School briefs 3
***Moving into the dorms***
It was a few days before they would be moving into the dorms. At the moment, Eva was trying to pack as well as care for the baby raccoons, plus the mama. She was in her room, packing her hammock into a box, that also held books and hobby items. One of the baby raccoons was licking the window, the other two were asleep on the bed with the mama. Eva was wearing shorts and one of Katsuki's old tank tops. Suddenly there was a knock at the door.
"Can you get that?" Dad asked. "My hands are a bit busy."
"Yeah," Eva agreed as she went over to the front.
"I can get it," said Kozu beating her to the door. He opened the door and folded his arms. "And you must be the punk with the nerve. Dios! Gino!"
"Gino is out" said Dios stepping in the hall as Eva got to the door. "Who's at the door?" Eva pushed Kozu to the side a bit, she was surprised to see Fuyumi and Shoto Todoroki, Fuyumi's eyes were wide as she looked at Kozu, she seemed a bit flush. Shoto on the other hand was purely silent and seemed scared to say anything back.
"Oh, hello. Lovely to meet you again, this is my oldest brother Kozu," greeted Eva both the Todorokis looked at her as Eva looked at her brother. "Be nice. This is my friend from school and his sister."
"Oh the Todorokis," said Dios sticking his head into the doorway to get a look. "We were not expecting you both."
"Your dad invited me over!" Fuyumi informed. "Helping me with decorations to put in my classroom. I brought Shoto along, hope you don't mind."
"Not at all," Eva denied, she looked back to see the raccoon licking the window earlier, was now practically skipping down the hall, with a small pillow in its mouth. "I hope you don't mind raccoons."
"Not at all!" Fuyumi assured as Eva let the two inside.
"Are you excited to be living in the dorms?" asked Fuyumi, they took off their shoes.
"Quite nervous," Eva admitted. Todoroki looked around the place, it was like walking into a forest. Kozu and Dios made sure to remain close.
"Don't be!" Fuyumi said as Eva led them down to the kitchen. "You are going to love it!"
"Dad, the Todoroki's are here," Eva informed as they entered the kitchen, the baby raccoon was playing around in the fort they put up. She saw that her dad was trying to put together a little house.
"Oh good!" Dad smiled as he looked up. "Welcome to the Yuki house! Sorry for the mess!"
"Don't apologize," Fuyumi said as she clasped her hands together, she glanced at Kozu. "We have two different lifestyles." They heard a crash, they looked over to see the baby raccoon had knocked over a few things.
"I'll go put him with his siblings," Eva smiled as she went over. The baby raccoon was more than happy to be picked up.
"Don't be rude," Fuyumi said. "Go help your classmate."
"Right," Todoroki nodded as he followed Eva to her room.
"I'll be in the kitchen!" Fuyumi informed as she sat at the table.
"Remember to keep the door open!" called Dios.
"Dios!" yelped Eva looking back. The four adults got started on the projects as the other two entered Eva's room. Shoto was surprised to see all the raccoons in Eva's room. As soon as Eva placed one down, another woke up. The little creature was making grabbing motions and opening its mouth.
"Hungry," Eva gathered. "You aren't going to be here forever you know. Just till you are back on your feet." The raccoon chatted back. "Lucky you are cute." Eva then left the room, and Todoroki looked around the place. He was staring at the pictures on the table. First day of U.A. photo with Midoriya, and Bakugo. Eva's family members including her mom. "Sorry." She reentered the room.
"Hm?" Todoroki asked as he looked back, he saw the hungry raccoon climb onto Eva, who had a bottle with her.
"Sorry for my brothers," apologized Eva. "I love them dearly even with how tense they can be."
"Don't apologize," said Shoto shaking his head.
"So are you going to the dorms? " Eva asked as she sat on her chair.
"The bastard grumbled when he learned about the implementation of the dorm system," Todoroki said as he sat on the end of her bed. Carefully, not disrupting the other raccoons. "He'd agree to let me go, due to not being in the mood to argue about smaller matters since he can no longer achieve surpassing All Might. You?"
"Dad and my brothers were against it," Eva answered. "After rescuing Katsuki, Dad wanted to leave the human world, and just have us live in the Otherworld." Todoroki gasped. "The human world is dangerous... But All Might was able to talk my family into it." This made Todoroki smile, putting him at ease.
"What was one of the other reasons?" Todoroki asked as he looked at the boxes. He saw the girl had two boxes set up. Clothing and self-cleaning stuff, and the other had a hobby box filled with decorations and seeds for different plants and school items. He looked over to the wall to see numerous wall shelves, some filled with books and other photos. Birdhouses, and animal structures around the wall as well. He was a bit surprised by a squirrel exiting a little house in the corner.
"The teachers," Eva began drawing him out of thought. "They seem to forget I'm not human...he doesn't want a repeat of what happened at the training camp."
"Hmm," Todoroki sounded. His attention was grabbed by the hem of his shirt being tugged on, he looked down to see one of the kits. "Uh...Eva?" Eva looked up to see the raccoon start to climb up Todoroki.
"I'm so sorry," Eva apologized as she got up, she sat next to Todoroki, the raccoon climbing on Todoroki immediately went to Eva, and she let out a sigh.
"Is this one hungry as well?" Todoroki asked.
"Cold as well," Eva said. "She was better with her mom." Eva got up, making sure not to drop either kit.
"I can help," Todoroki offered as he held out his hands.
"You wanna help?" Eva asked as she tilted her head.
"You are still packing for school," Todoroki said as he looked at the ground. "Let me help, please."
"Uh.." Eva breathed. She put both the raccoons down, they immediately started to cry for her. "First, you should learn how to hold one. Hold out your arms, like how you would hold a baby." Todoroki did as was told. Eva then fixed his arm and hand positions. She gently placed one of the raccoons in his arms and then continued to fix his arm position.
"If you don't mind me asking," Todoroki began as the other raccoon climbed onto them. "Why do you have so many..." Eva saw his eyes dart to the squirrel in the corner of the room.
"The raccoons are in the rehabilitation process, " Eva answered as she gave Todoroki the bottle. "Found in an abandoned house; trapping in cages." She looked back at him. "The squirrel got badly injured due to a tree cutter." She looked down to see that the other baby raccoon had curled up on his lap. "You are a kind person, Shoto."
"People always say that," Shoto said as he looked down at the kit in his arms. "How can you tell?"
"Animals can sense when someone is kind and trusting," Eva answered as she continued to pack. "You clearly are someone they can trust." By the time Sora, Kozu, Dios, and Fuyumi finished in the kitchen; they came to Eva's home to find the two UA students slumped against each other on the floor with the raccoons all around them.
"I can't help but notice whenever something happens they always seem to be with each other," Sora said. "Intense situations from USJ to the sports festival to the Stain incident."
"They seemed to have influenced each other," Fuyumi answered. "And for the better." She smiled. "Shoto is making friends...that makes me happy."
Soon they were at the dorms; Aizawa had them all in the common room; and they were given assigned rooms.
Mineta, Aoyama, Tokoyami, and Izuku would be living on the second floor.
Koda, Kaminari, Ida, Ojiro, Jiro, and Hagakure are on the third floor.
Shoji, Kirishima, Bakugo, Urakaka, and Ashido would be living on the fourth floor.
Finally, Sato, Todoroki, Sero, Yayorozu, Tsu, and Eva are on the fifth floor.
"Today's set aside for settling in," said Aizawa. "We'll talk about what comes next tomorrow. Dismissed."
"Yes, sir!" everyone responded; they all made their way to their living spaces. It didn't take Eva too long to unpack; she was on the second floor helping Izuku. She was organizing his All Might books, listening to him mutter out his situation.
"Silver Age, Golden Age, suited version?" Izuku asked. "Is that a good order?" Eva didn't get a chance to answer. "Ah, but I'd hate to leave out the in-flight version..."
"What about the chibi version?" Eva asked. "You seemed to like those more."
"They would make me feel right at home," Izuku nodded. "And the one in a flexing pose inspires me when I'm feeling down...What do you think?"
"Why not one of each?" Eva asked looking back at him. "Pick a favorite from each era; and each version." This just brought on more muttering; to the point, that he didn't even hear Eva's phone go off.
"Katsuki?" Eva asked as she answered the phone.
"Where are you?" Katsuki answered. "You aren't in your room."
"I'm helping, Izuku," Eva answered.
"Why the hell are you helping that damn nerd?" Katsuki answered.
