Chapter 50
After another long day of patrol; Eva now stood on top of Endeavor Agency staring at everything down below. She's been thinking about Raisa's words to her; the connection between her heart and body. She closed her eyes focusing on the inside of her body. She stood on the edge; held out her wings and then dropped; when she got too close to the ground she flew up to the top. She did it over and over; until someone grabbed her by the shirt and yanked her inside through a window; she found herself staring at the ceiling.
Eva glanced to see that Bakugo was now staring down at her.
"You've always had quick reflexes," Eva said as she looked back at the ceiling.
"DON'T IGNORE MY QUESTION!" Bakugo shouted. "Why the hell were you free falling down the building?"
"I was working on my flying," Eva answered. "It's why I stepped into the Otherworld earlier."
"You aren't going to be able to do it if you don't rest like you should be moron," Katsuki scolded; he grabbed the front of her shirt lifting herself off the ground. "Go to sleep." In seconds she was on the bed under a blanket and Bakugo was next to her with his back facing her.
***Bakugo's Memory***
Back when they were eight, Bakugo was playing with friends as Izuku mainly sat alone.
"Alright class!" the teacher said grabbing everyone's attention; they all saw a man with wings; he was floating. "We have a new friend joining us! Please be easy on her, she is from a different country, so everything is new here, her Japanese might not be all there."
"He seems a little old to be an elementary kid," a student said.
The man looked down; then behind him. "Go on, Eva." Behind the man's leg a little girl with purple hair and red eyes poked her head out a little; only showing one eye. "Don't be shy." The little girl fully showed herself; she was flying as the man next to her floated. From Katsuki could see the girl was absolutely terrified.
"Friends; please welcome Eva Yuki," the teacher instructed.
"I'll be back for you when the school day is over," the man said; before the girl could say anything the man flew out.
"Now, Eva we have a strict rule of no Quirk use in school," the teacher said; the little girl looked at her. "We are all friends here." Eva touched the ground, her gold wings being seen easier by the students; she looked around, eyes landing on Izuku; she started to walk forward but quickly fell over, and everyone started to laugh at her.
Bakugo's body moved without thinking; in seconds he was standing in front of Eva. "The name Katsuki Bakugo." Eva slowly looked up at him.
"Since you are being so friendly today, please buddy with Eva today, Katsuki," the teacher instructed putting hands together." The boy held out a hand and Eva stared at it unsure of what to do.
"You can trust me," Katsuki said. She got up on her own and started to walk only to fall over again; this time Katsuki caught her. "Clumsy one, aren't ya?"
*Memory changes scenes
It's been two weeks since Eva joined the school and she hasn't said a word to anybody even her next-door neighbor Deku; she sat at the same table as Katsuki and did everything silently. Everyone was sitting around for story time; Eva sat in the back as far from the teacher as she was allowed to.
"Why don't you talk at all?" Katsuki asked as he scooted back to her; she remained focused on the teacher. "Are you that stupidly shy? If you are worried about your Japanese, I can help you. Best in the class." Eva remained silent, she folded her hands together.
"Katsuki," the teacher said. "Quiet during story time or you'll lose a point."
Bakugo jumped to his feet. "DON'T YOU DARE TAKE A FUCKING POINT FROM ME!"
"KATSUKI BAKUGO!" the teacher scolded getting to her feet.
A week later, they were all at recess; all the kids were playing. Bakugo heard crying he looked over to see some of his classmates had grabbed Eva by the wings; they kept pulling them every way; pinning her to the ground. In seconds; the classmates were all on the ground crying; some with burn marks from Bakugo's Quirk. Eva looked to see the smoke coming from his hands as teachers ran over yelling.
Bakugo looked at Eva; it was the first time he had ever heard her talk; she was crying; he watched the tear drops from her eyes drip on her injuries; he watched them close up and disappear, and he noticed she was bleeding white blood instead of red.
"Why did you step in?" Eva asked looking away from him.
"Because that's what heroes do," Bakugo answered.
"Ka-suki," Eva said again; he knelt down to her. "Thank you."
"It's as I said before, you can trust me," Bakugo said; Eva looked to see that he was holding out a hand, and this time Eva grabbed it.
***Memories over***
Present-day Bakugo looked over to see that Eva was now fast asleep, he was well aware of how overprotective he could be of her at times.
***Another Memory***
They were still in elementary school, and Eva hadn't been to school in two weeks; today was the day that Bakugo was finally going to ask.
"Why hasn't Eva been coming to school?" Bakugo asked.
"She's just been super sick," the teacher answered. "She'll be back when she's all better." Katsuki could immediately tell that he was being lied to.
"Liar!" Katsuki shouted sticking a finger up. "Shitty liar!"
"Katsuki Bakugo!" the teacher scolded. As school ended; Katsuki bolted to where Izuku and Eva lived; he was going to get answers from the main source. As he passed the park in the neighborhood; he saw a teenager with shaggy auburn hair; he was wearing white surgical gloves, and next to him was a little girl with purple hair and golden wings.
"EVA!" Katsuki shouted; the two stopped walking; nothing could've prepared him for when she turned to look at him. Her limbs were wrapped in bandages; her head was wrapped, an eye patch over her left eye; and her lip was busted.
"Do you know him, Evalina?" the man asked without looking back. Katsuki noticed the girl was scared of the boy.
"He's a friend from school," Eva answered.
"A friend?" the boy asked. "You never mentioned making friends before."
"Only two," Eva said as she looked back at the teenager.
