At his eight month mark, Louis wrote a letter.
Dear Harry,
I hope you are well wherever you are. It has been eight months since I last saw you.
I'm pregnant with a little boy. I love him so much already. I know you would love him too.
I'm due in about a month. November 10th the doctors say.
Niall, Zayn, and Liam are being wonderful. They set up the nursery a couple months ago and it's so perfect. I wish you were here to see it.
I've started university. It's stressful but nothing I can't handle. When I have our little boy I'll stay at home more. Liam said that I could study online or through Skype, so that will also be a big help.
I'm also staying in your room if that's okay. A dorm is no place for a baby.
Liam told me your last name. It suits you well.
I hope you come home soon to meet our baby boy, Noah Edward Styles.
Love, Louis
Louis folded the paper and gingerly placed it in an envelope with Harry's name written elegantly on the front. He pushed his chair from the desk and stood up putting one hand underneath his large stomach for support.
He carefully walked downstairs to the kitchen where he met Liam for dinner.
"How are you feeling today Louis?" Liam asked when he began to eat.
"I'm alright." Louis started. "When do you think Harry will come back?"
Liam gave him a sad look.
"I don't know."
It was November 17th when Louis gave birth to Noah. He was getting worried with each day that Noah was late, but at two a.m on November 17th Louis went into labour.
Louis woke in a puddle of liquid on his bed and felt incredibly embarrassed. What seventeen year old boy wets his bed, he thought. That was when the first contraction hit, and oh. Well he didn't wet the bed.
He quickly woke up Liam who rushed him to the hospital and called Niall and Zayn on the way. Louis was immediately taken by the doctors when they arrived.
Six hours later at 8:02 a.m Noah Edward Styles was born.
Louis went home three days later, happy to be able to sleep in his own bed and use the nursery.
Noah looked so much like Harry, Louis almost cried. The had the same dark brown curly hair and beautiful plump lips.
Louis was so happy despite Harry not being there.
Noah was a quiet baby and at first Louis was worried something was wrong, but he was just quiet like his Papa.
Louis turned eighteen a month later at his parents house with Noah being the best baby ever and getting spoiled by his aunts and grandparents. Louis' mother, although not wanting to make her son upset, had to ask.
Louis was sitting on the sofa in his parents living room in front of the fire place. He just put Noah down for bed in his room and could finally have some quiet time. His mother Jay sat down on the sofa next to him and gave him a warm smile. He returned the smile with a tired one.
"How are you feeling love?" She asked as she brought her son into a warm embrace. Louis melted into her, happy that he could be held again.
"Tired. Exhausted. But Noah is completely worth it. I'm so happy with him mum." Louis replied.
"He is so precious sweetheart. You did a wonderful job." She said quietly.
"He isn't here." Louis said after a small silence.
"I know darling. It's almost been a year."
"He'll come back. I know he will. He loves me. He'll come home." Louis said, unwinding himself from his mother and winding his arms around himself instead.
"Darling I don't think he will." Jay said softly. "Why not start a new li-"
"A new life?! No he will come home. He said so." Louis exclaimed cutting of his mother and looking at her in disbelief.
"I know love, but it's already been this long anything could have happen-" She got cut off again.
"Stop it! Stop talking about him as if he's dead! He isn't, I know he isn't." Louis cried burying his face in his hands.
"Okay darling. It's okay." Jay replied calmly rubbing Louis back gently as he sobbed.
Although in truth, Louis didn't know anything.
Before Louis knew it, it was February first. Harry's birthday and a year since he had left.
Noah woke up screaming in the middle of the night and Louis rushed to his room because it was so unusual.
No matter what Louis did he couldn't soothe his crying baby boy. Only when Louis brought Noah to his chest to pat his back to check for possible uncomfortable gas did he notice the red bloodstains.
"Liam!" Louis screamed, and not two seconds later Liam was standing beside him.
"He's bleeding! Liam why is he bleeding?!" Louis cried. Tears were pouring down his face and bluring his vision.
"Calm down Louis and come lay him on the changing table." Liam said. "On his stomach and remove his clothes." He added.
Louis sniffled and did as told slowly laying Noah and undressing him.
Liam examined Noah carefully and found something interesting.
"Well Louis it looks as if Noah is growing his wings." Liam said. Louis looked at him confused. "I assume it's because he is half human that his wings developed later. When I found Harry he already had his and he was a couple days old at most."
"He's growing wings?" Louis asked. He looked to his whimpering baby boy to see two tiny bone like things growing through his skin at his shoulder blades. "How do we take the pain away?" Louis asked stroking his baby's face lovingly.
"Well I suppose its just like teething, but on his back. I say we clean the blood and put some pain relieving salve on the skin around the bones." Louis nodded.
The next hour were whimpers from Noah and sighs of relief from Louis. They both went to bed in Harry's room. Noah lying on his stomach on Louis' chest, Louis half leaning and half lying on his pillows and woke up a few hours later.
Louis sat on the couch in the living room with Noah in his arms and said.
"It's Papa's birthday today."
Noah only opened his sea green eyes wider and giggled.
Boom! IM ON ROLL! Two days in a row... BE HAPPY. Nah jk jk haha
anyway I was bored and already had this chapter written so I was like "what the hell, why not"
this chapter is the last chapter that I will be hand writing before I post simply because I don't have anymore pages left in my little journal type thing... WAAAHHH hahaha
anyway so if I make a shit ton more mistakes in the coming chapters its because they probably aren't edited in the process of me typing everything out off of my papers.
Anywho enjoy!
Comment?? I love comments...
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