Chapter 44
They watched as Match 4 went underway; Bakugo's team had all split up for the most part. Sero was setting traps while Jiro was listening for any signs of movement from the other team.
"Currently, Class A and Class B are neck and neck when you look at the stats," Vlad King reported. "But while they may seem evenly matched, the truth is Class A's win was mostly thanks to Shinso so it barely counts!" He started laughing, throwing his head back. "I think we all know what that says about them
"You've got to stop rooting for your own class, Mr. Vlad!" Kirishima and Kaminari shouted with Aoyama and Tokoyami behind them.
"Vlad sure is hot-blooded for someone with blood control," Midnight noted.
"He obviously loves his students," All Might added. "A lot."
Aizawa walked over to his students in protest. "Stop complaining."
Kaminari spun around with a fist raised. "WHAT?! Sir, this is a legitimate protest!"
Aizawa fell into a more sour mood. "Is this how you'll react if you mess up in a real fight? Meanwhile, Class B is coming up with plans and countermeasures to win." They all groaned. "Vlad speaks the truth. Which means he's technically beating me."
Vlad King laughed loudly into his microphone; Monoma joined in on the laughter. "No surprised these troublemakers can't hack it. Wanna know why? The reason you get caught up in so many disasters is because you're immature." He cackled more till Kendo chopped in the neck; Vlad King looked back in question.
"Do you think Monoma has rubbed off on Mr. Vlad?" Eva asked. "They laugh the same."
"It could be the other way around," Mineta suspected.
"Class B has been training hard every day to become stronger," All Might noted. "Class A still has plenty to offer."
"You certainly are sweet on Class A," Midnight pointed out.
"I'm fond of every student!" All Might defended himself.
On the screen, they watched Bakugo yell at the others; they tried to keep up with him as he blasted through the air from pipe to pipe. Bakugo shot out a blast landing on a pipe; Jiro's ears lodged into a pipe and the ground. Her ear jacks moved around to different spots. Bakugo glanced back at Jiro; then forward swinging at what seemed to be only Tokage's mouth. Many of Tokage's fragments mainly targeted Bakugo; he kept blasting to keep them from touching him. Sero quickly put together traps of their own; which got covered in Bondo's glue. Class A seemed to be trapped in a giant spiderweb beside Bakugo. Kamakiri shot down with blades popping out of his arms; he sliced up many pipes; they began to fall on Class A.
Sato went to take the blow for Jiro and Sero when Bakugo's explosions took out the attack. Kamkiri aimed for Jiro; Bakugo put his foot on Jiro's back as a platform; he let off a huge explosion in front of Kamkiri.
'Look at him go,' Eva smiled as watched intensely along with everyone else.
He continued to go after the lizard man with another huge explosion till Class B pulled back.
"Sorry, what?" Monoma asked as he rubbed his eyes. "There must be something in my eyes." He started laughing. "Looked like he protected Jiro just now."
"Heck yeah," Kaminari smiled. "By kicking her."
"Your eyes aren't fooling you," Eva confirmed. "Katsuki has always been protective even if you don't notice it."
Kirishima put a hand on Monoma's shoulder. "You're getting to see what out Bakugo is really like." Monoma twitched. "Cool, huh?"
Monoma let out a yell of frustration. "Are you telling me his personality changed?" He shrieked even more.
Kirishima laughed uncomfortably. "I guess what he did is kinda new. Never seen him put so much on the line."
***Eva's Memory***
Eva was 8 years old; she was dressed in the Otherworld clothes; she had just gotten back from it, but Katsuki couldn't wait for her to change out of them. They were both passed the fence that had a sign Do not enter.
"Follow me, Princess Eva! We have more treasure to find!" Katsuki shouted as he waved his hand; Eva fluttered up. "Remember, you can't fly!"
"Uh," Eva breathed as she sat back on the ground; they looked over the edge to see the shallow water below.
"No need to be afraid!" Katsuki shouted Eva looked at him to see him showing a toothy smile and waving his hand. Eva began to slowly walk across the fallen log; she suddenly slipped, and in an instant, she felt herself being thrown to the other side she looked to see that Katsuki was now down below.
"Katsuki!" Eva exclaimed.
"I'm fine!" Katsuki shouted as he stood up.
