Chapter 51

Just like that Winter Break was over; and everyone was back in class for the start of the third term.

"My classmates!" Iida greeted. "A Happy New Year to you all!"

Yaoyorozu bowed toward them. "Yes, Happy New Year, everyone."

"Today's class will consist of a practical briefing," Iida announced. "We'll each share our accomplishments, challenges, et cetera from over the winter break. So, comrades, it's time to suit up...and head over to Ground Alpha!"

Aizawa whipped the door open; with sleeping back in his arm. "Quiet! Time to get started--" He was surprised to see everyone ready for class.

"Happy New Year, Mr. Aizawa!" Ashido wished; Tsu bowed to him.

"Did Eri have a good new year?" Eva asked as she stepped out the door.

"She did," Aizawa nodded. 

"An auspicious New Year, sir!" Iida greeted. "I've apprised them of your schedule, per your instructions."

"Good," Aizawa said. As soon as Yaoyorozu and Jiro stepped out of the room; Eva made her way down the hall with them.

"Man, Iida, you're really revving hard today!" Kaminari noted. 

"Indeed," Iida confirmed. "Thankfully, Manual, the hero whom I apprenticed at my work study, is a leader in Hosu." He adjusted his glasses. "It was just one week, but he taught me well. How to work hard without being uptight." He started to wiggle his lower body. "Heck yeah! That's the only way to live!"

"Hah," Kaminari said. "I take it back. He's like a bike where the chain keeps coming off."

"Wouldn't Iida be a motorcycle, though?" Sero asked. "I mean, with his engines, and all?"

"Mr. Aizawa," Principal Nezu said over the PA. "Please report to the staff room immediately."

Soon they were in the changing room.

"Oh! Ochao, that a new costume?" Hagakure asked. "It looks amazing!"

"Yeah, that new style is great on you!" Yaoyorozu added as Urakaka put on her boot.

"Heh. You think so?" Urakaka asked. "Aw, thanks, guys!"

"What's this?" Jiro asked as Eva put on her new upper arm bands. A geometric bronze leaf upper arm cuff on her left arm. "A new Urakaka Wrist? Oh, crap that's heavy!"

"Yeah, there's wire stuff inside," Urakaka explained. "Thanks to my Quirk, the weight of it isn't a handicap. The case sure is heavy, though." Jiro brought the wrist item over to her classmate.

"Hey, whatcha got in here?" Ashido asked as she picked up the belt part. Urakaka let out a little scream; they looked over to see little stuff All Might thing.

"Is that the..."Jiro began. Urakaka gasped; she dove down quickly grabbing it; dashing around the room. Ashido and Eva both looked at each other; quickly concluding. 

"We knew it!" Ashido and Eva chimed with delight.

"It's not what you think, Ashido and Yuki!" Urakaka protested. Ashido and Eva held each other spinning around and giggling in the air. "It's really not. I promise."

"Huh?" Ashido and Eva asked as they sat back on the ground; looking at their classmate.

"I'm just, um, keeping it close for now," Urakaka explained. "Keeping it safe."

"Like a good luck charm?" Eva asked.

Urakaka struck a pose giving a thumbs up. "Yeah, that's it!" Ashido and Eva glanced at each other in question. Soon they were all heading to Ground Alpha; Eva saw that one of Bakugo's headpieces was lodged into Izuku's head.

"What happened to him?" Eva asked.

"I think Bakugo tried to murder him," Iida answered.

"Over what this time?" Eva asked as she poked the item.

Izuku was in a monotone as he explained his new move. "Basically, I gotta make my body move as fast as my brain."

"I am here!" All Might announced. "The Symbol of Sweets!"

"Happy New Year, All Might," Eva greeted as the rest of her classmates kept walking. 

"The sense of speed is too different, so you can't keep it going if you get..." Izuku continued.

"Uh, guy?" All Might said; they all stopped moving. "I put 'all my might' in this one gag and you're completely ignoring it."

"Are you okay, All Might?" Mineta asked

"I'm fine!" All Might assured as he got closer to the class. "And, I am here! The Symbol of Sweets!" He continued to make cotton candy. "Get it? Sweet? Cotton Candy? Get it?"

"Wait, a second," Kaminari began. "Where's Mr. Aizawa?"

"Ah. An urgent matter arose," All Might answered. "So, he had to leave school and take care of it immediately." Soon; they were taking on robots as part of their class training. 

"We are the Skynet of the world. Humans, you are terminated!" Aoyama shot off lasers.

"NAVEL SABER!" Aoyama declared. 

"A new move!" Kaminari cheered. "Lucky! I want a sword!"

"Woohoo!" Hagakure cheered as she ran forward. "Let's do this, Aoyama!" She curved the light of the laser; taking out more robots. 

"The beam curved!" said Sero. 

"Aw, yeah, that's the stuff," said Kaminari.

"I learned to take light and bend it to my will!" Hagakure announced as Aoyama felt hit tummy hurt.

More robots approached. "Tremble before us! This shall be known as Judgment Day!"

"Max viscosity! Acidman!" Ashido announced as she spun in a circle covering herself in acid; she took out many robots.

"Humans are scary," a robot said.

"And that's a wrap!" Ashido announced once she landed. 

"We killed it!" Hagakure cheered.

"Wonderful job!" All Might complimented as they all clapped. "Your work studies paid off. It's obvious you learned a lot from Equipped Hero; Yoroi Musha."

"He had lots of advice for supercharging our offense and defense, so we figured out new attacks and combos to keep up," Hagakure explained, dancing around. 

"Wanna know a secret about Acidman?" Ashido asked as she spun over to Kirishima. "I got the idea from your Unbreakable!" Kirishima gasped. She stuck out her tongue a little making Kirishima blush a little. 


"They have obviously improved," All Might said with a big smile. "Now show me what the rest of you have learned!"

"Got it!" Everyone responded. Izuku looked at Eva; she nodded then looked at her classmates as they took their turns. Ever since Eva's been using her magic more; she doesn't get tired like she used to. Having it expressed out of her body consistently created a healthy cycle rather than using it once in a while.

Sato was showing off his new moves. 'We're using a flurry of attacks.'

Ojiro took out many robots with his tail. 'And predicting enemy moves.'

Those two are working under Lion Hero: Shishido

'Our search skills improved!' Jiro said.

