Mission 8: Mission Japan and the 'Gift of the Whispers'

The last two days fly by with a total awkward atmosphere, when everyone was together. Nobody really talked to each other mostly just sat there in the tense aura surrounding them everywhere they went. Everyone was uncomfortable and were antisocial.


A week later while Ivy is at a photo shoot the guys get together to try and learn a little more about their fellow thief, Winter. Everyone is in the base while Drake is out serving for Hitam Naga.

"I've searched through everyone in the world with aqua eyes and these are the few people that have them," Russell says.

Lance peers at the faces of the three girls that have aqua eyes. "Wonderful! Absolutely none if them look like Winter!"

"I know," Russell says.

"Zero, you sure those weren't contacts?" Lance asks.

"Of course I'm sure. It's really easy to tell if they're contacts or not. Her eyes definitely weren't contacts," Zero says.

"Well, then how?" Lance asks frustrated.

"I have heard of people that can change their eye color at will," Zero says.

"I've also looked up for girls with brown hair named Dawn around their twenties. Here are the results," Russell says.

Lance scrolls through the first few then gets annoyed. "Get it so it only shows all the girls with blue and green eyes take out the brown, etc."

Russell fiddles with the keys and the screen refreshes to all the girls with green and blue eyes.

Lance again scrolls through looking at each one carefully. "And none of them are her! She lied!"

"Of course she did. Did you really think that she would tell you her real name?" Flix says looking through police documents about Winter.

"Search about the art she steals. Who it's made by and the background of those people," Lance says.

"Out of all the art she steals she mostly steals a specific artist's work or should I artists'" Russell says pulling up a screen of two people. One male and one female.

"Always one step ahead of me! Good job! So? Who are those people?" Lance asks.

"These two people are the most famous artists' around. They have over 10,000 pieces of art all extraordinary and beautiful. Their names are Marty Sparks and Miona Sparks," Russell says.

"10,000 pieces of art. Damn. Those two people made that many pieces of art alone! That's insanely incredible!" Lance says with shock written all over his face.

"And get this. Their son was Simon Sparks," Russell says.

"Isn't he the creator of Sparks Industries?" Zero asks. "Along with his wife... What's her name?"

"Bridgett Sparks, and yes, that's them," Russell says.

"Wealthy family," Lance says.

"Yeah, but not so lucky," Russell says. "30 years ago at a family reunion Bridgett's family were all shot to death and they spared her life. 18 years ago both Bridgett and Simon Sparks were killed in a car crash on the way to pick up their daughter. 15 years ago Marty Sparks got lung cancer and died. Then 12 years ago Miona Sparks passed away in her sleep."

"That's terrible," Zero says.

"Wait! What's the name of the daughter of Bridgett and Simon?" Lance asks suddenly.

"Her name is Abbigail Sparks," Russell says.

"What came of her after her parents' deaths?" Lance asks.

"Well, it says that it was her first day of school ever when her parents came to get her. The first day of kindergarten. They got the news that her parents were in a car crash so the grandmother, Miona Sparks, came to get her. Reports say Abbigail never went back to school and was instead homeschooled by her grandparents. Says she was only 5 years old. So, when her grandparents both died she should've been the age of 11," Russell says.

"That would make her our age right?" Zero asks.

"That would make her exactly our age," Russell says.

"So, what became of her?" Lance asks.

"After her grandparents died she had no family left. It also says all the art went to Abbigail... and that's all that it says," Russell says.

"What does she do now?" Lance asks. "Why is all the art in other people's hands if it all went to her?"

"It doesn't say, it's as if she just disappeared," Russell says. "Who knows."

"People can't just disappear," Lance says. "Pull up a picture."

Again Russell messes around on his computer and pulls up a picture of a 5 year old girl and a boy that looks exactly like her. "This is all I can find of her. As well as these pictures of her when she was age 7 and 8 when she entered, and won, judo competitions as well as other martial arts competitions. It says that every competition she entered, she won. Then she mysteriously disappeared after her grandmother's death."

"Her eyes, what color are her eyes?!" Lance says as if shocked and completely ignores the part about her being in judo.

"Let's see... Some reports say blue and some say green then others say both. Not like yours Lance but the colors are switched is what another says."

"Boys, I think we've found our Winter. It's Abbigail Sparks," Lance says. "Now snoop around for any piece of art made by them that might be going for sale at some kinda auction or something! Let's go! Let's go!"

"Wait, who's the boy?" Zero asks.

"Her twin brother, Oliver Sparks," Russell says.

It seems as a look of realization came across Zero's face seemingly connecting the pieces that were missing.

--- 🎼🎶🎵

"Ahh! Good! It's finally over! Now I can relax!" I say and plop myself into a nearby chair.

"No! No! Not so fast! You still need to take pictures in this one last outfit!" James fusses.

"But I don't wanna! I'm so tired!" I say annoyed.

"Frost!" James yells.

"Okay, okay, no need to bite my head off I hear you," I say tiredly and grab the dress from his hands.

