Beaten and Bruised, Black and Blue

Within the next couple weeks the beatings became more frequent for Louis. He was still going on his daily walks with Harry and those had been the only joyful part of his days. He was able to hide the bruises from Harry because his attackers made sure to never hit him where the markings could be visible, therefore saving them and Louis from having to give an explanation. Louis was too afraid to tell anyone because, what? They would only be suspended at most and then when they got back they would beat Louis even worse, and Louis didn't think he could handle that. His body was already starting to shut down on him from all the exhaustion.

There was one particular day when his body did give up.

Harry was wondering around the grounds airspace per usual while waiting for Louis to be released from his lesson. He flew by the window of Louis classroom to check on him, or to just admire his beauty, but no one needed to know that, when he noticed Louis wasn't there. 

He swooped down to land on the balcony of the classroom and opened the glass doors. Every girl in the room began to whisper or giggle while looking at Harry's normal shirtless form, he never wore them they irritated his wings. The teacher quickly told the girls to quiet down and turned to Harry. 

"What can I do for you Harry?" She asked politely.

Harry didn't speak, but only extended his arm and pointed to Louis empty seat. The teacher immediately understood what he meant as most people on campus now knew of Louis and Harry's relationship. 

"Louis has not come in today or called in sick." She answered.

Harry snapped his head to look at Zayn with worry clear as day on his face. Zayn gave him a look to match his own and the only thing Zayn did was bring his pointer finger up and dragging it across his neck before Harry's entire being filled with rage.

Harry had contacted Zayn about his worries he had been developing for Louis for the past few weeks. 

He had noticed the slight changes in Louis when they took their daily walks. He noticed how Louis walked a little slower and how he would wince when trying to give harry his kiss on the cheek. Sometimes Louis couldn't even manage tip toeing so Harry would need to lean down so that Louis could give him a kiss. Harry hadn't made any sign of acknowledgement because he didn't want Louis to become uncomfortable. Harry and Zayn had been communicating through letters so that Zayn could tell Harry anything he could have discovered from Louis and so that Harry could voice his concerns and receive advice. 

Everyone knew exactly what would happen when Zayn made the hand gesture, but they weren't ready for the menacing, intimidating, and horribly terrifying feeling they were receiving. Harry's body seethed and writhed. His muscles twitched with rage as he processed the information Zayn had just provided him. 

Harry took off so fast it was as if he just vanished. He quickly made rounds around and inside the high school campus searching for any signs that would lead him to Louis. 

Teachers and students alike were filing out of classrooms trying to figure out what all the commotion was about. As soon and they saw Harry flying like a bullet and looking around frantically they knew something had happened to Louis. 

Harry was making his second round around the school when he heard whimpers followed by laughter. He quickly rounded the corner that led to the back of the main building where he saw three boys crowding over a small whimpering boy. His rage all but doubled when he noticed that the boy whimpering was his Louis. 

He launched himself at the laughing boys landing in front of Louis and spreading his pitch black wings to their full span. 

The three boys stumbled back in shock and once noticing who had appeared in front of them they immediately cringed and shook in fear from the absolute rage that was Harry's entire being. 

Before they could speak their apologies, like it would save them anyways, Harry had kneed two of the boys in the stomach and tossed them aside like rag dolls, then taking, whom Harry assumed was the leader, by the collar and roughly shoving him against the building's brick wall, effectively knocking the breath out of the trembling boy. 

Harry gave the boy a menacing look that seemed to portray the message 'how do you feel while being beaten and having no chance to defend yourself?!' 

Harry punched the trembling boy in the face, knocking him out, and tossed him aside where the other two boys were laying. 


Harry's rage immediately faded as he turned to Louis broken voice and body. He dropped to his knees next to the broken boy. Louis stretched his arms out trying to grab hold of Harry. Harry immediately met Louis halfway and pulled him into his arms.

Louis was crying from the mass amount of pain and Harry was on the verge of crying. 

"Oh my beautiful Louis why did you not tell me?" Harry croaked in a deep voice, tears finally spilling over. 

Louis smiled. "Hey you f-finally t-talked. You ha-have an w-won-wonder-ful voice H-Harry." Louis whispered his eyelids drooping from exhaustion.

"No! Louis stay awake please!" Harry begged, gently shaking Louis. 

Louis fully shut his eyes and with a small and peaceful sigh his body went limp in Harry's arms. 

"No no no no no! Louis!" Harry shouted again. 

He quickly gathered Louis into his arms and took off towards his fathers office. It was very convenient that the only man he ever talked to was not only the Headmaster of the school, but a generally licensed doctor. He ignored the crowd and faint gasps of the people that seemed to have gathered.

He reached his fathers office and kicked in the large oak doors.

"Dad! Dad! Help me please!" He screamed collapsing to his knees, a sobbing mess with Louis still held to his chest.

Liam scrambled up from his desk and paperwork running to son and the unconscious boy he clung to desperately.

"Harry. Harry look at me! What happened?" Liam said trying to gain Harry's attention. 

"T-They attacked h-him." Harry managed to say through his sobs and hiccups. 

Liam had never seen Harry so upset before. He obviously underestimated Harry's feelings for this boy.

"Alright Harry. He's going to be okay he's just a little bru-" Liam was cut of by Harry's cries.

"A little?!" Harry screamed in disbelief. "Dad I think he's more than just a little bruised! Hurry up and help him!" 

"Harry calm down! I was only trying to make you feel better." Liam started only to be cut off again.

"Well I'm not the one who needs to feel better am I?!" Harry seethed.

"Harry shut up and carry him to your room or I will take him from you!" Liam yelled getting frustrated with Harry's behavior. Sure he feels for Harry, but he needed to calm down. 

Harry's arms tightened around Louis at his fathers words. He quickly stood with Louis in his arms and made his way out of the office and down the hall to his own room.  He laid Louis gently on the bed and sat next to him, holding his hands while waiting for his father. 

Liam entered the room with a large first aid bag and an IV pole. Harry's eyes widened at the sight of the IV pole. 

"Don't worry, it's just for nutrients and hydration if his body decides to sleep for a couple days." Liam explained. 

Harry watched silently as his father began cleaning Louis wounds. When Liam cut open Louis' shirt to asses the other damage both him and Harry gasped. Bruises littered Louis' delicate sun kissed skin. Scars scattered from his chest to his hips. Harry couldn't help but tear up at the sight. He lifted his hands and ghosted over the fading marks that would soon disappear. 

"Oh my precious, beautiful Louis." Harry whispered sadly as he bent forward to kiss Louis' cheeks and forehead. 

Liam had never seen anyone beaten so severely before, and for it to have happened at his school! Luckily everything would heal properly as nothing was too badly damaged and there weren't any broken bones that required casting. 

Louis would need to rest for at least a week before going back to school, and Liam was going to talk to the high school principle about why no one had noticed this before. He finished cleaning Louis and informed Harry that everything was fine. He left quickly leaving Harry with Louis. Liam had never see Harry so upset about anything and he wasn't exactly sure what to do.

When he got back to his office he talked to the high school principle and had all three boys expelled as the school had a zero tolerance for bullying. 

His thoughts drifted back to Louis and Harry often when he resumed his work. He came to the conclusion that Harry was in love. Whether the boy knew it himself or not.


Hoooooooooly fish nuggets! 

This story had 11 votes total!!! Oh I'M SO HAPPY!!! XD

This chapter is 1547 words.... DAYUM

Anywho hope you liked it :* :* ;*




bye bye 


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