Chapter 66
Eva got warped to Gunga Villa, the villains had gotten free out of their cages and everyone was eager to fight.
"What's up?" greeted Hawks as he appeared behind All For One, he used his katana to slash at All For One's support mask, he then flew back to Endeavor and Eva were in the sky. "The attack was no good. It'll take a lot more than that to cut through his armor. I'm sorry. I tried my best."
"That was always going to be a long shot," said Endeavor. "After Kamino, we figured out that the sludgy Warp crap you've been using is a lesser version of what Kurogiri can do. The range is shorter, and more importantly, you can't warp yourself. Of course, the UA barrier was strengthened to account for that. I hope it burns to know hubris is what brought about your downfall."
"Splitting my minions up and attacking us separately," said All For One. "It's a clever plan! But did you ever stop to consider if you could actually win when standing against me, Number One?" He pointed at Endeavor. "I understand why your ragtag remainders need an edge, but the way you've implemented your plan has shown your true colors, Endeavor. I'm almost impressed. No doubt you've pitted One For All Against Tomura. Quite risky. For you. But then, that's not the cruelest matchup, you've devised, is it? You've forced your youngest child to face your failures, while at the same time, continuing to abuse your eldest." All For One moved his finger to Eva. "Are you going to continue to hold back fae? That's not wise if you are going to face me."
Over at the floating UA, Shigaraki fell out of the warp gate to see UA below, along with a Lord Corpse and Izumi, people he had never seen people. Out of the other gates were the heroes assigned to the area.
"Bad news, Demin head!" shouted Katsuki looking at Best Jeanist. "They pulled a fast one. Deku's gone! He went through another warp!"
Over at Okuto Island, Deku got pulled through the warp gate.
"Deku?" asked Urakaka. "I thought you were supposed to be with Shigaraki!" Deku stared angrily at Toga who was unfazed by the emotion.
Back at UA.
"How is he not here?" asked Best Jeanist. "What happened?"
"I dunno!" announced Katuski as he landed on a platform. "Someone must have grabbed onto him." He looked at Izumi who was checking his wrist.
"Intel from Aunt Addie, he is at Okuto Island," reported Izumi.
"Isn't that like really bad?" asked Tamaki. "Our whole strategy revolved around him."
"We have to tell the others!" urged Nejire looking forward.
"Whatever," said Miriko putting her fists together. "There's no turning back! Don't you see what's in front of us? We're fighting the greatest villain in recorded history!"
"The young lady is correct," said Lord Corpse stretching his hands. "All we can do is move forward and fight until Deku gets here." Shigaraki looked around at everyone before dropping to the ground. He slammed his hand on the ground immediately breaking it up, then ground shot him in the air causing him to gasp. He slammed into the electric force field and screamed out as he got zapped.
"Whoa, there," said Best Jeanist using his threads to grab on to Shigaraki and bring him closer. "You look stiff!" He slammed him into the ground and dragged him. "There is no escape. As long as your body is controlled by muscles and a nervous system, an electric current will render you helpless, at least for a second. No matter your strength." Shigaraki broke free of the threads, he slammed in something behind and got pushed forward, he slammed into the ground sliding a bit. He looked back to see Izumi who had black energy surrounding his hands. He noticed the wings on the boy automatically, he also could not get a reading of a quirk.
'A fae like Eva,' Shigaraki thought to himself, he looked at at Corpse. 'Another one...What is going on here? Where is she anyway?' He shook his head. 'This is not the time to be thinking about her.'
"Moron," said Shigaraki looking at Best Jeanist. "You shouldn't rely on cheap tricks, Jeanist." Jeanist sent more threads, and Shigaraki dodged them. "We're flying in the sky, right? If you use up the ground too fast, your precious state is gonna disappear!"
"I'm not concerned," said Best Jeanist pointing his thumb back. "We have plenty of resources." More floor covered the empty space, Izumi waved his hand letting dirt spread over the new spots and grass to grow with it. "Do you understand yet, Shigaraki? Or did your brain get fried? This place was tailored to defeat you. It's your coffin in the sky! You can use wide-range attacks that result in instant death, and you're as fast as All Might at his peak. We had to figure out the perfect pocket to zip you in. The design was patterned off of the two battles we fought after your awakening. A 16-year-old girl made it all possible. We're using the principal's evacuation system as countermeasures against Decay. The blocks were split into smaller sections and turned into drones with upgraded programming. Raw materials were scarce, but we made do. Even on a short timeline. And of course, it takes a ton of energy to power this floating arena. We combined our Quirks and talents and constructed a seamless tomb for you. This isn't for fame or glory." He got in a pitching stance. "We're doing this because we want to protect people and the future!" Katsuki used his explosions to shoot up. "We're the ones who will stop your destruction!"
