
Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY. If I did I would have foreshadowed the Schnees' ability to summon.


(Y/N)'s POV

The landscape speeds by below the bullhead as I make my way to Vale. I look back over the file though with how much I have read it I could probably recite the papers backwards without looking. Page one a brief description of the target name, height, looks, ect. Page two is just more in depth of his skills. The most I should worry about his that silver tongue of his but be his no Kingpin and otherwise he is about average to that of any other grown man. Page three a brief overview of his various "business" activities. Page four and five however are the ones of note. These describe Torchwick's most dangerous weapons: his connections. First and foremost the dangerous and elusive Cinder Fall. Her entry is small do to a lack of information but what intel is present speaks enough of her character. Wanted on multiple accounts of terrorist attacks (mostly explosions), murder (all bodies found burned almost beyond recognition), and for possible association with the know terrorist group the White Fang and possible association with wanted assassin Marcus Black. Sadly there is no image or description of her appearance but I assume I will know this person when I see them. The second entry does not alleviate my worries at all. Neopolitan. Can normally be found by Torchwick's side. Has a semblance to generate illusions. I will undoubtable have to deal with her as well. Next is an entry on Junior Xiong. Mostly supplies man power from time to time though hasn't been seen associating with him recently. Known to wield a bat that can change into a bazooka. Impressive but nothing I can't handle. If he is there then I can use his haphazard fighting style to take down some of his allies. The only other entry worthy of note is Adam Taurus current leader of the White Fang. Only reason he is even mentioned is because in place of Xiong's men Torchwick has been making use of the White Fang. Odd that they would be allying themselves with a known racist but I suppose desperate times and all that. All other entries are just typical entries you would find. Fellow mob bosses, crooked cops, and other minions like Neopolitan though just lower on the food chain. I will have to make note of some for future captures. The last page is of actual weapons with most of them being stolen from Atlas. This will be an interesting task given all these variables. Hopefully I will not fail.

"Hey, we are here." The gruff voice of the pilot breaks me from my thoughts. Standing up I thank the man for the ride.

"Just doing my job."

"Nonetheless thank you." I make my way out of the bullhead and onto the docks. After watching the ship go I turn around and take in the little bit of Vale that I can see from here. It is some much different Atlas. The air seems... cleaner or nicer I suppose. Though I know this place is not without its problems what with its headmaster doing many things outside of the book or its government priding itself on free speech and knowledge yet silences anything that may paint the kingdom in a light other than that of sheer paradise, I could still see myself living here, like my aunt and cousin. At the thought of them my mood sours. If only I had more time maybe I could visit them. No I need to focus on the current task at hand. I must not fail Miss Schnee. I begin my trek to prepare for my mission.

Time skip to that night

Well this is interesting. Seems I am not the only one after Roman tonight. Four young women have chased Torchwick in an Atlesian Paladin-290 across the city (while causing countless amounts of property damage) and now have him cornered underneath the highways. I most say they are impressive though more than a bit sloppy in their work. The fact that they are still fighting and have not seemed to notice the lack of their two other companions is a little disconcerting. The yellow one seems to be their strongest member given her ability to take a punch from the mech and still be able to walk though this strength gives her a bloated ego as well given some of her actions tonight. The cat faunus is interesting and is quite a capable fighter herself. I have not doubt if she would strike to destroy instead of just cause damage this would have ended sooner. Maybe even when she and her monkey friend were on the highway if I am to be lenient in judging. The white haired one looks surprisingly like Miss Schnee though just a little smaller. A sister perhaps? Either way she appears to be the support of this group. A nice position but a weak one to have. If you must rely on the strength of others how will you survive on your own? The little one with the scythe appears to be their leader at least she appears to be the one giving orders and the others follow. She is doing a poor job as leader then. Any good leader would have seen these mistakes before this and corrected them. Oh well they are children judging by their appearances with her either being a short seventeen year old or is a young first year. Given the erratic behavior of this kingdom's headmaster I am inclined to choose the latter. All said in done however they are still winning. Then Torchwick readies the fusion cannon and aims it at the four huntresses.

