Chapter 62

Not long after Eva woke up, she went to her room on the fifth floor. It was almost the same way she left it except for the waste basket full of tissues and a few of her books missing. She was surprised that her plants were still in good shape. Eva was ecstatic to be back with everyone, to be in fresh air, but she wanted some alone time. Time to collect her thoughts in solitude. She sat on her bed for the first time in a long time. It felt so good as she hugged her turtle stuffed animal tight staring at the tapestry on the wall.

"Eva?" asked Izuku, he knocked on the door. "Can I come in?" 

"Yeah," answered Eva turning around on the bed. The door opened and closed within seconds and Izuku was in the bed sitting next to her. By the looks of it, a lot happened to him as well. "You look awful."

"I looked much worse before you showed up," answered Izuku.. "I want to apologize for not being able to find you. I was angry that heroes never reached out to find you in the past, and I failed."

"Izuku," breathed Eva putting her hands on his face. "Just about everyone was trying to kill you while you were on the hunt for All For One's location. He sent villains to you to keep you from finding the place." Izuku looked at her.

"Tell me," said Izuku touching her antennas. "Do you think Shigaraki is capable of being saved?"

Eva looked away while retreating her hands. "I'll tell you what I know, I spent a lot of time with them, and I know their backstories well." Izuku grabbed the All Might pillow she kept in the room, they faced each other, and Eva told Izuku everything she knew about Shigaraki. "Saving him... it's not going to be easy."

"I figured that much," sighed Izuku tilting his head. "Grand Torino said sometimes you can only save a person by killing them." Eva nodded, her Great Gramps Kenichi from her dad's side had said something similar.

"I see my younger self in Shigaraki a bit," admitted Eva. "I had those exact same feelings and emotions when I was younger, the hatred for heroes, the pain they've caused, I understand it well." Izuku put a hand on her face, and she looked at him. "The biggest difference is the people in our lives. All For One preyed on Shigaraki and his hatred letting him harvest it into power. I was lucky enough to have you and Katsuki make a positive difference in mine and become part of my power."

"What do you mean?" asked Izuku taking her hands, Eva happily held them.

"Our power doesn't just come from some special ability but the people in our lives," answered Eva. "I'd be so weak out without you and Ka Suki." Tears filled Izuku's eyes." The two of you saved me from a dark path, you are my heroes. Everyone focused on All Might and the others, but my eyes were on you two." Izuku started crying. "Izuku, tell me about your time out there." Izuku nodded and wiped his eyes. He took his turn to talk, he started to cry halfway through.

"It sounds like you lost your way for a bit there Izuku," said Eva; he nodded with tears rolling down his face. "Your strength alone is acknowledged by everyone, but it seems you forgot the importance of being dependent on others."

"Yeah," sounded Izuku. "I ended up pushing away everyone, including All Might. Thanks to Urakaka, the civilians were convinced to let me rest at UA and prepare for the upcoming fight."

"That's awful," breathed Eva putting a hand over her mouth. "Even my dad and brothers were against you?"

"No," denied Izuku. "Though the majority were against me being here, they are still uneasy about it."

"I am so sorry, Izuku," said Eva. "You don't deserve all this harshness."

Izuku shakes his head. "Maybe if I were in their shoes, I may have felt the same." Eva just pulled him into a hug, and Izuku happily hugged her back. "I am so happy to see you again." She didn't need to look; she knew he was full-on crying and so was she.

"I was so scared I wouldn't see you again," said Eva putting her head on his shoulder, she smiled a bit. "Izuku, you are an amazing hero; you always have been." Izuku hugged her tighter, Eva thought back to the cave even more.

"It is your turn," said Izuku pulling away from her, his hands landed on her shoulder. "How did you escape?"

"Help from ghosts and a sleeping curse," answered Eva looking away. "You know that one I put you in when we were younger. I am still sorry about that."

"Don't be, it was a 12-hour dream of endless cotton candy," said Izuku smiling at her. "Tell me about your time in the cave."

"I'm pretty sure the things I did will get me expelled," answered Eva wiping away her tears.

"I doubt that," said Izuku smiling a bit. "You were told to stay alive. Tell me everything, I will not judge."

Eva looked down at her hand with the staple tattoos. "In complete honesty---"

"You are unable to lie," recalled Izuku. "I am prepared for the truth, no matter what it contains."

"I created a bond with everyone in the cave besides All For One," answered Eva. "Especially, Toya and Shigaraki." The door opened, and they looked over to see Katsuki and Shoto, they had a few things in their hands. Bakugo held a raccoon stuffed animal, pillows, and an All Might blanket. Shoto was holding a thing filled with hot tea, fruits, and cookies.

"Kacchan! Todoroki!" greeted Izuku. "What are you two doing here?"

"We came to check on you both," answered Shoto as they entered the room. "Been up here for a while." Within minutes, they were all on the bed with a tray in the middle holding the drinks and food.

"What happened to your shoulder?" asked Katsuki touching Eva's left shoulder. "Whys that bastard's handprint on you?"

"It was my fault," admitted Eva hugging the raccoon tighter.

"Do not blame yourself," said Shoto.

"During my capture, I was kept in a room in the cave with Shigaraki and Toya the whole time," explained Eva. "Well, they were able to leave it, but I was unable to due to the horseshoes." Shoto stared at his cup of tea intensely.

"How does that explain the mark?" asked Katsuki fixing his and Eva's tea.

"Toya wanted to know if I knew any good ghost stories.  Shigaraki and Toya doubted it when I told them there were ones too scary for even villains like them, so I told them a few stories, one about the crossroad demon and the killer clown and the Lady on the Water."

Izuku suddenly shuddered and hugged himself. "Those are some of your scariest ones."

"Yeah, they found it scary too," answered Eva with a small smile. "I told it right before we went to sleep...well, I went to sleep. The two were too scared to go to sleep and tried to wake me up, I think Toya did it while panicking rather intentionally." Eva pulled down her sleeve a bit revealing the handprint. "That's what I want to believe anyway."

Katsuki threw his head back laughing. "Leave it to you to scare the shit out of those bastards."

"It did backfire sort of," said Eva looking at him. "They refused to sleep away from me for the rest of time, I was squished in the middle of them most of the time." All three of them were taken back as Eva lowered her head; she thought back to it. "In a strange way, I did feel safe." Shoto looked up from his teacup with a smile.

"Eva was just about to tell me about her time being captured," said Izuku. "She thinks her actions will get her expelled." Eva's small smile fell.

Katsuki scooted closer to Eva. "Tell us everything." Eva's eyes traveled to Shoto; she'd barely looked at him the entire time. Eva then told them everything, about the schedule she was on, about what All For One did to her. Intel she gathered from being down there, what was held in the cave. Cutting off All For One's vestige from Shigaraki only when he was in the room with her. She told them about the backstories of Shigaraki, and Spinner, they all knew Toya's backstory, how she created a bond with Skeptic and Spinner, about how close she had gotten with Shigaraki and Toya, including being in a bathtub with them, but didn't go into many details with that. She told them how her antennas got shaped, and how she acquired the piercings and tattoos. They were silent taking in everything she was telling them, but Eva could tell they were mortified with some parts. Mainly with All For One, sleeping arrangements, and the group bathing with Toya and Shigaraki.

"You saw my brother's dick?" asked Shoto growing red.

"Shigaraki's too," said Eva growing red, hugging the raccoon and turtle tighter. Even though she had clothes on and the stuffed animals in front of her, she felt more covered.

"That is certainly a whole lot of information to fucking process," growled Katsuki, Eva didn't blame him for being mad.

Izuku was panicking and waving his hands around. "You've always had a way with people, nothing to be ashamed of Eva."

"That's a polite way of putting it," said Eva, looking down at the bed. "Though it is something that is never to be forgiven, I do not want it, I am not worthy of it, especially from you three."

Katsuki's face fell, and he scooted even closer to her to the point their knees touched. "What are you talking about, Eva Gust?"

Eva's eyes remained on the bed; her hands balled into small fists. She knew it would be harmful to share this information, but even more harmful if she kept it from them. Eva would rather rip the band-aid off and deal with the pain of coming with it than let it build up. "The bond I created with Toya and Shigaraki went pretty far."

"We are aware of that," said Shoto.

"Though I'm pretty sure it won't get you expelled," assured Izuku putting a hand on her shoulder.

"I kissed them both multiple times," admitted Eva. Suddenly Katsuki began choking on tea, spitting it everywhere. Eva panicked and began to tap his back multiple times.

"KACCHAN!" exclaimed Izuku putting his hands to his face as he regained himself.

"Kissing doesn't get you fucking expelled Eva," said Katsuki putting a hand on her head. "Even if it's the enemy." Eva looked at him with watery eyes, he was definitely mad and had everything right to be.

"You have a way with people," said Izuku as Eva looked away from Katsuki; she couldn't watch her best friend's loving eyes turn to hatred when looking at her.

"Through consent, it went much beyond kissing," said Eva. Even without looking, Eva could tell that Katsuki was engulfed in red through anger, as Izuku became more surprised. "I've betrayed and hurt all of you with my actions." Tears spilled out of her eyes. "They have majorly hurt and tried to kill you, and I did something completely unspeakable and unforgivable."

"Eva," said Izuku rubbing her back, she refused to look at him. "What happened is shocking, but I don't see it as betrayal."

"But it is," said Eva.

"Despite a few things, you've given me hope that there is still some good in my oldest brother," said Shoto, unsure how to feel. He was hurt that she kissed and slept with his brother, though Shoto and Eva weren't dating. Sure, they have kissed a lot in the past, but they both agreed on not moving forward with being a couple no matter how many kissing sessions they had.

"You should be angry," said Eva without looking at them. "Just as angry as Katsuki is."

"I'm not angry at you," Katsuki quickly confirmed, he grabbed her face making her look at him. Eva had fear in her eyes; she hadn't looked at him like that since they first met. Katsuki's eyes were filled with mixed emotions.

"But you should be," urged Eva with a weak voice. "I hurt you all, deeply."

Katsuki wiped her tears. "I would have been angry with you if you didn't come back home. I'm your best friend and you are my best girl. I know I can be too overprotective."

"That's an understatement," said Izuku and Shoto; he glared at them for a second.

"You should be furious with me," said Eva, she could not understand what Katsuki was thinking for the first time.

Katsuki grunted. "12 years here, and there is still so much you do not fucking understand about humans." He went to pull her into a hug, but Eva pushed him away, which shocked everyone. She's never pushed Katsuki away, not since she took his hand back when they were four. Katsuki's hands started to spark a bit, yet Eva remained calm, accepting her fate. It happened in a flash, in seconds of commotion, Eva found herself wrapped in a blanket like a burrito. Katsuki was now leaning against it. "Don't ever fucking do that again, Eva." He then kissed the top of her head. 


