Chapter 45

Everyone stood together as their teachers continued to brief them on their performances.  

"We still have much to analyze from these fights," Vlad King said to everyone. "But I'd say, in all probability, Shinso will join the hero course in your second year. Just make sure you don't let him outshine you!"

"Got it!" the students responded. 

"Which class will he join?" Eva asked.

"A?" Kaminari and Kirishima asked.

"B?" Tetsutesu asked as he stepped forward. 

"The particulars will come later," Vlad King answered. "The training critiques are far from over. "

Ashido raised her hand. "Speaking of which, question! Can you unleash Mineta for being the absolute worst!"

"Ugh!" Mineta gasped in protest. "That whole 'smashing into your chest' thing was a lucky accident. Don't forget I put my life on the line to keep Shoda and those girls from strategizing!"

Monoma got into one of his moods. "It's true that, in a tragic twist, Class B was defeated today. But! We didn't necessarily lose if you look at what we planned! If I had known Midoriya's Quirk was a blank then we could've come up with tactics in response." He pointed over to where Aizawa was standing. "In other words, if we were to fight again right now, there's no telling who would win!"

"That's enough outta you!" Vlad King scolded. "Today's class is already over!"

Aizawa walked over. "While we're on the subject of your Quirk, Monoma, I have a task for you. Come visit Eri tomorrow."


After class ended; Eva was up in All Might's office with Bakugo and Izuku; the students sat across from All Might all having tea. Eva sat in between the boys.

"So, it's a previous wielder's Quirk and One For All itself is evolving?" All Might asked. 

"You guys always have secret meetings in here?" Katuski asked; he picked up his cup.

"I was surprised to see you both here," Izuku admitted with a smile.

"I asked Young Bakugo to come because he knows the truth behind your power," All Might explained. "Young Yuki does as well...but she was able to experience your dream due to accidental dreamwalking." 

"So, did you know about this, All Might?" Katsuki asked. "About the dark energy and the person Deku spoke to?"

"He still more of a vestige in the dream," Eva recalled. 

"I'd never heard of either before," All Might admitted. "A predecessor with a shaved head? The person who had the Qurik before my master was a young man with black hair. I don't think she knew about the other Quirks living in One For All either. I'd say this is uncharted territory or everyone."

"Great, this idiot scum is the first one to go out of control," Bakugo groaned.

"Katsuki," Eva warned. 

"Think harder," Bakugo said to Izuku "You must've noticed something that triggered the new power."

"I don't think so," Izuku answered. "But that man I talked to said 'Now's the time', so...maybe there's something going on in the world that's making this happen?"

Bakugo looked away. "If that's true, could it have something to do with All For One?"

"That means the League of Villains is involved as well," Eva said. 

Katsuki nodded. "This passed-on ability originally came from him, right? And think about it. He has control over multiple Quirks. I see it now. You're basically the same as him."

All Might got to his feet. "That's something I've thought but didn't wanna say. At any rate, this cannot keep happening. We have to learn more about this power."

"Eva," Izuku said. "I need tips from you."

"Huh?" Eva asked.

"The wielder with this power says I need to be able to keep tabs on my heart," Izuku answered. "Keeping your emotions in check helps you channel your magic, right?"

"Negative emotions can provide a powerful boost, but it can be harmful and you will eventually lose control as you did earlier," Eva explained; she studied him. "You were angry when it unleashed earlier, weren't you?" Izuku nodded.

After the meeting the boys went to train more as Eva went back to the dorms; she was surprised to see Class B and Shinso there as well.

"I was beginning to worry, dearest friend," Shiozaki said as she grabbed Eva's hands. 

"It's good to see you as well," Eva smiled; she looked at everyone else.

"We figured this would be a good way to cleanse our sins after committing so many against each other," Shiozaki explained. "Nobody will be witnessing hell's fire today."

"I think I need a soul for that," Eva said sheepishly. She continued to mingle and help with the dinner among her classmates.

"Yuki!" Monoma greeted walking up to her. "You are close with Eri." Eva nodded. "Why do you think Aizawa wants me to see her."

"Well, if it's about your Quirk, he probably wants to see if you can copy hers," Eva answered. "Eri still has no clue how her power works exactly."