"Then I will trust him to walk you the rest of the way home," the boy said.
"Wait a damn minute!" Katsuki shouted as he ran up to him. "Are you the reason that Eva hasn't been at school for two weeks?"
"No, but I am behind why she can return," the teen answered. "Now be a good little boy and walk the girl home." Before Katsuki could respond the teen walked down a dark alley. It was a silent walk home; Katsuki was quick to piece together why Eva hadn't been at school.
"Did you get to meet any heroes when you got rescued?" Katsuki asked as he clenched his fist.
"No heroes," Eva denied softly. "They don't ever come."
Katsuki looked at her in a puzzled state. "Has this happened before?" Eva nodded her head. "Well, those heroes are nothing but damn scum for not coming to your rescue. I tell you what Eva Gust; when I become a hero better than All Might; I'll smoke everyone to the grave that ever dares to lay a damn filthy finger on you!" Eva glanced over to see the boy had a big toothy grin as he held up to fist, she then tripped over her foot; he was quick to catch her. He put her on his back and started to walk for the both of him. He looked back at her; not once had he ever seen her smile or hear a laugh since they'd met. "From this moment on, I will Katsuki Bakugo will be your number one hero!"
***Memory Over***
Back in the present; Bakugo had turned on his side to face Eva; he put a hand on the side of her face.
'That Sludge Day; she told me I was her number one hero, I am not entirely she if she meant it,' Katsuki thought to himself. 'I know she didn't like heroes back then, but I wanted her to have faith in me.'
***Another Memory***
They were now nine; having known each other for a whole year now, and not once had Katsuki seen Eva smile or heard her laugh; according to her dad its now been two years since she's done either. During the building of the friendship; Katsuki learned the truth about Eva and her family being fae. They were not actually from a different country, but a whole different realm. It explained why Eva was so unfamiliar with so many things. Katsuki had tried everything to get her to smile or laugh. Pranked many people; and pulled down the pants of their classmates including Izuku's pants. He tried to make as many silly faces and jokes as possible, but nothing. The teenage boys ripped out her wings; making it harder for Katsuki to accomplish his goals with his new friend. Eva had an odd accent that made her sound a bit funny, she talked oddly too, and she got picked on for it, which Bakugo always snapped at people for it.
At the moment; the two were at a festival; they were on the merry-go-round riding side by side. Katsuki was having a great time; he looked to see that Eva was clinging to the pole with her eyes closed; this was her first time on an amusement ride; and she was getting a little dizzy.
"Eva!" Katsuki shouted. "Eva Gust!" She opened her eyes to see him holding out a hand. "If you are scared just take my hand!" She reached out to grab it; she noticed how carefree he was as he tightened his grip. She focused on him a bit as they continued to go around; without realizing it a smile had formed on her face.
After that ride; Katsuki pulled Eva toward the Ferris wheel; her smile hadn't dropped yet. "Eva?"
"Ka suki," Eva responded as they started to around on a new ride; the stars were shining bright that night.
"You have a cute smile," Katsuki said as he looked at her. "You should do it more," Eva placed her hands on her face as her smile dropped. "I said more not less!" They came to a stop at the top. "Look!" He pointed at the stars. "That star there is called Sirius, the Northern Star." He heard a laugh; he looked over to see that Eva had her hand over her mouth as she giggled. "What's so funny?"
"The northern star is Polaris," Eva answered. "The brightest star is Sirius."
Katsuki frowned. "You laughing at my mistake?"
"I didn't expect you to get it wrong when you remind me of a star," Eva answered. Katsuki started to blush a little; he studied her as she studied the stars. "Look!" He looked up to see a shooting star. "As humans say; make a wish!" He looked back at her again...she was smiling.
"Which star?" Kastuki asked.
Eva looked at him. "You are your own star; for like us, stars are not fixed they are constantly moving."
"If you had to pick among the stars which one do I remind you of?" Katsuki asked; his eyes were big.
"Polaris," Eva answered.
"Why not Sirius?" Katuski asked a little disappointed.
"People use Polaris as a way to guide them when lost," Eva answered. "I always find myself looking at you when I feel that way."
***Memory Over***
Katsuki was now on his back; eyes still focused on Eva as she slept; putting his hand in hers. 'Do you still look me that way? Polaris when you are feeling lost.'
An entire week of working with Endeavor had passed; they were currently on night patrol.
One of the days, someone came up to them talking in a different language.
"Sir, please calm down," said Endeavor. "Do you have anyone to help translate?"
"Oh, I can help," offered Eva stepping up. She immediately started speaking with the guy in the same tongue, Endeavor and Shoto were surprised, standing there like sims. Izuku and Katsuki just listened, being fae Eva knew every language out there and could speak each. They were both surprised to learn that Japanese wasn't her first language. She knew Japanese when she first came to them, she just chose not to speak much. It made the other students believe she didn't know, they picked on her for it.
After a few minutes, the man kissed her hand before speeding off. "He just needed help with directions."
"What language was it this time?" asked Izuku with a smile. He remembers a few times, Eva helping people at the store or on the street.
"Croatian," answered Eva with a small smile. Suddenly a bunch of people surrounded them, all talking in different directions, trying to get to Eva. She easily responded to them all in each language, but they weren't letting up. Endeavor reached into the middle and pulled Eva out of the crowd by the back of her shirt.
"Excuse us, we need to continue with patrol," said Endeavor.
"Right," breathed Eva, who looked a bit overwhelmed.
Another day on patrol.
