Mission 5: Mission with The Black Dragons
Morning comes before I know it and just as they said, they were here.
"Get up! Come on!" Zero says jumping on the bed. I shove Zero off my bed. Zero lands on the floor with a loud thump. Lance bursts out laughing. "Ow... You push hard..." Zero says rubbing the back of his head.
"Why are you guys even in NYC?" I say tiredly rubbing the sleep from my eyes.
"For a mission!" Drake says.
"Now hurry and get dressed! If your not ready by 12 we will take you in whatever state you're in," Lance says.
I look at the time.
"That only gives me 40 minutes!" I yell.
"Then you better get ready," Lance says.
"I'd like to see you work with 40 minutes. Mr. 3 hours to get ready," I say.
"Hey, don't judge it takes a lot to look this good," Lance says pretending to flick his hair like a girl would.
I roll my eyes and rush to get ready.
That was the fastest I hOkay,ever gotten ready. I knew he wasn't kidding he did it before.
We leave my hotel and walk to a gothic store. (Here we go.) Lance grabs a few things but I push them away.
"I can find my own outfit and see if you guys approve," I say.
They look at each other then back at me.
"Okay, fine," Drake says.
I run off in to the shop stopping at a shirt. The shirt is all black and long enough to be a small dress. It's long sleeve and ribbons tied into the side going up the side making a bow at the end. It's like a Renaissance corset. I grab it in my size and grab a pair of black leggings. I change in the dressing room and walk out to show the guys.
"That looks perfect!" Zero says.
"If Zero agrees it must be good," Russell says.
I change out of it and we buy it. We then go to a store that carries all sorts of neat things. It has lots of ninja like things and everything is legit. We get me some black ninja shoes, a mask, a belt with pockets, and gloves. (Now I have two pairs of everything.) The day flies by before I know it and it's already 8.
We depart from each other and I go to my hotel to change into my new costume, while the guys go to grab their equipment.
"What do you think Phoenix?" I ask.
Phoenix looks at me disapprovingly.
"I know I shouldn't do this but they've given me no choice. It's not like I could run away," I say.
Phoenix turns away from me. I sigh. I grab some of my daggers and put them in a pocket on my belt. A few minutes later the guys come into my room with all there bags.
"Why'd you bring everything?" I ask.
"We're sleeping here," Lance says.
"You can't sleep in here!" I yell.
"Too late," Drake says.
"Ugh, fine, whatever," I say.
"Now, let's get to business," Lance says.
"Look how cute you are, in your little ninja suit!" Zero says excitedly.
I roll my eyes at him and sit on my bed. The guys grab all their things out for the mission.
"Let's get changed," Lance says taking off his shirt.
"Whaaa! Wait! You can't change in here!" I yell turning my face away.
"Why not?" Flix asks taking his shirt off.
"I would rather not see anything!" I yell.
"You sure? You don't want to see all this," Lance says.
"No!" I yell. (I can imagine Lance gesturing his hand in front of his body.)
They laugh and continue changing while I face away.
"Okay, we're done," Lance says.
"I swear if you aren't I'm gonna throw you out the window," I say.
"Haha, ooo busted Lance!" Zero says.
"I just have my shirt off," Lance says.
"It's okay now," Russell says. I turn and their wearing the same things as last night. "First thing's first. The earpiece. It's to help us communicate with each other," Russell says handing me one. "Turn it on like this."
I put it in my ear flicking it on.
"We are going to a mafia boss's house. We are taking back a painting that belonged to an old lady," Lance says.
They tell me all about the mission along with other things like how to move around and fight.
"You know I know how to fight," I say.
"We can never be too careful," Drake says.
I roll my eyes. "You don't need to teach me how to fight. I got that part covered," I say.
They show me moves anyway with me not really paying attention. I already knew how to do all of this.
They put together all the things they would need for the mission.
I take notice of Zero holding green contacts.
"Here put these in," Zero says handing me a contact case with blue contacts. "Your eyes are different like mine you need these."
"Thanks," I say and run into the bathroom shutting the door. I shove the contacts deep into one of my bags and change my eye color to blue. I sit there a few more seconds then leave.
"Oh! Almost forgot! We all have code names," Lance says.
"I'm Razor," Russell says. (I knew that.)
"I'm Echo!" Zero says.
"I'm Thunder," Lance says. (How appropriate...)
"I'm Viper," Flix says.
"And I'm Blaze," Drake says.
"They all fit you perfectly. Like Blaze cause your last name is Flame. Viper because you strike like a snake. Thunder, do I really have to explain that? Echo because your like an Echo. And Razor because your sharp," I say.
"You figured that out quick," Drake says.
"It's not that hard to figure out. It's pretty obvious," I say.
"What are you gonna name yourself?" Zero asks.
