making sure the kids were sitting on opposite sides of the couch.

Sighing, Lou started the movie, but Lloyd turned to me. "Can you at least tell me what it's called?"

Grinning like an absolute idiot, I answered. "Hairspray."

The movie began to play and I heard the horns go off as the screen showed a shot of the town. I continued grinning like an idiot, but whispered to Tori. "Lou showed me this one, you'll love it."

The Royal Blacksmith threw a bit of popcorn at me. "Quiet! Let them watch too!"

Quieting down, I stuffed popcorn into my face. I was soon laser-focused on the screen.

The movie went on and I was excited to see that Lloyd and Tori were enjoying it as much as me. Only one person wasn't enjoying it, but only I heard their complaining unfortunately.

'Who starts their morning in song??? Nobody can be awake enough for that, not to mention their vocal chords would-'

Sheesh! Stop with the technicalities and enjoy the catchy tunes, or at least quiet down so I can enjoy my favourite movie.

'Why you enjoy this childish show is beyond me.' I could just imagine an old man crossing his arms with a scowl on his face.

I rolled your eyes at his attitude. I can like whatever I want. You've been so grumpy since the whole, 'eaten by a giant danger noodle' thing.

'Maybe that's because you couldn't hear me yelling at you for being eaten by a giant danger noodle.'

Whatever, you're just upset that I know now how to shut you up when you're being annoying. Keenan went silent after that, and I continued to watch the movie in peace.

At about halfway through the musical a familiar mini-Lou spoke from behind the couch. "You're watching this without me?!"

Turning I saw Cole's look of shock and grinned. "Well we didn't know you liked it."

Lou paused the movie, a sheepish smile was on his face. "I almost forgot you liked this too." His face then morphed from embarrassed to confused. "Wait, how did you get in here Cole?"

The ravenette laughed, sitting on the floor by your feet. "I'm a ninja dad, it'd be embarrassing if I couldn't sneak into a house."

"Quit talking and put the movie back on!" Tori snapped.

Lloyd joined in. "Yeah, they were just about to start another song!"

I laughed at how enthusiastic the once reluctant kids were about the movie. Lou pressed play and everyone was silent once more.

The movie was coming to it's epic finale when Cole spoke up again. "Y'know, dad taught me how to do this last dance. It was pretty easy compared to the Triple Tiger Sashay."

My eyes widened. "Lou taught me the dance too!" Cole turned to look at me in surprise as I heard the opening notes to the song.

"We should totally show the kids!" The two of us said in unison, surprising each other. Lloyd looked annoyed.

"Show us after the movie, I wanna finish it first!" He said, focusing on the movie. Nonetheless, Cole and I nodded to one another, and as soon as the movie ended, we jumped up to face Lloyd and Tori.

Cole grabbed Lloyd's hand while I took Tori, dragging them to the dance studio. Lou chuckled, following the group.

Once we were in the studio I took out my phone and found the song. I handed the phone to Tori.

"Press play once we're ready." I instructed the serpentine girl, to which she nodded. I turned to Cole, who was off to the side waiting for his part. We gave each other a thumbs up, and I nodded to Tori to start.

Pretending Tori was Amber, I marched toward her while staying on the beat.

"You can't stop an avalanche as it races down the hill." I mouthed the words Nikki Blonsky sang. Playing along with a big smile, Tori stepped back, turning when she ran out of room to walk. "You can try to stop the seasons, girl but you know you never will." Tori quickly ran to where Lloyd stood, just like in the movie they'd just watched.

"And you can try to stop my dancin' feet but I just cannot stand still." I lightly began bouncing on the spot, facing the kids as I raised my hands above my head and let them descend, shaking my hips.

I continued to dance, now singing along with the song. "'Cause the world keeps spinning 'round and 'round, and my heart's keeping time to the speed of sound, I was lost 'til I heard the drums then I found my way!"