"That thief took my bag!" a man cried; they turned to him. "Someone, call a hero!" All the students took off toward the incident; all in mind the hero said to them.
'Keep focusing on the ways you can improve. Train till you can do hero work in your sleep. By the time you consciously decide what to do, you should already be in action!'
Endeavor immediately jumped ahead of them grabbing the thief.
"We were the ones that responded first this time," Shoto said as Eva picked up the bag.
"Dammit, how did he beat us again?" Bakugo groaned.
"Here you go, sir," Eva said as she handed the suitcase to him.
"Thanks so much!" the man said as he bowed a little. "There's a ton of cash in this case---" His eyes focused on her. "Do you have a quest to give me?"
Eva was now off to the side in a state of gloom. "Why does this always happen?"
"Any magical beans?" the man asked as Izuku consoled her. "Frogs like me to kiss?"
Endeavor on the other hand tried to distract the man. "You should be more careful if you're still using cash these days."
Kido came through on the mic. "Endeavor! We've got a hit-and-run in Area 23!"
"Got it," Endeavor said. "Be right there!"
"Crap!" Bakugo responded as they all took off.
"Let's go!" Shoto said. By the time they got there; the culprit was taken care of.
"Let's stop here for today," Endeavor said as his students arrived. "You should return to your rooms and get some sleep."
"I'm not done fighting!" Bakugo protested as he stood up.
"Don't argue, Kacchan," Izuku urged.
"What about you?" Shoto asked. "You're not coming back with us?"
"I'll head in after patrol's over," Endeavor answered. "We have an early day tomorrow. Don't start it out fatigued." They did what was requested of them; Eva was now in Izuku's room as he was in the personal bathroom taking care of his teeth. He was rambling on about the day; everything picked up while Eva just listened as she flipped through a magazine.
"Eva, what kind of sidequests would you give?" Izuku asked.
"Not you too," Eva groaned as she shoved her face into a pillow.
Izuku stepped out of the bathroom turning the light off. "Just out of curiosity."
Eva lifted her head. "Hm...I'd have them go up the mountain; down a dangerous dark cave and fetch me dragon scales in return...they'll receive a healing potion."
"How about a bigger quest?" Izuku asked as he sat on the bed.
Eva thought about it. "If they find the legendary missing Mercury Stone and bring it to me..then I'll gift them immortality."
Izuku started laughing. "Isn't immortality a curse as well?"
"Yeah," Eva answered. "Even having longevity is a curse."
"Why do you see it as a curse?" Izuku asked.
"One day everyone I love will be gone," Eva answered. "I don't try to think of the future 'cause I can't imagine life without you or Katuski."
"Then whatever life I have next I'll be sure to find you," Izuku said.
"But you won't remember me in another life form," Eva said.
"No; but my soul will," Izuku said. "I will always be your friend no matter which life I am in." Eva smiled putting her head back on the pillow; only showing her nose and eyes.
Eva rolled on her back; holding the pillow. "Can I show you something my mom has taught me?"
"Yes!" Izuku shouted sitting on the bed, she looked at him. "Sorry."
"Don't apologize," responded Eva moving the pillow. "It is my fault for hiding so much."
"Why do you?" asked Izuku turning around; he leaned back putting his head on the pillow.
"I am still seen as a villain by a lot of people, I don't want to add more to the narrative," answered Eva.
"It won't," said Izuku. "Well, I think it won't." Eva smiled, she clapped her hands together, then separated them revealing a rainbow. The rainbow started to spin rapidly in a circle, then Eva spread her hands and the colors filled the room; creating a close in-person experience of the Northern Lights. Izuku slowly sat up; his pupils were huge. Eva smiled more seeing that he liked it. "It's so pretty, Eva."
"It's not much for heroing," admitted Eva. "Just something to admire."
Izuku looked back at her. "Thank you for showing me." He gave her a smile when she looked at him, she returned it. "Something else?"
"I wanna learn another language," answered Izuku taking her hand. "You made me realize the possibility of a language barrier."
"I'll help you," Eva nodded.
"For the record," began Izuku. "I don't see you as a villain." Eva pulled him into a tight hug.
6:10 a.m. alarm came around in Izuku's room; both he and Eva got up to get ready for the day. Stepping into the hallway; many others were awake.
"Morning, Katsuki," Eva greeted as she fluttered up to him.
"What were you doing in Deku's room?" Katsuki asked without looking back; he was still in the mood for not beating Endeavor yet. His mask was pushing back his hair a bit; making it less spikey.
"Giving a sidequest," Eva answered; Katsuki laughed.
"Morning everyone," Izuku greeted as they entered the main room.
"Morning, rookie!" Burnin greeted as she stretched. "How's your progress goin'?"
"Oh, hi, Burnin," Izuku greeted. "It's fine, thanks!"
"It's way too early for you to be yelling, idiot!" Katsuki scolded.
"How's it been trying to nab a villain before Endeavor?" Burnin asked. "Sorry, I know, my bad for bringing up such a delicate subject!"
"Rough," Eva answered.
"I know he's a fast one and you've had zero success so far," Burnin said.
"Good morning, everyone," Shoto greeted; they all looked over at him.
"Morning, Shoto," Eva greeted; he smiled at her.
"Shoto!"Burnin shouted. "Hey there, slowpoke."
"We're not as far behind," Shoto said as he made his way into the room. "Yesterday we almost beat him. We need to remember what that felt like and use it to fuel us. Let's make today the day we surpass Endeavor, okay?" He breathed on his hand.
