Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY. If I did I would have Weiss and Winter sing a duet.
A Week Later
(Y/N)'s POV
My watch tells me it's 11:00 pm. I didn't think it would take this long to complete my assignment. I guess our records really were that unorganized. Then again it wouldn't have taken so long to organize the files if I did not have to stop every so often because of the pain in my leg thanks to that little shot from Torchwick. Shuddering at his name I remember the hassle he has been despite being a prisoner. The closest thing we have gotten from him that is not his little snide comments or quick quips are small hints at some small time operations in Atlas. Nothing that can get us any closer to the bigger plans in Vale. If only he would talk that would make all the pain worth it. Oh well someone had to do it and despite Miss Schnee's protest it is still my job as her assistant to do these sorts of things. At the thought of my boss, I pause in the hallway. Ever since her visit in that village hospital and her maybe kissing me Winter has been acting differently. Even though Miss Schnee said I still had the job she keeps trying to prevent me from actually doing it. Like not allowing me to follow up on any of the leads that we have gotten from Roman, not allowing me to fill in as a substitute teacher for any of the classes, or even trivial things like organizing those files. She seems to also be dead set on having me stay with her at all times during the work day and sometimes even at night. I understand that I nearly failed the mission with the bullhead crashing but to do all of this? Regaining focus I begin again to my room. Finally, after walking/limping my way down the hall my room, my new room is in sight. Whatever the problem right now I will find solace in my room. Take a nice warm shower and get some sleep before getting up at five and starting all this over again. Using my scroll my door opens and I reach for my cable. The light is on in my room meaning one of two things; someone is currently in my room or there is a glitch in the system that automatically shuts the lights off. Given that maintenance just checked all of the lights and I double checked the machine it is most likely the former. Carefully peering into the room I am greeted by Winter sitting on my bed and looking at something. While stepping into my quarters I clear my throat to get her attention. She immediately looks up from whatever it is that had her attention.
"Where were you?" Odd way to open given that you just broke into my private quarters but given that she is my superior I should not answer so harshly. While answering I try to stand at attention without putting too much pressure on my bad leg.
"I finished organizing the files ma'am." She scowls at my answer.
"I told you that I could have someone else do that."
"I know but the sooner we can get those files in order the sooner everyone will be able to find what they are looking for without having to wade their way through hundreds of other files. It was of no trouble ma'am really." She pinches the bridge of her nose and sighs.
"As if you would tell me if it actually was." She looks up for a response and I stay silent. "That's what I thought."
"Permission to speak ma'am."
"(Y/N) it is an hour from midnight you don't have to be so formal." She looks at me as I wait. With another sigh, she lets out, "Permission granted."
"Why are you in my room at such a late hour?" Getting up she comes over to me.
"I hadn't seen you since ten this morning and had gotten worried so I came to check up on you after seven. You weren't here so I came back at nine to see if you had finally arrived. Imagine my surprise when you were not here so I decided I would just wait for you to arrive." Really?
"You waited two hours on me? Why would you use so much time just to see me?" She shoots daggers at me.
"To check up on you of course."
"But two hours? That seems like a waste when you could do other things." She gets in my face. She looks me dead in the eyes and in a stern voice speaks.
"You are NOT a waste of time." I open my mouth to speak but can not find the words for a response. I... I have never heard something like that. After trying and failing to work out a response I settle on nodding. She backs away. "Good." Her face softens with her next words. "How is your head? I know that it has been giving you some trouble again."
"I... It's fine. I have not had any headaches for a couple of days now."
"Excellent. Now, what about your leg? I noticed you limping earlier in the week and even today."
"It's f-fine." She glares at me and I think she even growls at me.
"Don't lie to me (Y/N)."
"Sorry but it's nothing really." She gets back in my face. "It's just a little trouble that's all truly." She then points towards my bed. What? When she doesn't get the response that she wants she demands.
"Sit. I will go get you an ice pack and some pain relievers once you do."
"Really Miss Schnee, I do not see the reasoning behind all this. I can handle myself." When she does not move I relent and sit on my bed. Winter nods her head and leaves the room closing the door behind her. Taking the opportunity of being alone I quickly change into a loose fitting short sleeved shirt and some shorts to sleep in. Laying back down I close my eyes and try to sleep. Why is she going to all this trouble? I am just her employee nothing more. I am pulled from my thoughts when an "ahem" sounds. Opening my eyes I am greeted by my aforementioned boss standing at the side of my bed. In one hand she has pills that I assume to be pain relievers she mentioned earlier and a glass of water in the other hand. She is not looking at me however and from what I can see she has blush on her face. Maybe changing was not the brightest idea. With a thank, you I quickly down the pills with the water. Thinking that she is finished for the night I wish her a good night and lay back down after handing her the now empty glass. With my eyes closed, I hear the glass get placed on my nightstand and feel a weight on my bed. Opening my eyes again I note Miss Schnee is now on my bed and staring at me intently. As I move to get up Winter places a hand on my chest and gently pushes me back down.
