Mission 3: New York City

Its been a week since the guys asked me to join. I haven't seen or talked to them since. Flix called the case off by saying he solved it that the card was just a prank by someone, even if it obviously wasn't. That made the estate back to its original security.

Right now Charles, James, Phoenix, the feeder, and I are on my private jet to New York City. I'm going to be a guest star on a cooking show called Kiki Sweet. The same name as the lady who cooks or the hostess I guess. (And no she's not related to James.) I have a feeling I'm gonna really hate her. She sounds like the kind of girl that gets excited and squealiy about everything.

I really don't like girls that's why I don't have many 'girl' friends. If I didn't tell you this I'm telling you now. If you wondered why I was the only girl in the camp group here's why. I originally was in a group of girls but got changed to a boy's group. I didn't get along with any of the girls. They screamed about everything that moved, from grass, to leaves, to birds, to water, to dirt, everything scared them! I stayed in a girl's cabin to sleep in but got transferred to a boy groups for the day. That's why I don't like girls because girls, piss me off.

Anyway, there's another reason why we are in NYC that only Phoenix and I know about. We have a mission to go on to get an egg. You know one of those really fancy decorated eggs that costs a lot of money. I forget what it's called, but it's my grandparents', so I'm getting it back. The guy who has it is selling it in a black market auction in two days at 10:00 pm in the basement of a fancy hotel.

Phoenix is fast asleep in the seat next to me. James and Charles are up front with the pilot. Phoenix's feeder is in the way back making sure his food is secure. I'm on my tablet trying to come up with new song lyrics.

(I really wish I could fly the jet but if I asked they'd look at me like I have three heads. They don't know I can fly a jet.)

I turn to look out the window and watch all the clouds go by. My vision of white and blue suddenly turns black and Charles runs into the room. Right when he does there's a sudden jurk on the jet making him almost fall and Phoenix wakes up.

"What's happening?!" I yell.

"One of the engines went out!" Charles says quickly.

"What do we need to do?!" I say.

"Prepare for a crash landing!" Charles yells and heads to the back to notify the feeder.

Luckily, Phoenix and I trained for this but everyone else isn't, well except for the pilot. I turn towards Phoenix.

"You know what to do!" I say.

I run towards the cabinet to grab a few washcloths and hurry to the sink to wet them. Phoenix gets in his seat and sits into the seat as close as possible. I rush over and strap him in. Charles and the feeder rush in.

"Strap yourselves in a seat!" I yell at them. They hurriedly get in seats and I throw a washcloth at both of them. "Cover your mouth and nose with them!" I shout.

They do so and I rush to where the pilot and James are and give them each one too. The jet starts to fill with smoke. I rush to my seat and strap in. I hold a washcloth over my mouth with one hand and the other on Phoenix's. The jet lurches forward a couple times. Then a loud crash noise with a hard impact to the ground goes throughout the jet. I look over at Phoenix and he looks fine. I look over at Charles and the feeder and they're not moving. I unhook myself and rush over to them. I put my hand on their necks and both their pulses are going.

(Oh thank goodness... They have just passed out.)

James rushes into the room and notices me.

"Are they ok?!" James yells.

"They're fine just got knocked out from the hard impact," I say.

"Good," James says.

I look outside and still can only see black smoke. The jet fills with more smoke.

"We need to get out!" the pilot says running in.

The pilot opens up the side door. James unhooks Charles, picks him up, and rushes for the door.

"Phoenix go!" I say unhooking him.

Phoenix flies out. I unhook and pick up the feeder getting shocked looks from the pilot. I jump out finally realizing where we are. We are at an airport.

"Word about this does not get out," James says.

(He says that but it always will.)

I couple of men run up with two stretchers. James lays Charles on a stretcher while I lay the feeder on the other. The pilot gives a report to some people and James is explaining what happened to Charles and the feeder.