"I'm going to make you pay for touching Eva!" growled Katsuki shooting off explosions at Shigaraki who dodged them. Nejire used her energy waves to catch the explosions and direct them back to Shigaraki, it shot right past him. Lord Corpse rounded his arms back and pointed forward, he directed electric currents from the force field at Shigaraki making him shout in pain. Miriko ran up on one of the threads and started to get and hit Shigaraki.
Shigaraki flipped back, and he pointed his hand toward Best Jeanist.
"Seriously?" asked Katsuki with a smile, he was up on a platform. "Don't you remember how we Nerfed your ass at Jaku?" Shigaraki dropped landing on one of the platforms, then looked back to see Eraser, Manual, and Monoma sitting on top of a building. Monoma was copying Aizawa's quirk, together they were erasing Shigaraki's quirks.
"It's no wonder you are Violet Gust's village leader," said Best Jeanist looking at Lord Corpse who was using his wings.
"I only hope she knows she can no longer hold back," said Lord Corpse. "Not in a battle like this."
Monoma was laughing hysterically. "What's the matter?" asked Monoma. "Is the Final Boss having problems using his powers?"
"You've got to stop shouting! Please!" pleaded Manual as he used his quirk to keep Monoma's eyes from drying out. Shigaraki jumped dodging Miriko's attack repeatedly, suddenly Shigaraki turned with mutations of fingers shooting out of his left arm.
"Hey, Dynamight! What the hell is he doing now?" demanded Miriko.
"This is the mutations that Eva mentioned!" shouted Katsuki as Miriko got caught in the attack, it broke off her robotic hand and leg. They all gasped.
"I still can't believe I used to think you were cool," said Shigaraki. "But you turned out to be another disappointment...Eraserhead." He looked over. "Where is Eva?"
"Far away from here," said Lord Corpse.
"Good," said Shigaraki as the mutations began their rampage, taking the others off the platform. "I will be reuniting with her soon after this."
"You will most likely never see my cousin again," said Izumi as dodged the mutations. Shigaraki was surprised to hear the word cousin.
"Are you kidding me!?" demanded Katsuki as he got swept away. "THIS IS DISGUSTING!" The fingers slammed into UA. "YOU ARE GOING NOWHERE NEAR HER EVER AGAIN!"
"Phantom Thief!" shouted Edgeshot appearing out of the rubble.
"I haven't blinked yet!" shouted Monoma. "Erasure should be working as planned!"
"Then it's not a Quirk?" asked Edgeshot.
"No," said Izumi as he took a fighting stance.
"This is simply my physical body," informed Shigaraki. "Growing. The same way my hair gets longer. Or my nails. Just faster. In order to accommodate the numerous Quirks housed inside of me, my body had to take on a new form. This is where society is headed. The singularity that Garaki proposed. You people covered up the truth, try to ignore a future you can't hope to change. You'd never understand this."
"Spares!" shouted Miriko sliding back. A pocket shot from the ground, and Miriko slid back clicking into them. She flipped over. "Dynamighty! Get a hold of yourself and prepare to fight. Stop gawking!" She landed next to him.
"It's Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight!" corrected Katsuki, as he stomped toward her. "And you should stop charging in without a plan!"
"Oh?" asked Miriko getting in his face. "Aren't you a cocky piece of TNT?"
"Yeah?" asked Katsuki with a smile. "You wanna have a go right here, Bunny Wabbit?"
"Focus, you two!" ordered Best Jeanist getting to his feet.
"Huh?" the other two asked looking at him.
"It's not huh, it's yes, sir!" Best Jeanist corrected.
"I swear I'm using it like you taught me, Mr. Aizawa!" shouted Monoma. "I'm not screwing up. Something else is wrong."
"I can see that," said Aizawa.
Mandalay stepped over to them. "Eraser! We've got Midoriya on the line."
"Damn it, Class A!" cried Monoma. "Get your crap together!"
"Where are you, Midoriya?" asked Aizawa.
"I'm sorry," apologized Izuku in the earpiece. "Himiko Toga grab--" Some garbled noise. "at Okuto Island!"
"Okuto island?" repeated Aizawa. 'Izumi said the same thing.'
"Use kurogiri's--" Izuku got cut off, Aizawa grunted.
"We have to warp Midoriya back as fast as we can," said Tamaki dodging the fingers.
"That's not possible," said Edgeshot appearing next to him.