Jiro and Shoji are doing a work-study with Killer Whale Hero: Gang Orca

"Tase this Grape Rush!" Mineta shouted as he threw many sticky balls; Sero taped them all together as Kamianri threw his pointers; completely electrocuting the robots into overdrive. "That's some quick and efficient teamwork!"

Those three are doing a work-study under Mineyama Her: Mt. Lady; working with Team Lurkers all together.

"Recipro Extend! A looser approach!" Iida announced. He kicked many robots in half. He's doing his work-study under Normal Hero: Manual.

Koda used many pigeons to blind the view of some robots. "Clear communication!" He joined up with Laundry Hero: Wash.

Tokoyami destroyed many with Dark Shadow. "Overall improvement! Black Abyss: Sabbath!" He had continued his work with Wing Hero: Hawks. Sometimes at night at the Endeavor Agency, before Katsuki came into Eva's room or she went to Izuku; she had about an eight-minute phone call. Eva had grown close with Tokoyami since they moved into the dorms; even though it was 'forbidden' About once a week those two would sit in his room late at night and exchange ghost stories. 


It was after a late patrol and some food, Eva was lying on her bed; kicking her legs in the air as she had a phone call with Tokoyami. She heard the door open; she looked over to see Katsuki; he seemed a bit thrown off.

"Who the hell are you on the phone with this late?" Katsuki asked as he closed the door.

"Tokoyami," Eva answered. "Dark Shadow as well."

Katsuki's hair spiked up more as he grabbed the phone from her. "DO YOU KNOW HOW LATE IT IS BIRD BRAINS!"


"You don't get upset when I'm on the phone with Shiozaki this late!" Eva protested.

"She's a girl!" Bakugo huffed as he hung up on Tokoyami. 

***Flashback over***

Kirishima was smashing more robots. 'Make my opponent lose the will to fight super quick!' He continued his work-study with BMI Hero: Fatgum!

Urakaka jumped up; Tsu wrapped her tongue around her.

'Teamwork,' Tsu said.

'And decisiveness!' Urakaka added. A wire came out of her wrist; she took down a few robots. Urakaka and Tsu continued with Dragoon Hero: Ryukyu!"

Yayorozu had many little objects surrounding her. 'Calculations and efficiency' She began her work-study with Magic Hero: Majestic!

Bakugo made a precision attack with his explosions. 'Pushing myself to the max!'

'Increasing my speed!' Todoroki said as he used both ice and fire. 

'Already in action when I decide what to do!' Eva thought. 'Pinpoint Tornadic!' Four high-speed twisters shot out at an intense speed; shooting through the hearts of robots if they had one.

'One For All. Full Cowling!' Izuku sounded as he took his turn; he jumped up clenching his fist; Blackwhip shot out grabbing hold of many robotic parts. 'I got tons of experience.' He trapped the parts in a ball; and then used a smash to destroy them more. 

Those four were doing their work-study under Flame Hero: Endeavor; with that class was over.

"Hey, Bakugo," Kirishima greeted as he walked up. "Are you good with fighting when it's cold out now?"

"I used condense shots," Katsuki answered. "Winter's crap!"

"Wow. Todoroki," Hagakure chimed. "You're hotter, cooler, and faster."

"I don't know," Shoto admitted. "I'm still not able to catch up to Endeavor, though."

"Wow, Yuki!" Yaoyorozu smiled. "You've really taken a more confident approach with your element!"

"I got the idea from Inasa," Eva admitted. "How is working with Majestic?"

"Just wonderful!" Yaoyorozu answered with a big smile; the two continued to talk.

"Looks like you can use that dark energy stuff now," Mineta said to Izuku.

"Yeah," Izuku smiled. "I'm sorry it was a pain earlier."

"It's all good," Mineta said as he punched Izuku in the stomach. 

"Get any better and you're gonna make my Quirk obsolete," Sero said. 

"Urakaka!" Izuku chimed; they all looked at the two; he ran over to her. "I was able to gain control of Blackwhip! You helped me so much. Thank you!" He bowed a bit.

Urakaka giggled. "Oh, please, that's ancient history. 'Kay?" Izuku looked up. "Plus, look. Seeing you inspired me to have these wires put in my costume." Her wires came out. "They're nothing compared to something like Sero and his tape." The wire retracted. "Still, I made that experience something useful. And I think both of us are better because of it!"

"Yeah, I agree," Izuku said as he held out a fist. They both fist-bumped.

"She totes likes him," Ashido whispered in Eva's ear.

"Good chance he likes her back," Eva whispered back. "Even if he doesn't know it." Both girls giggled with each other.


After class, Eva was back in the nap room with All Might, Izuku, and Katsuki.

"Congrats on Blackwhip," All Might complimented. 

Izuku lowered his head. "Thank you, very much!"

"And excellent work from you two, Young Bakugo and Young Yuki," All Might complimented. "There seem to be no limits to your potential."

"Obviously!" Katsuki said. 

"Thank you, sir," Eva said as she lowered her head. 

"I'm sorry," All Might said as he picked up the notebook at the table. "I couldn't figure everything out. But you have to keep moving forward." He put it down; it was filled with information about past One For All users. "The next step is yours. Read closely. I collected as many details about One for All's successors as possible. Unfortunately, I couldn't find so much as a whisper about the second or third users. Given the times that they lived through and the nature of the ability, the official records aren't going to be helpful to us. I'm also not sure what they knew about the power. If they realized how it worked, I assume they'd want to help out future wielders?"

"Who cares about a bunch of dead old heroes?" Bakugo asked. "I'm tired of wasting my time waiting for you guys to figure stuff out."

"The past provides us lessons," Eva said to him. "Lessons for us to apply in the future."

"When it comes to Blackwhip, I can only maintain the power for about one second so far," Izuku said. "I haven't mastered any capture moves like Sero or Mr. Aizawa." Eva picked up the notebook. "But as a support ability, I think it's already a useful addition to my move set." Bakugo leaned against Eva as she opened the book.

"You haven't had any contact with the past users since the last time?" All Might asked.

"No," Izuku answered.

Bakugp flipped the pages to a certain point. "The fifth user was called Lariat. Guess that makes sense. Real name: Daigoro Banjo. Quirk: Blackwhip. Thanks to threads of energy he shot from his body, he excelled at capture and midair maneuvers. One thing is obvious. None of these people started with Quirks that were even worth mentioning. So it's no wonder I haven't heard of these nobodies."

"I heard of some," Eva said. "Whispers in the Otherworld."

"What are you talking about?" Izuku asked Bakugo. "Their powers are amazing!"