"Izuku needed help to sort his All Might collection," Eva answered. "Keep getting hit in the head with his stupid muttering." She looked back to see Izuku was organizing his All Might school supplies. "Rescue me."
"Lord Explosion Murder is on his way," Katsuki laughed before hanging up the phone.
Everyone was now settled in; everyone was getting more used to being around each other. Hagakure's scream echoed across the first floor.
"Hang on, isn't Mineta in the bath?" Kaminari asked as he raced over with Ojiro, Sato, and Eva.
"Not Mineta," Hagakure answered as they entered the room. "It was just for a sec, but I saw this creepy smiling face outside the window!" The other four all gasped.
"Villain already?" Eva asked in slight fear.
"What's up, guys?" Kirishima asked; they looked to see that he was getting ready to take a bath. Izuku, Iida, and Todoroki all became drawn to the situation. They all grew concerned with Hagakure's quick description.
"We ought to contact Mr. Aizawa posthaste," suggested Ida, his words were followed by a series of sharp knocks at the front door. The group flinched; Eva flew into the kitchen grabbed a pan; then went to the front door.
"Who is it?" Eva asked as her other classmates joined her at the door.
"Should she open it?" Iida asked; there were a bunch of fearful nods. Eva opened the door, with the pan held up high; the others shifted to attack.
"Huhh?" a familiar annoying voice asked. "A guest showing up on your doorsteps, and you people treat him like a common villain needing to be fought off? Honestly, class A, not very heroic of you! Ha ha ha ha!" They all stared as Monoma from Class B waltzed into the building.
"Hang on, was that you peeping through the window before, Monoma?" gasped Hagakure.
Monoma ignored her. "Now that's just unwarranted slander. I was simply checking if anyone was home."
"Then you do admit to being our Peeping Tom?" questioned Eva as she held the pan close to her.
"How just tell us why you're here?" asked Izuku, all quick to realize the argument would get nowhere.
"Am I not allowed to drop by without a reason?" Monoma asked.
"I mean, sure, I guess, but..." Eva began.
"I came to inspect if you must know," Monoma informed. "I was wondering, perhaps, if our perspective dorms differ in any way."
"Course they're not different," Kaminari said as he stepped forward. "All the dorms for built exactly the same, man."
Monoma lit up more. "Have any of you even been to the other dorms?" They shook their heads. "Then how can you declare such a thing with such confidence?
"Admittedly, we cannot," said Ida.
"In that case," triumphed Monoma. "You'll have to let me check, just to be sure! Right? Right?" Eva went to the couch as Monoma was shown around the dorms.
"Hello?" Eva asked answering the phone.
"It's Itsuka Kendo," the other voice greeted; a girl from class b. "Is it true about Monoma going over to class?"
"Yes," Eva answered. The phone quickly hung up within minutes Kendo, Tetsutetsu, and Tsunotori showed up. Soon they were all on the bottom floor again.
"For the hundredth time Monoma, we're really sorry about Monoma," said Kendo.
"Don't interfere, Kendo. I was scouting for a weakness exploit," said Monoma.
"Scouting?" Kaminari repeated. "Hang on, you said before you were inspecting."
Monoma got out of Kendo's grasp. "Hmph. I dropped by to hang out, and you people didn't even put out tea. Class A just keeps showing its true colors!"
"Hanging out," Eva repeated as she crossed her arms. "Your story keeps changing."
"Such a will of steel..." remarked Izuku.
"Ah!" Yaoyorozu gasped as she ran off toward the kitchen. "How could I forget!" Sato followed her. Kirishima and Tetsutetsu were having a conversation as well.
"Dude, I love how you incorporated curtains into your routine!" Kirishima gushed. "Shoulda figured!"
"And your punching bag looks like it's taken a beating over the years, Kirishima!" Tetsutetsu countered. "I knew I had pegged you as a man's man for a good reason!" They fist-bumped. Soon the two from the kitchen returned.
"Sato has prepared some sweets and the tea is my personal blend," Yaoyorozu explained as she set down cups. "We hope it's to your liking!"
"This'a lemon chiffon," said Sato as he pointed to the cake. "And the whipped cream's got hints of honey--the perfect pick-me-up after a long day of classes." Eva fell into a light low mood.
"You seriously made this, Sato?" Tetsutesu asked with wide eyes.
"It looks yummy!" Tsunotori said.
Kendo looked at class A with a pained expression. "You really shouldn't have, especially after Monoma barged his way in here..."
"Nonsense," Eva interrupted.
"You are our very first guests here, so this is no more than should be expected. Please, enjoy," said Yaoyorozu.
"Really? Well...if you insist." The visitors tried the cake.
"Yum!" gushed Kendo.
"I don't usually go for sweets, but damn this is tasty!" smiled Tetsutesu.
Monoma was having a hard time. "There was hardly a reason to go out all out like this."
"So you like the cake," Eva gathered quickly.
"Why should I care what you think, given Kaminari's taste in interior decorating?" asked Monoma.
Kaminari snapped. "You sure talk big considering we haven't considered your room! If it turns out to be super lame, I'll never let you hear the end of it." As Todoroki held a piece of cake up to Eva; she looked away.
"And if it isn't lame?" What will you do?" Monoma asked.
"I'll, uh, boil your tea water with my Quirk," Kaminari answered. "No wait, I'll use my electricity to heat class B's baths!" Monoma whipped out his phone; they all gathered around.
"So totally stylish!" squeaked Hagakure. The room had pastel walls, and antique white furniture all perfectly coordinated, it was vaguely French. "Seriously cute!"
"You've done a lovely job with your room, I must say," Yaoyorozu complimented; causing Kaminari to fall into a slump.
"It definitely suits you," Eva said. "I don't really like it."
"Well, it's two to one," Monoma glared at her then looked at Kaminari. "When will you be dropping by to heat our baths? Don't overdo it, now-- we wouldn't want you shocking us!" He snorted in triumph.
"That's enough of you," said Kendo, chopping him in the neck.
"Hey, hey, what's your room like Kendo?" asked Hagakure.
"M-mine?" stammered Kendo.
Tsunotori answered the question. "Kendo's room is very cool! She has an old wooden table and black steel furniture. Also, a picture of a motorcycle."
"I ain't ashamed to admit that hers might even be manlier than mine," nodded Tetsutestu.
"That bad?" asked Kendo; she looked awkward. "Cutesy decorations just don't make me feel at home, I about you, Eva?"
"Mine has a forest feel to make me feel at home, mainly of the Otherworld," Eva answered. "How about your Tsunotori?"
"My room...looks like this," said Tsunotori with embarrassment. In the photo she showed them; they all saw anime posters and figures covering every space. "I love Japanese anime! Japanese culture is the best!"
"I see you're a fan of one of my favs---Cutie Ninja Shinobi!" Hagakure squealed.
"Do you like that one too?" asked Tsunotori. "When I was little, I used to pretend I was Shinobi all the time!"
"What is Cutie Ninja Shinobi?" Eva asked; she didn't watch TV all that much.
Both of the other girls squealed.
Tsunotori struck a dramatic pose. "Sneaky, stealthy Shinobi, go!"
"Sneaking into your heart!" said Hagakure with a sparkle in her eye.
"Cutie Ninja is on the scene! Nin-nin-ninja!"
Eva nodded her head and then looked at Izuku. "Izuku?" He was staring at the screen.
"Why are you staring so intently?" Iida asked.
"You'll hurt your eyes," added Todoroki.
Izuku looked up at Pony. "That. There. In the picture...Is that really the limited edition cowboy All Might figure, never released in Japan?" Iida and Eva both looked at each other.
"Oh. Yes, it is," Tsunotori answered. "I love All Might too!"
"Too awesome!" Izuku squealed. "I knew they were selling that overseas, but I could never get my hands on one! Oh, um, could I stop by at some point to, uhh, take a few pictures?"
"Of course, you can!"
"Ahh, thanks a million!"
Monoma stood up. "Come on, time to go. Wouldn't want to overstay our welcome." Kaminari and Ojiro quickly cut him off, before he could reach the door.
"Whoaaa, there. You stomped around like you own the place, criticize our rooms, eat our cake, drink our tea, and now you wanna go home? Nah, you've had your way, but I think it's our turn now. Right, Ojiro?"
"Right, we haven't forgotten all that stuff you said," added Ojiro.
"No, no, no, that wasn't criticism," Monoma denied. "I was just stating things objectively."
