~14~ The Sinister Sins of Someone's Sister

"Lilith, Mother of Demons, I call on thee. Oh great she-demon of myth, she-demon of vengeance, hear my call, heed my plea." ~ N. D. Jonnes, Sins of the Sister


After leaving the Popular People's Party, Butchy strolls down the long rows of the lunch shelter. Looking for the one lame geek guy that Butchy knows for sure will have the answer to his many burning questions. The throngs of flocks standing around crowding the center of the shelter, wisely part like the Red Sea at the march of The Butcher on his way to see the "smarty people". All the while scowling around the crappy section of the shelter, and silently thanking the Gridiron Gods he was born awesome enough never to have been here before. 

He finally spots his prey sitting among the Sophomores dorks talking about math or Dork Trek? Or whatever it is that geeks talk about that's not football, yoga butts, and big beer boobs. The Butcher stomps his way through the benches, and the rank and file start to flee the coming monster. For they all know a simple San Fall truth, The Butcher Boy is a psycho and to be avoided at all costs. Because everyone and their sister heard about what happened that once time to that thinking he was tough guy at Da Forst many yesterdays ago.

"Hey Clipboard cat, let me ask you a question real fast." Butch unapologetically interrupts twenty ongoing conversations about stuff he doesn't care about.

"Ah...okay, Butch?" The thin kid takes his glasses off and steels himself for whatever horrible torture is going to happen to him at the hands of The Butcher of San Fall.

"So what would happen if more people had detention than there were seats in the library?" Butchy poses his math problem.

"I don't think that would never happen." Cliffboard dismisses the query carefully.

"Well, just say it did." Butchy crosses his massive arms and frowns down demanding to be taken highly flocking seriously. "What would happen then?"

"So let me see if I am understanding your question correctly?" Cliffboard suddenly on shaky ground with the Butcher and decides to take the question deadly serious. "If detention has three hundred seats ...and there are 301 detentions? Then what would happen to that last one?"

"Yeah...that." Butchy grunts along assuming that Cliffboard can do the smarty mouth math he can not.

"Then that last person would probably have to come back the next day?" Clifford winces, hoping to hell that this was the right answer and the psychopath will go away now.

"Even if they clocked in, before they had no spot?" Butchy changes the equation.

"Ah huh? Well, if they clocked in and then they can't find a seat? Then I suppose it would have to count on some level? I mean I'm not totally sure, because like I said it's never happened." Cliffboard smiles as pleasantly as possible to placate the monster. "But with the honor code in effect? They should come back the next day and serve out the detention off the clock? At least, that's what I would do."

"And if the next day was the same thing? Or even double the number of detentions, then what?" Butchy follows up the word problem.

"Then I honestly have no idea what would happen." Cliffbaord gives up the pretense of even trying to understand Trainspotting mathematics. After all, he's flocking advanced gawddammit!

"What happens when you don't know something? Who do you go get the answer from?" April interjects bluntly.

"Mrs. St. Claire in the main office?" Cliffboard replies cautiously back at the freshmen fearleader now demanding his attention.

The Butcher is seriously scary, but he is also a known quantity. April Grimm is an unknown quantity save one thing. She has a pet monster and is clearly much smarter than most of her bubblegum-snapping cheery coven kindred.

"Okay, so what if you knew what was happening, and why? Would you still go to the principal office and snitch like a bitch?" Butchy scowls, starting to not like the direction the train is crashing in.

"Like if you knew that people were getting detentions on purpose in order to overcrowd detention?" April adds for the sake of clarity.

"Ah huh?" Now Cliff takes a second to ponder the totality of that terrible horror. "I suppose I'd have to report it? Trust me, I wouldn't want to do that. But still, it feels like an honor code violation on some level?"

"But what if the honor code violation was on a teacher?" April suddenly seizes on something illusively important to the pending war on tardy town. "And the detention overcrowding was in protest to that?"

"Yeah ...that." Butchy grins at Aprils brilliance. "Say like we were flocking with them to teach that teacher a lesson ...like that Ghadni guy did in Africa. Then what?"

Cliffboard takes a second the parse through the Butchered version of "The Adventures of The Mahatma in Apartheid Africa" and comes up with the concept of Nonviolent Resistance. Which he extrapolates the root cause of Butcher and April Grimm coming together to ask him questions about overloading detention. Okay, so it's a protest? But of what? Grimm girl...

"A teacher who violated the honor code?" Cliffboard smiles up slyly. "You're talking about that thing in Dyuvetter's homeroom this morning with Maybe and Dean, aren't you?"

"Maybe....why?" April focus in the weak link.

"Because Dyuvetters a dick." Cliffboard answers evenly back.

"No whit. Like me and the boys were just talking about throwing a flock Or'sir party this weekend. Anyone with one of his detentions by Friday gets in for free. Flock it! Anyone with detention is welcome...even stupid flocking freshmen." Butchy smirks around at the whisper listeners.