"Yeah, 'cause from the perspective of a loser like you, any Quirk is amazing!" snapped Katsuki.

"That's mean," Izuku said. "You know how to hit me when it hurts."

"He's not wrong," Eva said.

"What Young Bakugo said isn't technically wrong," All Might said. "From what we know. All For One was obsessed with this Quirk. During a time when evil had more power than you could possibly comprehend now. All For One crushed nobody who could be considered strong. That was made possible by his perseverance and wide-range influence. As they died, struggling, in terrible pain, the past users entrusted this power to the future, adding to its legacy. They weren't 'chosen ones.' They were just 'the people who received the power' and 'the people who passed it on in' in a fight that kept repeating itself."

"Yeah, that tracks," Katsuki said. "No wonder they all died young." Izuku gasped as he peaked over Eva's shoulder at the notebook. All Might took a picture in his mind; Katsuk and Izuku leaned against Eva who sat in the middle; all looking at the notebook together. 

"Yes, true," All Might agreed. 

"So, what Quirk are you gonna make the damn nerd learn to use next?" Bakugo asked. 

"The next power you should manifest is Float," All Might answered; they all looked at him. "My master's ability."

"I WIN!" Katsuki exploded with a big smile; he cackled. "I USE MY EXPLOSIONS TO FLY!" He pointed a finger. "YOU'RE GONNA WASTE TIME LEARNING SOMETHING I'VE BASICALLY BEEN ABLE TO DO FOREVER!" He pointed his thumb at himself. " WHILE YOU'RE CRASHING AND BURNING, I'LL HONE MY SKILLS EVEN MORE AT THE WORK STUDY! IN OTHER WORDS, I'LL ROCKET AHEAD OF YOU! CHOKE ON MY SMOKE!" Eva put a hand over her mouth and began to giggle a little. 

"Uh, nuh-uh," Izuku denied. "I'll learn it fast and catch back up to you."


"No, I got the hang of Blackwhip quickly, so I should be able to--" Izuku began to argue.

Bakugo made a slicing motion across his neck. "DIE!" He was making a face.

"Please stop saying that," Izuku requested. All Might smiled as he took another picture of the three in his mind. They got back to the dorms late.

"What were you guys doing?" Sero asked. "The House Arrest Boys are late again!"

"Looks like Yuki is part of the trouble this time too," Jiro added. 

Kaminari had his hair pinned back. "Better hurry up and lend a hand. Otherwise, it's not meat or mango juice for you."

"Right! I'm on it!" Izuku said as he and Eva hurried to go help the others. 

"Really?" Katsuki growled as he marched over to Kaminari. "You think you can take meat away from me, Sparky? I'll murder you."

"He's a total villain," Kaminari said as Sero sighed.

"The more you help, the sooner you eat!" Kirishima encouraged. 

"We can put whatever we like in the pot?" Yayorozu asked as she held up a bag of tea. "What a delightful dish!"

"You might want to think twice about tea leaves," Urakaka advised.

"Who cut these?" Eva asked as she hung up a string of poorly cut chives; Katsuki shuffled over to get a look.

"WHICH FOOL?" Katsuki roared as he turned to his classmates.

"I did," Shoto answered as he looked over.

"You've shamed your sister!" Katsuki scolded. Shoto observed as Katsuki cut the chives properly. "Damn it!"

"You're good," Shoto complimented as Eva took the chopped chives.

Katsuki raised the knife a little. "No, you're just really bad at it, you idiot!" Eva lowered the hand that held the knife.

"Who wants orange juice, who wants mango juice, and who wants oolong tea?" Ashido asked. They all continued to work and chat with each other. 

"Now, friends!" Iida exclaimed as he raised a cup of orange juice. "The long-awaited Work Study Exchange and starting the term off with a Bang Hot Pot Party is ready to begin! Let's eat up!" He raised his cup. "Let's eat up!"

"Cheers!" Everyone said as they did the same.

"No, no, not so fast, that's a little raw," Hagakure said as Ojiro was in charge of their bowl. She used her light quirk and laughed.

"Hiding the best parts, huh?" Ojiro asked as he looked at her.

"Nothing like a hot pot when it's cold outside!" Kirishima cheered with tears of joy.

"By the time it warms up again, we'll be starting off our second year," Jiro said. 

"Time sure does fly," Tsu said.

"What a crazy buncha months," Urakaka said. 

"I can't picture life without any of you anymore," Eva admitted. "Doing so makes it feel empty." She put some meat in Katsuki's bowl as he and Izuku reached into her bowl to fish out meat pieces. Once again, Todoroki felt some pint of jealousy; he looked away from the three.

"Just think, we'll be upperclassmen!" Ashido cheered. 

"We won't see much of the newbies, though," Sato pointed out. "Hero students can't join clubs."

"We'll get some promising heroes-to-be!" Hagakure hoped. "Cutie first years!"

"Calm down!" Iida urged. "We still have about three months to go! And don't forget that finals are just over the horizon!"

"Stop talking, Iida!" Mineta scolded. "You're ruining the food!"

Shoto looked at him. "Words can't change the taste."

"YOU!" Mineta growled angrily at him. "How is someone so dense so popular with the ladies."

"Oh, man, Mineta. Sounds to me you're concerned you won't pass," Jiro teased.

"SHUT UP!" Mineta cried; their classmates laughed.

"Don't sweat it," Kaminari said. "I'm kinda worried, too, Mineta."

"Midoriya, pass the ponzu, please," Tokoyami requested.

"I can't believe I'm so lucky," Izuku said softly. 

"Midoriya? The ponzu," Tokoyami repeated in annoyance. 

"Oh, sorry!" Izuku yelped. "Here!"

"My thanks," Tokoyami said. 

There was a knock at the door; Eva, Iida, Yaoyorozu, Urakaka, and a few others went over. Eva opened the door to see the girls from Class 1-B.

"Please, come in!" said Iida. "Welcome, welcome!"

"Here--a little something from us," said Kendo, handing Yaoyorozu a bag. "Just some drinks and snacks for after dinner."

"You really didn't have to!" said Yaoyorozu.

Kaminari ran over to help Kodai who was using her quirk to carry a few sofas. "Lemme take those off your hands!"

"It's fine," said Yanagi. "We got this." With her Quirk, she levitated the objects over to the sitting area. Todoroki, Sato, and Koda all shifted the sitting area to make room. 

"Swing and a miss!" teased Mineta. 

