Chapter 67
Eva was up in the air with Hawks and Endeavor ready to attack All For One, down below was Monty who was fighting.
"Shoto defeated Toya," said Endeavor, as he squeezed his fists. "Endeavor."
'Even from far away, I can tell how Shoto's feeling,' Eva thought to herself. 'And Toya...please stay down.'
"Endeavor," said All For One. "What is this odd expression on your face? Tenderness? Mourning?"
"Don't let him get in your head," advised Hawks. "Ignore his taunts."
"You refused to look at Toya, then burdened Shoto with your vain desires," said All For One, holding up two fingers. "That's two sons whose lives have been ruined by your poor parenting. You chose to make them suffer. So. What's your excuse this time? How will you attempt to justify your mistakes? Let me guess. You were looking out for the greater good?" Hawks and Eva eyed each other for a second. "This is why you'll lose. You're a fool, Number One." He opened his hand, and different quirks merged out of his fingers and thumb. At that moment, the three shot toward him, Eva was surprised to hear Hawks wanted her in on it since he first wanted just him and Endeavor. But once Eva had returned that changed a few things.
"We can take him," confirmed Hawks. "Hit him hard, and hit him fast."
"Sir," nodded Eva with her bug catcher ready, her heart raced a bit, she had not had a good fight in a long time, she was scared but also excited.
"The world is gonna remember this day," said Hawks.
"Leave nothing but ash," said Endeavor.
"It's rude to ignore a person," said All For One throwing air slices toward them.
"Now!" shouted Hawks. "You're up!"
"HELL CURTAIN!" shouted Endeavor shouting a huge ball of flame, Eva shot a big ball of wind into the fire, hitting Hawks with sending it straight toward All For One.
"So obvious," said All For One generating some quirk to catch Hawks. The number 2 had two red blades between the hardened slime. "And you. Weren't you once the man who 'too fast?' You're still frail, even after Recovery Girl's assistance. The artificial feathers you're using to enhance your own are hardly making a difference."
"Guess we've both seen better days, huh?" asked Hawks with a smile, he jumped as Eva appeared behind All For one, she swung her staff in the back of All For One's head, chipping off pieces of the mask. All For One looked back at her as Endeavor rose surrounded in flames.
"Ah the fae who managed to outsmart me," said All For One. "Don't you dare think you'll be able to do that again. Tomura and Toya were both devastated when you left, broke their hearts into pieces." Eva narrowed her eyes backing away. All For One turned to Endeavor as he prepared his attack.
"Vanishin...FIST!" shouted as two giant fist flames appeared. All For One used that slime-hardening quirk to block Endeavor's rampage attack. Eva far behind was swirling her staff catching the loose flames, it was a technique Great Pa Go taught her. All For One generated a bone-like spear to deflect an attack from Hawks, Eva threw her staff in skidded right behind All For One, cutting open the back of his shirt and burning him, some blood spilled. Eva appeared on the other side catching her staff.
All For One turned his head toward her. 'This is why I wanted to extinguish her in the cave before Tomura proceeded with his plan to have her escape. I did not take in account she'd beat him to it with her own tricks. Those three were fools to fall for each other. She is a fae at heart, she will be trouble and a monster. I did not expect the other fae to come out of the woodwork for this, none the less we will prevail.'
"An admirable attempt," said All For One glancing at Hawks. "Next time, work on your timing a bit more." Endeavor growled as his hits became more aggressive.
"It's not my timing I am depending solely on," said Hawks. "This attempt went according to plan."
"And Endeavor?" asked All For One. "Your attacks seem to have lost some gusto." Eva flew in opposite directions around All For One and Endeavor.
"He's taking damage," reported Endeavor. "Keep at it, Hawks and Violet Gust. He doesn't have super regeneration!" He put the two fists together and fired together.