"I might go to that." Cliffboard muses back slowly.

"How about all your friends? You think they'd come for free drinks and a chance at stupid cool?" April's eyes narrow calculating the odds and the cost of such a massive virgin sacrifice.

"Yeah, maybe?" Cliffboard is suddenly wary of this chance to be stupid cool at a party with the Butcher. "But it would have to be the real deal, not some sort of Senior prank party like last year's Christmas kegger. Where they invited the whole school and then the Seniors shook down everyone who tried get in, for twenty bucks and you had bring your own bottle. Most of the kids I know don't have a clue where to get a bottle from?"

Both Butchy and April nod slowly along at the plight of the underclass. Used, abused and discarded at whim by the real people who mattered most to the Football Gods of San Fall.

"Let's just say we know where to go for beer and booze." Butchy smiles widely.

"And no one is charging anything, it's all on me." April smiles seizing the moment. "My sister's bullshit ...my party."

"If you personally put your name on it Butch, and guarantee no bullshit? Then I think that could work." Cliffboard nods through the conundrum of Butchering beer bashes.

"So how many people in Dyuvetter's classes can you get at before Friday?" April counters.

"Are you kidding me? Try all of them." Cliffboard snorts and puts his glasses back on, now that he is almost sure his face is safe. "I have his entire class list al mozt memorized by heart. Oh, and at least thirty of them will be in study buddies today alone? That's his daily average, thirty to forty detentions per day. Ten times as much as any of the other teachers."

"We've only got four days left until Friday, Butchy." April glances at Butchy.

"Do you have any idea how many people hate that guy, besides you two and obviously Surfer D and Maybe?" Lee's who has been listening in from the next group over drops into the fray.

"Yeah Ape, you should listen to Lee's." Butchy nods over to Kelly Lee. "Lee's is super smart and shit. She knows all kinds of stuff about ...all kinds of school stuff. Like that tardy, not tardy thing #35 and them were talking words about."

"Okay question for you then." April decides to play nice. "Sorry what was your name again?"

"Kelly Lee." Lee's informs dryly, loathing the fact that her sister is one of these popular people, and no one ever remembers that fact. "But everyone just calls me Lee's, cause my parents own Lee's Take Out."

"Your Grace Lee's sister?" April inquires almost unbelievably.

"Yep, that's what my parents keep insisting on." Lee's sighs, and shrugs off the stupidity. "So you had a question?"

Someone's Sister calculates the unlikely odds of that happening. A popularity princess like Grace Lee being related to a Nerd Virgin like this cat glasses girl? But then again she has her own special sisters to deal with? So she whatevers that thought to the irrelevant for the moment, and refocuses on what's most important to her.

"Right. So what's the latest you can be to a class and still only be tardy?" April inquires succinctly.

"Technically speaking, right up to the final bell at the end of class." Lee's muses. "But then there is tardy and there is truant, and that's up to the individual teacher's discretion, of course."

"You sure about that?" April eyes the obviously most intelligent person in the meeting of minds.

"Are you sure you're throwing a party for the entire school, on your dime?" Lee's counters evenly.

"Flock yeah we are! How can we not now?" Butchy laughs, and the crowd of nervous eavesdroppers. Who all wisely smile nervously back at the laughing local sociopath suddenly in their midst.

"Then I suggest you tell your minions to start staggering into class at least twenty minutes before the bell, safer if it's thirty. Cause Midg'itler will still have to write all those detentions out, one at a time." Lee's smirks sarcastically. "He prides himself on his penmanship, so that's gonna be at least a minute each detention."

"Flocking classic." Butchy grins widely with his second best tombstone grin at the good news.

"Epic." Lee's smiles savagely back.  

"See Ape's, I told you Lee's was super smart and shit." Butchy smiles his tombstone grin.

But Clifford also knows something that they don't about the situation. Clifford is acutely aware what American's with Disabilities and the Fourteenth Amendment will do to a school in noncompliance. Because Clifford eldest cousin is a special needs kid named "Cannonball Kurt", who is a huge fan of the Scooby Doo. Not to mention, one of the special swimmers at the Annex. And his aunt and cousin both adore the living whit out of "Lifeguard Darren".

"What do you need from our end to get the ball rolling on this and make this happen?" Cliffboard finally decides that there are actually some things in life that are worth betraying the almighty school honor code for.

"First, you will have to get all the jocks from all the teams to start it. Then the cheerleaders will have to follow suit." Lee's side eyes April. "That should start the ball rolling in the right direction. Then when word of the party spreads ...and trust it will spread. Then all the wannabe's should start jumping on the bandwagon." Lees correctly deduces the chain of popularity command. "Trust me, everyone will be with you on this thing."

"Everyone?" Butchy blinks at what a staggering number that might be.

"The Dickhead?" Lees holds out her hand in balance, then unveils her other hand. "The Popular Peoples Party for the whole school?" 