"Huhh? I'm a gentleman to everyone, though," protested Kaminari.

"Listen, buddy...Having more girls around is always ideal," whispered Mineta.

"For real!" said Kaminari. "I want girls on every side of me! No dudes..."

"When I kick the bucket, I wanna be reincarnated as a hot pot," said Mineta. "Think about it! Ladies on every side, all poking at you...Getting them all hot and bothered..." 

"That would be...pretty great," said Kaminari.

Jiro looked at Eva who was by Shiozaki...Eva was giving a strange look to boys; the two girls exchanged a look.

"Morons," Jiro said in disgust. 

"Aw, come on. Can't a coupla guys dream?" cried Kaminari.

"Dream?" Jiro repeated. "More like a nightmare."

Tsu looked at the door. "Hmm? Will this be all of you?"

"Naw, the boys are coming too, of course," said Kendo. "Might take a minute...given what they're bringing. And seriously, Class A...sorry in advance."

"Sorry about what?" Ashido asked.

Katsuki stopped eating. "If class B's got something to be sorry about, you don't gotta guess twice about who's to blame."

On cue, Monoma walked in; making a grand entrance. "Howdy! Kept you waiting, didn't I? Dying of anticipation, I bet?" 

Shoto had a blunt response. "No. Nobody here was dying of anything." Monoma skipped over to the bubbling hot pots on the table.

"There's enough food for everyone and then some, so please, enjoy!" said Iida, promoting Iida to hand out bowls.

"Anything to drink?" Eva asked as Yaoyorozu seemed excited to make more tea.

"I see a soy milk hot pot," Monoma began. "And kimchi, over there? Then we have a yosenabe...and tan-tan sesame? Do I have that right?" Class A all glanced at each other. "Heh...A regular lineup of bog-standard cliches, I'd say."

"Whaddaya mean?" Sato asked; hurt by the comment. "These are quality dishes." He oversaw all the hot pot preparations.

"Too true, Sato!" said Kaminari. "We all worked real hard on these guys, so you gotta try 'em before talking smack!"

"Kaminari...Do you really think I paid a visit to your den of inadequacy just to try hot pots made by class A, of all people?" said Monoma

Iida raised a hand empathetically. "Worry not! We also plan to swap stories about our work studies in hopes of further edification!"

"All in good time...But I'm alluding to the hot pots prepared by class B! Ones far more delicious than these!" said Monoma.  Class A was stunned in silence as the rest of Class B showed up with items.

"We got the goods, Monoma!" said Tetsutetsu

"Why'd you get to make a solo, entrance, huh?" asked Tsuburaba. Behind those two were Honenuki and Awase.

"Pardon us!" said Honenuki. "Ah, don't worry about bowls and chopsticks. We brought our own."

"How thoughtful," Eva noted. 

"Oh, are those Hot Pots I spy?" asked Iida. "We had already made enough for your class as well."

"Foolish class A..." said Monoma. "Those hot pots are our way of throwing down the gauntlet! A competition is about to unfold, and we shall all learn whose concoctions are tastier!" 

"Why is everything a competition with you?" Eva asked as she crossed her arms, he was always declaring war on them.

"Sorry, guys," Kendo apologized with a weary smile. "He just doesn't listen to reason when he gets like this..." The two other hot pots got put down.

"Smells yummers!" Urakaka complimented. 

Monoma leaned in close to her. "Right? Right? Just imagine how delicious they taste!"

"Eek!" squeaked Urakaka. 

"Go on, then," Monoma urged. "Give them a try!.... Urk!" 

"Sorry again," Kendo apologized after she chopped him in the neck.

Monoma quickly came back around. "Well? Shall we get this competition started?"

"Competition? Nonsense." Iida scolded. "Why don't we all just enjoy this meal?"

Monoma started to pray on class A's shortest fuse. "Ohh, I suppose you're all scared of losing to out hot pots. Tell me--are you scared, Bakugo?"

"Huh? Couldn't care less," said Bakugo. 

Monoma wasn't backing down. "No, I'm afraid your cooking can't compete with ours in the least. Take that kimchi one, for instance. Looks to me you've just tossed some kimchi in a hot pot and called it a day! No creativity! No imagination!" 

Bakugo loudly set his chopsticks down. "YOU got some beef with my kimchi pot, do ya?"

"Beef?" Monoma repeated. "No, I'm simply tossing out my thoughts."

"Toss some of this down your stupid throat first, then!" spat Katsuki.

"You should give it a try," Eva encouraged. "He's a good cook."

"I actually prepared the soup base for this hot pot," added Sato. "And Bakugo provided the spicy elements, with lots of tasting and adjusting along the way! It's not just spicy, mind you. The rich, savory blend is complex enough to complement the pork belly and veggies!"

"You poured this much love into it, Bakugo?' Kirishima asked. "That explains why it's so darn tasty! Listen, gang--I think we oughta accept this challenge since there's no way our pots will lose!" Kaminari and Sero cheered on the decision. Class B went first to try Class A's dishes.

"Mm! Tasty!"

"I could go for ten bowls of the soy milk one!"

"Wish I could pour the kimchi broth over food as a topping!"

"I hate that Yuki's right about his cooking."

"Gotta be the yosenabe, for me."

"I could seriously get addicted to the tan-tan sesame hot pot." Class A was thrilled by the responses.

"You guys got good taste!" said Sato with pride.

"Hah. What'd they expect?" gloated Bakugo.

"Not bad, I guess," said Monoma as he reached for a pot lid. "But the time has come for you to try our masterpieces. I now present...our first hot pot!" Class A let out a gasp as a lid was removed.

"Th-that's sukiyaki!" cired Urakaka.

"Sukiyaki's cheating!" roared Kirishima; a meat lover himself.

"Note that we've cooked it in cast iron, no less. Impressive, isn't it?" said Monoma. "We recommend eggs on this one." Honenkuki, Tsubuaraba, Rin, and Shoda produced a bowl of raw eggs already cracked. 

"Here," Rin said as he gave Eva a bowl. "I made sure there was no meat in it."

"Oh, thank you," Eva said as she blushed a little; Rin received a side eye from Bakugo and Shoto. 

"D-delish!" cried Kirishima; they thought his clothes were going to rip in ecstasy. 