I move over to the side and play with Phoenix. I pull out a little ball from my jacket that we were playing with before on the jet. I throw the ball into the air and Phoenix zooms off to go fetch it. James comes over to talk with me.

"The good news is that this is the airport we were supposed to go to," James says.

"Yay!" I say.

"But now I need you to answer some questions," James says.

"Uh oh," I say.

"How did you know what to do? And how were you able to lift that guy?" James says.

"When I bought the jet it was a requirement to know how to. I lifted that guy because I work out," I lie.

"You don't have any weight lifting equipment," James says.

"You don't know what I do on my days off," I say smugly.

"Whatever... We need to go to the hotel. Come on," James says.

"Phoenix, let's go!" I yell.

He flies down from flying around in twists and turns and lands on my shoulder.

"Haha, you having fun?" I ask.

Phoenix nods his head gleefully.

"I swear it's like that falcon understands you," James says.

"Did you just figure that out?" I ask, turning around now looking at James while walking backwards.

"Don't do that! You could fall and hurt yourself," James says.

"Right, like I would fall. You're such a worrywort," I say and turn to walk normally.

I head up to the luxury suite on the top floor. They've set up a bird perch in my room and Phoenix flies right over to it. I look around the suite at all the different rooms. I get to the big window and see a great view of NYC. I just stand and look at all the different buildings. I get totally mesmerized by the scenery and snap out of it when I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in," I say.

A young man walks in carrying my bags.

"Oh, here, let me help," I say grabbing a few bags.

"Uh t-thanks..." the boy says nervously.

"No need to be nervous. I'm not gonna bite or yell at you," I say.

"Okay," the boy says.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"It's, um, Logan," he says.

"Logan, that's a nice name," I say.

"Thank you, Miss Frost," Logan says.

"Haha, no need to be so formal just call me Ivy," I say.

"Oh, okay," Logan says.

"You can set the bags down over here," I say putting the bags down by the bed.

Logan sets the bags down and turns to leave.

"Wait," I say.

Logan turns and looks at me.

"Yes I-Ivy," Logan says nervously.

"I know you want to ask something. It's okay. Ask me," I say.

"Can I have an autograph?" Logan says scared.

"I would love to," I say.

I grab a nearby notepad, write him a little note and sign 'Frost' in cursive.

"Here you go," I say.

"Thanks!" Logan says happily.

"What's the other thing you wanted to ask?" I ask.

"C-can I pet your falcon?" Logan asks.

"Sure, go ahead. Phoenix?"

Phoenix perks his head up and Logan runs up to him. Phoenix looks at him confused then looks at me.

"He wants to pet you," I say.

Phoenix looks at Logan again and Logan slowly raises a hand. Phoenix stutters then nussels his head in Logan's hand. Logan giggles like an excited child.

"Thank you so much Ivy!" Logan says.

We say goodbye and the room turns quiet again. The show is in three days and the mission in two. I have all day off tomorrow.

"What should we do tomorrow?" I question.


We ended up going shopping and sightseeing. I had to wear a disguise the whole time though, kind of a pain. We went back to our hotel and dropped off all the shopping bags. The sky was getting dark and we went to send the warning card. We had no problems delivering the card and explored the town at night.

"So, Phoenix, you ready for tomorrow?" I ask.

Phoenix flying beside me gives a quiet squawk in agreement.

"I hope we don't run into any problems," I say.

We keep gazing at the surroundings and let our guard down for a second. A man comes from behind me and grabs my wrists holding them behind my back.

"G-give me all your m-money!" the man yells.

Phoenix gets really mad and starts to charge at the man, but I stop him.

"I got this idiot," I say.

"Who you calling an idiot!" the man yells.

"You!" I say.

I lean on one foot and kick him in the groin with the other making him release then I elbow him in the stomach. The man collaspes to the ground holding his stomach.

"Urrghh..." the man groans.

"See idiot," I say.

Phoenix squawks as if he's laughing.