"Stating the facts, huh? That's just a fancy way of insulting us even worse!" said Kaminari.
"What's wrong with being plain?" asked Ojiro. "Everything that's plain and ordinary provides a standard to work off of!" It was clear Monoma had hurt the boy's pride.
"What do you suppose we do about this?" Monoma asked. "You won't let me leave, so you must have something in mind, right? A competition of sorts? A way to separate wheat from chaff? To determine once and for all which class is superior?" Kendo tried to put a halt to it, but the damage was already done.
"How about a contest?" Eva asked.
"Assuming you're not chicken!" Kaminari taunted.
"Why would the inevitable winner be chicken, pray tell?" boasted Monoma.
"Will the three of you behave yourselves, please!" said Iida as he got in between them. "Surely you realize we aren't allowed to compete inside this dormitory?"
Monoma's eyes gleamed. "You're president of class A, so don't tell me you've forgotten which school we're at. This is U.A., friend! That Plus Ultra mentality is all about overcoming the obstacles in our path, yes?
"Hrm, you mead to say...that we should engender that spirit of constant improvement, even in our residence halls? That healthy competition will only propel us to greater heights? Yes, of course, I understand!" exclaimed Iida.
Monoma turned to Kaminari, Ojiro, and Eva. "What sort of contest shall it be, then? I'm ready for any challenge you decide to bring?"
Kaminari seemed stuck; so he turned to the other two. "How about arm wrestling?"
"A grudge match in the wake of our tournament training camp?" Monoma questioned. "How utterly uninspired?"
"Sumo?" Eva asked.
"Swapping one sort of wrestling for another?" Monoma questioned. "Bah. Besides, do I look like a muscle-bound brute to you?"
"You are going back on your word as usual," Eva grunted in annoyance as she crossed her arms.
"Didn't you say anything, challenge?" questioned Kaminari. "If you're so picky, then you decide!"
"Relinquishing the decision to me, when you're the one who threw down the gauntlet? Really?" said Monoma.
"You're the ones always challenging us!" Eva argued as she flew closer to him; Iida got in front of her.
"Guess this means you can't think of anything either!" shot Kaminari. The rest stood in stunned silence as the argument kept going. Todoroki suddenly gasped.
"What is it, Todoroki?" asked Iida.
"If it's a competition we need, I might just have the thing," answered Todoroki; he grabbed Eva. "Get me up to my room."
"Hm?" Eva asked as she was pulled outside. She then shot up to his room. On the balcony; she watched as Todoroki shuffled around his room for a minute. He stepped out with a barrel-shaped toy. "Guess it could work. "
Kaminari grinned when they returned. "Oh, the good old Pirate Panic game, huh!"
"I wouldn't expect you to have such a thing, Todoroki," said Yaoyorozu.
"Someone gave it to me," said Todoroki.
"Was the barrel game always so big?" asked Ojiro with his head tilted.
"Must be the deluxe edition! And the perfect way to settle our score, yeah?" said Kamianri eagerly.
"Yes, the time has come to see whether fate will side with Class A or b!" agreed Monoma. They settled on rules as well as teams. Kaminari, Ojiro, Hagakure, and Ashido who just finished her bath agasint Monoma, Tsunotori, Tetsutesu and Kendo. Monoma won rock-paper-scissors against Kaminari. "Ha ha ha ha ha ha! As expected, Lady Luck is on class B's side today!"
"Hurry up and choose, you" Ashido ordered with eagerness; Eva sat on the couch in between Kirshima and Todoroki; she was holding onto a pillow.
"In that case, I will take a stab at drawing first blood!" declared Monoma. He picked a lot; he ended up getting electrocuted; he let out a voiceless scream; collapsed and twitched.
"Monoma," Tetsutetsu said breaking the silence. "You okay, man? Speak to me! Stay with me, man!"
"Don't plan my funeral yet," muttered Monoma, he turned to Kaminari. "A sneaky zap attack? Well played, you...I didn't think Class A could get any bolder, yet here we are!"
"Kaminari didn't do anything," Eva spoke as she shifted on the couch. Kaminari looked at her with delight.
Ojiro was still shocked. "The zap came from the barrel itself."
"So, Monoma picked the losing slot, I guess?"
"That's how this game works, really?"
"But the pirate didn't pop out..."
"I don't get it."
Eva turned to Todoroki, putting a hand on his arm." Do you have the instructions booklet?"
"I don't," Todoroki answered; he looked at her. He seemed shocked by the barrel as well. "I got this thing from that Hatsume girl in Support Course. She made it herself. Wanted us to play and give feedback, or something....."
"Whaaaaat?" Midoriya asked in alarm.
"Come again?" Iida yelped.
Todoroki looked at the others. "Sorry."
"Maybe we should call it quits?" suggested Midoriya. "This is Hatsume we're talking about, so who knows what other sort of tricks she's stuffed in there..."
"I am in complete agreement!" said Iida. "Far better to quit while we're ahead."
"True enough," said Kendo. "No reason to purposely put ourselves in harm's way...How about we put our competition on hold?"
"There's always going to be competition no matter how many we compete," Eva pointed out.
"One shocking development isn't enough to make turn rail...." Monoma said.
"You're, uh, not looking so hot, thought," pointed out Kendo.
Monoma looked at Kaminari as he smoothed down his hair. "Unless you're ready to throw in the towel? Is a child's game too much for poor Class A to handle? Sorry for not realizing it sooner! It didn't occur to me that underneath all the bravado, you were quaking in your boots!" Eva looked at the socks on her feet. "But no, go ahead---slink up to your rooms and cry about it in bed like pathetic losers you are!"
"AS IF!" shouted Kaminari. "We're gonna keep playing! Right, Ojiro!"
"Right," Ojiro said no confidence. "But you girls don't have to if you don't want..."
"What're you talking about, Ojiro?" asked Hagakure. "We gotta see this through to the end!"
"And I actually kinda love torture games like this!" added Ashido.
"You're a great couple of gals!" Kaminari cried with joy.
Tsunotori turned to her classmates; clenching her fist. "I will play too! I saw this game in an anime! I always wanted to play!"
"Count me in too, then," said Kendo. "Wouldn't want to leave our team one player short."
Tetsutetsu gripped Monoma's shoulder. "Lookit that! We got ourselves two full teams of willing contenders for a true-blue bout!"
Monoma shook loose. "Time for your team to feel the pain! Who's the next time?"
"Me!" chimed Kaminari as he swiped the sword from Monoma.
"You eat voltage for breakfast, though!" said Monoma. "How is that fair?"
"Hey, man, nothing I can do with the Quirk I was born with!" Kaminari defended himself. He picked a lot; everyone watched as robotic fingers smacked him on the wrists instead of getting fed electricity.
"That was like... shippe, right?" asked Sato. "That smack on the wrists for monks who got distracted when meditating."
Midoriya began to mutter. "Elecrtoucation...Shippe...Both common punishments in these sorts of torture games I guess Hatsume designed this so that each sword triggers some sort of painful response...Maybe a different one for each slot? Since I doubt Hatsume would be satisfied with a lack of variety."
"We're seriously gonna get brutalized in a different way every turn?" said Kaminari on the verge of tears.
"And that's why she had to make the barrel so much bigger than usual," gathered Ojiro.
"BRING IT ON, TORTURE BARREL!" shouted Tetsutetsu. "I'M READY FOR YA!" He stuck his sword in a slot; he activated his steel right before a rubber band got thumped on his face.
"Nice reactions," Eva complimented as Shoto lifted her wings; putting them across him.
"Unfair!" yelped Kaminari.
Monoma cast a cynical smile. "I seem to remember somebody explaining how there's nothing unfair about the Quirks we're born with." Kaminari became frustrated as Ojiro took his turn. Another rod popped out with duck tape; it stuck a piece onto the top of Ojiro's furry tail.
"Oh no..." Ojiro whimpered. "Don't!" The robot ripped the tape back along with some hair, and Ojiro clinched his tail in pain.
"I'm next..." said Kendo; nothing happened first with her stab. Something puffed in her face when she leaned closer. "Yeesh, that reeks!" She activated her quirk to wave the smell away. Eva shoved her nose into the pillow to make the smell not so intense. "Ack, sorry guys!"
"My turn!" Hagakure said. As soon as she stuck a sword in; two arms popped out and began tickling her.
"Now it is my turn...." said Tsunotori; she ended up with a green glob in her mouth. Her eyes started to water. "Nose! Burning!"