"Sorry, Midoriya," apologized Aizawa. "But you're going to have to find a new way here on your own. Ask one of the fae there for assistance if you have to. We'll do our best to hold Shigaraki back in the meantime." The heroes and fae all landed beside Best Jeanist.
"Even without One For All, we can defeat this vile enemy!" declared Best Jeanist.
"Yeah!" shuted Katsuki.
"Yes, sir!" responded Amajiki. "Come on."
Over at Okuto island, the fight was going on way. The island was shaped like a moon, it had an Aquarium that Gang Orca serves as its director.
A nomu split apart and shot pieces down.
"Incoming!" shouted Gang Orca. "Watch out!" The pieces turned into rods trying to take out the sidekicks and others. As that happened, they fought other villains and clashed with them.
"These guys are way stronger than the ones we faced in Jaku, Boss!"
"Don't back down!" shouted Gang Orca ramming his head into a villain, activating his quirk. Aunt Adella used the waves to push villains out to sea, trapping them in a whirlpool she had going.
"That nomu," said a hero. "No telling how many Quirks All For One gave him. Take him out!" Suddenly, Moonfish activated his quirk, his teeth shooting through heroes and villains.
"So much flesh!" gushed Moonfish.
"Don't ignore the jailbreakers," ordered Gang Orcabreaking some of Moonfish's quirk off his arm. "Keep your eyes open!" Tsu dodged an attack with Sirius.
"That attack even reached the rear guard!" exclaimed Sirius. "Froppy, you're not hurt, are you?"
"Nuh-uh," denied Tsu. "But that was an intense wave. It swept up Shang, Uravity, and Deku
In a different section, Uravity used her quirk to make some villains float. Shang had just used waves to breach villains, making their heads stuck in the sand, he was currently calling for sea serpents with his feet.
"What did Mr. Aizawa say?" asked Urakaka looking over at Izuku.
Izuku shot back after using an air bullet. "They can't warp me out. I have to get back to UA myself. Things must not be going well there!"
"Then you should hurry!" urged Urakaka. Suddenly, Izuku was dodging an attack from Himiko Toga.
"No, Izuku, you can't leave!" cried Toga who was blushing. "I love you! So you've gotta stay here with me!"
"Toga!" shouted Urakaka who got swept over by a different wave. Izuku and Toga now stood facing each other at a distance. Izuku watching Toga fully stand up.
"Okay, I'm listening. What is it?" asked Izuku. "Tell me what you want from me!"
Toga blushed more as she put her hands to her face. "That's easy. I want you to be my boyfriend." Urakaka and Shang became shocked as Izuku turned a bright red and was steaming.
"You want me to be your boyfriend?" asked Izuku softly. "WHERE THE HECK IS THIS COMING FROM?"
"Well, I've liked you since I first saw you," confessed Toga looking away a bit. "You were so bloody and broken. In fact, you looked just like my first crush. It stirred something deep inside me. You're so dreamy, Izuku." She smiled big and panted. "Come over here. I want to get a taste of your blood. That way I can become you."
"Don't you think this is all moving way too fast?" asked Izuku growing redder. "By boyfriend, you mean like, we would go to the amusement park. and hold hands, and share a crepe, and go on a double date with Eva and Todoroki and do date kinda stuff?" Urakaka trembled a bit, knowing that's what she wanted to do with Izuku.
Toga put her hands over her face. "Whenever I like somebody, It makes me want us to become the same person. That's the only way I can satisfy these feelings."
"Incoming attack!" shouted Gang Orca. "Brace yourselves!
"So, hero," began Toga as the water washed over everything, Shang took control of the waves, pushing them back toward the ocean. "Tell me, what do you wanna do with me?" She then disappeared into the water, everyone went back to fighting.
"You know what?" asked Izuku as he grabbed onto one of the nomu's spears with black whip. "I grew up wanting to be a copy of All Might. Tove as strong as he was." He broke it. "So, I understand what you're saying. Really! I want to be like him! But I don't want to become him. Don't you see that your actions don't match your feelings? The truth is, the last feeling you should want to do is hurt a person you care about!"
"Oh, Izuku," breathed Toga, it was as if her eyes had opened a bit. "You're just like Ochaco, aren't you? Same as my mom and dad. You don't get it." Urakaka and Izuku both gasped. Toga put on her mask and then started clashing with Izuku head-on.
"Wait. Let's talk about this!" urged Urakaka running toward Tog, she grabbed onto the girl, and they barreled rolled away from Izuku. "I've been thinking about you ever since we fought each other one-on-one."