"What Kacchan is saying is that it is our decision on whether to forgive you or not," said Izuku.

"I do not want forgiveness," said Eva.

"Then we will ignore your wants," said Shoto crossing his arms. "I admit, I am hurt, though I would have been more hurt if you hid that from me. Since it's been said, we can begin to move forward."

Eva looked at Katsuki. "They did abduct you."

"They abducted you too," Katsuki reminded her. "You just escaped less than a day ago." She looked at the others.

"I thought I would lose all of you," admitted Eva. "Terrified of it."

"In case you had fucking forgotten, you are my best girl, that is never happening, no matter how angry I get with you," said Katsuki wiping away more tears. "I am more terrified of losing you." Eva glanced over at the waste basket filled with tissues. Shoto put a hand on her head, finally, Eva looked at him, she could see the hurt in his eyes, but they were also forgiving and kind.

"We feel the same as Bakugo," said Shoto. "You are alive, and that is what matters most."

"If they even think about expelling you, I will kill them," said Katsuki crossing his arms. "Every single one of those bastards. And don't fucking think about leaving yourself, Eva." Eva got out of the blanket in seconds, she was pulling Katsuki into a tight hug.

"I am sorry," cried Eva putting her face on his shoulder. "I am so sorry." He hugged her back just as tight; hand on the back of her head. 

"Eva does anyone else know you got back?" asked Izuku putting a hand on her back; she shook her head.

"I will make the call to the old man," said Shoto getting up. "You two stay with her...drink your tea."

"Shoto," breathed Eva. "I really am sorry."

"I know," said Shoto putting his head to hers. "I will right back." He stepped out leaving Eva with Katsuki and Izuku. He leaned against the wall outside Eva's room pulling out his phone, he didn't want to go far.

"Shoto, I'm putting you on speaker," greeted Endeavor answering the phone. "Is it about Deku?"

"Eva actually," answered Shoto with a smile. Despite everything he has learned. He could not help but smile saying her name. "Violet Gust."

"Oh yeah!" sounded All Might from the other side of the phone.


"I figured it would be best to give Young Yuki space," said All Might in his defense.


"How is Yuki?" asked Best Jeanist. "Was Bakugo---"

"He and Midoriya have barely let her out of their sight," answered Shoto. "Eva said she had gathered a lot of intel while being captive and a few more things."

"Intel right from her will be useful," said Hawks. "How is she?"

"She is recovering," answered Shoto. "She has a lot of injuries and two missing wings. Though, I don't think that will affect her quirk too much. She had only two wings when I first met her at the beginning of the year."

"That's good because we are going to need her in this fight," said Hawks. "So, what exactly did she tell you?"

"We shouldn't do this over the phone," said All Might. "Anyone can be listening. We will be there in an hour to talk with Young Yuki." Shoto opened the door to Eva's dorm room; she was fast asleep while hugging Katsuki. He and Izuku were fussing over which fruit to leave behind. From the sounds of it, Katsuki wasn't leaving the room at all.

"Alright," said Shoto, then the phone went dead. "Hey." He grabbed the other two's attention. "They are coming to campus to speak with Eva, not trusting the phone."

"When will they be here?" asked Izuku. He did not feel betrayed by Eva, he was relieved that Toya and Shigaraki had sort of looked after her, even if things went too far. That being said it didn't change how he felt toward Shigaraki. Like Bakugo he would have been angry if Eva never came home, if he never got to hold her hand again or sit at a table with her again. Like how their families had combined dinners a couple of times a week in the past.

"About an hour," answered Shoto. Katsuki frowned looking back at Eva. "We can give her thirty minutes."

"You're not angry with her, are you Todoroki?" asked Katsuki. He could never be mad at Eva, no matter what she did. He worked hard to see her smile for the first time and would be furious with himself if he was the reason that she stopped smiling. Katsuki acknowledged how awful Eva felt about her actions, though Katsuki could honestly be careless if she slept with them or not. The main thing he wanted for his birthday was for Izuku and Eva to return. For the first time, Katsuki cried on his birthday due to the absence of his best friend. Katsuki did not feel like he was betrayed at all. He was more hurt that Eva thought he would end their friendship. Shoto looked at him. "Even if you are not, knowing Eva she is going to distance herself from you."

"I'm aware," answered Shoto.

"So, are you angry with her Todoroki?" asked Izuku. "She would be weirded out if you are not."

"I'm hurt," admitted Shoto. "But it's as I said since it has been said, we can move past it." He looked at Eva. "I don't want to lose her either."

"I know Eva quite well," said Katsuki. "And I know when she's fallen for someone, and I get the feeling she developed something for crusty hands and your brother." He looked down at her. "With how things went, I assume they developed something for her." 

"She did," agreed Izuku. "It's like when she developed a celebrity crush on that one baseball player."

"There was that one girl in middle school," recalled Katsuki. 

"Oh, yeah, I remember that she was in complete denial of it," said Izuku looking at him. They both looked at Shoto.

"Does that mean--"

"We were aware you two developed something," said Izuku. "But, we respected Eva's desire to keep it a secret until she was ready to make it official between you two."

"So, it will make complete sense if you are angry towards her," said Katsuki. "She will be understanding of it too."

Shoto shook his head. "We weren't dating despite what was forming between us, we both decided against it." He looked at the two. "Are you two going to be okay?"

"We will be okay," assured Izuku. "We were not in Eva's feet in the cave, what came out of it is what came out of it."

"I am not surprised she feels guilty about it," said Katsuki. "That being said her feelings and their feelings were true."

"She is unable to lie," recalled Shoto. "I am honestly, happy to hear that Toya is still capable of love."

"Shigaraki as well," said Izuku touching Eva's head. "She is my sister, and no matter what I am going to love her." Katsuki smiled. "I know Kacchan feels the same with the fact they are best friends." Shoto smiled. 

About an hour later, Eva changed into her gym clothes and was taken to an empty classroom in UA by Izuku, Katsuki, Shoto, and Iida. The class rep had insisted on being there during it. They opened a door inside the classroom where Principal Nezu, Present Mic, Recovery Girl, Endeavor, Hawks, Best Jeanist, All Might, on the board was a video call with Mr. Aizawa who was still in the hospital room.

"Welcome back to UA Ms. Yuki," greeted Principal Nezu waving a paw.

"Thank you, sir," said Eva bowing respectfully. They stepped in closing the door. "I'm sorry for not coming here first."

"You should have gone to the hospital first," scolded Recovery Girl waving around her hands. "Just look at the state of you. We could have called Dr. Kent in."

"Perhaps later," said Eva. "Though, I suspect everyone here wants information about All For One and the remaining league besides Toga. She wasn't there."

"All Might has caught up to speed on most of it," said Hawks. "We just have follow-up questions for you."

"Alright," said Eva taking a seat.

"Please one at a time," said Iida sitting next to her, the other boys sat around her. "We all have questions; we don't want her to get overwhelmed."

"It's alright, Iida," said Eva looking at him. "Thank you."

"Was there anything odd you noticed from the villains?" asked Best Jeanist.

"Shigaraki was odd," answered Eva looking over. "He seemed to avoid All For One as much as he could. Someone he once looked up to, he now has a deep hatred for."

"All Might mentioned you were able to separate the vestige of All For One from Shigaraki," said Hawks.

"Only if he was in the same room where I was being held," answered Eva.

"So, naturally you spent a lot of time with Mr. Decay," said Present Mic. "Part of how he was able to avoid AFO as much as he could."

"That is either a good thing or a bad thing," said Aizawa scratching his face, Eva noted the eye patch on his eye. She felt even worse about her actions in the cave, and Katsuki was quick to notice.

"Yes," nodded Eva, Katsuki put a hand on her head. "After spending a lot of time with him, it is as Izuku once said; deep down he does want to be saved, though in order to save him, he has to be defeated." Izuku looked at her. "From what I noticed and heard, Shigaraki is a pawn to All For One as well." This seemed to anger All Might.

"Since you left; their consciousness has molded," said Endeavor. "He'll be controlling Shigaraki through his mind." Eva nodded.

"That is when Shigaraki isn't fighting back," said Izuku. "Though, he will probably still fight against us once he does get free." Eva nodded again.

"When All For One is in control, Shigaraki himself doesn't have much of a clue of who he is, sometimes he referred to himself by the name of Tenko, his birth name," explained Eva. "So, when the time comes, fighting him will perhaps be a split personality case. You don't know who's in control, All For One or Shigaraki."

"How about my son?" asked Endeavor.

Eva looked at him. "He really wants you dead. Willing to sacrifice himself in order to get the job done. There was no talking him out of it, and I tried." Endeavor sighed. Eva looked over at the others. "From my understanding; All For One is thinking about giving Spinner a few quirks for this fight. I told him not to trust All For One, I doubt he will listen. Spinner will most likely be leading a group of heteromorphs out for vengeance on how society has treated them. Skeptic will most likely be trying to hack into this place and also have remains of the Liberation Front with him. They are probably rounding up the others that have escaped from Tartarus."

"Spinners group is most likely going to go after Kurogiri," said Aizawa.

"Yuki is worried that she is going to get expelled for her actions," blurted out Shoto; all the students slowly turned to him. Iida was confused, while the rest shot him a look.

"Using your magic will not get you expelled," said Principal Nezu.

"Yeah, we should have been encouraging you to use it this entire time," said Vlad King.

"It's not very Plus Ultra of you to hold back," said Present Mic.

"I'm sorry," said Eva lowering her head as Izuku grabbed her hand for comfort.

"You have nothing to apologize for," said Iida.

"But I do," said Eva looking at him. "I was not truthful with all of you from the beginning." Iida shook his head.

"It's as I said, Yuki is going to be a powerful asset for us," said Hawks. "That if she is up for fighting."

"I am," answered Eva looking back at everyone else. "Though, I'm unsure if I can face Shigaraki or Spinner." She knew Shoto was going to be taking on Toya, and he wanted her nowhere near there.

"All For One had them create bonds with you, didn't he?" asked All Might, Eva nodded, causing him to sigh. "Since she created a bond with them. Bonds for fairies means they become loyal to you. This is a fairy's biggest flaw, and All For One knew that." He scanned the room. "Out of everyone, it is safe to say she is most loyal to Young Miordoriya and Young Bakugo." Eva nodded in a much happier tone.