"Well Red, it's been fun hanging with you and your crew of goodie two shoes but I best be on my way and judging by how much you've been having fun you won't let me go so soon." The cannon finishes charging. "So to ensure that we leave on good terms I am giving you a parting gift. As in it will leave parts of you all over the place." He begins to laugh as he is about to fire the cannon. My queue I suppose. Quickly I throw my cable around the barrel and using my strength I pull it towards the sky to fire. It doesn't move fast enough and fires into a presumably empty building. As the building crumbles I scold myself for not being strong enough. When I return to Atlas I will have to intensify my training. The mech then tries to get its arm back and I use the momentum to swing myself down from my hiding place and land in front of the four girls.

"Damn do you know how long it takes to charge that thing?" The scythe wielder then gasps and rushes up to me.

"Are you a huntsmen?!" Torchwick then lets out a sound of frustration.

"Really? Again? Red what is with you and hunters?" So the little one had fought him before. Duly noted. I stare straight ahead at Torchwick and the mech.

"Roman Torchwick you are hereby under arrest-" Before I can even finish I am interrupted.

"Oh let me guess you are going to read me my rights or are you going to ask me if I will surrender. Well, save your breath buddy. I ain't going nowhere so why do you take your little speech and shove it." I smirk at his words.

"So you are resisting arrest?"

"Yes, I am resisting arrest you fu-" Before he can finish I throw the cable and it breaks into the cockpit of the Paladin and wraps around foul-mouthed criminal. With a tug, he is pulled from the stolen machine and comes flying towards my hand. He is only stopped when his stomach meets my closed fist. He lets out a satisfying "ompf" and then falls to the ground. One down.

Before anyone can celebrate a blade comes straight for my neck which I quickly block with the armor on my arm. Pushing the sword away I see Neopolitan land a few feet away from me. I let out a frustrated breath. I suppose it was too much to ask for this to be easy. Turning to the girls I begin giving them orders.

"White hair, yellow, and cat faunus keep Roman down." Turning to their leader. "You use your gun to keep the other perpetrator off balance while I fight her." The yellow one tries to give protest but is quickly silenced. I rush at Neopolitan as she readies for a blow. Before I am in her reach I whip towards her with my weapon and she shatters like glass revealing the real one behind with the blade ready to stab. She is able to stop the cable from wrapping around her however and jumps to the side. Just as she lands a bullets hits the ground near her feet and she unconsciously jumps right back to where she was only this time to be met by a punch that sends her to her back. She quickly recovers and begins a barrage of swipes at me. I raise my arms to cover my face with only a couple of attacks getting past and cutting my face. She then rails back for a big stab to my exposed stomach but the bladed umbrella is shot out of her hand. While she is distracted I grab her neck and slam her down onto the ground knocking her out. Standing up I look over at the girls and see that the faunus has used her ribbon to subdue Torchwick. I then proceed to do the same to his associate and walk over to them with the short criminal in tow. I unwrap the unconscious mob boss and wrap him up with Neopolitan.

"Though I do not approve of your vigilante actions I applaud your skill to hold your own against the latest Atlas mech. I will have to inform the general of its shortcomings the next he and I meet." The one in yellow speaks up first.

"Little much there? I mean they are criminals but wow." She looks down at the two now in my possession. Before I can answer sirens begins to close in on us and a bullhead flies overhead. Standing in the doorway I see a figure of a woman staring down at us. Her face is covered by dark shadows but I can see the glow of her amber colored eyes. Cinder Fall I presume. Just then the sirens grow closer and the bullhead flies off. Another hunt for another day. I look back at the four young women before me and I speak again.

"I will handle the authorities. You four best get back to Beacon."

"What and give you all the credit for the capture?" This yellow one is not very cooperative.

"And also leave me the blame of what is most likely countless amounts of property damage while you four get off Scot free." She opens her mouth to speak before thinking against it. "Good now get out of here before the police see any of you." The scythe wielder nods her head.

"Alright let's go guys." Three of them leave while the one in white stares at me. The leader turns back while turning.

"Come on Weiss let's go!" The one called Weiss stays for a little bit longer before running off to join her comrades. Just as they are out of sight police cars pull up to the scene and their drivers jump out of the vehicles.

"FREEZE!" They shout as their guns are pointed at me. Well, this is going to be fun.


Long chapter done. Now that this is settled I can maybe get to work on the Weiss story. Well like always have a nice day/evening depending on where/when you are reading this.

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