"That's strange," commented Toga. "Cause I don't think about you anymore! I hoped maybe Izuku would understand, but now I'm over it." She kicked Urakaka away.
"She'll counterattack!" shouted Izuku sliding back on the water.
"If the world is going to reject me, then I'll reject the world right back!" declared Toga, she got passed Urakaka who had just looked back. "I'm just so so sad, Ochaco." She stabbed Urakaka in the shoulder, she let out a yelp as blood spilled. "I thought maybe we'd bond over this. Because we're so similar, you and me. We're both in love with the same--" Blackwhipe and Tsu both came in attacking Toga, getting her off of Urakaka.
"RIBBIT!" yelled Tsu.
"Asu--Tsu--Froppy!" shouted Izuku.
"I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner," said Tsu when she landed in the water.
"Are you hurt?!" asked Izuku stepping forward.
"I'm fine," said Urakaka holding her shoulder. "It's barely a scratch. We have to get the knife though. My blood is on it." She looked back.
Tsu looked at Toga. "They warped her way our her because she's such a wildcard. But I'm starting to think it's not a good idea to be stuck on an island with her."
Toga used the knife to cut blackwhip off her. "Hi, Tsu."
"Go, Deku!" shouted Tsu. "You're needed elsewhere. This isn't the time to get distracted by a conversation about romance. We've got this. Uravity and I were always supposed to handle Himiko Toga. We know how to fight here better than anyone."
"She's right," agreed Urakaka. "Stop Shigaraki." Izuku gasped a bit as he stared at Urakaka.
"You've got this," declared Urakaka with a smile.
Toga started to get back up. "Is this how you act when I confess my love? Why is it so hard to be me?"
"Go, now!" ordered Urakaka.
Izuku used the float quirk to get up in the air, Fa Jin to pump his legs, then took off splitting the water up, by passing a bird at incredible speed. He was using Air Force, but he was not happy with how slow it was, Kudo repeated acknowledging his fluster and not letting it cloud your judgment. A giant sea serpent then rose out of the sea, locking eyes with Izuku, it caught the eyes of everyone who dared not stop fighting.
'Deku, other wielders,' said Shang entering his mind. 'That is Cinder, she is here to give you a boost.' Izuku nodded as he flew past the Cinder the sea serpent. She sucked in lots of air and blasted it out giving Izuku an extra boost to shoot forward.
'Amazing!' sounded Izuku with much appreciation.
"He's gone," noted Urakaka as Cinder sank back into the water.
"That's for the best," said Tsu. "I don't think Midoriya could ignore her if he stayed."
"Enough," groaned Toga. "I love Izuku. And Ochacho. And even you, Tsu. But I can't take this anymore. I want to be who I want to be. No pretending. I want to live in a way that makes sense to me." She touched a green box on her belt. "Like you, Jin." She leaned forward more. "I am Himiko Toga. I don't need heroes. So goodbye. Go off and die somewhere."
"Not happening!" said Urakaka getting in a fighting stance. "I am going to take a stand and do whatever I think is right! I have to be true to myself, too."
Kamino ward
Toya's blue flames filled everywhere, rising high above the buildings. Many heroes were dropped down, he noticed that the two fae were still standing. In fact, the one with black hair and red eyes had managed to grab a hold of his blue flames, circling them in his hands.
"There weren't many heroes to begin with, and now they're dropping like flies," said Toya as he hung on the arm of the All Might statue. "A nomu fighting in a sea of flames. That's a sight that takes me back, though I guess it wasn't actually that long ago. I started to get serious after I saw those creatures battling in Hosu."
"Shoto!" shouted Ida. "It's hot! No, absurdly hot. I can't get any closer, or my engines will be ruined."
"Oh, sorry," said Toya rising up into the sky. "I was talking to myself. Dad is ignoring me again. That always makes me feel a little depressed, you know? You'd think I'd be used to it by this point. Can't believe he didn't come himself. Instead, I get stuck with his third son, some sidekicks and fae. Guess this is his answer to my question. I can't catch a break, that's so disappointing." He raised his arms.
"As of one of the fae, I am Eva's big brother," said Dios looking at Toya.
Toya raised his eyebrows. "Dios...she spoke about you a lot. Have to admit, I was a bit jealous hearing Love Bug speak about her relationship with her brothers and father." Everyone was surprised to hear the words love bug, Toya's mind went to Eva's sparkling ready eyes and smiling face, and he shook his head. 'Not the time to think of her. And to say love bug in front of all these people.'
"Kido," said Omina. "You need to get further back. You don't have a heat-resistant body like I do."