"Look, Endeavor," said All For One. "Everyone's fighting frantically below us, desperately trying to do their part. Even the youngsters and fae you brought out here to die. are focused in the fight in from them." Eva glanced down, she spotted Monty defending Komori from a fire attack, he sent the fire right back at the guy in a swirling matter. "So why does it feel as though your heart isn't in this? You made your tortured masterpiece mop up your shameful mistakes. Why aren't you elated?"
"Shut your mouth!" growled Endeavor igniting more firepower.
"Don't fall for it!" cried Hawks rushing over with Eva. "Remember how he provoked All Might in Kamino! His words are an attack!"
" You know, Endeavor. I've long been aware of your rancid lust for power. In fact, I made sure my plans accounted for it. I hate to let a fertile plot of land go to waste. Especially when the payoff sounds delectable. I made sure that your ex-lover, the fae's mother was killed before then." Eva narrowed her eyes more.
"Poor Toya's body. You never found it." Endeavor's eyes widened. "Of course not. It wasn't there anymore. The son you thought dead has been returned to you through my work and foresight. You should be thanking me."
Eva glanced at Hawks, he was angry to learn that All For One had been holding on to a nasty card like that, he glanced at Eva to see how calm she was remaining they both looked back at Endeavor. They both shot forward.
"Don't forget!" shouted Hawks. "Your mission is to defeat All For One as quickly as possible! Keep your cool!" Endeavor in fact did not keep his cool.
" I WILL KILL YOU!" growled Endeavor leaving himself open.
All For One took advantage by using his mouth quirk, making it big and biting Endeavor in the side. "Oopsy-daisy!"
"Endeavor!" shouted Eva and Hawks as he fell into the forest below.
"Now, Nagant's Replacement," said All For One putting his hand out toward Hawks. "Tell me. Are you quick enough to dodge this?" Hawks was in a panic, knowing he did not have enough time. He shot some feathers down to Endeavor as All For One let out a massive amount of radio waves. It collided with an audio attack from Jiro who had appeared with Tokoyami, she was sitting on him as Dark Shadow kept them flying. All For One suddenly got blasted with a lot wind sent him spinning. Hawks looked over to Eva, she was now visibly angry, this whole time All For One had been a player in her past. Her people's massacre, her mother's death, repeated abductions which caused her family and friends pain. He then looked at Tokouyami and Jiro.
"GO, HAWKS!" cried Tokoyami.
"Steady!" cried Jiro grabbing Tokoyami tighter. "Stop wobbling so much! I'm still getting the hang of flying! I'm barely hangin' on right now!"
"Endure, Earphone Jack," urged Tokoyami. "And if I may ask a favor, please keep your rear end still. It's flustering me."
"You idiot!" cried Jiro.
"Toko--I mean, Tsukuyomi!" shouted Hawks as Eva went over to them keeping her eyes on All For One as he regained himself. "And that girl from Class A? GET AWAY! This is no place for you two! You'll die!"
"I can't hope to match Endeavor's power. But I can still help you," said Tokoyami. "We're a good team!" Hawks gasped.
"Why does One For All attract so many swarming gnats?" asked All For One. "You remind me of those comics I read. There were always insignificant characters in them who acted as cannon fodder."
"Whatever, man," said Jiro reading her jacks. "You shouldn't monologue until you've actually taken us down, All For One."
"In the Otherworld, no one is insignificant," said Eva. "Everyone has a purpose even if you are too stupid to see it." All For One looked at her. "You do a lot of yapping and it's annoying."
"Let's do this," smiled Jiro as Hawks glanced down to see where Endeavor had fallen.
***Down below***
Endeavor was on all fours panting, heaving, and thinking of Shoto and Toya. He clenched his fist and continued to struggle to get up.
"Enji Todoroki."
Endeavor froze, he had not heard that voice in over thirteen years, he looked up to see a glimmer of Eumelia. She was just as beautiful as the last time he saw her, this time she was dressed in all white, yet her red eyes shined as they normally did.
"Lia," Endeavor breathed out uneasily. " I thought you were dead."
