Mission 6: Statue of Liberty and Paparazzi
*Check out my other book Washed Away*
The next morning I'm awoken to hushed voices that weren't really quiet.
"How are we supposed to approach this?" Zero says.
"I don't know just walk up and tell her," Lance says.
"No, we have to do something special," Drake says.
"How about changing her to not so pure?" Lance asks.
"That's just gross Lance. Why do you always go there?" Russell asks.
"Cause," Lance says.
"That's not an answer," Flix says.
"That's just who I am," Lance says.
"Whatever," Flix says and rolls his eyes.
(What are they talking about!?)
"How about breakfast in bed?" Russell asks.
"That's perfect!" Zero says.
"It's like 2 in the afternoon!" Lance says. "They aren't serving breakfast anymore!"
"We are famous. We get what we want," Zero says.
"Any idea what she likes?" Flix asks.
Drake picks up the hotel room's phone and starts to call room service.
"She likes an omelet with the 4 bell peppers, onions, cilantro, and cheddar cheese," Lance says. "The onions and peppers are diced."
(It's for me? Wait, how does he know that?)
"How do you know that?" Flix asks for me.
"I pay attention to the things she likes," Lance says.
"Why?" Drake asks.
"You like her!" Zero says crazed.
"N-no! I do it to get on her good side when I need to," Lance lies.
"Good idea," Flix says considering it.
"Don't even think about it!" Zero yells.
"About what?" Flix says evilly. Zero's face turns red. "Prevert." Flix snickers.
"No, that's not- Flix!" Zero says angrily. Lance and Flix snicker at Zero while Russell looks at them like they're idiots.
"Would it be alright if we had breakfast, we just woke up?" Drake asks through the phone. "Yes, thank you. We want an omelet with cheddar cheese, diced onions, the 4 bell peppers also diced, and cilantro. Also, pancakes with strawberry syrup and a side of bacon. We want a blueberry muffin with butter grits. Waffles with blueberry syrup and bacon. Hash browns with ketchup along with pancakes with blueberry syrup. French toast with powdered sugar and normal syrup. For drinks we want four milks and two orange juices."
"How he remembers all of that is beyond me," Russell says.
"He has been taking that order for us for years. Except Ivy's she was always busy," Lance says.
(That's true. I was always busy. Lance is an amazing liar, but I can tell when he is or not. Why does he really remember what I eat?)
Later on I hear a knock on the door. (Should be the room service man.) One of the guys walks to the door to let him in. It sounds like more than one man. (I guess that is a lot of food... They would need more than one...) The men set down all the food on a table and leave the room.
"Time to have her get up," Lance says.
I sense the guys walking to my bed with my omelet. Someone shakes my shoulder gently.
"Ivy, get up, we got you some breakfast," Zero says softly.
I slowly open my eyes acting like I'm just getting up, rubbing my eyes and everything. After I sit up they set a tray over me. "This is nice... What do you want?" I ask suspiciously.
"Nothing we are just being nice," Zero says.
"Do you guys think I'm still angry at you for last night?" I ask. "Cause I'm not."
"Oh, thank God," Lance says. "I hate it when you hold grudges."
"When have I ever held a grudge!?" I yell.
"That time at camp, the arcade, and the festival. You didn't talk to me for a few days," Lance says. "Until I apologized."
"Cause those times were all your fault," Drake says.
I stick my tongue at Lance. "Exactly," I say.
"Whatever... Anyway, what are you doing tonight?" Lance asks.
"I don't have anything planned..." I say.
"Great! We have a party to attend! At 9," Zero says.
"It's not for a mission is it?" I ask.
"Nope! It's for an actual party!" Zero says.
"Why?" I ask.
"To have some fun while we're here!" Zero says. "We were all invited! The Famous 6!"
"Formally dressed?" I ask.
"Yes," Zero says. "We get to look all purrty!"
"Then I can wear the new dress I bought the other day!" I say.
"Perfect!" Zero says in a singsongy voice. "Who's gonna be your date?" Zero asks.
"Excuse me?" I say confused.
"It should be me," Lance says.
"Or me," Russell says.
"What about me?" Drake asks.
"Hey! What about me!?" Zero says jealously.
"... No me," Flix says quietly.
I look at all them for a few seconds and smile. "I'll go with all of you!" I say.
"You can't go with all of us..." Lance says sadly.