"That's if it doesn't come up as a blank," Monoma answered Eva nodded. "There is something I'm also curious have magic right?"

"Yes," Eva answered. "You want to try to copy it...I've never transferred magic like this before."

"You let me do the work," Monoma smirked as he put a hand over his chest. "I am a copy master." Eva pulled the flower out of her hair, the one that Katsuki had given her earlier; she held onto one hand and focused her magic on the other hand. Monoma watched the creases in her hand glow a green.

"Give it a try," Eva urged as she held out her hand. "This most likely will feel different than a Quirk."

"I'm ready!" Monoma chimed as he touched the middle of her palm. Eva watched the creases on Monoma's hand glow the same as hers; his hand went over to the flower; it began to look healthier. "You are right about it feeling's more energy-based."

"That's because it is energy," Eva answered. 

"Is it always this intense?" Monoma asked as his eyes twitched; blood spilled out from his ears and his nose a little. 

"I guess it is for a human," Eva answered as tilted her head; she reached up wiping the blood.

A bit later dinner was ready and Bakugo returned to the dorms. Eva was sitting next to him on the couch; she fishing around for meat in her bowl to put into his bowl.

"YOU'RE A MORON!" Tetsutestu shouted; they looked over to see he had headbutted Kirishima. "Baby! Stop whining like you're a weakling!"

"I can't," Kirshima grunted; holding his cheek. "You completely showed me up with your manliness in that match."

"Since I'm made of metal, I can withstand intense heat," Tetsutestu explained. "But on the other hand, there's a limit to how durable I can be. You think I'm not aware of how dented up I'll get if I take a beating? But you're opposite! The more you're hit, the stronger you get!"

"Ah--" Kirshima grunted as he took his hand. "You're right!" He got to his feet. "We're both manly, Tetsutesu!"

Iida sped over to the front door; Eva could tell it was Izuku. "Hi! Beef Stew is on the dinner menu tonight!"

"Oh okay!" Izuku smiled. "And it looks like Class B's joining us, too?"

"Yes!" Iida nodded. "They've come to mingle and talk about the training!"

"Midoriya," Todoroki greeted walking up. "I've been looking for you."

"Hey, what's up," Izuku greeted. 

"I didn't know you had two Quirks this whole time as well," Todoroki brought up. "Given what you that day...You were adamant that I not hold back against you in our fight. But I guess you were hiding something yourself. "

"No, it's not that! Izuku answered in a panic. "I think this dark energy is derived from my Quirk. Which would mean it's just another part of my original power. Today was the first time something like that happened so I was surprised myself. "

"How interesting," Todoroki responded. "That must've been difficult for you. I bet it was pretty shocking. I apologize for doubting you."

"How can he be sharp and dull at the same time?" Katsuki asked so only Eva could hear him.

"I think it's part of being half and half," Eva answered; Katsuki leaned back bursting into laughter.

"You were amazing, Todoroki!" Izuku gushed after side glancing at the other two. "I didn't know you'd gotten so good at using your flames."

"Not nearly good enough," Todoroki denied. "Seems the two of us are almost in the same predicament. And that's why...I have to start aiming even higher." 

Later that night; Eva was up late looking back at her notes for a silver-iron-resistant spray when there was a knock on her door.

"Eva," Iida greeted from the other side. "I've come for those books."

"Oh," Eva breathed as she went over with a book in her hand. "Sorry, to keep you waiting Iida."

"You only have one book," Iida said once she opened it.

"This one surrounds wings," Eva answered. "I figured this would help you."

"If I may ask," Iida said as he pushed up his glasses. "Why don't you know how to restore something like this?"

Eva looked back at her. "I didn't expect a single wing to be gone---"

"Ah, I see" Iida breathed. "We are very lucky it was just a wing." Eva handed the book to him. "I will study this by reading front to cover four times."

"Thank you, Iida," Eva smiled.


The next day, Eva was in front of the teacher's dorms with a couple of others. 

"It's the bad guy, oh no!" Eri cried as she backed up. 

"What's this foolish child saying?" Monoma laughed it off; Eri went and hid behind Eva's wing.

"Oh, I told her that UA has its bad parts and that you represented one of its downsides," Mirio explained. 