Cole came in on the beat, singing as well. "'Cause you can't stop the beat!"

We danced in sync, not taking your eyes off each other as you continued to dance. We were both in the zone, everything else in the room seemed far away as we took steps toward and away from each other while twirling our hands. "Ever since this whole world began, a woman found out if she shook it she could shake up a man, and so I'm gonna shake and shimmy it the best that I can today."

We then turned to face the kids, who seemed amazed we were replicating the dance. With our knees slightly bent we used our arms to mimic waves as we shuffled to the side. "'Cause you can't stop the motion of the ocean or the sun in the sky, you can wonder if you wanna, but I never ask why. And if you try to hold me down I'm gonna spit in your eye and say,"

We continued to be in sync, jumping together and turning at all the right moments. As we sang the last line, we stuck our hands out, before crossing them and turning to each other, now holding our partners hands, "that you can't stop the beat!"

The music continued to play as we stared into each others eyes smiling, and for a moment all we could do was look at one another as we stayed in that pose. Of course, that moment had to end when we heard clapping, giggling, and a smug voice.

"We weren't interrupting anything, were we?" Kai asked with a shit-eating grin with his eyebrow raised.

Cole and I jumped away from each other, shocked to see the other three ninja in the studio behind the kids. Zane was smiling like he'd enjoyed your performance, while Jay covered his mouth, trying to hide his giggling.

"H-how- when- wait what are you guys d-doing hear?!" I stuttered as my cheeks grew pink.

Kai was now laughing with Jay, leaving Zane to explain. "We sent Cole to tell you we found an apartment, but grew worried when he didn't come back." The Earth Ninja facepalmed, trying not to show the embarrassment written all over his face.

"Ugh, I completely forgot! I got so caught up in the movie, and then the dance, and- ugh!" Cole sunk his face deeper into his hands. I looked to Lou for help, but he just gave me an evil smile, and I knew he was enjoying this.

Jay finally spoke. "'A woman found out if she shook it she could shake up a man'?!" He quoted the song.

I could feel my face grow hotter by the second. "Shut up, Motormouth!" I was going to say something else but a thought struck me, and I smiled. "Hey Cole, we should show these guys how to do the dance, Jay could do Seaweeds' part."

The embarrassed Earth Ninja raised his head, a knowing look on his face. Jay begun to look worried, but before he could say anything I grabbed his arm, dragging him back to the TV.  I quickly turned the movie on, skipping to Penny and Seaweed get their verse in the finale. Cole grabbed the other two ninja and the kids followed, giggling.

Jay seemed confused at first, but turned a bright red when I whispered in his ear. "That's Penny and Seaweed. You could be Seaweed, and Nya could be Penny."

The Lightning Mouth began stuttering, but couldn't form any words, while his three brothers laughed. I wasn't done yet though.

"Kai could be Maybelle, and Zane could be Edna." I told the group, which only made Lloyd and Tori laugh harder while Zane and Kai shared confused looks.

"But (y/n)," Zane spoke, "how could I do a woman's part?"

I only continued to look smug as I answered. "Well in this movie Edna is played by a guy, so I'm sure it wouldn't be that hard." I then turned to Tori. "And you could be Little Inez!"

The young snakes' face brightened at the words, but I noticed Lloyd's face fell. "Does that make me the dad? You don't even see him that much in this song!" He was right, so I thought for a bit before I got an idea.

"Why don't you be Link too, for the part where he dances with Little Inez and we can have you and Cole alternate the other times." I proposed. Little Olive seemed to like the idea, and I gave him a high five before Flamebrain cleared his throat, obviously annoyed about his part.

"Hate to put an end to the fun, but it's probably time we get back to our new home. We need to get Lloyd settled so we can begin training as soon as possible, and the four of us all have to find some jobs so we can pay for the place." Kai informed the group.

Sighing, the group headed back out to the front, and I giggled, thinking about how fun it would be to dance with my new friends. Saying goodbye to Lou, Tori and I followed the ninja out to the front.