"Wow!" gasped Izuku. "The savory beef is complemented by the sweet and salty stock! And it's so tender and buttery that my tongue practically slices clean through it! Combine with a fresh raw egg, and you get a rich blend that I can only describe as 'happiness in flavor form'. But to be honest, the vegetables have even more potential for greatness than the meat. Boiling them in stock with all that melted fat creates perfect harmony with the innate sweetness and freshness! And the egg is the ideal finishing touch to bring it all together. Yes...the egg is the conductor, the meat the vocalist...and various vegetables are the orchestra, forming a grand opera of--"

"Nobody asked for a freakin' metaphor!" said Katsuki; he tossed an empty bottle between Sero, Kamianri, and Tokoyami; bouncing it off Izuku's head. 

"Excellente aim," complemented Aoyama, as he raised his wine glass of soda.

"Heh. The tide turns toward the sukiyaki," said Monoma.

"I dun think our hot pots have thrown in the towel just yet!" shot Kirishma. 

"Your tune will change when you try out second," said Monoma as he lifted the other lid. It was fish and vegetables.

"Is that 'sposed to be seafood stew?" asked Kaminari. "But I only see that one kind of fish. Kinda lacking, yeah?"

"Enough talk, have it," said Monoma. 

"Yuki, do you eat fish?" Awase asked.

"No," Eva answered. Bowls got handed out; Eva noticed she was given extra carrots; Bakugo and Shoto gave Awase the same side-eye energy as Rin.

"W-what the heck? Too tasty! " cried Kaminari; they expected his clothes to burst.

"Ribbit!" said Tsu.

"A delightful for the sense!" said Tokoyami.

"Yum!" said Dark Shadow.

Yaoyorozu analyzed the taste of the fish. "I believe this is... long tooth grouper. "A sea fish of Perciformes order and Serranidae family. Perches, seas bass, and groupers, if you will. Similar to the saw-edged perch found in Kyushu. In any case, they say that consuming long tooth grouper will be dissatisfied with all fishes for the rest of one's days, so impeccable is its flavor. Making this the king of all hot pots, I'm afraid."

"She's not wrong, it's a high-grade catch, that grouper," said Monoma. "Shishida's family sent us some, just for this purpose."

"M-must've been pricey, huh..." trembled Urakaka. 

"Not at all, in this case. They themselves received it as a year-end gift," said Shishisa. 

"A bank-breaking fish as a year-end gift," mumbled Urakaka in disbelief. 

"Pull it together, Ochaco," said Tsu as she gave her friend a drink. Eva thought back to the end of the year; she was given a crystal while in the Otherworld.

Monoma stood to address the room. "We've all tasted every hot pot, yes? Now it's time to vote! Sit yourselves down in front of your pick!" Everyone seemed reluctant.

"They were all super tasty! It's like you're asking us to pick a favorite family or something!" voiced Kaminari.

"All the veggies were delightfully tasty in each dish," Eva said.

"Too bad! In a competition, you have to choose. Now, do it!" urged Kirishima. Everyone shuffled around.

"Aw, c'mon, dudes!" said a shocked Kirishima and Eva chose the Kimichi. "Even you, Bakugo? You went for the grouper?"

Bakugo revealed his plate; only a small lump of radish puree remained. "It was good."

"No wonder they call it the king of hot pots. I've learned a lot today," said Sato as he had chosen the grouper.

"Why did you choose this one, Yuki?" Kirishima asked.

"It's as you said earlier," Eva said as she put her hand behind her head. "You can taste the love." Kirishima beamed a smile at her.

"Heh...the votes are in, and class B wins by a landslide! HA HA HA HA!" said Monoma. "And since you've lost, I believe the rules call for some kind of punishment, right?" Bloodlust filled his eyes and throat.

"Nobody said a damn thing about that!" protested Katsuki. 

Monoma didn't waste time responding. "Oh? I suppose you'd rather 'Good match, friend!' and have us go on our merry way? No, it's only natural for losers to suffer a penalty. Or should we assume that class A is a bunch of pacifist peaceniks?"

"I wouldn't say that," said Iida. "But these rules ought to have been clear before the competition began!"

"Tell me, president of class A," said Monoma. "We all hope to be heroes someday, right? Do you think villains will politely layout rules of engagement before doing battle?"

"Do you mean to say that you and the rest of Class B are playing the part of dastardly, unreasonable villains in some sort of simulation for our benefit? How admirably self-sacrificing of you!" said Iida. "Very well! It's only sportsmanlike that we accept our penalty!"

"Speak for yourself!" protested Eva and Katsuki. 

Monoma then declared they would be punished with a yaminabe.

"What's a yaminabe?" asked Todoroki.

"I've never experienced it myself," Izuku admitted. "But you used to see them in old comics a lot. The yami means dark and nabe means pot. So we'll have to eat from a hot pot in complete darkness with no way of knowing what we're about to put in our mouths or what's been added in the mix. It works as a penalty since people can add ingredients that you...normally wouldn't expect, so to speak."

"I see!" said Iida. 

"When I first heard about the yaminabe, I thought it was yummynabe, like a yummy pot of food!" said Pony; excited to experience more Japanese culture. The prep began.

"Like hell, you're roping me into this," Bakugo said as he began to slink off; he got pulled right back in by a Monoma comment. The room was only being lit by the tabletop gas burner. Class A closed their eyes as items were added to the pot. 

"Hmm? Something smells sweet!"

"That all be food! Cuz I heard something go 'clank' on the bottom!"

"Now I'm smelling...something rotten? Fermented, maybe?" More items were added.

"Don't worry! Everything in there is definitely edible!" assured Kendo. The many different smells started to make Eva feel a bit dizzy.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," quipped Monoma.

"Knock it off, Monoma," said Kendo.

"A feast of darkness..." said Tokoyami. 

"A pitch-black banquet..." said Kuroiro. 

"And now, the yaminabe is served!" Monoma cheered. 

"Hold up a sec!" said Kaminari as he was fidgeting. "I gotta use the little boys' room! Too much soda, y'know?"

"Ah, me too!" said Ojiro.

"Samesies!" said Ashido.

"Moi as well," said Aoyama. "But rest assured that even the toilet bowl with sparkle and twinkle when I'm through with it."

"You guys chicken, or what?" mocked Sero. 

"Naw! I'll chow down as soon as I get back! Though, uh, don't wait up on our account," said Kaminari.

"I'm going too," Eva answered. "I'm feeling a bit faint." The exception was made and the five class A students shuffled off to the bathroom in the dark. Minutes later, they all came back.

"Phew! Really needed to go," said Mina.

Izuku went over to Eva. "Are you feeling better?"