"I'm sorry, I'm a man who follows the path of peace and justice," Monoma defended himself. "How dare you malign, sir."

" you have any idea why he was asked to come here?" Izuku asked.

"You haven't connected the dots, yet?" Eva asked looking at him.

"What is there to connect?" Izuku asked.

"Ah, Midoriya, Togata. Sorry to borrow your time," Aizawa said; they looked to see that their teacher had finally arrived. "There was something I wanted to ask Monoma to do, but after thinking about their personalities, I wasn't sure they'd mesh well."

"Well, I love to hear you'd been thinking about me, teach!" Monoma laughed manically. When they got inside; Monoma gently touched Eri's hand. A little horn grew on Monoma's head. 

"Well?" Eva asked as she leaned over.

"Any luck?" Izuku asked. 

"Hm," Monoma breathed as he looked over. "This one is a blank. Unfortunately, I'm not going to be able to help you out, it seems. Sorry, sir."

Aizawa shifted his head a bit. "Disappointing, but it's not your fault."

"You wanted him to copy Eri's quirk?" Mirio asked. "Why would that be a good thing?"

"Also, what does blank mean?" Izuku asked. 

"It must mean her power works like yours," Monoma answered. "Both of your Quirks function as stockpilers." Izuku gasped. "I copy the core nature of the Quirk itself. But if it's an ability that accumulates something and changes it into a form of energy I don't copy the stored-up fuel that would make it function."

"That makes sense why you were able to copy my magic yesterday," Eva said. 

"Fatgum's Quirk only works if he's stockpiled a bunch of fat," Izuku added. "Monoma could copy the base power, but he'd still be skinny."

"I draw these blanks once in a while," Monoma continued to explain. "The same logic goes for when I copied your Quirk, but couldn't release any of its energy."

"So...why try this on Eri?" Mirio asked.

"She's not able to activate her Quirk right now, but one day it may return in full," Aizawa explained as he walked forward. "If she doesn't know how to use it, she might endanger herself or others, that's why I thought it'd be easier if Monoma borrowed her power and trained with it, and taught her how to use it safely. But I suppose that was a longshot."

Eri touched her horn; she had become saddened. "I'm really sorry, you're having a lotta trouble because of me. It's always like that. I cause everyone problems. I just wish that I didn't have this power."

"Don't get sad," Mirio requested. 

"It doesn't always cause trouble, though," Izuku said as he and Eva took Monoma's place. "You can't forget. You saved my life with your rewind Quirk. Powers aren't good or bad."

"It's all about how you use it," Eva added as she held out her hand, a daisy formed in her hand, Eri smiled a little.

"Think of them like they're knives in the kitchen," Izuku began as Eva put the flower in Eri's hair. "They may be dangerous, but if they're sharp and you use them right, they make yummy food, huh? That's why when you use your power for good, it's wonderful." Eri smiled more."

"Okay, then. I'll get better at my Quirk!" Eri declared. 

"Good," Izuku smiled. 


Ever since Eri moved into the dorms; Eva spent two hours at least each day with her, more if she was able to. It was now Saturday night, and Eva was playing cards with Tokoyami, Ashido, and Ojiro at the TV table.

"It's snowing!" Mineta cheered as he ran outside with a few others

Kirishima ripped off his shirt. "Let's test our bodies against the elements!"

"Is that necessary?" Yaoyorozu asked as Iida chopped his arms at them.

"Be careful not to slip!" Iida advised. 

"Close the door, you guys!" Urakaka pleaded. "Tsu's going into hibernation!"

"Oh, we'll get her warmed up quick," Jiro said as she closed the door. 

"Wonder what the weather girl is sayin'," Kaminari said as he walked up to Sero who was eating. 

"Anyone know what time Todoroki is going to be back from his big test?" Sero asked.

"Not till later," Eva answered as she looked at her phone. "Katsuki and Shoto said they'd text me when they were on the way home."

"I want to borrow some manga from Todoroki," Sero said. 

"Should be around six," Izuku answered. 

"It's their last supplemental class," Iida recalled. "If Todoroki and Bakugo pass today, every member of Class A will have provisional licenses!"