Eva smiled. "Thank you for saving me."
"It's the dragon keeper's job to protect the princess!" Katsuki shouted with a smile; he put his hands behind his head.
The 4th match continued, Jiro concentrating on the remaining pieces of Tokage, Bakugo took off toward their opponents; causing Bondo to run screaming. Awase popped out from around a corner.
"He was hiding without making a sound!" Ashido exclaimed.
"They turned the tables again!" Mineta added.
"No," Eva denied. "It may seem like they did."
"Hm?" Ahsido and Mineta asked glancing at her as Awase started to craft.
"It may not seem like much of a plan, but it's a good one," Eva answered. "I'm sure it'll work in our class's favor." Awase had used his welding to pin Bakugo in between two pipes. He evaded the tape that Sero shot at him. Bakugo let out a yell; Sato yelled coming from behind; freeing his teammate. Katsuki let out a smirk as soon as he was freed; before shooting forward his explosions. With a smoke screen; Bakugo disappeared from Awase; leaving Jiro and Sero to handle him. Jiro's earphone jacks shot forward; she attacked with her heartbeat surround sound. It broke Awase's shield, and Tokage sent pieces of her to go after Bakugo who was going after Bondo.
Bondo sprayed glue to defend, and Bakugo easily smoked it out. After multiple blasts; Bondo was captured by Sato.
"What unexpected teamwork from Class A!" Vlad King exclaimed. "They managed to take two of my dear students in an instant." Sero had captured Awase in his tape who looked a bit dizzy from Jiro's heartbeat. She pointed her ear jack; Bakugo went in that particular direction. Kamkiri took Bakugo head-on; who ended up getting catapulted into a wall.
Urakaka smiled, making two fists. "Bakugo trusts his teammates so he doesn't have to do it all alone!"
Kaminari pretended to play guitar. "Being in the band loosened him up."
Kirishima pretended to drum. "But he's still driving the beat."
"I think living in the dorms together has added to it as well," Eva answered.
Sero swung up capturing Kamkiri in his tape; he began to go around taping Tokage's body pieces to nearby pipes. Tokage kept dodging around trying to avoid Bakugo's blast jsut to turn to see him right in front of her; two hands together readying an attack.
"No," Tokage breathed in disbelief as the blast began to shine like a star. "How have you changed this much?"
"Pretty," Eva commented as the blast went off.
"I haven't changed," Bakugo commented as Tokage now lay on her back twitching. "My goal's always been the same. To surpass All Might and become the number-one hero."
"The horror," Vlad King shuddered. "The shame." With a cling, all of Class B was behind bars. "The match didn't even last five minutes!" Class A left the field in joy. "Thanks to unexpected teamwork, Class A wins with the day's first perfect score of 4 to 0!"
Moments later, Mr. Aizawa was briefing the team, he gave a thumbs up. "You didn't do unnecessary damage and you neutralized your opponents efficiently. Bakugo may have taken the lead, but your three supported him. Solid win. Great job today."
Vlad King was now briefing his team. "Given what you know about the other team, you came up with a strategy that should have given you an edge. But you were stuck on it and needed to be more flexible, like Honenuki!"
Tokage turned to her class. "I'm sorry that I made our team look lame." She became more down. "I failed." Her teammates were flabbergasted.
"No, let's carve this loss into our hearts and learn from it," Kamakiri suggested as he patted Bondo.
"Yeah, sure!" Bondo quickly agreed.
"If a monster like Bakugo turns into a team player, there's no weakness for us to exploit," Awase said.
"Afraid that's true," Kamakiri agreed.
"I agree," Bondo said; Tokage sighed a small smile.
Kaminari ran up to the winning team. "Kacchan, you can play with others when you want to! And Jiro, you were a total heroine out there!"
"No, I'm a hero," Jiro corrected.
"Our resident delinquent, taking in the strays," Sero commented as Bakugo walked faster.
"Nope," Jiro denied. "Not a stray, dude." They stopped to see All Might standing in front of them.
"You gave me chills," All Might complimented.
Bakugo walked away. "What, you catch a cold or something'?"
"Kacchan!" Izuku smiled as he stepped closer.
"OUTTA MY WAY!" Bakugo ordered.
"Uh...I'm not in front of you, so what does that even mean?" Izuku asked from the side.