I look towards Zero. (I obviously can't use Winter... Wait, didn't he put in contacts? His eyes are green but those aren't contacts.) I look closer at him, but Drake interrupts my thoughts.
"How about Shadow?" Drake says.
"No, it should be Angel," Zero says.
"More like Demon," Flix says with a grin.
"I like Star," Lance says.
"How about Tiny," Russell says.
"No, not any of those. I like Snow cause it goes with my last name," I say.
"I like that! Snow," Zero says.
"Alright, Snow it is," Lance says.
"How are we gonna get out of here?" I ask.
"By each balcony," Zero says.
"We are gonna jump to each balcony making our way down," Russell says.
(I could totally do that easily but I can't show them that.) "What about me?" I ask.
"Your not gonna be treated any different you can jump to each balcony yourself," Lance says.
"I can not!" I yell.
"You've done it before in a movie," Lance says.
"That is completely different. I had a cable connected to me! Anyway, what if someone is out on the balcony?" I ask.
"We won't jump to that balcony then," Lance says.
"They can still see you even if you don't land on their balcony. They could be leaning on the rail," I say.
"Ughh, you complain to much!" Flix says angerliy.
"I'm not complaining! I'm just worried," I say. Lance walks over to me and puts his hand on my head reassuringly.
"We will be fine," Lance says looking straight into my eyes intently.
(I've never seen that look on his face before.) I nod my head. "Fine," I say.
"Let's go!" Zero says running out to the balcony. Everybody follows him out and I stay put.
"Phoenix, I will be back. Please don't worry," I say and walk out to the balcony.
Everyone grips the rail throwing themselves over to the other side.
"I can't do this. There is no possible way a normal human can do this!" I yell.
"Fine, put yourself in this brace," Lance says taking it out of his bag and hands it to me.
I put the brace on wrong on purpose so I look incapable of doing this. "Is this right? I ask.
Flix looks over at me and sighs. He hops back over the rail and helps me put it on. He gets into the other brace Lance has. He hooks a hook onto his and my brace connecting us with a rope.
"I'm going to be climbing down and you'll hang below me. Don't scream," Flix says.
"What!? That's even worse!" I yell.
"We're running out of time," Drake says.
Flix climbs over the rail again pulling me behind him. I get over the rail hesitantly. Flix grabs me throwing off the rail. I squeal.
"I told you not to scream," Flix says.
"Then give me some warning before you do something like that!" I yell.
"3... 2... 1!" Lance yells and on one they all jump.
I grip onto the rope life flashing before my eyes. (How did I get into this mess! I'm gonna die!) They grip other handrails on the way down causing the rope to jerk me. My feet gently touch something and I look down. (Oh thank God! The ground!) All the guys jump down.
"See? I told you everything would be okay," Lance says winking at me.
"That was terrifying!" I yell.
"It wasn't that bad," Flix says.
"Normal people don't do that! It's scary!" I yell.
"Doesn't matter now we gotta go," Lance says and they walk towards a van. "Come on. Follow us."
We file into the black van and drive to a house far away from the hotel. They park somewhere by the house out of view and Russell stays behind in the van. We run up to the outside of the house to see where the guards are.
"Don't mess this up," Flix whispers in my ear.
"I won't," I say a little peeved.
"When I say 'go' we go," Lance says. A guard turns and leaves a open spot to get in. "Go!"
We dash through the bushes and up to the house. The guys whip out their grappling hook guns and shoot towards the roof.
"What about me?" I whisper. Lance wraps his arm around my waist and we zip to the roof. Lance doesn't release his grip and starts walking. "Get off me!"
"Ah! Come on! You know you like it." Lance says letting go.
"In your dreams," I say and roll my eyes at him. "How are we getting in?"
"Through the roof," Flix says. "Russell, lights."
All the lights go out in the house and some yelling goes around. "The Black Dragons! They're here!"
The guys open the roof window and we jump through.
In my earpiece I can hear Russell telling us which way to go. "Left. Right. Right."
Footsteps run from behind us. "Get them!"
A guard grabs my shoulders and Lance jabs him in the stomach. Flix punches another in the face.
"Get the girl! She's the weakness!" a guard yells. (If he only knew.)
Three bodyguards surround me. "Whatcha gonna do?" the guard says teasingly.
"Snow!" Lance yells.
I watch the guys and nobody can help me they're all busy with other guards. "I'm gonna do this!" I roundhouse kick the one who talked in the face. I punch the last two in the stomach at the same time. All three guards fall to the floor.
I turn to the guys and their struggling each has at least eight guards on them.
"Set off the sprinklers Razor!" Lance yells and the sprinklers go off.
You hear all the complaining of the guards but they don't stop.
(I have to help...)
I run towards the guards around Lance. I jump up onto a guards shoulders and twist my body making him fall back. I trip another guard and smack his head against the floor only hard enough to knock him out.