I really am exhausted... Two days ago I had to record one of my new songs and that night I had a mission. Then the next day, I had to shoot the video for my song. Then today I have to do this.

I take off the clothes I had on before with the help of the dressers. Then we slip on this new dress and zip it up the right way. I look in the mirror at this dress and to be honest, it's hideous. (Feathers everywhere... I feel like a chicken. This is embrassing!)

I step out of the dressing room onto the stage. When the man says go I start doing all different kinds of poses. Obviously impressing the designer we quickly finish the shoot and head home.

"That last dress was atrocious! It was so ugly!" I fuss.

"I will admit it was pretty ugly," James says and stifles a laugh. "You looked like a chicken."

"Don't laugh! I know I did! I felt like one!" I exclaim annoyed. "We are going home now, right?"

"Actually..." James says.

"What? What now?" I complain.

"You have one more stop. You have to go to an interview," James says.

"Ughh... Let's go..." I say tiredly.

We arrive at the place for the interview and waiting there is a woman. She walks straight up to me and introduces herself.

"Hello, Miss Frost, I'm Skylar Collins from the Twilight Department. It's very nice to meet you," she says with a big smile and holds out her hand.

I shake her hand. "Nice to meet you, Miss Collins," I say and sit down. "Shall we begin this interview?"

She sits across from me with a nervous smile. "Yes, yes we shall, Miss Frost."

"Alright, stop," I say.

She looks at me with a combined expression of confused and nervous. "W-what?"

"You don't need to be so formal. Just call me Ivy. Would it be okay if I called you Skylar?"

It looks as if she gives a sigh of relief.

"Yes... Skylar is okay... I-Ivy..."

"Good," I say and give her a big smile. "Just relax. I'm not gonna bite. I'm not one of those high maintenance celebs. Feel free to just be yourself. Anyway, so what's this interview about?"

She completely relaxes. "Thanks... This interview is just a bunch of random questions. We have a whole page just for you."

"Great! Let's get started!" I say.

She reaches into her nearby bag and pulls out a recorder. (That looks a lot like my disguised taser. Crazy.) She turns it on and presses the record button.

"How old were you when you started getting involved in music?"

"Ever since I was born. At least from the stories my parents told me. When I was born my father always played music whether if I was awake or asleep he always played something. That's how I know all the older music's words they were imbedded in my head before I could even talk. "

"That's crazy. Sounds like a wonderful family."

(You have no idea that I'm lying.)

"How did you figure out you could sing?"

"When I was little whenever my parents went to their friend's parties, I would always go with them. At all the parties they always had karaoke so obviously I sung. Of course at the time I was terrible, but through the years it lead me to where I am now. "

A couple more questions came like that then other more random questions came up.

"What's your favorite color?"


"Any pets?"

"I have a pet falcon named Phoenix."

"That's so cool!!"

A few more questions came and went until one brought me back to my senses.

"So, we've gotten reports saying that you would date any of the guys of the Famous 6. Along with them saying that they would date you too. So who is the lucky guy?"

"That is true that did happen, except that's a question I can't answer, unless I wanna get into some kinda trouble with the guys."

"I understand. That could cause some really awkward moments."

"Exactly," I say.

The interview eventually finishes and after two hours from when we got there. Now making it 7:00 pm.

"I had a really fun time maybe we can do this again someday. I'm depending on you to make that a great article," I say shaking her hand once again.

"Me too and I will, you can count on me!" she says.


Finally home I throw myself onto my bed face down and let out a loud and long sigh. I turn to look at the time, 9 pm. After the meeting we went out to a business dinner, making me even more tired.

Then a certain beep on my phone, telling me a new mission has come up, rings. I grab my phone, keeping my face into the bed. I lazily lift my head up to read what it had to say.

(Tomorrow night at 9:00pm a sword called 'Gift of the Whispers' is going for bid in an auction in the basement of a grand hotel in... TOKYO!!! That's too far! I would have to leave tonight if I wanted to make it there in time! Tokyo time zone would mean I don't have a lot of time!)

"Phoenix! We need to get everything packed! We're heading to Tokyo! Right now!" I yell.

(I'm gonna have to spend the night there too... Gotta call Charles...) I grab my phone and bring up Charles' number.

"Hello?" Charles says through the phone.

"I'm going to my parents' house for a few days. It's an emergency. Please call James and tell him. You can take a few days off while I'm gone," I say.

"Yes, Miss Frost. Hope everything will be okay," Charles says.

"Me too. Thanks, bye," I say and hang up the phone. "Phoenix, let's go!"

I turn off all the lights in my room and grab my personal belongings. We walk into my closet and I pack a bag of clothes for myself. Then we go down and pack everything we need for the mission. By the way took about an hour making the time now 10:00 pm. We take all the bags into the vehicle room and walk to one of the side doors.

Behind one of the doors there's a helicopter and the other has my jet. We walk up to the door with the jet. This jet is the fastest in the world along with some of my personal enhancements, making it even faster.

