Mission 12: Our Parents' Room

We open the door to the room. A large room becomes visible in front of us and we look around.

The room, is painted in our mother's favorite color, apple green. The furniture in the room is the same color, along with the silky bedsheets and curtains. The room has a large desk along with a couch and a table.

We scan the room breathing it all in.

"Wow..." Oliver says.

"Yeah," I say.

We begin to walk around the room observing everything. From all the pictures frames to the pillow tips.

"Hey, what's that?" Oliver asks pointing to the desk.

I look towards the desk and see what he's talking about. On the top of the desk is an envelope and a box on top of it.

We walk up to it and Oliver picks up the box while I pick up the envelope. He tries to figure out the box that seems to be some kinda technology.

I open the envelope and inside are a few letters. The letters are in our Mother's handwriting.

"Dear Abbigail and Oliver,
if you're reading this that means your father and I have passed away. Unless, you're snooping in places you shouldn't and if you are stop reading this! This is serious stuff! Anyways, as I said I have passed and your father and I decided that we would share something with you. This cube can only be opened by your fingertips. Both of yours in order for it to work. Inside is something that was a secret me and your father hid from you. We hated hiding it, but we decided that it would've been for the best. Because if you two were ever hurt we wouldn't know what we would do. You have to figure out what the item inside the cube goes to for yourself. Here's a riddle to help you. 'I grow when I eat, but die when I drink. What am I?' Once you figure that out here's the next part. 'My life can be measured in hours, I serve by being devoured. Thin, I am quick. Fat, I am slow. I grow shorter, as I grow older. Wind is my foe. Pull me when you figure out me.' Good luck! I know you will figure out my brilliant twins! ~Sincerely, Mom"

I finish reading and move on to the next page, again in my mother's handwriting, that says 'To Oliver'.

"Dear Oliver,
Hey my lil' man, I just know that you will become a famous actor one day, I can tell, mommy intuition! I also want you to be the new owner of Sparks Industries along with your sister. It needs someone in charge. I hope you grow up to be the man you wanna be. And remember to always be proud of yourself because you are absolutely amazing. I love you so much and I can't believe I'm not there anymore to watch you grow up. I want you to be momma's brave and strong little boy. I don't want you to waste your time crying over my death. You continue to love life with your head held high! Don't shut others out either! I love you sweetheart and I will miss you! ~Sending much love and happiness from above, Mom."

I turn to the next page and it says 'To Abbigail'

(Here we go...) A tear manages to form in my eye and I quickly wipe it away.

"Dear Abbigail,
Hey panda, someday you're gonna being singing up on the stage with millions of fans that are head over heels in love with you."

A tear drips onto the page and I wipe away my tears. (It's like she could predict the future...) Then I continue to read.

"I wish I was there to see you grow up to the beautiful young lady I know you will be. I wish I was there so I can do your makeup for you and your hair. So I could get you all beautiful for the dances you will go to with the one special guy you said yes to, out of all of the guys who asked. And I wish I could be there for your wedding. I wish I could be there, but sadly I won't."

(Haha... There Mother goes again trying to act like we're a normal family... Her doing my hair instead of the maids...)

"Please be strong for your brother, he's gonna need a shoulder to cry on. He's not as strong as you are, you know he always follows your lead."

(No... don't say that...) I quickly wipe my eyes and continue.

"I don't want you to be crying either. Don't let my death be the reason you don't put yourself out there. Don't you shelter yourself and not let anyone in, I know how you like to do that. Don't rely on yourself, accept the help from others when they ask."

(She noticed? Mother...)

"And don't shove your brother away either! Not that I think you would, you two love each other so much. I love you so much pumpkin! I will love and miss you soooo much! ~I love you, now this is goodbye, Mom"

Tears blur my vision. (Mother! Why did this have to happen?!)

"Abbi? Abbi?! What's wrong!?" Oliver asks setting the cube on the desk.

I put the papers in order and hand them to him. All while wiping my eyes, but the tears don't seem to wanna stop.

I take the cube off the table and look for the fingerprint scanners. One side says 'A' and the other says 'O'. I'm guessing they stand for Abbigail and Oliver.

I hear a few sobs beside me and I turn towards Oliver.

"Mother..." Oliver says sadly then turns towards me. I opened my arms out and he rushes into them. He sobs his eyes out.

"Oli..." I say and run my hand through his hair reassuringly. "It's gonna be okay..."

"She's right you k-know," he says.

"About what?" I ask.

"Y-you being the stronger one," he says.

I don't respond and squeeze him a little tighter. (His attitude is back to the way it was when we were little. Zero is gone, forever.)

After we finally settle down we talk. "You alright?" I ask him.

"Yes," he responds.

"Alright," I say and look towards the cube.

"Shall we open the it?" Oliver asks.

"Yeah," I say. I grab the cube and hold it out so the 'O' is facing him and the 'A' is facing me. We bring our pointer finger to the scanner and place it on top.

The cube begins to beep then a different beeps sound. It seems to confirm that the fingerprints are ours and the cube slowly unfurls.

What is revealed inside makes our eyes go wide.

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