"It's not a problem," said Kido disregarding the concern. "I can change the trajectory of anything. That includes this superheated air. I'm pretty used to it by now. It's basically second nature. I've been keeping my cool for ten years, trying to stay even-keeled and logical around a bunch of hotheads." His wrappings came undone revealing hair and eyes. "The big guy gave us specific orders. And I'm gonna make sure I follow them to the letter."
"He may be a stinkin' geezer with family issues out the wazoo, but Endeavor's hero work has always been incredible," said Burnin. "Past and present!" She looked at Toya. "We're here because that old fart gave us a job. We have to support him with every ounce of firepower we've got."
"Thanks, Burnin," said Shoto. "I appreciate it."
"Save your breath, kid," ordered Burnin. "We don't need any thanks."
"Toya. Dabi," said Shoto. "I think you have the wrong idea. I'm not standing here because our dad told me I had to. I'm here of my own accord because I want to be the one who stops this madness."
"Tell yourself that," smiled Toya. "But the truth is, you're still acting as Dad's perfect pawn."
"No, that would only be the case if I kept trying to be a hero while ignoring you," said Shoto.
"Yeah, sure," grunted Toya. "Fair enough. But in the end, this battle isn't about soldiers acting on orders. Our armies don't matter. This is about each of us getting resentments out on the table. One person against the other. Each trying to achieve our own goals. The ability to love freely. To change society. To destroy. To make things better for her people." Mai had created a tunnel of water protecting heroes from the flames as she healed them and looked over. Mai was a woman with silver hair and blue eyes. "This world has been out of balance for a long time now and some of us won't accept that. Superhuman society has reached an end. You may not see it yet, but it's the truth."
"You survived the fire," said Shoto. "So, why didn't you come back home?" He looked up at his big brother.
"Do you really want to know?" asked Toya as the metal staples started to snap off, his jaws becoming detached. "Okay, then. I'll tell you. One last story for my little brother. The tale of how I became Dabi. The reason I was able to keep living in this hellish world. Why my flames burn so much hotter than yours." Toya let out an unsteady laugh, the side kicks got in front as Shoto shot back to work on his move with the x going across his body. "Some fires never go out." They then all listened to Dabi's story. 'You know, Shoto. I actually did go back once. Though, none of noticed me. As usual. Course I had no reason to get my hopes up. After all, I was showing up even weaker than before. Still, I wanted him to look at me again. I guess I...I wanted to see what was different. What my absence had done. How my family coped. The scene I walked in on told me everything I needed to know. Nothing had changed in the three years I was gone. In that moment, I knew my family had forgotten about me. I was a failure with no reason to live. Did you know that when you go past your limits, the world turns on its head?" Dabi's flames majorly started to eat at his body more, leaving it all charred. "Everything you've achieved goes up in smoke. I didn't want to face him while I was still weak, so after that, I was completely focused on my flames. I felt no pain, even when my body festered and charred bits peeled off. In my downtime, I watched him."
"Careful, Shoto," warned Omina. "I don't like this."
"You've been prepared to die this entire time," said Shoto.
"Whenever I saw him save an entire city, or noticed how he was gaining fame, my heart pounded in my chest," said Toya. "Ever since I died and Dabi was born. I knew what I had to do." The All Might statue began to melt, losing the arm that was raised. "I'LL BURN ALL THAT HE HOLDS DEAR. THAT'S THE REASON I'M STILL ALIVE. HIS SUFFERING WILL BE PROOF I EXISTED!"
"I told you I'm not gonna let you do that," grunted Shoto narrowing his eyes. "Big brother!"
"Ha!" laughed Toya. "This is weird! That little bonding session kinda cheered me up! Thanks for being such a good listener, little brother." Toya's heat kept increasing and showed no sign of hesitation. "NOW I'M FEELING IT! YOU MAKE GOOD KINDLING EVEN IF DAD ISN'T AROUND!"
"This ends here," declared Shoto. "I'm the one who'll stop you!"
"I hope you haven't got the wrong idea," said Toya. "I thought about you plenty in the years I was feeding my fire. I managed to get a weak version of my flames back. And thanks to my training, I knew how to keep pushing myself. Good ol' Dad said my firepower was greater than his. That encouraged me to keep at it. With my senses dulled, I no longer had the same limits. It wasn't long before I could copy him. AND HIS FLASHFIRE FIST!" Fire blasted out of Toya's hands. " I bet you're a big All Might fan, huh, Shoto?"
"Here it comes," said Burnin as they got ready.
"HELL SPIDER!" shouted Toya throwing his hands forward and letting out the signature move. The heroes all screamed.