"Sort of," Eva answered. "All the different meat smells at once just got a bit much; felt nausea." The five were encouraged to drink the broth; they turned the lights on to see the pot was empty.

"Aw, I really wanted to try some," said Kaminari. 

Monoma side-eyed him. "I never took you for a schemer!" 

"I mean it!" Kaminari defended himself. "It's not every day you get a chance to try a yaminabe!"

"Huh? You're suspecting us of foul play, Monoma?" pouted Ashido. 

Monoma continued. "Motives aside, the fact remains that some of Class A managed to evade this penalty, yes? I supposed I shouldn't expect more from this gang reprobates? No surprise that Sweet picked up another antic from Spicy?"

"Huh?" Everyone asked. 

"Yuki and Bakugo," Kendo clarified. "He calls them the Sweet and Spicy duo."

"You keep Eva out of this!" Katsuki shouted; looking at him. "She wasn't feeling well!" Eva covered her mouth and nose letting out a sneeze; a bunch of fairy dust dispelled from her body and sprinkled all around whoever and whatever was near her.

"Sorry," Eva apologized as Izuku was the only main covered in it. 

"Don't apologize," Izuku laughed as he shook his head getting some of the fairy dust out.

Tetsutetsu put am arm around Monoma. "Sorry, guys! He's not all bad, I swear. He just can't help the trash talk sometimes!" 

"Trash talk?" Monoma repeated as Yaoyorozo created a glass container; then grabbed a small sweeper. "Tetsutetsu? Hardly. I'm saying that this probably doesn't sit well with our dear friends in Class A. I know that class B simply wouldn't accept it if members of our ranks were to sneakily avoid a penalty." Eva took the items from Yaoyorozu; and began to sweep up the fairy dust as best as she could. 

"Hey, listen here--" said Ojiro, he got cut off by Monoma.

"Of course! You can't accept it either! You five must have been eager to face your penalty! The way I see it, the only solution is another contest!" Eva let out another sneeze; more fairy dust got all over the floor. Bakugo went over to check on Eva as Yayoyozou smiled at the sparkly dust that fell into her hands. 

"Another contest?"

"Ugh, enough of all that!" Eva felt a tap on her shoulder; she looked back to just get a honey candy shoved into her mouth by Bakugo; who was now crouched down. 

"Fine," Katuski gave in. "But know we're gonna achieve total victory this time!"

"Ooh, good attitude!" said Monoma. "And our next arena will be..."

"Not so fast," Katsuki interrupted; glancing up at him. "We get to pick now." 

"Let's not be so hasty with further contests!" said Iida. "Besides, when will we get around to discussing our work studies, per original intentions?" Moments later; all the boys went to the bathing area for their contest.

"A sauna endurance battle, seriously?" said Hagakure. "What the heck is fun about getting uncomfortably hot and sweaty?" 

"Don't ask me," Komori said. "I dunno why old men love hanging out in saunas."

"Saunas improve sleep, enhance immune function, detoxify, reduce stress slow signs of again, and lower risks of heart problems," Eva answered. "It may be uncomfortably hot and sweaty, but there are some health benefits." Eva was sipping on some tea with the other girls. They were under strict orders from Katsuki to make sure Eva was feeling better by the time the endurance contest was over. They were also eating snacks provided by Kendo. 

"You sure know a lot about the benefits," Urakaka noted.

"With the help of both of our dads, Katsuki and I built one when we were younger," Eva recalled with a slight smile. "We both dislike the cold and he thought it would help with his quirk."

"Mm," said Kodai.

"I actually love the sauna whenever I'm visiting a hot spring or bathtub. I can't stand the heat for too long, but there's just something special about sipping on iced coffee once you're out of the hot box," said Kendo.

"Way to sound like some old geezer!" teased Tokage. 

"Pshh, shut up," fired back Kendo.

"I love it too! Specifically, the way your body, like, tightens back up when you dive into the cold bath afterward!" said Ashido, squeezing a couch cushion into her chest.

"Eh? I hate that feeling," said Jiro, shaking her head. "What about you, Momoyao? You a fan of saunas?"

"Yeah, I used ours a lot when I lived at home," Yaoyorozu said as she prepped more tea. "It's wonderful for one's metabolism."

"You got one in your house?" asked Eva.

"Yes," Yaoyorozu answered. "My father loves a good sauna, so he imported an authentic one plank by plank from Finland." Class B girls were in some shock. "Did I...say something wrong?" Class A girls assured her she hadn't made a faux pass. 

"The one in your house--is it big?" asked Tsunotori.

"I can't speak to its relative size, but it can fit about fifty, I suppose," said Yaoyorozu.

"That's, uh, loads bigger than the ones at our local bathhouses," said Urakaka. 

"If you'd like, you could all visit and use my sauna at some point" offered Yaoyorozu shyly. 

"Wow, y'mean it?"

"Yeah! Let's do it!"

"I thought you didn't like sauna, though?"

"Yeah, but it could be fun with a bunch of friends!"

"Wonderful! My parents would be delighted," said Yaoyrozo; she noticed someone was silent. "Erm, what about you, Jiro?"

Jiro fidgeted uncomfortably. "You can count out of sauna time, but I'd love to hang out at your place again."

"Yes, of course!" The light moment was interrupted by the news story. 

"This report just in: A villain arrested for robbery has escaped from the police station and is currently at large. We're being told that this villain's Quirk is called Snowfall."

"Uh, that police station's in the next town over," said Urakaka. "Should we be worried?"

"We should be okay," Eva answered.

"I'm sure they've already got heroes on the job," added Tsu. 

Urakaka smiled in relief. "Yeah, I bet you're right."

"Hey, you think that Snowfall Quirk could make it snow around here?" asked Ashido as she glanced outside the window with excitement.

"Come to think of it, it hasn't snowed this year, yet," said Komori. "I wouldn't mind some snow, shroom."

"We're talking about an escaped villain here," reminded Kendo with a weak smile.

"Sorrry!" chimed Ashido.

"Just saying, shroom," said Komori.

They are a distant cry. "Hot, hot, hot!" The girls exchanged glances without each other.

"The boys really do seem to relish these competitions," said Yaoyorozu, shaking her head with both hands on her cheeks.

"Futile conflict can only breed calamity," said Shiozaki.

"Hey!" Hagakure lit up. "How about we have a little contest! Like a more peaceful one!"

"Peaceful?" Eva repeated.

"A contest the Lord would condone?" Shiozaki asked. 