"So that means we can't use her against Shigaraki?" asked Hawks.

"Or Spinner?" asked Present Mic.

"I can aid with All For One," offered Eva.

"He's too dangerous," denied Izuku.

"I appreciate your concern," said Eva looking at him. "Though, I'll be also doing this for my people as well. I am my people's main hope for a better future right now, and All For One is standing in the way of that." Izuku sighed knowing he wouldn't be able to change her mind.

"Yuki," said Iida looking at her. "Everyone here has been brought up to speed about your past as well as your people's past since quirks started. Like with Midoriya, you don't have to do it on your own." Tears welled up in Eva's eyes. "Not anymore."

"I'm sorry," apologized Eva as she wiped her eyes.

"So, Eva truly won't get expelled?" asked Shoto.

"You heard the principal," said Iida looking at him. "Yuki is staying here at UA."

"Even after having intercourse with Shigaraki and Dabi multiple times?" asked Shoto; there was a deafening silence as Eva, Katsuki, and Izuku turned to Shoto and everyone else turned to Eva.

Recovery Girl sighed. "I was hoping that wouldn't get brought up, I recognized the bruises on your neck and below as they were." Eva used her arms to cover her collarbone area, as well as her hands to cover her neck, thankful her jacket covered her shoulders.

"You did what now?" asked Iida adjusting his glasses while growing red.

"I got really close with Toya and Shigaraki," answered Eva turning to him. "Real close."

"They slept on the same mattress and shared blankets close," added Shoto.

"Shoto!" exclaimed Eva looking at him, growing redder.

"Now, that is some breaking news," said Present Mic crossing his arms.

"JUST WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO WITH MY SON?" demanded Endeavor getting to his feet and igniting in flames.

Shoto looked at Eva. "I thought you told All Might everything."

"Just the stuff important for fighting you fucking moron!" growled Katsuki getting to his feet, he grabbed Shoto by the collar.

"Kacchan!" cried Izuku grabbing onto his arm. "Language!" Mr. Aizawa sighed pinching his nose at the chaos unfolding by his students.

"It'll be best if I do a checkup on your deary," said Recovery Girl walking over to her. "Just to be sure, they didn't force."

"No," denied Eva growing even redder. "It was all consensual, everything including the kissing."

"Kissing?" Hawks repeated with a smile. "From the sounds of it, we didn't need to be so worried about you, your dad was right, you had them wrapped around your finger." Eva stared at the floor. "I've slept with Dabi too when I was infiltrating." They all looked at him. 

"YOU DID WHAT?" demanded Endeavor grabbing Hawks by the collar.

"Just what went on in that cave?" asked Best Jeanist using threads to restrain Katsuki.

"Well, All For One, he's the one that caused all the big physical damage such as removing the wings, and chopping off the antennas," explained Eva as she looked at where the missing wings should be. "Shigaraki and Toya treated me pretty well for the most part. They bought this place to move me to and let me open a sanctuary. Was even open to eventually letting open a shop in the village."

Hawks looked over. "I really got to get tips from you on how to get villains to do what I want." Endeavor shook him back and forth.

"I recall you mentioning wanting to make a sanctuary before to me, how did you get the villains to look into something like this?" asked Iida.

"I mentioned it once," answered Eva.

"I'm impressed," said Iida crossing his arms.

"This isn't the time to be impressed," said Aizawa. 

"Anything else, Yuki?" asked Hawks.

"They were both kind in their own way," answered Eva, Endeavor calmed down a bit hearing that Toya was kind. "I'm definitely getting expelled."

"Not so fast," denied Principal Nezu. "You are not getting expelled even with what happened in the cave. You are still a student here just as Midoriya is." Eva and Izuku looked at each other and smiled. "You are okay with that, right Aizawa?"

"Yes," confirmed Mr. Aizawa, this got Katsuki to finally calm down and let go of Shoto. "We all make decisions that may not be the best. And we will acknowledge that you did what you did to survive." Eva nodded. Soon a few left, the remaining being Aizawa, Recovery Girl, Hawks, Best Jeanist, Endeavor, All Might, Shoto, Katsuki, and Izuku.

"Is there anything else you can tell me about my son?" asked Endeavor.

"He is capable of being kind," answered Eva. "He saved my life in the cave."

"Toya did?" asked Shoto in surprise; Eva explained to them about the day All For One drained so much blood and life force from her. "Shigaraki killed this Fairy Hunter that entered the cave."

"I appreciate that they saved your life," said Katsuki grabbing her shoulder. "I'm still going to kill those bastards." Eva nodded. She looked over to see Endeavor and Shoto smiling a bit. It must have been nice for them to hear Toya being kind. The door opened, and they all looked to see Sora Yuki and his sons at the door; he had some new friendship bracelets around both wrists.

"Daddy!" exclaimed Eva getting to her feet, in seconds she was embracing him.

"Eva," Sora greeted hugging her tightly. "My sweet girl." His arms felt the same as the day her mother died. "Oh, I've missed you."

"I missed you more," said Eva pulling back.

"Eva," said Kozu pulling her into a group hug with Dios and Gino.

"Violet," said Hawks, they looked over at him. "Not to be rude, but how old is your dad." Eva pulled away from her siblings.

"I am 46," answered Sora with a smile. Everyone, but the people who knew Sora was surprised. "Did I say something?"

"You just look so much younger," answered Best Jeanist. "I would want to say your thread is mid-20s." Sora went over to Izuku putting a hand on his head; Izuku seemed relaxed.

"I'm sorry for coming on campus like this," said Sora looking at the screen. "Iida sent me a message and so I—"

"It is alright," said Aizawa cutting him off with a smile. "We just got done talking to her."

Sora smiled sheepishly. "I'm sorry, I brought two others, they would not take no from me."

"I'm guessing fae?" asked Hawks in excitement. "Who?"

"Auntie Addie," answered Kozu.

"Great Pa Go," added Dios.

"Fair warning, they can be intense," said Gino. "Like Eraserhead intense."

At that moment the door opened again revealing a woman with long wavy chestnut hair flowers placed elegantly, and dark pink eyes. She was wearing a dark blue dress, the top acted as a halter top with a vine acting as the neck loop, and the skirt part went down below in the knees in the same style as a blue morning glory, with hydrangea draped over it acting like lace. She had a woody belt around with a crystal in the middle, she had light gold wings that had the shape of a butterfly's wings, and markings like Eva's father. The other person at the door was Great Pa Go, he was dressed similarly to Eva's dad, but his chest was covered, and his tattoos were on display.

"Auntie Addie," greeted Izuku getting to his feet, he had not seen her in a long time.

"Hello Zuku," greeted Addie short for Adella. "Ka Suki." Bakugo nodded at her, same for him, he had not seen her in a long time. "You are being dramatic on the intense part, Gino."

"No, no, I think I'm spot on," said Gino flashing a smile. 

She looked at the screen. "I apologize for barging in here without permission." Izuku and Katsuki walked over to the Yukis.

"It is quite alright ma'am," answered Best Jeanist holding up his hands. "We weaved with a curiosity of meeting more fae."

"And how old is he?" asked Hawks gesturing to the other guy.

"I am closer to 250," answered Great Pa Go, everyone became surprised but the other fae. "She is 54." He scanned the room. "I am only here to check on Eva." He then looked at Best Jeanist and stepped closer.

"Greetings sir," nodded Best Jeanist.

"You are exactly as Eva described, Best Jeanist, correct?" asked Great Pa Go, Best Jeanist quickly nodded. He then landed on his eyes on the Izuku and Katsuki. "She speaks about you two the most." Izuku and Bakugo did not bother hiding their emotions and beamed happily. Katsuki looked at Eva, he was unsure if he meant a lot to her in the same manner she meant to him. He now finally got his answer. "She speaks of all of you." He glanced around the room, everyone in the room perked up even more. 

"It's you," said All Might, they all looked at him. "You are the one that rescued me all those years ago."

"We met a couple of times after that," said Adella. "Yagi."

"You never gave me your name," said All Might walking over to her.

"What is Aunt Addie talking about All Might?" asked Izuku. "When did you need rescuing?"

"When I was still a student here at UA," answered All Might with a slight smile. "During a break from work study, I was out fishing and got washed up by a storm, when I woke the most I remember is her face looking down at me as the morning sun was just coming up." Adella looked down at Eva, then pulled her into a hug. "It's been over 30 years since the last time I saw her." Adella pulled away and turned to her Izuku and Katsuki, putting their hands on their faces, observing them, and then pulling them in for an embrace. All Might blinked, the woman was as graceful as the last time he saw her, neither Izuku nor Katsuki were angered by the woman's action. He then thought back to the first time he met Adella.


16-year-old All Might was waking up with the feeling of sand beneath him, and the sound of the ocean waves. He opened his eyes to see a face staring down at him, he could not make out the hair due to the sun shining around her, but he could see dark pink eyes.

"Yagi!" shouted Nana's Shimura's voice from a distance. "Yagi!" All Might blinked in that split second the girl hovering above him had disappeared. All might thought about the girl all day, but made sure to not let it distract him. Three weeks later, it was night came around, he was standing on the balcony of his bedroom staring up at the stars. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a light, he turned to see a girl materialize out of thin air, Nana laughed at him saying people can't do that, but here she was. It was the girl from that day, she had a glow around her body.

"It's you," said Yagi standing up straighter.

"I came to check on you," said the girl. "Yagi, correct?" He nodded. "How do you have powers?"

"It's called a quirk," said Yagi. "And with it, I'm going to become the world's greatest hero, a symbol of peace." The girl tilted her head. "You have never heard of heroes?"

"I have," answered the girl. "But I did not know it became a profession among humans." Yagi blinked, he looked at her wings, then her pointed ears, then her eyes. Those eyes remind Yagi of a shade during a sunrise. "Enlighten me about this thing called quirks, my sister met a boy with a firepower when we were younger. She won't listen to me when I tell her to stray from the humans. Especially him."

All Might's heart raced, he remembered sitting in his mom's lap as a kid reading about creatures like her. "You are a fair kind." The girl nodded. "Humans are not all bad, I promise." He walked closer to her. "I can tell you everything." He looked back. "Would you like to come in, I can brew up some tea."

"How did you obtain your power?" asked Adella. "Did you inherit it?" Yagi searched her eyes. "If it is a secret you can tell me, you are the only human I have made a point to interact with." All Might then led Adella into his apartment, she observed the interior, it had a claustrophobic feel to it. All Might became confused when his lights went out. "They will come back on when I leave, my energy cancels out whatever this."