"I was the one who getting close, Icy Hot!" Bakugo said. "You were the one in my exhaust, which means I'm obviously above you!"
"I'm still trying to get used to pinpoint attacks," Shoto said to the other two.
"Sure, but it does look like you're slowly getting the hang of them," Izuku said.
"Yeah, I guess so," Shoto slightly disagreed.
"I'm talking!" Bakugo shouted.
"You were just saying it's too early to be yelling," Eva said as she looked at him.
"The accumulation before you release is a problem, too, huh?" Izuku asked.
"Yes, it takes me a while to get to my max output, so I can't attack quickly," Shoto explained.
"Moron!" Bakugo scolded. "You should always be storing energy up!"
"Good idea," Izuku said as Eva nodded.
"You ready?" They all looked to see Endeavor had joined them. "You boys and fae with me." In no time they were back on patrol. "You're still nowhere near good enough yet! Thinking, acting, controlling your powers. Shorten the time needed for each of those!" A high-window wash rope broke, and Endeavor was quick to catch the crew.
The day continued on. "Don't lose a single second! Stop incidents before they happen. To do that, you'll need an observing eye!" They now stood on top of a building; staring down at the people below. " Find the evil hiding in the everyday. You're not just looking for people. Observe everything happening around you. That's not something you can learn overnight. But the more experience you get, the more accurate you'll become." Endeavor took off and they all followed. "Run! Faster! Push yourselves! Never think you've reached your peak! Show me you're stronger than you were yesterday! A hero should be constantly accelerating!"
Sunset had come already; they stood on another building all bent over panting beside the pro hero.
"All that effort and we still didn't get ahead of him," Izuku said.
"Damn it, he's fast," Bakugo grunted.
"So observant, too," Eva said,
"But we are improving," Shoto said. "Think of where we all started on that first day."
Endeavor started raging after some silence. "FOLLOW ME!"
"Yeah!" Bakugo responded.
"Yes, sir!" Izuku and Eva responded.
By night came; they were standing in front of Todoroki's home in their school uniforms, Eva recognized it from her dream.
"What the crap?" Bakugo demanded.
"My sister invited everyone for dinner," Shoto answered.
"Why the crap?" Katsuki demanded.
"Because she wanted to meet my friends," Shoto answered.
"You march in there right now and tell her we aren't and never will be friends, hear me?" Katsuki demanded.
"Kacchan!" Izuku scolded; he looked back to see Eva staring at the place. "Don't be shy!"
"But I've only been inside two human homes before, yours and Katsukis," Eva said looking at him. "I'm unsure about this one."
"It'll be alright!" Izuku assured patting her shoulder. "Kacchan and I will be with you." Eva nodded grabbing onto his hand.
"Come on in!" Fuyumi greeted when Endeavor opened the door; she was wearing an apron. "Thank you for making time in your busy schedules to drop by for a bite. I'm Fuyumi, Shoto's older sister. It's nice to meet you! Good to see you again Yuki!"
"I'm happy to see you again as well," Eva smiled back.
"Thank you all for watching out for Shoto!" Fuyumi continued.
Izuku started to bow repeatedly. "Um, thank you for going out of your way to welcome us into your home. It's an honor! Oh, right, I'm Todoroki's classmate, Izuku Midoriya and I couldn't be more excited to be here!"
"I know who you are!" Fuyumi chimed. "I watched on TV when you fought my brother at the sports festival!" Eva started to take off her shoes.
Izuku gasped. "I'm sorry I kinda hurt him back there, but I swear it wasn't personal, honest! It's just that when we were giving it our all and---"
"She understands it was just a match Midoriya," Shoto said as he walked more into the house.
Bakugo was still raging. "I HATE THIS!"
"I got to know, Yuki," Fuyumi said as she looked at her. "Have you and my brother kissed since the sports festival?"
"Huh?!" Eva responded; she was flustered by the question.
"Fuyumi," said Shoto as he turned red.
Fuyumi put her hands together. "Sorry."
Soon, Fuyumi was leading them to the dining area.
"Sorry for the sudden invitation," Fuyumi apologized. "I'm delighted this managed to work out."
"I'm glad you asked us over," Eva said.
"Uh, pretty rare I get to see a friend's house," Izuku added. "I'm sure Eva enjoying the experience of how humans live more." They smiled at each other.
"Natsuo's here, too?" Shoto asked. "I saw his shoes by the front door."
"Well, I wanted the whole family to get to know your new friends," Fuyumi answered as she looked back. Eva looked passed everyone seeing a man that looked like Endeavor but with black hair at the end of the hall. Soon they all sat around a table; Eva noticed that Natsu also looked like the man at the end of the hall.
Endeavor sat at the head spot; on the other side were Fuyumi; Natsu and Todoroki. On the other side was Eva who sat furthest away from Endeavor, Izuku, and Katsuki. "Let me do introductions again. I'm Shoto's older sister Fuyumi. I teach at an elementary school nearby." She gestured to the other boy at the table. "And this is Shoto's older brother, Natsuo. He's in college."
Natsu looked at them putting a hand behind his head. "Hey, what's up?"
"Shoto. This is where you introduce, your friends," Fuyumi instructed.
"Right," Shoto said as he gestured to the people across the table. "These are three of my classmates in the hero course. Yuki, Midoriya, and Bakugo."
"Hello," Eva greeted as Izuku sat up more.
"Uh! It's nice to meet you!" Izuku greeted. There was a bit of an awkward silence.
