Tryout - Busy Work
Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY. If I did I would have Winter cosplay as Elsa from Frozen.
Winter's POV
Looking over at the clock I see that there are five minutes until six. Standing up from my desk I grab a uniform from a group of three. I double check to make sure it is the one labeled (Y/N) and then head out the door. Hopefully, he did not lie about his measurements on the application otherwise, this will be an uncomfortable day for him. I head towards (Y/N)'s current room. Once there I check the time again. Just a few seconds until six. Three, two, one, and...
"Up and at'em, soldier!" I start banging on the door but only get four hits in before the door opens and (Y/N) steps out. Impressive he may be wearing the same armor that he had yesterday but the only signs that he wore the armor in battle recently was the dents left from getting hit. If those were not there you would think his armor was fairly new. Looking him over it would appear that he has been up for a little while too. Focusing on the topic at hand I speak, "Alright you have passed the first of many tests you will be having today. Now" I hold out my arms with his new suit "put this on and be out here in five minutes. Clear?" He nods and I grow frustrated. "What did we talk about yesterday soldier?"
"Yes, ma'am we are clear." While I nod in approval he takes the new suit and heads inside. I start the clock on my scroll for four minutes fifty-nine seconds and proceed to wait for (Y/N) to finish changing. I pull up the checklist I made on my scroll of all the things I will have (Y/N) do today. Yes, all sixty-four items are accounted for. Clean the arena, background check all students and faculty, organize the student and faculty informational folders, get me coffee, etc. Yes, this will adequately help me test his time management and his temperament towards doing busy work. By my estimation he will get about a fourth of these done by the end of the day and if I am being lenient half of them by tomorrow morning. If he attempts to accomplish all of them it will show his dedication but will show either his hubris or stupidity. Both can be fixed with effort if I wish to. Though if he doesn't even try then I know to contact the knight and samurai for their next chance at the position. Minimizing the list I check the alarm. Three minutes and forty-nine seconds have passed. Just as I am closing the timer the door opens and out steps (Y/N) dressed in his new suit reminiscent of what General Ironwood wears though his is gray with (F/C) highlights. Wow, he looks dashing. Shaking my head I focus back on reality. He still stands at attention awaiting orders.
"Present your scroll." My order is answered without hesitation.
"Permission to speak, ma'am." Wow, he actually wants to talk.
"Permission granted."
"The current password is 'dust'." Questioningly I look at him. "For the scroll, ma'am." My eyes widen. Of course, that's it. Regaining my composure I type in the password.
"Thank you, soldier." I then send my to do list to him and download the document so that I may delete the message. There now he has the document and not my contact information. He quickly pockets the scroll when I present the device to him. "On your scroll, there is now a list of things to do. I expect them to be done by this time tomorrow. Are we clear?" He is about to nod before correcting himself.
"Yes, ma'am."
"Good then dismissed." He salutes me and then walks off. Now time for my busy work.
The setting sun pours into the room as I lean over my desk working on the papers for the school. I never realized how much maintenance that this school most go through to keep it in the condition that it is currently in. I also did not know that Ironwood and now I must oversee and approve or deny each and everything that is requested renovations. Letting out a sigh I lean back into my oversized chair and try to get comfortable in it to no avail. I was really hoping (Y/N) would have done task thirty-four through thirty-six and sent this "chair" (honestly how does Ironwood sit in this? It feels like rock!) to the general and gotten my temporary chair until I can get a custom one. Oh well. Just as I lean forward once more to review the eighth restroom remodel (oh look it's a teacher-exclusive one. At least it's different than the other requests.) the door to my office opens and in the doorway stands (Y/N) at attention.
"Permission to enter, ma'am?" Is that how I looked when I did that?
"Granted." With that, he reaches for something past the window a sight that the door provides me and pulls a rolly chair into view. He pulls it into the office careful to not hit the door frame, lifts it, and then carries it to my desk.
"What is this?"
"Task number thirty-five, ma'am." Wow that is incredible timing.
"Ah yes. I will get out of your way then." Standing up I move to the side while he swaps the two chairs. Taking the opportunity to see him I notice that he is still in his suit that I gave him this morning. Judging by his... aroma to put it kindly he has worn it while completing his tasks.
"Why are you still in that?" He moves Ironwood's chair to the front of the desk while responding.