"I can't make us tea then," said All Might in a slump as he played with the switch, he looked over to see the girl turning the TV remote around in confusion. "It won't work right now." Adella grabbed a box of matches, she remembers her dad showing her how it work. Adella snapped her fingers, and All Might watched his kettle go over to the sink and start to fill up with water, his cabinets opened and the cups came out, he then watched her strike a match into the fireplace. 'Yeah, okay I can tell her how I got my power.' All Might ended up staying up most of the night talking with the girl, not once did he get her name. They met five more times after that, and still never got her name.

****Flashback over****

"If you recall, I had my sister help you a couple of times with that All loser," said Adella. "Lia." Endeavor was surprised to learn that All Might knew Lia.

"I recall," nodded All Might; he looked Eva, he could see her mother in her. Even though, Eva was more timid than Lia. 

"You knew Eva's mom?" asked Katsuki with curiosity. "What was she like?"

All Might closed his eyes for a minute, then opened his eyes. "Lia was strong...put AFO in a corner before, all with a smile." He looked at Katsuki. "Similar to you." 

 "She gave him poison ivy for a week before," recalled Sora. "Chock himself...fear of gods in eyes and soul." Katsui smiled widely, learning that Eva's mom was wild.

"Paid her in poison berries, a snack for her," recalled All Might. "Young Yuki tends to collect them in the forest around here."

"How much longer will she be asked questions?" asked Aunt Adella changing the subjects

"I am about to take your niece to my office for a quick check-up," said Recovery Lady walking over. "Make sure everything is okay." Sora looked over at Eva concerned, and she removed her hands. Adella pulled away from the two and looked over.

"That is what you get for laughing at your elders and teachers about Spring Buzz," said Sora with a smile that surprised the others.

"Little sister," grunted Kozu. 

"I recall the exact words that are nothing but hocus pocus and I won't be so foolish to be affected," said Adella taking her niece's hands. "Spent so much time with the humans, that your first spring buzz reminded you that you are not one." Eva looked away out of annoyance.

"SPRING BUZZ!" laughed Present Mic holding his head back. "THAT'S A NEW ONE!" He started laughing.

"Spring Buzz?" asked Hawks with a smile. "What are we talking about?"

"There's also fall fancy," added Kozu.

"I thought it was called fall heat," said Dios looking at him, this amused Hawks even more, Great Pa Go put a hand between the two boys to cease the conversation. 

"Like animals, starting at a certain age which Eva is, we fae can be quite randy no matter how much we deny it," explained Great Pa Go. Hawks thought back to the term Spring Buzz and slumped against Present Mic laughing.

"We usually have festivals surrounding this time," said Gino. "She will just have to go to the one for the fall."

"That would explain the strange way you acted before the paranormal fight," recalled Shoto. "Even if you were in denial of it." Eva glared at him in a way that made Katsuki beyond proud down to the soul.

"You knew about this?" Katsuki asked Eva, he zipped up her jacket all the way.

"Just as Aunt Addie said, I laughed and called it a bunch of hocus pocus," said Eva; this made Katsuki and Izuku laugh, hearing her call something phony was funny to them. The others noticed the total ease Izuku and Katsuki were at around Sora and Adella. Sora had the same effect on the smaller kids; the students here have managed to create a bond with Sora. All of Class 1-A, Class 1-B, Shinso. Hatsume, Genesis, the Big Three, and Eri have grown to love Eva's dad, a respectable and approachable adult. Eri has called Sora; Fairy Grandpa, due to Eva being her fairy godmother.

"Todoroki mentioned you had slept many times with them," said Recovery Girl. "Just how many so I know what to take out?" Eva remained quiet.

 "Spit it out little sister," said Gino. "There is no shame among fae, but humans there will be."

"Gino, son," said Sora giving him a forehead flick. "Now, is not the time." He flicked it again, and he went to flick again, but Gino danced away with a smile. This amazed Shoto, none of Sora's kids showed any resentment or fear toward their father.

 Eva thought back to the last two times she got with them individually. She also thought of her favorite times.


With Toya, Eva was sitting in between his legs, leaning against him, reading one of her book. One of the scenes she just head had a lot of romance fluff in it, so she put the book down sitting up.

"Something the matter?" asked Toya, she looked back to see him with eyes closed, Eva turned placing a simple kiss; between the two of them, the kiss got deeper. Toya's hand ran down to her waist, the other the back of her neck; he was swift placing his lips there. He paused waiting for a response; Eva lifted his face back to him; and waited for their eyes to connect before granting him a kiss. During it Eva was sitting on his lap facing him and Toya had his arms wrapped on her. Eva was going up and down while Toya paid attention to her neck and chest. The last time Eva lied on her back with both legs over Toya's shoulders, as he thrusted. Rounds of strip gin rummy was one of her favorites, she had to borrow clothes for it.

They sat in the corner of the room; Eva had borrowed Toya's shirt and one of his socks. By the 6th round; Eva was sitting in just the shirt, and Toya kept only the jacket on; neither was being decent about it, Toya put his cards down facing down.

"Forget that game," requested Toya looking her directly in the eyes.

"Let's continue," said Eva looking back at her cards, Eva ended up winning in the end, resulted in Toya laying on his back in pleasure; as she placed kisses down his body; greatful that they did not end the game early. 

With Shigaraki, she laid flat on the ground; while Shigaraki was building a house of cards on her. He said something that made her laugh.

"You are going to make the house come down," said Shigaraki fixing the cards. 

"You can always rebuild," said Eva. "Just cards."

"I'd rather get it the first try," said Shigaraki. "I was a master of this back at the bar." The cards suddenly fell; they slid all over the place. "I will try again." He quickly collected the cards; he saw one was missing; he felt around Eva; finding it under the gown, he grew a bit red.

Eva pulled at the gown to look. "Must have slid through a opening." She opened the gown a bit revealing the card resting on her stomach. 

"Can I---" began Shigaraki.

"Sure," answered Eva before he could finish, he carefully opened the gown all the way, his hand ran over her chest; around the sides; completely ignoring the cards. "You know the agreement."

"Right," breathed Shigaraki; he pulled back a bit to remove his pants. He then began to try to build a house of cards again on her. They were both incomplete silence, Shigaraki focused on the task, and Eva focused on his eyes and hands. "Touching is allowed." Shigaraki turned a dark shade of red; Eva turned her, her hands traveled over to his dick; gently she felt as he did to her earlier. Family the jewerls, the tip, the entire thing. She looked back at him after three minutes; the house of cards stood; he had a finger under her chin. Eva took his hand, kissing his knuckles. It led them to in a spooning position, Eva had her leg dropped backward over Shigaraki's hip. As Shigaraki thrust, he had reached around and played with her down there at the same time. The last time Eva lied on her back and raised her legs enough so Shigaraki positioned himself between them at an angle, the side of his body was pressed up against hers. As he thrust they had their hands on each other's faces, lots of kissing, lots of hand exploring with each other's bodies. A favorite with Shigaraki was he went into depth about the video game Dark Souls.  

They sat in the tub; Eva was watching Shigaraki's body, he was talking about Dark Souls; going into depth detail. He went silent when Eva started to drag the cloth in betwseen his legs, he looked down to see her eyes completely looking up at him, eyes connecting, her hands moving mindlessley, as if they had memerized every inche of his body. Shigaraki truly hated the way she made him feel; but he did not want the feeling to go away; he wanted her to make him feel like this forever. Eva looked down; due to his dick springing up, it had pressed up in the middle of her chest; throbbing a bit.

"We can take a break," said Eva looking at her, instead Shigaraki had put a finger up to her chin. "But I wanna hear more about Dark Souls."

"I will continue," smiled Shigaraki; Eva took his hand, kissing his knuckles. She then back up, letting his dick spring free; Shigaraki watched her grab his dick, touching the tip to her nipple a couple of times; she looked back at him, placing a kiss on the tip.


"32," answered Eva while looking at the floor.

"32," repeated Izuku and Katsuki in pure shock. Eva was nothing but pure and innocent in their minds, and they would like her to remain that way.

"32 each?" asked Gino.

Eva shook her head. " 16 each." Gino and Dios looked at each other then at their little sister with eyebrows raised. "The math is correct you nimwits." Katsuki became more amused listening to Eva retort with her siblings.

"I was expecting higher," admitted Sora with a proud smile. "You are a true fae with that number." He looked at the others. "Just for warning, the same heat will come again during the fall as my sons mentioned earlier." 

"Fall Fancy," said Kozu.

"Fall Heat," corrected Dios, Sora shot them a look that they all recognized.

"Addie," said Great Pa Go looking at one of his descendants. He then spoke in fae language. "When we get back, find those marking leaves." She nodded. 

"You do not seem upset with this Mr.--" Aizawa began.

"You can call me..." began Great Pa Go, he had to think about it, he'd never given a human his name before, and everyone back home knew who he was without even meeting him. "Call me Mr. Yakumi. That will be my human name."

"You don't seem upset with your relative's actions, Mr. Yakumi," said Aizawa.

"Why should I be upset?" asked Great Pa Go. "She is a fae as her father said, after all, what she did is a complete norm. I am proud of the fact that is she finally truly embracing who and what she is rather than blending in as something she is not."

Sora kissed the top of Eva's head. "I see that you are in good hands. "Eva nodded, he then ruffled Izuku's hair, and nodded at Katsuki before stepping out with Adella and his sons.

"Are you not going with them?" Eva asked her elder and brother.

"If you are sure about fighting I wish to help, if that is alright," said Great Pa Go, he looked at All Might. "Unless fae are not allowed to?" Hawks nodded rapidly, excited about more help from fae. "Addie wishes to be of help too. She may not look it, but she is strong." 

"I will trust you on that," said Present Mic.

"I'm sure we can work something out," assured All Might putting his hands up. "We will need to know some of your abilities. We are having Young Yuki show us what she can do later." Great Pa Go nodded. 

"If it helps, my fae clan name is Moonbloom," said Great Pa Go.

"Moonbloom?" repeated Shoto as he looked at Eva.

"A powerful fae clan," answered Aizawa. "The Yukis are as well, isn't that right, Gino?"

"Yes, sir," answered Gino giving a thumbs up.

"Long ago, a Moonbloom had led three hundred of All For One's followers astray with a simple look, all drowned," recalled All Might causing the others beside the fae to be alarmed. "The fact they don't like All For One is a major plus for us."

"I also want to know what happened in the cave," said Great Pa Go putting a hand on Eva's shoulder, he was a giant person, shorter than All Might by not much. "A lot happened in a short amount of time."

They all looked at Eva.