"Uh...Anyway, let's dig in before the food gets cold!" Fuyumi urged. "If there's anything you don't like, please don't force yourself to eat it, I won't be sad."
"That's so nice!" Izuku said. "Thank you for the food!"
"Thank you," Eva said.
"Thanks for the food," Shoto said.
"Yeah," Natsuo said.
Eva reached behind Izuku and tugged on Katsuki's sleeve, he looked at her; she leaned behind Izuku and whispered to Katsuki. "Why isn't the man at the end of the hallway joining us?"
Katsuki made a face. "I love you Eva, but I do want to sleep tonight." They pulled away from each other. Eva noticed that there were a few vegetarian and vegan options. She took a bite of her food.
"These mushrooms are wonderful," Eva complimented. "It tastes like I'm back home in the Otherworld."
"Top compliment ever!" Fuyumi cheered as she put her hands on her face.
"Oh, whoa!" Izuku complimented the food as they ate. "This fried chicken is absolutely amazing!"
"I'm so glad you like it!" Fuyumi cheered.
Izuku began to analyze. "It's moist and well-seasoned on the inside while expertly crispy on the outside, giving you a satisfying mix of texture and pleasing the palate with---"
"Stop analyzing dinner, you freak!" Katsuki shouted angrily. "Your mumbling's ruining the taste of my mapo tofu! Eva, give me some of your mushrooms!"
"Of course," Eva responded. She reached over Izuku plopping mushroom into Katuski's bowl; in exchange, Katsuki put a piece of tofu in her bowl after making sure there was no meat on it. Fuyumi and Natsuo both noticed a sign of jealousy in Shoto.
Izuku gasped. "These rich meat juices were sent straight from heaven to my mouth."
"Not surprised," Natsuo said. "Our housekeeper had a back injury and retired early, so Fuyumi's been the one doing mostly in charge of cooking for a while now."
"That makes sense," Izuku said as he took a mushroom from Eva's bowl.
"You used to cook, Natsuo," Fuyumi pointed out. "We took turns."
"Wait. So, did I eat your food growing up?" Shoto asked.
"It's possible," Natsuo answered. "I can go overboard on seasoning, though. Endeavor might've kept you from having it." He glanced at the oldest human in the room. " He always did keep a close eye on your diet." A lighting of awkwardness struck mainly the guests.
"I suppose there is truth to that," Endeavor acknowledged. Natsuo looked away.
"So! Shoto, what kind of food do they serve at UA?" Fuyumi asked trying to change the subject.
"Cafeteria style," Shoto asked.
"You seem confused about something, Yuki," said Fuyumi in nervousness.
"What's a housekeeper?" asked Eva tilting her head, the Todorokis seemed confused by this question.
"There are still quite a lot of things Eva doesn't know about the human world, 8 years here and still lots to learn," Izuku explained. "Housekeepers being one of them."
"They are extra help with managing a household," explained Fuyumi with a smile.
"Are there other things that you are still unsure about?" Natsu asked out of curiosity.
Eva looked at him tilting her head. "The spinning doors at stores." She put a hand behind her and smiled sheepishly. "I still struggle with them." Katsuki smiled and Izuku looked at her with a gentle smile.
"Natsuo, I'd like to try your cooking next time," Endeavor requested as he put the bowl down.
"Thanks for the meal, sis," Natsuo said as he got up. "I showed like I said I would. But now I'm done."
"Wait!" Fuyumi pleaded; another lightning strike of awkwardness hit the guests. Eva and Izuku glanced at each other.
Natsuo was already out the door. "Sorry, but...I just can't do this." The door slid shut; there was a sad look in Fuyumi's eyes. Soon they were helping with clean up. Eva and Katsuki walked down the hall to the kitchen with dishes.
"It's that man again," Eva said; the man seemed surprised by her words.
"Eva please," Katsuki said.
"He is standing right there, Katsuki, he has black hair, and black eyes, very hard to miss," said Eva; the man became even more surprised.
Katsuki made a ticking sound. "In case you forgot I can't see things you can."
Eva looked at him and then back at the man. "Sorry." Izuku soon caught up to them as they entered the kitchen.
"Um, excuse me?" Izuku asked as they saw Endeavor at the sink. "Our dishes?" He pointed to a spot on the counter. "Right." They now made their way back to the dining room.
"So, uh, did you two know about Todoroki's family had a lot of issues going on before this?"
"Yeah," Eva answered softly.
"Only because you guys talked about it so loud I couldn't ignore it," Katsuki explained.
"You two were listening?" Izuku asked in surprise. Bakugo and Eva glanced at each other as they stopped in front of a door; overhearing another conversation.
"I feel bad making Yuki, Midoriya, and Bakugo help with the cleanup," Fuyumi said.
"Midoriya and Eva would be upset if you didn't let them pitch in," Shoto said.
"Listen. I...It's not that I don't sometimes feel the way Natuso does," Fuyumi began. "But...Now is our chance to fix this. So, tell me. How do you feel about our dad? Honestly."
"He may not've been there, but he's responsible for the scar I have," Shoto answered. "Mom put up with a monster until he pushed her past the breaking point. He ruined her. I can't forgive him so easily. You know...Mom's trying to get over this herself right now. Working through things. To be honest, I have no idea what I want from him. I don't know how to feel about the old man. But...I'll figure it out."
"You people," Katsuki growled; he slammed the door open. "If you're gonna invite guests over, don't talk about sensitive subjects! There are dishes that need washing!"
"Oh, no!" Fuyumi gasped. "I'm sorry, you're totally right."