"Yes, sure, whatever!" said Hagakure. "How about, like, the Yamanote Line game, but instead of naming train stops, we go back and forth saying what we like about our homeroom teachers! First side to run out of things to say loses!" The other girls were shocked.

"Should we?" asked Kendo.

"Yeah!" They responded.

"S'gonna be pretty hard for us to lose since there's a lot to love about Mr. Vlad," said Tokage.

"Yeah, well, Mr. Aizawa has plenty that makes him a winner in our book," said Ashido not backing down. Eva let out a sneeze; fairy dust getting everything.

"Sorry," Eva apologized.

"NEVER!" the other girls ordered. Each time Eva sneezed; the other girls collected the fairy dust in their respective jars.

"Have more tea!" Yaoyorozu urged. They continued with their contest. Minutes into the contest; many of the girls had fallen asleep with their quirks misfiring. Urakaka was floating across the room, Tsu was hopping around like a real frog, and Yaoyorozu produced a ton of nesting dolls. Jiro and Hagakure were out as well.

"What's the deal, girls?" asked Ashido as she shook her friends.

"Cut it out!" Eva pleaded as she flew up grabbing Urakaka.

"Itsuka? What's wrong, Itsuka?" asked Tokage.

"Pony won't wake up either," said Yanagi, sounding worried. Those two had fallen asleep as well.

"That's dangerous, Tsu!" shouted Ashido. Shiozaki used her vines to tie Urakaka to the couch as Tsu clung to the glass of the common area's tall windows. They wrapped Urakaka and Tsu in heavy blankets.

"Mhm!" said Kodai. Moments later; some of the boys joined them with the same issue in the bathing area. They agreed to contact the teachers but became shocked when opening the door to find how much snow had piled up. They tried to call their teachers but couldn't get through.

"Where'd all this snow come from?"

"Ah, I think I might know," said Ashido, she explained the news story from earlier. 

"So, we can't contact our teachers, and this snow probably sealed them in as well," said Eva.

"Which means we somehow have to deal with this crisis ourselves," said Monoma. 

"Somehow? How, exactly? We dunno what's causing this even..."

"I think the hot pot might be to blame," said Monoma; the others gasped. "Note that only those who sampled the yaminabe have been affected." Eva became worried about Katsuki, Izuku, and Shoto.

"Right...That'd explain why Ojiro, Aoyama, Ashio, Yuki, and I are okay," said Kaminari.

 Shishida wasn't convinced. "If so, why are some of our classmates merely sleeping, while others are firing off their Quirks?

"Maybe it's the amount they ate?" suggested Tsubuara. "Tetsutesu was gorging himself on the stuff.

"But what was wrong with the yaminabe?" Eva asked.

"We agreed only to add edible stuff," said Yanagi answered.

"I just tossed in some strawberry milk," said Tsuburaba.

"And I added some nasty mushrooms I found in the forest, shroom," said Komori. Class B revealed what they brought then it got to Monoma.

"I put in escargot...salmiak licorice...schnecken gummies, and.."

"You added one more thing?" asked Kaminari angrily. "And salmiak and shnecken things are famous for being the nastiest candies around!"

"There was no rule stating only one item per person," Monoma said.

"Didn't think it'd have to be said," Eva grunted as she crossed her arms. "What else did you put in, Monoma?"

"Some more of those nasty caps that Komori must have forgotten," answered Monoma.

"Huh? I totally added all the nasty caps I brought..." said Komori; she gasped. "Wait. Don't tell me it was the ones in that plastic bag?"

"Yes? I assumed you were trying to spare Class A from too much nastiness," said Monoma.

"Those weren't my nastycaps! They were quirksnoozes! Poison mushrooms!" said Komori.


"If any quirksnoozes were in that broth, then just a sip would be enough to put someone in a coma! Eating an actual piece of one makes your Quirk go wild! When I spotted some growing here, I made sure to pick them all so I could dispose of them properly later!" They all turned to Monoma with a death glare.

"Sorry," said Monoma...hearing those words from him was a miracle in itself. 

"So, how do we counteract the quirksnooze poison?" asked Eva. 

"There's only one way, shroom," said Komori. "We gotta feed them dequirksnooze!"

Kaminari was puzzled. "The quirksnooze? Isn't that what started this problem?"

"Not the quirksnooze. Dequirksnooze! It's another type of mushroom that grows near quirksnooze shrooms," Komori explained.

"Did you pick any of those?" Eva asked. 

"Nah. Those ones aren't poisonous, but they don't taste good either, shroom," said Komori.

"I guess that means someone's gotta go mushroom picking," said Kaminari; they all looked out the window.

"I'll go," Eva said as she got to her feet. 

"Eva!" Ashido gasped. "Are you feeling well enough to go out there?"

"Katsuki wouldn't hesitate," Eva said. "He'd be blasting through it right now."

"I'll go too," said Monoma.

"Seriously, Monoma?" asked Kaminari.

"This seems to be my fault, so it's only right," said Monoma. "Komori--can you give us a detailed direction to the spot?"

"Guess, I gotta come with you two!" said Kaminari said.

"You?" asked Monoma in shock. "But you're useless."


"Kaminari has good intentions and can be very useful," Eva said. "It's going to be dangerous out there; we'll need him."

Kaminari was happy to hear those words from her. "I can be useful! Like a battery!"

"Hmph. I guess I can't stop you from tagging along," said Monoma said.

"Knock it off, man," Kaminari ordered. "That whole hot-and-cold shtick isn't cute at all when you do it!"

"No need to get bent out of shape, Kaminari," said Ojiro.

"Yeah! You know how this guy is," Kaibara said. The group talked it over; the mushroom expedition team was Eva, Kaminari, Monoma, Ojiro, Aoyama, Kaibara, and Komori. Everyone else stayed back to keep an eye on their classmates. The snow had already reached the third floor of the building; the team changed into heavy clothes and coats, and Monoma copied some of the more useful Quirks available. Eva had dug through Katsuki's closet for the more heavy clothes. She found one that had slits cut into them.

'Katuski must have been planning to give this to me,' Eva thought to herself; she grabbed that and then went to Izuku's room. She grabbed an old All Might, gloves, and scarf. The front door wasn't budging much; Monoma used Honenuki's Quirk to soften the snow.

"Ladies, first," Kaibara offered; he and Eva were taking turns burrowing through the tunnel. Eva put all six up her wings to a pinpoint; a big ball of wind formed; she then shot it out.