"I got pretty bored," admitted Eva scratching the back of her head. "You can only play cards so many times, along with Go." She crossed her arms. "Did not help, Shigaraki accidentally destroyed one of the cards, so we had to make do." 

"They had the thread of materials to keep you busy," noted Best Jeanist.

"I had Toya and Spinner go down to the river that was nearby and look for rocks, then used the nail polish to paint the tops so we could play Go," explained Eva. This made Shoto smile a bit more.


Eva had defeated Shigaraki in a game of Go which led Eva to sit in question with her arms folded as Shigaraki lay in a corner of doom due to losing many times. 

"It's just a game," said Eva. "You are taking defeat a little too harshly."

"Just leave me alone," said Shigaraki as he hugged his knees.

 Eva crawled over to him, putting a hand down by his stomach, then looked down at him. "Let's play another round."

"Will you let me win this time?" asked Shigaraki looking at her.

"Where's the fun in that?" asked Eva. "You won't get better at it that way." Shigaraki glared at her.

***Another Flashback

Eva was playing a game of Gin rummy with Toya; he had just won the hand of winning 100 points.

"Hm," sounded Eva tilting her head at her remaining cards trying to figure out where she went wrong.

"You know the deal," said Toya pointing to his mouth, she leaned over, kissing him. "Like you mean." Toya pulled her back in for a kiss, and Eva smiled deepening the kiss.


Great Pa Go nodded happily. "Not surprised you won the game Go on repeated, I am the one that taught you, and it's our game from when you come visit me."

"That's not fair," groaned Hawks. "I tried to gain his trust and I just got burned." He looked at his wings. "Literally."

"You were infiltrating, I was a captive," said Eva looking at him.

"I suppose something like that does make a difference," said Hawks looking back with a hand on his face. Eva glanced at Endeavor, he was shaking with anger, she then looked at All Might to see he was sort of pleased. Eva told them everything; she told Katsuki, Izuku, and Shoto earlier.

"What bugs me is that they had those things all there in advance," said Present Mic. "They had planned on putting you there for a while."

"I'm guessing around the training camp," said Great Pa Go, they all looked at them. "Eva has told me all about it."

"All For Freak, did advise damn Crusty face that he should've tried to recruit Eva," recalled Katsuki. "He wanted to cultivate any hatred she had into power to be used for him most likely." Eva frowned, thinking how things could have been worse. Nobody would have known where she was, not even the league.

"That would have been a problem," admitted Endeavor as he calmed down a bit. "After Recovery Girl gets you checked up, I need you to show me what all you are capable of so we will know how to use you in the upcoming days." He looked at Great Pa Go. " Mr. Yakumi, I would also like to know your capabilities and if it comes to it, possibly a few extra hands." Elder Go nodded in agreement.

"Sir," Eva nodded. "If that is all, may I head out with Recovery Girl?"

"Go on," agreed Aizawa. "We have a few things we want to discuss." Eva nodded getting to her feet. "Bakugo, Midoriya, and Todoroki, you boys head back to the dorms."

"But---" began Katsuki turning to the screen. "I don't want her going by herself, she's going to need someone with her."

"It'll be alright, Kacchan," said Izuku looking at him. "Eva trusts Recovery Girl."

"Yuki is a big girl, and the office is on campus," Aizawa reminded him. "She will be fine."

"Young Yuki revealed a lot of sensitive information," said All Might. "Let's keep that quiet." They nodded in agreement, they started to walk out. "Young Yuki." Eva looked back. "Your Aunt Addie."

"She is the only reason your name made it into the Otherworld," answered Eva. "She just did not clarify the reason for it." Eva then left the room with Recovery Girl, they saw Principal Nezu waiting outside.

"Principal Nezu," greeted Eva. "I thought you would have been back in your office."

"I can't be stuck there when there is so much to do right now," said Principal Nezu raising a paw. "Such as being on top of your well-being." Eva looked at Recovery Girl.

"The student's well-being is the priority," said Recovery Girl. "You are one of those students."

Eva furrowed her eyebrows looking back at Principal Nezu. "Are you sure I'm not expelled?"

"Nope," denied Principal Nezu looking down at the hall. "You did nothing wrong of the sort even if you feel like you did." He put his hands together. "And it gives me great comfort knowing there is someone else that isn't human at this school." Eva tilted her head. "We have both suffered great mistreatment and abuse from humans, I do not regret accepting you into our school, not one bit."

"Thank you, for accepting me," said Eva as tears filled her eyes. About an hour and a half later, Eva was leaving the Recovery Room.

"I hope you know how lucky you are to have zero infections when you used absolutely no protection," said Recovery Girl waving around her cane angrily.

"Yes, ma'am," nodded Eva. She was given a strict diet regimen to get her back up to the weight she was on before being abducted. She was also given some medicine to help with the lingering pain. "Thank you for taking the time to check on me."

"I'm the school's nurse," said Recovery Girl with a smile. "It's my job." She then shoved Eva out the door, Eva turned to see Shoto standing there waiting, and her eyes went to the floor.

"Aren't you supposed to be in the dorms?" asked Eva.

"I didn't go home 'cause I was worried about you," said Shoto. "Though we all are." Eva started to walk down the hall and Shoto followed.

"You shouldn't be near me right now," said Eva. "You should be too angry to do so."

"Bakugo said you'd push me away like this," said Shoto getting next to her. "From the sounds of it, you feel like you cheated on me even though we are not dating."

"When you put it like that, yes," said Eva hugging her arms. "I feel awful, and it's your brother who tried to kill you." Shoto got in front of her. "Shoto."

"Listen and look at me, Eva Yuki," said Shoto; she slowly looked up. "I am hurt by what happened, but I do know there is nothing I can do to change what has happened. I do know that we can only move forward, in the same manner as my father. The only difference is the forgiveness." Eva gasped as he took her hands. "I want you to know that I do forgive you even if you are not going to accept it and continue to push me away. I spent so long worrying if I'd ever see you again, to just be angry and push you away." He then put a hand on her back and stepped to the side. "Your family and my family are waiting for you."

"Your family?" asked Eva in confusion. "And mine?"

"You spent a lot of time with Toya, they are going to want to know some things about him," explained Shoto. "Me as well."

"I can do that," answered Eva with a warm smile, Shoto returned the smile immediately. His felt like skipping, her eyes still had the same shine in them as before. "Besides two factors, I can tell you all I learned about him."

"The two factors being the kissing and the other thing," concluded Shoto, Eva nodded looking forward. "I'm sure they will understand." There was a silence. "I know you fell in love with both of them." Eva turned her attention to the floor. "Remaining silent. "It's okay."

"How can it be?" asked Eva. "I feel guilty."

"You are proof they are still able to love," said Shoto, Eva shook her head. "I am hurt, but I will be fine, I am only 16." Eva looked at him. 

"I broke your heart, didn't I?" asked Eva in a small voice. "I am sorry."

Shoto put a hand on her head. "I forgive, in terms of moving forward, I'm sure our friendship will be fine." Eva smiled lightly. 

"Shoto," said Eva. "Tell me about how everything was here. How you have been holding up." Shoto nodded taking his hand off her head, and then on the walk to where the evacuees stayed, Shoto talked her ear off just as she wanted him to do. Soon, Eva was waiting outside a dorm building, it was similar to how the UA Heights ones were built. "Who is all staying here?"

"All of Class 1-A's families," answered Shoto. "Your dad is sharing a room with Ms. Midoriya when he is here. Spends a lot of time between here and the other world. Your brothers spend a lot of the time with our class, and Eri, Though they stay in the Otherworld" Eva nodded. The door then opened at the top were Mitsuki, Masaru Bakugo, and Inko Midoriya. In seconds, Eva flew up the steps embracing Ms. Midoriya.

"Eva!" Ms. Midoriya cried. "My sweet baby girl."

"You gave us a scare there," said Masaru putting a hand on her hand.

"I am sorry if I was weak," said Eva not daring to look Mitsuki.

"Don't be silly, Eva," said Mitsuki with a smile punching her in the arm slightly. "You being gone is the most I've seen any emotion besides anger out of Katsuki. A completely different side that I didn't think existed." Mitsuki took a few strands of her hair. "Did they have any shampoo for you?" Eva shook her head. "I'll just have to lend you some of mine to get this back to healthy or just chop it off."

"Let's stick with the first one," said Masaru putting a hand on his wife's arm. "Katsuki might just kill us if we convince Eva Gust to cut her hair short."

"I doubt it," said Eva with a smile as Shoto got to the top of the steps. He was amused by how the families and Eva were with each other. From what Shoto could tell, Eva had two mother figures and two father figures. "Would it be alright, if I step in—"

"Your family is waiting for you," said Mitsuki as Eva pulled away from Inko, she ruffled Eva's hair.

"Wait for me!" shouted Gino, he zipped right into view, he landed spinning Ms. Midoriya in a circle.

"Gino," Ms. Midoriya smiled. "Please, don't cause trouble in the building."

"Yes, ma'am," said Gino fist bumping Masaru, he gave Mitsuki a greeting kiss on the cheek.

"Your brother is very friendly," said Shoot, Eva just nodded. 

 Gino, Eva, and Shoto went in and went all the way to where Rei was staying. When the door opened, Eva saw all the Endeavor, Rei, Fuyumi, Natsu, her dad, Kozu, Dios, Adella, and Great Pa Go. She sat on the bed next to Rei who seemed enchanted by her, to Eva, she could see her aunt was a bit uncomfortable being around this many humans. Great Pa Go on the other hand stood with his back toward the window, he seemed to have been making Natsu feel on edge. Dios and Kozu sat on either side of Fuyumi who was the most comfortable in the room.

"Gino?" Natsu asked, they looked at him.

"Natsu," greeted Gino with a smile, he put his hands on her hips. "We went to middle, and high other. Same college now."

Natsu smiles. "We hung out a lot, still do."

"Hm," breathed Shoto eyeing Natsu and Gino.  

"You are so beautiful," said Eva looking at Rei. "Prettier than the pictures, Shoto has shown me."

"Thank you, dear," smiled Rei with a slight blush. It meant a lot to hear those words coming from a fairy. Sora gave her a similar compliment for the first time they met. Rei had grown to like Sora quickly, he was very strong, but also very kind. He displayed it a lot when among the children residing at the shelter. Rei looked over at Adella, the fae smiled and bowed her head respectfully.

"It's lovely to meet you," said Eva bowing toward Rei respectfully.

"I am happy that I finally got to meet you," said Rei with a smile looking at Eva. "Shoto's written so much about you in his letters."