"I've seen this attack before."
Iida slid back. "That's Endeavor's move, but bigger and sloppier." He stood up. "Todoroki." He looked over at Dios who was standing in the flames, attracting them all to him, unfazed by the heat. Dios was directing the flaming spider lines away from people as he sucked it in. Eva always spoke highly about Dios, and now Ida could see why.
Dabi looked at Dios. 'Eva's brother is fucking cool. Endeavor did once say that fae are on a different level to us, and never compare my power to them. I learned that lesson in the cave with Love Bug...oh my Love Bug.' He looked back at Shoto.
"You ready, kid?" asked Omina looking at Shoto. "We can't do this forever?"
"Absolutely," confirmed Shoto not taking his eyes off Toya.
Dabi shot forward, going right past Shoto, they glanced back as Toya was on his hands and feet, ready to pounce.
"There's something I've been curious about, Shoto," admitted Toya. "I want to know how pathetic you'd look." He shot forward slamming a fist into Shoto, making him fly. "What face did you wear when you cowered inside the U.A. barrier with the evacuees? Those scared sheep knew you were Endeavor's son and Dabi's brother." He stood up. "And you walked among them even though you're a child of calamity." He shot forward, standing above Shoto, and started walling on him with his fists. "I'd say that's a pretty shameless way to act for someone who wants to be a hero, wouldn't you?" He hit Shoto more. "Your girl was kidnapped by me and you still cowardly walked among them!" Due to watching Endeavor, Dabi has witnessed the secret kisses and romance between Eva and Shoto. He did not count on falling for her as well, and he fell hard.
"Shoto!" shouted Kido.
"Dabi's firepower outburns Endeavors!" noted Burnin. "But it's gonna tear his body to shreds!"
"You had every advantage!" shouted Toya as he hit Shoto more. "The best training. An ideal body. Yet you depend on others! You're a spoiled a little brat! Who never bothered to reach his full potential! I'm sure no one ever told you that to your face. But families should be honest, right?" He blew fire at Shoto, who managed to get out of Toya's grasp and into the air. "You are an aimless, half-baked puppet!" Toya was ready to deliver another blow, hand surrounded in flames. "You will never amount to anything in this world! JETBURN!" He blasted Shoto high up into a building.
"Yeah," grunted Shoto, they couldn't see him due to the smoke. "Most of what you said is true." The teal and orange light began to shine through. "I was a fool. One who took far too many detours. I doubted every decision I made." Toya looked at his hand to see the ice melting on his hand.
"He managed to neutralize the heat?" asked Toya.
"I thought our father was the only one you were focused on this whole time," said Shoto as the smoke cleared, he was lodged into a piece of the wall. "Since we're being honest it's kind of nice to know I was on your radar, too." He was bleeding from his eyes and nose. "While I was training, trying to catch up to my classmates, I discovered something inside myself. Flashfire." He raised his right hand. "I want to show you how I turned it into something better. A move meant to stop you. Call me half-baked if you want. But listen to me. Our father was a madman! Our family was a nightmare! Even so, you're the one of us who chose to burn people!" His flames intended. "No one else!" He jumped down. "I won't let you destroy any more innocent lives!" Toya prepped ready to take the attack. Shoto then used Flashfire fist, phosphor. Icebound Crash. Coldflame's Pale Blade! "FOCUS ALL YOUR ANGER ON ME! I CAN PUT UP WITH YOUR FLAMES! MAYBE THAT'LL HELP YOU COOL YOUR HEAD!" Toya groaned as he got pushed back, bouncing a couple of times. Toya shot flames from his hands to stop the bouncing while continuing to go backward.
"You go on, and on, trying to tell me what's right and what's wrong," said Toya as he flipped back landing on his feet. "It just goes to show, we may share the same blood, but we couldn't be more different." He slammed his hands on the ground as Shoto's technique went out. "In this limited superhuman society, a warped rail will never be able to lay beside a straight and narrow one. You and I are proof of that. We're on parallel tracks, but our paths will never meet. FOR BOTH OF OUR SAKES, SUCCUMB TO MY FIRE AND DIE!" Before Dabi's flames could reach Shoto, the flaming side kicks got in front deflecting the attack. Off to a different area, Dios stood near Mai, he was controlling the flames by them, creating a dome so it wouldn't touch Mai.
"End it, Shoto," instructed Kido as he fell.
"You Todorokis are one hell of a family," commented Omina as he fell over with Burnin.
"This is so hot, even I'm getting burned," noted Shoto as he got the technique going again. "Sorry guys."