"You did not say whether or not I may take the uniform off while I was completing my tasks." Though his loyalty is appreciated he is acting like a boob.
"Then I am ordering you to change into other clothes if you are going to continue to work. I would not want you to ruin the uniform that I work so hard on making." Especially with how handsome he looks in it. He nods his head in response while responding.
"Yes, ma'am." He rolls the chair out of the room and then gives me a salute before shutting the door. Looking over at my new chair I can't help but feel a little disappointed with its looks. From the appearance, the chair has been used for a long time now. I think one of my old professors even used it once. Oh well, it will do for now. Beggars cannot be choosers and all that. Taking a seat I realize just how sturdy the old chair was. This "new" chair may look drab but it far makes up for it with comfort. Yes, this will definitely do for now. I look over at the time and then out the window at the setting sun. Another hour and I will call it a night. Before getting back to work I wonder just how much of the list (Y/N) has done.
Covering my mouth I yawn as I walk down the hall to (Y/N)'s temporary room. What was supposed to be just one more hour turned into three. Even when I was finally able to go to sleep I could not stop wondering if (Y/N) finished his tasks. I also just could not figure out why I felt so attracted to him. Was it his (E/C) eyes, his (H/C) hair, his above average build, his exceptional fighting ability, or just from the sheer fact that those four things were about all I knew of him? Whatever the case is I should stop thinking like that and be objective with this. Especially if he failed this test. No amount of looks or curiosity could save him if he did not pass this test. Remind myself of that several times as I continue my trek to (Y/N) stopping only once I have reached his door. I check the time and see that it is one minute until six. I wait that minute out and the moment the clock changes I hit the door.
"Time's up soldier!" I wait for him to answer but nothing happens.
"Your twenty-four hours are up soldier! Time to see what you got done!" Again nothing. Okay now I am getting mad
"Front and center soldier!" And I lean in to hear what is going on past the door. Silence. Well, I better kick him out now since I am here. Pulling out my scroll I use the override function to unlock the door. With the block out of the way, I step into the room. The lights are off. How has he slept through all that? Once I turn on the lights I get my answer. He's not even here. Where could he be? He knew this was when I would check in on him. Pulling out my scroll I find his number that I got yesterday while in possession of his scroll and message him.
Me: Where are you?
A couple of minutes go by and I get a response.
(Y/N): The arena.
What? Fine then I will chew him out there. I make my way to the arena and prepare how I will tell him he's failed. I enter the arena and to my surprise the rubble from the battle a few days ago is all in a pile near the entrance of the room. Looking around I see (Y/N) in a pair of jeans and a gray short-sleeved short sweeping the floor.
"What are you doing?" When he finally notices my presence he stands at attention broom at his side.
"Task number seven." Task seven, task seven. What was that again? Oh right clean and repair the arena. Wait he actually did that? That was one of the mock tasked that I but to lengthen the list. I didn't actually expect him to do it.
"So you straightened up the arena from your fight with the other two?"
"I have cleaned yes but I have not yet fixed the roof or the damaged walls." Looking around I do notice that the rafters are still in shambles from his little stunt and that even the break from (Y/N) bashing his head against the wall is still visible.
"Impressive as that is, do you have any idea of the time?" He looks confused for a moment before going back to his deadpan look.
"Is it not four o'clock?"
"No, it is six am. The deadline for completing your tasks." His face goes red at that. He honestly thought that it was four? "Soldier when did you last sleep?"
"Yesterday morning at five thirty was when I woke up ma'am."
"You stayed up all night to clean the arena?" He nods.
"And complete the list."
"The list. I nearly completed it. This was my last task." How did he do that?! He must be lying. Shaking my head I focus back on him.
"Alright, soldier you are dismissed. I will have the janitors and maintenance do the rest. Go get some rest while I double check to see if what you are telling me is true." He salutes me and then leaves. Standing in the arena I can't help but wonder if he is lying to me or not. Also, why did my face heat up when I saw him in that shirt?
So I think Winter uses boob to call someone an idiot like Weiss calls people a dunce. What do you guys think. Also sorry for the abundance of time skips this time around I was sorta getting lazy and I also wanted to get this all in one chapter that was not too long. Anyways have a great day/evening depending on when/where you are reading this.
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