A little later, Eva was playing cards with Sero, Kirshima, and Ashido. Jiro sipped on her tea. "I wonder if they're taking their test right now. They will pass won't they." Sato walked into the room with more of the tea that Yaoyorozu made. 

"Oh, yeah!" Hagakure assured. "Bakugo may be a jerk, but he's been doing real good lately."

"Maybe, I'll make a cake while we're all waiting," Sato offered.

"Woo-hoo!" Eva and Hagakure cheered. 

"Still Psyched I got my license before they did," Kaminari gleamed as he changed the channel. "It's the only thing I've ever beaten those two at.

Sero leaned over. "Someone feeling inadequate?"

"Denki is Dinky!" Mineta teased.

"What the heck, guys?" Kaminari demanded. 

"Kaminari, you have positive attributes," Shoji complimented. 

"Thanks, Shoji," Kaminari said.

"Who the hell taught you to gamble, Yuki?" Sero asked. "Didn't expect you to be good at something like this."

"Katsuki," Eva answered. "He always insisted on playing it when we were younger on rainy days."

Kirishima lowered his head. "I'm not surprised."

Soon Eva received a text from Katuski; he had sent her a selfie of him sticking his tongue out with his hero license. 

"They are going to be here soon!" Eva reported as she stood up, a text came in from Todoroki. He just sent the photo of the license. "They both passed!"

"All right!" Class A all cheered. Everyone ran around quickly putting together the surprise party for their classmates. 

"Are they almost here?" Mineta asked. "I gotta pee really bad!"

"Just hold it!" Kaminari hissed at him.

"Walking up to the doors now," Eva reported as she turned the phone over; all the lights in the building had been turned off. The door opened and quickly closed.

"Did we have a blackout or something?" Katsuki asked. 

"Maybe everyone else left the dorms?" Shoto asked.

"You got your licenses!" Urakaka cheered; the lights turned on, and everyone stepped out with party poppers. 

"Congratulations!" Everyone cheered. 

Sato went up to them with a 4 tiered cake. "Have some cake!"

Katsuki jumped back. "That thing is massive!"

"Wow, Todoroki!" Yaoyorozu cheered. He looked over at her, Iida, and Ojiro.

"We're proud of you," Iida added.

"Thank you," Todoroki smiled. 

"Bakugo, you did it!" Kirishima cheered. 

"Congrats!" Eva cheered; as she was in a starfish pose.

"Now we can do hero work together!" Izuku cheered. "It'll be great, Kacchan!"

Katsuki looked up from his cake; he grew angry quickly. "WHAT, YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER THAN ME ''CAUSE YOU GOT YOUR LICENSE FIRST?"

"That's not what I meant!" Izuku quickly responded. 



Later that night, Eva was fixing the calculations in her notebook for the repellent when the door opened.

"You know how much I hate when people go this length for me," Katsuki said as the door shut.

"So, you do like it," Eva gathered looking over; Katsuki had a little figure of himself in his hands; she tilted her head. "Though sorry about not putting a hero name."

"Don't worry about it," Katsuki said as he got in the hammock; he was staring at the little figurine. Eva quickly joined, sitting across from him. Katsuki quickly moved till he was next to her; moving the pillow to the side. "Who you ask for help?"

"Don't worry about it," Eva mimicked.

Katsuki rolled his eyes as he laid back; Eva did the same. "I've been meaning to ask you about dream walking...your dad told me about it."

"He did?" Eva asked in surprise looking over at him.

"Have you done it since that night?" Katsuki asked.

"You think I should do it more?" Eva asked.

"Yeah," Katsuki answered. "I want you to keep an eye on Deku, just in case something like that happens in his dream again."

"Okay," Eva agreed. He took her fingers and then used them to tap her ring.

"Will you return to the Otherworld permanently?" Katsuki asked light filled the room. "With your fae abilities developing."

" I'll continue what I've been doing; staying here with visits to the Otherworld," Eva answered; he looked at her. "I can't see you become number one if I leave." Katuski smiled. "Plus, I am Eri's fairy godmother."

"Guess that means you are going to need a wand," Katsuki teased, sticking his tongue slightly. Eva laughed.

'I don't understand why Katsuki won't show this side of himself to others,' Eva thought to herself. 'I am grateful, I get to see it like this.'

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