"Letters?" repeated Eva, she glanced up at Shoto who was staring at the back of the door. Eva looked forward when Rei grabbed her hand, observing the tattoo.

"I'm assuming my oldest did this to you," said Rei, her smile dropped.

"Yeah," said Eva standing up. "Uh, but don't be so down about it, I've grown to like it." Rei looked up at her. "All the tattoos actually."

"All?" repeated Natsu. "How many did Toya give you?"

"7 for good luck at first," answered Eva. "Then 8." The 8th one, Toya's name, the same day she got very passionate with him.

"I hope this means you are finally going to go get your markings once this is all over," said Sora crossing his arms. 

"The ones you have been avoiding since 9, " added Kozu as Dios nodded.

"I am having Adella look into the markings for Eva to pick out," said Great Pa Go. 

"I'll make do," assured Eva waving her hands as she looked at him. "I'll just need to look at the designs again." Sora just shook his head. Eva then looked at Rei. "Your son was nice to me for the most part. Each time AFO took something, Toya would try to do something to cheer me up about it."

"Is that why he gave you the tattoos after AFO skinned your arms?" asked Shoto putting his attention back in the room.

"No," denied Eva. "He said he wanted to match, but he didn't mean it literally like that." Rei smiled a bit; she was happy to hear her oldest son still had kindness in him.

"Anything else?" asked Fuyumi. "Shoto told us that you guys shared a blanket?" Eva looked up at him, and Shoto was back looking at the back of the door making Sora burst out laughing as Fuyumi unzipped her jacket.

"What are you doing, Fuyumi?" asked Rei as Fuyumi removed the jacket, she handed it to Kozu.

"I wanted to see if it was true," answered Fuyumi. Due to the tank top, they could all see Eva's shoulder. Rei immediately put her hand on top of Toya's handprint, and Shoto on the other hand focused on the 8th tattoo. They all stared, she was covered in marks up and down her arms, from what they could see beyond the wrappings. Eva turned a bit red and Shoto's mouth dropped seeing all the hickeys. 

"Is there anything about my brother you can tell us?" asked Natsu.

"He snores a lot, drools in sleep," answered Eva looking at him. "Can be...clingy."

Natsu smiled. "Still the same in that aspect." Eva smiled at him. "Clingy is a polite way of putting it. Did he complain about the old man?" Eva nodded. "Then did he get mad when you told him to just go to sleep?"

"I pinched his lips together until he got the message," answers Eva, this made Natsu laugh. "Sometimes if he sneezed in his sleep, his hair would light on fire for a split second." This made Natsu laugh even more.


It was a night; Eva was lying next to Toya with Shigaraki's head on top of her. She was playing with his hair trying to get him to fall asleep. Toya started to open his mouth, then sneezed, both Shigaraki and Eva jolted away, clinging to each other, to avoid getting burnt by the blue flames that appeared for a split second. Toya rolled to his side, he tapped the space in front of him, he reached out grabbed Eva's arm, and dragged her closer along with Shigaraki. Toya had placed an arm over them, resting on Shigaraki's back and Eva's cheek up against Toya's body. Eva just closed her eyes and continued playing with Shigaraki's hair.

***Flashback over**

Dios started laughing. "Remember when I had that same habit, except it was my whole head that lit on fire."

"Very much," said Kozu, Gino, and Eva.

"I got many phone calls home from the school," recalled Sora with a smile. "Now, it's a party trick."

Fuyumi looked at the 8th tattoo as Rei lifted Eva's shirt a bit getting a look at the other tattoos. There were more bruises than before, Shoto mouth dropped even more at the increase of hickeys.

"Please don't strip my sister," requested Dios.

"I won't," Rei assured as they observed the tattoos and belly button piercing.

"My brother did this?" asked Fuyumi touching the belly button jewelry.

"He did a nice job with the tattoos and piercings," said Adella. "You should be proud of his work."

"It is a lot to take in," said Fuyumi looking over at the woman.

"I like the hellhound marks, remind me of Daisy," said Sora.

"With some works, we can count that as one of her markings," said Great Pa Go. "The hound marks, and the staples for now." Adella nodded in agreement, this had Natsu look over. 

"Do you own a hellhound?" asked Natsu in bewilderment.

"Gifted to my sister when she was six, but we prefer the term companions rather than a pet," said Adella.

"I gave it to her for 6th birthday," Great Pa Go recalled that day with a slight smile. "When Lia passed, Daisy's loyalty transferred to Kozu automatically." Shoto raised his eyebrows looking at him, there was a lot he still did not know about Eva.

 "You remember, Daisy don't you, Endeavor?" asked Adella. Endeavor became confused about how Adella knew that, but went along with it for now.

"Old man," said Shoto looking at his father.

"Lia offered to help me with my training hero when I was much younger, had Daisy the hellhound chase me in terms of running practice." Natsu laughed loudly again.

"Is 6th birthday a big thing?" asked Fuyumi.

"Much," confirmed Sora. "Turning 6 results in a gift of your first sword and a companion. Now, you and your companion have separate lives, but you share a connection."

Shoto looked at Eva. "Yours being a Griffin based on your desire for a Griffin Sanctuary." Eva just nodded. 

"Going back to the tattoos," said Natsu. "Did he force them on you?"

"No," denied Eva. "If I told him no, he would have backed off for the most part. I'm glad he gave me the tattoos."

"I'm sorry," began Rei. "Can you explain why?"

"Well, sometimes Toya and Shigaraki would separately demand days to be in charge of me," began Eva. "Normally, two separate times of the day, All For One would do whatever he wants." She looked at her. "When those two took over, it was normally a peaceful day, no pain." Rei smiled a bit. "That tattoo hurt but nowhere close to what All For One has done." She looked back up. " They grew on me quickly," admitted Eva. "He said it was to make me look malice, but I think it's super cute." Fuyumi smiled with tears in her eyes. Shoto on the other hand was mortified at how handsy his mom and sister were with Eva, and she was just letting it slide.

"Did you pay him?" asked Sora. "He did a good job with them, especially the tattoos." Endeavor and Natsu were surprised with how chill Eva's family was about all of it.

"I didn't have money to pay," answered Eva as she started to sweat.

"Kissed him in terms of payment?" asked Sora.

"Daddy!" yelped Eva as the other Todoroki's stared at her. "Yes."

"You kissed Toya?" asked Natsu as his eyes were practically bulging out.

"And Shigaraki," added Kozu.

"More than once," added Shoto.

"Shoto!" yelped Eva looking at him. "Kozu!" She looked at her oldest brother.

"It's just as you said," said Shoto looking at her. "You, Toya, and Shigaraki all got really close," Eva muttered a word in Latin which made Eva's family laugh.

"There's nothing wrong with it," said Rei. "Toya is still capable of creating bonds with other people, he is still capable of love and kindness."

"That's an optimistic way of putting it," said Fuyumi. "A little too optimistic."

"I have to be," said Rei. "I am his mother."

"You said Toya was kind to you," said Natsu with his eyes setting on the bruises. "I see more bruises than skin." Eva's eyes went wide, she glued her eyes to the floor. "So, what's the deal?"

"They are hickies," Shoto blurted. 

"H-h-hickies?" repeated Natsu growing red. "Just how close did you get??"

"Too close," grunted Endeavor.

"They screwed each other 16 times," blurted Gino, earning a smack up the head from Adella. "They were going to find out either way." This time Great Pa flicked him on the head. The Todorokis were all very surprised, trying to take in the information.

"What else about our brother?" asked Fuyumi changing the subject.

"Oh," breathed Eva. "He doesn't like scary stories, terrified of them. The only reason we ended up sharing a blanket." This made Natsu burst out laughing, Shoto was thrilled to see that his family had taken a liking to Eva, and he was also thrilled that Eva's family had taken a liking to his family. Shoto looked over at Eva's aunt, she looked a lot like Eva, eyes and face were the same shape. The woman seemed to have relaxed a bit, she did not talk a whole lot. He then looked at Great Pa Go, who he was to call Mr. Yakumi. He was intense, every time he spoke, he had everyone's attention. He had a lot of questions for Eva, revolving around the name Moonbloom.

"You are Yukis' aunt?" asked Natsu looking at Adella.

" That means you are Lia's sister, correct?" asked Endeavor, they all looked at him, and the Todorokis were surprised.

Adella sat up more. "You're the boy my sister loved to torment in the forest," recalled Adella. "I saw you a couple of times, though my sister spoke about you a lot." 


8-year-old Enji Todoroki was playing catch with his father at Sekoto Peak when the ball went over his head and deep into the forest.

"Sorry, Enji," said Mr. Todoroki.

"I'll get taller someday," said Enji turning to the forest.

"Just be sure to come right back!" shouted Mr. Todoroki as Enji ran into the forest, he started to scan the ground looking for the ball. Two minutes later, he saw it lying in an opening surrounded by trees and bushes. Enji pushed through and bent down to grab it, but someone else had beaten him to it. He looked to see a pair of feet without shoes standing in front of him. He slowly looked up to see a girl about his age with long wavy black hair and red eyes. She wore strange clothing, a long-sleeved black shirt that seemed to be made out of a leaf, and a skirt that went below her knees made out of red flower petals, she had flowers in her hair and gold wings. She was beautiful.

"Excuse me," said Enji standing up fully, the girl looked at him, her eyes... he'd never seen anything like that before

"A human boy!" exclaimed the girl stepping back. "I was told they don't go this far in the forest."

"You have my ball," said Enji reaching forward and the girl fluttered up to the nearest tree branch. "Give me my ball!"

"Just who are you?" asked the girl clasping her hands around the ball.

"Just give me the damn ball!" shouted Enji as he stomped his foot.

"It is rude to not introduce yourself," said the girl fluttering up to a higher branch on a different tree. "I'll go first, you call me Lia." Short for Eumelia.

Enji clenched his fist. "I don't care about your name! Just give me my ball!" Eumelia waved her hand, and suddenly Enji found himself getting pelted with acorns. "AH!" He ran with hands over his head till he got behind a tree. Enji turned around, he jumped when he saw the girl standing in front of him. "What's your quirk called?"

"Quirk?" asked Lia tilting her head.

"Have you been living under a rock?" asked Enji as he reached for the ball, she jumped back. "Your power."

"So magic," said Lia putting her hands behind her head. "You still have not told me your name."

"Enji Todoroki," answered Enji. "Now just give me the ball." Lia held the ball out in the palm of her hand, Enji reached for it and the ball floated up. "Hey!"

"Is this where I say play ball?" asked Lia, the ball went flying and Enji ran after it, he caught it, and when he looked back the girl was gone. Enji shook it off and went back to where his father was waiting.