Katsuki lowered his head; sighing. "I'm pushing ahead."
"Yeah, you were amazing!" Izuku complimented.
"Huh," Katuski grunted. "I'm moving so fast, you won't be able to catch up."
"Yes I will," Izuku declared.
"SHUT IT, NERD!" Katsuki ordered. "Dumb words don't mean anything! I won't let you beat me! You're trash! A frickin' extra!"
"Just watch me," Izuku ordered as Katsuki continued over to Eva who was standing at the railing.
"Eva!" Katsuki shouted; she looked at him.
"Your team did amazing, Katsuki!" Eva complimented. "That last move of yours was new."
"Eh," Katsuki smiled. "I knew you'd like it." Eva smiled. "I want to discuss your round with you."
"I know," Eva sighed a little. "A lot to work on."
"If you are going to pin someone like the mud extra, then be sure to restrain his hands," Katsuki advised.
"Please don't call others extras," Eva requested.
"Whatever," Katsuki ticked as he stopped in front of her. "Did you feel any pain when the iron touched your wing?" He spun her around; and placed his hand where the wing used to be.
Eva looked back. "I think I was in shock to process that feeling." She looked back at him; he had a pansy flower in his hand.
"I managed to grab this during our battle," Katsuki said. It was the flower left behind by Eva's wing.
"Oh, thank you," Eva said as he put it into her hair. The two continued to talk about their matches; Eva paid very close attention to improvement tips from Katsuki.
Over off to the side Monoma was twitching.
"What?" Monoma twitched more. "I can't believe that hysterical rage monster was a team player. Since when does he strategize?"
"Monoma," Tokage greeted with head down. "Apologies. With one win, two losses, and one draw, Class B can only hope to tie now."
Monoma ran forward. "What are your apologizing for, my dear Tokage? Our immature companion reflected on his actions and evolved. It's a marvelous thing. While it's true that Class B can't win anymore, we still haven't lost yet! The people will see that win or lose, we'll prove our point. We're hardworking students who never cause an ounce of trouble. Meanwhile, Class A gets underserved attention because they're disasters! Who is on the better path?" Everyone was happily chatting with each other. "Everyone is a side character in other people's stories. But we are each the protagonist in our own lives!"
Soon the final match was taking place; Shinso was getting a chance to fight again.
"It's now time for the fifth and final training match!" Vlad King announced. "This one's for all the glory. Are you ready? Do your best until the last student's down!" All teams on the screen began to move. "Begin!"
"When you consider Midoriya's team, the distribution of power is comparable to that of the last round," Iida explained.
"Yeah, our team did have a similar spread," Sero agreed; he looked at Iida. "But they don't have a Jiro."
Jiro jumped up and down. "Yep! They're missing a solid scouter."
Sero looked back at the screen. "Which means they'll have to move way more carefully than we did. They could get trapped from the get-go."
"You're right," Jiro nodded. "If they wanna pinpoint enemy locations and then lure them out like we, then Midoriya is gonna have to work harder than Bakugo had to." Eva looked up at Bakugo; his eyes directly focused on Izuku.
An object passed by Yanagi flew over to Izuku, he kicked it away, and Urakaka let out a scream; Izuku looked down to see Monoma and began to attack.
'Shinso must have copied Urakaka's voice,' Eva thought to herself.
After being in a stance with each other; Midoriya began to attack Monoma and easily dodged them. He opened his hands revealing little objects he was possessing.
Mineta was floating through the air with his yellow scarf trailing; many sticky purple balls attached to it. With a release from Urakaka, he landed back by the girls. There was a tug; many objects shot at them. Ashido got in front of Mineta releasing an acid veil.
Kodai grabbed an object; and then threw it at Class A making it become bigger. Ashido yelped as she dodged the attack. Many objects became bigger; Urakaka lept from item to item touching her hands on them. Suddenly all the objects shot down; Class A screeched as they tried to dodge from getting hit.
Izuku and Monoma continued to face off.
Monoma hid behind a pipe. "I had a lengthy conversation with Shinso earlier. About those with blessed power destroy society. You're frienemies with Bakugo, right?" He jumped away from the sight and out into the open. "Then maybe you can explain. How can he smile like he doesn't have a thing to worry about when he let himself get abducted? And because he wasn't able to take care of himself, the Symbol of Peace is gone."
