Chapter One: Zyrena

Not a drop of sunlight hit the walls of the dungeon-like cave when the heavy metal door swung open. A huge Red SkyWing filed in with two orange guards behind him. The only light lapping at the walls were the lonely, warped tourches. Two dragonets cantered over to the giant dragons, searching for the news that they had brought

"Another dragonet?!" Zyrena echoed the SkyWings words, "Finally I have more company than Sparks over there!" She looked at the frowning SkyWing, "Sorry Sparks. Well, anyway, what does she look like? Or is she really a he, 'cause i don't wanna get it wrong, Dad, 'cause I know you'll get super super mad, 'cause I know your mad at everything," The red dragon hissed at Zyrena, signaling her to keep quiet, "And now I will shut my snout up because you're getting madder.... again!" She began to back away with a cheesy smile slapped on her face. Quickly, she scrambled over to Sparks, the golden SkyWing, and hid behind his giant wings.

The huge red dragon grunted, "Zyrena, no lizards for you tonight!" he paced toward her, scowling, "Here's your new dragon pris- uh, Nest...mate!" He shoved a dark blue dragonet out from behind one of the guards with one of his fiery wings. Fear was painted in her face, as well as that shy look. Her tail and were wings tucked in close to her body, and her head hung low. The tips of her horns were more aqua green than turquoise, as was the tips of her claws and wings. Her wings were rattling slightly, showing how nervous the dragonet was. Zyrena could tell she was trying to hide the full fright she was feeling from her wings, because of how tense her muscles were.

She gradually inched into the Great Cave. A giant wing shoved her more into the room, "Hurry up you dung beetle!" She landed on her face with a whimper as the three SkyWings marched out of the cavern. The rock-colored metal door slammed shut with a ringing BANG, clicking in place.

Zyrena jumped out from behind Sparks' wing, galloping over to the strange new dragonet. Her wings and tail were trembling even more, now that the frightening SkyWings were gone. Looking up, Zyrena noticed a fresh scrape draped across her nose. A drizzle of blood slid down her Snout onto the ground. Then Zyrena also noticed a large scar beginning at the root of her wing, to her elbow. Man, the surprised SandWing thought. I wonder how that got there! I have never seen that before! She thought twice. Then again, Dad has one on his snout, so that would mean I've seen it before...

The crystalline rivers flowing in her eyes sparkled, yet they still radiated her nervous state. The ears on her head twitched slightly, "Wha," she started quietly, a blanket of shyness crept over her, "What is this pl-place?" She trembled a little more.

"Oh! This is where we live! I have only been living with Sparks, and another brown one! Sparks is the golden dragon over there! He's really nice, and he is my bestest friend! Actually, He's my only friend, along with Anaconda, but he's in his sleeping cave, SLEEPING!! Ha ha ha! You are so fun! And now I have three friends! YAY!" the dark blue dragonet shivered, and quickly scooted away from Zyrena.

"Zyrena!" Sparks jumped over to the SandWing, "You are making her more nervous!" He glanced aver to the cowering dragon, "Please stop it Zy!"

"Sorry!" Zyrena squeaked.

Sparks paced over to her, his eyes wide, "Now," he said gentaly, "What is your name?"

"AH, Um," Her eyes now matched the livelyness in Sparks' eyes.

"Does she even have a name?" Zyrena chuckled.

"Don't be so rude!" Sparks scoffed. SORRY! Zyrena galoped over to a isolated corner of the cave, and glared at the two dragons. Why am I being to rude? I am usually hyper, excited! Sparks is staring at theat dragon as if she came from one of the moons! But is it true? Are there really three whole moons in the sky?

"River? I like that name it's beautiful!"

The SandWing snorted loud enough for Sparks to shoot her an annoyed glare. Rrrrh! I did it again! Am I jeolous or what? Sparks helped River up. He guided her to a slab of rock with delicious birds on it, "Want one? I bet your hungry. I like the Peregrines the best, but you can chose-"

Zyrena interrupted him, "She probably won't even like any of those, because birds are DISCUSTING! I prefer lizards, or camels, becau-"

"Uh, Zy, River is trying to speak!" The frusterated SandWing swayed over to the slab, scanning the pile for lizards and borrowing owls. Well, I guess I like those birds, but I won't chose it, for the sake of me saying that birds are gross. Daddy never said anything about the little Fennic Foxes.

"Um, ah, a-actually, I'd rather eat a sea gull, or something." River glanced at Zyrena.

Sparks eyes pressed into Zyrena's menacingly, then looked back at River sweetly, "Help yourself," The SkyWing gestured to a nearby seagull, "I'll be right back." He soon scampered over to Zyrena, yanking her over to the farthest corner.

"What the Fireballs had gotten ino you Zy?" The question hung ominously in the air. You like water-dragon girl better than me! "I don't know," She replied.

Sparks had a very skeptical look on his face, "Really?"

She knew she couldn't fool her best friend, "I can tell you are going to start hangin' out with River a lot more Sparks."

His ears twitched in understandment, "Oh,"

"So just please keep notice of your bestest bestest friend that you've had ever for the past 5 years, okay?"

"Okay," He smiled warmly, nuzzling Zyrena, "Can I just stay with River, so she can warm up to the place?" Sparks eyes pleaded.

"Sure," Zyrena wispered. Althouh I think you wan her to warm up to you! She sighed. Calm down Zy!

"Thanks!" He began to scamper off, but soon retraced his steps, "Also, don't mind Scorough, he's just a little crabby."

"He's your dad too, why don't you call him that?" Zyrena queationed.

He shrugged, "I don't know, I'd expct you to call him Scorough. You are different ya know, not that that's bas or anything."

"Well, okay," The SandWing mumbled. I guess I will go see if Anaconda is awake, or eating breakfast...

Sparks and Zyrena parted their own ways. She campered into the tunnel, her sandy claws clicking across the stone. She passed two, finely bordered cave openings, colored purple and blue. all of the other caves had their own special color identifying each cavern. The third cave down had curly red trim around it. Like scarlet jungle vines.

She sighed a heavy sigh. As she was about to enter the room, a mud-brown dragon with red-tipped horns and wings leapt out in front of her, "Zy, Zy! Oh! I had a terrible dream that the cows and chickens and even the watermelons all turned against me, and tried to eat me!!"

Zyrena shrugged, hiding an obvious chuckle, "Well, now you know how they feel."

"Ya, and worse, you hyper AT ALL! Isn't that insane?!" He soon noticed the lonesome look knitted into Zyrena's face, "AHH!! You are not hyper! AHHHH!! Maybe I'm still dreaming!" The MudWing's eyes spun around the hall until he spotted the red arch next to him. He began to bash his square-shaped head against it, "Wake up, Wake Up, WAKE UP!! Ow! Okay that hurt." the ground met his face as he collapsed, " Well, now I know I am not dreaming, I'M IN A NIGHTMARE!!" The Amber touch of his eyes glared swap into the Emerald ones of Zyrena, "Who are you and what have you done with Zy?!" Heh began to hit his head on the floor once again.

"Anaconda! I'm fine! Stop hitting your head, or the scales there are going to look like a featherless turkey!"

Anaconda shook his head ferociously, "How is this possible?! Zyrena not so talkative, WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO THIS WORLD?!?" The stunned MudWing stared dazed at the SandWing. He couldn't process that the usually loquacious dragonet wasn't taking and being as hyper as she usually was.

Another deep sigh slipped her fangs, "I don't know, I just, I guess I am super jealo-"

Suddenly, her heart rapidly seemed to deflate, as the cave began to rumble so furiously, that the razor-sharp stalactites strung across the ceiling crashed to the ground.

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