"I am," said Eumelia crouching down to him. "My energies still run freely throughout the earth. I am only here for a few seconds thanks to the earth's wonderful magic. Right now, you are currently the only one that can see me."
"Why are you here?" asked Endeavor. "After everything I've done to you, to my family."
"My daughter is up there," said Eumelia looking up. "My Evalina. It's her rage I am worried about it. She had been polite all this time, but I can sense that during this day she will break." She put a hand on his side to heal him. "Reminds me of old times." He looked at her. "Look at you, Enji Todoroki, on the ground like've grown weak Enji. It's that path for power I warned you about when we were 17, that is what made you grow weak."
"I brought this, all of this, down on myself," said Endeavor looking away. "Toya, this fight, this wound. Everything."
"It is a time for you to have a talk with your younger self," said Eumelia waving her hand as she stood up, Endeavor looked to see a mirage of him in UA days.
"You're undoubtedly weaker now," said UA Enji. "Your position and your atonement. All the mistakes and your duty." He glanced at Eumelia, and then took her hand looking back at Endeavor. "Together, they've exposed just how pathetic you are. You've sunk so low that I can barely stand to look at you. You are not a superhero. You know that. But don't forget your origin. Remember who your real enemy is. Think of how your father tried to save a girl, only for the two of them to end up side by side in matching body bags. And how inferior you felt when faced with a true hero. 'Endeavor' A name that reflects your efforts and failures. You tried to hide your shameful heart behind bravado and fury, especially after Lia broke up with you. That should have been a wake up call, but no you continued to be shameful." Endeavor got up putting his hand in throat of UA Enji. "Face it. You will never match All Might or Deku, for that matter." The flames started up. "The real villain you fight isn't a lunatic tryant, but your own weakness." Endeavor shoved him to the ground. "Truth is, you can't hope to be reborn as someone noble. So keep cursing the weakness inside of you. It's the only thing that's kept you alive this long! You must burn hot enough to keep it at bay." Endeavor looked at Eumelia, she just nodded letting the flames consume her, she was already dead so it would not hurt her.
***Back in the sky
"Tsukuyomi! Retreat!" called Hawks.
"I'm not going anywhere," denied Tokoyami. 'You know why I'm here. We were assigned to this battleground. Deployed to assist you in case of a stalemate. "Let me help you!"
"This goes for you as well, Violet Gust!" shouted Jiro.
Eva looked at her and nodded. "I am happy you are both here."
Hawks looked at Tokoyami. "Please lend your aid again."
"Happily," smiled Tokoyami.
"Such as nuisance," said All Might as a quirk manifested in his arm, making it bulk out, causing the skin to break apart. A combination of reverting lines and mouths went to Jiro and Tokoyami, three heads altogether. Hawks flew feathers over to get Jiro out of harm's way, as Eva sent wind scythes chopping the heads off and then grabbing Jiro from Hawk's feathers.
"Earphone Jack," said Eva as she felt her heaving heavily, she was frightened and had every right to be. "Deep breaths, I got you." Jiro looked up at her and looked forward grabbing on to Eva's arm.
"Hawks," said All For Ojne turning his attention, Hawks zipped around using his feather's to get at the mask. He repeatedly clashed with the mask, using his speed incredibly well. Eva went over to Tokoyami and Dark Shadow.
"I've got your back Tsukuyomi!" shouted Hawks getting in front of the four. Eva placed Jiro back on top of Dark Shadow and Tokoyami.
"Jiro, are you all right?" asked Dark Shadow.
"Yeah," breathed Jiro. "Thanks Violet Gust." Eva flew over to Hawks, using wind scythe to break through the riveting lines to help Hawks.
"Aim for his mask," instructed Tokoyami. "Use sound to break it."