"What took so long?" asked Mr. Todoroki.

"This stupid girl with wings," said Enji as he threw the ball. He explained what happened as they played catch more.

Mr. Todoroki caught the ball from a catcher's position. "It sounds like you had an encounter with a fae."

"Those aren't real," scoffed Enji as he caught the ball, then thought back to the girl. "Right?"

Mr. Todoroki laughed. "Quirks are real aren't they?" Enji gasped, then looked down. "What's wrong?"

"She was so much stronger than me," answered Enji. "I'll never get to that level."

"Never compare yourself to a fairy or anything of the supernatural," advised Mr. Todoroki. "They will forever be able to do things that we can not and that is okay since we can do things they can not." Enji looked up. "Since you are both kids I suppose it will slide, but it is very important to respect the natural world and its inhabitants, such as Lia. Fae can have nasty tempters, but they are loyal to those they friend." Enji looked back at the forest wondering if he would ever see Lia again. "Did you find her pretty?"

"No," answered Enji quickly looking forward, but that was a lie. Two months later, Enji was at Sekoto peak again, he was eating a sandwich looking at the scenery in front of him, kicking his legs. Suddenly, the sun got blocked by a person's shadow, Enji looked up to see Lia fluttering above him. "It's you again!"

"Enji," greeted Lia sitting next to him. "Why do you keep going so far back in the forest? You're not looking for me are you?" Enji turned red, causing Eumelia to laugh. "So your magic is fire from what I've seen." She had been watching him. 

"Quirk," corrected Enji putting his sandwich down, he held out his hand creating a ball of fire. Eumelia placed her hand near it, her veins glowed orange and suddenly there was shapes dancing out of the fire that Enji created. He was in awe at what she had shown him. Lia let the fire dance around her fingers, then snapped her fingers the flames turned into a flowering maple flower. "Woah...your quirk."

"Magic," corrected Lia, the boy looked at her, coming to a better understanding of their power differences. They became friends after that, for a long time, Enji took Lia on dates into the human world and taught her a few things. She would mesmerize the UA staff and become 'a student' for a day once a month. Eumelia didn't take shit from Enji Todoroki, she was always happy to humble him, and Enji knew he deserved it each time. Enji came to terms that her natural magic revolved around fire and water, she was quite powerful and had to keep reminding himself what his father said. He remembers the first they kissed, they were 15 and it was under a cherry blossom tree. They began dating at 15 and broke up at 19.  They grew apart when Enji asked Lia to marry him so he could surpass All Might through power, she hit him saying children are blessings not tools of personal gain for power. If Eumelia was still here, Enji would be in a grave due to his actions toward his family.


Endeavor looked at Eva, she had the exact same face as her mother, the same eyes, the same wings, and different hair. He froze when he first saw Eva at the sports festival, that was a face he would never forget not in this lifetime or the next. Eumelia was his first love after all. Endeavor remembered crying at Sekoto peak learning that Eumelia was murdered. When Enji learned his youngest had friended Eva, he wished Shoto would not make the same mistakes as he did with Eumelia. He was surprised that Toya grew a liking to Eva, a strong one.

"What do you mean by torment?" asked Shoto leaning forward, Endeavor looked to the side.

Adella looked at Shoto, taking in the sight of the boy her niece spoke about. "They met a long time ago when both of them were eight years old, pelted him with acorns the first time." Natsu put his head back laughing. "There was that time, she made him lick a pole an ice cold day, and said the words, use this as a training practice."

"Natsu!" scolded Fuyumi.

"It's quite alright," said Rei with a slight smile. "I remember Lia, she once made your father scrub the floor with his toothbrush and toilet water and then used it to brush his teeth after."

"What an amazing person," said Natsu with a bigger. 

"She really was," said Sora with love in his eyes. 

"I want to know about my mom's friendship with fire ape," said Kozu putting his hands together.

"FIRE APE?" repeated Shoto and Natsu.

"That is what she called him," answered Rei. "Fire ape."

"Flame farts," recalled Dios.

"Armpit flames," added Gino.

"Stupid," added Kozu.

"Flame troll," recalled Adella. "She had a lot of names for him."

"We dated," said Endeavor scratching the back of his head, most everyone in the room was in shock. He was not surprised all of Lia's kids knew the kick names she called him. "We dated from 16 till 19."

"You managed to date a fae?" asked Natsu in disbelief.

Endeavor nodded. "Lia...was quite mischievous...didn't know much about life outside the forest. Brought her to te city the first time at 13, whenever I brought her to the city she always managed to play with someone." He thought. "Most fae can do the mesmerizing thing."

"My sister can't due to her quirk," said Dios. 

"Mom was a master at it," smiled Kozu remembering the training he had on it with her. She could get someone with a look or word."

Endeavor nodded again. "One time, a guy randomly stopped walking on the street, he turned to a shop window and pulled out a knife. He cleanly shaved off both eyebrows...Lia had him do all of that in a trance." Natsu started laughing with Dios and Kozu. "I snapped at her once when we were 11 and it was then I learned that was a death sentence."

"What happened?" asked Fuyumi in concern as the other Todorokis were amused.

"I snapped at her and next thing I knew I was regaining consciousness in the bathroom at home. I was cleaning the toilet with my mother's toothbrush, and she caught me doing it with Lia nowhere in sight. I couldn't sit for a whole week after that." Shoto and Natsu both started laughing.

"Come on sis!" laughed Natsu holding his stomach. "You gotta admit its funny."

"It is," Fuyumi smiled. 

"I always admired Lia for her mischief," smiled Sora putting his hands on his face. "The first time she took me to the city. Some guy said something to her she didn't like. She managed to take control of the guy, and an officer. The guy snapped out of his trance completely stripped with his family jewels handcuffed to a pole." Kozu, Dios, Natsu, Gino, and Shoto laughed even louder and harder. "It was at the moment, I knew I wanted her to be the mother of my children. I wanted her mischievous passed on to our children." 

Great Pa Go started laughing. "Lia did love playing her tricks on people. We once got in a competition and I lost majorly." Adella smiled fondly at the memory.

"Oh, I remember," said Adella softly catching everyone's attention, causing the laughter to cease. "You lost when she pulled that trick on those campers in the forest. A long time ago, a bunch of UA students had decided to go on a camping trip. During the night, Lia had taken control of the water that was nearby, and formed these walking waters, footsteps sloshing the ground eerily throughout the night. This caused the campers who were sitting around the fire to become offensive with what was approaching. When they saw the group of 7 walking waters, they all were unsure if the quirks would do anything. Still, they tried which 'angered' the water. The waters jolted toward them and ran right through all of them as they were screaming and powers going off. The water all jumped into the fire putting it out. Then for 4 erriy seconds, it was dark and quiet, the campers barely uttered a word before Lia took control of reigniting the fire heavens high, and took the form of a terrifying creature which made all the campers scream at the top of their lungs catching the attention of heroes passing by. By the time the heroes go to the scene, all the campers are sitting on the ground rocking back and forth, with fear plastered on their faces. Of course, the heroes and police never believed them when they explained what had happened."

"Your pranks are what we use as ghost stories," said Natsu with a smile and wide eyes.

"My little sister was a pro at them," said Kozu. "Stopped when she was 12 due to 'it not very hero-like'."

"Her favorite thing to do is possess dolls," recalled Dios. "Especially, hero dolls."

Sora tilted his head laughing."I remember she once took control of all the Endeavor toys/action figures at a store during an event with Izuku when they were 8, it caused a mass panic in the store. Heroes were called, but the culprit was never caught." Sora put a hand on her head. "Brilliant like her mother." Eva smiled at him.

"I remember that!" laughed Natsu with pure joy as Shoto had a hand over his mouth. "Clever little villain."

"Thanks," breathed Eva.

"Don't forget when she was 5," said Dios. "Surrounded this one boy with All Might figures, he screamed all the way home."

"How about when she was 10 and possessed a doll at a talent show," said Gino. "Freaked that little puppet master out." Eva's brothers and dad laughed at that memory, and Eva just smiled.

"Such villainy," said Shoto with a smile.

"Not villainy," denied Great Pa Go with a smile holding a finger. "Simply good fun."

For the next half hour, Eva sat and talked with the Todorokis and her family about Toya as well as heard more stories about her mother. Rei was the only one happy to hear that Toya was quite the cuddle bug. Soon it was time for Eva and Shoto to go back to the dorms, they were standing at the door.

Rei took Eva's hand again. "Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to catch us up on Toya, it means more to us than you think."

"I feel honored I am able to do so," said Eva. "Thank you for having me."

"I look forward to speaking with you again," said Fuyumi. "Train hard."

"We will," said Eva and Shoto, they then stepped out, and Eva noted that her dad and aunt were staying behind.

"Oh," breathed Eva stepping back in. She opened her hand, and a Rindou and a yellow daisy appeared from her, much to Todoroki's amazement. "Toya mentioned to me these were your favorites." She held them out to Rei and Fuyumi.

"Thank you so much!" gushed Fuyumi taking the daisy, tears filled her eyes.

"It proves he still thinks about us kindly," said Rei wiping a tear from her eye. Then the two left, it wasn't until they left the building they started to talk to each other.


"I thought my mom had the right to know," said Shoto. "I thought she'd appreciate to hear that Toya was got genuinely close with someone, even if it's with you." Eva looked at him. "I wrote about you a lot in my letters to her while she was in the hospital. She knows how much you mean to me." Eva looked away blushing a bit. "I was surprised with how calm your family is about the situation."

"I came back to them and that's what matters most," answered Eva looking forward. "Dad's always worried with each abduction there's going to be one where I don't come back. So, his response is his coping mechanism to see that I'm okay and back with him. I put my family in general through a lot of heartache."

"That is never your fault," said Shoto taking her wrist, she started to pull away, and Shoto went right to her hand, holding onto it tight. "Don't ever think it is." Tears filled Eva's eyes from Shoto's words, and from the way his hand fit into hers. It has been so long, and it felt so nice. "Your aunt seems nice."

"She is weary of humans," said Eva. "I'm surprised she came in the first place, barely steps foot here. I'm most surprised the Great Pa Yakumi stepped here." Shoto looked at her. "I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing," said Shoto, he liked Izuku and the rest of the classmates learned about Eva's full past. He sat in silence for a whole night, staring out his window. He remembered All For One's words saying Eva should become a villain and indulge in her revenge. Though, Eva had made an effort to be among people, learn more, and become forgiving when she had every right not to be. "You mentioned 8 tattoos, but I only counted 5." He wanted to change the subject.