"Let's go back to the hotel if thugs are coming out now," I say and put $100 next to the man.

"Why?" the man asks.

"I can tell your desperate and also that you don't wanna do this. Try harder to get a job," I say and walk toward the hotel.

"Thank you..." the man says.

That man was new to doing things like that. I could tell because a good thug knows that that is coming and knows how to dodge it. That guy had a lot of problems going on in his life.

The next day flies by and now it's show time. It's 9:00 an hour till the auction starts. We are suiting up. Do you have any idea how hard it is to hide a wingsuit, a grappling hook gun, my katanas, an earpiece, a headset, our mission suits, daggers, coin size smoke bombs, and bubble wrap from your butler and manager. It's pretty darn difficult!

I get my mission suit on and put my hair up in a ponytail. I put the grappling hook, katanas, daggers, and bubble wrap inside that same black bag from. Following those the smoke bombs go in my suit's belt pocket. Phoenix has his vest and headset on and I give him the bag. We walk out onto the balcony and I put the wingsuit on over my suit. I climb onto the ledge.

"You ready?" I ask Phoenix.

He nods and I inflate the wingsuit. I jump off the ledge and glid almost all the way to the building where the auction is being held with Phoenix flying beside me.

We land on a nearby roof and I deflate the wingsuit and take it off. I take out the katanas and strap them on my back, then grab the daggers and hook them on my belt. After checking to make sure my earpiece is secure, I stuff the wingsuit in the bag, zip it up, and scale down the wall to the ground. My suit has lots of different functions and one of them is that I climb on any surface like a lizard. I can climb up walls, down walls, and even on the ceiling. It really comes in handy.

"I'm going through that window. Phoenix, fly to the roof. I'll meet you there," I say pointing to a window that goes into the basement.

(I would think there would be more security.)

I change my eyes to aqua and pull up my mask and hood. You know the suits that ninjas have, how their masks cover their face and just shows their eyes? That's how my suit looks.

Through the window is a dark room that's most likely a storage room. I walk to the door and peek out to see if anyone is coming. The hall is dimly lit. (This could be a trap gotta be careful.) I travel against the wall down the hall peeking around corners just in case. The second corner I turn I see three bodyguards standing in front of a room.

If I didn't tell you before the smoke bombs I have, have all different colors. Each color is a special kind of gas such as tear gas, laughing gas, sleep gas, stink gas, plain old smoke, etc. I grab a purple coin, which is sleeping gas, press down on it and fling it down the hall to the guards feet. You hear a burst and a few seconds later hear three loud thumps.

I run down the hall and grip the door handle. Of course it's locked and I use my lock pick. This lock pick is special, you insert it in a door and it shapes into the key that would unlock the door. I unlock the door and right before my eyes is what I came here for.

I grab the egg and suprisingly it's heavier than I originally thought. I knew it would be heavy, but not this heavy. It's at least 15 pounds I thought it'd be like 9. Not like it's a problem though. I tuck the egg under my arm and dash out the room. Waiting outside for me are about 20 bodyguards. It was a trap.

"So you used sleeping gas? Nice choice," the head bodyguard says, looking at the three bodyguards sprawled out on the floor. "Well now we will use the same on you!" he yells and sprays a can of gas in my face.

The gas clears and I smile.

"Wha?!" he yells.

My suit blocks out all gases and odors. Just another function of my suit. I kick his hand that's holding the sleep gas can. The can flies into the air and I catch it then spray every guard around me and the can quickly runs out. About 8 guards are left standing and I dart down the hall getting on an elevator. I turn around in the elevator to see all the bodyguards chasing after. The doors close and I set it to the 30th floor.

"Fang, I'm coming up. Got it?" I say.

Phoenix doesn't respond. (He usually squawks.) This worries me.