"That must have been wasabi!" said Yaoyorozu.
"Oh, so this is the famous wasabi!" said Tsunotori.
Ashido took her turn; an ice cube was put down on the back of her shirt. "Eeek, that's cold!
"I wonder what awaits the actual loser of this game," Izuku said as Hagakure helped Ashido. There were collective gasps.
"Feel free to cry uncle now, Monoma," said Kaminari.
"Hah. Funny. Projecting much?" said Monoma. Another round of torture went back; Forehead flick, frying pan to the head a creampie to the face, exploding balloon, and more. Eva was now wrapping up Kaminari's head as Ashido took her turn. She shrieked as the bot swung her about.
"Are you all right?" Yaoyorozu asked once Ashido was back on the ground.
"Yeah. Fun," Ashido assured. "Kinda feel like break-dancing, actually." There was one more slot and it was Monoma's turn.
"Class A's gonna win this thing!" triumphed Kaminari. "Unless you're too scared?"
Monoma quickly countered as Eva started to treat the wound on Kendo; she felt Todoroki grab onto her wing. "So petty, so cruel! Is that anyway a future hero to act? Our loss is set in stone, so isn't that enough for you? I mean, what a bully! Are you sure your career path won't lead you to villainy instead? How horrible! We've got a wolf in sheep's clothing, here! A villain in the making!"
"Yeah, yeah," grunted Kaminari. "You're just scared of taking your lumps."
"You've been anything but sportsmanlike up to now, so this change of attitude isn't fooling anyone," added Ojiro.
"You're honestly going to make me do this?" Monoma asked in disbelief. "How about an apology instead? I'm sooo sorry. How's that? Enough for you? I knew this game would reveal class A's true nature! Try having a heart!"
Kendo chopped him in the neck. "Stop embarrassing yourself."
Tetsutestsu grabbed him by the collar. "Not manly at all, Monoma!"
"Why should I pretend I'm eager and willing? Think what you will of me, but I refuse to finish this game!" shouted Monoma.
"But we can't give Hatsume an accurate review then," Eva said.
"I'll take his turn!" offered Tetsutestu.
"Huh? You will?" Kirishima asked.
"Yeah, cuz a man's word is his bond!" Tetsutestu confirmed.
Kirishima teared up. "Now there's a man's man!"
"Here I go," Tetsutestu said; he stuck a sword in the last slot. Everyone watched as a click echoed in the room. A toy pirate shot out of the barrel with colorful confetti.
"Congratulations!" Hatsume's voice sounded.
Izuku began to analyze. "Hatsume's designed it so whoever makes the pirate pop out is the winner! Actually, I remember hearing that that's how the original game was meant to be before they put it on the market..." Outraged filled the room.
"Hang on who's the winner?" asked Hagakure.
"Why class B of course!" declared Monoma. "It was Tetsutetsu who produced the private!"
"No freaking way!" argued Kamnari. "We decided at the start that whoever made the pirate pop would lose!"
"And we just had to take all those horrible punishments in the meantime," said Kendo
"We're going home," conceded Mnomoma. Class A sighed in relief as the front door closed signally Class B was gone.
"Parties with humans don't seem all that fun," Eva noted.
"Only Monoma," said Ojiro as he put a hand on her shoulder. "The rest of them aren't so bad."
On a Sunday, Eva was sitting in Tokoyami's room with Ashido, Tsu, Shoji, Kaminari, and Mineta as scary stories were told. Tokoyami's pitch-black room, with the skulls and candles, set the mood. Eva sat in between Sero and Tokoyami who was in a chair. Eva didn't have any problems with ghosts due to her nature...she loves ghost stories.
"Of course the man was terrified," Sero told his story. "But he couldn't exactly turn back now so he kept making his way down the dark tunnel, one trembling step at a time...Right when he'd made it halfway, through, a warm puff of air tickled his throat. This was odd since there shouldn't have been any wind blowing from up ahead."
"W-why not...?" gulped Kaminari.
"Because the tunnel had been a dead end ever since the year before when a landslide had caused a cave-in," Sero answered.
"No way," muttered Ashido.
Sero began to whisper. "The man stopped for a second and felt something drip on his hand. Something cold. He'd been careful about not draining the batteries of his flashlight, but the dripping didn't stop, so he turned it on and shone the beam, of light directly above. That's when he saw it...A blood-soaked corpse!"
"GAHHHHH!" screamed Mineta as he held on to Shoji's arm like a koala.
"Quiet down, Mineta," Tsu ordered.
"H-How're you not scared?" Mineta shot. "Girls are s'posed to be wimpy and all!"
"That's big talk, coming from the screaming guy who's grabbing on to a big, strong man!" mocked Sero.
"Can't help it!" Mineta cried. "Your story was just so spooky!"
"Why'd you even wanna be here, then?" Eva asked.
"If I knew Mineta, he was hoping to grope us in the dark," said Tsu. The group had sandwiched Mineta between Shoji and Kaminari.
"C'mon, men are basically treasure hunters, always looking out for a lucky-perv chance!" declared Mineta.
"Don't lump the rest of us men with you," Shoji spoke through a mouth on one of his arms.
"What a creep," Eva huffed.
"Good thing we'll finally be able to take our baths with peace of mind starting today," smiled Ashido.
"Agreed. That will be a relief," added Tsu.
Mineta groaned. "Damn that chick from the Support Course with the sweet rack...Sticking her nose where it doesn't belong" With help from Hatsume; they were given an anti-peeping security system placed at the entrance of the girl's bathing area.
"Oh, I know!" said Ashido "Let's go back to Hatsume and have her whip up a stop Mineta from groping us in dark rooms' item."
"Noooo!" cried Mineta. "You're killing all my lucky-perv chances, one by one!"
"Enough," Tokoyami ordered. "Or else find another room for your antics."
"But your room really sets off the mood," Eva said with a small smile; Ashido gave a thumbs up.
"I didn't furnish my room with you people and your ghost stories in mind!" scowled Tokoyami.
"Pretty lucky you had candles lying around too," added Ashido.
"Not lucky for me!" shouted Tokoyami.
"No, wait, I've got it!" said Ashido. "I'm gonna tell a tale so spooky it'll scare the feathers right offa you, Tokoyami!" Everyone listened to her story. "And then, the medium got the shock of her life, cuz, like, the closet was full of ghosts and stuff! Spooky, yeah?"
"Eek!" screamed Mineta as he clung to Shoji; everyone else was neutral.
"Wait. Was my story not scary?" asked Ashido.
"Not really," Eva denied.
Tsu tilted her head. "The story itself had potential, but not the way you told it, Mina."
"Right, if you're gonna tell a ghost story you gotta use your voice up to the spooky factor, the way I did. You gotta be a performer, basically," chuckled Sero.
"For real. You've got the knack for making it rea hair-raising, Sero," said Kaminari.
"What the heck!" pouted Ashido. "That was the scariest one in my roster." She looked over at Eva. "You got any good ones, Yuki?"
"Hm?" Eva asked.
"You' have been friends with Bakugo for so long, you gotta have a good ghost story," Kaminari said.
Eva smiled slightly. "Actually, he hates ghost stories...not a fan of them."
"That's actually surprising," said Tsu; everyone had the same shocked face.
"He allowed me to tell him one," Eva said. "It was enough to make him squirm and never want to hear another one."
"I wanna hear it," Sero said as everyone sat up; Mineta cowered into Shoji even more. "Fae are known to haunt places as well...I'm sure hearing one from you....take it away, nature spirit." Eva looked around the room and everyone was focused on her.
"Very well," Eva gave in. "This takes place on the sea a decade before the first Quirk appeared. A mercenary had come across a quiet town along the ocean. As he walked around the town he couldn't help but notice the grim faces among the villagers so he stopped and asked a bystander, he was told that for the past seven nights; young adults had left their homes, walking into the ocean; submerging; never resurfacing without a body to leave behind." She saw that Ashido and Tsu were holding onto each other. "So the mercenary stayed in town for the night to get a clue as to what was happening. When nightfall came; the man woke up to the sound of a beautiful song playing peaking out the wind he saw two young women and a young man who seemed to be in a trance disappear into a mist flooding the streets. The man threw on shoes and a robe; quickly following them to the beach. Out in the distance played a woman dressed in black playing the flute; he watched one woman walk into the ocean; when she completely submerged a white orb floated up from where she drowned; flying over to the woman in black."
"W-what rose from the ocean?" Kaminari gulped.