"A new move?" Kaibara asked as they started to make their way down the path.

"It needs work," Eva answered as Kaibara activated his quirk; his spinning arms acted like drills. Eva, Kaibara, Komori, and Monoma were leading the pack; Monoma had a GPS.

"What's wrong?" asked Ojiro.

"Nah, nothing," Kaminari said. 

"Kaibara! Yuki! Stop for a second!" Monoma instructed.

"Why, what's up?" Kaibara asked. 

"I just lost the GPS signal," Monoma answered. "Most likely because of the snow."

"What now, shroom?" asked Komori.

Monoma thought of it. "We know the general direction, so keep heading that way. We should run into a main road soon. After that, we turn left, and we should hit the forest before long." Eva and Kaibara started to make the path down the tunnel, but they never reached the promised road. Eva pointed her wings up; blasting tunnel up; Ojiro created footholds before hauling the others up with him.

On top, a full-blown blizzard was raging; Monoma used Tsubara's quirk to guard his face against the wind and snow. His flashlight was useless.

"I believe it is my time to shine," said Aoyama; who sput around firing off his Navel laser. 

"Ah! Over there!" shouted Komori, pointing at a tree.

"Sorry I got us off course!" said Kaibara.

"Apologies," Eva said as she lowered her head. 

"We're all just doing our best in this emergency," said Monoma. "But how about your arms? Not feeling frostbitten, yet?"

"They still got spin 'em," Kaibara said. "Hurting though."

Monoma inspected his classmate's arm. "Let's take a break."

"B-but I can still," protested Kaibara. 

"No," Monoma denied. "The cold will shut down your body before you know it, so taking a bit of time to warm back up is the most efficient option. Besides, it'll only slow us down if you're a shivering mess." Komori was curled into a ball clinging to Ojiro's tail, and Aoyama shivered violently clutching his stomach. Monoma copied Todoroki's quirk but found it tricky to use, and accidentally got his sleeve caught on fire.

"Careful!" said Kaminari craving a lump of snow, and pressed it on Monoma's arm. "It-it's out, right? Yeah. Good, You're not burned?"

Monoma was caught off guard. "Maybe you're not useless after all."

"Dammit, Monoma," said Kaminari. Monoma gave Todoroki's quirk another go, and they all huddled around the fire; he used Tsubuarba's quirk as an air tent.

"Never has warmth felt so lovely," said Aoyama.

"Now, we're nearly there," Monoma said with seriousness. "It's up to us to save the others. Class B is counting on us. Might as well help class A too, we're at it."

"While we're at it?" Kaminari and Eva repeated.

"Hard for you to sound cool with snot dripping down your face," quipped Kaibara, Monoma sniffed loudly as he stood back up. 

"All right, let's go!" 


They treaded through the blizzard on top of the snow this time. They called out to each other to make sure no one got lost. More bursts from Aoyama's laser helped them find the tree.

"That's the one, shroom!" cried Komori.

"Great! Leave it to me!" said Kaibara; he drilled down to the base of the tree; stopping to avoid damaging the mushrooms. They all started to shove snow around.

"I think I found it!" Kaminari said.

"Yup!" conformed Komori. The team cheered with high-fives all around. 

"The job's not done. We need to get back to the others," Monoma urged.

"Darn right! No time to lose!" said Kaminari.

"But first, I need you all to promise me something," said Monoma. 

"What's that?" they all asked. 

"Not a word about any of this to Mr. Vlad King."


"I only barely passed last term's final exams," explained Monoma. "If he finds out I'm responsible for this mess, I'll be stuck taking remedial lessons, which means no work study for me!" Eva and the others seemed unsure how to respond.

"Are you for real, Monoma?" asked Kaibara.

"What's your own problem got to do with this one, shroom?" asked Komori.

"I know you wouldn't want to cause Mr. Vlad any grief!" said Monoma.

"Which wouldn't be an issue if you hadn't almost failed your tests!" said Kaibara.

"Maybe it just so happens that's all I'm capable of!" spat Monoma. 

"Nah, I get it!" said Kaminari with understanding. 

"You'll keep your mouth shut, then?" asked Monoma with hope.

"You bet," Kaminari guaranteed. "And I'll get everyone who got poisoned to keep them shut too!"

"No, don't tell them anything at all!" protested Monoma. "They don't need to know either!" They all burst out laughing; and understood Monoma's desire for a work-study.

"I think the storm's dying down," Eva said as she looked around them.

"Huh, it is," Ojiro smiled.

"I can carry two people; everyone else needs to hold on to each other," Eva began.

"Make that three," Ojiro offered. Class B looked at each other in confusion as Class A lit up with smiles. Ojiro wrapped his tail around Eva's waist as she also had hold of Kaminari and Kaibara Kaminari had hold of Monoma, Ojiro had a hold of Komori and Kaibara had hold of Aoyama. Once everyone was secured; Eva flew up.

"There's our trail!" Monoma exclaimed pointing at the path below. Eva then took off; she was careful to not go too fast. Class B couldn't help but smile with delight as they glided through the air. They did get back faster than if they walked; when they got back they chopped up the mushrooms; and made their other classmates promise not to tell the victims or staff about accidental poison. One by one, their classmates came out of their deep sleep.

Bakugo woke up to see Eva looking down at him in concern. "What the hell hit me..." He was groggy.

"Katsuki," Eva smiled as she gently put a hand on his face. 

"Seems like a case of hot pot gone bad," said Kaminari while shooting Monoma a knowing glance; Monoma shot a sly grin back.

"The hot pot?" asked Bakugo as he sat up; putting his hand over Eva's. 

Monoma observed the way that Bakugo looked at Eva; the way he was treating her. 'Never pictured a gremlin-like him to be a big softy like that'

"What, did someone add something rotten?" asked Hagakure. The poisoned victims were not satisfied with the hand-waving explanation.

"That's how it is with yaminabe," said Monoma. "You can never be sure what's going in the mix."

"That's rich forming from the guy who suggested it!" said Kaibara. They then continued to wake their classmates; Eva looked up to see that Aoyama was waking up Izuku; she then went over to Shoto, administrating the antidote. Shoto's eyes slowly opened; waking up to Eva staring down at him made his heart skip. 

 Needless to say, Class A and B swore off hot pots for a while. The tumultuous first night of term was winding down, and tomorrow the students would be busy with classes and work studies. Perhaps they wouldn't have been quite so excited for spring if only they'd known of the horrors that fast approached.

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