|Chapter 14|

"You really wouldn't." I whispered under my breath nearly inaudible,

"What was that?" He looked back towards me, as I stiffened up,

"It doesn't matter." I smiled it off innocently,

"Um Vik. Why are you so interested in this anyways?" I question looking on as his eyes to fall,

"The winged child they were talking about on the news. Is my brother." He looked into my eyes, expecting rejection, I grabbed his hand as his figures laced in-between mine.

"Maybe I could meet him at one point." I smiled innocently at the boy as the night went on,

"Sure. Tomorrow after school?" He looked at me hopeful, I gave him a small nod of approval,

I let my eyes trail down to my watch,


"Oh geez, I'm so sorry Vik I gotta go." I panicked as I stood up my balance becoming unstable and tripping over my own two feet,

I regained my balance and smiled lightheartedly in his direction before waving,

"Bye Vik, see you tomorrow?" I questioned looking at him for approval,

"Sure, I'll meet you after school, we have history last anyways." He assured me as I started walking home.


I unlocked the door to be met by an eerie silence as I retreated up to my bedroom and removed my shirt, I turned off the lamp and fell asleep instantly,


My eyes opened lazily as I stretched out my limbs and did my new and improved daily routine,

I grabbed my key and walked out the door to make the bus on time, for the first time ever,

The doors opened and I walked on heading to the middle of the bus before sitting down, I put my headphones in losing focus on the world around me, until I saw him.

He walked onto the bus immediately locking eyes with me and sitting next to me,

"I'm excited to meet your brother this afternoon, what does he look like?" I asked thoughtfully looking at him as his eyes lit up like fireworks,

"Well we look nothing alike, I'm adopted so my parents look nothing like me." He smiled innocently at me,

"As for looks he has brown eyes and blonde hair, it's quite rare really, my parents don't have blonde hair at all." He laughed a little bit, his laugh is adorable,

Before I knew it we were in front of the school and the bus ride was over, I waved as I entered the school and we went our own ways.


Last period had finally arrived and I had already taken my seat, I looked to the front to see Vik walking in,

Although the class seemed like forever, Vik talking to me made it less boring, After what seemed like a century the bell rang and Vik dragged me to the gate,

We started walking down the street, Vik was trying to make some small talk but I was just more nervous then anything,

"Hey um, I did some research on it and apparently in this part of Australia there has only been one other kid that was born like him 16 years ago." He spoke slowly as my whole body tensed up.

"O-oh r-really." I stuttered out, my body almost in a stiff position, as I stopped in place.

"What's wrong?" He asked me looking concerned,

"N-nothing. I-I'm f-fine." I breathed out.

"No your not, you look like you've seen a ghost." He said rushing to my aid, brushing his finger against my chest.


He started to lift up my shirt, as I pulled it down, it was a battle,

"No Vik. Please stop!" I pleaded, with him, he looked determined though, my pleading didn't phase him.

"Vik. Please!" I tried with him again, but he only held tighter.

"I'll ask again. What's wrong." He had a serious tone, but he sounded more worried then anything,

I stood still for a couple of seconds, I can't tell him. But his eyes just tell me that he wants to help. What do I do?

"Um-er." I stumbled for words, my brain going numb and my hands stiff,

"That kid, the one born with wings 16 years ago." I took a deep breath. I trust him.

"That was me."

OH SHIT *flips table* WAS THAT EXPECTED? Yes? Well. Shit. But a little bit of twist for the plot line, how do you think he will react? Do you think he will believe him or think he's being stupid? FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON DRAGON BALLZ- I mean Wings. The book I wrote. Yeah.
~ Jazzi

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