"The women's soul of course," Eva answered; Mineta hugged Shoji even tighter.
"The mercenary ran to the other two; the minute he touched them they puffed into dust their souls orbiting to the woman on the ocean," Eva continued her story. "With a hug wave; the next the man knew is that he was waking up in the Inn he was staying at." All of them gasped. "The mercenary spent the next day telling everyone what has been happening, and if a handful of townsmen set up a plan to free the town from the woman on the water."
"Alright!" Sero smiled as he and Kaminari looked at each other.
"The men set up on camp on the beach and just like the previous night before the woman appeared on the water playing the same alluring song. This time three men and one woman stepped out of the mist all in a trance; three of them held off the women as the rest got in a rowboat; speeding toward the ghost. They threw many attacks at the woman; each of them just going through the woman. The waves started to get choppy shoving the men back toward the beach. With one big wave; the mercenary used it as a jump; he blacked out the moment he swung his sword through the flute player. When he woke up all those that followed him floated in the water aimlessly their blood dying the waters." There were collective gasps. "He looked down to see that it was his sword that had taken their lives; the woman on the water was now five feet ahead; she changed the melody; the sword lifted out of his hands when the song reached its peak the man drove the sword through his neck!"
"AHHHHH!" Ashido screamed as she held onto Tsu tighter.
"To this day, the man's sword lays at the bottom of the ocean waiting to curse whoever picks it up next," Eva continued. "As for the women...never seen from again just like the ones before them."
"What happened to the woman on the water?" Tsu asked.
"Once she was satisfied with her catch she moved on to a new town to torment for nine nights," Eva answered.
"Has she ever been defeated?" asked Shoji.
"From what I know, she appears every twenty years paying a visit to some port town of her choice," Eva answered. "In terms of being"
"This is just a fictional story, right?" Mineta asked as he peaked over Shoji's arms.
"We can go with that," Eva answered.
"I can see why it put Bakugo on edge," shivered Kaminari. "A freaky soul-sucking woman on the water! Yikes!"
"I wanna hear a story from Tokoyami," Eva said looking up at him.
"I bet he's a master of horror!" Ashdio lit up.
"Oooh, good idea!" Kaminari agreed. "Tokoyami's normal voice is already scary enough for this kinda thing."
"And what is that supposed to mean?" Tokoyami asked.
"I wouldn't mind a story from Tokoyami," Tsu admitted.
"C'mon, horror master!" Ashido pleaded.
"Not too scary, Tokoyami, okay? Unless it's got some sext parts. Then feel free to go nuts," said Mineta.
Tokoyami gave in due to all the eyes and expectations set on him. "Many years ago, the youths in a certain village amused themselves with Hundred Tales."
"I love those!" Eva said with a smile.
"What're the Hundred Tales about, again?" Kaminari asked.
"It's a way of telling ghost stories, passed down through the ages," explained Shoji. "You light one hundred candles before starting and blow one out for every story you tell throughout the night. When the final candle goes out, they say a real ghost is supposed to show up."
"Ooh, we've got candles here!" said Ashido with excitement. " Perfect for the Hundred Tales!"
Tokoyami swiveled in his chair to face them.
"In this particular village, the Hundred Tales was one of the few amusements these youths had available to them. Wary of summoning a real specter, they were always sure to stop at the ninety-ninth tale. One day, however, a blonde woman came to the village from the city. As a world traveler, she had heard about the Hundred Tales and was eager to join the fun, so the youths happily welcomed her to their storytelling that night. Not one of their tails made her cry out in fright, though. In fact, part way through, she began to grin, which only served to frighten the youths. At last, they got through ninety-none tales and decided to stop, as always, but the visitor broke her silence and began to tell the hundredth tale of the night. The group implored her to stop, but she did not. When her tale concluded, the final candle blew out."
"Probably just a breeze that did it, right?" asked Sero.
"S-so? D-Did a ghost appear?" gulped Ashido.
"One of the youths kept a brave face and pointed out that no ghost or ghoul had emerged, but when he tried to relight the candle...the blonde woman had vanished altogether. The next morning, the entire village police force conducted a search, but she was nowhere to be found. Perhaps she'd simply gone home, some thought, while others whispered that maybe she had been spirited away. Time passed until most had forgotten about the blonde woman, but one day, one of the youths present that fateful night claimed that he had spotted the woman again. The others were convinced his eyes had deceived him, until the next day when his body was discovered his face twisted in an expression of sheer terror at the moment of death. And wrapped around his neck? A single blonde hair..."
"Yikes!" Ashido squirmed as hooked onto Tsu again; hiding behind Shoji.
"What's up with you?" asked Kaminari.
"This position just makes me feel, I dunno....safer?" said Ashido.
"I get it," said Tsu. "Shoji is big enough to feel like a protective dad or something."
"I need some protection too, in that case," said Mineta; Shoji easily held him away from the girls.
"The next day," Tokoyami went on. "Another of the youths from that night turned up dead. Then another, and another, until everyone who had been present for the woman's hundredth tale was no more. The rest of the village was convinced the woman must be a soul-sucking demon of some sort."
"Eh?" Why'd they jump to the demon explanation?" asked Sero.
"Some demons are capable of it," Eva answered.
"There is a certain legend in the village," informed Tokoyami. "Long, long ago, it was said, a local couple had given birth to a daughter with blonde hair. The dark-haired husband assumed his wife had been unfaithful, and despite his wife's protests, he abandoned her and their newborn daughter on the mountainside. Deep in the mountains, the wife sacrificed the baby to a demon in order to lay a powerful, grudge-filled curse upon her cruel husband."
"So the baby turned into a demon and eventually came back to cause trouble?" asked Tsu. "Or at least, that's what the villagers assumed, all those years later.
Tokoyami nodded. "However, the story did not end there. The friend who told my grandfather this tale moved away from the village in question at a young age. As a grown man, he found himself nostalgic for his hometown, but when he returned for a visit, he found the village deserted and in ruins. According to those in the next town over, the village was afflicted by a terrible plague that killed off each and every resident. Was it really illness that distorted them, though? Perhaps not, as rumor has it that strands of blonde hair were found near the bodies...."
"Okay, whoa. This is getting way too freaky for me!" cried Ashdio.
"Sero had more of a straightforward story, but after Eva's story...this is getting worse and worse," said Tsu with slight concern.
"Continue with the story," Eva requested, she was fully infested.
Tokoyami nodded. "After the man returned from this ruined village and told my grandfather his story, he began acting strangely. Apparently, he had spotted the grinning blonde woman and was now afraid that spreading word of her had cursed him too. 'Maybe you were just imagining things?' suggested my grandfather, but the friend was convinced. He died, suddenly, several days later, with a single strand of blond hair wrapped around his neck" Everyone but Eva was feeling terrified.
Sero rubbed his arms. "This one's gonna keep me up tonight..."
"This is fiction, yeah?" trembled Kaminari. "Totally made up, right?"
Tokoyami seemed flustered. "I apologize...if it was too scary. But no, my grandfather really told me this tale. As for whether he made it up? I cannot say." He turned to Eva. "Be honest, is your story fiction or real?"
"No," Eva answered. "I heard it from Emit."
"Emit?" Ashido asked.
"The mercenary himself," Eva answered looking at her; the classmates beside Tokoyami became even more frightened.
"Shoji," trembled Mineta. "Stand watch while I go pee, okay?"
"Your room's just down the hall. You'll be fine," Shoji assured
"Just stand outside the door while I go, c'mon!" cried Mineta.
"Mineta, you should be fine as long as I'm here," Eva answered. "In all technicality...I'm the one haunting this building."
"What exactly do you mean by haunting this building?" asked Kaminari.
"I am a spirit after all," Eva answered. "Therefore, I am the spirit that haunts the grounds of UA, especially this dorm building."
"In that case, I'm spending the night in your room," Tsu said.
"The stories we pass down," said Tokoyami; his eyes fixed on the scared ones. "Contains lessons. The lesson of my tale is that stories themselves should as always be created as more than amusements or ways to pass the time. Wandering, cursed spirits roam closer to home than we might expect, and they are always listening. Such as Yuki is doing right now, and others perhaps."
"Tokoyami is right," Tsu said with an easement. "That seems like enough ghost stories for today."
"Darn right!" said Ashido. "This just got a little too real, Eva can I spend the night with you as well!" Sero and Kaminari nodded in agreement.
"Uh, sure," Eva agreed.