"We are sorry for eavesdropping," Eva apologized as she lowered her head a little. "You have thin walls."
Izuku was mainly panicking among the three. "Yeah, so we've, uh, heard about the situation from Todoroki, so we're sort in the know!" They made their way toward the table.
"Normally, you'd think getting asked over for dinner is a good thing! But you went and ruined some good with your family drama," Katsuki scolded as he grabbed dishes.
"Katsuki!" Eva scolded as she grabbed dishes. "There's always a yelling match when I'm over at your house for dinner." She then recalled the times she spent a night or more due to her dad being out for a bit. "Yelling at any mealtime."
"That's different!" Katsuki shouted. They stepped into the hallway to hear footsteps; they saw Natsuo walking down the hall, not daring to look up; he had on a backpack.
"I'm sorry," Izuku apologized as he went to the other end of the table; he began to stack dishes. "Todoroki, I know it's not my business. But I think deep down, you're ready to move forward with your dad." Todoroki gasped. "Don't get me wrong though. If you don't forgive him, that's up to you. No one can force you to accept him. The thing're a really caring person. Seems like you're just waiting for something. If so...I'm sure you'll know how to feel when the time comes." Soon; Fuyumi, Shoto, Izuku, Katsuki, and Eva sat around the table drinking tea.
"Another brother?" Izuku asked.
"I thought you four were close," Fuyumi said. "So I figured you would have told them all about Toya."
"It's not exactly an easy subject to broach," Shoto said. "Though, I have told Eva." Eva and Izuku glanced at each other.
'When did you have a private conversation like that with Todoroki?' Izuku asked in her head.
'Not my information to tell others,' Eva responded. 'Though, as we are on the subject, I haven't seen or sensed his brother's ghost.'
'I love you and I wish to sleep tonight,' said Izuku.
Fuyumi looked at the other table. "Natsuo and Toya were incredibly close when we were growing up. They spent their days playing together. It happened soon after Mom was hospitalized. Somehow...her condition got even worse when she was committed." She tucked some hair behind her ear. "To the point that Shoto couldn't go see her." She looked at them. "But things have gotten much better. Especially since Shoto started visiting. Our family's been making progress. Except Natsuo. He can't let go of his anger toward our dad. In his mind, our father basically killed Toya."
"So, that's why his face was all angsty," Katsuki said with a hand on his face.
"I'm sorry," Fuyumi apologized. "I didn't mean to drop this on you."
"No," Izuku denied. "You're good."
"Time for me to take you back to school," Endeavor said; they looked to see him standing at the door.
"Yes, sir!" Izuku and Eva responded. They went to the entrance to grab their things.
'Hello?' a voice greeted; Eva looked up to see the strange man standing in front of her.
'It's you!' Eva gasped. 'I apologize for not being polite earlier.'
'How are you able to see me?' the man asked.
Eva pointed to her wings. 'Fairy.' The man smiled a bit. 'Who are you?'
'Enji's father,' the man answered. 'You must be Eva, I have heard Shoto mumbled about you under his breath.'
"Eva, what are you staring at?" Shoto asked.
"Nope," Katsuki said waving his arms in front of Shoto. "You don't even want to know."
Eva looked at the Mr. Todoroki. "See you next time."
Katsuki grabbed Eva's hand. "No." He barged out the door. In seconds; the rest joined them outside they had their school jackets back on along with their bags, standing outside the house. Izuku and Eva bowed a little as Bakugo went to the car. "Thank you for the meal!"
"It was super delicious, I mean it," Izuku said.
"Glad you liked it!" Fuyumi smiled.
"Don't forget you said you'd give me that tofu recipe," Katsuki said with one foot in the car.
"Will do!" Fuyumi assured.
"Don't worry, I'll remind her to text it to me," Shoto assured.
"Fuyumi," Endeavor said; she looked at him. "Thank you."
She smiled a little then took Izuku's hand. "I couldn't be happier that you're Shoto's friend, Midoriya. Thank you."
"Oh. Hey, uh...My pleasure," Izuku smiled.
"Before I forget," Fuyumi said as she turned to Eva. "Your dad asked me to give this to you."
"My dad?" Eva asked in surprise as a small box was placed in her hands.
"I have been meeting up with him a lot and he's been coming to my school a bit to help in the classrooms," Fuyumi answered. "The kids love him."
"I'm glad," Eva smiled. "Thank you." Soon they were all in the car on the way to school. Squished in the back, sat Eva, Katsuki, Izuku, and Shoto. Eva was getting a little dizzy and was holding onto Katsuki's arm.
"I want to see you progress on a faster timetable," Endeavor instructed. "Look at shifting your schedules. In addition to our weekends, I want you all working two days during the school week." He tapped his phone. "Yuki, I am aware you do lessons back home, be sure to work around that." Eva nodded.
"That's how it was for Urakaka, Kirishima, and the others last time," Todoroki informed the others.
"We've also got to prepare for our finals," Eva brought up.
"Hey, Todoroki. Can you help me with English?" Izuku asked.
"Of course," Shoto agreed.
Katsuki elbowed Izuku; pushing himself into center view. "So lame! Why doesn't the number one hero have a bigger car!"
"Oh, great. The brat's not happy with his free ride?" Kurumada the driver asked with the same energy.
'What an aggressive driver!' Izuku exclaimed.
'Same aggression level as Katsuki,' Eva added.
"Endeavor!" Kurumda exclaimed as he glanced over. "Since when do you hang out with ungrateful children like him!"