"Well we are all going together, aren't we?" I ask.
"Well yeah, but..." Zero says.
"So, what are we gonna to until then?" I ask avoiding the question.
"Let's go sight seeing," Russell says.
"That's a good idea!" Zero says.
"Then it's planned. We're gonna go sight seeing," Drake says.
Everybody finishes their breakfast and everybody has the same thought on their minds, except for Ivy.
"Well, I'm gonna go get ready!" Ivy says and rushes into the bathroom for a shower.
Once she's in the bathroom everyone slumps in their seats and accidentally speaks their minds.
"God! She is so clueless!" Lance says.
"Totally oblivious..." Flix says.
"Absentminded..." Zero says.
"Airheaded," Drake says.
"Scatterbrained..." Russell says.
They all look at each other in surprise.
"You..." is all they can say just looking at each other just realizing their intentions are the same. They all want Ivy to themselves.
In the bathroom...
I shave my legs, wash my hair, and body then wrap myself with one of the hotel towels. I put my hand on the door about to go out, but remember the guys are here. (Shit... What am I gonna do?) I open the door a crack and peek out. (I can't ask them for my suitcase they might see something they shouldn't... This is so embarrassing!) I walk out with the towel wrapped around me tight.
"Ivy! W-what are you doing?!" Flix yells and turns away, face red.
My face turns a shade of pink. "I-I f-forgot my c-clothes..." I say and walk over to my suitcase head down. I turn to see if they are looking and when I do they all turn away with red faces. I hurriedly grab my clothes and rush towards the bathroom then get an idea. "Now you know how I felt!" Then I run into the bathroom. "Oh my God! That was so embarrassing!" I get into my clothes and put on my makeup then walk out.
"Please don't do that again!" Drake yells right when I walk out.
"Well I'm not used to having people in the room!" I say. "But, you know, now we're even."
"Okay! We get the point! Let's go!" Lance says embarrassed.
"Where are we going?" I ask.
"The Statue of Liberty!" Zero says.
"Yay! I've always wanted to go there whenever I had time!" I say excited.
"Let's go to the roof then," Lance says and everyone follows him out the room.
"He must have a helicopter waiting," I say left in the room. I grab my things together and take out my cell phone. I go to my contacts list and call Phoenix's feeder.
"Hello?" he says.
"Hey, I'm gonna be gone all day, so can you check in occasionally on Phoenix for me today?" I ask.
"Sure!" he says.
"Sorry, I'm bad with names... What's your name again?" I ask.
"It's Adam," he says.
"Sorry... Thanks Adam. I will remember your name this time," I say and hang up the phone. I walk over to Phoenix and pat his head. "See you later be good for Adam." Phoenix replys with a squawk and I leave the hotel room.
I walk up to the roof and waiting there is a helicopter. "What took you so long?" Lance asks.
"Sorry, I had to call Phoenix's feeder. Ready to go?" I ask climbing into the helicopter.
"Yeah, we were waiting on you," Flix says.
"Yeah, yeah," I say waving my hand at them. I close the door behind me and strap myself in a seat.
"Wow, it's so big!" Zero yells.
Looking out the window of the helicopter we see the Statue of Liberty's face literally right next to us.
"Yeah!" I yell. "Oo, I gotta get pictures!" I shuffle through my bag and grab my phone. "Come on take a picture with me!" Everybody groups together and we take a bunch of different pictures: silly, normal, and down right weird.
"Hey, that's the building that the party is at tonight! The one called Snazzy!" Zero says and points.
(Snazzy... What an odd name... Sounds kinda familiar...) I look towards the building. (Isn't that the place that some mafia boss owns? This party better not be a mission or I swear I'm gonna punch someone. They better not have lied to me!)
"So, where should we go next?" Russell asks after about 30 minutes since we've been looking at the Statue of Liberty.
"How about we go to Central Park next? To take a walk," Lance suggests.
"That would be great!" I say and everyone agrees. Then we land in Central Park and get out of the helicopter.
"This place is so pretty!" Russell exclaims.
"It's really relaxing here," Flix says and smiles.
"Is that a smile I see on Flix's face?" I ask. He quickly hides it. "Oh, I was just messing with you! You're so negative." I pinch his cheeks and force it into a smile. "Where'd that beautiful, rare smile go?" Everyone laughs at Flix's pouty face. I let go of his face and give him a light slap on the cheek. "You never show how you truly feel!" I smile at him and turn to look at the scenery. I walk in the middle of all of them smiling the whole time. (I'm so happy I have such great friends! I wouldn't change them for the world.)