"H-how about we forget about spooky stuff and go for pervy series next time?" asked Mineta. "I've even got some choice videos back in my room that we can have playing in the background!"
"No thanks," said the three girls in unison.
Nights out had come around; Eva was helping Ashido and Tsu, they were taking the bed as Eva took the hammock. There was a knock at the door.
"Eva?" Sero asked as he continued to knock. "Can Kaminari and I come in as well?"
"Yeah, the story was just too spooky," Kaminari added as he jiggled at the door knob.
"Uh sure," Eva agreed; the door opened in a flash. "Do any of you want the hammock?"
"Nah," Sero said as the two set up futons on the floor. "We'll be fine down here."
"Thanks for having all of us," Ashido said as she pulled a blanket up to her. "Do you have any settle our nerves?"
"I can play a song," Eva offered. "Like one from the bus to the training camp?"
"That'd be awesome!" Kaminari cheered as he gave a thumbs up. In no time, the others had fallen asleep too. Right before Eva fell asleep, she heard a strange buzzing sound, she glanced around to see everyone else was still asleep; so she flew over to the door; putting her ear to the door. She opened the door, there was nothing in the hallway; no other spirit in sight; no energy of another being in the building. As soon as she closed the door; the buzzing grew louder, till it stopped outside the door.
"Eva...Yuki," a woman's voice said. "Tsuyu...Asui...Mina...Ashido...Denki...Kaminari...Hanta...Sero." Eva looked back to see that everyone else was awake.
"Are we being haunted?" Ashido asked in fright.
"Can't rule it out," Eva answered. "If so...this the first time a ghost has haunted a fae." A dreaded look filled her classmates.
During a break between classes the next day, they heard the same thing had also happened to Mineta, Tokoyami, and Shoji.
"Why'd she only call our names thought?" Mineta asked. "Please tell me one you is lying and that it wasn't our group specifically?"
"I found it strange that it knew the others were in my room," Eva answered. "Izuku, did you hear anything?"
He turned to the group. "Sorry, but no! I was exhausted from training yesterday, so I fell right asleep..."
"Eva used one of her songs to put us to sleep," Tsu said. "Even that wasn't enough to keep us from hearing it. Ribbit." She had a finger on her face.
"Heh, if we're the only ones who heard it....maybe Tokoyami's tale really did curse us?" joked Sero.
"C-Cut it out, man," said Kaminari; both had a forced smile.
"You guys really believe that?" laughed Sato. "Sounds like a scary story have you imagining things?"
"Not at all," Eva answered. "I used to participate in hauntings all the time as a kid....this was different."
"It was super scary, okay? The blonde lady is no joke," shot Kaminari.
"I just hope that woman on the water ghost doesn't team up with the blonde ghost lady," Tsu said; Eva looked over to see that Bakugo had tensed up.
"How do these stories go, exactly?" asked Kirishima.
"Quit it with your weird-ass stories when I'm within earshot!" Bakugo shouted; he bolted out of his chair; slid the classroom door open with his foot and stormed. The people part of scary storytelling all looked at each other.
"Um, I heard it too, actually," Jiro spoke up. "The strange kept going till dawn."
"There, see! It must've been real then," said Kaminari.
Iida stepped forward. "Curse or no curse, the fact that several of you heard this odd noise is concerning indeed. There may be something wrong with the dormitory itself, so we need to get to the bottom of this. As class president, I will take responsibility and solve this mystery!"
Night came around, and Eva was sitting outside her room, keeping watch on the floor as all the girls took refuge in her room. All night she heard the buzzing; she did some laps a couple of times around the building outside to see nothing out of the ordinary.
"Anything?" Yaoyorozu asked when Eva got back into the building.
"I figured you be asleep," Eva said as she took her hands.
"After that story," Yaoyozoru whimpered.
"A noise. Really?" Aizawa asked, he had demanded why all of them were so unfocused today. "You can't possibly believe in something so irrational as the paranormal, though."
"We do," Yaoyorozu answered. "We do have Yuki in our class."
"There's been a series of inexplicable events, that even I can't pinpoint," Eva said. "Ghost and Fae have been known to haunt together; not each other."
Iida shot up his hand; getting to his feet. "Sir! This is a real predicament! Some anomaly is afflicting our living quarters beside Yuki, and if this keeps up I'm afraid it will affect our academic performance! I believe we ought to ascertain the cause and resolve the matter posthaste!"
"I-I can't take it anymore!" cried Mineta. "No way I'm getting a wink of sleep when that ghost keeps calling my name! I mean, if she wanted to join me for cuddles...Wait, no, she'd probably just murder me in bed! But then again, if this ghost wanted to show up naked...Nope, even then, no curses for me! No thanks!"
"I remember hearing about paranormal here at UA," recalled Aizawa.
"SERIOUSLY!" the class blurted out.
"One of the Seven Mysteries of UA, yeah," said Aizawa. "They say that the ghost of an alum who couldn't make it as heroes haunts the campus, cursing anyone who spots it. Especially in the woods behind the main building, which is...Oh. Right where they built the dorms, actually?"
"And now that ghosts haunting our new home!"
"Heights Alliance is like, totally haunted!"
"Listen..." Aizawa started.
"If the whole building's haunted, we've got nowhere to run!"
"S-salt! We need salt to purify the place!'
"Hold off on the salt!" Eva protested as she held up a hand. "You'll be hurting me as well!"
"Do y'think the ghost will come after me even tight I'm invisible? Please say no, please say no," shrieked Hagakure.
"Enough already," Aizawa grunted; the whole class became quiet. "If this disturbance is really such a problem, I'll drop by tonight to check it out. That's the rational approach, especially since it'll be storming tonight. So be sure to be in your rooms when I come around to do the roll call."
"Yes, sir!" they responded.
Night came around, but Eva couldn't sleep. She left her room at the first strike of lighting; there was a second strike when she got to the bottom.
"Eva," Izuku breathed; it seemed some of the others had made their way down as well. "You should still be in your room."
"As for the rest of you," Eva countered taking his hand, she could tell he was a bit frightened. "Has Mr. Aizawa shown up?"
"No," they all answered.
"What are you doing down here anyways?" Sero asked.
"I'm worried about all of you," Eva admitted. "I don't have a soul to be sucked out but the rest of you do." She looked over at the dining table. "I think I found our teacher." Soon the rest of the classmates came down; they had put Aizawa on the sofa.
"How on earth did this happen?" asked Yaoyorozu.
"D-don't tell me he's got blonde hair on his neck..." trembled Kaminari. "Ack! He does! Oh, wait. That's just one of my hairs."
"Don't freaking joke about that dunce-faced!" Bakugo roared.
"He got whammied by the curse, for sure!" cried Mineta. "I mean, what else?"
Eva put a hand on the top of his body. "His soul is still he wasn't affected by the curse."
"Whatever villain it was had to be a tough customer to knock out Mr. Aizawa," said Ojiro.
"Calm yourselves, everyone!" Iida ordered.
Tsu's voice made everyone a bit calmer. "We should alert the other teachers about what happened to Mr. Aizawa."
"Well said, Tsu!" agreed Iida. "There should be a landline in his room, so--" A crash of thunder caused a power outage.
"Just what we needed--a blackout..."
"R-restraint yourself, Dark Shadow!"
"Geez, Tokoyami! Don't release Dark Shadow now, in here!"
"Wahhh! Somebody save me!"
Eva glanced around, but she saw nothing out of the sort; nothing that reeked of ghosts or spirits besides her own scent.
"Everyone! There's nothing to fear!" shouted Iida.
"Th-that's right, no cause for alarm, now!" said Yaoyorozu; her attempt to create a flashlight failed. "AHHHH!"
"Momo?" Eva asked.
"What happened?" Jiro asked.
"S-something is running about underfoot!" said Yaoyorozu.
"Whaddaya mean, something?" asked Urakaka. "EEK! I felt it too!" Eva looked down to see Koda's bunny; Yuwai
"I can't deal with any more somethings!" cried Kaminari.
"Katsuki?" Eva asked. "Can you provide some light for the others?" He and Kaminari used their quirks to light the room for a second; Eva watched Yuwai jump through the air; she quickly picked up that fact that no one figured it out it was a bunny from the look on their faces.
"W-w-w-w-w-what was thaaat?" asked Hagakure.
"Definitely a ghost! That's what ghosts look like right?" asked Kaminari in full panic." Someone back me up---I've never seen one before."