Everyone watched as black-green lines erupted from Izuku's hands.
"Do you know anything about this?" Bakugo asked in a whisper.
"No," Eva answered as they watched Izuku put his foot on his glove; Monoma dodged the attacks erupting from Izuku; he seemed to not have any control of this power. The power exploded more; erupting out of the small section for everyone to see. It began to attack Class B and Class A together. The power began to whip Izuku around; his sleeve was torn.
"When did Midoriya score another new move?" Sero asked.
All Might ran up to the other teachers. "Vlad! Aizawa!" They looked back. "You have to stop this match. Something's wrong." Eva and Bakugo glanced at each other then at All Might; then focused on Izuku. The teachers all took off toward the fight site.
Urakaka maneuvered through the rampage; grabbing onto Izuku. "Deku! Please, calm down!" Her helmet flew off. "You've gotta calm down!" He urged her to get away. "Shinso, quick! Your power! Use it to help Deku!"
Shinso took off his voice modifier. "MIDORIYA! STOP PLAYING AROUND AND FIGHT ME!"
"OKAY!" Izuku shouted. The power became still as Midoriya underwent brainwashing. Izuku's power had retracted back into him; with Urakaka's Quirk, she was floating them back toward the ground. He got back to consciousness when she slapped him. As soon as the two touched the ground; Monoma jumped into action to attack Izuku. Urakaka began to fight back; the passed items grew larger and began to zoom all over. Soon Class A and Class B, plus Shinso were all in the same area. A brawl erupted between opponents.
Izuku blocked the captured scarf being aimed at Urakaka.
Mineta and Ashido seemed to have teamed up. Mineta was bouncing around with a shield to block items from hitting Ashido; he slammed into Ashido; she grabbed him spun and threw him; Mineta bounced off the purple sticky balls at an intense speed.
"Our classmates are putting up a good fight!" Kaminari cheered.
"If Ashido can get into range, it's game over," Kirshima added. "She's doing so awesome!"
"Our girls aren't great at close combat," Tsuburaba said. "So Shoda is having to protect them himself."
"We outnumbered them, but that's backfiring on us," Shishida added.
"Didn't our teachers run out there to put a stop to this fight?" Jiro asked. "And where are Midoriya and Urakaka?"
"Since his power has retracted I'm guessing they are allowing it to continue," Eva answered.
The screen changed; Monoma was about to touch Izuku when Urakaka interrupted, pinning the opponent to the ground. Shinso went to go attack with his scarf; Izuku was quick to react. Those two began to fight hand-to-hand.
Shinso wrapped his scarf around pipes; bringing them down as Izuku gained more ground. The new power appeared out of Izuku; it grabbed hold of the pipes to prevent them from falling on him. Eva thought back to Izuku's dream from last night.
'Could this be from a past user?' Eva thought to herself. 'Why is it appearing now? Why did it go rampage then and not now?' Katsuki nudged her.
"Did Deku tell you about what happened to him last night?" Katsuki whispered to her.
"Uh," Eva began; he glanced down. Eva pulled him closer and whispered everything she knew. They both kept their eyes on the screen; the power disappeared.
"It sounds like your magic abilities are going through puberty," Katsuki said as he lifted his head.
"Please don't phrase it like that," Eva said; she became flustered.
"Puberty," Katsuki repeated with a slight smirk. As Izuku remained on his thighs, Shinso got away to come up with a plan. After putting Monoma behind bars; Urakaka began to run in the direction of Izuku; stopped and then started to run in the opposite direction.
Izuku quickly caught up with Shinso; suddenly Izuku got hit in the face with a small object.
Shoda managed to land a hit on Mineta; Yanagi used her poltergeist to attack Ashido with numerous objects.
"Ashido! Melt them!" Kirishima urged.
"Ha, ha, there you go!" Kamakirir cheered. "Shoda! Yanagi! Let's carve 'em up!"
Izuku snapped back; charging at Shinso who kept attacking with his scarf. Urakaka appeared chopping Yanagi; with a quick reaction Urakaka managed to grab hold of Kodai; sticking her to a couple of Mineta's purple balls on a pipe.