"Hey, are they the Famous 6!?"
"It is! OMG!"
Quickly we're surrounded by fans. They all shove notepads or whatever they can find and have us sign them. I simply just sign 'Love ya, Frost' on everyone's I sign. We take pictures with everyone and can't seem to get away. Even the news comes.
"So, which one of these hotties are you dating now?" a news woman asks me.
"I have never dated any of them before. I do sometimes wonder how things would work out if I did date one of them," I say and turn to look at them. Then I get really close to the microphone and whisper. "I would date anyone of them. They are all great guys. I just might be scared to though because if something bad happened it might ruin our friendship and make it incredibly awkward. I wouldn't want to ruin that. It's the best thing I got!"
"Ooh! So if you had to choose any of them who would you choose?" she asks.
I look at the guys then back at the camera and laugh. "That's a secret. They might watch this I don't want them to tease me! I get enough of that already!"
"Why are you here?" she asks.
"We decided we wanted to take a stroll. We just went to see the Statue of Liberty. It was sooo beautiful! And we saw it from a helicopter! It was so much fun! I will be posting pics later. We got lots," I say.
The boy's getting asked questions...
"So, are any of you dating Miss Ivy Frost?" the news man asks.
They all look at each other. "None of us are dating her," Russell says.
"Would you guys date her?" he asks.
Their faces turn all different colors of blush and look at Ivy. "I would..." Zero admits.
"Same..." Flix says.
"Yeah..." Drake says.
"Yep..." Russell says.
"Of course! I mean look at her! She's hot!" Lance says.
"So, it's a fight between all of you?" he asks.
"Maybe in a way... but it's not like we'll hurt each other. That's just crazy! We are best friends!" Zero says happily.
Lance gives Zero a noogie. " We will always be buddies!" Lance says.
"Argh! Lance! You're messing up my hair!" Zero fusses.
I walk over to where Lance is giving Zero a noogie. "Can't you boys ever behave?" I ask and laugh.
"Would you date one of them?" the male news man now points the mike at me.
"Your lady friend already got that answer," I say and smile.
"You're answer?" he pushes wanting the guys to hear.
The guys watch me with interested eyes. "I would date anyone of them," I say.
"Well it looks like you guys have a chance!" he says trying to cause problems.
"Wait, what?" I say confused and look at the guys.
"N-nothing! Let's go!" Lance says, grabs my hand and pulls me away along with the others following behind.
We leave the big crowd and finish our trip in Central Park. (What did that guy mean?) I look back to see what news crew it is. (Celebnews... Should've known... I will see what they said! Tonight!) We walk to a pretty white bridge with no people on or around it. (Lance still hasn't let me go...) We sit under the bridge in a circle, Lance still holding my hand. Along our walk I take pictures of everything even us.
"You can let go of her hand now you know," Drake says.
Lance realizes he's still holding my hand and quickly removes it. His face turns red. "Sorry..."
"Did you really mean that?" Drake asks.
"What?" I ask.
"That you would actually date any of us," Zero says.
"That's for me to know and you to find out," I say. "Let's just not talk about this topic." My phone beeps. "Sorry, hold on." I look at my phone and it says that it found another one of my grandparents' art. (Located at... No way... The place where the party is tonight, Snazzy. This is the only night I can get it too... Shit... I can't even send a warning card. Well maybe not I can...)
"Whatcha looking at?" Zero says trying to see the screen.
I hide the phone. "Nothing. Just a message from Charles," I say.
"Oh, okay," Zero says backing off.
"We should just go this is depressing," Flix says standing up.
"It's gonna get dark soon. We should go. We've been around here for a while," Russell says and stands up.
"We should start getting ready," I say standing up.
Drake stands and starts to walk off. Lance gets up too and doesn't say a word. Everyone starts walking in silence back to the helicopter. I type a message to Phoenix saying to send a warning card to Snazzy. I send a picture of the building. (Yeah, you're probably wondering how Phoenix will get this message. He has a transceiver under his wing. It vibrates so he should know. He's very intelligent. I mean of course he is, I trained him.) I sent the message and catch up to the guys.
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