"I told you kid," managed out Burnin. "Don't waste your breath on niceties here. "
"At least let me thank you," pleaded Shoto, he thought back on everything. His past is soaked in greed and blood, Class 1-A never leaving anyone behind. Making honey cookies with Eva as he talked about his progress. Mt. Lady and Endeavor advise him to store up his power. Shoto's technique grew bigger again. Dabi let out a scream, hell spider flames danced through his other flames surrounding the area. Shoto slammed forward, slamming his fist into Toya's core, Blue flames started to cool down from the punch. "Our paths will cross. I'll force them to. So please, stop this, brother. Great Glacial Aegir!" Lots of ice shot out, taking out the flames, icing the buildings, and knocking out Toya. After a few seconds, Toya slumped onto Shoto, and then Shoto dropped to his knees. Toya fell off just as Shoto's hair fell back down.
Burnin put her hand over her ear. "He--He took him down. Everyone! Dabi has been defeated!"
Heroes nearby were stopping villains along with the fae.
"That must have been a nightmare. Poor Shoto. You've done so much for us. You stood your ground against Blueflame! You're a true hero!"
"Keep pushing forward! The ugly guy's the only one left!" Ida shot the nomu's arm, slamming into the giant blade.
"We've got a numerical advantage! Swarm the monster!"
"Don't let up!"
"We're pulling it off."
"I know. I'm just glad we ended up with these villains in our snare. Who knows what would've happened if Kunieda, or Gashly, or any of other Tartarus Jailbreakers were here. We lucked out, let's make sure we're backing up anybody who needs a hand.
*** Word about Shoto defeating Dabi spread to other places***
***Jaku Hospital***
"Acid Shot, losers!" shouted Ashido spraying acid on liberation army guys. Ashido landed turning to the others. "Did you hear? Todoroki pulled off a win!"
"Yes, yes, yes, yes!" cheered Mineta rocking his head.
"He did get into UA off recommendations," noted Honenuki, he put his hands on the ground. "Me, too. So I better step up!" People yelled out as they got sunk into the ground.
"I was worried," admitted Mt. Lady stomping a foot on the ground. "That boy never looked like he was paying attention. But he sure fooled me. I love that kid!"
"Damn," growled a guy once a lady landed by him. "This was a surprise attack!" They all began to attack. "So why were they here waiting for us?" Didi was tapping her fists and fingers into certain spots of people making their limbs go numb and fall over, she was very agile moving between opponents. Kozu's eyes had a ring of yellow taking control of ten people around him, they began to fight other liberation as he took on some with his sword.
Off to the side stood Midnight's killer and two others.
"They've constructed an elaborate trick," said Midnight's killer holding up a device. "Pretended to be scattered across the map when in actuality, dozens of heroes and two fae were stationed in the area to protect the sleeping behemoth. Gigantomachia, All For One's trusted servant and our greatest fighter, is imprisoned here. The heroes predicted that we'd move to get him back while they were otherwise detained dealing with other threats. But this is a waste of their resources. We will prevail." The sludge villain appeared in front of Yanagi, who got taken out of the way by Honenuki. "The hour of liberation is upon us." Mina was dodging many attacks. "Let it be known that any who attempt to stand in our path will be annihilated." The man who attacked Ashido with the big pallet got thrown in the sky by water shooting up under him. He gasped and looked up to see Kozu right in front of him, he slammed his feet on the man's core, slamming him into the ground, and making him slide a bit.
Mineta glanced at Kozu. 'Yuki's brother is super scary.'
"Trampled," said Midnight's killer. "Like that pathetic UA teacher." Ashido gasped, she recalled finding Midnight's body. She landed on the ground, staring the guy down.
"I've got you know!" shouted a villain appearing behind Mina. He went to go attacked when Kirishima slammed into him, punching and knocking him out.
"Sorry I took so long!" apologized Kirishima once his feet touched the ground.
"Nice timing," said Ashido standing up fully.
"We got all the villains warped out," said Kirishima facing Midnight's killer. "Pinky! Everyone! Let's do this! Todoroki already showed us how manly he is." He hardened up and slammed his fists together. "So now it's our turn. Don't let anybody through!"
Takoba Stadium.
"Amazing," said Ojiro staking out a villain with his tail. "He did it!"
"We'll have to throw him a huge party whenever we're done brawling," said Sato stepping back.
Ojiro landed by Sato. "I'm not surprised he was victorious." He took someone out "He's been impressive since day one." Up above Sero had many people captured and defeated.
"Let's lots have of cake," said Grandpa Duckie as he caused the ground to split, letting a few villains fall on the ground six feet below. "And cream."