She weighs her hands to explain Butchy the laws of popularity physics and then drops Or'sirs like a rock. 

"It's not even a close call." Lee's intones with an air of finality that seals the deal. "No one in their right mind will want to be on the wrong side of this thing."

"Good shit, Lee's." Butchy grins happily.

"But someone stupid needs to test Cliffboards theory ...and the twenty-five-minute rule." Lee's blinks her cat eyes up at someone stupid and waits for kismet to occur.

"Oh yeah, that's totally on all me. I got that stupid shit covered." Butchy bobs his big brick head super excited about the idea of being the crash test dummy for this theory.

"So no worries there." Lee's looks around at the gang of four. "Then by the end of the day, we'll know for sure then if it will work."

"Then what?" April moves the ball forward.

"Then the seniors are going to the be the next issue." Lee's starts to voice her next concern.  "Especially El Presidente his holiness Hale Winters, your team quarterback?" 

Lee's is also sort of on student council with Hale Winters sometimes, who runs the honor program. Unfortunately for all parties concerned, Hale Winters III, the student body president is a notorious not caring president in absentia. Which will makes Jade Sin care, which is never a good thing in Lee's experience. Because Jade only cares about Jade and no one else matters. Unless of course, someone has a bonfire, what El Presidente Winters refers to as "Bone Fires" ...then he will care a lot. Because Hale Winters the Third doth loves his bonfires to death. 

"Naw, Hale Mary and the seniors will roll with whatever. Trust me, they all hate the Dickheader anyways, so whatever. Besides none of them Seniors have skin in this fight anymore. So this has no effect on them whatsoever. All they have to do is just stay out of the way and watch the bonfire burn ...win/win." Butcher strings together enough words to make sense.  

"So you say." Lee's intones over to April, who she is pretty sure has put some of the Student Council court pieces together by now. "Honestly, if you two get away with this clean? It will be better than epic, it will be legendary. And all San Fall will be talking about this for years to come."

"Legendary..."  Butchy intones worshipfully at his new favorite word in the world.  

What Lee's doesn't explain is that "Legends" have a bad habit of ending up as sacrifices to the Board of Education gods. But then again Lee's correctly deduces that nothing she has to say will in any way deter the determination of the Butcher. Or the hate his crowd has towards Or'sir, which she just chalks up to yet another dumb jock thing to do.

"Later Lee's. Later Cliffboard. Later little losers." Butchy waves to the whisper kids watching him, turns and starts stomping back to the court. "Com'on Ape's this is going to be legendary!"

"Thank you, both for your time." April nods politely. "That was very cool of you to care."

"One last thing, Grimm Girl." Lee's eyes narrow into calculating cat eyes. "So I pretty much know why Butcher is doing his thing. But why do you suddenly care so much?"

"May's my sister...and I am my sister's keeper." April counters coldly.

"Uh huh?" Lee's nods knowingly. "Then luck to you and yours."

"Thanks for the thought, but I don't need luck...I have hate." April turns with a whip crack snap of her ponytail and starts back on Butchy's heels towards the Popular People's Party to put her plan in motion. 

After the Butcher and the Bitcher are well out of earshot, the whispering conversations among the "little loser people" start up again. Of course, all the talk is now centered around just how bad is this thing going to be for the little people, who don't matter. Because the little people have a long history of being used and abused by the people who do matter to the Gridiron Gods of San Fall. So why they might not be the Falcon Faithful, they know better than to be on the wrong side of The Butcher of San Fall. 

"I can't believe I'm going to say this ...but I think the Grimm Girl might be scarier than Butcher." Cliffboard releases the breath he's been holding since this meeting of minds started.

"Maybe." Lee's agrees.

Lee's eyes narrow slowly and she starts to think her way through the myriad of ways that this plan is going to go very wrong. Starting with the most obvious flaw in this master party plan ...The Butcher Boy himself. Because Lee's knows the Butcher well enough to know that know that no matter how good his intentions are at the moment? That given half a chance Butchy will flock this up sideways and twice on Sunday. That this situation has all the makings of something oddly important, maybe too important to trust the Butcher. So she decides that there actually might be something to that whole "enemy of my enemy is my friend" thing after all.

After returning safely from the huddled masses at the "Wrong End" of the shelter, Butcher returns to the court of the popular people with the good news.  

"So this is going to be even easier than I thought." Butch grins at his core group of hater henchmen. Boomer, #35, #56, #65, #76, #72, #88 and that one flocking no number guy who never wears his jersey to school. "All we have to do now is work out the math and we are good to go."

A low groan goes through the rank and file of the unhappy henchmen. Cause they know this math isn't going to be as easy as Trainspotting division with Coach Something, where the answer is always divide then conquering. 

 "Trust me...we are gonna be sofa king legendary!" Butchy bellows proudly over the rank and file of the happy henchmen of Hell.  


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