The ninja's dragon was waiting for us outside, and we all hopped onto it's back, and headed back to the ninjas' new home. Once we were in the air Jay scooted closer to me, looking a little shy as he asked. "So uh, do you really think Nya would be that girl if we all decided to learn that dance?"

"I'm sure she'd love to." I smiled at his awkwardness. It was cute how nervous he got when he talked about Nya. I could just imagine them being together for the rest of their lives, going through every struggle together. Maybe they'd grow old together and-

'Stop it.' Keenan interrupted my train of thought.

Stop what?

'I don't need or want to hear about what their kids would look like.'

I groaned. But the babies!

'No.' I rolled my eyes, muttering to myself. The ninja gave me confused looks but I ignored them, just hoping to get to the boys' new place.

I wonder how nice it'll be, they probably can't afford anything too fancy.


Oh my Ninjago this is way too nice.

Kai pointed to the building they were staying in, and from where we were in the air, I could see a dragon keep on the roof. It was no understatement to say I was in awe. "How could you guys afford such a place?!" I asked.

The four ninja looked anywhere but at me, suddenly becoming eerily quiet, it was suspicious. "Guys?"

"It may be a little out of our price range..." Zane started, but Cole finished. "But like we said before, we're all gonna go job hunting and save up!" I gave the rocky boy a skeptical look, making him chuckle nervously. "Besides, it has a in-house training facility! We'll be able to train Lloyd to become the Green Ninja and his father will be defeated in no time!"

Sighing, I shook my head. "How are you gonna train Lloyd when you all have jobs? If you guys need the help, I can help with training." Lloyd seemed to light up at the offer, but Kai shook his head.

"How are you going to train Lloyd when you've barely been with us longer than him?" he asked.

"I've already taught him a few things! If you guys are busy working and training, you'll wear yourselves out!" I argued.

"We'll make the time (y/n), you don't need to worry about Lloyd." Jay pitched in. "Not to mention you're still learning about those powers, who knows what else you could do? What if you suddenly teleport into a volcano? Or the deepest part of the ocean? Or what if you touch something and it explodes?!"

"I teleport Jay, I'm not Gambit."

"You never know."

Getting a little angry, I took a closer look at the building. Closing my eyes and concentrating, I teleported. I opened my eyes and quickly realized I teleported a little too high, and hit the ground hard. Groaning, I stood up to see the dragon and the ninja, along with Tori getting closer by the second, but ignored them and decided to explore the guys' new home.

Hmph, who says I can't control my powers.

'Do you really want me to answer that?'


So hey guys! I'm back and ready to continue this adventure! I apologize for making you all wait so long, but just know I have no intentions of discontinuing this book, and we still have much more chapters to go. That being said, I'd like to know which characters you want (y/n) to be with in the end. There probably won't be a lot of JayxReader moments until season 3 for obvious reasons, but I still wanna hear who you guys would like!

I also still have those questions from my last update so here ya go!

Q: What was your inspiration behind Wish?

A: I've always wanted to start writing and after reading other amazing stories from other authors I got the inspiration I needed!

Q: How did you get into Ninjago?
A: I used to share a room with my younger brother and it was his turn on the TV in our room. He decided to watch Ninjago and I tried to block it out and read but pretty soon I couldn't ignore it. Now we watch it together all the time!

Q: Were the cuffs inspired by a real life bracelet you may have seen or maybe even own?
A: My inspiration for the cuffs was Wonder Woman but the main reason is that my Grandpa used his gold from Guyana to make jewelry for everyone in my family. He gave me bangles as a baby and when he passed he made me a bracelet with my name engraved on it. It says "LOVE GRAMPS 💛" underneath.

Q:Can I just adopt tori's as my child and not give her back to her dad?
A: I could definitely write that lol

I'm excited to continue this book with you all and with that, I bid you, adieu~

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