"Miss Schnee-" She places a finger over my mouth.
"Winter. When we are alone you can call me Winter. You have earned that right."
"W-winter what is it?" She looks away for a minute and then looks back at me.
"D-do you mind if I stay with you? Just for a little while longer?" Her eyes plead for me to say yes and I notice how soft her voice has become. This is not the usual stern no-nonsense nature she takes most of the time. Something must have happened. A death in the family perhaps? Whatever the case I find my ability to say no to her weakening with each passing minute.
"Alright if that is what you want. Just please allow me to sit up so you have more room on the bed." She stops me before I can act by laying down next to me with her head on my chest. She then grabs her scroll from a pocket and not only turns the lights off but also locks my door. She then places her scroll on the nightstand next to mine and moves closer to me. We lay there for what feels like an eternity. Honestly, I have survived hordes of Grimm with just a cable and not broken a sweat yet this situation right now is what terrifies me.
"(Y/N)?" She doesn't look up at me when she says that.
"You don't have to worry."
"Worry? I never said I was worried." She laughs a little at this.
"Then why is your heart beating so fast?" She has me there and she knows it. When I fail to reply she laughs again. We go back to laying there for awhile. While there I work up the nerve to ask her something.
"(Y/N) we've been over this." Her response is more annoyed than angry.
"Um sorry." I cough to try and ready my voice for this. This goes against about everything I have been raised to do when interacting with a person of superior stature. "Winter?" I think I see her smile.
"When we were in the hospital room a week ago..." I trail off and she huffs.
"Come on (Y/N). What do you want to say?" Gulping I continue.
"Did you by chance... kiss me when I was going back to sleep." She doesn't respond for some time before getting up. In she doesn't look anywhere near me and in a low voice speaks.
"I should go. Sorry for bothering you." Just as she is about to get off of the bed I grab her arm causing her to look at me. "(Y/N)..."
"Winter please just tell me." My voice sounds so different to me. My tone sounds not unlike one of the students here when they are interacting with one of their significant others. She still doesn't meet my eyes but does answer me.
"Yes..." Her voice sounds so quiet like I am unsure if she can even hear it. We stay like that for a little bit before she tries to leave again. "(Y/N) I have been nothing but a bother. I should leave."
"Do you want to leave?" She is taken back by my question and looks at me shocked.
"What?" I try my best to keep my voice calm.
"I said do you want to leave?"
"Then stay." She looks confused for a little bit before responding.
"Are you sure? I don't want to force you..."
"You are not forcing me to do anything that I do not want to do." Her face lights up for a second before she regains her composer. We lay back down and stay in silence for a little bit.
"You know this can be seen as highly unprofessional right?" She asks while laying on my chest.
"Yes, I am very much aware."
"And you are still okay with me staying? Like this?" I think for a little bit.
"Yes, I am fine with this as long as you are." She sighs in what I guess is relief.
"I am fine with this too." She waits a bit before adding. "(Y/N)?"
"Yes, Winter." I doubt I will be getting used to that anytime soon.
"Thank you." With those words, she drifts off to sleep. I suppose she is not staying for a "little while longer" but I guess I am okay with that. With my boss sleeping on my chest I start to join her in a restful slumber. I may not get used to the first name thing but this I think I can get used to.
So there we have it. The Winter story is over for now. Hope you liked it and if you don't like the ending don't worry. This is a story I meant to do another part to this just not for a while. Trust me you will know when I make the sequel. Also I said I would share what story that gave me the inspiration to make this was. The story was actually a one shot done by Midnight_Fear_666 or just MidnighFear and it is within Yandere Females X Male Reader. Word of caution the story is labeled "mature" for a reason so if you are not into that then maybe give it as pass and it was an earlier story so there are a few grammar and formatting errors here and there but I have definitely seen worse and this is not it. Otherwise give it a chance. Also want to give a shout out to zeFuchs for helping with some of the stuff in this book. Until next time have a nice day/evening depending on when/where you read this.
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