"I'm down for it," said Sato as he took people out. "Why lots of cream?"
"It is our version of alcohol," said Grandpa Duckie with a smile as he took a few out. "We like to party."
"Lots of cake too!" urged Gino as he zapped people. "You make real good ones, Sugarman!"
"It's my specialty!" exclaimed Sato as he took out more people.
Coffin in the Sky
Katsuki landed on a platform, he jumped up and growled letting off many explosions.
"Of course, you pulled it off, Icy Hot," smirked Katsuki. "Heh."
Parking lot.
Kuneida had many flowers growing.
"All right!" cheered Fatgum looking back at Aoyama. "That's one big villain out."
"You must be proud of your classmate," said Aunt Reina looking at Aoyama, she held the staff in her hands tighter.
"Hm," sounded Aoyama.
"I see, now," said Kunieda, they all looked at him. "It's a crafty plan." He was sitting up on the giant flowers he grew. "The cages earlier prioritized those who you considered our primary forces. We leftovers are to be dealt with by this handful of lower-tier fighters and fae who stayed back to wrangle us. Do you have that much trust in your people, or are you just crossing fingers? This planet is suffocating under the fog of frivolous concepts like faith and hope"
"You say that like it's not your planet, too," said Fatgum. "What are ya, an alien?"
"Nobody from my realm," said Aunt Reina slamming her staff into the ground, gigantic red flowers popped out of the ground, wrestling with the giant purple ones for domination.
"Have you even considered the consequences?" asked Kuneida. "I thought not. In the past, anyone who tried to trick our great leader was met with a swift death. The three of you will be no exception. Dictator was a failure who robbed me of the chance to have my turn in the sun." He grabbed the stamen of one of the flowers by him. "I'm All For One' assassin, you see. And I will now embody his will. The consequences. We leftovers will make certain you pay. Yuga Aoyama. The human embodiment of Aesop's Bat."
"Merci beaucoup," responded Aoyama.
"Merci bien," said a woman appearing in front of Aunt Reina, she had long blonde hair and red eyes. She had two staffs with moon-shaped ends on her back. She was smiling wickedly. "You go on and handle my load, Ria."
"Mel," said Aunt Reina looking at her.
"Everyone in the village knows I'm a better assassin than you," said Mel as her smile grew more. "Let's play purple flowers! Assassin vs Assassin!"
"Lets calm down on the word assassin for the hero side," said Fatgum waving his hands.
Mel looked at him with a smile. "I am unable to lie, no other words around it."
Central Hospital.
An army of hetermorphs marched toward the hospital. Great Pa Go had created figures out of the dirt and was having them fight with him. Great Pa Go kicked two people in the head and then slammed two more together. Yuri kept using his staff to blast weapons out of people's hands with the lighting he was discharging. Crows flooded a different section.
Koda looked up at a very large Spinner who was drooling, he slammed down a thing of many knives, and Shoji got Koda out of the way.
"Hey, guys!" shouted Present Mic. "Shoto took Dabi off the board!"
"He faced an terrible fight," said Shoji standing up. "But he never showed any fear. I hope he can rest now. Dabi will harm no one else."
"Dabi?" repeated Spinner in a deeper beastly voice. "No. Impossible. This must be information warfare. You liars! Shut up. I don't believe you." He glared back at them, "Dabi's convictions won't let him lose." He broke up the ground. "You think we're too stupid to see through you?" He aimed his weapon forward. "Charge into that hospital and rescue Kurogiri. This is how we'll change society. Fight for your sake, and for Shigaraki's! We'll destroy every person and system that oppressed us. No one will look down on us again." He started to march toward them.
Back at Kamino Ward, heroes were grabbing their friends after defeating the rest of the villains. Mai was tending to Burnin who got burned badly, and Dios with Kido and Omina who was picking up Toya.
Iida knelt beside Shoto panting heavily.
"Your engine must be stalled," said Shoto, he looked back with tears in his eyes that iced over. "I'm sorry."
Iida put his arm on Shoto. "Why are you apologizing? You were incredible?"
"He's alive," said Kido as Dios knelt down. "But after a fight like that, I don't know how." Dios put a hand on Dabi's shoulder as a purple light glowed in the middle of his chest.
"It's his resentment keeping him alive," said Dios. "He has not had his fight with that geezer yet."
Burnin stared at Mai who was circling water in her hands till it glowed and putting on her arm, healing some burns.
"I believe I did not catch your name," said Burnin.
"Mai," said Mai looking at her. "I am from E---Violet Gust's village."
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