"E-Eva?" Todoroki asked; this caught her attention to hear him so shaken up. "Which is more effective against ghosts--ice or fire?"
"Physical attacks won't work on spirits," Eva laughed. "They don't have corporeal bodies."
"Then what do we do?" asked Todoroki.
"This isn't a laughing matter for the rest of us!" Mineta yelled at her. "We're done for, guys! About to die by ghosts for sure! Dammnit! I always wanted to die being crushed between some hot babes' bodies!" As Eva went and picked up Yuwai; the front door swung open; followed by the sound attacks. She turned around holding Yuwai close wrapping him in her arms, she felt one of Mineta's purple balls land on her back, and then someone stepped one back into her. She looked back to see Shoto Todoroki; he was focused on the front door. "The-th ghost disappeared....?" He and a few others crept forward.
"This ain't a lady. And that 'stache looks familiar..." said Ashido as Eva tried to peak over Shoto's shoulder.
"It's Present Mic!" Jiro gasped.
"Present Mic, sir!" cried Urakaka.
Jiro used her earphone jack to check on their English teacher. "Phew. He's just knocked out."
"Perhaps, he came by to check on us during the blackout?" Eva suggested; this time Shoto looked back; to the side look he saw the purple sticky ball between them.
"Quite the reception we gave him," Ida gloomed
"What's going on?" a familiar voice asked; they looked to see Aizawa was now on his feet.
"We thought the blonde ghost was here to murder us, so we attacked in sight!"
"Mr. Aizwa, what knocked you unconscious? Was it a villain? Or a real ghost?"
"Hang on, there really is that little white ghost running around the dorm!" Eva looked down to see that Yuwai was snuggled into her.
"Enough!" Aizawa ordered; everyone got quiet. First, they had them carry Present Mic away from the doorway; putting him on the sofa. He started to scan the ceiling and the class followed. Well...Eva was being dragged by Todoroki.
"Hold on," Eva said. "What about the buzzing?"
"I figured it out," said Aizawa, pointing at the ceiling. "Asui, see that tiny thing up there? Get it down?" Tsu did as she was told; delivering it to their teacher. "This is the source of your noise, and it's what knocked me out, indirectly?"
"What? How?"
"I noticed it on the ceiling, but when I climbed on the table to get it down, I slipped on a kitchen rag that somebody had left out," Aizawa explained.
"Oops! That was me, totally forgot to put it back when I remembered we had to be in our rooms!" said Hagakure.
Aizawa turned to the girl. "Never mind that. Look." He held out a black object, and Yaoyorozu passed around a magnifying glass she created.
"Where'd this come from?" Yaoyorozu asked.
"I have a pretty good idea. You don't recognize it?" said Aizawa. He walked toward the girl's bathing area; and tossed the ball into the anti-peeping security panel.
"Recharging... recharging..." a girl's voice said. After a call to Power Loader, Hatsume was put on speaker for all to hear.
"Oh, that?" Hatsume asked. That'd be my supercute add-on baby that goes independent scouting missions at night! Since you've gotta live in the same space as that tenacious perv, what's his name...Mini..Minu...something? Doesn't matter! You know who I mean. Anyway, my baby is programmed to fly around at night to make sure that Megaperv is in his room where he belongs! Heh heh. Pretty handy, huh?" The phone call ended.
"That meddling chick!" growled Mineta. "Still, I'm sure glad it wasn't a haunting after all."
"B-But what was the white ghost? Kaminari asked. "You all saw it, right?"
Eva was back off the ground spinning around; lots of people ducked from Todoroki hitting them. "Here's our little ghost." Kaminari let off a scream as Eva held up Koda's bunny.
Koda became embarrassed as Eva gave him the bunny. "I'm sorry, I must have forgotten to shut my door all the way."
"Geez...And here I thought I'd spotted my first ever real-life ghost," sighed Kaminari. Everyone became relaxed and smiled.
"All's well that ends well."
"What exactly, ended well?" asked Aizawa in a low menacing tone. The entryway door had been completely blown off; glass shattered near the front door. "You barely just moved in, and already...Ugh. And ghost stories are to blame for this? How can you let yourselves go to pieces over that?" He was in a very demon mode; a new fear filled the class. "I want apology essays from each of you, by tomorrow! The only spirit you are to concern yourself with is Yuki! And for the next few days, at least, it's lights out by eight sharp! And no more ghost stories! Got it?"
"Yes, sir!" everyone responded. They watched Aizawa angrily walk out the door with Present Mic. Yayoyoruz, they went to help put in a new door.
"Eva," Todoroki said. "Can we go back to the ground?"
"Hm?" Eva asked; she looked back to see that Todoroki was sort of dangling. "Oh, sorry." She looked around the room. "Mineta?"
"Do my ears deceive me?" Mineta asked looking over. "Did the fairy princess call for me?"
"How long do these last?" Todoroki asked as he pointed at the purple ball.
"You lucky bastard, Todoroki!" said Mineta grabbing his head.
"Out of the way!" Bakugo ordered; grabbing Mineta by the head and throwing him back.
"Kacchan!" Izuku shouted as Mineta landed on the sofa. Bakugo got slightly between the two without touching the ball; leaned back on Eva; and then started to push Todoroki forward with his foot. "Kacchan!"
"Stop that," Eva whimpered a little. "It's pulling on my wings." The energy was powerful; Eva looked back to see complete rage devouring Katsuki as he turned his head in a robotic movement toward Mineta.
********Iida's surprise bday party******
Early morning, Eva woke up to the sound of a bird tapping at her window. She fluttered over to the windows stretching; and opened the balcony door. A couple of birds surrounded her as she went over to the bird bath she had attached to the wall; she saw a bluebird sitting there with a broken wing. She gently picked up the bird, and sat on the chair; the birds surrounded her as she began to heal the injured creature.
"Good morning, Eva!" a voice greeted; she looked over to see Yaoyorozu on her balcony stretching.
"Good morning, Momo!" Eva greeted. Both girls along with the other classmates have been up late due to planning and prepping for a surprise party they were planning for Ida. She lifted her hand; the injured bird started to flap around with no problem with a nod from Eva the bird went over to Yaoyorozu who gasped in delight at the bird landing on her finger.
After getting business done in her bathroom and the girl's changing room; she entered the common room with Tokoyami, Yayorozu, Shoji, Koda, and Jiro.
"Good morning," they all bid Iida; Eva picked out a fruit bowl for breakfast before going to sit across from Iida.
"You sure do love your fruit," Ida smiled.
"Hm," Eva smiled at him, she put a hand over her mouth to hold in a yawn.
"So sleepy," Jiro yawned as everyone else took a seat.
"Me too," yawned Yaoyorozu.
"Did something disturb your sleep?" asked Ida looking at them.
"Nuh-un," Jiro denied. "Last night, we..."
"Last night?" Iida asked. "What happened last night?" They became slightly startled.
"L-last night...I was up quite late, simply absorbed in one of my books," said Yaoyorozu.
"And I, uh...I was listening to music...Like I do.." said Jiro.
"I was tending to my plants," Eva said.
Tokoyami cleared his throat. "I see you opted for a Japanese breakfast, Class Rep" All of them remained quiet for the rest of breakfast for the most part till Ida left. The rest of the class came down so they could discuss even further; which led to them running late to class; and showing up two minutes before the bell.
"Phew, made it..." said Kirshima hunched over.
"A full sprint this early in the day? Not fun at all," said Ashido.
"What on earthy were you all up to? Are you aware that homeroom is about to begin?" asked Iida; his arms wildly swinging side to side; the class froze.
"Actually, y'see..." began Urakaka. "We ran into some big old C-words."
"C-word? Which C-word?" asked Iida with concern.
"That creepy-crawler buggers that show up in the kitchen sometimes," Urakaka answered. "Those you-know-whats..."
"Ah!" Iida gathered. "You mean Periplaneta japonica, or the common cockroac--"
Eva put a hand over his mouth; she was just above eye level with him. "Don't say it!"
"Wouldn't want to jinx it and summon another one, especially after we jsut got done exterminating!" added Urakaka.
Iida removed Eva's hand from his mouth. "I apologize that I wasn't there to assist! That sounds like quite the ordeal!"
"Come on," Bakugo said as he grabbed Eva's backpack string; Iida was reminded of a kid at the park with a balloon. He watched Bakugo pull Eva onto the ground; they started whispering to each other, luckily Iida's attention was grabbed by Todoroki and Midoriya. Soon, Aizawa strolled through the door; and everyone snapped into their seats.