"Ever since I found myself at the top," Endeavor answered.
"ZOUNDS!" Kurumada sounded. "I guess it's true that success changes a man!"
'Zounds?' Todoroki asked.
'What the heck is that?' Izuku asked.
'I'd like to get out,' Eva thought as she felt herself getting dizzier.
"Huh?" Kurumada asked as he leaned forward. "ZOUNDS!" Natuso tied up in what seemed to be lane lines came flying toward the car; Kurumada swerved out of the way.
"It's Natsuo!" Todoroki gasped as they all looked out the window. Katsuki rolled down the window; and leaned over Eva to stick his head out.
"Pull your head inside, you idiot!" Kurumada ordered; the window went up.
"Look there!" Izuku exclaimed as the lines on the road moved around. "The lines on the road!"
"Quit talking! You'll bite your tongue off!" Kurumada ordered.
"Please let me out," Eva requested softly.
Katsuki looked at her to see she was looking a bit faint. "Pull yourself together, Eva Gust." He gently kissed her forehead; keeping his eyes locked on Natuso.
"What a nice house you live in, Endeavor!" Ending greeted; they looked out the front window to see a man standing in front of the car. Eva clung onto Katsuki's arm tighter as the car spun a lot; crashing into the edge; Endeavor shot out the front window.
"LET MY SON GO!" Endeavor growled.
"Not so fast!" Ending denied as he pulled Natsuo in front of him; making Endeavor put on the brakes. "Finally. You remember me, don't you? Say you do!" Eva had let go of Katsuki as he put his hand on the window.
"Seven years ago," Endeavor recalled. "You were on the verge of a rampage. But I showed up. You went by a villain name. It was..."
"YES!" Ending cheered. "That's exactly right!" He clapped his hands together. "Oh, wow. You didn't forget! Thank you." He started crying tears of joy. "You've made me so happy. You remember Ending."
"You heard me. Put down my son," Endeavor ordered.
Ending started to laugh. "Sorry, Endeavor. But you gotta understand." He grabbed hold of Natsuo. "You had so many things I could never dream of having." He threw him up. " not in 1,000,00 years. That's why admire you! You see, I have nothing in this world worth protecting." The road lane changed to an arrow; aimed right at Natuo's head. "Don't think I won't kill him! That depends on you! Please don't mess up this time!" He hugged himself. "I want you to murder me." A chill filled the air. "Yeah, I know, heroes don't kill even when things get crazy. But then obliterated the Nomu. I'm the same as that puppet. A non-entity. I could be alive or dead or somewhere in between--who knows? Hard to tell, so think nothing of it! Use those incredible flames of yours to turn me into ash!"
"What a wacko," Eva commented; Bakugo exploded the window.
"Let's go!" Todoroki urged; they all quickly got out of the car.
"Hey, not so fast you brats!" Kurumada shouted. "You're forgetting something!" The trunk opened ejecting the hero suitcases.
Izuku jumped up. "Kacchan! Eva! Shoto! Catch!"
"This guy's done for," Katsuki declared as he put on a gauntlet, Eva put the bug catcher on her back.
"I won't let him hurt, Natso," Shoto declared as he put on his support gear.
'We'll protect him!' all four students declared.
"I'm coming, brother!" Shoto shouted as he made his way down the street with ice. Each of them dodged in their own way. Eva sliced the lane lines coming at her; Izuku used air bullet and Shto with fire.
"DAMN! I HATE FIGHTING IN THE WINTER!" Katsuki roared as he let off explosions.
"Are those work-study students!" Ending asked; he jumped back. "Don't ruin my glorious death!" Endeavor shot forward. "Let's keep this between us, Endeavor! You're my only hope!" Endeavor suddenly stopped letting Ending and Natuso get further away. The work-study students charged forward as the man started to cry. "Why aren't you incinerating me? Looks, like one son, isn't enough to make you break your stupid rules!"
"I'M WARNING YOU!" Shoto shouted as he shot forward. "DROP NATSUO!"
The man screamed. "If you don't kill me quick, what happens next is your fault." The lane lines started to lift cars off the ground. "More innocents are gonna end up dead!" Eva shot two wind pellets; hitting Ending; he flew up with the wind knocked out of him, Eva quickly shot in and out of all of the cars; grabbing all the people inside. Katsuki saved Natsuo from being hit by the train.
"Think I'd let that happen?" Katsuki asked with a smile. "HEH!"
Izuku shot up; releasing Blackwhip; using it to grab onto all the vehicles to prevent them from falling as Shoto prevailed forward with fire. "None of your wishes...are gonna come true!" Ending bounced on the ground; he bounced up to just end up being captured by Shoto's ice. Eva put all the people on the ground as Izuku gently landed the cars.
"I thought I was a goner," the man admitted. One man was on all fours and about to throw up.
"Oh no! Are you alright?" Izuku asked as he ran over.
"Uh-huh," the man assured. "You two saved me."
"Yeah, thanks!" the other man said as he walked over. "You two are amazing!"
"I'm just glad you're okay," Izuku smiled.
"Hey, you good?" Katsuki asked Natsuo who had been freed. They looked to see Endeavor running over; he hugged Natsuo and Katsuki at the same time.
"ARE YOU HURT?" Endeavor asked as he pulled back.
"'Course not!" Katsuki responded in annoyance.
"It's hot," Natsuo said. Endeavor pulled them both close to him.
"Old man smell!" Katsuki cried; he immediately got out of the grasp; and Eva flew over to him. "Where's the White-Line Moron!?"