I shuffled through my bag for the remote to open the door to the jet. Once I find it I press the button on it and the bottom of the jet opens creating a ramp up into the jet. I throw all our belongings into the jet and press a button inside the jet closing the jet's door. I press a few more buttons opening the ceiling above me.

I start up the engine and the floor rises me up to the top. Then I shoot off into the sky.

"Turn on the invisibility shield... Set flight path... Weather patterns... Turn on the thingy that takes me off anyone's radar..." I say going over all the steps.

The jet turns invisible and I set the jet to autopilot. Then walk back to where Phoenix and the luggage is.

"It should be about 5 hours before we get there," I tell Phoenix. (On a normal plane it would take about 11 hours to get there. That alone proves how fast my jet is. Along with how smart I am to make it that fast.) "Let's get a little rest."


"5 minutes till arrival," the system speaks.

I open my eyes after I hear the system speak.

"Alright, time to take over," I say getting out of the bed I was on. I wiggle Phoenix. "Get up, time to get ready." Then I take a seat in the pilot's chair. I look around for a nice spot to land and find an abandoned building's roof. I gently set the jet on top. I look at the time for Japan and it says 8:00 pm. (Time to get moving!)


"You ready?" I ask Phoenix. He nods. "Good."

We already delivered the card earlier and were now heading to the hotel. It's now 8:30 pm Tokyo time.

"Alright, just be ready for me to call you," I say. Again he nods. "See you later."

I sneak down into the basement and begin to hunt for the room with my sword should be.

As I walk I sneak a peek around a corner and quickly move back because guards are up ahead. Then I took a second glance to realize that all the guards are knocked out on the ground.

(What the hell?)

I walk down the hallway to take a closer look. (They're completely knocked out... The hell?) I continue walking and see multiple guards all over the place. (What came through here a tornado of butt kicking?)

I finally find the door I'm looking for to again see all the guards knocked out.

Slowly I open the door and peek in. And you can pretty much guess the 5 familiar faces I saw.

"We've been expecting you, looking for this?" Lance says swinging the sword on his finger.

"What the hell are you doing here!?" I yell. "Give me that!"

I reach for the sword and Lance moves it out of my grasp.

"Uh uh, not so fast," Lance says wiggling his finger back and forth.

"We have a couple questions for you," Zero says.

"No, I'm not joining you, no, I'm not telling you my name and, no, I'm not leaving without that sword," I say.

"Don't worry we already know what your name is," Flix says.

"Yeah right," I say. "Now give me the sword or else."

"Or else what?" Drake asks.

"Or else we can do it my way where I kick all your faces in," I say.

"You against the 5 of us?" Lance says.

"I've been doing this a lot longer than you have," I say.

"We know," Russell says.

"Tell her without using any names," Lance says.

"You became Winter at the age of 11 as it seems," Russell says.

I quickly grab the sword when nobody's looking and quickly try to leave.

"Not so fast Abbigail," Lance says.

(WHAT!?) I turn around and grab Lance by the shirt throwing him against the wall. I get really close to his face.

"Don't ever call me that!" I yell in his face.

"Damn, that fucking hurt," Lance whispers rubbing his head.

"Abbigail Sparks, daughter of Simon and Bridgett Sparks, the creators of Sparks Industries, that died in a car crash. Twin sister of Oliver Sparks, who's body was never found in the wreck. After her parents' deaths she was under the care of Miona and Marty Sparks, the parents of Simon. Both died by the time she was 11. Thus Winter was born because it seems that you didn't get any of your grandparents' art, so you're stealing it all back," Russell says.

At this point I lost it. "Shut up!" I yelled tearing up.

"Abbi..." Zero said sadly.

(Abbi... That voice... He used to always call me that...)

I look up at Zero. "Oli?" I whisper so he can't here me.

"What?" Zero says a little confused.

I look into his eyes very closely. They're green, but they're not contacts. I close my eyes and change them to green instead of aqua. I open my eyes again.

"What!? How did you do that!?" Lance says freaking out.

"You're not wearing contacts," I say to Zero.

"What!?" Zero says surprised I found out.

"You can change your eye color like me," I say. "Change them to your natural color."

He closes his eyes and they open back again with lavender. "Happy, you found out my secret."

I pout at him. "Those aren't your natural eye color, I have a feeling."

"How would you know?" Zero asks annoyed.

I sigh. (My secret is up and I might as well tell them the rest of the truth...)

I pull down my mask and close my eyes. Before I open them I talk in my normal voice. "Well, everything is out, so might as well add on to that."

"No way," Lance says already assuming.

"That wouldn't make sense," Russell says confused.

"Impossible," Drake says.

"I can't even begin to understand," Flix says.

I open my eyes. "Yes, I'm Ivy Frost. My real name is Abbigail Sparks and I'm Winter. Everything you said is true."

"Holy. Shit," everyone, but me, says.

I turn to Zero. "We need to talk to your parents," I say.

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