The elevator dings indicating that I'm on the 30th floor and I quickly exit. The elevator beside the one I was in, shows that it's on the 28th floor. I run down the hall to the stairwell that leads up to the roof. I run out the door onto the roof and see four familiar faces. Lance, Zero, Drake, and Flix. I see a sparkle in Drake's hand. (That's the Starry Night gem!)

"Ah! So we meet again my beautiful Winter," Lance says.

"Why are you-? Nevermind. Look, I don't have time for your nonsense," I say.

Lance acts heartbroken and grabs his chest.

"We actually want to talk with you," Drake says.

"Maybe next time. I'm occupied at the moment. Fang! Come on we need to go!" I say.

Phoenix flies out with the bag. I take out the bubble wrap and wrap the egg inside putting it into the bag.

"A white falcon huh? You even have the same pet as Ivy," Zero says.

The door to the roof flings open with a bang and the 8 bodyguards rush in surrounding me. The guys hide so they won't be seen. (So much for getting help. Not like I need it.) I throw the bag into the air and Phoenix flies away with it.

"Come and get me!" I yell.

The bodyguards lurch at me all at once. I run towards one, run up him and do a backflip off him onto the shoulders of the guard that was behind me. I pop a purple pellet in his mouth, it releases the sleep gas and he tumbles to the ground, me jumping off before he falls. I land in the middle of the guards and kick one in the stomach making him crumple. I jab the guy behind me in the gut, he falls. Roundhouse kick another into another. One attempts a punch at me and I swiftly grab it throwing it back into his face. Another is punching me constantly but I block all of them. I kick at his leg and he does a back hand spring. I throw on of my daggers at him that slices along his arm. He grabs his arm looking at it. While he's distracted I run up and flip and slam him into the wall. He gets KO'd.

The last one takes out a sword he's been holding. I pull my katanas out from behind me. We rush at each other clashing our swords against each other. While I hold his sword back with one I sweep at his pants with the other. His pants fall down and reveals boxers with little rainbows all over it. I laugh and do a back hand spring kicking him in the face at the same time knocking him backwards. I slide my katanas back behind me.

"Fang! Come back," I say through the earpiece.

The guys step out from their hiding spot.

"Damn. Remind me to never get on your bad side," Lance says.

Phoenix flies back with the bag. I take out the grappling hook hooking it on my belt.

"So, I guess I have some time now if you wanna talk," I say walking over to grab the dagger I threw.

"We want to ask you to join us," Drake says.

"No, I work alone," I say.

"We want to help you," Zero says.

"I don't need or want your help. I can handle myself if you didn't notice," I say. I lower my mask to my neck.

"Good. I didn't want to have you with us anyway," Flix says.

"Flix, shut up!" Lance yells, smacking the back of Flix's head. "Why?" Lance asks.

"I don't like people. I can't trust anyone but myself if I want it done rignt," I say.

"We can get it done right. I mean we have been doing this for 8 years," Lance says.

"And I've been doing it since I was 11," I say.

"Wow," Drake says.

"You're like our age right? So that's about 12 years," Zero says.

"I've said too much. Goodbye," I say turning around.

"Wait," Flix says.

I turn back around to look at Flix. Flix walks up to me and looks at my face rather closely. I back up a bit.

"What?" I ask.

"There's no way that your not Ivy," Flix says.

"Ughhh! This again! I'm not Ivy! If you want to know my name it's... uh, Dawn," I huff turning around jumping onto the next building.

"Wait!" Drake yells.

"Let her go," Flix says.

"We know where your going next. See you there, Dawn," Lance yells out.

(That's such a load of baloney! I don't even know where I'm going next!)

I shoot the grappling hook across to get to the next building and the next and the next to get back to the hotel. Finally seeing the hotel I shoot as far as it will go and it pulls me over. I scale the wall the rest of the way to my room with Phoenix beside me.

Once in the room we take off our suits and hide everything away. I get into pjs and climb into the huge bed.

"Mission successful, Phoenix. Goodnight," I say and fall asleep.

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