"He's been secured," Shoto answered.
"This is all wrong!" Ending cried as he was trapped in the ice. "Not you guys. Not you! It wasn't supposed to be like this!"
Katsuki turned to the people, pointing at them. "Extras! You alive?"
"If you mean the nice innocent people in their cars, yeah, they're fine!" Izuku assured.
"Please don't call them extras," Eva said as she lowered his arm.
"It's a total victory!" Izuku cheered.
"SHUT UP!" Katsuki roared.
"But it really is!" Izuku cried.
Bakugo looked at Endeavor with a smug look on his face. "What was that you wanted us to do, Number One? 'This winter, just one time, I want you to show me...that you can capture a villain faster than I can!" He laughed with his arms in the air.
"Yes, you did great," Endeavor acknowledged; Katsuki's smile dropped. "You covered for my mistake. And outmatched me in terms of speed."
Katsuki looked away in slight annoyance. "Suddenly, the guy gets all sincere and crap."
"Kacchan," Izuku said as he ran up.
"At least act a little pissed off," Katsuki requested.
"Get off of me!" Natsuo ordered; they looked to see the hold between father and son was broken.
"I'm sorry," Endeavor apologized. "For a second, all I could think...was if I rescued you, maybe you would'd never say anything to me again, even if you were angry." Natsuo gasped. "Natsuo. You may not believe this. I swear. I never meant to neglect you, children. I ran from my troubles and left you responsible for too much. And Touya. I might as well have killed him myself." People started to honk their horns.
"You never meant to neglect us?" Natuso asked. "Well, it doesn't matter. Because...all I remember is feeling abandoned like Touya said. It'd be a cold day in hell before I forgive you." There were tears in his eyes. "You got it? You see, I'm not a kind person like Shoto is."
"You say that. But you still show up for your family's sake," Endeavor said in a wavering voice. "For your sister and for your father. Fuyumi longs for a happy family with all her heart. Because I ruined ours. Aren't you making an effort so she won't lose faith that we can have peaceful times ahead of us? That we can start over? You're kind in your own way." Natsuo gasped more as tears threatened to pour out. "It's okay if you don't forgive me. Because I don't want forgiveness. I want to atone."
Natsuo closed his eyes as his tears fell. "Whenever you're around us, Sis seems so happy. But me? When I see your face, all those memories rush back." He opened his eyes again. "Why should I have to get over my feelings when everything's your fault? So you want to atone? What the hell is there you can even do for us?"
"I do have something in mind," Endeavor answered.
Ending let out more cries. "No, no. Stop it, Endeavor! Why are you suddenly being so soft? Just get angry! Shape up! You're my hope. Don't give up! Where are your flames? I need you to destroy me! Kill me! Please! This isn't what I wanted. It's not fair." Sirens approached. "Please! You still have time to murder me, Endeavor!" Eva looked over to the man, she narrowed her eyes letting them glow. "I'll shut up now, sorry."
The police showed up; he gave them a quick report. "His Quirk of controlling painted white lines was chemically boosted."
"Is that so?" Endeavor asked.
"Yeah," the officer nodded. "Those drugs aren't as prevalent now, but they're still on the streets."
"You'd better be more careful, boss," Kurumada advised. "That's two times in the last two days you've been targeted. The darkness seems unending."
"Yes, but...light will never go away, either," Endeavor said; he motioned to the children talking to each other.
"Um, thank you for earlier," Natsuo said. "So, uh, what's your hero name?"
"Huh?" Katsuki asked.
"It's just Bakugo right?" Izuku asked.
"Wrong, nerd," Katsuki denied.
Izuku lit up. "Huh? You finally picked one? Tell me!"
"DON'T EVEN ASK!" Katsuki roared getting in his face. "NO WAY IN HELL I'LL EVER TELL YOU! YOU CAN DROP DEAD!"
"How about me then?" Shoto asked.
Katsuki faced him with the same amount of rage. "FORGET IT! YOU CAN SHARE THIS NERD'S COFFIN!"
"What do you have in mind, Katsuki?" Eva asked.
He looked at her in a calmer state. "There's someone I gotta run by first."
'So unfair,' Izuku and Todoroki thought.
'Best Jeanist,' Eva thought.
Endeavor took them back to school; Eva held on to Katsuki again as she got dizzy again. Eventually, Shoto told Eva everything that happened in his family after the incident. Endeavor was going to build another house for his children and Rei; while he remained at the old house alone.
As for the thing Eva was given to her by her dad. It was late at night at the dorms; mostly everyone had returned but went right to bed. Eva was in her hammock with Izuku staring down at the little music box.
"What song does it play?" Izuku asked.
"I don't know yet," Eva admitted as she started to spin the handle; when she let go a familiar tune started to play. Izuku happily listened to it as tears welled up in Eva's eyes,
"I never heard this song before," Izuku said when it finished. "What's it--OH YOU ARE CRYING"
"I'm sorry," Eva apologized as she wiped her eyes,
"Must be a good song then," Izuku said.
"Yeah," Eva smiled a little. "My mom used to sing this song to me when I was little. It's been nine years since the incident." Izuku studied her. "I can hear her voice more clearly now." She looked at him with a smile as tears streamed down her face.
Izuku pulled her into a hug as Eva turned the handle again. "I never know what to say in things like this; I am so sorry."
"You are saying it," Eva said as she put the music box done.
"But all it is a hug," Izuku said.
"Actions speak as much as words do," Eva said as she hugged back. "Most of the time; if not louder."
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