"Oh, three of them could not be shown," answered Eva. "They are near private areas." Shoto looked at her with wide eyes. "And the answer is no."

"If it's along your—" began Shoto. "I've seen it before."

"I have no problem showing you, any of them private ones. It's just that I don't think Katsuki is going to be giving me any sort of space, and I'm very okay with that," said Eva, Shoto nodded to clarify he understood. "I'm expecting him and Izuku to be staying in my room with me for the next few days." Shoto smiled, knowing well that was exactly what was going to happen.

"Eva," said Shoto, she looked at him. "I'm not going to let you push me away." She went to open her mouth. "The way I feel about you has not changed negatively and after seeing you with my family, I am happy to keep having you a part of my life."

"You are too kind," said Eva as a tear trailed down her face, Shoto looked at her. "Way too kind."

Shoto stopped the walk, putting his hands on her face and wiping the tears from her face. "That's funny, I think you are too kind as well." Eva smiled at him a bit, putting her hands on top of his. She missed this feeling so much, more than she thought she did. After a minute, the two continued to head back to the dorms. "After the war, I want us to find a day to reconnect"

"You want to do what now?" asked Eva.

"Hang out, as friends," repeated Shoto with hope. "I know you won't accept forgiveness, so how about a road of atonement?" Eva studied him. "Think about it."

"I think you are moving from what happened a little too quickly," answered Eva. "I am not going to push you away, but you are moving too fast." Shoto frowned looking away. "I do not want to give up on our friendship either, you are a pillar in my life. My icebreak into letting myself fall in love with humans." Shoto smiled looking at her.

"I am happy to know I helped you heal in ways as you've helped me," said Shoto. "Our hang out is something to look forward to. We have a war at our doorsteps, and that will be one of the things I want to stay alive for." Eva studied him more. "There are so many things I want to do, a lot to look forward to, including reconnecting with you." He looked back at her "No one knows what the outcome of the war is, what we do know is there is probably going to be a lot of pain to come with it. So, friends?"

Eva looked at him. "Friends in recovery."

"Friends," said Shoto. "I also want to know about Moonbloom Clan." Eva smiled more. "You choose to haunt people?" Eva slowly looked at him. "You'd be a scarier villain All For One."

"Good fun, not villainy," corrected Eva, he shot her a small smile. "It's called pranks for a reason."

Shoto laughed. "I guess that's why you were excited about the haunted house during the school festival, you enjoy scary stuff." Eva nodded. 

When they got to the dorms, Shoto went ahead opening the door for her, Eva stepped through the door. She noticed the atmosphere was a bit off, a change in the feeling. She and Shoto went over to the couches where everyone was located, Katsuki, and Izuku were staring at the floor.

"Did you really sleep with Shigaraki and Dabi?" asked Ashido. "16 times, each?" Eva's eyes went wide.

Iida bowed in front of her. "I'm sorry, I realized it was not my place to speak after I told."

"It's alright," said Eva standing him back up. "It was going to come out sooner or later." She looked at her classmates. "It is true." There was a collective gasp from her classmates.

"I always thought Bakugo was going be the whore between you two since you are sweet and spicy," blurted out Mineta, suddenly Kirishima and Izuku were holding back Katsuki.

"I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU FUCKING PERVY GRAPE!" screamed Katsuki as explosions went off in his hand.

"Let's discuss this as a class," said Yaoyorozu putting a hand up by her chest as Shoto sat down on the floor.

"There's not much needing to be discussed," said Shoto. "I'm moving forward."

"Now that is a manly move," said Kirishima looking back. "After---" He looked at Eva. "You both are manlier than me."

"Come sit," said Hagakure grabbing Eva from behind. She pushed her over to where Bakugo sat. "Tell us everything."

"We already know most," said Urakaka. "Deku and Bakugo told us."

"Pried it out of the two of them," said Tsu. "Ribbit." Sato came with a cake.

"Well, if you're going to air out your dirty laundry may as well do it before it gets worse," said Eva hugging a pillow.

"Remind me to get that as a like a tattoo or plague that quote," said Kaminari putting a hand on his face

Jiro looked at him. "You're an idiot."

Katsuki stepped away from Mineta, sitting next to Eva. "You don't have to if you are not comfortable."

"It's never going to be comfortable to talk about," said Eva. "But I've been living with you all since August, so I should be comfortable enough to talk about it with all of you."

"You should eat something," said Shoji. "Sato brought out some cake." Eva shook her head. "Don't you love cake?"

"Recovery Girl has me on a strict diet so I can gain some weight back," answered Eva. "Cake was not on the list."

"I'm sure some cake won't do any harm," said Izuku as Koda put his bunny in Eva's arms.

"It has honey in it too," said Sato. "It's vital."

"Thanks, Koda," said Eva looking up at him with a smile. "Thank you for your points, Sato." She looked at him. 

"How about some tea at least?" asked Yaoyorozu.

"Uh," sounded Eva, she furrowed her eyebrows and then looked at Aoyama. "Are you alright? You've been quiet."

"Cherri," answered Aoyama with an assuring smile, but his eyes didn't sparkle like they normally do.

"Have tea and cake," advised Sero with excitement. "I'm sure you have lots of dirty laundry to air out."

"I suppose this won't be like any of your ghost stories you've shared with me," said Tokoyami, Eva shook her head. 

"How about we catch her up on everything that's happened here," suggested Ojiro. "While we wait for the tea." Class 1-A caught Eva up on everything, by the time the tea was boiled, Eva told them her side of what happened in the cave.

"Hold on," said Urakaka putting her cup down. "They abducted you and they wanted to give you a house after knowing you for what....16 days?"

"More like twelve," answered Eva.

"Hold up," said Ashido as she got up, she went and grabbed a paper folded up, then showed Eva. "Is this the house?"

"That's the one!" confirmed Eva. "They gave me options and that is the one I picked."

"What kind of villains have their captives picked out a place to be held?" asked Jiro.

Eva looked at her. "Yeah, I told them that it was strange too, but they insisted." Shoto took the paper and stared, Eva pointed along the paper. "That's Toya's handwriting, Shigarakis, and Spinners." Shoto eyes landed on a particular note. It was a heart with the words 'our place' in the middle of it. It was in Shigaraki and Toya's handwriting, he knew Eva was the one that drew the heart.

"Girl," said Ashido putting her hands to her face. "You had those villains not just wrapped around your finger but whipped."

"Whipped?" asked Eva.

"It means excessively devoted," explained Yaoyorozu.

"I couldn't stay," said Eva. "I didn't how much longer I could go on without seeing all of you again." Tsu and Urakaka held on to each other.

"Aww Yuki!" gushed Ashido grabbing Hagakure.

"We are happy that you made the choice to come back to us," said Jiro putting a hand on Eva's head. "We know your heart lies with us." Eva smiled at her.

"You are a lot stronger than me," said Sero. "If I was stuck down there for that long with no sun, no fresh air, just some walls, I would have killed someone."

"When did you realize that you needed to escape the cave the most?" asked Tokoyami.

"As you know I could hear All For One down where was, and it was when I heard talking about how he plans to deal with Stars and Stripes who is being sent over here," explained Eva. "It came even more clear when Toya saved my life." Eva tilted her head. "Even so, Shigaraki wanted to make the decision to let me go, he just didn't know when a good time would be."

"That's a lie," said Hagakure. "He wanted to spend as much time with you as he could, making a decision like that can be hard to almost never."

"Even so, it's just as Jiro said," said Kirishima putting a hand on her shoulder. "Yuki made the choice to come back to us instead of staying with them." Eva sat and listened to others talk about everything they did while she and Izuku were gone. Katsuki kept looking at Eva, he was the most proud of her, she had come a long way since they were little. Katsuki at one point thought Eva would never friend anyone outside him and Deku, but UA changed that. He remembers sitting with Eva and having to explain a bunch of things to her such as an escalator or cars, he misses those days. He looked to see Izuku also looking at Eva.

Katsuki hates to admit it, but Eva and Izuku have a closer bond, and he's pretty sure it's due to the fact they grew up as neighbors. He remembers when they went to take Izuku back home, Izuku cried saying he had not found Eva yet along with not wanting to put his classmates in danger. Katsuki kicked himself for not grabbing Izuku's hand all those years ago, he was a hypocrite to not do so when Eva grabbed his hand.

Izuku remembers also being one of the people to taught Eva about the human world. He showed Eva All Might's fight video when he was 4, the one he always watched on repeat. She was so confused about how the computer worked, but she was captured by All Might. With broken All Might doll, he let her practice doll possession. After catching up, and getting rest, everyone turned in for the night. They all had so much on their minds, reflecting on the past and what was to come.

Eva was sitting on her chair on her balcony staring at the stars, indulging in the fresh night air. She listened to Katsuki and Izuku training with each other until they turned in. 

"Eva," said Katsuki from the other side of the door, she didn't look back as the door opened and closed. In minutes, Katsuki pushed Eva to the side so he could sit with her. Eva slowly turned to look at him, from the looks of it he had had something to say. Eva then hugged him and Katsuki hugged her tighter.

"I am sorry for worrying you again," said Eva putting her face on Katsuki's shoulder.

Katsuki pulled away from her with tears in his eyes. "I started to think you were not going to come back this time, I am sorry for losing hope." Eva put her hands on his face. "Please stop apologizing for something that is not your fault." He removed her hands so he could hold them. "Why did you never tell me the truth about your past? I'm learning things at the same time as everyone else. Things I should already know."

"I did not want you to think I was weak," said Eva.

"Never," said Katsuki. "I reached my hand to you Eva, and not once have I ever regretted it, and I still don't as of right now and I plan on never regretting it."

" Katsuki," breathed Eva. " I have failed as your best friend by keeping things from you, and betraying you."

Katsuki tightened his grip. "Never say those words again." He leaned forward. "All friendships have rough points to get through and this will be our one and only. So, tell me all about your past, the pieces I do not know." Katsuki suddenly pulled Eva into a hug, he had tears rolling down his cheeks. "Losing you is something I simply will never allow, so don't even think about pushing me away." Eva hugged him back putting her face back on his shoulder. They then laid back on the chair and cuddled up to each other. Katsuki held Eva tight as she held on to his right arm. "I also want to know about the Moonbloom clan." Eva smiled slightly. "Yukis as well." Bakugo listened to her talk about her past till she fell asleep. Katsuki stayed up a bit longer playing with her hair, he cried a bit. He loves Eva deeply, and he knows losing a best friend hurts just as much as a breakup. Soon he fell asleep, and for the first time in a long time, he and Eva slept the whole night in peace. 

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