After four periods; the time for lunch came around. Packed as usual; Eva was standing in line with Iida, Izuku, and Shoto.
"Lunch Rush must be busier than ever since the dorms were built," said Ida.
"He's making a whole lot more than just lunch now," added Todoroki.
"I wonder if he'll revise his hero name?" Eva questioned; putting a finger under her chin.
"B.D.L. Rush, perhaps?" offered Ida.
"Ooh, B.D.L sounds like the name of some new sandwich," said Izuku.
"Pretty sure you can't just change your hero name at the drop of a hate," said Todoroki. The four chatted till it was time for them to order. Eva got pumpkin soup, Ida got beef stew with a glass of orange juice, Izuku got a katsudon pork bowl, and Shoto got soba noodles. They were approached by Sato as soon as they found a table.
"Mind if I sit here too?" asked Sato.
"Of course n--"
"Go ahead! We sure don't mind, right, Iida?" asked Izuku, interrupting Iida. Sato sat next to Eva opposite of the trio. Eva was sipping on her mango juice when Iida broke the silence.
"Ah, a question friends!" proposed Ida. "How might I convince our fellow male classmates to keep the changing room tidier? When I went to freshen up this morning, I found the room in a state of disarray."
"That bad, huh?" asked Sato.
Iida nodded. "Yes, the baskets were askew, and I feel the issue could be resolved if we were all just a bit more mindful..."
"Hmm, maybe put up a sign?" Izuku suggested. "Like a friendly reminder?"
"Or stick agents on the floor," suggested Todoroki. "So the baskets could snap back into position every time."
"Hm," Eva sounded; giving it a thought. The girls didn't have any problems like that, in fact, their biggest problem was Mineta.
Sato changed the topic. "B-by the way, is there anything you can't eat, Iida...?"
"Food dislikes? I can't say I'm all that picky," answered Ida.
"Any food allergies, then?" Sato asked.
"No, none that I know of," Iida answered.
"Great! Glad to hear it!" smiled Sato.
Iida beamed back. "Thank you for asking, though! Is there any reason, in particular, you'd need to know such a thing."
Shoto lifted his head from his soba. "Cuz it's your---"
"Todoroki!" yelped Eva as she stood up; and clamped her hand over his mouth; Iida extended an arm so Todoroki wouldn't fall over.
"Whatever is the matter, Yuki?" Iida asked in alarm.
"N-nothing," Izuku answered for here. "There was a scallion stuck to the corner of his mouth...Right, Todoroki?" Eva pulled her hand back a little.
"Oops...sorry," apologized Todoroki. "I was so caught up in the soba I got careless."
"Careless? How do you mean?" Iida asked.
"He didn't mean a thing, right Todoroki?" Eva asked as she tilted her head.
"Right," Todoroki nodded. "I mean, the scallion. On my face. So careless." Ida then grew silent.
"Ida? Everything okay?" asked Izuku.
"Yes, of course," Ida answered. "I'm perfectly fine."
Soon school was over; Eva was now in the bathing area with Urakaka and the other girls. They were discussing the plans for tonight.
"Are you sure you have enough fairy dust for this?" Jiro asked.
"Positive," Eva answered.
"If you think you might show up late then show up early for this," Yaoyorozu advised.
"Just don't let Iida catch you," Ashido added.
Soon they were all out helping set up and decorate for the party. Eva was working on hanging up decorations when she saw Katsuki start to walk away.
"Where are you going man?" Kirishima asked. "The party hasn't even started."
"I'm just sleepy," Katsuki grunted. Kirishima looked at Eva; she hung up one more decoration before going after him. "Go away."
"Are you feeling alright?" Eva asked once they went to the elevator.
Before he could answer, the elevator doors opened revealing Ida. "Huh??" They both stared at their classmates in thought.
"I would like to get out, Bakugo," Ida ordered; he didn't move. "Bakugo...Yuki... it's customary for people to step off the elevator before others get on, so they don't need to pass each other in the cramped space. So if you wouldn't mind--" The voice of the others got louder.
"So cool! I'd think you bought it at a store if I didn't know better!"
"Look delish! Great job as always, Sato!"
The elevator doors started to close Bakugo pried the doors open at the last second; he and Eva both stepped in, pressing the close door button.
"I'm actually getting out, you two," Ida said as he pushed up his glasses. "As I previously explained..."
"What floor's your room on?" Katsuki asked.
"Oh, have you forgotten? I reside on the third floor," Ida asked.
Katsuki clocked his tongue; pressing floors 3 and 4. He turned to Ida as soon as the elevator started to move. "Don't you dare go back down there and interfere four-eyes. Go back to your room and stick your nose in a book, or whatever crap you do to pass time."
"Katsuki," Eva breathed as she crossed her arms; he clicked his tongue again focusing on the elevator doors. They stayed in silence when Ida got off, not speaking till they got to the fourth floor. "It's his birthday, you could've been a little nicer."
"He would've become more suspicious," Katsuki said as they walked down the corridor. "You can go back down."
"What about you?" Eva asked. "You helped with so much, you're not going to stay?"
"I'm just sleepy," Bakugo answered as they stopped at his room. "See you tomorrow." He kissed her cheek before slipping into his room without another word, and Eva returned to the party. Soon it was time, Kaminari made the lights flicker; a way to get Ida back down. They all waited for the elevator ding on the first floor.
"Eek!" Urakaka cried.
"Urakaka?" Ida asked in concern. "What's the matter?"
"S-Save me, Ida! Quick! This way!"
"I'll be there in a jiffy! Hang in there!" shouted Ida as he dashed into the room. "Where are you, Urakaka?"
"Right here," Urakaka answered in her usual cheery voice; the lights flickered on.
"You are all here?" Ida asked in surprise to see everyone. They had colorful balloons, some filled with fairy dust and homemade paper flowers decorated in one corner, and a banner with a message on the window.
They all pulled on cords to their parry poppers Todoroki pulled his late; causing a delayed pop.
"My birthday..."Ida stammered. "I had completely forgotten.." The class surrounded him.
"Were you surprised?" Eva asked.
"We really pulled one, huh?" giggled Urakaka.
"What a nerve-racking day, though. Especially when we had to go over the plan just after Ida left for class. I was sure we would be tardy..." said Yayorozu as she patted her chest.
"So true," grimaced Jiro.
"We stayed up late making all these decorations, y'know!" said Ashido.
"Thank goodness we finished in time, ribbit," said Tsu.
"And then we had to toss them all up at top speed while you were back in your room," said Ojiro.
Kaminari clapped his hands together. "Sorry, ma! I know I must've come off really weird, back in the bath!"
"Same with me at lunch and class," Eva said as she lowered her head a little.
"This'll probably be the only time we go all out though," grinned Sero. "Like, a special way of saying thanks to the class rep who never quits on us!"
Kirishima on the other hand was a bit down. "Real shame Bakugo couldn't stick around. Dude said he was getting sleepy and stormed off."
Ida thought back to the weird interaction with Bakugo and Eva.
"Real sorry about the weirdness in the cafeteria," said Izuku. "We panicked when Todoroki started blabbing."
"Yeah, my bad," Todoroki apologized.
"I must admit, that was the point I really became suspicious," said Ida, Izuku felt guiltier along with Eva.
"Sorry, we couldn't tell you the truth earlier, but...I meant what I said, about how it wasn't what you were thinking! Of course, we like you!"
"Hey, when's it gonna be time for the main event?" asked Sato from the kitchen.
At Yaoyorozu's signal; they started to sing Happy Birthday to Ida. "Happy birthday, Class rep! Thank you for all that you do--Class A!" As they sang Sato brought out an orange cake with sixteen lit candles.
"Now you get what I was asking about your preferences and allergies, yeah? Anyway, this thing's made with orange juice, just for you, Ida. Not even from concentrate!"
"It's...magnificent," said Ida clearly moved. "Thank you!"
"You gotta blow out the candles, quick, Iida!" said Urakaka.
"And think of a wish when you do," added Tsu.
"Wish well," Eva advised. "Wish-granting fairies are always listening."
"A wish..." Iida thought. "My to be a worthy class rep for the fine members of class A!" He then blew out the candles.
"I said think, not out loud, Iida," said Tsu.
"What good is my wish if I can't announce it to you all?" asked Iida. They became stumped. "Never mind that! I would just ask that you keep putting up with me, going forward!"
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