"You're trembling," noted All For One as he was putting up a fight with Hawks with the large heads and riveting lines. "Pitiful child." Eva looked at a giant form of reverting lines and big heads formed behind her classmates. "You've been training in the classroom. But this is real life." A big ball of light began to form, Hawks used his feathers to push the cannon out of the way as Eva rushed to her friends. She used an air blast to push them out of the zone, the blast went off, shooting across a wide distance. Eva felt a pain, she looked to see she had gotten trapped in the riveting lines, sticking through her arms, the bottom of her foot caught the edge of the attack, taking the skin off, and blood spilled. She looked over to see blood pouring out of Tokoyami's mouth as Jiro....she was bleeding heavily from her ear, one of her jacks had been severed.
"Tsukuyomi! Dark Shadow! Earphone jack!" cried out Eva.
"You didn't have enough feathers to keep them out of harm's way completely," taunted All For One. "Little Bird." Eva looked to see Hawks was trapped on the riveting lines. "Right now, you're not Number Two. You're nothing." He looked over at Jiro and Tokoyami. "And these extras are delusional supporting characters, never meant to stand beside those who can pose an actual threat. Children? You thought you could best the demon lord? Did you really believe you were something special?" He looked at Eva. "As for the fae, you're a bit of a demon yourself...I was expecting much more of a fight from you. I am quite disappointed."
"A real demon lord once told me to be careful what you wish for," warned Eva. "All wishes come with a price."
"You moron," said Jiro as All For One began to retract his arm. "Talk all you want about strength and fear. Tell us we're weak, or that we think we're 'special'." She gritted her teeth thinking of Midoriya, Aoyama, and Yuki. "Those are just words. And I don't give a damn what you say! What really matters is what you've done. YOU'VE MADE MY FRIENDS CRY!" Her one earjack shot out. "HEARTBEAT SURROND. LEGATO!" She let out a large and powerful sound wave at All For One.
"Your motivations and abilities are woefully immature, as is your behavior," said All For One withstanding the attack. Allow me to be blunt. I find you wholly underwhelming!" He went to go attack, but got stopped, Eva peered inside the man and saw the vestiges of the Quirks he had stolen holding him back. Eva used this time to break herself free from rivet lines, normally she would find it painful, but after that month-long being tortured by All For One, her pain tolerance increased. Eva went over and freed Hawks as well.
"HAWKS! VIOLET GUST! NOW!" called Jiro. Eva tucked her wings back and repeatedly shot at All For One back and forth using wind slice, cutting his sides and body.
"Got you insect," said All For facing her and putting a hand out.
"You stole my line!" shouted Hawks with a smile, he used a sound wave vibrating enhanced Flight feather blade on the mask, finally breaking it.
"Tsukuyomi! Dark Shadow!" shouted Jiro taking off her jacket, putting it over Dark Shadow. "It's your time shine! I'm good. I'll catch you later!" She jumped off shooting another wave of heartbeat at All For One, Hawks used his feathers to keep her in the air.
"2 point tornadic pinpoint," said Eva putting the the tips of her bottom wings together in front of her, wind shot out joining in with Jiro's attack, intensifying it.
"BLACK ABYSS" said Tokoyami as Dark Shadow grew a giant fist, smashing a hit on All For One. " RAGNAROK, FLEETING BLOW!" It completely destroyed All For One's mask, he was upside.
"You thought we were just stalling for time, huh?" asked Hawks pointing a blade at AFO. He shot toward him as Tokoyami and Dark Shadow grabbed Jiro. "Well, it turns out those insects sting like hell if you're dumb enough to piss 'em off!" Everyone took a stance ready to strike. "Violet Gust!"
"Sir!" Eva responded as she shot out two wind scythes, the flew to a different side to the same and on repeat, All For One then smiled then a web of rivet lines shot out.
"Wretched pests," growled All For One. Hawks protected Tokoyami, Dark Shadow, and Jiro from the hit as Eva used her staff to keep the lines from hitting her. The riveting lines grabbed pieces of the mask to put it back on All For One's head. "Good grief." There was a lot of blood spilling, they looked to see it was Endeavor, he put his arm in the way. "Your persistence have left your warped. A twisted approximation of a so-called hero. Endeavor growled rushing forward, his full arm snapped off from the elbow down. "ENDEAVOR, THE FAILURE!" He slammed a fist into All For One, breaking through the shield, sending the villain flying like as a comet.