Ashido appeared in front of Shoda, landing a powerful punch.
Izuku let the scarf wrap around him; he lunged forward grabbing hold of Shinso's and slamming him onto the ground with the help of his foot. In the end, all of Class B plus Shinso was behind bars.
"Things looked awfully dangerous for a second there, but the fifth match has now concluded," Midnight reported. "This marks the end of today's training. You've learned about your enemies and yourselves. You fought bravely and showed your pro potential. Now, without further ado, the results!"
Eva thought back to what Katsuki said to her. 'You did well on supporting your teammates and coming to their rescue, but don't let the other moves I taught you go to waste.'
"Match one: A," Midnight announced. "Match two: B. Match three: draw. Match four: A. Match five: A. The winners of the hero-course battle are Class 1-A!"
"Yeah!" Class 1-A cheered.
"I wasn't feeling super competitive, but this loss definitely stings," Tsubara admitted.
"I know," Komori agreed. "Talk about a frustrating end."
"I witnessed such sinful deceptions!" Shiozaki cried.
Soon everyone was all together; the last match was receiving their reports.
"It's time for the rundown," Vlad King announced.
"Uh, let's just start with Midoriya," Aizawa began; he raised his finger. "What was going on with you?"
Izuku seemed unsure. "Uh--Well..."
"A sinister darkness manifested in you," Tokoyami said.
"You were raging out there," Kuroiro added. "Was that your Quirk?" Izuku made eye contact with Eva; he had something urgent to tell her.
"It may be a new move," Kirshima suspected. "But it was different from your normal super strength."
Izuku looked at his glove. "Yeah, you're right. I'm trying to figure out what it was myself. I was overflowing with power and couldn't hold it back. It was like something I'd trusted up until now suddenly bared its fangs at me. I was terrified. I didn't know what was going on." He stood up more. "But thanks to Urakaka and Shinso stopping me, I was able to get a handle on things. And I realize that whatever this is, it isn't something I should fear. If Shinso hadn't made me calm down with this Brainwashing. I don't know how things would've gone. Shinso asked if my lack of control was a trick, but I really had no idea what was happening. So thanks to both of you!" He looked at Shinso and Urakaka.
"What a thrill!" Midnight gleamed. "When Midoriya went out of control, Shinso did great, but Urakaka's swift response has me overflowing with pride! Putting your body on the line to help a friend is true devotion! Yes! So much passion! I can't stand it!"
Ashido leaned over to Urakaka. "Urakaka! You jumped to him right away and saved the day! You never even hesitated. Bet ya hugged him real hard, didn't ya?"
Urakaka turned bright red. "True. I didn't think twice about butting in. Maybe that means I need to be calmer when fighting?" She twiddled her thumbs. "Although, it's probably much better than not doing anything and regretting it later, right?"
"You've grown up quite a bit, Urakaka," Aizawa commented.
"I didn't act out there solely for Midoriya's sake," Shinso admitted. "I just did what Urakaka told me to do. And anyway---I saw Monoma and the others being attacked by the dark energy. I knew our team was going to lose unless somebody responded quickly. You see, I stopped him selfishly. I wanted to fight Midoriya and win. Everything else was just coincidence. If I'm being honest, it was all I could do to take care of myself and--" Suddenly, Aizawa's scarf wrapped around his throat. Izuku and Urakaka both gasped.
"No one asked any more than that from you, Shinso," Aizawa said; he turned to the others. "Everyone here has been training for months to become heroes who can save the people of this world. No one can master being a hero right away. Except maybe All Might, but he doesn't count." He started to walk a bit. "Before becoming a pro hero, you have to make sure you're taking care of yourself. Otherwise, you'll fail. If you don't have the power to stand your ground on your own, then you can't protect anyone else." Eva looked back at her missing wing. "With that in mind, what you showed us was enough to earn a passing grade."
Shinso still seemed down. "That's great. But I've still got ways to go. "After fighting everyone today, I understand." He grabbed his scarf. "I experienced first-hand how amazing the hero course is. I'm not going to be satisfied by merely passing." He looked at the sky. "I need to work harder and aim higher. And live up to my potential."
"That's fine," Aizawa remarked. "Go at it with a Plus Ultra mentality."
"Yes, sir!" Shinso responded.
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