A guard with a bat swings at me and I duck down then kick his arm making the bat fly from his hands. I grab the bat and hit him upside his head. I run to Drake's group and knock down three of his. I knock down three from each guy's group and they finish the rest.
Now just bodys of guards lay on the floor, completely knocked out.
"What the hell?!" Lance yells. "Where did you learn to do that?"
"I did fighting styles for that movie," I say. "Remember?"
"I know I was in that movie!" Lance says. "We were never taught that!"
"I'm still training with him," I say.
"Hmmm," Zero says looking me over.
"Don't we have a painting to get?" I ask.
"Oh! Right! Let's go!" Drake yells.
"The second room on your right," Russell says. "I'm disabling the lasers blocking the door."
"While we wait," Lance says turning towards me. "Tell me more about this training you did."
"I continued to practice with that sensei and learned his techniques," I say.
"Your fighting style is a lot like Winter's," Zero says eyeing me.
"It's open," Russell says.
(Saved by the bell or in this case Russell.)
Lance opens the door and yet again there are guards. More than last time.
"There's 40 of them everybody take on 5 for now!" Lance yells.
I run in and take down 3 quickly. The guys come in after me and take down 3 each. I knock out the last two of five with a punch to the stomach. I turn to see a guy running away with the painting. I run onto the shoulders of a guard and take out one of my daggers. I throw the dagger at the wall in front of the guy and he turns around.
"Where you going?" I yell twisting the guard I'm standing on to the ground and jump towards the guy. The guy runs away down the hallway. I run after him and catch up easily. I run down the hallway and jump against the wall to flip over him blocking his path. "Whatcha gonna do now?"
The guy turns around to run the other way but the guys show up behind him and we trap him. The guy threatens to ruin the painting.
"You won't do it. Do you know how much that painting costs? If you ruined it your boss would surely kill you, literally," Lance says.
"Shit..." the guy says and drops the painting.
"That's a good boy," Lance says patting his head like the guy is a dog.
Lance begins to walk towards him and I notice the guy taking out a gun. The guy takes it out and points.
"Look out!" I yell and throw a dagger at the guy's arm. It cuts him and he drops the gun. The dagger lands at Lance's feet.
I run and kick the gun away from the guy and take the painting away. I give the painting to Flix and notice everyone's gaze on me. "What?"
"When did you get daggers?" Lance asks.
"When we went to the store with the ninja things," I say.
"I didn't see you do that," Zero says.
"It was when you weren't looking. I felt like if you knew you wouldn't let me. Saying 'it's too dangerous'," I say in a mocking tone.
"Well duh!" Drake yells.
"How did you know how to throw them?" Flix asks.
"I learned the ways of a ninja," I say and wink. I grab the dagger off the ground and look back at them. "Shouldn't we be going?"
"That's right! We gotta go!" Zero yells coming back to reality.
We run out the building and I grab the dagger in the wall, before going to the van that Russell is still in. We hop in the van and drive away quickly.
"You took out more guards than me!" Zero says. "I can't believe you could do that!"
"That spy movie I was in, that wasn't a stunts person, that was me," I say. "That's where I learned to do that stuff."
"But you had wires connected to you," Lance says. "I remember I was your costar."
"I didn't need the wires," I say. "You know I did gymnastics, judo, and karate when I was young."
"True, true," Lance says.
We drive back to the hotel and climb up the building the same way as before. And me freaking out the whole way up. Praying that I wouldn't get dropped or the line breaks or something like that.
Once inside the room they hide the picture inside their bags. I walk into the bathroom to change my eyes to normal and into my pjs. I walk back out to the guys in their boxers.
"Ahh! Put some clothes on!" I yell and shield my face.
"This is how I go to sleep," Lance says.
"I guess we all do," Drake says.
"Then go to the other rooms! There's enough for each of you!" I yell.
"Nah, don't wanna," Lance says.
"Well tonight if you are sleeping in this room you will be sleeping in clothes and on the floor!" I yell.
"Make us," Lance says.
"Do you really wanna challenge that after what I did back there?" I say.
"Nevermind, we'll put on clothes," Lance says. While still shielding my face I walk towards my bed. "You're too innocent."
"That's not a bad thing!" I yell.
"You've seen us shirtless before," Russell says.
"That's because we were at the pool! That's different! There it's okay, but here, in a girl's room, my room, is just inappropriate!" I yell.
"You're just too pure," Flix says.
"So!" I yell. "What's wrong with that?!"
"One can be so pure but you are the purest," Flix says.
"I bet that goes the same for you too Mr. Grouchy!" I yell and turn to look at him. His face is red. "You have no right to tell me this!"
"Well I can," Lance says.
I turn to look at Lance. "The same probably goes for you too!" I say. Lance doesn't continue and drops his gaze. "That's what I thought!" I get under my covers in a huff. "Goodnight!"
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