"That's right," said Endeavor. "You bet your ass I'm persistent." Eva noticed that his side had healed up, the injury clearly visible, but he was no longer bleeding.
'Who healed him?' asked Eva. 'Monty is busy down there, did another step through?'
"For the rest of my life, there will never be a day when I'm able to pat myself on the back," confessed Endeavor. "Or find peace by thinking I did my absolute best. My duty is to win the fight against you." He put his arm back, the remaining part lit up in flames. "So that's what I'm going to do.
"Oh dear," sounded All For One as the flames cleared. "That was a close call." Endeavor belt forward breathing out fire from his mouth, as a whirling of flames spun around the firearm he manifested. 'Wounded heroes really are the most frightening animals.' Endeavor appeared directly in front of him. Hawks sent his feather to assist with the speed.
"VANISHING JETBURN!" shouted Endeavor, the attack sent All For One into the ground despite him putting up and defensive shield.
On the ground.
"Whoa, that's hot!"
"Endeavor! What are you doing? The plan was for you to toast him in the sky!"
"Wasn't that a good time to break out Prominence Burn?" asked Hawks as Eva flew over to them.
"It would've been wasted," answered Endeavor as he went down by them. "He was able to block at the last second." He let out a breath of steam. "It's not a mover I can do over and over again. need to break down his defenses and make sure the attacks lands." Hawks grunted.
"Sir," sounded Eva. "Who healed your wound?" Endeavor glanced over at her, it was clear as day that she was Eumelia's daughter without a doubt. Then looked back at where All for One landed.
"An old friend," said Endeavor.
"Look at you, keepin' a cool head," acknowledged Hawks.
"No," corrected Endeavor. "My rage is all-consuming!" He shot down.
Back on the ground.
"All for One," said Kamui Woods, he looked up. "Everyone retreat!"
"Why? Now's our chance to overwhelm him!" Endeavor landed and fire fanned out pushing everyone away with the shock wave beside Monty, he had his hands out channeling the fire into balls around his fist, then redirecting it to other villains on the ground.
"Do you have a death wish?" asked Kamui as he avoided the fire. "Endeavor's coming through!" Endeavor broke through All For One's shield, fire coming through his eyes. This surprised Eva, for the months she has been under him and at the Jaku, she's never see his eyes do that before. He let out a loud roar, blasting through boulders, going into the forest area. As All For One was going to take Endeavor's quirk, fire shot out of his eyes.
"Those damned hands have destroyed too many futures already."
"Oh, you're one to talk, Endeavor," rebutted All For One.
"Yeah, I know that," acknowledged Endeavor. He flew a bit more, before taking All For One through a clearing and into the sky. Everyone was watching. Endeavor combusted into flames, cutting off the All For One's cries to stop. "PROMINENCE BURN!" The way the fire burned, on any normal day people would have seen the sky as a beautiful sunset or sunrise. The fire died, Endeavor looked okay, while All For One's body had been burned to a crisp, pieces of him breaking off.
"He's still alive," noted Eva. "All For One."
"You've got to be kidding," said Tokoyami, and Eva shook her head.
"Do you think so little of me?" asked All For One weakly. "That I'd show up to the final reckoning without an ace up my sleeve? I'm finished with this feeble body, more than happy to dispose of it and start over. You've given me the opportunity." Endeavor looked at him in horror. "Heroes aren't the only ones who put their lives on the line." An ear appeared as brand new. "And villains are also at their most frightening when they're wounded." A new eyeball appeared in the empty socket, Eva was confused by how this was happening, so she jotted a bit higher in the air to see what was going on.
"What's wrong, Violet Gust?" asked Hawks. "What are your senses telling you?"
"He's basically rewinding," answered Eva. "The only way that is possible is through Little Eri's quirk."
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